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1he 8ank of un[ab

lC81 8CAu 88AnCP


lnLernshlp 8eporL

unlvL8Sl1? Cl CLn18AL un!A8
The Bank of Punjab

age | 2

V|s|on statement
1o be o costomet focoseJ book wltb setvlce excelleoce
M|ss|on statement
1o exceeJ tbe expectotloos of oot stokebolJets by levetoqloq oot telotloosblp wltb tbe
Covetomeot of loojob ooJ Jellvetloq o complete tooqe of ptofessloool solotloos wltb o focos oo
ptoqtom Jtlveo ptoJocts setvlces lo tbe Aqtlcoltote ooJ MlJJle 1let Motkets tbtooqb o
motlvoteJ teom
Core Va|ues
Our Customer as our first priority
for the prosperity of our stakeholders that allows us to constantly invest,
improve and succeed.
Corporate Social
to Enrich the Lives of community where we operate
Recognition and
for the talented and high performing employees
cellence in every thing we do
ntegrity in all our dealings
Respect for our customers and each other
C Awards Ach|evements

Lxce||ence Award by the Centra| oard of kevenue

1he CenLral 8oard of 8evenue presenLed Lxcellence
Award Lo Lhe 8ank of un[ab ln recognlLlon of Lhe
conLrlbuLlon made by Lhe bank Lowards CovernmenL

3rd k|ssan 1|me Awards

ln recognlLlon of 8anks conLrlbuLlon ln developmenL
and growLh of agrlculLural secLor Lhe 8ank honored
wlLh 1op 8ank for AgrlculLure Loans and 8esL
8ank Crop lnsurance under 3rd klssan 1lme Awards
year 2006

est Corporate keport Award

Annual 8eporL of Lhe 8ank for Lhe year 2003 won 3Lh
poslLlon for 1he 8esL CorporaLe 8eporL Award for
Lhe llnanclal secLor ad[udlcaLed [olnLly by Lhe
lnsLlLuLe of CharLered AccounLanLs of aklsLan and
Lhe lnsLlLuLe of CosL and ManagemenL AccounLanLs
of aklsLan

16th o|an Lxce||ence Award

1he 8ank was awarded 8esL 8ank Award
under 13Lh 8olan Lxcellence Awards
dlsLrlbuLed ln 2006

Ach|evement Award

1he Lahore Chamber of Commerce
lndusLry (LCCl) awarded Lhe 8ank LCCl
AchlevemenL Award 2006

2007 kA1ING CI ANk

SnkC1 1LkM kA1INGA1+
The Bank of Punjab

age | 3

roducts Serv|ces of bank
Commerclal 8anklng
CorporaLe lnvesLmenL 8anklng
|) CorporaLe 8anklng
||) lnvesLmenL 8anklng
Cash ManagemenL Servlce
uLlllLy 8llls
8C Locker
CurrenL AccounL
8aslc 8anklng AccounL
LS AccounL
Senlor ClLlzens Savlng AccounL
Charayloo Savlng AccounL
lada Munafa savlng AccounL
LSSavlng roflL lus AccounL
CorporaLe remler 1erm AccounL
Munafa Pl Munafa lll
CorporaLe remler AccounL
8C 1l!A8A1 ACCCun1 (LC?)
LS Supreme Savlng AccounL
8C lC? Su8LML Cu88Ln1 A/C
(uS $)
8C lC? Su8LML Cu88Ln1 A/C
8C lC? Su8LML SAvlnC A/C (uS
lC? Su8LML SAvlnC A/C (Lu8C)
D---C lA-
ll ACAnlnS1 CCv1 SLCu8l1lLS
lll ACAlnS1 P?C1PClA1lCn Cl S1CCkS
uLMAnu llnAnCL
cON5uMk llN4Nc
2) Culck cash
3) 8C Car Loan
4) Pouse Loan
3) SmarL Cash ersonal Loan
6) 8C lurnlLure Crockery
The Bank of Punjab

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Consumer bank|ng
Clean aklsLan CnC fllllng sLaLlon
Lady enLrepreneur flnanclng
AuLo lease flnanclng scheme
Car dealer flnanclng scheme
karobar barhao scheme
lerLlllzer dealers flnanclng schemes
All akbar group franchlse scheme
ALlas Ponda llmlLed auLhorlzed dealer scheme
llnanclng scheme purchase of offlce
Agr|cu|tura| cred|t
Creen LracLor lease flnance new
AgrlculLural flnance scheme
klssan dosL LracLor scheme
Second hand LracLor lease flnance
klssan dosL Aablarl scheme
klssan dosL mechanlzaLlon supporL
klssan dosL farm LransporL scheme
klssan dosL elash L Arazl scheme
klssan dosL llve sLock developmenL
Llve sLock breed lmprovemenL Lhrough
klssan dosL commerclal agro servlces
klssan dosL agrl mall flnance scheme
CorporaLe farmlng flnance scheme
Commerclal lease flnance LracLor
uemand flnance sheds consLrucLlon
and clvll works
Landless people for purchase of
Lease flnance faclllLy for mllch anlmals
8unnlng flnance Llve sLock/ poulLry
and flsh farms
klssan dosL model dalry farms (uuC)
klssan dosL model mllk collecLlon cenLer
llnanclng for poLaLo grow
klssan dosL green house flnance faclllLy
klssan dosL cold sLorage flnance faclllLy
Scheme for conLrolled sheds
Lease flnance faclllLy for lnsLallaLlon of
blogas planL
Croup flnanclng Lo small farmers
Clean credlL faclllLy Lhrough syngenLa
arkaashaL drlp lrrlgaLlon sysLem

Non fund based products
uocumenLary leLLer of credlL
SLandby leLLer of credlL

The Bank of Punjab

age | S

Accounts of the Customer
Current Account
O 1he AccounLs shall be opened upon submlsslon of duly fllledln 8ank's prescrlbed
AccounL Cpenlng lorm properly lnLroduced ln Lhe manner provlded and on submlLLlng
all such documenLs as may be revlsed by Lhe 8ank
O 1he 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo demand such relevanL documenLs even afLer openlng of
accounL as deemed necessary
O 1he 8ank has Lhe rlghL Lo refuse Lo open an AccounL wlLhouL asslgnlng any reason
O 1he AccounLs shall be opened wlLh an lnlLlal/mlnlmum deposlL as sLlpulaLed by Lhe 8ank
from Llme Lo Llme unless speclflcally exempLed
O A dlsLlncLlve number shall be alloLLed Lo every accounL and Lhls number should be
quoLed ln all correspondence relaLlng Lo Lhe accounL and aL Lhe Llme of maklng a
deposlL or wlLhdrawal
O 1he 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo change Lhe AccounL number or any parL of lL ln order Lo
meeL lLs book keeplng/admlnlsLraLlon requlremenL Powever lnLlmaLlon of change ln
Lhe accounL number shall be senL Lo Lhe accounL holder
O AccounL for Lhe reclplenL of akaL or reclplenL of granLs from 8alLulMall maybe
opened wlLh an lnlLlal deposlL of 8s100/ (lnLroduced vlde lnsL Clr#97/129 daLed
23111997 lnsL Clr 98/33 daLed 03061998)
O 1he AccounLs may be opened slngly ln one name or [olnLly ln Lwo or more names
O ueposlL may be accepLed from mlnors provlded Lhe accounL ls opened and operaLed
Lhrough a guardlan 1he AccounL Lhus opened wlll conLlnue Lo be operaLed upon by Lhe
guardlan even lf Lhe mlnor aLLalns Lhe age of ma[orlLy 1he necessary consenL Lo Lhls
effecL wlll be obLalned aL Lhe Llme of openlng of Lhe accounL 1he orders of Lhe courL
wlll however be followed ln case Lhe guardlan ls appolnLed by Lhe courL
O All monles/lnsLrumenLs Lo be deposlLed ln an accounL should be accompanled by a pay
lnsllp showlng Lhe LlLle and number of Lhe accounL 1he enLry of LransacLlon shall be
auLhenLlcaLed by puLLlng 8ank's sLamp under Lhe [olnL slgnaLures of Lwo offlcers of Lhe
8ank on Lhe paylnsllp and counLerfoll Lhereof Powever ln case of branches where
Leller sysLem has been lnLroduced Leller only shell auLhenLlcaLe Lhe LransacLlons up Lo
Lhe prescrlbed llmlLs
O WlLhdrawals wlll noL be allowed agalnsL posLdaLed (payable on any fuLure daLe) and
sLale (06 monLhs afLer lssuance daLe) Cheques and agalnsL uncleared funds
O Where any accounL ls noL conducLed Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe 8ank Lhe accounL may be
closed wlLhouL any noLlce and Lhe balance wlll be remlLLed Lo Lhe deposlLor aL Lhe
address glven by Lhe AccounL Polder(s) %sootce wwwbopcompk)
The Bank of Punjab

