Futureworks Essay

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Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they
believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please
share your story?

When the morning bell rang, the students would rise, fold their hands, and chant a prayer every
day. This was routine at the convent school where I found myself during my inquisitive
adolescent years. The prayer was followed by lectures on mathematics and sciences, delving into
theories that contradict the dogmas of most faiths.

Growing up in a lower-middle-class household, religion was unavoidable for me. Sundays were
meant for Church and prayers were to be said every night. However, it was after my move to a
boarding school at the age of fourteen that my journey as an atheist became an inedible facet of
my identity. As I navigated the challenging terrain of economic adversity and secularism, I was
forced to defy conventional narratives and embrace reason to progress in life.

From a young age, I witnessed the relentless struggle of my family against financial hardships.
The specter of scarcity hovered over our modest dwelling, shaping my worldview in ways only
those who have experienced it can comprehend. It was the question of why a creator would let
me undergo such tribulations that brought out a change in my ideology.

While my family turned to religion during times of distress, I found solace not in the divine, but
in the tangible actions that could alleviate our financial burdens. Rather than seeking refuge in
the promises of an unseen force, I found strength in self-reliance, determination, and a relentless
pursuit of education as a means to transcend economic limitations.

Education, for me, became the beacon that could pierce through the darkness of financial
struggle. It was not merely a means to secure a stable job but a lifeline to a future unburdened by
the constraints of poverty. While others might attribute their academic achievements to divine
blessings, I attribute mine to the adversity I was faced with from a young age that forced me into
taking action.

As I reflect on my experiences, I realize that my atheist perspective provided me with a unique

lens through which to view the world. Instead of seeing challenges as tests of faith, I saw them as
opportunities for growth and transformation. My lack of religious belief helped me see my
fellow primates as they truly were, flawed accidents of nature. My lack of religious belief did not
render me devoid of morality or compassion; rather, it compelled me to recognize the shared
humanity that binds us all.

In the absence of religious rituals, I found rituals of resilience—daily routines aimed at bettering
my circumstances. The chapel of my contemplation was not a place of worship but the library,
where I sought knowledge as a means to transcend my limitations. My prayers were not
whispered to a higher power but articulated through late-night study sessions fueled by
determination and ambition.

Despite the financial constraints, my identity as an atheist granted me freedom of thought and a
pursuit of knowledge unencumbered by dogma. It allowed me to explore diverse perspectives
without the constraints of religious doctrines. My worldview, shaped by critical thinking and
intellectual curiosity, became a testament to the power of reason and rationality.

In sharing my story, I hope to contribute to the narrative of diversity within academic

communities. My background, shaped by poverty and atheism, is not a liability but a source of
strength. It is a story of resilience, determination, and the relentless pursuit of education as a
means to break the shackles of economic adversity. My story is not just a personal narrative but a
testament to the transformative power of education and the strength that can be found in forging
one's path, even in the absence of religious conviction.

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