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DU LL.B 2019

Question given below has a set of three statements. Choose the alternative where the third statement can be
logically deduced from both the preceding alternatives, but not just from one of them

1. A: Few mathematicians are scientists. Some scientists play. Few Mathematicians play
B: Rabbit is a flower. Some flowers are made of chromoplasts. Rabbit is made of chromoplast
C: No elephant eats grass. All lions eat grass. No lions are elephants

a. A and C
b. A and C
c. B only
d. C only

2. A: Many teachers are not readers. All singers are teachers. All singers are not readers
B: Some giraffes are donkeys. Some giraffes are sheep. Some sheep are donkeys.
C: All locks are keys. Some keys do not open. Some locks do not open

a. A and C
b. B and C
c. B only
d. C only

3. Directions:
(i) A is older than S
(ii) M is older than A but younger than K
(iii) K is elder than S
(iv) S is younger than M
(v) G is the eldest
Who is the youngest?

a. A
b. K
c. M
d. S

4. Directions:
(i) A is older than S
(ii) M is older than A but younger than K
(iii) K is elder than S
(iv) S is younger than M
(v) G is the eldest Age wise,
Who is in the middle?

a. A
b. K
c. M
d. S
5. Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. The sum of the incomes of
U and V is more than that of X and Y taken together. The sum of the incomes of U and X is the same as that
of V and Y taken together. Moreover U earns half as much as the sum of the incomes of V and Y. whose
income is the highest?
a. U
b. V
c. X
d. Y

6. Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below The sum of the incomes of
U and V is more than that of X and Y taken together. The sum of the incomes of U and X is the same as that
of V and Y taken together. Moreover U earns half as much as the sum of the incomes of V and Y.
Which statement is correct?

a. U earns equal to X
b. U earns more than X
c. V and Y together earn half of what X earns
d. Y earns less than X

7. Under Patent Act, 1970 Patent is granted for

a. 10,
b. 15 years,
c. 20 years
d. 5 years

8. Under Trade Marks Act, 1999 the trademark is granted for

a. 5 years, but may be renewed from time to time subject to the provisions of the Act,
b. 10 years, but may be renewed from time to time subject to the provisions of the Act,
c. 15 years, but may be renewed from time to time subject to the provisions of the Act,
d. 20 years, but may be renewed from time to time subject to the provisions of the Act,

9. World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated on:

a. 21st June,
b. 23rd September,
c .26th April,
d.4th August

10. Clause (4) of Article 15 has been added to the Constitution of India by

a. The Constitution (First Amendment) Act,

b. The Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Act,
c. The Constitution (Sixth Amendment) Act,
d. The Constitution (Second Amendment) Act,

11. As per the Constitution of India the sovereignty of India lies with

a. The Constitution of India,

b. The Parliament of India,
c. The Supreme Court of India,
d. The People of India
12. Article 360 of Constitution of India has been invoked in India

a. Never invoked
b. Once
c. thrice
d. twice

13. Article 20 and Article 21 has been taken from the purview of Article 359 of the Constitution of India by

a. The Constitution (42nd Amendment) Act,

b.The Constitution (43rd Amendment) Act,
c. The Constitution (44th Amendment) Act,
d. The Constitution (59th Amendment) Act,

14. Representation of members in House of People in India is based on

a. Area of the State,

b. Community,
c. Literacy of State,
d. Population,

15. The writ of prohibition may be issued, when there is

a. An absence of jurisdiction or access of jurisdiction

b. Both An absence of jurisdiction or access of jurisdiction & Violation of principles of natural justice
c. Request to produce the body of the person
d. Violation of principles of natural justice

16. Art. 51A of the Constitution of India provides for the Fundamental Duties of

a. All those who run public and private sectors,

b. Citizens of India,
c. Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers,
d. Public Servants,

17. The power of the President of India to issue an ordinance is a

a. Judicial power,
b. Legislative power,
c. Executive power,
d. Quasi-judicial power,

18. In which landmark judgment did the Supreme Court of India decriminalized homosexuality

a. Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar, 1979

b. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, 1978
c. Navtez Singh Johar v. Union of India, 2018
d. Nilabati Behera v. State of Orissa, 1993

19. In which one of the following judgments the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court of India, the
'rarest of rare' principle in the award of death penalty was first laid down?

a. Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab (1980),

b. Dr. Upendra Baxi v. State of UP (1983),
c. Gopalanachari v. State of Kerala (1980),
d. Tukaram v. State of Maharashtra (1979),
20. How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post?

a. 2times,
b. 3times,
c. Any number of times,
d. Once,

21. The President gives his resignation to the

a. Chief Justice,
b. Prime Minister,
c. Speaker of Lok Sabha
d. Vice President,

22. Which one of the following does not constitute the Electoral College for electing the President of India?

a. Elected members of Lok Sabha,

b. Elected members of Rajya Sabha,
c. Elected members of the Legislative Assembly of each state,
d. Elected members of the Legislative Council,

23. The charge of impeachment against the President of India for his removal can be preferred by

a. Both Houses of Parliament,

b. Lok Sabha,
c. Rajya Sabha,
d. Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chairman of Rajya Sabha,

24. Which of the following writs called bulwark of personal freedom?

a. Certiorari,
b. Habeas Corpus,
c. Mandamus,
d.Quo Warranto,

25. For the philosophy underlying our Constitution, the historic ‘Objectives Resolution’ was moved in the
Constituent Assembly on 13th December 1946 by

a. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar ,

b. Dr. Rajendra Prasad ,
c. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan ,
d. Jawaharlal Nehru ,

26. The Preamble of Indian Constitution envisages what kinds of justice

a. All of these ,
b. Economic,
c. Political,
d. Social,

27. In which year Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education, Act was enacted by Parliament of

28. Which of the set is said to be the Golden triangle of Indian Constitution?

a. Article 14, 19 and 21,

b. Articles 14, 15, and 16,
c. Articles 20, 21 and 22,
d. Preamble, Fundamental Right and Directive Principles,

29. Basic structure of Constitution can be amended

a. By 2/3rd majority ,
b. By simple majority ,
c. By special majority and ratification by half of states ,
d. None of these,

30. As per VII Schedule of the Constitution of India, the power to enact laws on residuary matters lies with

a. None,
b. Parliament,
c. State legislature,
D.The President,

31. Sarkaria Commission was concerned with

a. Centre-State Relations ,
b. Electoral Reforms,
c. Financial Reforms,
d. Judicial reforms,

32. Who is equivalent of Attorney General in State?

a. Advocate General,
b. Chief Minister ,
c. Judge of the High Court,
d. None of these,

33. The name of the Union given in the Constitution is

a. Bharatdesh i.e. India

b. Hindustan i.e. Bharatvarsha
c. India i.e. Bharat
d. India i.e. Hindustan

34. Proceedings to be in camera means

a. None of these,
b. Proceedings in private,
c. Proceedings in public,
d. Proceedings recorded in camera,

35. A watch reads 4:30. If the minute hand points towards north east, then the hour hand will point towards

a. North-west,
b. South -west,
c. South-east,
d. South,

36. X+Y > U+V and Y+U>X+V, then it is definite that:

a. U>V,
b. V>Y,
c. X>V,

37. What is the product of all numbers in the dial of a telephone?

a. 1, 58,480,
b. 1, 59,450,
c. 1, 59,480,
d. None of these,

38. Five people, A, C, D, F and G are sitting around a table. A is sitting to the left of G. One person is sitting
between G and D. C is sitting to the left of A: Choose the correct option

a. F is sitting between A and G,

b. F is sitting between C and D
c. F is sitting between G and D,
d. F is sitting to the right of D,

39. One card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the card drawn is either a black
card or a queen?

a. 1/2,
b. 1/52,
c. 15/26,
d. 7/13,

40. Find the average of prime numbers between 20 and 50.

a. 35.8,
b. 37.6,
c. 39.8,
d. 40.5,

41. The average of five consecutive numbers is 16. Find the smallest of these numbers.

a. 12,
b. 14,
c. 20,
d. 8,
42. The 262nd Law Commission of India report deals with

a. 2015 Model Bilateral Investment Treaty,

b. Abolition of death penalty,
c. Amendment of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996,
d. Electoral Reforms,

43. The principle of quantum meruit is applicable when.

a. Both the contract is divisible, and some parts are performed and when the contract is indivisible and something
in relation to contract is done,
b. When an act is done graciously,
c. When the contract is indivisible and something in relation to contract is done,
d. The contract is divisible, and some parts are performed,

44. The President of the India can consult the Supreme Court of India

A.Against any decision taken by the Prime Minister and his council of ministers,
B.In order to do complete justice when a death penalty convict seeks clemency from the President,
C.To seek advice before he imposes emergency in any state,
D.When a question of law of public importance arises,

45. What kind of damages are available for breach of contract

A.All these,
B.Liquidated Damages,
C.Unliquidated Damages,
D.Vindictive Damages,

46. Fraud occurs when.

a. Active concealment of facts,

b. An act is done with the intention to deceive another party,
c. Both an act is done with the intention to deceive another party & active concealment of facts,
d. None of these,

47. The three lists in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India represent: - .

a. Doctrine of Cooperative Federalism,

b. Principle of Division of Power,
c. Principle of Separation of Power,
d. Rule against non-arbitrariness,

48. An agreement in restraint of marriage is:

a. Illegal,
b. Valid,
c. Voidable,
d. Void,

49. ‘A’ threatens his wife and son to commit suicide in case they did not execute a deed in his favour. This
will amount to: Options:-

a. Both the above,

b. Coercion,
c. None of the above,
d. Undue influence,

50. ‘A’ agrees to sell his house to ‘B’; ‘A’ has two houses. The agreementis:

a. Both Void and Valid,

b. Valid,
c. Voidable,
d. Void,

51. Non est factum means:

a. It is not my deed,
b. Document executed under fraud,
c. Document executed under misrepresentation,
d. None of these,

52. ‘A’ agrees to Pay ‘B’ Rupees 1000 if it rains today, ‘B’ will pay him Rupees 1000 if it does not rain.
Which kind of agreement is this?

a. Contingent Agreement,
b. None of the above,
c. Voidable Agreement,
d. Wagering Agreement,

53. Caveat Venditor means:

a. Buyer beware,
b. Manufacturer beware,
c. None of these,
d. Seller beware,

54. In which of the cases the relationship of principal and agent exists.

a. Both Relationship between partners & Relationship between employer and employee,
b. Relationship between employer and employee,
c. Relationship between husband and wife,
d. Relationship between partners,

55. Capacity to contract relates to:

a. Intention of the parties to enter into contract,

b. Age of parties to contract,
c. Competence of the parties to enter into contract,
d. None of these,
56. When both the parties are under a mistake of fact essential to the contract, the contract is

a. Does not affect its validity,

b. None of these,
c. Voidable,
d. Void,

57. The essential characteristic of a tort is, violation of:

a. a contractual right,
b. none of these,
c. right in personam (a right available only against some determinate person or property),
d. right in rem (a right vested in some determinate person and available against the world at large),

58. The doctrine of ‘double jeopardy’ enshrined in Article 20 (2) means.

a. No one can be prosecuted and punished more than once for the same offence ,
b. One can be prosecuted more than once, but punished only once,
c. One can be prosecuted several times for the same offence,
d. punishment once awarded cannot be enhanced in appeal or revision,

59. Under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 dislocation of tooth constitutes the offence of Options:-

a. Assault,
b. Grievous hurt,
c. None of these,
d. Simple hurt,

60. The term used to describe an accused who seeks pardon from the court by agreeing to testify against all
others involved in the crime is

a. Accomplice,
b. Approver,
c. Hostile witness,
d. None of these,

61. A First Information Report (FIR) for a cognizable offence may be lodged by

a. All of these,
b. Family member of the victim,
c. Police officer,
d. Victim,

62. Malimath Committee is associated with reforms in the field of

a. Labour Welfare,
b. Criminal Law,
c. Domestic relations,
d. Education,
63. In taking and recording evidence, the language of every Court within the State other than the High Court
shall be

a. Determined by the respective State Government,

b. English,
c. Hindi or English,
d. Hindi,

64. The essentials of a valid custom are.

a. All of these,
b. Antiquity,
c. Certainty,
d. Consistency,

65. The doctrine of ‘Transferred Malice’ is contained in which Section of the IPC, 1860?
a. Section 149,
b. Section 301,
c. Section 304A,
d. Section 34,

66. Which of the following is an inchoate crime?

a. Criminal attempt,
b. Culpable homicide,
c. Public nuisance,
d. Riot,

67. Theft and Extortion are listed under the IPC as offences against?

a. All of these,
b. Body,
c. Property,
d. Public order and tranquility

68. Which of the following is not an essential ingredient of Criminal Breach of Trust?

a. Dishonest intention,
b. Entrustment,
c. Misappropriation/ conversion,
d. Negligence,

69. On 9th March 2018, a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court of India confirmed that the right to die
with dignity is a fundamental right while allawing passive euthanasia and living will. This judgment is
known as.

a. Common Cause v. UOI,

b. Justice KS Puttaswamy v. UOI,
c. P. Rathinam v. UOI,
d. Supreme Court Advocates-On-Record Association v. UOI,
70. The word ‘plagiarist’ refers to a person who

a. Is called by courts to give testimony in cases relating to fingerprints,

b. Uses language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work
as one's own, without crediting the original author,
c. Is a collector of old and antique stamps of different countries,
d. Is a professional boxer,

71. In which of the following cases was the judgment popularly known as Jallikattu verdict pronounced?

a. Animal Welfare Board of India v. A. Nagaraja,

b. Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisation v. UOI,
c. Gauri Maulekhi v. UOI ,
d. Nair, NR and others v. UOI,

72. Abhiram Singh v. CD Commachen (2017) is a judgment of the Supreme Court dealing with which of the
following issues?

a. Compensation to Uphaar tragedy victims,

b. Linkage of IT returns with Aadhaar,
c. Proper and adequate access to public places for visually disabled persons,
d. Seeking votes in the name of religion amounts to a corrupt practice,

73. Flog a dead horse means.

a. Cruelty to animals,
b. To beat a horse to death,
c. To try to get work out of someone who is already exhausted,
d. Waste effort on something when there is no chance of succeeding,

74. ‘Achilles heel’ means.

a. a food disease,
b. a kind of fungus,
c. a painful spot,
d. a weak point,

75. Choose the correct spelling.

a. Connoissuer,
b. Connoiseur,
c. Connoisseur,
d. Conoissuer,

76. Choose the correct spelling.

a. surveillance,
b. surveilance,
c. surveilence,
d. survellience,
77. What do you mean by “candidate losing the deposit” after the poll result is announced?

a. A defeated candidate who fails to secure minimum 600 valid votes polled in the constituency will lose his
security deposit ,
b. A defeated candidate who fails to secure more than one fourth of the valid votes polled in the constituency will
lose his security deposit ,
c. A defeated candidate who fails to secure more than one sixth of the valid votes polled in the constituency will
lose his security deposit ,
d. A defeated candidate who fails to secure more than one third of the valid votes polled in the constituency will
lose his security deposit ,

78. The anti-defection law in India is contained in.

a. The IV Schedule of the Constitution of India,

b. The IX Schedule of the Constitution of India,
c. The VII Schedule of the Constitution of India,
d. The X Schedule of the Constitution of India,

79. The Electoral College that elects the Vice President of India comprises of:

a. Elected members of both Houses of Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies and Legislative Councils,
b. Elected members of both Houses of Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies,
c. Elected members of both Houses of Parliament,
d. Members of both Houses of Parliament,

80. Who among the following is famous for Bharatnatyam?

a. Birju Maharaj,
b. Madhavi Mudgal,
c. Sonal Mansingh,
d. Yamini Krishnamurti,

81. Who among the following is the First Iraqi National to have received the Nobel Peace Prize?

a. Jenna Krajeski ,
b. Nadia Murad Basee Taha,
c. Najiba Ahmed ,
d. Reem Alasadi ,

82. Which of the following is correct?

a. Both FIFA, 2014 - Brazil, FIFA, 2018 - Russia & FIFA, 2022 - Qatar & FIFA, 2010 - South Africa, FIFA, 2018 -
Russia & FIFA, 2022 - Qatar ,
b. FIFA, 2010 - South Africa, FIFA, 2018 - Russia & FIFA, 2022 - Qatar ,
c. FIFA, 2014 - Brazil, FIFA, 2018 - Russia & FIFA, 2022 - Qatar ,
d. None of these ,

83. Bt. in ‘Bt. Brinjal’ is.

A. Antibiotic ,
b. Bacterium,
c. None of these,
84. Who authored the book ‘Indian Philosophy’?

a. Charles Dickens,
b. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan,
c. Shashi Tharoor,
d. William Shakespeare,

85. Who is the Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?

a. Luther Rangreji,
b. Mahmoud Mekki,
c. Mohamed Elbardei,
d. Yukia Amano,

86. A general offer is an offer which.

a. Can be accepted by anyone,

b. Cannot be termed as a contract,
c. Contains all the essentials of a valid contract,
d. None of these,

87. Who is the first Indian woman appointed as Judge of ITLOS (International Tribunal for the Law of the

a. Flavia Agnes,
b. Indira Banerjee,
c. Neeru Chadha,
d. Ruma Pal,

88. ‘Proper respect is shown to National Anthem by standing up when the National Anthem is sung. It will
not be right to say that disrespect is shown by not joining in the singing.’ It has been held in:

a. Bijoi Emmanuel v. State of Kerala ,

b. Keshavananda Bharati v. U.O.I. ,
c. Ram JawayaKapur v. U.O.I.
d. Surya Narain v. U.O.I. ,

89. Two young persons, A & B fight with each other. A was having a blade with which ‘A’ inflicts injury on
the face of B leaving a scar on the cheek of B. A is guilty of offence of causing.