age | 6

lot -ew ostomet
O All Cu accounLs whlch are noL operaLed upon by Lhe accounL holders for a perlod of one
year wlll be classlfled as dormanL AfLer passlng one year ln Lhe dormanL sLaLus LhaL ls
no operaLlon ln Lhe accounL for a conLlnuous perlod of Lwo years Lhe accounL shall be
classlfled as lnoperaLlve 1hls enLalls cerLaln resLrlcLlons on Lhe operaLlon of such
accounLs for reacLlvaLlon Lhe accounL holder musL ln person requesL for a change of
sLaLus and wlll produce orlglnal CnlC or assporL or aklsLan Crlgln Card (CC) or
naLlonal ldenLlLy Card for Cverseas aklsLanl (nlCC) wlLh phoLo copy for 8ranch / 8ank
O AfLer passlng furLher 8 years ln lnoperaLlve sLaLusle lf a Cu accounL ls noL operaLed
upon by a cusLomer for a conLlnues perlod of Len years lL wlll be classlfled as unclalmed
deposlL accounL and wlll be surrendered Lo S8 as per Lhe provlslons (secLlon 31) of
8anklng Companles Crdlnance 1962
lot xlstloq Accooot nolJets
O 1he perlod of converslon of a normal Cu accounL Lo dormanL has been enhanced from
06 monLhs Lo one year slnce lasL operaLlon ln Lhe accounL wlLh effecL from !anuary
O WlLhholdlng 1ax aL Lhe raLe noLlfled by Lhe CovernmenL of aklsLan from Llme Lo Llme
wlll be deducLed ouL of proflLs payable Lo Lhe AccounL Polders
O AkA1 ls levlable on Lhe asseLs as descrlbed ln Lhe akaL ushr Crdlnance 1980 (as
amended from Llme Lo Llme) on balances whlch wlll fall wlLhln Lhe deflnlLlon of
zakaLable asseLs as noLlfled by Lhe CovernmenL of aklsLan on valuaLlon daLe each year
provlded ueclaraLlon (orlglnal/aLLesLed phoLocopy) for exempLlon from compulsory
deducLlon of zakaL ls flled on Lhe prescrlbed proforma (C30) ln Lhe prescrlbed manner
one monLh precedlng Lhe valuaLlon daLe excepL ln Lhe case of newly opened accounLs
O 1he branches shall ensure compleLlon of all Lhe formallLles requlred by SLaLe 8ank of
aklsLan vlde rudenLlal 8egulaLlon noM1wlLh regard Lo knCW ?Cu8 CuS1CML8

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The Bank of Punjab

age | 7

as|c ank|ng Account
2) 1he mlnlmum lnlLlal deposlL wlll be 8s1000
3) no proflL wlll be ayable
4) no fee (servlce charges) for malnLalnlng such accounLs wlll be charged
3) 1here wlll be no llmlL for malnLaln mlnlmum balance ln Lhe cases Lhere balance ln 88As
remaln nlL for a conLlnuous 6 monLh perlod such accounLs wlll be closed
6) AccounL holder wlll be allowed a maxlmum of 2 deposlL LransacLlons and 2 checklng
wlLhdrawals free of charge elLher Lhrough cash/Lhrough clearlng per monLh oLherwlse
servlce charges of a regular banklng accounL shall be appllcable for LhaL monLh as per 8anks
Schedule of Charges
7) unllmlLed free of charge A1M wlLhdrawals from 8ans own A1Ms wlll be allowed ln case of
wlLhdrawals from 88A Lhough Lhe A1M Machlne of oLher 8anks Lhe Charges of Lhese 8anks
shall be appllcable for such LransacLlon
lf any exlsLlng cusLomer deslre Lo geL hls regular banklng accounL converLed lnLo 8aslc
8anklng AccounL he / she may klndly conLacL Lhe branch where hls / her accounL ls
belng malnLalned 1he faclllLy for converslon lnLo 88A wlll be provlded free of charge

LS Account
1he AccounLs shall be opened upon submlsslon of duly fllledln 8ank's prescrlbed
AccounL Cpenlng lorm properly lnLroduced ln Lhe manner provlded and on submlLLlng
all such documenLs as may be revlsed by Lhe 8ank 1he 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo
demand such relevanL documenLs even afLer openlng of accounL as deemed necessary
1he 8ank has Lhe rlghL Lo refuse Lo open an AccounL wlLhouL asslgnlng any reason
1he AccounLs shall be opened wlLh an lnlLlal/mlnlmum deposlL as sLlpulaLed by Lhe 8ank
from Llme Lo Llme unless speclflcally exempLed
A dlsLlncLlve number shall be alloLLed Lo every accounL and Lhls number should be
quoLed ln all correspondence relaLlng Lo Lhe accounL and aL Lhe Llme of maklng a
deposlL or wlLhdrawal 1he 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo change Lhe AccounL number or
any parL of lL ln order Lo meeL lLs book keeplng/admlnlsLraLlon requlremenL Powever
lnLlmaLlon of change ln Lhe accounL number shall be senL Lo Lhe accounL holder
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The Bank of Punjab

age | 8

AccounL for Lhe reclplenL of akaL or reclplenL of granLs from 8alLulMall maybe
opened wlLh an lnlLlal deposlL of 8s100/ (lnLroduced vlde lnsL Clr#97/129 daLed
23111997 lnsL Clr 98/33 daLed 03061998)
1he AccounLs may be opened slngly ln one name or [olnLly ln Lwo or more names
ueposlL may be accepLed from mlnors provlded Lhe accounL ls opened and operaLed
Lhrough a guardlan 1he AccounL Lhus opened wlll conLlnue Lo be operaLed upon by Lhe
guardlan even lf Lhe mlnor aLLalns Lhe age of ma[orlLy 1he necessary consenL Lo Lhls
effecL wlll be obLalned aL Lhe Llme of openlng of Lhe accounL 1he orders of Lhe courL
wlll however be followed ln case Lhe guardlan ls appolnLed by Lhe courL
All monles/lnsLrumenLs Lo be deposlLed ln an accounL should be accompanled by a pay
lnsllp showlng Lhe LlLle and number of Lhe accounL 1he enLry of LransacLlon shall be
auLhenLlcaLed by puLLlng 8ank's sLamp under Lhe [olnL slgnaLures of Lwo offlcers of Lhe
8ank on Lhe paylnsllp and counLerfoll Lhereof Powever ln case of branches where
Leller sysLem has been lnLroduced Leller only shell auLhenLlcaLe Lhe LransacLlons up Lo
Lhe prescrlbed llmlLs
WlLhdrawals wlll noL be allowed agalnsL posLdaLed (payable on any fuLure daLe) and
sLale (06 monLhs afLer lssuance daLe) Cheques and agalnsL uncleared funds
Where any accounL ls noL conducLed Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe 8ank Lhe accounL may be
closed wlLhouL any noLlce and Lhe balance wlll be remlLLed Lo Lhe deposlLor aL Lhe
address glven by Lhe AccounL Polder(s)
LS Savlngs AccounLs may also be opened by charlLable lnsLlLuLlons for rovldenL lunds
and oLher funds of 8enevolenL naLure by Local 8odles AuLonomous CorporaLlons
Companles AssoclaLlons SocleLles LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons llrms eLc and ln all oLher
cases where such accounLs are requlred Lo be opened under Lhe orders of CompeLenL
CourL of Law
noL more Lhan one LS Savlngs AccounL may be opened aL a branch ln any one name
excepL ln Lhe name of a parenL or guardlan for more Lhan one chlld or for keeplng funds
of speclfled naLure caLegory by an enLlLy wlLh Lhe 8ank's prlor approval
roflL payable or Loss recoverable on LS Savlng AccounLs Lo be credlLed or deblLed wlll
be deLermlned by Lhe 8ank aL lLs sole dlscreLlon on Lhe basls of lLs neL worklng resulLs aL
Lhe end of each halfyear wlLhln Lhe Llme prescrlbed by S8 from Lhe daLe of Lhe close of
Lhe halfyearly books of accounLs of Lhe 8ank
1he raLes of proflLs may vary from perlod Lo perlod vlz !anuary Lo !une/!uly Lo uecember
each year CalculaLlon of roflL on LS Savlng AccounLs wlll be made for each calendar
monLh on Lhe lowesL credlL balance of an accounL beLween Lhe close of Lhe 6Lh day and
Lhe lasL day of Lhe monLh Powever proflL accrued even for 8e 1/ afLer deducLlng
wlLhholdlng Lax wlll be payable Lo all AccounL Polders When an accounL ls CLCSLu
before declaraLlon of proflL raLes Lhe accrued proflL wlll be flrsL credlLed ln Lhe accounL
The Bank of Punjab

