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Chevalier School, Inc.

Angeles City, Philippines

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Research in Daily Life 2

The Advantages of Using Virtual

Reality in Education
Submitted to:

Mr. Ernan T. Ducut


Submitted by:

Names of members
Concepcion, Stephon Dwayne G.
Quinton Princess Lara G.
Dela Torre, John Cyril B.
Talbenito, Ken Lee B.
Bangit, Seth Mikel L.
Canlas, Jillian D.

12 – Eugene Meyer

December 11, 2023


This research titled The Advantages of Using Virtual Reality in Education, prepared and
submitted by Bangit, Seth Mikel L., Canlas, Jillian D., Concepcion, Stephon Dwayne G.,
Dela Torre, John Cyril B., Quinton Princess Lara G., Talbenito, Ken Lee B., in partial
fulfillment of the requirements in RESEARCH IN DAILY LIFE 2 has been examined and
found in order hereby recommended for acceptance and approval.


______________________ ____________________________
Panelist Panelist


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement in the strand

under the K-12 academic track.

Chair, Research Department

OIC, High School Department



ii | P a g e
The researchers would like to give our deepest gratitude to our research teacher,
Mr. Ernan T. Ducut for guiding the researchers and making this research possible. His
guidance and advice carried the researchers through all the stages and process of doing
this research. The researchers would also like to thank the panelists for letting the defense
be an enjoyable moment to cherish, and for their outstanding comments and suggestions.

The leader of the group, Stephon Concepcion would personally like to thank his
groupmates for being the most memorable, funniest, entertaining, cooperative, and
reliable groupmates for their continuous trust and support in me making me able to lead
and do this research with utmost efficiency.

iii | P a g e
Table of Contents

Title Page

Approval Sheet …………………………………………………………………………..ii


Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………....1-

Background of the
Significance of the Study………………………………………………………….3
Scope and Delimitations…………………………………………………………..3
Research Problem…………………………………………………………………3
Research Questions………………………………………………………………..3
Research Hypothesis………………………………………………………………3

METHODOLOGY ………………………………………………………………………

Research Design ………………………………………………………………….8

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………8
Respondents and Sampling Technique……………………………………………8
Research Locale……………….………………..………………..……………....11
Research Procedures………………..………………..………………..………..…8
Data Collection ………………..………………..………………..…………….....9
Data Analysis ………………..………………..………………..…….….………..9
Ethical Consideration ………………..………………..…………..……..………..9
References/Citations ………………..………………..………………..……………10-13
Appendices ………………..………………..………………..………………...........14-16
Sample Questionnaire ………………..………………..………………..…………....16-17
Profile of the Researchers ………………..………………….…………..…………...17-22

iv | P a g e
According to Iberdrola (2023), virtual Reality is a computer that generates an environment
with scenes and objects that seem to appear real, which makes the user feel that they are
immersed in their surroundings, is one of the technologies with the highest projected growth
potential. According to Sheldon (2022), through the works of simulated 3D environment, it
allows users to explore and interact with a virtual environment that replicates reality, which are
perceived through the users’ senses.

Virtual reality (VR) can cause motion sickness and discomfort because it plays tricks
with our senses and creates an unreal sense between what is seen and what one is moving. It can
also cause eye strain in people with weak eyesight because of the intense visual stimuli that are
frequently present in VR experiences. Over time, this may cause damage to the eyes.

According to Prasanna (2022), virtual reality is used to create a virtual world by the user
based on their topics to study or entertainment. The user experiences virtual reality as if it were
the real world, even though it’s completely imaginary. That being the case, assist them in having
a better understanding of the current reality even though everything may be unreal.

According to Fotonvr (2018), creating immersive lessons in virtual reality helps

education by being engaging, memorable and impactful for students. These virtual reality
experiences enhance learning objectives and support students in developing critical social and
interpersonal competencies, such as empathy and teamwork, that they will need in the future.
Virtual reality is an effective teaching tool and is the future of education.

According to Marougkas, et al., (2023), virtual reality provides learners with an

immersive and interactive learning experience, making them understand difficult concepts and
ideas more efficiently and effectively. With virtual reality technology it enables educators to
develop and widen their range of learning experiences, from virtual field trips to difficult
scenarios, that can be used to engage students and help them learn. To create an effective
learning experience and how students learn it is essential to understand learning theories and

Virtual reality plays a crucial role in realizing Tele sensation. It creates a virtual
environment that viewers can enter and walk through and interact with virtual objects. Similar to
the real world the virtual world enables us to have a stereoscopic view from the front or the side,
depending on our point of view. Also according to Comprehensive Geographic Information
Systems (2018), what makes Virtual reality interactive is one of its important features is the
ability to enter and walk through the virtual world and interact with objects using hand gestures.