a. grievous hurt by rash or negligent act,

b. grievous hurt,
c. simple hurt by rash or negligent act,
d. simple hurt,

90. The right to protect one’s own person and property against the unlawful aggression of others is known

a. an act done by the consent of the other,

b. none of these,
c. the right of private defence ,
d. volenti non fit injuria,
91. The first Constitutional Amendment was challenged in the case:

a. both Sankari Prasad v. UOI & Sankari Prasad v. UOI ,

b. none of these ,
c. Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan ,
d. Sankari Prasad v. UOI ,

92. Which of the following are included as fundamental duties under Constitution of India?

I. to abide by the Constitution and respect for its ideals and institutions
II. to uphold and protect the Sovereignty, Unity and Integrity of India
III. to ensure the rule of law in the country
IV. to safeguard public property and to abjure violence

b. I,II,III,
c. I,II,IV,
d. I,III,IV,

93. General exceptions are laid down in the Indian Penal Code in.

a. Chapter IV and VI ,
b. Chapter IV ,
c. Chapter VI ,
d. Chapter VIII ,

94. The Right of private defence of the body extends to the voluntarily causing of death, if the offence which
occasions the exercise of right is .

a. an assault reasonably causing an apprehension that simple injury will be caused,

b. an assault with intention of escaping with stolen property immediately after the theft,
c. an assault with the intention of kidnapping or abducting,
d. of arresting a person who is running away after having committed an offence of voluntarily causing hurt,

95. ‘A’, a person of unsound mind, attempts to kill ‘B’. ‘B’ hits ‘A’ with an iron rod seriously injuring him.

a. ‘B’ has no right of private defense since ‘A’ is a person of unsound mind ,
b. ‘B’ has right of private defense though ‘A’ is a person of unsound mind ,
c. ‘B’ is guilty of inflicting grievous injury on ‘A’ ,
d. None of these ,

96. Which of the following laws has not been amended by the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018?

a. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973,

b. Indian Penal Code, 1860,
c. Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO), 2012,
d. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal

97. ‘Z’ takes away a golden chain of his wife which was given by her father as Stridhan, without her consent,
and gifts it to his girlfriend. ‘Z’ is guilty of.

a. not guilty of theft as the chain was their joint property,

b. not guilty of theft as the property was temporarily taken away,
c. guilty of criminal misappropriation,
d. guilty of theft,

98. In the year 2002 the Competition Act was enacted. This Act replaces.
a. Consumer Protection Act, 1986 ,
b. Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969 ,
c. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 ,
d. Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955

99. Complete the series

E J ?

a. N
b. L
c. P
d. T

100. Complete the series

I P ?

a. V
b. W
c. X
d. Y

1 D 36 D 71 A
2 D 37 D 72 D
3 D 38 C 73 D
4 C 39 D 74 D
5 B 40 A 75 C
6 A 41 B 76 A
7 C 42 B 77 C
8 B 43 D 78 D
9 C 44 D 79 D
10 A 45 B 80 D
11 D 46 C 81 B
12 A 47 B 82 A
13 C 48 D 83 B
14 D 49 B 84 B
15 B 50 D 85 D
16 B 51 A 86 A
17 B 52 D 87 C
18 C 53 D 88 A
19 A 54 A 89 B
20 C 55 C 90 C
21 D 56 D 91 A
22 D 57 D 92 C
23 A 58 A 93 B
24 B 59 B 94 C
25 D 60 B 95 B
26 A 61 A 96 D
27 D 62 B 97 D
28 A 63 A 98 B
29 C 64 A 99 D
30 B 65 B 100 B
31 A 66 A
32 A 67 C
33 C 68 D
34 B 69 A
35 * 70 B

DU LL.B 2018

Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives:

1. According to the passage, assertion of rights ______.

1. Is frowned upon
2. Must be discouraged
3. Promotes just social policies
4. is desirable
2. Which of the following statements best conveys the idea of the passage?

1. Civil and political rights and social and economic rights are opposed to each other.
2. Political freedom must be compromised to realize rights.
3. Existence of criticism of government is a proof of vibrant assertion of civil and political rights.
4. Transparency ensures equitable distribution of resources.
Choose the correct code:

1. 2 and 4
2. 1 and 2
3. 1 and 3
4. 3 and 4

3. According to the passage capture of social benefits ______.

1. ensures accountability
2. must be discouraged to ensure equitable distribution of resources
3. is an evil necessity
4. should be encouraged to maintain free flaw of information

4. Opacity means:

1. Ostensible
2. Transparent
3. Unclear
4. Opal like

5. A is the mother of D and sister of B. B has a daughter C who is married to F. G is the husband of A.
How is G related to D?

1. Son
2. Father
3. Uncle
4. Husband

6. If the price of a book is first decreased by 25% and then increased by 20%, then the net change in the
price will be:

1. 30
2. 20
3. 10
4. 40

7. Which among the following is correctly matched?

1. Indian Law Institute - Bhopal

2. Central Institute of Indian Languages - Chandigarh
3. Film and Television Institute of India - Chennai
4. National Insurance Academy - Pune

8. Which among the following languages was added to the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India,
1950 through 92nd Amendment Act of 2003?

1. Manipuri
2. Nepali
3. Maithili
4. Konkani

9. Britishers established Fort St. George as a trading outpost of East India Company in-

1. Varanasi
2. Chandigarh
3. Chennai
4. Jaipur

10. Which among the following cities does not have a bench of the National Green Tribunal?

1. Ahmedabad
2. Chennai
3. Pune
4. Kolkata

11. Which among the following was chosen as the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year in 2017?

1. Vape
2. Post-truth
3. Emoji
4. Youthquake

12. Which amongst the following is a committee constituted to inquire into allegations of corruption in
Indian Premier League?

1. Satyajit Ray Committee

2. Shyam Benegal Committee
3. Justice Mukul Mudgal Committee
4. Justice Khosla Committee

13. In India, the National Voter’s Day is celebrated on

1. 25th December
2. 25th January
3. 17th March
4. 17th January

14. If A >B, B>C and C>D, then which of the following conclusions is definitely wrong?

1. D< A
2. C< B
3. A< D
4. B< A

15. Who won the Gold Medal for India in the Women’s 10 metre air pistol event at the XXI Commonwealth
Games, 2018?
1. Manika Batra
2. Punam Yadav
3. Pooja Sahasrabudhe
4. Manu Bhaker

16. In a class of 45 students, one of the student ranks 20th. When two more students take admission then his
rank gets one place down. What is his position from the bottom?
1. 28
2. 26
3. 25
4. 27

17. Which Schedule of the Constitution of India, 1950 prescribes the forms of oaths or affirmations for
constitutional functionaries?

1. Sixth Schedule
2. Second Schedule
3. Fifth Schedule
4. Third Schedule

18. Which provision of the Constitution of India, 1950 deals with legislative powers of the President?

1. Article 123
2. Article 73
3. Article 139
4. Article 59

19. Which provision of the Constitution of India prohibits employment of children below the age of fourteen
years to be employed in factories?

1. Article 23
2. Article 17
3. Article 27
4. Article 24

20. Who among the following is the current member of the International Law Commission from India?

1. Nagender Singh
2. P.S. Rao
3. Aniruddha Rajput
4. Dalbir Bhandari

21. The product of the ages of X and Y is 240. If twice the age of Y is more that X’s age by 4 years, what is
the age of Y?

1. 18
2. None of these
3. 12
4. 16

22. Two numbers are in the ratio of 3:7. If 5 is subtracted from the numbers, the ratio becomes 4:11. The
numbers are:

1. 18,42
2. 12,28
3. 9,16
4. 21,49

23. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" means

1. People tend to want whatever they don't have.

2. Don't do mean things to people.
3. If someone offers you a gift, don't question it.
4. Don't trust other people to do important things for you.

24. Who headed the group of experts on Privacy constituted by the Planning Commission?

1. Justice Arijit Pasayat

2. Justice M.B. Shah
3. Justice M.N. Venkatachalia
4. Justice A.P. Shah

25. Who amongst the following judges of the Supreme Court of India never served as a High Court judge?

1. Justice A.M. Khanwilkar

2. Justice Uday Umesh Lalit
3. Justice Kurian Joseph
4. Justice Abhay Manohar Sapre

26. In which of the following judgments did the Supreme Court of India set aside the practice of talaq-e-
biddat i.e., triple talaq?

1. Fazlunbi v. K. KhaderVali
2. Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum
3. Bai Tahira v. Ali Hussain Fissali Chothia
4. Shayara Bano v. Union of India

27. The name of the largest river island of the world located in India is [Question ID = 1881]

1. Cijuli
2. Pajuli
3. Khajuli
4. Majuli

28. In which state the Sasan Ultra Mega Power Project is located?

1. Tamil Nadu
2. Uttar Pradesh
3. Madhya Pradesh
4. Maharashtra

29. Identify the correct statement:

1. Only taking of dowry is prohibited under law.

2. Only giving of dowry is prohibited under law.
3. Dowry is legally allawed with the consent of involved parties.
4. Giving as well as taking dowry is prohibited under law.

30. The recently launched ‘LaQshya’ programme is aimed at

1. Reducing malnutrition in children below ten years of age

2. Reducing maternal mortality rates
3. Elimination of tuberculosis by 2025
4. Improving quality of life in rural areas

31. X is wife of Y. Y is uncle of Z. B is sister of Y. How is B related to X?

1. Sister-in-Law
2. Cousin
3. Brother
4. Uncle

32. A judge of the Supreme Court of India after retirement can practice in

1. None of the these

2. High Court
3. National Green Tribunal
4. Supreme Court of India only

33. Four tests—French, Hindi, English and Sanskrit are to be conducted on four consecutive days, not
necessarily in the same order. The English test is held before the test which is conducted after Hindi.
Sanskrit test is conducted exactly after two tests are held. Which is the last test held?

1. French
2. Sanskrit
3. Hindi
4. English

34. The headquarters of the World Trade Organization is located in

1. Geneva
2. London
3. New York
4. Nairobi

35. First UNESCO mixed heritage site of India is

1. Kangchendzonga National Park

2. Kaziranga National Park
3. Dachigam National Park
4. Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary

36. Renu, Sheena, Heena and Seema are sitting around a table. Renu is just right to the Sheena. Heena is left
to Seema. Who amongst the following facing each other?

1. Renu – Sheena
2. Renu – Seema
3. Sheena – Seema
4. Heena – Renu

37. If B is coded as 2 and RATE is coded as 44 in a code language, how would you code NATION in that code

1. 74
2. 75
3. 72
4. 73

38. There are two groups of birds. If one bird moves from first group to the second group, the number of
birds in the second group becomes double of the first group. If one bird moves from second group to the first
group, the number of birds in both the groups becomes equal. How many birds were there in group 1 and 2
initially (respectively)?

1. 9,5
2. 5,7
3. 7,5
4. 5,9

39. Hari’s commute never bothered him because there were always seats available on the train and he was
able to spend 40 minutes comfortably reading newspapers. Ever since the train schedule changed, the train
has become extremely crowded, and by the time the doors open at his station, there isn’t a seat to be found.
Which of the following inference is correct?

1. Hari’s commute is less comfortable since the train schedule changed

2. Many commuters will complain about the new train schedule.
3. Hari is likely to look for a new job closer to his home.
4. Hari would be better off taking the bus to work.

40. European Court of Human Rights is located in

1. Hamburg
2. Strasbourg
3. Luxembourg
4. St. Petersburg

41. ‘Earth Hour’ is a global initiative of the

1. UN Development Programme
2. Earth Day Organization
3. World Wide Fund for Nature
4. UN Environment Programme

42. Arrange these mountain ranges from North to South

1. Satpura
2. Nilgiri
3. Vindhyas
4. Aravalis

1. 1 4 3 2
2. 4 3 1 2
3. 4 1 3 2
4. 4 1 2 3

43. Which of the following is/are principal organ/s of the United Nations?

1. International court of justice

2. United nation development programme
3. United nations economic and social council
4. United nations environment programme

1. Only 1
2. All of these
3. 1, 2 and 4
4. 1 and 3

44. Who among the following can attend the meetings of both Houses of Parliament while being not a
member of either House?

1. Solicitor General of India

2. Attorney General of India
3. Chief Election Commissioner
4. Comptroller and Auditor General of India

45. Who among the following is known as the ‘Frontier Gandhi’?

1. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

2. Maulana Shaukat Ali
3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
4. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

46. Who among the following was not conferred Bharat Ratna?

1. Atal Bihari Vajpayee

2. Nelson Mandela
3. Homi J. Bhabha
4. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

47. Who among the following was not a member of the Constituent Assembly of India?

1. Lakshmi Sehgal
2. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
3. Hansa Mehta
4. Sarojini Naidu

48. Who amongst the following did not serve as the Chairman of the Law Commission of India?

1. Mr. M.C. Setalvad

2. Justice B.P. Jeevan Reddy
3. Justice A.P. Shah
4. Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer

49. "Behind the eight ball" means __________.

1. in safety
2. in extravagance
3. in comfort
4. in trouble

50. Who is the author of the book titled “Why I am a Hindu”? [Question ID = 1874]

1. Rakesh Sinha
2. Shashi Tharoor
3. Gopal Krishna Gandhi
4. Justice R. Banumathi

51. Inter-state river water disputes in India are to be decided by

1. Central Water Commission

2. None of the these
3. High Courts
4. Ministry of Water Resources

52. What is the meaning of ex facie?

1. Making the face down

2. Beside the face of it
3. Behind the face it
4. On the face of it

53. Who proposed the idea of Constituent Assembly of India in 1934?

1. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

2. S.N. Mukherjee
3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
4. M.N. Roy

54. Which of the following is explicitly prescribed as a Directive Principle of State Policy under the
Constitution of India?

1. All of the these

2. Promotion of co-operative societies
3. Participation of workers in management of industries
4. Organisation of village panchayats

55. Which of the following rivers does not flaw into the Bay of Bengal?

1. Godavari
2. Periyar
3. Kaveri
4. Krishna

56. Which of the following smart cities has become the India’s first city to run on 100% Renewable Energy
during Daytime?

1. Chandigarh
2. Puducherri
3. Gwalior
4. Diu

57. Which of the following does not fall in the List I—Union List of the Seventh Schedule to Constitution of

1. Naval, military and air force works

2. Public health and sanitation
3. Sanctioning of cinematograph films for exhibition
4. Banking

58. Which of the following is not placed at Hague?

1. Permanent Court of Arbitration

2. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
3. International Court of Justice
4. International Criminal Court

59. Which of the following is not a Fundamental Duty under Article 51A of the Constitution of India?

1. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture

2. To safeguard public property and to abjure violence
3. To respect and propagate political values
4. To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for Freedom

60. Which of the following statement best explains the phrase ‘Devil’s Advocate’?

1. Expressing contentious opinion

2. Expressing discontentment
3. Arguing for the sake of argument
4. Arguing for the guilty

61. Which of the following fundamental right is not available to a foreigner in India?

1. Freedom of Speech and Expression

2. Right to Life and Liberty
3. Right to equality
4. Right against Ex post facto laws

62. In the following question, there is a certain relation between two given words on one side:
: Choose the suitable words to be put on the other side from the given alternatives.
Glutton: Willpower:: __________ : __________

1. Platoon: Squad
2. Charlatan: Hoax
3. Savant: Gumption
4. Coward: Courage

63. In the following question, there is a certain relation between two given words on one side:: Choose the
suitable word to be put on the other side from the given alternatives.
Inflexible: Limber:: Failure: __________
1. Achievement
2. Expunge
3. Trouble
4. Murmur

64. Find out which part of the sentence given below has an error: Demi has not completed her homework,
isn’t it?

1. Her homework
2. No fault
3. Isn’t it
4. Has not completed

65. Find out which part of the sentence given below has an error:
My Mother asked me that what I was doing.

1. That what I was doing

2. Asked me
3. My mother
4. No fault

66. Choose the correct inference:

People who are bald are generally happy. Asif is bald. Therefore, Asif is happy.

1. Can’t be determined
2. False
3. Probably true
4. True

67. Choose the correct inference:

The presence of calcium in milk makes it white. Egg is white. Therefore, egg also contains calcium:

2. Can’t be determined
4. Probably true

68. Choose the correct inference:

Identify the odd one out

1. Tree
2. Leaf
3. Branch
4. Stem

69. Choose the correct inference:

Identify the odd one out

1. RAM = 18113
2. SUA = 19201
3. HOP = 81516
4. MAP = 13115

70. Choose the correct collective noun: A ______ of ships

1. Army
2. Fleet
3. Belt
4. Pack

71. Choose the correct collective noun: A ________ of baboons.

1. Herd
2. Congress
3. Pack
4. Meeting

72. Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the given word: Abrogate

1. Revoke informally
2. Revoke formally
3. Accept informally
4. Accept formally

73. Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the given word: Extol

1. Glorify
2. Dishonour
3. Provoke
4. Announce

74. Choose the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks:

I have never seen _____ painting before.

1. as beautiful
2. So beautiful
3. Such a beautiful
4. Any beautiful

75. Choose the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks:

They ______ learning classical music next year

1. Will have been

2. Will be
3. Will
4. Will have to

76. Fill in the missing word: Insect: Disease:: War:________?

1. Army
2. Victory
3. Destruction
4. Weapon

77. Fill in the missing word: Distance : Metre :: Force :_________ ?

1. Dioptre
2. Joule
3. Watt
4. Newton

78. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence:

1. Chaitra 2. Falgun 3. Magh 4. Bhadrapad 5. Aashadh

1. 1, 2,5,4,3
2. 1, 2,3,4,5
3. 1, 3,4,2,5
4. 1, 5,4,3,2

79. Statements: In a one day cricket match, the total runs made by a team were 300. Out of these 240 runs
were made by bowlers.

I) The opening batsmen were bowlers.
II) 80% of the team consists of bowlers.

