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Comparison of Different Training Methods that Impact the Serving Skills of An Athlete

in Tennis
Aim: Study on the Effect of Shoulder Training on the Mechanics of Tennis Serve Speed
through Video Analysis
Research Question: What is the effect of shoulder training on the mechanics of tennis
serve speed?

Tennis has a long history of improvement. It began in France [1] and was brought into China
toward the finish of the nineteenth 100 years. It has turned into an elite occasion, with
extraordinary changes in playing strategies and abilities. Serve is quite possibly of the main
activity in tennis [2,3] and furthermore the key and troublesome purpose in educating [4]. It
is the start of a showdown between two gatherings. In a match, the players for the most part
break the game to smother the opposite side through serving. The speed, point, and landing
point of serve is the way to win. In this way, in a tennis match, it is vital to present with
excellent [5]. As of late, with the advancement of PC innovation, the data of scenes can be
acquired through the photos taken by the camera. The movement research strategy in view of
video examination can acquire human movement information without influencing the
competitors and dissect specialized developments, which has been generally utilized in sports
[6]. Klongratog et al. [ 7] estimated the upward hop level of 30 competitors with far off
infrared cameras. Joined with energy protection and gravity development, they observed that
the determined consequences of the cameras were somewhat not quite the same as the
deliberate qualities in the direction framework. Caniberk et al. [ 8] called attention to that
observing competitors' developments with cameras and break down them can lessen
development limit and imperceptible deformities. Gksu et al. [ 9] used Skill Spector V1.3.2
and Dartfish Team Pro 5.5 to analyze data from 18 shot putters and record their throws with
cameras. They discovered that female athletes' throwing angle was influenced by the external
and internal rotation of their left and right buttocks, that female athletes' left hip flexion had a
negative impact on their throwing angle, and that female athletes' body posture had a greater
impact on their throwing than male athletes did. An et al. [ 10] planned a double profundity
camera movement catch framework to examine competitors' running. The investigation
discovered that the blunder of the framework for information estimation was 0.0045, i.e., the
biomechanical examination of competitors was possible. In this review, through video
examination, the mechanical attributes of tennis administration speed were considered. The
comparative experiment revealed that the video analysis method was able to identify the
non-standard action in time, which could boost training efficiency and technical level, and
that auxiliary shoulder training increased service speed. This work is helpful to the further use
of the video examination strategy in sport preparing and makes a few commitments to the
further improvement of mentors' preparation and educating levels.
Research Subjects

Ten tennis players of Chengdu Material School were taken as the subjects, every one of
whom were females. They held the racket in their right hand, were sound, had no actual
injury, had great psychological circumstances, and had no significant sicknesses and terrible
leisure activities. Every one of them knew the reason and strategy for the examination and
marked the educated assent. The players were arbitrarily separated into two gatherings. One
gathering just got regular tennis preparing, named Gathering A. The other gathering got
assistant preparation on shoulders through flexible band other than the ordinary preparation,
named Gathering B. The overall data is displayed in Table 1. There was no huge distinction
between the two gatherings.

Tennis Serve

Tennis court is displayed in Fig. 1. It is more helpful for scoring on the off chance that the
player has some control over the falling place of the ball close to the two corners of the
square shape to work on the trouble of the rival. While serving, the player needs to remain
on the left or right half of the midpoint of the gauge and serve to the adversary's
administration region. The interaction is as per the following (Fig. 2): the player hurls the
tennis ball, reclines, lifts the racket, swings the racket down in view of the body's turn, and
raises a ruckus around town to make it fall into the rival's region rapidly. Flat serve is quick
and dangerous; thusly, this study accepted level act as the exploration subject .
Figure: 1 Tennis Court
Experimental Methods

The two gatherings of players were prepared for a considerable length of time. Bunch A got
traditional tennis preparing under the direction of mentors, while Gathering B utilized the
flexible band to help shoulder preparing other than the ordinary preparation. The
preparation content is as per the following:

(1) Standing with the outside rotating: The player took a natural stand, held the elastic band
in his hands, bent his elbows to 90 degrees, and then returned to the starting position after
switching to the neutral position.

(2) Standing situation with 90° outside pivot: the player raised the lower arm to resemble to
the ground and to shape a 90° point with the storage compartment, bowed elbows for 90°,
pulled the flexible band by outside pivot, and got back to the beginning situation after the
arms were opposite to the ground.

(3) Standing situation with 90° inward revolution: The player lifted their forearm until it was
parallel to the ground, bent their elbows 90 degrees, pulled the elastic band through internal
rotation of the forearm, and then returned to the starting position after being perpendicular
to the ground.

(4) Administration practice: The elastic band's height was maintained at the same level as
the athlete's highest shoulder at one fixed end. For service practice, the player pulled the
elastic band with their right hand, stood in a service position, kept their trunk stable, and
held the other end tightly.
After tennis preparing, Gathering A got the above preparing consistently. Twelve times were
spent on each action, and four were carried out together. The player rested 30 s after each
activity and rested two minutes after one gathering. Two gatherings of activities were done

When the trial, the serve speed of the two gatherings was tried. The competitors were
captured by two JVC GR-DVL9800 cameras at a recurrence of 100 Hz. The photos are
displayed in Figs. 3 and 4. Fig. 3 shows a photograph taken by Camera 1 situated before the
competitor, and Fig. 4 shows a picture taken by Camera 2 in the background of the athlete.
The Ariel video analysis software was used to look at the video and figure out the action's
mechanical characteristics. Each player utilized a similar Babolat Unadulterated drive PD GT
racket to serve for multiple times straight. Before each test, the players working on serving
Figure 4: A photo taken by Camera 2
Statistical Analysis
The information got from video examination were summed up and arranged in Succeed and
broke down in SPSS 18.0 programming. Information was communicated as¯x±sd
furthermore, looked at by the t-test. The importance level was 0.05.

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