Background of the Study

According to Shapley et al., (2011), lectures that are supported through the use of
technology steer to more inventive forms of teachings and ways of learning. Additionally,
according to Yasak et al., (2010), integrating learning with technology essentially complements
the traditional structure of teaching and learning.

Virtual reality (VR) transforms the educational landscape by offering engaging virtual
explorations and dynamic simulations that make every lesson an amazing journey. According to
Marougkas. (2023), education can be seen as a discovery, exploration, and observation process.
Through the educational use of virtual reality, the researchers can acquire information and
acquire knowledge about places and circumstances that the researchers would never be able to
investigate. To add, according to (2018), the tremendous advantage of virtual
reality lies precisely in these possibilities, which may be accessed not only through physical
objects but also through virtual manipulation for research and exploration
Through the use of virtual reality in education, the researchers can acquire information
and knowledge efficiently. The tremendous potential of virtual reality lies precisely in these
possibilities, which may be accessed not only through physical objects but also through virtual
manipulation for research and exploration. According to (2023), to ensure the
responsible and advantageous use of VR for education, issues such as morality and legality need
to be carefully considered, regulated, and researched more. To add, the implementation of virtual
reality in classes or in education in the Philippines should be researched more before completely
adding it as a tool to help students in their studies. As a result, when using VR for education,
educators and legislators must set and stick to moral and legal guidelines and standards.

The researchers would like to answer how virtual reality can help students in their studies
and how it can be advantageous to the students.

Significance of the Study

In this study, our main goal is to find the advantages of Virtual Reality in a student's
studies. The people who benefit from this study are as follows:

The students: The students will benefit from this study because it will help the student see the
use and benefits of virtual reality in their studies.

The teachers: It will educate the teachers about the advantages of using Virtual Reality in
learning or in using it in their studies. Not only can it be used by their students, but it can also be
used by teachers in certain fields.

The administration: It can benefit the administration because Virtual Reality can save money
from buying materials and doing activities that Virtual Reality can do.

Future Researchers: It can benefit future researchers because the research can be used as
reference in future research related to the use of Virtual Reality in education

Scope and Delimitations

The scope of the study will be exploring about the advantages of virtual reality in
education. The study will also implore the description of virtual reality that mainly focuses on
education. Prior to this, the research will also include describing virtual reality that will support
and guide the development of this study.

Due to the stringent guidelines from the researchers, the data gatherings will be delimited
to the students from Chevalier School and the researchers will not be allowed to have further

Research Problem
This study aims to determine the advantages of virtual reality in education.

Research Questions
1. What are the advantages of using Virtual Reality in education?
2. How is the usage of virtual proved to be advantageous in a student's studies?

Research Hypothesis
The researchers hypothesize that virtual reality is advantageous in a student’s learning
and education.

According to Alarilla (2023), Virtual Reality develops immersive teaching that might not
otherwise be able to perform in a traditional lesson explained in classrooms. And according to
the study of Francisco (2018), not only does Virtual Reality enhance the knowledge of the

students, but virtual reality also allows them to be immersed and widen their horizon in their
studies.To add, according to Ericsson (2023) Teachers are transported to a virtual classroom with
virtual students by using a virtual reality headset. After that they can improve their management
skills by practicing inside the virtual classroom.

According to Segarra (2022), with the development of several teaching modules which
will be used for different courses for the new laboratory. She indicated that how Virtual Reality
simulation-based learning gives students manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and
psychomotor skills. Furthermore, according to Zantua (2017), virtual reality is becoming more a
breakthrough in education technology and is towards where learning can be more immersive.
Virtual reality presents a great opportunity to close gaps in a pedagogical sense. In introducing of
the Google Cardboard platform, a low cost of virtual reality device, has opened a number of
options for educators and institutions to create an immersive learning environment for the 21st-
century learner.

According to Mobo (2020) Philippine Educational Culture has really changed during the
time of pandemic but with the help of 21st Century Educational Technology by putting and
combining the use of virtual reality learning in management systems. This improves and creates
new learning; they have utilized the technologies to improve both learning process and team

According to Hawkinson (2022), administering collaborative learning can help in the use
of virtual environments created with virtual reality. These tools may help teachers improve and
create content for students to have a better learning experience. Moreover, according to Adorama
Business Solutions (2023), virtual reality (VR) learning experiences can give users access to
fresh experiences that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain in the real world and
aid in improving education. This promotes better knowledge retention, enhances student
engagement, and greatly facilitates the understanding of difficult subjects.