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aL Lhe proflL raLes prevlously declared by Lhe 8ank Powever no recovery or paymenL of
proflL as a resulL of lncrease/decrease ln Lhe raLe of proflL wlll be affecLed upon such A/C
holders afLer announcemenL of halfyearly proflL raLes by Lhe 8ank
WlLhholdlng 1ax aL Lhe raLe noLlfled by Lhe CovernmenL of aklsLan from Llme Lo Llme
wlll be deducLed ouL of proflLs payable Lo Lhe AccounL Polders
AkA1 ls levlable on Lhe asseLs as descrlbed ln Lhe akaL ushr Crdlnance 1980 (as
amended from Llme Lo Llme) on balances whlch wlll fall wlLhln Lhe deflnlLlon of
zakaLable asseLs as noLlfled by Lhe CovernmenL of aklsLan on valuaLlon daLe each year
provlded ueclaraLlon (orlglnal/aLLesLed phoLocopy) for exempLlon from compulsory
deducLlon of zakaL ls flled on Lhe prescrlbed proforma (C30) ln Lhe prescrlbed manner
one monLh precedlng Lhe valuaLlon daLe excepL ln Lhe case of newly opened accounLs
1he branches shall ensure compleLlon of all Lhe formallLles requlred by SLaLe 8ank of
aklsLan vlde rudenLlal 8egulaLlon noM1wlLh regard Lo knCW ?Cu8 CuS1CML8
Sen|or C|t|zens Sav|ng Account
1hls ls a savlng bank producL avallable for all senlor clLlzens le persons of 60 years and
above who are ellglble Lo open a savlng accounL as per our 8ank's crlLerla 1he accounL can be
opened slngly or preferably [olnLly (husband wlfe) provlded elLher of Lhem ls of 60 years or
above 1hls producL ls deslgned Lo aLLracL procure deposlL/savlngs of senlor clLlzens by offerlng
aLLracLlve lnnovaLlve lncenLlves and hlgher raLe of proflL Lo senlor clLlzens
1be Molo leototes ote
A cusLomer can open only one 8C Senlor ClLlzens Savlng AccounL slngly or [olnLly
regardless of Lhe branch ln case lL ls found ouL LhaL more Lhan one accounL exlsLs under
Lhls caLegory Lhe 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo recover forfelL Lhe proflLs pald or noL Lo
glve any proflL
1he accounL can be opened wlLh a mlnlmum lnlLlal deposlL of 8s10000/ Powever ln
case average deposlL durlng Lhe monLh falls below 8s10000/ accounL malnLalnlng
charges shall be levled as per 8ank's Schedule of Charges
1he proflL slab ls as follows
Mlnlmum MonLhly 8alance * LxpecLed raLe of proflL
8s 0 up Lo 10000/ normal LS S8 raLe
8s10001 up Lo 200000/ 3 pa
8s200001 up Lo 400000/ 7 pa
8s400001 up Lo 300000/ 8 pa %ootce wwwbopcompk)
The Bank of Punjab

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1hls producL ls governed under LS rule of roflL Loss sharlng sysLem 1he raLes
menLloned are expecLed and Lhe 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo revlew/revlse Lhe proflL
raLes quarLerly
Maxlmum proflL [ 80 pa as per dlfferenL slabs shall be pald on mlnlmum monLhly
deposlL up Lo 8s300000/ ueposlL can exceed 8s300000/ buL no proflL wlll be pald
on amounL over and above 8s300000
1he proflL wlll be calculaLed on monLhly basls based on Lhe mlnlmum monLhly balance
malnLalned by Lhe cusLomer durlng LhaL parLlcular monLh
1he proflL wlll be credlLed on monLhly basls ln Lhe respecLlve accounL
roflL once dlsbursed wlll noL be recovered ln case of decrease ln raLe aL Lhe Llme of
announcemenL of Palf ?early proflL raLes Powever ln case of rlse ln proflL raLe Lhe
dlfference amounL wlll be pald
LxlsLlng senlor clLlzen accounL holders can also open accounL under Lhls scheme
ln case Lhey wlsh Lo close Lhelr exlsLlng LS or oLher accounL same may be allowed
wlLhouL deducLlng accounL closure charges
akaL wlll be deducLed as per law llke any oLher savlng/proflL bearlng accounL
WlLhholdlng Lax wlll be deducLed from Lhe proflL as per law ln force
referably LS S8 [olnL a/c should be opened wlLh speclal lnsLrucLlons of LlLher or
Survlvor" whlch musL be [olnLly auLhenLlcaLed under full slgnaLures of Lhe !olnL A/c
unllmlLed LransacLlon (deblL/credlL)
lree compllmenLary lssuance of flrsL A1M/ueblL Card
lree compllmenLary lssuance of flrsL Cheque 8ook of 23 leaves
23 reducLlon ln renLal charges of small or medlum locker sub[ecL Lo avallablllLy
rlorlLy banklng especlally ln uLlllLy bllls paymenL counLer servlce eLc
1he producL carrles all characLerlsLlcs/condlLlons perLalnlng Lo LS S8 accounL le
lssuance of uu/11/M1/C eLc as per 8ank's Schedule of Charges excepL paymenL of
proflL whlch shall be pald on monLhly basls on mlnlmum monLhly deposlL up Lo
8s300000/ only as per admlsslble raLes shown agalnsL each mlnlmum monLhly
Gharay|oo Sav|ng Account
1hls ls a savlng bank producL avallable for all females who are ellglble Lo open a savlng
accounL as per our 8ank's crlLerla 1he accounL can be opened slngly or [olnLly wlLh husband
1hls producL ls deslgned Lo aLLracL procure deposlL/savlngs of ladles parLlcularly housewlves of
expaLrlaLes sLudenLs
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The Bank of Punjab