1. Both Conclusions I and II follow

2. Neither Conclusion I nor II follows
3. Only Conclusion II follows
4. Only Conclusion I follows

80. Complete the series: BAY, EDV, HGS, KJP, _____

1. NMQ
2. NMP
3. NMM
4. NMO

81. Complete the series: REF, SGH, ______, UKL

1. TIJ
2. VJT
3. MNT
4. VXZ

82. Complete the series: BCB, DED, FGF, HIH, ____

1. IJI
2. JHJ
3. JKJ
4. HJH
83. As per the XIV Finance Commission Report how much is the State Governments' share in taxes?

1. 42%
2. 40%
3. 41%
4. 44%

84. Complete the series: 53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27, ____

1. 12
2. 14
3. 53
4. 27

85. Complete the series: E64, _____, K16, N8, Q4

1. H32
2. G23
3. F32
4. J23

86. Complete the series:

70, 68, 66, 63, 61, 59, 56, 54, _______.

1. 52
2. 51
3. 50
4. 53

87. Complete the series: 192, 48, _____, 3

1. 11
2. 13
3. 12
4. 14

88. Apply the principle to the facts and choose the most appropriate option:

Principle 1: When a person voluntarily consents to infliction of some harm upon himself/herself, he/she
cannot complain for the harm suffered and his/her consent acts as a good defence against him/her.
Principle 2: The consent may be express or implied.

Facts: The plaintiff was a spectator at Formula One Car race. Despite due care by the organisers, there was
a collision between two cars during the race and one of the cars was thrown among the audience, gravely
injuring Hasan. Hasan was paralysed waist down due to this injury.


1. Organisers are liable to compensate Hasan as even though he agreed to take the risk of being injured, he did not
agree to be paralysed.
2. Organisers are liable to compensate Hasan as he did not expressly consent to being gravely injured.
3. Organisers are liable to compensate Hasan for the harm caused to him, as he did not voluntarily agree to be
gravely injured.
4. Organisers are not liable to compensate as Hasan impliedly took the risk of injury. The danger of car collision is
inherent in Formula 1 Car Race. The possibility of spectators being injured by such collision is foreseeable.

89. Apply the principle to the facts and choose the most appropriate option:

Principle: If the offeror has prescribed a particular mode or manner of acceptance, the acceptance must be
made in the prescribed manner only. In the event of the acceptor not following the prescribed mode of
acceptance, no valid contract comes into existence.

Facts: Arora Enterprises made an offer to buy desks from Bharucha Co. Ltd. According to the terms of the
contract, the acceptance was to be made thorugh e-mail. Bharucha Co. and Ltd. sent the acceptance through
post. Arora Enterprises received this letter but entered into contract with Abdulla Enterprises. Bharucha
Co. Ltd. sued Arora Enterprises for breach of contract.


1. Bharucha Co. Ltd can successfully sue Arora Enterprises as it has conveyed its acceptance and fulfilled essential
conditions required by contract.
2. Arora Enterprises can be sued as it entered into contract with Abdulla Enterprises after receiving the acceptance
of Bharucha Co. Ltd.
3. Arora Enterprises cannot be sued, as the acceptance was invalid.
4. The acceptance is valid as what is necessary is that the acceptance must reach the offeror.

90. Apply the principle to the facts and choose the most appropriate option:

Principle: A contract to do an act, which, after the contract is made becomes impossible is void when the act
becomes impossible.

Facts: Sheela owned a two storey building. She agreed to lease the property to Harleen for a period of 1 year
for a rent of fifty thousand rupees per month. The contract was signed by both the parties on April 30, 2015.
It was agreed that the lease period would start from May 5, 2015. On May 3, 2015, a massive fire broke out
and the building was completely destroyed.

1. The contract is void as the subject matter of the contract has ceased to exist.
2. The contract is void as the fire broke out two days before the start of the lease period.
3. The contract is valid as the performance of the contract does not depend on the existence of the subject matter of
contract, i.e. the building.
4. The contract is valid as it was already signed before the fire broke out.

91. Apply the principle to the facts and choose the most appropriate option:

Principle: Unreasonable interference with a person’s use or enjoyment of land constitutes nuisance.

Facts: A brick grinding machine was installed by Mihir adjoining the premises of George who was a medical
practitioner. The dust from the machine used to enter George’s medical chamber and cause inconvenience to
the patients.

1. George cannot sue Mihir for nuisance as every nuisance is not inconvenience.
2. George cannot sue Mihir for nuisance as Mihir has a right to use his property as he deems fit.
3. George cannot sue Mihir for nuisance as the use of land by George was not illegal.
4. George can sue Mihir for nuisance as the dust interfered with the physical comfort of George and his patients.

92. One who studies elections and trends in voting is known as:

1. Demagogue
2. Odontologist
3. Psephologist
4. Numismatic

93. Right to Property is a

1. Fundamental Right
2. Not recognized in India
3. None of these
4. Legal Right

94. ‘Operation Cactus’ recently in the news refers to

1. Indian army’s cross border strike in Myanmar

2. India’s nuclear project in Pokhran
3. India’s military intervention in Maldives in 1988
4. India’s Surgical Strikes on terror launch pads in PoK in 2016

95. Recently the UN General Assembly passed a resolution rejecting the Israeli claim of Jerusalem as its new
capital. Which among the following countries voted against the resolution to support the Israeli claim?

1. Guatemala
2. India
3. Cuba
4. Sri Lanka

96. Fundamental Duties were added in the Constitution of India on the recommendation of

1. Malimath Committee
2. Santhanam Committee
3. Sarkaria Committee
4. Swaran Singh Committee

97. Murugappa Gold Cup is related to which of the following sports?

1. Wrestling
2. Swimming
3. Kabaddi
4. Hockey

98. The President of India can be impeached on the ground of

1. Both Violation of the Constitution of India and Proved misbehavior or incapacity

2. Proved misbehavior or incapacity
3. Violation of the Constitution of India
4. None of these

99. The Vice-President of India may be removed from his office by

1. Resolution of the House of the People and duly approved by President.

2. Resolution of the Council of States and agreed to by the House of the People.
3. Resolution of the Council of States only.
4. The President of India upon the advice of the Council of Ministers.

100. Under the ‘Adopt a Heritage’ project, which corporate house has signed MoU to maintain historic site
“Red Fort”?

1. Larsen & Tourbo

2. Dalmia Bharat Ltd.
3. Tata Motors
4. Tata Consultancy Services

1 3 36 2 71 2
2 4 37 4 72 2
3 2 38 2 73 1
4 3 39 1 74 3
5 2 40 2 75 2
6 3 41 3 76 3
7 4 42 3 77 4
8 3 43 4 78 1
9 3 44 2 79 2
10 1 45 4 80 3
11 4 46 3 81 1
12 3 47 1 82 3
13 2 48 4 83 1
14 3 49 4 84 2
15 4 50 2 85 1
16 4 51 2 86 1
17 4 52 4 87 3
18 1 53 4 88 4
19 4 54 1 89 3
20 3 55 2 90 1
21 3 56 4 91 4
22 4 57 2 92 3
23 2 58 2 93 4
24 4 59 3 94 3
25 2 60 1 95 1
26 4 61 1 96 4
27 4 62 4 97 4
28 3 63 1 98 3
29 4 64 3 99 2
30 2 65 1 100 2
31 1 66 3
32 1 67 2
33 1 68 1
34 1 69 4
35 1 70 2

DU LL.B 2017
1. When was Article 21A (right to education) inserted in part of the constitution?

(a) 2000
(b) 2002
(c) 2003
(d) 2005

2. How many members the president can nominate to the Rajya Sabha ?

(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 14
(d) 16

3. Who decide on the issue whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not?

(a) President of India

(b) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(c) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(d) Finance Minister

4. What is Carbon Footprint ?

(a) A kind of fossil

(b) A measure to know the availability of petroleum product.
(c) Amount of carbon dioxide released into atmosphere
(d) Analysis to know the breathing problems.

5. Who amongst the following was not a Chief Justice of India?

(a) Justice P.N. Bhagwati

(b) Justice R.M. Lodha
(c) Justice Krishna Iyer
(d) Justice J.S. Verma

6. Who was the first leader of opposition on Lok Sabha?

(a) Jagjivan Ram

(b) Ram Suhag Singh
(c) Y.B. Chavan
(d) Sharad Pawar

7. When a convict is temporarily released from the person for a fixed period of time, it is called

(a) Parole
(b) Bail
(c) Discharge
(d) Acquittal
8. From the constitution of which country, the procedure for amendment of the constitution has been
borrowed by India?

(a) Constitution of France

(b) Constitution of United States
(c) Constitution of Germany
(d) Constitution of South Africa

9. How many language are there in the English Schedule of the constitution of India?

(a) 17
(b) 18
(c) 20
(d) 22

10. The Legislative Assembly of each states shall consists of

(a) Not more than five hundred fifty and not less than fifty members
(b) Not more than fifty hundred and not less than sixty members
(c) Not more than four hundred and not less than seventy members
(d) Not more than and not less than as many members as decided by parliament.

11. The “Collegium system” is

(a) A process to appoint judges in the High Court and the Supreme Court of India.
(b) A process to elect the speaker of the Lok Sabha
(c) A process to elect President and Vice- President of India.
(d) A process to elect Leader of the Opposition party in the Lok Sabha

12. Under the Prevention of children from Sexual Offence Act, 2012, child means

(a) Any child who had not completed 18 years of age

(b) A male child who has not completed 16 years of age and female child who has not completed 18 years of age.
(c) Any child who is not under guardianship
(d) Any person who has not attained level of maturity and behaves like a child

13. Which of the following statement is incorrect about Money Bill?

(a) On the question whether a Bill is money Bills or not, the decision of the president is final.
(b) A Bill is not to be deemed a money Bill by reason only that it provides for the imposition, abolition, remission,
alternation or regulation of many tax by any local authority or body.
(c) A money Bill shall not be introduced in a Legislative Council
(d) If the Legislative assembly does not accept any of the recommendations of the Legislative Council, the Money
Bill shall be deemed have been passed by both houses in the form in which it was passed by Legislative Assembly.

14. Who preside over joint sitting of both houses of parliament?

(a) President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(d) Speaker of Lok Sabha
15. “To provide free local aid to an accused” is covered under

(a) Directive Principles of state Policy

(b) Fundamental of the rights
(c) Discretion of the state
(d) Moral rights

16. In United States, the residuary power lies with

(a) States
(b) Federal Government
(c) States and federal government depending upon the subject matter as the constitution did not define it in clear
and cogent terms
(d) Local Government

17. Under which of the following provision of the constitution of India 1950, the Supreme Court may grant
special leave to appeal from any judgment, decree, determination, sentence or order?

(a) Article 131

(b) Article 134
(c) Article 136
(d) Article 143

18. Justice social, economic and political is

(a) A Directive Principle of states policy taken into account while making law
(b) An ideal enshrined in the preamble to the constitution of India
(c) Guaranteed by fundamental Rights in the constitution of India
(d) Guaranteed by Supreme Court though its writ jurisdiction

19. Which of the following amendments amended the preamble to the constitution of India 1950?
(a) 42nd Amendment
(b) 43rd Amendment
(c) 44th Amendment
(d) 24th Amendment

20. Which among the following writs literally means “what is your authority”?

(a) Mandamus
(b) Quo Warranto
(c) Certiorari
(d) Habeas Corpus
21. When was the first world Tsunami Awareness Day observed across the world?

(a) 5 November, 2016

(b) 1 January, 2017
(c) 15 March, 2016
(d) 13 April, 2017

22. Mr. Donald Trump is ______President of United States.

(a) 53rd
(b) 45th
(c) 65th
(d) 39th

23. Who is the first Indian – American named as US Ambassador to the United Nations?

(a) Seema Verma

(b) Preeta Bansal
(c) Nikki Haley
(d) Preet Baharara

24. Where was worlds’s first hydrogen – powered and zero – emission passenger train named Coradia ilint
unveiled in November, 2016?

(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) Netherlands
(d) Japan

25. Who was women’s Hockey champions Trophy 2016 which was has in Singapore?

(a) Spain
(b) India
(c) Pakistan
(d) Australia

26. When was demonetization of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 notes announced by primeminister of India?

(a) 6 November, 2016

(b) 7 November, 2016
(c) 8 November,2016
(d) 9 November, 2016

27. Find out the in correct match: Group A Group B

(a) Tim cook - Apple

(b) Sundar Pichai - Google
(c) Kinal Bhai and Binny Bansal - Snapdeal
(d) Brian Acton - Amazon

28. In February – March 2017, Vidhan Sabha election were conducted in five states. Which were these
(a) U.P., Uttrakhand, Tripura, Goa, Punjab
(b) U.P., Uttrakhand, Manipur, Puducherry, Punjab
(c) U.P., Uttrakhand, Manipur, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab
(d) U.P., Uttrakhand, Manipur, Goa, Punjab

29. Who among the following was the Chief Guest at the 15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention held at
Bengaluru on 8th January, 2017?

(a) Antonio Costal

(b) Kailash Purryag
(c) Mahendra Pal Chaudhry
(d) Dilma Rousseff

30. With which of the following, India is actively involved to sell its indigenous developed surface –to-air
missile system?

(a) Japan
(b) Mauritius
(c) Vietnam
(d) Mongolia

31. Who won Malaysia Master Grand Prix Gold Title in January, 2017?

(a) PV Sindhu
(b) Pompawee Chochuwong
(c) Saina Nebwal
(d) Carolina Marin

32. YAHOO was proposed to be renamed as


33. How many teams will participate in FIFA world Cup in 2018?

(a) 32
(b) 36
(c) 42
(d) 48

34. Recently, the Prime Minister of India has announced that pregnant women in 650 districts will get____
directly in bank accounts to money medical expenses, etc.

(a) Rs. 10.000

(b) Rs. 7,000
(c) Rs. 6,000
(d) Rs. 5,000

35. According to world Bank, India’s 2016-17 economic growth estimate was……..

(a) 6.8%
(b) 7%
(c) 7.6%
(d) 8.2%

36. Recently, who amongst the following has taken over as the chairman of the united Nation Board of

(a) Vinod Rai

(b) Reghuram Rajan
(c) Anthony Lake
(d) Shashi Kant Sharma

37. What was the most common password in 2016 throughout the world?

(a) 123456
(b) 654321
(c) abcdefg
(d) abc123

38. Zaira Wasim, who was in limelight recently, is

(a) A close associate of Malala Yousafzai

(b) A Renowned human rights activist
(c) An Actress in Hindi movie Dangal
(d) A Brand Ambassador of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao programme

39. Who is the present Chairman of Tata Sons?

(a) Ratan Tata

(b) Cyrus Mistry
(c) Rajesh Gopinath
(d) Natarajan Chandrasekaran

40. The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus recently announced that it will end its circus Show,
which stared around 150 years back. To which country do they belong?

(a) United Kingdom

(b) United States
(c) Netherlands
(d) Denmark

41. The last man to walk on moon died in January, 2017. Who was had

(a) Neil Armstrong

(b) Buzz Aldrin
(c) Eugene Cernan
(d) James Irwin

42. In world economic Forum’s Inclusive Development Index in 2017, Indian ranked _________among 79
developing economics.

(a) 37th
(b) 60th
(c) 5th
(d) 28th

43. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain when India got Independences?

(a) Clement Atlee

(b) Sir Winston Churchill
(c) Sir Stafford Cripps
(d) Lord Mountbatten

44. Find out the in correct match: Group A Group B

(a) Hezbollah - Lebanon

(b) Al Shabab - Somalia
(c) Boko Haram - Rwanda
(d) Hamas - West bank and Gaza Strip

45. A robot journalist named Xiao Nan made its debut in a Chinese newspaper in January 2017 with a 300
character long article. In how much time a article was written by it?

(a) 1 second
(b) 5 second
(c) 60 second
(d) 90 second

46. The outgoing US President Barack Obama commuted the 35 year prison sentence of a whistleblawer
army officer who lacked state secrets to Wiki Leaks in 2010. What is his/her name?

(a) Anatoly Kucherena

(b) Edward Snowden
(c) Chelsea Manning
(d) Maria Haley

47. Currently who holds the record for fastest 50,100 and 150 runs in one day International cricket matches?

(a) Lance Klusener

(b) Chris Gayle
(c) Virat Kohli
(d) De Villiers

48. The Qinghai – Tibet railway in china is the highest railway in the world. Its highest point reaches an
altitude of

(a) 5072 meters

(b) 4763 meters
(c) 4087 meters
(d) 3965 meters

49. Which of the following states has recently declared a second capital?

(a) Maharashtra
(b) Jammu and Kashmir
(c) Uttrakhand
(d) Himachal Pradesh

50. When was the Union Budget presented this year?


(a) February 1
(b) February 28
(c) March 1
(d) March 15 Direction

(Question 51-59)
Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternative
Legislation is the prime source of law and consists in the declaration of legal rules by a competent authority.
A parliamentary legislature frames new law such a Act of parliament, and arnends or repeals old laws.
Legislature delegate law-making power bodies. Delegated legislation may open to challenge for irregularity
of process; and the legislature usually the right to withdraw delegated power if it sees fit. Most legislatures
has their power restricted by the nation’s constitution, and montesquieu’s there of the separation of power
typically restricts a legislate powers legislation. Although the legislature has the power to legislate, it is the
court who have the power to interpret statutes. Similarly although parliament have the power to legislate, it
is usually the executive who decides on legislative programme. Judicial precedent is based on the doctrine of
decisis and mostly associated with jurisdictions based on the English common law but the concept has been
adopted in part by civil law system preced is the accumulated principle of law derived from centuries of
decision judgment passed by judges in important cases are recorded and been significant source of law. A
judicial precedent is a judgement or decision a court of law cited as an authority for deciding a similar state
of fact the same manner or an the same principle or by analogy . equity is the case law developed by the
court of chancery which is now defunct. Equity prevails over common law, but its application is
discretionary . equity’s main judicature reforms in the 1870s effected a procedural fusion of the two bodies
of law ending their institutional separation. The reforms did not effect any substantive fusion, however.
Judicial or academic reasoning which assumes the contrary has been described as a “fusion fallacy”. A
custom as a law is not written, but is a rule whereby if a practice can be shown to have existed for a very long
time, such as “since time immemorial”, it becomes a source of law.