This is further supported by the study of Takashi Shibata (2018), discussed several
initiatives to run experimental courses in schools to assess the benefits and educational
consequences of employing virtual reality (VR) and stereoscopic 3D visuals in the classroom.
When compared to 2D learning resources, 3D materials can assist students in understanding 3D
spaces and concavo-covex forms in addition to helping them concentrate on specific areas of
images. A method inquiry-based learning was also made possible using stereoscopic 3D pictures.
Likewise, classrooms that are effectively reliant on the benefits of virtual reality technology
might encourage cooperative learning. The key to using virtual reality in education is to

encourage students to participate actively in class and have discussions to meet learning

According to Prasanna (2022), Virtual Reality is used to create a virtual world by the user
based on their topics to study or entertainment. The user experiences virtual reality as if it were
the real world, even though its completely imaginary. That being the case, assist them in having
a better understanding of the current reality even though everything may be unreal. To add,
fotonVR (2022), the computer technology that is virtual reality, it created a stimulates
environment. It gives rise to an artificial computer-generated view where users can experience
and interact with the environment. VR puts the users inside the world to experience the virtual
world of VR. By using VR technology, it can make learners comprehend complex scientific
concepts with amusement and ease and it is preferred to use Virtual Reality with education to
intensify student engagement with their study. Though it makes everything seem so unreal, the
study of McGovern (2019) indicates that by using virtual reality to assess students'
communication skills, using VR in specific educational settings can be beneficial and even
outperform traditional teaching methods.

According to i3 technologies (2023) VR can also let students with physical disabilities
visit places that would otherwise be impossible or difficult. Students with social disabilities may
benefit from using VR, knowing they can interrupt the experience as soon as they feel
uncomfortable. To further add, the study of EduBirdie (2022) Thanks VR because teachers can
create close-to-reality scenes. For example, they can show regions of forest devastation or
countries with social poverty. It helps to really live through such situations. Besides, virtual
simulations put students right in front of a problem and make them take quick decisions. Thus,
they develop problem-solving skills.
According to Marougkas, et al., (2023), education can be seen as a discovery, exploration
and observation process. In regard to this, the unique qualities of virtual reality have the potential
to make it a very powerful tool for anyone looking to advance education. Thanks to the use of
virtual reality in education, we can acquire information and acquire knowledge about places and
circumstances that we would never be able to investigate. The tremendous potential of virtual
reality lies precisely in these possibilities, which may be accessed not only through physical
objects but also through virtual manipulation for research and exploration. To add, the study of
Larmand (2023) indicates that virtual reality help children to improve their immersive learning
experience that can enhance the content that the teachers are presenting. It engages kids for
longer periods of time and come up with new interest in new topics.
According to Future of Education Technology Conference (2021) By giving students, of all
levels and backgrounds with the same opportunity to experience their learning in a more
immersive and engaged way of learning, virtual reality is there to help them improve their

education. Virtual reality helps to develop a better understanding of information that may not be
possible with traditional teaching methods that focuses on fact retention.

Finally, the study of Virtual Reality Society (2017) says it can help students understand
complicated information in a more accessible way which is fun and easy to learn. Also, students
can discover more about the environment and interact with objects. The study is also supported
by the study of Ríos, et al., (2023) the results of their study show that integrating virtual and
augmented reality into higher education can have a good impact on self-learning, encouraging
student participation and meaningful learning experiences.


Research Design
It is a quantitative type of research utilizing a descriptive type of research that will be
used on finding an answer to a question to collect all data. According to Sirisilla, S. (2023),
descriptive research is a valuable tool for gathering information about a particular population or
phenomenon because it can give a comprehensive picture of its characteristics and behaviors.
Additionally, the information gathered through this type of research can serve as a baseline for
future studies and provide a foundation for future research. Finally, because descriptive research
is often less expensive and time-consuming than other research methods, it can be used to
validate sampling methods and help researchers determine which approach is best for their study.
That is why it is the most preeminent, effective, and efficient method to use in this research. To
add together that has been stated so far, According to Qualtrics (2023), Even though quantitative
research is the main research approach, descriptive research design uses a range of qualitative
and quantitative research to gather information to come up with precise predictions about a given
problem or hypothesis. As a survey instrument, this type of research design will assist the
researchers identify characteristics within their target market or related population. To assist in
decision-making, these characteristics can be discovered, pointed out and assessed.
Conceptual Framework