age | 11

1be Molo leototes ote
A cusLomer can open only one 8C Charayloo Savlng AccounL slngly or [olnLly regardless
of Lhe branch ln case lL ls found ouL LhaL more Lhan one accounL exlsLs under Lhls
caLegory Lhe 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo recover forfelL Lhe proflLs pald or noL Lo glve
any proflL
1he accounL can be opened wlLh a mlnlmum lnlLlal deposlL of 8s10000/ Powever ln
case average deposlL durlng Lhe monLh falls below 8s10000/ accounL malnLalnlng
charges shall be levled as per 8ank's Schedule of Charges
1he proflL slab ls as follows
Mlnlmum monLhly balance * LxpecLed raLe of proflL
8s 0 up Lo 10000/ normal LS S8 declared raLe
8s 10001 up Lo 230000/ 723 pa
1hls producL ls governed under LS rule of roflL Loss sharlng sysLem 1he raLes
menLloned are expecLed and Lhe 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo revlew/revlse Lhe proflL
raLes quarLerly
Maxlmum proflL [ 723 pla shall be pald on mlnlmum monLhly deposlL upLo
8s230000/ buL over 8s10000/ ueposlL can exceed 8s230000/ buL no proflL wlll be
pald on balance over and above 8s230000
1he proflL wlll be calculaLed on monLhly basls based on Lhe mlnlmum monLhly balance
malnLalned by Lhe cusLomer durlng LhaL parLlcular monLh
1he proflL wlll be credlLed on monLhly basls ln Lhe respecLlve accounL
roflL once dlsbursed wlll noL be recovered ln case of decrease ln raLe aL Lhe Llme of
announcemenL of Palf ?early proflL raLes Powever ln case of rlse ln proflL raLe Lhe
LxlsLlng females accounL holders can also open accounL under Lhls scheme
ln case Lhey wlsh Lo close Lhelr exlsLlng LS or oLher accounL same may be allowed
wlLhouL deducLlng accounL closure charges
akaL wlll be deducLed as per law llke any oLher savlng/proflL bearlng accounL
WlLhholdlng Lax wlll be deducLed from Lhe proflL as per law ln force
referably LS S8 [olnL a/c should be opened wlLh speclal lnsLrucLlons of LlLher or
Survlvor" whlch musL be [olnLly auLhenLlcaLed under full slgnaLures of Lhe !olnL A/c
unllmlLed LransacLlon (deblL/credlL)
lree compllmenLary lssuance of flrsL A1M/ueblL Card
23 reducLlon ln renLal charges of small or medlum locker sub[ecL Lo avallablllLy
rlorlLy banklng especlally ln uLlllLy bllls paymenL counLer servlce eLc
The Bank of Punjab

age | 12

1he producL carrles all characLerlsLlcs/condlLlons perLalnlng Lo LS S8 accounL le
lssuance of uu/11/M1/C eLc as per 8ank's Schedule of Charges excepL paymenL of
proflL whlch shall be pald on monLhly basls on mlnlmum monLhly deposlL up Lo
8s230000/ only as per admlsslble raLes shown agalnsL each mlnlmum monLhly
|ada Munafa sav|ng Account
1hls ls a savlng bank producL avallable for general publlc le persons who are ellglble Lo
open a savlng accounL as per our 8ank's crlLerla 1he accounL can be opened slngly or [olnLly
1hls producL ls deslgned Lo aLLracL procure deposlL/savlngs of general publlc parLlcularly
salarled and small lnvesLors
A cusLomer can open only one 8C lada Munafa Savlng AccounL slngly or [olnLly
regardless of Lhe branch ln case lL ls found ouL LhaL more Lhan one accounL exlsLs under
Lhls caLegory Lhe 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo recover forfelL Lhe proflLs pald or noL Lo
glve any proflL
1he accounL can be opened wlLh a mlnlmum lnlLlal deposlL of 8s10000/ Powever ln
case average deposlL durlng Lhe monLh falls below 8s10000/ accounL malnLalnlng
charges shall be levled as per 8ank's Schedule of Charges
1he proflL slab ls as follows
Mlnlmum monLhly balance * LxpecLed raLe of proflL
8s 0 upLo 10000/ normal LS S8 raLe
8s10001 up Lo 200000/ 40 pa
8s200001 up Lo 400000/ 30 pa
8s400001 up Lo 300000/ 73 pa
1hls producL ls governed under LS rule of roflL Loss sharlng sysLem 1he raLes
menLloned are expecLed and Lhe 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo revlew/revlse Lhe proflL
raLes quarLerly
Maxlmum proflL [ 73 pa as per dlfferenL slabs shall be pald on mlnlmum monLhly
deposlL up Lo 8s300000/ ueposlL can exceed 8s300000/ buL no proflL wlll be pald
on amounL over and above 8s300000
1he proflL wlll be calculaLed on monLhly basls based on Lhe mlnlmum monLhly balance
malnLalned by Lhe cusLomer durlng LhaL parLlcular monLh
1he proflL wlll be credlLed on half yearly basls ln Lhe respecLlve accounL as per rules of
LS S8 %ootce wwwbopcompk)
The Bank of Punjab

age | 13

LxlsLlng accounL holders can also open accounL under Lhls scheme
ln case Lhey wlsh Lo close Lhelr exlsLlng LS or oLher accounL same may be allowed
wlLhouL deducLlng accounL closure charges
akaL wlll be deducLed as per law llke any oLher savlng/proflL bearlng accounL
WlLhholdlng Lax wlll be deducLed from Lhe proflL as per law ln force
referably LS S8 [olnL a/c should be opened wlLh speclal lnsLrucLlons of LlLher or
Survlvor" whlch musL be [olnLly auLhenLlcaLed under full slgnaLures of Lhe !olnL A/c
unllmlLed LransacLlon (deblL/credlL)
lree compllmenLary lssuance of flrsL A1M/ueblL Card
1he producL carrles all characLerlsLlcs/condlLlons perLalnlng Lo LS S8 accounL lncludlng
paymenL of proflL on half yearly basls le lssuance of uu/11/M1/C eLc as per 8ank's
Schedule of Charges on mlnlmum monLhly deposlL upLo 8s300000/ only as per
admlsslble raLes shown agalnsL each mlnlmum monLhly balance
LSSav|ng rof|t |us Account
lndlvlduals corporaLlons organlzaLlons and varlous provlnclal / federal governmenL
deparLmenLs can open accounLs under Lhe scheme
1hls ls an operaLlng/checqulng accounL
1he accounLs can be opened ln lndlvldual or [olnL names
1he deducLlon of akaL and WlLhholdlng Lax wlll be appllcable as per law of Lhe land
Average balance durlng a calendar monLh wlll be Laken Lo deLermlne Lhe deposlL slabs
and appllcable proflL raLe for LhaL monLh for Lhe purpose of creaLlng provlslons
Powever ln case Lhe average balance ln any monLh falls below 8s 1(M) belng Lhe
mlnlmum slab Lhe accounL for LhaL parLlcular monLh wlll be LreaLed as an ordlnary ls
sb accounL and proflL wlll be calculaLed on mlnlmum balance durlng Lhe monLh aL Lhe
normal raLe declared for ls sb accounL
roflL payable on half yearly basls
%ootce wwwbopcompk)
The Bank of Punjab

age | 14

Corporate rem|er Account
1hls accounL has been lnLroduced for corporaLe cllenLs
1hls ls an operaLlng/checqulng accounL
roflL on Lhe accounL wlll be calculaLed on dally producL basls by deLermlnlng Lhe slab
on Lhe basls of average balance malnLalned ln Lhe accounL
1he deducLlon of akaL and WlLhholdlng Lax wlll be appllcable as per law of Lhe land
roflL payable on monLhly basls

Corporate rem|er 1erm Account
1hls accounL has been lnLroduced for corporaLe cllenLs
1hls ls non operaLlng/checqulng accounL
Mlnlmum amounL of lnvesLmenL ls 8s300 (M)
roflL payable aL maLurlLy

The Bank of Punjab

age | 1S

Munafa n| Munafa III
1hls ls a Lerm deposlL producL 1he Lerm ls from 1 monLh Lo 1 years and Lhe proflL ls pald
on monLhly basls 1he mlnlmum amounL of deposlL ls 8s100000/ 1he raLe of proflL ls from 80
pa Lo 12 pa dependlng on Lhe Lenure whlch ls hlgher Lhan 8ank's normal Lerm deposlLs
as follows
%erm *pected !rofit
Rates p.a.
amount of
Deposit Rs.
Profit payment on monthly basis (With
Holding Tax to be deducted)
1 month
.00 %
100,000/- Rs.583
3 months
100,000/- Rs.729
6 months 9.25 % 100,000/- Rs.771
1 year 10.00 % 100,000/- Rs.833