51. The doctrine of store decisis is associated with

(a) Judicial precedent

(b) Delegated Legislation
(c) Customs
(d) Legislation

52. Who has the supreme power to interpret statutes?

(a) Parliament
(b) Court
(c) Legislature
(d) Executive

53. Judicial precedent is associated mainly with jurisdictions lased on

(a) Continental law

(b) Canon law
(c) English common law
(d) Civil law

54. To which of the following court, though now non-operational, does its origin?

(a) Curia Regis

(b) House of Lords
(c) Privy Council
(d) Court of Chancery

55. Who many delegate law-making powers to lawer bodies?

(a) Executive
(b) Judiciary
(c) Convention
(d) Legislature

56. A judgement of a court of law cited as an authority is useful for decision later case which has

(a) A fundamental similarity in the area of dispute

(b) A similar state of fact
(c) The same parties before the court
(d) Its origin in the same place

57. Which two areas of law were amalgamated in the later part of nineteen century?

(a) Equity and Custom

(b) Common law and equity
(c) Common law and civil law
(d) Civil law and equity

58. A practice which has been followed for a very long period of time becomes a source of law as

(a) Legislation
(b) Equity
(c) Precedent
(d) Custom

59. Probate is one of the contribution of

(a) Equity
(b) Common law
(c) Customary law
(d) Civil law

Direction (Question 60-61)

Choose the most appropriate option to replace the expression in the brackets:

60. Ramesh was a noble man who always feared law. He was arrested on (false and exaggerated) charges.

(a) Law – abiding

(b) Trumped-up
(c) Mistaken
(d) Free-and-clear

61. Risham never bothered about right and wrong in his life. He often teamed with others to do petty crimes.
He was charged with (disobeying the orders of the judge) when he was late for court.

(a) Disturbing the peace

(b) Contempt of court
(c) Contributory negligence
(d) Vicarious liability

Direction (Question 62-65):

Choose the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks:

62. A lyre was played in ancient Rome. The lyre is a________

(a) Stringed instrument in the harp classes

(b) Wind instrument in the wind class
(c) Percussion instrument in the leap class
(d) A combination of wind and percussion instruments

63. The president has a ______ of ______Around him where make public appearances.

(a) Catalyst, individuals

(b) Barrier, catalyst
(c) Hedge, protection
(d) Derrick, limits

64. _________ the green room now?

(a) Whos in
(b) Whose in
(c) Who’s in
(d) Whos’ in

65. The rumors were ______ and she welcomed the opportunity _____ them.

(a) Appealing, demystify

(b) Fabricated, demystify
(c) Fabricated, refute
(d) Pertinent, enjoy

Direction: (Question 66-67)

Choose the word that is most nearly in meaning to the given word.


(a) Calculable
(b) Movable
(c) Tenacity
(d) Fragility


(a) Movables
(b) Imaginable
(c) Ardent
(d) Skeptical

Direction: (Question 68-70)

In each of the following questions, there is a certain relation between two given words on one side of choose the
most suitable word/ words to be put on the other side from the given alternatives.
68. COPYRIGHT: BOOK::_________ : ________

(a) Tool: measurement

(b) Addendum: chapter
(c) Letter: alphabet
(d) Deed: property

69. SENTENCE: WORDS: _______ : _______

(a) Manuscript: editor

(b) Paragraph: punctuation
(c) Collage: paper strips
(d) Novel: index

70. Glade: ______ :: castle : most

(a) Greenish
(b) Woods
(c) Royalty
(d) Water

71. Pick the odd one out:

(a) Lake
(b) River
(c) Pond
(d) Ocean

72. Pick the odd one out:

(a) Lion
(b) Rabbit
(c) Dolphin
(d) Shark

73. Bhubaneswar is to Odisha as Kohima is to_________

(a) Meghalaya
(b) Nagaland
(c) Assam
(d) Sikkim

74. Kennel is to dog as stable is to _________

(a) Horse
(b) Bird
(c) Pig
(d) Buffalo

75. Fill in the missing number: 5, 11, _____, 47

(a) 24
(b) 25
(c) 27
(d) 23

76. If 7:21: x: 123, than x is equal to which of the following?

(a) 41
(b) 49
(c) 34
(d) 35

77. If COURT = 50 and POLICE = 60, than LAWYER =?

(a) 50
(b) 60
(c) 70
(d) 45

78. If AbzY: CdxW, than GhyU :_______?

(a) IjtS
(b) RsPq
(c) SrQp
(d) Hijk

Direction: (Question 79-83)

Study the following information to answer the questions given below: In a certain code negligence of child rights is
written as mi ki va se, education of child is written as ki de va, abusive environment of child is written as ya li ki
fo and effective environment of child as ki li re va.

79. What is the code for “child”?

(a) Va
(b) Ki
(c) Re
(d) Yu

80. What is the code for environment?

(a) li
(b) hi
(c) ki
(d) re

81. what is the code for education?

(a) ki
(b) hi
(c) va
(d) de

82. what does ki stand for?

(a) Of
(b) Negligence
(c) Environment
(d) Child

83. Which of the following may represent effective child education ?


(a) va li mi
(b) ki va li
(c) mi ki li
(d) re va de

84. On a certain day, clouds were observed in the sky. It rained later in the day. Which of the following
statement are correct?

(a) If the sky Is cloudy. It will rain?

(b) If the sky is cloudy, it is likely to rain.
(c) There is no connection between the two events.
(d) Insufficient information

85. In a measure to reduce accidents because of drunken driving, the traffic department created a campaign
to create awareness. Which of the following is a convincing argument in this context?

(a) Drunken driving increases the likelihood of accident as alcohol affects physical and mental efficiency.
(b) Drunken driving leads to death
(c) Drunken driving is uncivilized
(d) Drunken driving can damage your car.

86. Ram can do a work in 60 days and the same work sohan can finish in 40 days. If both of them work
together, then in how many days will the work be over?

(a) 24
(b) 32
(c) 50
(d) 100

87. Gita sold her watch to sita for Rs. 800 at a loss of 20%. The same watch was sold to Gita by Shakti at
20% loss. What is the actual price of watch?

(a) 1000
(b) 1250
(c) 1500
(d) 1700
88. A goods train is 800 meters long and it is running at a constant speed of 60 km/per hour. If it takes 120
seconds to pass a bridge, then calculate the length of the bridge?

(a) 1450
(b) 1200
(c) 1600
(d) 1800

89. A man bought 2 pens for Rs. 65. He sold one of them at a gain of 7% and other at a loss of 6%. On the
whole, he neither gained nor suffered loss. The cost of the pens was respectively:

(a) 35,30
(b) 32,33
(c) 33,32
(d) 30,35

90. The average age of 30 boys in a class is 15.2 years. If 15 more boys join the class, the average age of the
class is reduced by half a year. The average age of new comers is:
(a) 13.0 years
(b) 12.3 years
(c) 13.7 years
(d) 14.0 years

91. PRINCIPLE: whoever, by words, or by signs or otherwise brings or attractive to bring into hatred or contempt
or excites disaffection towards the Government established by law in India shall be punished with imprisonment for
is the law of on sedition.

FACTS: X made the following two statement at a public gathering. I. This is a government of scoundrels,
bootleggers, fools, and throw them out this time by voting against them. They don‟t to be in power. II. Kill all these
corrupts and rascals who are running this nation, whether they are leaders of the ruling party or the government
servants, come help me to clean this nation from these evils.

(a) X is not quilty of sedition for having made the statement (i) and (ii) as he was xercising his fundamental right of
freedom of speech and expression.
(b) X is quilty of sedition for having made the statement (i) and (ii).
(c) X is quilty of sedition for making statement (i) only.
(d) X is quilty of sedition for making statement (ii) only.

92. PRINCIPLE: An agreement is enforceable at law if parties competent to contract enter into it with free
consent, for consideration.

FACTS: An extraordinary intelligent and matured boy of 17 years enters into an agreement with a man to sell his
new iphone for a sum of Rs. 5,000. He accepts the money but later on changes his mind and refuses to deliver his
iphone. The man files a suit for a specific performance.

(a) The man will get the phone as it was a valid agreement
(b) The man will not succeed as the consideration was too law.
(c) The man will not succeed as the boy did not enter the agreement with free consent.
(d) The man will not succeed as the agreement was not valid.

93. PRINCIPLE: A master is liable for those acts of his servant which are committed in the course of employment.
FACTS: A travelling agency asked its driver to drop a customer at the Delhi University. After dropping the
customer, when he was returning back to the office of agency, he founf his girlfriend on the way who was waiting
for a bus to her residence which is one kilometre away from the office of agency. The driver offered her the lift. On
the way, the car met with an accident and the irl got severely injured. She now claims compensation from the

(a) The girl will succeed as the driver was driving in the course of employment.
(b) The girl will not succeed as the driver was not driving in the course of employment.
(c) The girl will not succeed on the basis of strict liability of the agency.
(d) The girl will not succeed as she took free lift from her boyfriend. She would rather be liable to pay the fare to
the agency and be prosecuted.

94. PRINCIPLE: when any person with an intention to cause damage to the public or to any person, causes
distribution of any property, he is said to human committed the offence of mischief.

FACTS: the workers of Ubzuki Mobiles went on strike for the payment of bonus to them. In order to force the
management to pay the bonus are of the workers, Mr. X threw a stone with full force and damaged the preming of
the company. Did X commit any offence?

(a) X committed the offence of mischief.
(b) As X was on strike with other workers to get their demands fulfilled he didn‟t commit any offence.
(c) X was right as the management was not fulfilling their legitimate demands and this was the only way to make
their voice heard.
(d) X didn‟t commit any offence, as the labour laws of Indian allaw the workers to get their legitimate demands
fulfilled from the management X is, therefore immune from any legal action.

95. When was the constitution of India adopted?

(a) 26 November, 1948

(b) 26 November, 1949
(c) 26 January, 1950
(d) 26 January, 1949

96. Which of the following articles of the constitution of India, 1950 prondes for the right to property?

(a) Article 31
(b) Article 43
(c) Article 31 A
(d) Article 300 A

97. According to Article 1 clause (1) of the constitution of India 1950, “India that is _______, shall be a
Union of states”.

(a) Bharat
(b) Hindustan
(c) Republic of India
(d) Democratic Republic of India

98. The President of India exercise his powers

(a) Through Vice- President

(b) Either directly or through officers subordinate to him
(c) Through Cabinet Minister
(d) Through Prime Minister

99. How can Governor of a State be removed?

(a) By President of India anytime.

(b) By impeachment by that state Legislature.
(c) By the Union Government at the request of the Chief Minister.
(d) By Supreme Court on a writ petition filed against the Governor.

100. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India 1950, provides that the law declared by
Supreme Court is binding on all courts?

(a) Article 32
(b) Article 141
(c) Article 129
(d) Article 37

1 B 36 D 71 B
2 B 37 A 72 B
3 B 38 C 73 B
4 C 39 D 74 A
5 C 40 B 75 D
6 B 41 C 76 A
7 A 42 B 77 B
8 D 43 A 78 A
9 D 44 C 79 A
10 D 45 A 80 A
11 A 46 C 81 D
12 A 47 D 82 A
13 A 48 A 83 D
14 D 49 D 84 B
15 A 50 A 85 A
16 A 51 A 86 A
17 C 52 B 87 B
18 B 53 C 88 B
19 A 54 D 89 D
20 B 55 D 90 C
21 A 56 B 91 D
22 B 57 B 92 D
23 C 58 D 93 B
24 A 59 A 94 A
25 B 60 B 95 B
26 C 61 B 96 D
27 C 62 A 97 A
28 D 63 C 98 B
29 A 64 C 99 A
30 C 65 C 100 B
31 C 66 C
32 B 67 D
33 A 68 D
34 C 69 C
35 B 70 B


The first Law Commission of independent India was set up under the Chairmanship of:

T. V. Venkatarama Aiyar
P. B. Gajendragadkar
M. C. Setalvad
K. V. K. Sundaram

"Amicus curiae" refers to:

Friend of the court

Amicable settlement out of court
Case pending in a court
None of the above

Who is CEO of NITIAayog in India?

Ashok Chawla
Amitabh Kant
Augustene Peter

The Members of the National Human Rights Commission are appointed by:

The President of India

Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission
The Chief Justice of India
The Prime Minister of India

Third Schedule to the Constitution of India deals with:

List of States and Union Territories

Panchayati Raj
Forms of Oaths or Affirmations

Protection from 'double jeopardy' means:

No person shall be prosecuted and compelled to be a witness in the same case

No person shall be sued for a civil wrong and prosecuted for an offence simultaneously.
No person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once.
No person shall be prosecuted for two offences simultaneously.

Which of the following statutes has been enacted for the protection of wild animals, birds
and plants?

Environment Protection Act

Forest Conservation Act
Wildlife Protection Act
Biological Diversity Act

Mahesh is an excellent swimmer, he finds Ramesh, child of 4 years of age drowning in the
river Yamuna. He could have saved the child by jumping into the river. But he did not do
so and Ramesh drowned and died. Mahesh is guilty of:

Culpable homicide not amounting to murder
Abetment to suicide
No offence

Mohit started from his office towards East. After covering a distance of 8 km he turned
towards left and covered a distance of 6 km. What is theshortest distance now from his

12 km
8 km
10 km
6 km

All the faces of a cube arc painted with red colour. Then it is cut into 125 small equal
cubes. How many small cubes will be formed having no face coloured?


||–, |–|, –||, ?

– –|

If 'rule' is written as 15 18 9 2, then how would 'evidence' be written?

(A) 312 21 32166 78

(B) 2 19 6 12 2 11 26 2
(C) 4 4 23 22 13 25
(D) 3 45 65 23 22 100

If MONARCH is written as OQPTTEJ, what is represented by MKPIFQO.


Pick the odd one out :


Pick the odd one out :

Advocate General
Attorney General
Solicitor General

Pick the odd one out :

Military Tank

Pradeep is shorter than Anu. Viraj is shorter than Pradeep. Sanam is the same height as
Pradeep. Who is the tallest?

Insufficient data

In the above question, later another boy Gambhir joins the group. Gambhir is 10.5 cm
taller than Viraj. Now who is the tallest?

Insufficient data

Fill in the missing number: 17, 19, 23, 29,..... ?


Fill in the missing number: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,..... , 21

(A) 21
(B) 8
(C) 11
(D) 13

What number will come next? 1/2, 1/4, 1/8,….


A man walked 20 km west, then 10 km North, and then 5 km West. Which one of the
following statements is true regarding his current location?

It is to the North West of his original location.

It is 35 km to the North West of his original location.
It is 25 km to the West of his original location.
It is 10 km to the North of his original location.

Directions (questions 23—25): Identify the choice that most appropriately completes the second
set so that it expresses the same relationship as the first set.

Kettle is to tea as Battery is to .


Tyre is to car as is to foot


Pride is to lion as school is to .


Directions (questions 26-28): Identify the essential part of the item given, that is, from the given
choices, select the part without which the given item cannot exist.

Violin :



Zoo :


A village on the Indo-Nepalese border was found to have been infiltrated by Maoists and
other radicals. While the central administration acknowledged the locals' support as the
reason for the difficulty in sanitizing the region, it still sent out three teams to do a study
before sending in a strike force: one was a fact-finding team of lawyers and sociologists,
another a surveillance team and the third, a logistics team. The investigators found out
that the locals were denied equality of law and justice, the surveillance and logistics teams
found out that there were excellent and foolproof opportunities season-wise to neutralize
the Maoists.

Which of the following statements do you find logical?

Sending in a strike force at the earliest would solve the problem forever.
Ensuring equality of law and justice to the villagers was a long term and inexpensive
Educating the villagers against the dangers of supporting the radicals would be a better
There is no need of any action, the problem would solve by itself.

A tourist was shopping in a foreign country. She wanted to buy silk scarfs. Using her guide
book for that country's language she found that :
Silk worm is cheechan; scarf is jee; and earth worm is mik chan. How would she say 'silk
scarf to the shop keeper?

Milk jee
Chee jee
Milk chan
None of the above

Directions : In the following questions (31-32), you must match definitions to situations. There is
one definition and four possible choices to each question. Select the choice that provides the most
appropriate example for the definition given in the question. Answer these questions based only
on the given definitions.
Violating an apartment lease. Definition: This occurs when the tenant does something that
is prohibited by the legal document that he/she signed with the landlord. Which of the
following is the most appropriate example of violating an apartment lease?

Tina has decided to move to another city, so she calls her landlord to tell him that she is not
interested in renewing her lease when it expires next month.
Manu writes to his landlord with complaints about the apartment he has rented for a year.
Vinod signed a legally binding document that requires him to pay a monthly rent for his
apartment and he has failed in this for the last three months.
Leroy feels that his landlord is not maintaining properly the apartment which he has rent.
He consults his attorney about the possible courses of action.
A Guarantee is an assurance about the quality of a product that is given (1) in writing by
the manufacturer, or (2) verbally by the person selling the product.Which is the most
appropriate example of a Guarantee?

The salesman advises Kamala to be sure to buy a vacuum cleaner with a guarantee.
Som buys digital camera from his colleague who promises to refund Som's money if the
camera does not perform as expected.
The auto reseller specializes in refurbishing and selling used cars.
Madhab purchases a refrigerator with the highest consumer ratings.

Find out the odd one from the given four states.


If '1 A B + C C A = 2 9 5', then the value of B is:


How many times will you write the digit 2, if you write all the numbers from 201 to 300?

(B) 119
(C) 131
(D) 20

Some groups of letters are given; three of them are alike in some manner, while one is
different. Find out the odd one out.


In a certain code SQUARE is written as 21 19 23 3 20 7 and CIRCLE is written as 5 11 20

5 14 7. How is RECTANGLE written in the same code?