Input: Process: Output:

• The
•Survey • Research on research
Advantages of
Questionnaires • Searched related Using Virtual
Reality in
• Analyzed and Education
computed the needed
sampling technique and
participants in the study

• Gathered data through

• Computed and
analyzed the gathered
data to conclude the
Respondents and Sampling Technique
The researchers used simple random sampling technique because it is an efficient and most basic
form of sampling technique in quantitative research and this is further supported by Horton, M.
(2023). The researchers chose the grade 7, 8 , 9 , and grade 10 because According to the study of
ClassVR (2022) students grade 7 up to grade 10 or ages 14 to 16 makes students much more
engaged, motivated and challenged throughout their school career through the use of virtual
reality. To add, the study also indicates that virtual reality helps the students unlock their
potential in education. The researchers used an application called G-Power to identify the
numbers of participants needed for this study and according to Pubmed Central (2021), G-Power
helps identify the appropriate sample size calculation.

Research Locale
The researchers conducted the study in Chevalier School, Inc.

Research Procedures
1.) The researchers discussed potential research topics with the assistance of the research mentor.
2.) The researchers searched for related literature.
3.) The researchers created the title for the research.
4.) The researchers wrote the introduction and methodology part of the study.
5.) The researchers formulated the interview questions and asked their mentor to approve them.
6.) The researchers collected the data from the chosen respondents through an online survey.
7.) The researchers analyzed the data that they gathered to formulate the results and conclusion.
8.) The researchers compiled the references.
9.) The researchers arranged and finalized the research paper.
10.) The researchers defended the title to the research panelists.

Data Collection

The researchers used a questionnaire as an instrument to gather the needed data in their
research. The researchers used survey questionnaires to gather data from the respondents. A
survey was conducted, observed as the surveyees answered the survey questionnaires and then
are collected to guarantee valid and reliable data.

Data Analysis
The researchers used descriptive statistics to study the data and information given.
Descriptive statistics refers to data analysis that helps to describe, show, or summarize data in a
meaningful way, allowing patterns to emerge from the data. A statistical validation is necessary
to verify the hypothesis under investigation that is why the researchers used descriptive analysis.

Ethical Consideration
Informed Consent - The participants of the said research were well informed about the subject
matter they participated in. The aims, significance and roles in the said study were also stated by
the researchers.

Voluntarily Participation - The respondents in the said research were not subjected to coercion
from the researchers and that they were enlightened that they’ll receive no negative
consequences if the participants decided not to participate. The participants in the research were
all voluntary.

Do no harm - The researchers were not encouraging and promoting any forms of harm to their
participants. The survey questionnaire disclosed did not include any questions or words that can
harm the participants in a physical or psychological manner.

Confidentiality - The respondents’ identification will not be disclosed and will be kept
confidential. The information about the respondent is only known by the researchers and the
information will be strictly used for in this study.

Anonymity - The respondents who participated in the study had the option to put or to not put
their names in the research the researchers are conducting. The researchers in the study respected
the respondents on their decisions.

Alarilla, E. (2023). How VR for teachers can improve quality of education.
fbclid=IwAR2yogBjZnA8CEWi7V_VCksrwpznmVt5Q55KEweOBQChnbNHhVawQwuXJCs (2022). Major advantages and disadvantages of using virtual reality in education.

Ericsson (2023). How virtual reality for teachers can improve quality of education.

Francisco, M.A. (2018). A learning environment, literally: Virtual reality as a tool for education.

Hawkinson (2022). OpenTalk 27 features developing immersive learning programs for higher

Larmand (2023). Using virtual reality systems in education.

Marougkas, A., Troussas, C., Krouska, A., & Sgouropoulou, C. (2023). Virtual reality in
education: A review of learning theories, approaches and methodologies for the last decade.

Geographic Information Systems (2018). Virtual reality technology.

McGovern (2019). VR in the classroom: Benefits and drawbacks. https://www.i3-

Mobo, F. (2020). Transcending the Philippine educational culture through virtual and augmented
reality with the integration of the learning management systems.

10 | P a g e
Naik, S. (2023). Advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality.