1hls producL ls governed under LS rule le Lhe raLes menLloned are expecLed and Lhe
8ank reserves Lhe rlghL Lo revlse Lhe raLes and Lerms condlLlons of proflL under roflL
Loss sharlng sysLem
C%' ;erage Balance
Rs.100,000 %o
;erage Balance
Rs.500,001 %o
;erage Balance from
Rs.1,000,001 & O;er
ree Inter-
ree - unlimited
ree - unlimited
ree - unlimited
ree Issuance of
ATM/Debit Card
One Card One Card One Card
ree Renewal of
ATM/Debit Card
Allowed Allowed Allowed
ree Issuance of
Cheque Book
One 50 leaves per
Two 50 leaves per
ree - No limit
ree Issuance of
Duplicate A/c

1 per month

2 per month

ree - No limit
ree Rental
Charges for Lockers

One Small subject
to availability
One Medium subject
to availability
No key deposit for
No Key deposit
equivalent of small
No Key deposit
equivalent of small
No Key deposit
equivalent of medium
Commission free
issuance of
ree - unlimited
ree - unlimited
ree - unlimited
ree/reduction in
Outward Bills for
Collection charges
ree - on equal to
last months
average balance
and above this
amount reduced
commission @
ree - on equal to
twice of last month
average balance
and above this
amount reduced
commission @
ree - on equal to three
times of last months
average balance and
above this amount
reduced commission @
No Cheque return
charges for

3 per month

5 per month

ree - No limit
The Bank of Punjab

age | 16

cheques presented
in clearing as
collecting banker.
ree Call Deposit
No charges, if in
own name or in
favour of deptt on
a/c holders behalf
for earnest/bid
money by debiting
own account
No charges, if in
own name or in
favour of deptt on
a/c holders or on
other contractors
behalf for
earnest/bid money
by debiting own
No charges, if in own
name or in favour of
deptt on a/c holders or
on other contractors
behalf for earnest/bid
money by debiting own

Reduction in
processing charges
from 10 to 50 %

upto 10%

upto 25%

upto 50%
Reduction in rate of
markup upto 50

upto 25 bps

upto 40 bps

upto 50 bps

1he renL free locker faclllLy wlll be allowed on avallablllLy of locker and afLer malnLalnlng
average balance for slx monLhs
1he reducLlon ln raLe of markup on Consumer flnance wlll be on loan amounL equal Lo
Lwlce of lasL monLhs average balance
ln order Lo furLher faclllLaLe Lhe managers ln LargeLlng cusLomers lL wlll be aL Lhe
dlscreLlon of Lhe manager Lo offer Lhe lncenLlve package from day one Powever lL wlll
be Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe branch ensure LhaL cusLomer compleLes Lhe crlLerla as per
above Lable oLherwlse recover Lhe charges walved
1he lncenLlve package wlll be revlewed on quarLerly basls and on Lhe deposlL procured
vlsvls cosL beneflL package can be revlsed downward
LS Supreme Sav|ng Account %ootce wwwbopcompk)
C%' ;erage
Balance from
Rs.300,000 %o
;erage Balance
Rs.1,000,001 %o
;erage Balance
from Rs.5,000,001 &
ree Inter-city/within-
city deposit/withdrawal
ree - unlimited
ree - unlimited
ree - unlimited
ree Issuance of
ATM/Debit Card
One Card One Card One Card
ree Renewal of
ATM/Debit Card
Allowed Allowed Allowed
ree Issuance of
Cheque Book
One 25 leaves per
Two 25 leaves per
ree - No limit
ree Issuance of
Duplicate A/c

1 per month

2 per month

ree - No limit
ree Rental Charges for

One Small subject
to availability
One Medium subject
to availability
No key deposit for
No Key deposit
equivalent of
No Key deposit
equivalent of small
No Key deposit
equivalent of medium
The Bank of Punjab

age | 17

small locker locker locker
Commission free
issuance of
ree - unlimited
ree - unlimited
ree - unlimited
ree/reduction in
Outward Bills for
Collection charges
ree - on equal to
last months
average balance
and above this
amount reduced
commission @
ree - on equal to
twice of last
months average
balance and above
this amount
commission @
ree - on equal to three
times of last months
average balance and
above this amount
reduced commission @
No Cheque return
charges for cheques
presented in clearing
as collecting banker.

3 per month

5 per month

ree - No limit
Reduction in
processing charges
from 10 to 50 %

upto 10%

upto 25%

Upto 50%
Reduction in rate of
mark-up up to 50 bps

Up to 25 bps

Up to 40 bps

Up to 50 bps

1he renL free locker faclllLy wlll be allowed on avallablllLy of locker and afLer malnLalnlng
average balance for slx monLhs
1he reducLlon ln raLe of markup on Consumer flnance wlll be on loan amounL equal Lo
Lwlce of lasL monLhs average balance
ln order Lo furLher faclllLaLe Lhe managers ln LargeLlng cusLomers lL wlll be aL Lhe
dlscreLlon of Lhe manager Lo offer Lhe lncenLlve package from day one Powever lL wlll
be Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe branch ensure LhaL cusLomer compleLes Lhe crlLerla as per
above Lable oLherwlse recover Lhe charges walved
1he lncenLlve package wlll be revlewed on quarLerly basls 1he 8ank reserves Lhe rlghL
Lo change modlfy Lhe package
1he raLe of proflL wlll be same as per 8ank's declared raLe of LS S8
ook olso eotettolos tbe followloq occooots
Marrled women accounL
Mlnor's accounL (on requesL of
hls/her guardlan as [olnL accounL)
AccounL of llllLeraLe person
arLnershlp accounL
Company's accounL
AccounLs of local bodles
1o avold or checklng anLl money launderlng every day an anLl money launderlng reporL
conLalnlng susplclous LransacLlons ls generaLed and checked by concerned offlcer
An LCl8 reporL ls updaLed every monLh of cusLomers who has Laken a loan from bank
and lf any one applles fro a loan Lhe bank flrsL lnvesLlgaLes Lhe LCl8 reporL of LhaL
Whlle openlng Lhe accounL banker has Lo fulflll Lhe requlremenLs of k?C pollcy
The Bank of Punjab

age | 18

1ota| number of accounts |n the ranch
As on 31102009

1ota| depos|t of the ranch

As on 11112009

Staff Strength

Account name 1ota| accounts
CurrenL ueposlL 287
roflL Loss 2360
1erm ueposlL 8ecelpLs 129
8aslc 1radlng AccounL 33
8aslc 8anklng AccounL 88
1ota| 2899
1ota| depos|t of ranch 301914716
1ota| Advances 414910S
1ota| Income 243S2624
1ota| L|ab|||t|es 332000880
AV 1
CG1 1
1IS1 1
1C1AL S1kLNGn1 10
The Bank of Punjab

age | 19

Cash Department
Cash deparLmenL ls lnvolved ln
ulrecL publlc deallng
uLlllLy 8llls collecLlon
lees collecLlon
SorLlng of Cash
MalnLenance of cash book vaulL reglsLer
CusLodlan of cash key
CompuLer posLlng
MalnLalns assurance of cash llmlL
S8 reporLlng of lncomlng and ouLgolng of cash
roLecLlon of alarm sysLem
1reaLmenL of Lorn and muLllaLed currency noLes
When cashler makes paymenL agalnsL cash or bearer or order cheque he/she wlll see LhaL
4 Cheque should noL be crossed
4 Should be drawn on parLlcular branch
4 Should noL posL daLed or sLale
4 1lLle of cheque le self bearer or order
4 AmounL ln words and flgures maLches
4 verlfles Lhe slgnaLure
4 Cheque should noL be muLllaLed
4 no unauLhorlzed maLerlal alLeraLlons
Aftet cooslJetloq oll obove polots sboolJ olso see
aymenL should noL be sLopped by drawer or cusLomer or one of Lhe [olnL accounL
holder of an accounL
Any defecL ln Lhe LlLle of Lhe person who ls presenLlng Lhe cheque
noLlce of lnsolvency lnsanlLy or deaLh of cusLomer and case of company noLlce of lLs
wlndlng up
Any llen ls marked by Lhe bank on Lhe accounL
noLlce of Lhe courL
The Bank of Punjab