(A) 20 5 3 20 1 14 9 14 7
(B) 20 7 5 22 316 9 14 7
(C) 20 7 3 22 1 16 7 14 7
(D) 20 7 5 20 314 7 14 7

3x + y = 19, and x + 3y = 1 Find the value of 2x + 2y.

(B) 168
(C) 158
(D) 48

Sharma family went out for a picnic and took three different types of sandwiches with
them. Vegetable, grilled and cheese sandwiches were made in a ratio of 5to 7 to 8. If a total
of 120 sandwiches were made, how many grilled sandwiches were made?

(B) 168
(C) 158
(D) 48

A pot contains exactly 12 liters of milk if milk is drained from the pot until it holds exactly
6 liters of milk less than the quantity drained away, how many liters of milk were drained

None of the above

It has been demonstrated by many surveys that students who attend school where
teacher/student ratio is law get the best quality education. As a result, when my children
are ready to attend school, I'll make sure that they attend a school with a very small
student population.Which of the following identifies the greatest flaw in the reasoning

Students should themselves take advantage of the law teacher/student ratio by choosing
small classes.
Basic intelligence should be considered the result of childhood environment, not school
In schools of large student population, bullying of weaker students is the norm.
A very small student population does not by itself, ensure a law teacher/ student ratio

Ramesh has fifteen years of typing experience; therefore, if you are looking for an efficient
typist to key in your data into the new system, you need look no further. The speaker
assumes that:

Ramesh will fit well into the new office environment

Fifteen years of practice ensures typing efficiency
Ramesh is a fast and accurate typist
Ramesh's job profile is the best that the new employer could probably get

The rate of violent crime in the state of Antigua is up 40 percent from last year. The fault
lies entirely in the judicial system: Recently the judges' sentences have been so lenient that
criminals can now do almost anything without fear of a long and assured prison term.The
argument above would be weakened if it were true that:

35 percent of the police in Antigua have been laid off in the last year due to budget cuts.
In a recent poll 70 percent of the population in Antigua opposes capital punishment.
90 percent of the other states in the country have in fact lawer crime rates than does this
White collar crime in Antigua has also increased by over 20 percent in the last year.
Complete the narration below:

Some scholars have suggested that long-term prisoners, on release from jail, be given a
reasonable state pension to reduce the likelihood of their resorting to crime. A section of
populace instinctively rejects this suggestion as it feels that it would be like rewarding
criminal activity. The supporters of the prisoners' pension scheme have criticized those
who reject this possibility, by claiming that for the critics .

Welfare of individual is also important

Emotion is more important than justice
Post sentence behaviour is not important
Punishment for criminals is more important than crime prevention

Directions for Questions 45-51 : Read the following passage carefully and choose the most
appropriate answer to each question out of the four alternatives given.

Thomas Edison was born in 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He was nicknamed "Al" at an early age. At
age 11, Edison moved to Michigan where he spent the remainder of his childhood. Thomas
Edison struggled at school, but learned to love reading and conducting experiments from his
mother who taught him at home. At age 15, Edison became a "tramp telegrapher", sending and
receiving messages via Morse code, an electronically-conveyed alphabet using different clicks for
each letter. In 1870, Edison moved to New York City and improved the stock ticker. He soon
formed his own company that manufactured the new stock tickers. He also began working on
the telegraph, and invented a version that could send four messages at once. Edison then moved
with his family to New Jersey where he started his famous laboratory. In 1877, Edison, with help
from "muckers", individuals from around the world looking to make fortunes in America,
invented the phonograph. The phonograph was a machine that recorded and played back
sounds. In 1878, Edison invented the light bulb as well as the power grid system, which could
generate electricity and deliver it to homes through a network of wires. He subsequently started
the Edison Electric Light Company in October of 1878. Edison continued to invent or improve
products and make significant contributions to x-ray technology, storage batteries and motion
pictures (movies). Edison was a prolific inventor, holding 1,093 US patents in his name, as well
as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.

As per the above paragraph, which of the following was the first accomplishment of
Thomas Edison?
Inventing tin foil
Inventing an improved stock ticker
Inventing the light bulb
Inventing an improved x-ray

A phonograph is most similar to :

A record player
A walkie-talkie
A television
A microphone
In which state did Thomas Edison not live?

New York

Which of the following describes Morse Code most appropriately?

A system of clicks that stand for current

A system of clicks that stand for letters
A system of clicks that stand for words
A system of clicks that stands for signals

Who is a "mucker"?

Someone from Thomas Edison's family

Someone from another country
Someone from another country hoping to make a fortune America
Someone from another country hoping to find a home in America

Which of the following is not included in Thomas Edison's inventions?

The first phonograph

The improved stock ticker
A power system that could deliver electricity to homes
The first storage battery

How many patents Edison registered worldwide?

(A) 1093
(B) More than 1093
(C) 957
(D) None of the above

Select the word closely related to platitude:

Trite remark
Concerned feeling
Disdainful attitude

Select the word closely related to buttress:


Direction: (Questions 54-58): Choose the most appropriate word(s) among the four given
alternatives to fill in the gap(s).

My mother asked me to demonstrate a of common sense tomake the right


Although leprosy is not a highly contagious disease, those who have contracted it have
always been pariahs and have been by others.


The film's hero, a pearl diver, naively expects that the purchasers will compete amongst
themselves to pay him the best price for his pearl, but instead they
to him.

After hours of acrimonious arguments the negotiations reached a(n)---------------------- ;

neither side was willing to compromise.


Punishment for transgressions of the law ceases to have a deterrent effect if the
punishment is frequently .


Directions (Questions 59-63): In the following questions four alternatives are given for the
idiom/phrase italicised and underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which most
appropriately expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

Professor Girl said, "We will have to "cover a lot of ground"in this course." What did he
mean by "cover a lot of ground"?

We have to skip a large part of syllabus

We have to complete a lot of material
We have to start from basics
We have to travel a lot

Ramesh said to me, you”have the floor." What does this mean?

You have practically won

You have full right to disagree
You have full permission to speak your mind now
You have tenancy rights over the property's floor

"Toplay second fiddle" means:

To support the role and view of another person

To act like a minor criminal
To deceive your superior
To play the second musical instrument

"Hanging fire" means:

Going to be sacrificed
going on slawly
Being hotly debated
Going to be burnt soon

"Go out on a limb"means:

Being at two places at the same time

Put oneself in an isolated or disadvantageous position
Going somewhere without being noticed
Fracturing one's own limb

Direction (Questions 64-70): Choose the most appropriate word that is nearly opposite in
meaning to the given word.

Create artificially


Archeological finding











Direction (Questions 71-75): In each of the following questions, there is a certain relation
between two given words on one side of:: .

Choose the suitable word/words to be put on the other side from the given alternatives.

Club: Golf:: :

Candid : Disingenuous
Racket : tennis
Author : book
Ball : soccer

Pliant: Rigid::

Petulant : Adulterated
Moist : Wet
Excessive : Overgrown
Crass : Refined

Arguing: Litigation:: Courting :


Plaintiff : Defendant :: :

Court : Law
Victim : Accused
Judge : Jury
Husband : Wife

Tax : Exemption ::

Crime : Punishment
Disease : Immunity
Trial : Forfeit
Fine : Money

Select the word most closely related to buttress:


Who won the T-20 Cricket World Cup for Women in 2016?

West Indies

On 23rd April 2016, death anniversary of William Shakespearewas



In which of the following States, President's Rule was imposed in 2016?

Arunachal Pradesh

With which of the following, the recent Panama Papers Leak controversy primarily

Money laundering and evasion of tax

Destabilize the political parties in several countries
To cheat on world Bank and IMF
To conduct terrorist attacks in many countries

When was Zika virus first isolated?

(A) 1947
(B) 1987
(C) 1996
(D) 2016

The term "Dirty Snowball" is related to

Space debris primarily from space crafts

Who is the author of "To Kill a Mockingbird"?

Chetan Bhagat
Harper Lee
Paulo Coelho
Agatha Christie

The 30th anniversary of which of the following disasters falls in 2016?

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

Bhopal Gas Disaster
Delhi Oleum Gas Disaster
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Where is the headquarters of European Union?


Which of the following is the incorrect match?

Group A Group B
(A) The Alchemist Paulo Coelho
(B) The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway
(C) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone J. K. Rowling
(D) Our Impossible Love Jeff Kinney

Who was the First Speaker of Lok Sabha?

SardarHukum Singh
Bali Ram Bhagat
G.V. Mavalankar
Sir Shadi Lai

Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

(A) Telephone Graham Bell

(B) Small Pox Vaccination Eduard Jenner
(C) Diesel Engine Carnot
(D) Ball Point John J. Loud

"SareJahan Se AchchhaHindostanHamara" was written by

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Ram Prasad Bismil
RabindraNath Tagore

"Sunny Days" is the autobiography of

Sachin Tendulkar
Sunil Gavaskar
Sunny Deol

"Silicon Valley of India" refers to


Who was the Chief Guest on the occasion of 67th Republic Day of India?

Barack Obama
Francois Hollande
Xi Jinping
David Cameron

Who among the following cricketers scored the fastest century in the Test matches?

Brendon McCullum
AB de Villiers
Chris Gayle
Virat Kohli

A referendum on whether United Kingdom should remain a member of the European

Union or leave it is to take place on .

(A) July 28, 2016

September 30, 2017
October 15, 2018
June 23, 2016

Who is Raul Castro?

President of Columbia
President of Peru
President of Cuba
President of Panama

Who is the present Prime Minister of Nepal?

Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli

Girija Prasad Koirala
Madhav Kumar Nepal
The total number of States in India is .

Who among the following won the Fields Medal in 2014 for his/her achievement in

Shakuntala Devi
Manjul Bhargava
Raghuram Raj an

Who among the following is the co-founder of the popular social networking site, Twitter?

Charles Babbage
Jack Dorsey
Bill Gates
Mark Zuckerberg

Who has recently been appointed as the Chairman of Banks Board Bureau (BBB)?

Vinod Rai
J.B. Rao
Upendra Kumar Sinha
K. Naranyanmuthy

The Indira Gandhi International Airport of New Delhi has been ranked atnumber
Position in 25-40 Million Passengers Per Annum (MPPA) category in
2015 in ASQ Survey.

The branch of medicine concerned with the study of cancer is


Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by:


The recommendations of Justice Lodha Committee primarily relates to

Reservation for the Jat people
Reform in the labour sector
Pathankot incident

Find the incorrect Match:

Group A Group B
MukulRohtagi Attorney General of India
Ravi Shankar Prasad Law Minister of India
H.L. Dattu Chairperson, NHRC
T.S. Thakur Chief Justice of India

Who among the following former Secretary Generals of the United Nations died in
February 2016?

Kofi Annan
U. Thant
Javier Perez de Cuellar
Boutros BoutrosGhali

Find the incorrect match :

Group A Group B
Neither Roses Nor Thorns H. R. Khanna
My Life: Law and Other Things M. C. Setalvad
Roses in December: an Autobiography M C Chagla
Before Memory Fades: an Autobiography V R Krishna Iyer

Who among the following was not the Chief Justice of India?

Justice P. Sathasivam
Justice AltamasKabir
Justice S.H. Kapadia
Justice M. Jagannadha Rao

When did World Trade Organisation (WTO) come into force?

January 1994
January 1995
January 1996
January 1998

How many nations are currently members of the United Nations?

(A) 191
(B) 192
(C) 193
(D) 194

The Supreme Court of India comprises the Chief Justice and otherJudges.


Who is the Chairperson of Law Commission of India?

Justice Cyriac Joseph

Justice B.S. Chauhan
Justice K.G. Balakrishnan
Justice S.H. Kapadia

Legal Principle: No person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same
offence more than once.

Facts: Suresh harasses his colleague Nimita in the office. Nimita makes a complaint
to her employer and also to the police station. Following the recommendations of the
departmental committee, the employer terminates the services of Suresh. The police
also arrested him and prosecution started. He defended that he cannot be punished
twice.Which of the following options is correct?

He cannot be prosecuted.
He can be prosecuted because departmental proceedings are different from
It is the sole discretion of the court to prosecute him or not to prosecute him as
he has already paid a price by losing his job.
The court has to prosecute only if the departmental committee has
recommended his prosecution.

Recently, Rahul Raj Singh, the boyfriend of TV actress Pratyusha Banerjee was
arrested for .

Her murder
Her suicide
Abetting her suicide
Her culpable homicide

Which of the following countries recently blocked Indian efforts to list Jaish-e-
Mohammed chief Masood Azhar as a terrorist at the UN sanction committee?

United Kingdom

Which of the following is not a subject matter of protection under the

Copyright Act, 1957?

Computer Programme
Industrial designs
Work of architecture
Film script

Which of the following is protectable under the Patent law?

All the above
G.R.L Under which of the following
statutes, the TirupathiLaddu has been protected?

Copyright Act, 1957

Trade Marks Act, 1999
The Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 2001
The Protection of Geographical Indications of Goods Act, 1999

The Directive Principles of State Policy are normally given effect by

Laws made by the Government

Judgments of the courts
Orders of executives
Doing nothing as effect has already been given by the Constitution itself

A writ by which the decision of the lawer court is quashed by High Court or
Supreme Court because it was based on irregular procedure is known as .

Quo Waranto

What is the meaning of Caveat Emptor?

Let the buyer beware

A legal action or trial
An offence in which arrest can be made without a warrant
The obligation of proving the case

The International Criminal Court does not have jurisdiction with respect to

Crime of genocide
Crimes against humanity
Crime of terrorism
Crime of aggression

Where is the Seat of International Court of Justice?

The Hague

The international humanitarian law relating to civilian persons in time of war was
codified in a comprehensive manner in

Geneva Convention
Hague Convention
Madrid Convention
Vienna Convention
G.R.L Remarks of a judge, which
are casual and are not directly relevant to the case at hand
are known as

Autrefois acquit
Ratio decidendi
Obiter dicta
Stare decisis

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Tort is a civil wrong.

Every civil wrong is not a tort.
In tort, normally liquidated damages are granted.
Law of tort is independent of criminal law.

Violation of a legal right without causing any harm, loss or damage to the
plaintiff is known as .

Injuria sine damno

Damnum sine injuria
Res ipsa loquitur
Qui facit per aliumfacit per se

In which of the following cases, the rule of strict liability was initially laid down?

Rylands v. Fletcher
M. C. Mehta v. Union of India
Pontingv. Noakes
Box v. Jubb

In which of the following circumstances, there shall be no vicarious liability?

Liability of the principal for the tort of his agent.

Liability of partners for each other's tort.
Liability of the master for the tort of his servant.
Liability of the teacher for the tort of his student.

Which of the following is not a defence in case of torts?

Volenti non jit injuria

Act of God
Non commercial motive
Statutory authority

Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to defamation?

Defamation is caused when a person causes injury to another person's reputation

without any lawful justification.
Defamation is a crime, not a tort.
Defamation may be caused by Libel or Slander or both.
Statements made under the defence of absolute privilege e.g. inParliamentary
proceedings are not actionable.

The territorial waters may extend upto .

12 nautical miles from the baseline of the coastal States

24 nautical miles from the baseline of the coastal States
50 nautical miles from the baseline of the coastal States
200 nautical miles from the baseline of the coastal States

A person who obtains money from other person at gun point commits the
offence of .


Who is presently an Indian Judge in the International Court of Justice?

Justice R.M. Lodha

Justice H.L. Dattu
Justice Dalvir Bhandari
Justice Nagendra Singh

The Fourth Schedule of Constitution of India Deals with .

Allocation of Seats in the Council of States

Allocation of Seats in the House of People
Forms of Oath or Affirmation

Who was the first Law Minster of independent India?

MaulanaAbulKalam Azad
K.N. Katju
B.R. Ambedkar
C. Rajagopalachari

Ordinance is promulgated by the:

Both (A) and (B)

may by law alter the name of any State.

Union Council of Ministers

G.R.L Parliament
Lok Sabha
Rajya Sabha

Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan, and Padma Shri are .

To be added as suffixes or prefixes to the names of the recipients
Both (A) and (C)

Narco analysis test without consent is .

permitted in all cases

within the discretion of the judge
within the discretion of investigating officer

The word 'secular' was added to the Preamble of the Constitution in the year .

(A) 1978
(B) 1976
(C) 1975
(D) 1979

Right to privacy is a .

Part of personal liberty

Right to be let alone
Fundamental right
All of the above

Uniform civil code is a

Directive Principle
Fundamental Duty
Fundamental Right
None of the above

Respect for national flag is a .

Fundamental Right
Directive Principle
Fundamental Duty
Fundamental Duty only for government functionaries

Reservation for women representation is introduced in _

G.R.L Parliament
Legislative assemblies
All of the above

Public health is an item in the .

State List
Union List
Concurrent List
None of the above

CAG is appointed by .

The Prime Minister of India

The President of India
The Parliament of India
Finance Minister

Writ of habeas corpus is a/an------------ --.

Constitutional remedy
Legislative remedy
Executive remedy
Quasi judicial remedy

Who presides over the joint session of Parliament?

Parliamentary Affairs Minister

The Prime Minister
The Speaker of Lok Sabha
The Vice President

Under the Constitution of India raising the level of nutrition of people has been
provided as a .

Fundamental Duty
Directive Principle
Duty of Medical Council of India
None of the above

Assertion (A): A void contract is not necessarily illegal.

Reason (R): Every illegal contract is void.

Both A and R arc individually true and R is the correct explanation of A

Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
A is true but R is false
A is false but R is true
G.R.L What is the duration of
'zero hour' in Lok Sabha?

Three hours
One hour

The rule of evidence which forbids a person from denying the truth of a
statement made earlier by him is known as .

Res judicata
Mcnaughten rule

The nature of relationship a doctor shares with his patient is .