Prasanna (2022). Virtual reality advantages and disadvantages | What is virtual reality (VR)?
benefits, drawbacks, pros and cons.
HVFlo_1Lwinmbkf8ZwQGtOOJafd4UsO2I (2022). VR in Engineering: Amazing uses and profitability. https://program-
fbclid=IwAR1y6mp9PvzEKjQqmW1YJ4LRgm5ghlS2NZ8raSN2A_m0DudUnI4sfTz6tjE (2023). Benefit of using descriptive type of research.

Ríos, L.V., Acosta-Diaz, R., and Santana-Mancilla, P.C. (2023). Enhancing self-learning in
higher education with virtual and augmented reality role games: Students’ perceptions.

Shapley, K., Sheehan, D., Maloney, C., & Caranikas-Walker, F. (2011). Effects of technology
immersion on middle school students’ learning opportunities and achievement. The Journal
Educational Research, 104, 299-315.

Sheldon, R. (2022). Virtual reality: Another world within sight.

11 | P a g e
Shibata, T. (2018). Virtual reality in education: How schools use VR in classrooms.
fbclid=IwAR2YRso20k9yYpOAc0_crJnzDRibDtriKYIFxPYBe1ZWvZOUEoAcZVffRXc (2022). VR visualization-aided learning using data analytics.

Sirisilla, S. (2023). Bridging the gap: Overcome these 7 flaws in descriptive research design.

Thompson (2023). VR in higher education: With examples and videos.

Umali, T. (2018). VR to advance Philippine learning experience.


Yasak, Z., Yamhari, S., & Esa, A. (2010). A Review of Research on Augmented Reality in
Education: Advantages and Applications.

12 | P a g e

 Virtual Reality makes studies easier:

According to Future Ed Tech Insiders (2021), Virtual reality is employed in educational
institutions to enhance the quality of education by providing students, regardless of their level or
background, with an equal chance to engage in a more immersive and captivating learning
experience. VR aids in promoting a deeper comprehension of information that cannot be
achieved through standard teaching approaches that primarily emphasize memorization. Virtual
reality enables students not only to observe but also to actively participate in the lessons being
imparted to them.

 Virtual Reality makes studies much clearer to understand.

According to Future Ed Tech Insiders (2021), Virtual reality is used in schools to improve
education by giving students, of all levels and backgrounds, the same opportunity to experience
their learning in a more immersive and engaged way. VR helps develop a better understanding of
the information not possible with traditional teaching methods that focus on fact retention.
Whether it’s a trip to a virtual zoo or a science experiment done in a virtual lab, virtual reality
helps students to not only see, but interact with the lessons they are being taught.

 Virtual Reality is convenient in education

According to Pranesc hen Gov ender (2022), VR in education provides a captivating educational
encounter that enables students to engage with their surroundings in a manner that was
previously unachievable. This creative technology allows for the creation of simulated real-life
situations, enabling students to sharpen their skills in a secure and regulated environment. For
instance, VR can replicate a scientific experiment or a significant historical occurrence, granting
students the opportunity to personally experience it. This immersive learning experience fosters
enhanced engagement and better control of information, as students are more ready to remember
what they have encountered rather than what they have merely read or heard. According to
Structural Learning (2023), Students may apply skills in a secure and controlled setting by using
technology to generate simulations of real-world scenarios. Students can experience historical
events or science experiments directly by using virtual reality (VR) technology. Because students
are more likely to recall what they have experienced than what they have just read or heard, this
immersive learning environment can boost engagement and knowledge retention.

 Virtual Reality is efficient in education

13 | P a g e
According to Qian Zhang (2022), It is possible to remove time and place constraints from
instructional activities. With personalized and interactive training, students can learn online at
any time and from any location. Recognizing their subjective state, students can select the
educational material and pace they want to study at. They can also interact online with
classmates and teachers. The boundaries between time and place can be concurrently eliminated
by using a three-dimensional virtual environment, and virtual reality technology will emerge as a
new intellectual tool.

