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Grade: 4.2

Building Blocks of Life Writing

Cells are the smallest units of life. Still, they can be Skills: Informative, Writing Conventions,
divided into smaller components, called organelles. Drawing Evidence
These cell structures can be thought of like the organs of Cells are often compared to cities.
the human body: They perform important functions for To what else can a cell be
the whole of the cell. However, they are not very useful compared? Describe in detail
or able to survive on their own. what represents each organelle
and why.


RI.1: Explicit Information
Onion cells seen through a microscope
RI.5: Text Structure & Development
Types of Cells
RI.1:: Explicit Information
Organisms come in two main types: prokaryotes and
eukaryotes. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells have What are the main differences
between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
differing structures and levels of complexity. Most Choose 2 answers.
prokaryotes only consist of a single cell. Eukaryotic cells,
on the other hand, are parts of larger groups of cells.

Eukaryotes are made of

Prokaryotic cells are the oldest forms of life and fairly many cells.
simple. Plants, animals, fungi, and algae are eukaryotic
organisms. Most eukaryotes are multicellular organisms.
Prokaryotes are made of many
The biggest difference, however, is “membrane-bound cells.

Prokaryotes do not have DNA.

Eukaryotic organelles do not simply float around in the
cell’s cytoplasm, as do prokaryotic organelles. Instead,
Eukaryotes have “membrane-
many eukaryotic organelles are separated from their bound organelles.”
surroundings by membranes. They are membrane-
RI.1:: Explicit Information
bound. An example of this is the nucleus which
separates DNA from the rest of the cell. Where inside of a cell is DNA kept?

Cell Structures
cell wall
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells have many of the same
structures. Imagine the cell as a city. Each organelle
performs a job within that city. These organelles include
the following:

Cell Membrane: The cell membrane is like the city

border. It is the innermost layer of the cell envelope. It is
made of different proteins. The membrane controls
which molecules can enter and exit all cells.
RI.1:: Explicit Information
Cell Wall: The cell wall is like a city wall. It is a firm layer Where do cells get their energy?
surrounding the cell membrane of many cells. It offers
more protection and support. Most Prokaryotes possess
cell walls. Eukaryotes are divided between those that do
cell wall
and those that do not.

Cytoplasm: The cytoplasm is like a lawn. It is a type of
gel that holds the various organelles inside the cell
membrane. It is mostly water. cytoplasm

cell membrane
Lysosomes: Lysosomes are like waste disposals. They
digest old organelles, food, viruses, and bacteria.
Lysosomes are kept inside a membrane. Their digestive
proteins would destroy the rest of the cell otherwise. RI.5:: Text Structure & Development
What is the overall structure of the
Mitochondria: Mitochondria are like energy plants. They text?
generate energy through the process of respiration. In
this process, oxygen is used to convert nutrients, like
glucose, into energy.

Nucleus: The nucleus is the most important part of the comparison

cell. It is like the city hall. The nucleus where one can find
a cell’s DNA. The DNA is like the blueprint for the city.
cause & effect

problem & solution

RI.5:: Text Structure & Development

What is the solution to the problem of
lysosomes destroying the rest of the




A prokaryotic cell RI.5:: Text Structure & Development

Which type of cells came first?



both came at the same time

another type of cell

A eukaryotic cell

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