The First Official Language Commission, as required under Article

344 of the Constitution, was constituted by the President in :

1950 with K.M. Munshi as its Chairman

1955 with B.G. Kher as its Chairman
1960 with M.C. Chhagla as its Chairman
1965 with HumayunKabir as its Chairman

Indian Evidence Act was drafted by:

James F. Stephen
Henry Summer Maine

A Dying Declaration is admissible .

Only in criminal proceedings

Only in civil proceedings
Both in civil and criminal proceedings
Only in quasi judicial proceedings

The Rule of absolute liability was first laid down in India in Union of India
which pertained to the .

Bhopal Gas Tragedy case

Oleum Gas Leak case
Uphaar Cinema Tragedy case
G.R.L Burning of school in
Tamil Nadu

Which of these is not correctly matched?

Blasphemy: Speaking Against God

Libel: Written Defamation
Slander: Spoken Defamation
Tort: liquidated damages

Assertion (A): The Indian Constitution was adopted on 26th November, 1949.
Reason (R): Law Day is celebrated in India on 26th November every year.
Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation ofA
Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
A is true but R is false
A is false but R is true

Who is known as father of international law?


The idea of Preamble to Constitution has been borrowed from?


Who can be appointed as a Director of a company?

Any juristic person

Only an individual
Any artificial person
All of the above

Which of the following is not an example of intellectual property?

Right on the contents of a book
Right on the logo of a company
Right on the manufacturing process of a drug
Right on the discovery of a plant species

An 'encumbrance' in legal parlance is a .

Charge on property
Gift of property
Right in rem
Right against perpetuity
Any two people, irrespective of their religion, caste, and creed can solemnize a
marriage, commonly known as civil marriage under:

Indian Christian Marriage Act

The Family Courts Act
Special Marriage Act
Hindu Marriage Act

Which one of the following Constitutional Amendments was based

on the recommendations of the Swaran Singh committee?

24th amendment
39th amendment
42nd amendment
44th amendment

Under the Indian constitution, certain payments like emoluments to the

President and judges of the Supreme Court do not require any parliament
sanction as such, but are nevertheless shown separately in the budget. These
are drawn from:

Contingency Fund
Consolidated Fund of India
Public accounts

"Directive principle of state policy is the conscience of the Constitution which

embody the social philosophy of the constitution" was said by:

Granville Austin
K.C. Wheare
A V Dicey
B.R. Ambedkar

Official languages of the United Nations include:

English, Chinese and Japanese

English, Russian and German
English, Persian and French
English, Russian and French

United Nations day is celebrated on:

24 October
26 January
25 August
25 December
G.R.L Trafficking in human beings
is in the Constitution ofIndia.

Permitted in certain circumstances only

Law of Torts deals with:

All of the above

Section 66A of the Information Technology Act was struck down by the Supreme
Court on the ground of violation of

Personal liberty
Y Free speech and expression
All ofthe above

The book "The Indian Constitution and Social Revolution: Right to

Property since Independence" was written by:

Soli Sorabjee
Krishna Ananth
D.D. Basu
None of the above

1 36 71 106 141
2 37 72 107 142
3 38 73 108 143
4 39 74 109 144
5 40 75 110 145
6 41 76 111 146
7 42 77 112 147
8 43 78 113 148
9 44 79 114 149
10 45 80 115 150
11 46 81 116 151
12 47 82 117 152
13 48 83 118 153
14 49 84 119 154
15 50 85 120 155
16 51 86 121 156
17 52 87 122 157
18 53 88 123 158
19 54 89 124 159
20 55 90 125 160
21 56 91 126 161
22 57 92 127 162
23 58 93 128 163
24 59 94 129 164
25 60 95 130 165
26 61 96 131 166
27 62 97 132 167
28 63 98 133 168
29 64 99 134 169
30 65 100 135 170
31 66 101 136 171
32 67 102 137 172
33 68 103 138 173
34 69 104 139 174
35 70 105 140 175
G.R.L 2015

The youngest recipient of the Bharat Ratna is

Sachin Tendulkar
Acharya Binoba Bhave
Br Ambedkar
JRD Tata

Typhoon Haiyan devasted parts of which Island nation recently

The Philippines
Sri Lanka

Which was the first country to abolish capital punishment

United states of America


The latest and the 29th state of India


What is the PH value of blood?

(a) 7.40
(b) 8.40
(c) 9.40
(d) 6.40

Planning commission has been scrapped and replaced by a new think tank called

National institution for transformation India ayog

National rural development commission
National commission for progress and development
National research and development commission
G.R.L In the epic Ramayana, which
bird tried to prevent Ravana from carrying Sita

Kak Bhashundi

Match the following with the time they are played

I. Raga Deepak Rainy-Season
I. Raga Malkauns Evening
I. Raga Bhairavi Morning
V. Raga Megha Midnight

Who was the first English writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature

Rudyard Kipling
Rabindranath Tagore
Orhan Pamuk
Sir Winston Churchill

What is the NASDAQ

World’s first electronic stock market

World’s largest shipping fleet
World’s highest postal office
Another name for new York Stock Exchange

One rupee note in India was issues by

Reserve bank of India

Union Government of India
Governor of reserve bank of India
Central bank of India

As per United Nations report, which 2 countries will lead global urban population
growth between 2010 and 2050

Nigeria and USA

India and China
Ukraine and Brazil
Pakistan and Bangladesh

Who wrote ‘Crusader or conspirator- Coalgate and other Truths’?

Vijay seshadri
P.C. Parakh
Sanjay Baru
R.K. Yadav

Which of the following works has not been authored by Nobel Laureate Gabriel
Garcia Marquez, who died recently

One hundred years of solitude

The autumn of the patriarch
Love in the time of Cholera
Life is what you make it

Identify the correct person

His epitaph reads, ‘good friend, for Jesus sake forbearer, to dig the dust enclosed
He died in Strafford-upon-Avon, UK
He was a literary genius and world famous playwright
He died in 1616

Who is he?
William Shakespeare
Christopher Caudwell
Samuel Coleridge
William Wordsworth

Which one of the following is not a world heritage site?

Red fort
Safdarjung Tomb
Qutub minar
Humayun’s Tomb
World’s highest post office is located in

Hikkim in Himachal Pradesh

Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh
Mussoorie in Uttrakhand

Shashi Tharoor’s book ‘the great Indian novel’ uses a plot of which epic/literary

Katha Sarita

Who is the present secretary general of the United Nations?

Boutros Boutros Ghali

Kofi Annan
Ban Ki moon
Javier Pervez de Cuellar

Which of the following is a land-locked country?

South Africa

Which of the following has child welfare as its primary goal


Which Hindi writer is known as Agyeya?

Sachchidananda Hirananda Vatsyayana

Phanishwar Nath Renu
None of the above

Who wrote the book ‘Asian Drama’

Graham Green
Garbriel Garcia Marquez
Gunnar Myrdal
Milan Kundera
G.R.L The countries which have
concluded Teesta Water sharing agreement are

China and India

Bhutan and India
India and Nepal
Bangladesh and India

Entomology is the science the studies

Behavior of human beings

The origin and history of technical and scientific terms
The formation of rocks

How many squares are in a chess board

Thirty six
Sixty four
Twenty four
Forty eight

The southern-most point of Indian Territory is

Indira point

The book ‘crime and punishment’ is written by

Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky
John K. Galbraith
Ovliver Goldsmith
Lewis carroll

The first Dada Saheb Phalke Award was won by

Devika Rani
Ashok kumar
Leela Chitnis
Dara Singh

Mauritius a country in Indian Ocean is located in the continent of

Directions: read the passage given below and answer the following questions:
Once upon a time, there was a royal elephant which used to reside in the premises of the
king’s place. The elephant was very dear to the king, so he was well-fed and well
treated. There was also a dog who lives near the elephant’s shed. He was very weak and
skinny. He was always fascinated by the smell of rich sweet rice being fed to the royal
elephant. One day, the dog could no longer resist the aroma of the rice and somehow
managed to sneak into the elephant’s shed. He ate the grains of sweet rice tat fell from
the elephant’s mouth. He liked the rice so much, that he started going there daily to eat
the rice. For days, the huge elephant didn’t notice the small dog as he was busy enjoying
the delicious food. Gradually, the dog grew gibber and stronger eating such rich food.
Finally the elephant noticed him and allawed him access to the food. The elephant
enjoyed the company of the dog and started sharing his food with him. They also started
spending time with each other and soon became good friends. They ate together, slept
together and played together. While playing, the elephant would hold the dog in his
trunk and swing him back and forth soon neither of them was happy without the other.
They became great friends and didn’t want to be separated from each other.
Then one day, a man saw the dog and asked the elephant-keeper, ‘I want to buy this dog.
What price do you want for it? The elephant keeper didn’t own the dog but sold it and
extracted a sum of money from this deal. The man took the dog to his home village,
G.R.L which was quite far away.
The king’s elephant became very sad after this incident. He
missed his friend a lot and started neglecting everything. He didn’t want to do anything
without his dear friend, so he stopped eating, drinking and even bathing. Finally, the
elephant-keeper reported this to the king; however he didn’t mention anything about the
dog. The king has a wise minister, who was known for his keen understanding of
animals. The king ordered the minister, ‘go to the elephant shed and find out the reason
for the elephant’s condition’. The intelligent minister went to the elephant shed and
found the elephant very sad. He examined the elephant and asked the elephant-keeper,
‘there is nothing wrong with this elephant’s body, then why does he look so sad? I think
this elephant is grief stricken, possibly due to the loss of a dear friend.
Do you know if this elephant shared a close friendship with anyone? Then elephant-
keeper said, ‘there was a dog who uses to eat, sleep and play with the elephant. He was
taken by a stranger three days ago’. The minister went back to the king and said, ‘your
majesty, in my opinion, the royal elephant is not sick, but he is lonesome without his
dear friend, the dog’. The king said, ‘you’re right friendship is one of the most
wonderful things of life. Do you know where that dog is?’ the minister replied,
‘elephant-keeper has informed me that a stranger took him away and he doesn’t know
his whereabouts’. The king asked, ‘how can we bring back my elephant’s friend and
make him happy again?’ the minister suggested, ‘ your majesty, make a declaration that
whoever has the dog that used to live at the royal elephant’s shed will be penalized’. The
king did the same and the man who had taken the dog, instantly turned him loose when
he heard the proclamation. As soon as he was freed, the dog ran back as fast as he court
to the elephant’s shed. The elephant was so delighted to see the dog that he picked his
friend up with his trunk and swung him back and forth. The dog wagged his tail, while
the elephant’s eyes sparkled with happiness. The king was content to see the elephant
happy once again and rewarded the minister for his wise judgement.
What was the minister’s diagnosis of the elephant’s condition
The elephant hated his keeper
The elephant was lonely
The elephant was starving
The elephant had hurt his leg and was in pain
What method did the minister suggest to the king to get back the dog
To declare that whoever had that particular dog would be punished
To keep a bowl of rice for the dog in the elephant’s shed so that he could be lured
back to the palace
To command the elephant keeper to look for the dog in the village
To persuade the elephant to call out to the dog
Why had the elephant become very sad
He no longer got his daily bowl of rice
He was unhappy with the king for having sold the dog
He missed his friend the dog
He was sold to an unknown man by his keeper
What did the elephant-keeper do to the dog
He sold the dog to an unknown man for a price
He hit the dog as the dog was eating the elephant’s food
He killed the dog
He complained to the king about the dog
Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage
Friends and enemies
The king and the minister
The elephant-keeper
The bond of friendship
Why was the elephant taken care of
He was a very loyal elephant
He was the strongest elephant in the kingdom
He was weak and the king had a lot of sympathy for him
None of these
Why did the dog start going to the elephant’s shed every day
He liked the elephant a lot and wanted to become friends with him
He was being fed by the king everyday
He was fond of the elephant’s shed
He liked the taste of the rice being fed to the elephant
What did the dog do once he was set free
He ate rice to his heart’s content
He thanked the king for his kindness
He ran away from the kingdom to a place faraway
He ran back to his friend the elephant
What of the following can definitely be said about the elephant keeper?
He was greedy
He was insensitive
He was brave
Only 1
Only 2
Only 1 and 2
Only 2 and 3
Seeing the elephant happy the king rewarded the
Owner of dog
A wife on legal separation from her husband May be entitled to
The body part between the neck and the abdomen is called
You currently have all the newest software programmes. The reason your computer
is running so slaw is that you have old . You may have to buy more physical
memory, perhaps, a bigger hard drive if you want your computer to run faster.
the new teacher loves poems and makes us .
Heartily learn them
Learn them heartily
Learn them by heart
Learning by heart them
The guerrillas attacked the village. Nobody was left alive. They all the
Direction: there are a certain relation between given words. From the gives
alternatives choose a pair depicting similar relationship
Whale: Mammal as
Oak: Tree
Coat: Tie
Flower: Leaf
Ant: Hill
Bee: Hive as
Dog: show
Rider: Bicycle
Cow: Barn
Horse: Carriage
Ornithologist: Birds as
Botanist: Animals
Archaeologist: Fishes
Zoologist: Animals
Anthropologist: Insects
Habits: Instincts as
Work: Play
Training: Heredity
Acquired: Cultivated
Birds: Animals
Give the meaning of Quid Pro Quo
Quit the job
Favourable opinion
Something in return
Polygot is someone who
Has more than one spouse
Drinks too much
Plays more than won spot
Speaks many languages
Only one of these words cannot be changed to another by changing – ‘full to – less’
e.g. hopeful to – hopeless. Which one is it
Direction: there is a certain relation between two given words on one side of sign.
One word is given on the other side of sign. Choose the suitable word to be put with
the given word from the following alternatives
arguing: Litigation: Courting

Aircraft: Air::Satellite:
Outer space
White: Peace::Red:
Ram purchased a mobile phone and sold it to shyam at 10% profit. Then shyam
sold it back to Ram at a loss of 10%. What is the outcome in the hands of Ram?
2% profit
1% profit
2% loss
1% loss
The ratio of ages of Ram and Gopal is 2:5 and the ration of the ages of Gopal and
Vishnu is 3:4. What would be the ration of the ages of Ram, Gopal and Vishnu
(a) 2:3:4
(b) 3:4:5
(c) 6:10:15
(d) 6:15:20
Suppose X is the husband of Y and W is the daughter of X. Again Z is the husband
of W and N is the daughter of Z. The relationship of N to Y is
Grand daughter
The sum of three numbers is 132. If the first number be twice the second and third
number be one-third of the first, then the second number is
Find the odd one from the following
Solar cell
Solar energy
Hydro power
Thermal energy
Find the odd one from the following

FGK is related to HIM as TIM is related to

Fill in the missing part 5, 11, , 47, 95
Fill in the missing part: 100, 48, 9
From the choices given, select the most critical components of a school
In a post-graduate class, 5 students have law degrees, 3 have engineering degrees,
and 2 have both law and engineering degrees. How many students are there in the


is to Yachat, as wing is to Airplane

as per recent world Bank report, which country has overtaken Japan to become the
world’s 3rd largest economy in terms of PPP (Purchasing power parity)
Shyam said. ‘This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother’. Who is shyam to
the girl
Sum of two different positive integers is 11 and the sum of their squares is 61. What
is the ration of these integers
(a) 1:2
(b) 5:2

(c) 5:6
(d) 3:2
Fifty persons can assembly 40 machines in 30 days. How long will 25 persons takes
to assemble 20 machines
15 days
25 days
30 days
45 days
Point out which entry does not form a class with the other entries in the following
Immovable property
Point out which entry does not form a class with the other entries in the following
Point out which entry does not form a class with the other entries in the following
Freedom of speech
Right to equality
Freedom of religion
Right to make contract
Statement: most of the students of Navodaya Vidyalaya are of outstanding merit. Mark
the most correct inference drawn
Some of the students are of outstanding merit
There is not student in the Vidyalaya who is not outstanding
There are some students in Navodaya Vidyalaya who are below outstanding merit
All student are of outstanding merit
In a certain code ‘na pa ka so’ means ‘birds fly very high, ‘ri so la pa’ means ‘birds
are very beautiful’ and ti me ka bo’ means ‘ the parrots could flys. Which of the
following is the code for ‘high’ in that language
If the digits in the number 86435192 are arranged in ascending order, what will be
the difference between the digits which are second from the right and fourth from
the left in the new arrangement?
Direction: Read the following data and use it for answering the question that follow

Four people A, B, C and D have together got ₹ 100 with them. ‘A’ and ‘B’ have got as
much money as C and D put together. ‘A’ has got more money than B. C has about half
as money as D has. A has ₹ 5 more than D
How much money does B have
(a) ₹ 11.66
(b) ₹13.50
(c) ₹ 32.30
(d) ₹10.30
Who has got the most money

Cannot be determined
Who has got the second biggest sum?