 Virtual Reality makes studies much more immersive

According to Scott Peterson (2023), Immersion and enjoyment can be increased through the use
of technology and virtual reality (VR) in studying. Through the use of virtual reality (VR)
technology, users can experience a simulated environment as if they were actually there, adding
to the realism and interest of the encounter. Additionally, the quality and immersion of VR
experiences are continuously being improved by developments in computer graphics, haptic
feedback, and other technologies. Virtual reality technology can be used to produce a variety of
engaging experiences, such as immersive video games, virtual tours, therapy, and training

 Virtual Reality is Effective in Education

According to Hamad and Jia (2022), Virtual reality technology has the potential to be a very
useful tool in many different industries and applications. Applications are being used in a variety
of fields, including engineering, medical, education, and entertainment. As virtual reality (VR)
technology gains acceptance and popularity, more VR applications can be developed in the
future to expand into new sectors and improve existing use cases. It is hoped that further
advancements in VR technology would enable the resolution of existing problems and
constraints, increasing the accessibility and realism of long-term VR use for a wider range of

 Virtual Reality makes studies much clearer to understand

According to Future Ed Tech Insiders (2021), Virtual reality is used in schools to improve
education by giving students, of all levels and backgrounds, the same opportunity to experience
their learning in a more immersive and engaged way. VR helps develop a better understanding of
the information not possible with traditional teaching methods that focus on fact retention.
Whether it’s a trip to a virtual zoo or a science experiment done in a virtual lab, virtual reality
helps students to not only see, but interact with the lessons they are being taught.

14 | P a g e
Research Questionnaires
Read the survey questions carefully, encircle the answer that best fits your opinion.
1. Do you know how Virtual Reality works or its use?
A. Yes B. No

1.1. If yes, what do you think is the advantage of using virtual reality in your studies.
A. It would make my studies easy.
B. I would understand my studies clearly.
C. It would make the lessons more immersive.
Others: ___________

1.2 If not, then do not answer the remaining questions below.

2. If virtual reality is to be used in class, how often should it be used in a student's studies?
A. Always
B. Once a week
C. 1-2 times a month
Others: ___________
3. If Virtual reality is to be implemented in your school, what do you think would be the
Advantage to education?
a. Effectiveness in education
b. Efficiency in education
c. Convenience in education
d. Immersiveness in education
e. All of the above
Others: ___________

Profile of the Researchers

I. Personal Information

15 | P a g e
Name: Stephon Dwayne G. Concepcion
Age: 19 years old
Birthdate: May 6, 2004 Insert formal picture
Address: 186 San Ramon St. San Angelo Subd. Sto. Domingo, here
Angeles City Pampanga
Contact Number: 09686966900
Email Address:

II. Educational Background


Dau Central Elementary (2011-2017)

Saint Mutien College Sto. Domingo Integrated School (2017-2022)

Chevalier School, Inc., Angeles City (2022-2024)

16 | P a g e
Personal Information

Name: Canlas, Jillianne D.

Age: 17 years old
Birthdate: March 17, 2006
Insert formal picture
Address: Xevera Calibutbut, Bacolor, Pampanga
Contact Number: 09494141189
Email Address:

I. Educational Background


Don Antonio Lee Chi Uan Integrated School (2011-2017)

Chevalier School, Inc., Angeles City (2022-2023)

17 | P a g e
I. Personal Information

Name: Bangit, Seth Mikel L.

Age: 17
Birthdate: November 16, 2005 Insert formal picture
Address: Villa Angela Paseo España, Angeles City, Pampanga here
Contact Number: 09288985165
Email Address:

II. Educational Background


Chevalier School, Inc., Angeles City (2011-2022)

Chevalier School, Inc., Angeles City (2022-2024)

18 | P a g e
I. Personal Information

Name: Dela Torre, John Cyril B.

Age: 16
Birthdate: June 14 2006 Insert formal picture
Address: 48-52 Justin Drive Herencia De Julieta Telabastagan, here
Angeles City Pampanga North Luzon
Contact Number: 09560513058
Email Address:

II. Educational Background


Escuela Del Nino De Oro (2013-2018)

Chevalier School, Inc., Angeles City (2022-2023)

I. Personal Information

19 | P a g e
Name: Talbenito, Ken Lee B.
Age: 17
Birthdate: September 25, 2006
Address: Blk 25 Lot 22 Camella Sorrento Veneto Street
Brngy. Panipuan Mexico Pampanga
Contact Number: 09173161865
Email Address:

II. Educational Background


Escuela Del Nino De Oro (2013-2018)

Chevalier School, Inc (2018 -2023)

I. Personal Information

Name: Quinton, Princess Lara G.

20 | P a g e
Insert formal picture
Age: 17
Birthdate: January 23, 2006
Address: Holy Angel Village Phase 4, San Fernando, Pampanga
Contact Number: 09688569823
Email Address:

II. Educational Background

San Sebastian College – Recoletos Manila (2011-2013)
Chevalier School, Inc. (2013-2023)

21 | P a g e

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