age | 20

ocosbmeot of cbepoe
AfLer conslderlng all above polnLs and lnsLrucLlons Lhe cashler accesses Lhe accounL of
cusLomer and enLers Lhe cheque number wheLher compuLer accepLs Lhe cheque
number or noL lf compuLer does noL accepLs Lhe cheque number Lhan cashler refers Lo
senlor offlcer for clarlflcaLlon 1he senlor offlcer wlll see LhaL lf Lhere ls any lnsLrucLlon
glven by cusLomer or any oLher reason 1han cashler enLers Lhe amounL and lf funds are
avallable Lhan dellvers Lhe cash Lo cusLomer lf funds are noL sufflclenL Lhan reLurns Lhe
Law says LhaL lf amounL ln words and flgures dlffers Lhan bank can pay up Lo Lhe amounL
sLaLed ln Lhe words buL afLer Laklng all oLher precauLlons
8uL pracLlce says LhaL lf amounL ln words and flgures dlffers Lhan for Lhe safeLy of
banker cheque should be reLurned or can demand correcLlon
up Lo 10000 can be pald by cashler on Lhe counLer wlLhouL any auLhenLlcaLlon
Above 10000 and up Lo 30000 of cheque musL be auLhenLlcaLed by Cul offlcer/
operaLlons manager
Above 30000 and up Lo 300000 musL be brlng ln Lhe knowledge of 8ranch manager
who wlll conLacL Lhe cusLomer for verlflcaLlon
1he cashler afflxes Lhese sLamps on Lhe cheque
1) SlgnaLure verlfled sLamp
2) CompuLer posLed sLamp
3) ald cash sLamp
A documenL number LransacLlon number ls also wrlLLen on Lhe cheque
8ecelpLs are baslcally credlL vouchers whlch ls used by cusLomer Lo deposlL cash lnLo
accounL 1here are also several lmporLanL polnLs LhaL should be consldered
1here are Lwo porLlons of a deposlL sllp LhaL are Lo be fllled by cusLomer or by Lhe
person who ls deposlLlng Lhe cash
uaLe should be same on boLh sldes
1lLle of accounL should be same on boLh sldes
AccounL number should be same on boLh sldes
AmounL ln words and flgures maLches
1he serlal number of Lhe sllp should be same
Cash glven by Lhe cusLomer should be counLed on Lhe spoL and maLches wlLh Lhe
deposlL sllp amounL
The Bank of Punjab

age | 21

1here ls noLlce afflxed wlLh Lhe cash counLer LhaL cusLomer musL verlfy Lhe slgnaLure of Lwo
offlcers of Lhe bank before leavlng Lhe counLer
1o avold AnLl money launderlng Lhe compuLer generaLed anLl money launderlng reporL
ls generaLed for susplclous LransacLlons and verlfled by Lhe senlor offlcer mosL probably
Lhe operaLlons manger performs Lhls [ob
An LCl8 reporL of every accounL holder ls updaLed every monLh
Ut|||ty |||s Co||ect|on
1he 8ank of un[ab also provldes Lhe uLlllLy bllls collecLlon faclllLy 1he bank accepLs all
Lypes of uLlllLy bllls llke 1CL LLSCC WASA SnCL 8ank charges 8s8/ Commlsslon on each
O 8ank has accounLs of 1CL LLSCC WASA SnCL
O AL Lhe end of day every accounL ls credlLed wlLh recelved amounL of bllls
O ulsbursemenL of amounL ls made Lhrough maln accounLs of concerned companles
O 1here are also maln accounLs of LLSCC WASA SnCL aL dlfferenL branches of 8C
where bllls from all over Lhe collecLed and amounL of bllls Lransferred
O 1CL maln accounL ls ln ClLl bank karachl where bllls and Lhelr paymenLs from all over
Lhe counLry Lransferred Lhe down porLlon of all Lhe collecLed bllls ls senL Lo ClLl bank
karachl and nexL day amounL ls Lransfer
O LLSCC maln accounL ls ln 8C LgerLon road Lahore LLSCC has glven an onllne uLlllLy
bllls collecLlon access Lo bank where bllls are enLered 1hese bllls wlLh amounL also
enLered ln Lhe sofLware of bank A scroll/ llsL of bllls collecLed aLLached wlLh down
porLlon of Lhe blll along wlLh an advlce menLlonlng LhaL we have credlLed your accounL
wlLh Lhls amounL ls senL Lo Lhe branch where LLSCC's maln accounL exlsLs
O WASA maln accounL ls ln Lmplre CenLer 1he LreaLmenL ls same as above
O SnCL's maln accounL ls ln empress Lower Lahore
O Cash ls also Lally lf Lhere ls any lncrease or decrease ln Lhe cash musL be lmmedlaLely
reporLed Lo CperaLlons manager
O AL Lhe end of day advlces menLlonlng LhaL Loday we have credlLed your accounL wlLh
Lhls amounL along wlLh llsL/scroll of bllls ln whlch clearly menLloned amounL LoLal bllls
down porLlon of bllls reference numbers senL Lo Lhe branches where maln accounLs of
concerned companles exlsLs
O All Lhe scroll/llsL of bllls collecLed for Lhe day ls prlnLed and kepL as a record

The Bank of Punjab

age | 22

lollowlng are Lhe clearlngs processed ln Lhe bank
1) lnward Clearlng
2) CuLward Clearlng
3) Speclal Clearlng
Inward C|ear|ng
lnward clearlng means Lhe cheques whlch are Lo be honored by Lhe bank buL whlch are
recelved Lhrough oLher banks 1hese are Lhe cheque whlch 8C accounL holder glves Lo
such accounL holders who have Lhelr accounLs oLher Lhan 8C So Lhese banks presenL
Lhe cheques Lhrough nll1
Cons|derab|e po|nts of Inward c|ear|ng
O Clearlng sLamp
O ayee's accounL credlLed sLamp
O Speclal crosslng sLamp
O Should noL posL daLed/ muLllaLed or sLale
O SlgnaLure of drawer
O LndorsemenLs lf any
O Cn whom lL ls drawn
O AmounL ln words flgures
O 8ank' dlscharge
O AlLeraLlons
lf any one of above menLloned polnL ls mlsslng or doubLful Lhan bank can reLurn Lhe
cheque wlLh a memo aLLached Lo lL menLlonlng cheque number daLe branch name
branch code LlLle of accounL amounL and reason of reLurnlng on lL also wlLh slgnaLure
of clearlng offlcer
lf Lhe accounL ls closed or funds are noL sufflclenL ln Lhe accounL of cusLomer or
paymenL ls sLopped by drawer or no full slgnaLures are Lhere of drawer for any
alLeraLlon ln Lhe cheque Lhan also cheque can be reLurned
Clearlng offlcer also records Lhe reLurned cheques ln Lhe cheque reLurn reglsLer
1here ls 300/ 8s Charges deducLed from cusLomer for cheque reLurn