One number is twice the second number, second is twice the third number and the
third is twice the fourth. How many times is the first number of the fourth number
8 times
4 times
6 times
¼ times
‘picture’ is related to ‘see’ in the same way as ‘food’ is related to
Plato said ‘that government is the best government which governs least’. The
statements contradicts from which of the following options?
Good governance means no governance
An able Government legislates on every aspect of citizen’s life
A good governance is more liberal
A citizen enjoys only rights but not duties
If India written as 914491 then Delhi will be written
(a) 45389
(b) 451289
(c) 45489
(d) 451279
Raju is standing facing north. He goes 30 meter ahead and turns left and goes for 15
meter. Now he turns right and goes for meter, and finally turns to his right and
walks. In which direction is he heading
The Maxim ‘de minimus non curat lex’ means

Law would not take action in serious matter

Law would not take action on small and trifling matter
Law does not ignore any act which causes the slightest harm
Law would take action in small and trifling act
When a women is changing her clothes in a trial room, a captures the image through
hidden camera and uploads on internet. What offence is committed by A?
Sexual assault
The Supreme Court recognized, ‘transgender as third gender with all rights’ is in
the case of
NAZ foundation v. Govt. of NCT (Delhi)
NALSA v. Union of India
Baljit Sing v. state of Haryana
Vajresh Vankatray v. State of Karnataka
Which article deals with uniform civil code in constitution of India
The test of creamy layer in reservation policy in India is no applicable to
Both (a) and (b)
The first cyber police station whose jurisdiction covers all offences committed under
information technology act, 2000 was set up at
New Delhi
Precedent is binding and authoritative on later cases is based on the principle of law
known as
Judicial sanctity
Stare decisis
Status de manerio
Binding decision
The 39the constitutional amendment laid that election of any person to Lok Sabha
holding the office of Prime Minister cannot be challenged before a court of law, but
only before an authority established by parliament. This was declared
unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
Keshvandnda Bharti case
Maneka Gandhi case
Indira Gandhi v. Raj Narain case
None of the above
Lawyers are officers of the court and are constituted into an independent profession
under the

Constitution of India
Indian penal code
Civil procedure code
The advocate act
Supreme courts advisory jurisdiction is provided under of the constitution
Article 123
Article 124
Article 143
Article 226
Census takes place in India
Every 20 years
Every 10 years
Every 15 years
Every 5 years
The first law commission was established in India under the chairmanship of
Lord canning
Lord Macaulay
Lord William Bentick
Lord Dalhousie
The doctrine of basic structure about amendment of constitution was propounded
by the Supreme Court in
Sajjan sing case
Golak nath case
Kesvananda bharti case
A.K. Gopalan case
Which one of the following is covered in the intellectual property rights?
Art of driving of motor car
Ownership of a motor car
Invention of a new motor car
Possession of a motor car
The origin of fundamental rights in constitutional of India can be tracked to of
Indian national congress
Karachi session
Tripura session
Madras session
Nagpur session
Constitution day of India is celebrated on
26 October
26 November
26 January
15 August
The chairman of national human rights commission of India is
Justice K.G. Balakrishnan
Justice A.S. Anand
Justice Rajendra Babu
None of the above
International law consists of

A body of customary and conventional rules of law as well as general principles of

A body of conventional rules only
Is body of customary rules only
A body of general principles of law
President is the head of the union executive, such power has been given to him by
Special commission appointed from time to time for this purpose
Supreme Court of India
A colonel in Indian army is equal to in Indian navy.
Rear admiral
106. The prime responsibility of maintaining international peace and security is on the
Security Council consisting of 15 members, out of which 5 are permanent members
and 10 non permanent members. The non-permanent members of security council
are elected by general assembly for a term of
1 year
2 years
3 years
5 years
107. General election of Lok Sabha in India is normally held
Every 5 years
Every 6 years
Every 4 years
At the desire of president of India
108. When a person is prosecuted for committing a criminal offence, the burden of proof
is on
109. Acceptance of a proposal if done by email is
Valid after information technology act, 2000
Valid if proposal directs to send acceptance by email
Valid if acceptance is acted upon by the proposer
All the above are correct
110. Sex determination tests have been banned under
Pre-conception & pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques (prohibition of Sex selection)
SDT (Prohibition) act
Ultra-Sound control act
Medical Termination of Pregnancy act
111. Right to vote in India is based on the principle of
Restricted franchise
Hereditary privilege

Universal adult franchise

Educational qualification
112. If a person goes away secretly, or evades the jurisdiction of the court, he is \
113. The headquarters of world trade organization (WTO) is at
Geneva (Switzerland)
Washington D.C. (USA)
London (united kingdom)
Beijing (china)
114. The headquarters of world FAO (food and agriculture organization) is at
Geneva (Switzerland)
Rome (Italy)
Washington D.C. (USA)
Vienna (Austria)
115. Which organization is popularly called the ‘world Bank’
International monetary fund
International bank of reconstruction and development
International development agency
International finance corporation
116. Who was appointed first President of the national consumer dispute redressal
commission after the consumer protection act was passed in the year 1986
Justice balakrishna Eradi
Justice Rama Rao
Justice Krishna Iyer
Justice Balchandran
117. The united nations university (UNU) is at
Geneva (Switzerland)
The Hague (the Neitherlands)
Tokyo (Japan)
New Yark (USA)
A right available against world at large is
Right in personam
Right in rem
Right in pleno
Right in situ
119. An order of the court directing a person not to do something or refrain from doing a
particular thing is called
120. Election petitions are heard by
High courts and Supreme Court
Election tribunals
Election commission

Special courts
121. Who among the following is the guardian of the public purse
Public account committee
Comptroller and auditor-general
122. In India the case of ‘hung parliament’ occurs when
After a general election two major political parties get equal number of seats
After a general election no party or a formation of political parties gets an absolute
majority in Lok Sabha
After a general election every party claims to form a government
If refers to the results of elections to Rajya Sabha alone
123. The presence of one or more employees and/or other persons who are protesting an
action or labour dispute, for influencing employees or customers or visitors to
withhold the action, work or business is called
124. What is plea bargaining
A procedure by which a defendant/accused pleads guilty in exchange for a lesser
A conference between opposing lawyers to settle claim
A conference between opposing lawyers and judge to determine the time a case
should be heard
None of the above
A document issued by court, calling upon the person to whom it is directed to attend
before the judge
126. An act in excess of the authority conferred by law is
Intra vires
Ultra vires
127. Fourth estate refers to
Prime Minister’s estate
President’s estate
Supreme Court
Press and media
128. The book ‘roses in December’ has been written by an eminent jurist. He is
M. Hidayatullah
M.C. Chhagla
V. R. Krishna Iyer
A. S. Anand
129. The first woman Governor of India was

Padmaja Naidu
Sarojini Naidu
Vijayalaxmi Pandit
Sharada Mukherjee
130. The President of India nominates two Anglo Indians members to
Union executive
Council of states
Legislative assembly
House of people
131. Which officer of the government of India has the right to take part in the
proceedings of parliament of India even though he is not a member
Attorney-general of India
Comptroller and auditor-general
Election commissioner
132. It is the duty of the state of safeguard forests and wildlife under
Article 48 of constitution of India
Article 48A of constitution of India
Article 49 of constitution of India
Article 50 of constitution of India
133. Who among the following is the chief justice of India ?
Justice Altamas Kabir
Justice H.L. Dattu
Justice S.H. Kapadia
Justice Dalver Bhandari
134. Who among the following does not hold his/her office at the pleasure of the
President of India
Chairman of UPSC
Attorney-general of India
Speaker of Lok Sabha
Comptroller and auditor-general of India
135. In any event, whatever system of Government we May establish here it must fit in
with the temper of the people and be acceptable to them. It was said by
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Jawaharlal Nehru
D.D. Basu
Mahatma Gandhi
136. The concept of public interest litigation which became popular in India originated in
137. Total number of ministers including Prime Minister shall not exceed % of
the total number of members of Lok Sabha
(a) 10%
(b) 14%
(c) 15%

(d) 18%
138. Which state of India has a civil code which is common for all
Jammu and Kashmir
139. The present chairman of law commission of India is
Justice D K Jain
Justice P V Reddy
Justice M J Rao
Justice A P Shah
140. When the offices of both the President and vice-President of India are vacant, then
their functions will be discharged by
Prime Minister
Home minister
Chief justice of India
141. What is true with rights of private defence in criminal law
Private defence of property of self or any other person and private defence of body
of self or of any other person
Private defence of property and body of self
Private defence of body of self only
Private defence of property of self only
142. A Lok Adalat is different from other courts
Because its decisions cannot be challenged in any court of law
Because the system is developed by the judges
Because the parliamentary act guides it
None of the above
143. The general assembly of UNO is the
Supplemental organ of united nations
Main deliberative organ of united nations
Not an organ of the united nations
Specialized agency of united nations
144. Who is the chairman of press council of India?
Justice chandramauli k. Prasad
Justice K.T. Thomas
Justice A.K. Ganguly
Justice Markanday Katju
145. Under the contempt of courts act, 1971 the accused may be discharged or
punishment may be remitted on
Apology made to the satisfaction of court
Apology has no place in the act
Apology that reduces punishment
None of the above
146. Sati pratha was declared illegal in British India during the regime of
Lord Cornwallis
Lord William Bentinck
Lord Ripon

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

147. Legal principle: the violation of legal right without damage gives rise to tort
Factual situation: X runs a medical coaching centre and charges ₹ 2 lakhs per annum as
fee. Y started another medical coaching centre and started charging ₹ 1 lakh per annum
fee for competing with X. This act of Y compelled X to reduce his charge to such ₹ 1
Question: can X claim damages from Y?
Yes,. He can as Y violated his legal right
No, X has reduced the fee on his own
Yes, because as there was damages there was legal injury
No, because though there was damage but there was not legal injury
148. Legal principle: every agreement in restraint of marriage of any person is void
Factual situation: X entered into an agreement with a banker and deposited ₹ 5 lakhs
with the banker. The terms of the agreement provided that X’s son Y shall be the
beneficiary of the deposited amount only if he marries after he attains the age of 21
Question: is agreement between X and Banker void?
Yes, since the agreement is restraining the marriage of Y
Yes, because Y has right to marry only when he is eligible to cast his vote
No, agreement is valid and enforceable
None of the above
149. Legal principle: agreements, the meaning of which is not certain, or not capable of
being made certain, are void
Factual situation: A purchased cards for a certain price couple with a promise to give ₹
100 more to the seller if the cards are proved lucky
This is a valid agreement
This agreement is void for uncertainty because it is not possible to precisely
determine whether the cards brought good luck to A
The agreement is partially valid and partially void
The agreement is voidable
150. Legal principle: it is settled that ignorance of law is no excuse but ignorance of fact
May be excused.
Factual Situation: X a foreign national was carrying child pornographic material with
him and was apprehended when he reached India. It is an offence to possess child
pornographic material in India. X did not know this law
Question: can X be prosecuted in India
X cannot be prosecuted because he had actually no knowledge about the Indian law
X cannot be prosecuted because ignorance of fact is excusable
X can be prosecuted because ignorance of law is not excusable
It is always in the discretion of court to decide in cases involving foreigners
151. The law that protects authors of books or articles by giving exclusive rights is
known as
Copyright law
Patent law
Trade mark law
Design law
152. Where has been established High Court for the state of Uttaranchal

Pauri Garwal
153. According to the amendment in negotiable instruments act, the physical cheque is
no more required to be sent to drawee bank because
Of difficulty in sending cheques to paying branch
Cheque in the electronic form is sent to paying bank
Difficulties caused by loss of physical cheque
Law permits truncation of cheques by sending electronic image of cheque to the
paying bank in electronic form.
154. Persona non grata’ means
An unwelcome person
Personal favour which is illegal
Prisoners of war
Person not eligible for subsidies or grants
155. Legal principles: legal aid is a right and not a charity
Factual situation: a person facing a criminal charge in a criminal trial pleads that he is
unable to engage an advocate for reason of poverty and that he should be provided with
a lawyer at state expenses to defend him. Decide
State is bound to provide him a lawyer as it is a matter of his right
State May refuse to pay the expenses of lawyer to a criminal
State May deny on the ground of unavailability of lawyer or lack of finance
State May provide him a lawyer on the condition that he will return to the
government the fee payable to the advocate within a reasonable period
156. Legal principles: A contingent contract is a contract to do or not to do something, if
some event, collateral to such contract, does or does not happen.
Factual situation: A agrees to pay B a sum of ₹ 15 lakhs if B marries C latest by31st
March 201`5. Due to unavailability of marriage hall, B could marry C on 7th April 2015.
B claims ₹ 15 lakhs from A
B can successfully claim ₹ 15 lakhs from A
B cannot claim ₹ 15 lakhs from A as B married C after the prescribed date
C cannot only claim ₹ 15 lakhs but also special damages from A for having married
B can claim ₹ 15 lakhs form A only when C also joins B in the claim
157. Legal principle: Acts doe by children below 12 years of age are not offences if they are
not mature enough to understand the nature and consequences of the acts.
Factual situation: Sahil, a child of 10 years of age, finds a gold coin in his uncle’s
home. He gives the coin to his sister Rachna who is eight years old. The uncle reports
the matter to the police. The police conduct a search. During the investigation the police
find the gold coin kept in the toys of Rachna. Rachna tells the police that Sahil had given
the coin to her
Sahil is guilty of theft
Rachna is guilty of theft
Both Sahil and Rachna are guilty of theft
Neither Sahil nor Rachna is guilty of theft
158. For which among the following posts there is no provision in constitution of India?
Deputy speaker
Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

159. Income tax in India is
1. Indirect tax
2. Progressive tax
3. Direct tax
4. Proportional tax
1 and 2
1 and 4
2 and 3
3 and 4
160. Who among the following became the first Indian member of the British
C. Rajagopalachari
Vijayalaxmi Pandit
Dadabhai Naoroji
Maulana Azad
161. Both the President and the governors i n In d i a have power to promulgate
ordinances. The statements is
Only if the concerned parliament and legislature is not a session
Depends on circumstances
162. Which amongst the following international organizations deals with refugees
163. The headquarters of European Parliament’s Secretariat is at
164. The 25 member NATO is based at
165. Evergreening of patents means
Granting patents to harmful products
Granting patents for 100 year
Patenting the forest products in perpetuity
Granting protection to improved inventions having no substantial significance
166. The first lady in India who became the chief minister of a state
Nandini satpathy
Sheela dikshit
Sucheta kripalani
J. Jayalalitha
167. Parliament can legislate on any subject in the state list
For the implementation of international treaties or agreements
If the Rajya Sabha declares by two-third majority resolution that it is expedient to do
so in national interest
If the legislatures of two or more states request it to do so for them
In all the above cases
168. Theft is an offence relating to
Movable property only
Immovable property only
Movable and immovable property only
Cash and ornaments only
169. A notification inviting tender for goods is
A promise
An invitation to make an offer
A proposal
None of these
170. In India, the ‘right to free education’ in constitution emanates from
Article 29 and 30
Article 14
Article 21A
Article 19





1 A 36 D 71 C 106 B 141 A
2 A 37 D 72 C 107 A 142 A
3 D 38 D 73 C 108 B 143 B
4 B 39 C 74 D 109 D 144 A
5 A 40 A 75 C 110 A 145 A
6 A 41 B 76 A 111 C 146 B
7 C 42 A 77 D 112 A 147 D
8 D 43 D 78 A 113 A 148 C
9 A 44 C 79 A 114 B 149 B
10 B 45 D 80 D 115 B 150 C
11 B 46 A 81 A 116 A 151 A
12 B 47 C 82 C 117 C 152 A
13 B 48 C 83 B 118 B 153 D
14 D 49 B 84 B 119 B 154 A
15 A 50 D 85 B 120 A 155 A
16 B 51 D 86 B 121 D 156 B
17 A 52 C 87 C 122 B 157 D
18 B 53 C 88 B 123 B 158 C
19 C 54 C 89 C 124 A 159 C
20 A 55 D 90 D 125 A 160 C
21 C 56 B 91 A 126 C 161 C
22 A 57 D 92 B 127 D 162 C
23 C 58 B 93 C 128 B 163 B
24 D 59 B 94 D 129 B 164 A
25 B 60 A 95 C 130 D 165 D
26 B 61 A 96 B 131 B 166 C
27 C 62 C 97 B 132 B 167 D
28 A 63 B 98 C 133 B 168 A
29 A 64 C 99 C 134 C 169 B
30 B 65 C 100 A 135 B 170 C
31 B 66 A 101 B 136 D 171 C
32 A 67 A 102 D 137 C 172 B
33 C 68 A 103 A 138 B 173 B
34 A 69 D 104 A 139 D 174 C
35 D 70 C 105 B 140 C 175 A
1. "Ignorance of the law excuses no man, not that all men know the law,
but because it is an excuse every man will plead." Who said these
John Wilson
John Selden
B.H. Brewster
2. "Justice must not only be done but also appear to be done, and may I
add, must be paid for being done." Who is the author of this
Henry Cecil
Francis Bacon
3. 'Ultra Vires’ is a term used for
A document corrupted by virus
An act beyond the authority of law
An act authorised by law
An illegal act
4. Who presides over joint sitting both Houses of Parliament?
Speaker of Lok Sabha
Chairman of Rajya Sabha
Prime Minister
5. A sentence of death by a lawer court
must be confirmed by High Court
must be confirmed by Supreme Court
is operational if no appeal is made to higher courts
must be confirmed by die President
6. In which of the following cases the Supreme Court held that "wife
under section 125 of Cr.P.C. includes divorced Muslim woman so long
as she has not remarried.
Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan
Veena v. State of Bihar
Veera Ibrahim v. State of Maharashtra
Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum
7. The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 was enacted under which
provision of the Constitution:
Article 21
Article 39
Article 39A
Article 49A
8. Constitution of India 94th Amendment, 2006 which amended Article
164 of Constitution deals with:
Number of ministers and their percentage in a State
Number of ministers and their percentage in Lok Sabha
Number of ministers and their percentage in Rajya Sabha
Number of ministers and their percentage in Council of States
9. What does WIPO deal with?
International Post and Telegraph
International Refugees

Intellectual Property Rights

International Educational, Scientific and Cultural matters
10. Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Organisation
consists of:
50 members
51 members
52 members
54 members
11. The secretary-General is the chief administrative officer of the UN. He
is elected by:
General Assembly
General Assembly on recommendation of the Security Council
General Assembly by 2/3rds majority
None of the above
12. In Law of Torts:
Intention is necessary
Intention is irrelevant
Intention is relevant only in some torts
None of the above
13. Sometimes a person himself does not commit an offence. He helps or
aids another person. He is then guilty of ..............
14. The first federal court was established in Delhi in December 1937
and it sat till:
Indian Independence on 15m August, 1947
Supreme Court was set up on 28th January, 1950
Republic Day on 26th January, 1950
Adoptio of Constitution on 26 November, 1949
15. Parliament of India consists of:
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Speaker and Deputy Speaker
President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Union Ministry
16. The disobedience of any judgment, order, etc, of a court amounts
Contempt of Court
None of these
17. A written statement of a person by whom it is voluntarily signed and
sworn to is called:
18. The Headquarters of International Labour Organisation is at
Geneva (Switzerland)
Rome (Italy)
Washington D.C. (USA)
Vienna (Austria)

