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1ltt l-ornnl -sqrtttttelt-t/ trl lhi-s

piecc, rrol qentrallY

clnractt:risttc ol nry n'ork,

seenrcd, nevttheless, tfu most

(tPproPri(ttt: lrcrt Its

ctr r t ti ra-s-s I i kc ¡t alk r t t t.c¡r t.e-s c t t I's

illi.s l'c,irtli/lll il¿llt rrlirll r'i

collllllitltt¿tll tt¡lcit tttrtrlt:
befit'u¡ a nlan ültl tt tt'rttttan.
/ tt-sc,J lcll rtlttlliIttL¿iitrrt /irl

llte Lkstqn, qratlutlh¡

Irtrniry thc ]tctt go ¿lr¡lrec-s

firrn il-s ltroaLl etlge to a Point'

Thrs cott[ttrtporan] use of the

pen deparfs frttnt ntosl

hislor-ical exatrt¡rle-s ol- llal¡ttrr
rlrilirlg irl rr'/litll IItc ¡'or ir
consi,sl¿rltlU held ut thc sanlc



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