The Bank of Punjab

age | 23

Cutward C|ear|ng
CuLward clearlng means collecLlon of cheques on Lhe behalf of cusLomer 1he bank
serves as an agenL for hls cusLomer ln Lhls regard 1hese are Lhe cheques whlch are drawn on
anoLher bank ln Lhe favor of bank's accounL holder 1hese cheques could be local or ouLsLaLlon
CusLomer deposlL Lhese cheques wlLh a deposlL sllp/ credlL voucher duly fllled Pe puLs
hls name accounL number daLe amounL ln words and flgures and banks' name cheque
number on Lhe deposlL sllp Lhere are Lwo sldes of sllp on rlghL slde aL Lhe down he also
puLs hls slgnaLure and submlL lL Lo clearlng offlcer
1he clearlng offlcer flrsL conflrms Lhe crosslng of cheque and Lhen maLches Lhe LlLle of
accounL of cheque wlLh Lhe deposlL sllp's LlLle of accounL Lhan daLe lf all Lhe
requlremenLs are fulfllled Lhan he accepLs Lhe cheque for clearlng and afLer puLLlng hls
slgnaLure on Lhe rlghL and lefL slde of deposlL sllp he glves Lhe lefL parL of deposlL sllp Lo
hls cusLomer Lo be kepL as a record and sLaples Lhe rlghL slde wlLh cheque
AfLer accepLlng cheques for clearlng he lmmedlaLely afflxes a bank's speclal crosslng
sLamp on lL Lhan he puLs Lhe clearlng sLamp on face of cheque wlLh nexL daLe and on
Lhe back slde of cheque he puLs Lhe payee's accounL credlLed sLamp wlLh slgnaLure of
clearlng offlcer
Same day cheques are collecLed by agenL of nll1 (naLlonal lnsLlLuLlonal faclllLaLlon
Lechnologles vL LLd) nll1 ls worklng as an agenL for 8C for cheque clearlng
purposes and for Lhese servlces Lhey charge commlsslon from banks
A reporL/llsL ls also aLLached wlLh Lhe ouLward clearlng cheques wlLh cheque numbers
and amounL and bank's name
lf Lhe cheque ls cleared Lhan clearlng offlcer credlLs Lhe accounL of Lhe cusLomer
AfLer recelvlng cleared cheque Lhe clearlng offlcer passes Lhe compuLer enLry and deblLs
hls P/C and credlLs Lhe cusLomer's accounL
1he clearlng offlcer also Lallles Lhe LoLal cheques recelved and Lhelr amounL wlLh Lhe
LoLal of nll1
And lf Lhe cheque ls reLurned Lhan clearlng offlcer lnforms hls cusLomer abouL Lhe
cheque and also reason for reLurnlng Lhere ls 300/ 8s Charges for cheque reLurn
1he clearlng offlcer records Lhe reLurned cheque ln Lhe cheque reLurn reglsLer wlLh
daLe cheque number bank's name and amounL and before dellverlng Lhe reLurned
cheque Lo hls cusLomer he Lakes Lhe slgnaLure of cusLomer on Lhe cheque reLurn
reglsLer and Lhan dellvers Lhe cheque

The Bank of Punjab

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1he process of c|ear|ng of a cheque

ln S8 clearlng house all represenLaLlves from all banks exchanges Lhe collecLed cheques LhaL
are sorLed accordlng Lo Lhelr branches

ko|e of NII1
nll1s clearlng operaLlon has proven Lo be an exLremely successful arrangemenL Lhe
baslc lmplemenLaLlon has been Lallored Lo Lake care of Lhe local needs and Lhe
funcLlonal supporL was based on effecLlve process reenglneerlng
1he maln change relaLes Lo creaLlng a dlrecL relaLlonshlp wlLh each branch and
dlspenslng wlLh Lhe role of Lhe cenLral branch aL mulLlbranchbanks ln a manner LhaL
nll1 collecLs Lhe ouLward clearlng dlrecLly from each and every branch and arranges
processlng presenLmenL and processlng of reLurns provldlng Lhe neL poslLlon eLc Lo Lhe
cenLral bank and necessary scrolls reporLs and advlces for accounLlng enLrles Lo all
banks and Lhelr branches
AnoLher ma[or elemenL perLalns Lo merger of lnLrabank clearlng or Lransfer dellvery
lnLo lnLerbank clearlng Lhus rellevlng large mulLlbranch banks of Lyplcal problems and
provldlng and provldlng an economlcally vlable soluLlon
lurLhermore nll1 also provldes an effecLlve collecLlon and dellvery servlce Lo all banks
and branches ln our 80 clLles nll1 also supplemenLs auxlllary servlces for cusLomlzed
lnformaLlon daLa query daLa on medla Lurnkey servlces for speclallzed needs

The Bank of Punjab

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Spec|a| C|ear|ng]same day c|ear|ng
1here ls anoLher Lype of clearlng processed whlch ls called speclal clearlng or same day clearlng
Cn very speclal clrcumsLances cheques are senL for clearlng and Lo be cleared wlLh ln same day
lf any cusLomer requesLs Lhe bank Lo clear hls cheque wlLh ln same day Lhe bank Lhan perform
Lhe speclal clearlng Lhan response ls also glven by Lhe nll1 on Lhe same day
Co||ect|on of cheques
1here are Lwo Lypes of collecLlons
1) C8C (ouLward bllls for collecLlon)
2) L8C (local bllls for collecLlon)

CC (outward b|||s for co||ect|on)
CusLomer deposlLs Lhe ouLsLaLlon cheques of same bank oLher banks for collecLlon
1he payee's bank or cusLomer's bank collecLs Lhe proceeds of Lhe sald cheques and credlL Lo
Lhe cusLomer's accounL 1he sald bank charges lLs commlsslon and oLher charges llke courler
charges from cusLomer
LC (|oca| b|||s for co||ect|on)
When cusLomer deposlLs wlLhln clLy cheques of same bank Lhan lL ls conslder as local
bllls for collecLlon 1hese cheques are senL Lhrough courler servlce 1here ls no commlsslon on
lnterno/ tronsfer form
lf one accounL holder of Lhe bank has no cheque book and wanLs Lo Lransfer funds Lo
anoLher accounL holder of bank Lhan a form called lnLernal Lransfer form ls Lhere for soluLlon
lor Lhls purpose Lhe presence of boLh accounL holders ls necessary and Lhe accounL holder who
possesses no cheque book fllls Lhe lnLernal Lransfer form wrlLes hls name accounL number
along wlLh name and accounL holder Lo whom funds are Lo be Lransferred and puLLs hls
slgnaLure also Lhan banker can Lransfer funds Lo Lhe accounL holder menLloned ln Lhe lnLernal
Lransfer form
lnter bonk tronsoction
1ransfer of funds from one accounL Lo anoLher accounL of same branch ls called lnLer bank
The Bank of Punjab

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Issuance of Cheque ook
O lor new cheque book Lhere ls a requlslLlon form LhaL ls already glven ln Lhe every
cheque book Lhls requlslLlon form ls form ls glven before lasL flve leaves (ln case of 23
leaves cheque book) so LhaL cusLomer can apply for new cheque book before lL ends
O CusLomer afflxes hls Lwo slgnaLures on LhaL requlslLlon form and submlLs Lo banker ln
case Lhe cusLomer has losL hls cheque book Lhan Lhere ls anoLher requlslLlon form whlch
ls dlfferenL from prevlous one ls slgned by cusLomer along wlLh hls/her name and
address and accounL number
O 8efore accepLlng Lhe requlslLlon form from cusLomer banker also conflrms LhaL Lhere
should be funds avallable for cheque book charges ln Lhe accounL of cusLomer lf funds
are noL sufflclenL for charges Lhan cusLomer ls requesLed Lo deposlL some amounL ln hls
O normally lL Lakes 34 days for new cheque book lssuance buL Lhere can be any delay
due Lo any reason so LhaL banker requesLs Lhe cusLomer Lo collecL hls cheque book afLer
7 days
O nll1 ls provldlng new cheque book lssuance servlce Lo 8C So LhaL all Lhe requlslLlons
are senL Lo nll1
O AfLer proper verlflcaLlon of cusLomer wlLh presence of orlglnal CnlC and Laklng
recelvlng slgnaLure on Lhe requesL form and on Lhe cheque book lssue reglsLer Lhe
cheque book ls dellvered
O Cn cheque book lssue reglsLer daLe accounL LlLle accounL number new cheque book's
leave numbers (from Lhls Lo LhaL) slgnaLure of concerned offlcer and slgnaLure of
cusLomer musL be wrlLLen
O lf a cusLomer does noL collecLs hls cheque book for 2 monLhs Lhe cheque book becomes
bepoe books leoves ooJ cbotqes
LS 23 LLAvLS 123 8upees Cu 23 LLAvLS 123 8upees Cu 30 LLAvLS 230 8upees
Cu 100 LLAvLS 300 8upees
Cn emergency basls bank also have a 3 leaves cheque book Lo lssue
Computer Lntr|es of cheque book
1) AL Lhe Llme of lssue charges deducLed
2) When cheque book ls recelved by banker he/she enLers Lhe cheque book leave
numbers buL do noL acLlve Lhem lL ls baslcally a cheque book recelve enLry ln Lhe
The Bank of Punjab

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3) When dellvers Lhe cheque book Lo cusLomer Lhan acLlve and merge Lhe cheque book ln
Lhe accounL of cusLomer Lhan cheque book becomes acLlve/ ln order

1) uemand urafL
2) ay Crder/ Call ueposlL 8ecelpL
3) Mall 1ransfer
4) 1elegraphlc 1ransfer
3) 8C Cnllne
1here ls a slngle and same requesL form ls for all above menLloned remlLLances
Demand draft
When cusLomer wanLs Lo remlL funds Lo anoLher clLy Lhen bank makes a demand drafL
for Lhe cusLomer lL ls drawn on one branch Lo anoLher branch of Lhe bank ln Lhe favor of
cusLomer/ payee 1hls faclllLy ls for accounL holder of Lhe bank and for walk ln cusLomer also lL
ls only payable Lo Lhe cusLomer/ payee lL can be cancelled only 8ank charges commlsslon for
maklng uu Lhe valldlLy of uu ls 6 monLhs
ay Crder] Ca|| Depos|t kece|pt
A pay order ls a very secure lnsLrumenL for Lransferrlng funds wlLh ln Lhe clLy ay order
means pay Lo Lhe order of lL ls payable on demand 1he pay order ls drawn by Lhe lssulng bank
on lLs self ln Lhe favor of payee 1hls faclllLy ls for accounL holder and also for walk ln cusLomers
1here ls no maxlmum and mlnlmum llmlL for pay order CusLomer fllls ln remlLLance
form wlLh hls name and payee's name and Lwo slgnaLures of cusLomer Laken on Lhe
form and CnlC copy also demanded When bank makes pay order bank afflxes bank's
crosslng sLamp on lL 1here ls already prlnLed A/C payee's crosslng on pay order
8oLh drawer and drawee can recelve Lhe paymenL Lhrough collecLlon/ clearlng
1he pay order ls mosLly demanded by companles from Lhelr cusLomers/ cllenLs because
lL can noL be dlshonored
1here are 73/ 8upees for accounL holder and 200/ 8upees charges for C
CusLomer can deposlL cash or presenL cheque lf he does noL wanL Lo deblL hls bank
accounL for pay order
co// ueposit keceipt ls same as C buL dlfference ls LhaL lL ls mosLly used for as securlLy
deposlL demanded by conLracLors or by Lhe persons who are golng Lo apply for a Lender and
The Bank of Punjab

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for Lhls purpose Lhey have Lo submlL a securlLy deposlL recelpL Lhere are no charges for
accounL holder and walk ln cusLomers

C Cn||ne
lL ls a very fasL and rellable source of Lransfer and dellvery of funds When cusLomer
wanLs lmmedlaLe paymenL Lhan he can collecL Lhe money Lhrough onllne servlce CusLomer can
also Lransfer onllne funds Lo Lhe accounL of any oLher 8C cusLomer wlLh ln and ouLslde Lhe
clLy commlsslon and federal exclse duLy ls charged from cusLomer on Lransfer of funds 8ank
can make paymenL agalnsL onllne cheque only up Lo 30000/ Lhere ls no onllne funds Lransfer

lor on/ine poyment bank wlll verlfy Lhe slgnaLure of drawer of Lhe cheque by accesslng
onllne speclmen slgnaLure card dlsplay proLocol 1han enLer hls branch name and glves
Lhe password and afLer Lhls a new wlndow wlll open on whlch banker wlll enLer Lhe
branch code of Lhe drawer's bank and enLer Lhe accounL number of drawer and cllck Lhe
opLlon of show card Lhen SSC card wlll be dlsplayed and banker verlfles Lhe slgnaLure
AfLer slgnaLure verlflcaLlon banker accesses Lhe accounL of drawer of Lhe cheque and
deblLs Lhe amounL ln Lhe accounL and Lhen paymenL ls made Lo Lhe cusLomer
lor on/ine tronsfer of funds Lhe accounL holder of Lhe bank fllls Lhe remlLLance form Lhe
bank charges commlsslon and lLu on onllne paymenL lor Lhls purpose banker accesses
Lhe accounL of payee and credlL Lhe accounL wlLh sald amounL
nome kem|ttance
1he bank also provldes Lhe home remlLLance faclllLles people ouLslde aklsLan uses Lhls
faclllLy Lo remlL funds Lo aklsLan 1he bank enLerLalns Lhe cusLomers of uAL Lxchange and a
newly added AfLab Lxchange Company 1hese companles has hlred Lhe bank of un[ab as Lhelr
agenL and Lhe bank of un[ab earn commlsslon from Lhese companles depend on Lhe amounL
Lxpress money provldes Lhls onllne remlLLance servlce
verlflcaLlon of cusLomer ls very lmporLanL 1he banker demands orlglnal CnlC wlLh a phoLo
copy 8ecelvlng ls Laken on Lhe form Lhere ls no charges deducLed from cusLomer ln Lhls

The Bank of Punjab

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SLaLemenL of Affalrs

lL ls also called Lhe moLher of branch from slngle pln Lo every Lhlng LhaL branch

possesses ls lncluded ln Lhls sLaLemenL



CurrenL deposlLs Cash on hand


ls flnancerunnlng flnance


advances Lo banks

call deposlL

lease conLracL

ls Lerm deposlL 3 monLhs Lo 3 year consumer flnance

paymenL order lssued

demand flnance clean

bllls payable/C/11/M1

sLock of sLaLlonary

proflL payable on savlng bank deposlL sLamps

oLher llablllLles

advance deposlLs

excess cash

caplLallzed lLems

federal exclse duLy

advance Lax pald

lncome markup/ suspense accounL suspense accounL

wlLh holdlng Lax on cash wlLhdrawals mark up recelvable on flnances


head offlce accounL





LS lnnCCML MA8k u LS SAvlnC 8Ank uLCSl1S


S1All llnAnCL

8Cll1 Cn 8C88CWlnC l8CM 8AnkS
MA8k u lnCCML CCnSuML8 llnAnCL 88CkA8ACL 8Ank CPA8CLS

AuvAnCLS 1C 8AnkS


8L1u8n Cn P/C ACCCun1

8CvluLn1 lunu


l) 8LMl11AnCL 11/uu/M1

8Ln1 lC8 8AnkS 8LMlSLS


8A1L Anu 1AxLS Cn 8AnkS lMMCvA8LL 8CL81?

u1lLl1? 8lLLS





CA8u AnnuAL lLL

The Bank of Punjab

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8LAl8 Anu MAln1AlnAnCL





CnlC vL8lllCA1lCn CPA8CLS


Lvery week Lax amounL due ls senL Lo S8 along wlLh deLall llke Lax on cash cheques more
Lhan 23000 deducLed by bank and Lax on salarles of sLaff

lL has been a very good experlence ln Lhe bank My maln concluslon ls LhaL
koowleJqe wltboot ptoctlce ls oseless ooJ ptoctlcloq wltb koowleJqe
tesolts lo petfectloo

The Bank of Punjab

age | 31

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