19. The Headquarters of IMF is at

Geneva (Switzerland)
Rome (Italy)
Washington D.C. (USA)
Vienna (Austria)
20. Who among the following in India is the Chairman of its Planning
Finance Minister
Prime Minister
Comptroller and Auditor-General
21. Who is the present President of the National Consumer Dispute
Redressal Commission under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986?
Justice Balakrishna Eradi
Justice Rama Rao
Justice Krishna Iyer
Justice D.K. Jain
22. A prerogative writ used to command a person or a public authority
who is detaining another in custody to produce that person before the
Habeas Corpus
Quo Warranto
23. The South Asian University is located at
New Delhi
24. A right available against world at large is
right in personam
right in rem
right in pleno
right in situ
25. The reprehensible practice of killing of new born children is called
26. Who said "Litigation is a game in which the Court is umpire"?
27. A writ by court, to some person or-body to compel it to perform
some public duty is
Quo Warranto
Habeas Corpus
28. The presence of one or more employees and/or other persons who are
protesting an action or labour dispute, for influencing employees or
customers or visitors to withhold the action, work or business is called

29. Law of contract is a
Public Law
Private Law
International Law
Conflict of Laws
30. Law can be broadly divided into two kinds. Procedural law which tells
us the procedure for obtaining justice and substantive law which
creates rights and duties
which supplements procedural law
which substantiates moral principles
which substantiates moral principles
issues directions to law enforcement agencies
31. Offence of breaking a divine idol is:
Salus Populi
32. Primary function of Finance Commission of India is to recommend
Distribution of revenue between Centre and State
Prepare annual Budget
Advise president on finance matters
Allocate fund to finance ministers of Union and States
33. By which Constitutional Amendment the voting age was reduced from
21 to 18 years
61st Amendment of1988
7th Amendment of 1956
42nd Amendment of 1976
54th Amendment of 1986
34. Assertion (A): The constitution of India provides for the appointment of a
Governor for a period of five years.
Reason (R): The governor holds office during the pleasure of the President.
Both (A) and (R) aretrue.
Both (A) and (R) are false.
(A) is true but (R) is false
(A) is false but (R) is true.
35. The present Chairperson of the National Human Rights commission of
India is
Justice AS.Anand
Justice P.N.Bhagwati
Justice K.G.Balakrishnan
Justice SwatantraKumar
36. Which of the following rights is a constitutional right and not
fundamental right?
right to freedom of expression
right to freedom of religion
right to property
right to move freely
37. Which of the following posts is by Convention always held by a
member of an opposition party?
DeputySpeaker of Lok Sabha

Chairman of Joint Select Committee

Chairman of Public AccountsCommittee
38. The word ‘State’ is definedunder Article -------of constitution of India.
Article 12
Article 13
Article 14
Article 18
39. Petitions to the Supreme Court of India under Article 32 of
Constitution are subject to the rule of 'Res Judicata', except petitions
Quo Warranto
Habeas Corpus
40. The Council of Ministers in India remains in office as long as it enjoys
the confidence of the
House of the People
Armed Forces
41. Which is the minimum age prescribed for marriage of a girl by
Prohibition of Child Marriages Act
21 years
17 years
15 years
18 years
42. Electoral disputes arising out of Presidential and Vice-Presidential
elections are settled by
Central Election Tribunal
Supreme Court of India
(c)Joint Committee of Parliament
(d) Election Commission of India
43. When an offer is accepted by other party, it becomes
44. The oldest High Court in India
Bombay High Court
Calcutta High Court
Madras High Court
Allahabad High Court
45. A Lok Adalat is different from other courts
Because its decisions cannot be challenged in any Court of Law
Because the system is developed by the judges
Because the Parliamentary Act guides it
None of die above
46. Agreement on Yrade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs),
forming the part of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Is intended
harmonise Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime in India
harmonise IPR regime internationally
harmonise IPR regime in Asia

harmonise IPR regime in Europe

47. The "Right to Information" (RTI) is a
Constitutional Right
Legal Right
Fundamental Right
Contractual Right
48. According to the amendment in Negotiable Instruments Act, the
physical cheque is no more required to besent to drawee bank because
of difficulty in sending cheques to paying branch
(b)cheque in the electronic form is sent to paying bank
difficulties caused by loss of physical cheque
law permits truncation of cheques by sending Electronic image of
cheque to the paying bank in electronic
49. Which of the following statutes was amended to give equal property
right to daughters in India?
Hindu Marriage Act
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act
Hindu Succession Act
(d)Transfer of Property Act
50. Right to Primary Education under Constitution of India falls under
Directive Principles of State Policy
Fundamental Rights
Civil Rights
Preamble of Constitution
51. Which Article of Constitution of India empowers the Supreme Court
to determine disputes between Union of India and its States and
between the States?
Article 141
Article 131
Article 356
Article 350
52. "Death sentence" in Criminal Punishment System in India is
Hanging of Convict
(b)Hanging of Convict till death
(c)Death of convict by firing
(d)Imprisonment upto death of convict
53. Article 370 of the Constitution of India deals with
Special provision for Delhi
Special provision for State of Jammu and Kashmir
Special provision for State of Gujarat
Special provision for State of Andhra Pradesh
54. Provisions relating to amendment of the Constitution of India are
contained in
Article 356
Article 370
Article 368
Article 375
55. The seat of International Criminal Court is at
The Hague
56. Both the President and the Governors in India have power to
promulgate Ordinances. The statement is

True only if the Parliament and concerned legislature is not in session
True only if the Parliament and concerned legislature is in session
57. INTERPOL is a190-nation Police Commission, established in 1923. Its
headquarters is at
58. Special Economic Zones in Indiameans
the places where industries get certain incentives and/or tax advantages
the places where industries can operate without any control
the places where in any person can start any industry
the places wherein die national labour laws do not apply
59. Uniform Civil Code is envisaged in------------- of the Constitution of India
Article 42
Article 43
Article 44
Article 45
60. The Directive Principles of State Policy areenshrined in............ of the Indian
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
61. Theft is an offence relating to
Movable Propertyonly
Immovable Propertyonly
Movable and Immovable Propertyonly
Cash and Ornamentsonly
62. The expression ‘Socialist’ was introduced in the Preamble of India by the
42nd Amendment
44th Amendment
46th Amendment
74th Amendment
63. A secretly planned and suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a
government by force Is
64. Ravi invited his business partner Rajesh and his family to his house for
dinner. Rajesh accepted the invitation but later did not turn up, nor"
did he give notice of his failure to attend the dinner. Thereupon, Ravi
filed a 5 lit against Rajesh for the price of non-consumed food, the wages
p aid to servants and a fee for the Ravi's time blocked for the dinner
and or the preparation thereof. Will he succeed?
Yes, because it was a business dinner.
Yes, because Rajesh agreed for dinner and caused loss to Ravi.
No, because Ravi could have called up Rajesh asking his confirmation
No, because it was an invitation to dinner and not a contract
65. Ramesh has had quarrels with his brother, Rajesh. Rajesh kidnapped
Ramesh's son, and then demanded that Ramesh give away one-half of
all his property in favour of Rajesh by way of a deed of gift, in return
for the child. Ramesh signs the deed of gift When Rajesh sought to

enforce the deed, Ramesh resisted. Would Ramesh succeed?

Yes, he can, because he signed the deed of gift under duress
Yes, he signed the deed because he wanted to save the child
No, Ramesh knew fully well what he was doing when he signed the deed
No, Ramesh could have gone to authorities for help
66. The president of India is administered oath of his office by
Prime Minister
Chief Justice of India
Speaker of Lok Sabha
Attorney-General of India
67. Sovereignty in India under the Constitution of India belongs to
The people
Supreme Court
68. In India the International Treaties are ratified by
Prirne Minister
Foreign Secretary
69. Legal .Principle: Acts done by children below 12 years of age are not
offences if they are not mature enough to understand the nature and
consequences of die acts.
Factual Situation: Sahil, a child of 10 years of age, finds a gold coin in his
uncle's home. He gives die coin to his sister Rachna who is eight years old.
The uncle reports die matter to die police. The police conducts a search.
During the investigation the police finds the gold coin kept in the toys of
Rachna. Rachna tells the police that Sahil had given the coin to her.
Sahil is guilty of theft
Rachna is guilty of theft
Both Sahil and Rachna are guilty of theft
Neither Sahil nor Rachna is guilty of theft
70. Who is the present Governor of Reserve Bank of India?
D. Subbarao
Pranab Mukherji
P. Chidambaram
Raghuram Rajan
71. The law that gives monopoly rights in relation to inventions is known
Copyright law
Patent law
Trade mark law
Design law
72. Acceptance of a proposal if done by e-mail is:
valid after Information Technology Act, 2000
valid if proposal directs to send acceptance by e-mail
valid if acceptance is acted upon by the proposer
All three (a), (b) and (c) are correct
73. Which of the States in north India have a Common High Court?
Punjab & Himachal Pradesh
J&K and Punjab
Haryana and Uttar Pradesh
Punjab and Haryana
74. Assertion (A): X, because of unsound state of mind and not knowing the
nature of the act, attacks Y, who is self defense and in order to ward off the
attack hits him thereby injuring him. Y has not committed an offence.

Reason (R): Y had a right of private defense against X under the Indian
Penal Code.
Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct
explanation, of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
75. Assertion (A): In the event of violation of any legal right (tort) the
aggrieved party is entitled to recover damages as determined by the court.
Reason (R): The object of awarding damages to the aggrieved party is to-
put him in the same position in which he would have been if the wrong
would not have been committed. Damages are therefore, assessed on that
Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation
of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
76. Legal Principle: Whoever by words, by signs or otherwise brings into
hatred or contempt or excites disaffection towards the Government
established by Law in India shall be punished with imprisonment for
Factual Situation: In a public meeting Z, the leader of an opposite party
tunders, "this is a Government of scoundrels, bootleggers and scamsters.
They deserve to be unseated. Teach them a lesson in the coming elections
by voting them out of power". The Government prosecutes Z for sedition.
Z is guilty of sedition for having made irresponsible and inflammatory
statements against the Government
Z is not guilty of sedition as he is only exercising his freedom of speech
in public
Z is guilty of sedition as his statement would incite people to violence
leading to breakdown of law and order
None of these
77. Schedule IX of Indian Constitution........
provides immunity to the laws listed in it
enables legislations to claim protection from attack under the
deals with protection to land reform legislation only
gave immunity to legislations listed in it but now they are liable to
judicial review
78. President is the head of the Union Executive, such power has been
given to him by
Constitution of India
Special Commission appointed from time to time for this purpose
Supreme Court of India
79. When a person is prosecuted for committing a criminal offence, the
burden of proof is on

80. Sex determination tests have been banned under
Pre-Conception & Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex
Selection) Act
SDT (Prohibition) Act
Ultra-sound Control Art
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
81. Election petitions are heard by
High Courts and Supreme Court
Election Tribunals
Election Commission
Special Courts
82. Which amongst the following international organizations deals with
83. Which among the following can impose reasonable restrictions on the
freedoms contained in Article 19 of the Constitution?
only Parliament
only Supreme Court
only Government of India
only High Court
84. A document issued by Court, calling upon the person to whom it is
directed to attend before the judge
85. What is plea bargaining?
A procedure by which a defendant pleads guilty in exchange for a lesser
A conference between opposing lawyers to settle claim
A conference between opposing lawyers and Judge to determine the time
a case should be heard
None of the above
86. The Principal Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal is at
New Delhi
87. What is the full form of the scanning technique known as CAT?
Complete Anatomical Trepanning
Computerized Automatic Therapy
Computerized Axial Tomography
Complete Axial Transmission
88. World Earth Day is celebrated on
14 February
22 April
11 May
11 July
89. Who invented the computer mouse?
Charles Babbage

Bill Gates
Douglas Engelbart
Narsimha Murthy
90. Where is the world's highest waterfall located?
United States
Sri Lanka
91. Which of the following is associated with Marx's economics?
Theories of Surplus Value
Essay on the Principle of Population
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Okishio's theorem
92. Which of the following is a credit rating company of India?
Standard and Poor
Moodys Investor Service
The Fitch's Company
93. Which of the following has been declared and enacted as a new offence
under IPC?
Acid attack
Mercy Killing
Honour Killing
94. In which of the following states, nuclear power plants are not located?
Karnataka and Gujarat
Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh
Rajasthan and Maharashtra
Punjab and Haryana
95. Which country will host the football World Cup 2014?
United Kingdom
96. 'Natya-Shastra', the main source of India's classical dances was written
Narad Muni
Bharat Muni
Abhinav Gupt
Tandu Muni
97. NASA has recently discovered a planet. The name of the planet is
Kepler 1861
98. Name the Italian Ambassador to India who gave an affidavit to Supreme
Court to the effect that the two Italian marines accused of killing two
Indian fishermen will come back to India after casting their votes in
Daniele Mancini
Massimiliano Lattore
Salvatore Girone
Giulio Terzi
Benedict XVI

John Paul II
Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio
100. Which two numbers together form 'binary language' used in
0 and 1
I and 2
0 and 9
I and 9
101. What is the full form of DNA?
Deoyribonucleic agent
Deoyribonuclear acid
Deoxyribonucleus acid
Deoxyribonucleic acid
102.Match the following:
My Experiment with Truth 1. Adolf Hitler
Mein Kamp 2. Fidel Castro
My Life-A Spoken 3. Anne frank
Autobiography 4. Mahatma Gandhi
The Diary of a Young Girl

(a) 2 3 4 1
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 4 1 3
(d) 2 4 3 1
103.Who is the founder of the popular social networking site? Twitter?
Charles Babbage
Jack Dorsey
Bill Gates
M. Zuckerberg
104. Suez Canal connects
Mediterranean sea and Red sea
Mediterranean sea and Black sea
Baltic sea and Redsea
Baltic sea and Black sea
105. Which Hindi writer is known by the name of "Nirala"?
Suryakant Tripathi
jaishankar Prasad
Sumitranandan Pant
Hazariprasad Dwivedi
106. The Book 'Courts and their Judgments’ was written by
Arun Shourie
Gakemdra Gadkar
S.H. Kapadia
107. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement was born out of
the efforts made by
John Ibrahim
Henry Truman
Henry Dunant
108. Which of the following is a
G.R.L permanent member of the Security Council?

109. India has largest deposits of --------- in the world.
110. How many Lok Sabha seats are allocated to state of Rajasthan?
111. Which scientist discovered the radioactive element radium?
Isaac Newton
Albert Einstein
Benjamin Franklin
Marie Curie
112. Pulitzer price is awarded for outstanding work in the field of:
Science and Technology
Environment Studies
Literature and Journalism
International Understanding
113. Who wrote the famous book—'We the people'?
Khushwant Singh
Nani Palkhivala
114. Who was the first Speaker of Lok Sabha?
M.A. Ayyangar
G.V. Mavalankar
Sardar Hukum Singh
Bali Ram Bhagat
115. The chief constituent of gobar gas is:
Direction for Questions 116-122: Read the passage given below and answer
One of South America's mysteries is Easter Island. Easter Island, also called
Rapa Nui and Asia de Pascua, 3,600 km (2,237 mi) west of Chile, is a volcanic
island with an interesting and partly unknown history. The island was named by
the Dutch explorer Jacob because he encountered it on Easter Sunday 1722. He
was the first European to find the island. The official name of the island, Asia de
Pascua, means Easter Island in Spanish. The island is famous because of the
approximately 887 huge statues which were found there. The statues consist of
heads and complete torsos, the largest of which weighs 84 tons! These
monuments, called May, were carved out of compressed volcanic ash, called
tuff, which was found at quarry at a place called Rano Raraku. Statues are still
being found. Some of the monuments were left only half-carved. Nobody knows
why Rano Raraku was abandoned. It is thought that the statues were carved by
the ancestors of the modern Polynesian inhabitants. But the purpose of the
statues and the reason they were abandoned remain mysteries.
116. Who named the island "Easter Island"?
An Indian explorer

A Dutch explorer
The original inhabitants
Rano Raraku
117. Who was Jacob Rovergreen?
A European who found die island
An explorer who named die island
A person who carved several statutes
Both (a) and (b) are correct
118. What are moist?
Ancestors of the current inhabitants
Quarries on die island
Statues on die island
Volcanic ashes
119. Why isn't the exact number of statues known?
The island is too big to explore
Statues are still being found
Some statues were taken away
None of the above
120. What are the statues made of?
Uncompressed volcanic ash
Sedimentary rocks
121. Why the quarry where the compressed volcanic ash was found abandoned?
Nobody knows about it
Because the quarry became empty
Because of a curse
Because of water logging
122. Rano Raraku is
The name of the Dutch explorer
The name of an Indian warrior
The name of the place in Easter Island
The name of a place in Vanuatu Islands
Directions: (Question Nos. 123 to 129) Select the correct meanings of the given
idioms and phrases out of the given options:
123. To bite one's lips
to feel sorry
to laugh at others
to be angry
to doubt
124. To mince words
to make matters difficult
to win over people
to be blunt
to talk in an indirect way
125. To die in harness
die while being active
die while in penury
die while fighting
die while in youth
bread and butter letter is
an appointment letter
a contract termination letter
(c)a letter to thank a host
(d) a request to get donation for a noble cause

127. As the crow flies

to wander in jungles
in a straight line
to protect environment
to travel to a foreign land
128. Cool as a cucumber
not nervous or emotional
caught cold
was happy
was scared
129. Ran in the same groove
promoted each other
clashed With each other .
moved in harmony
moved in different directions
130. What is the opposite of Progressive
131. What is not the opposite of Abet
132. What is the opposite of Sedate
133. What is the opposite of Lascivious
134. POLYGLOT—is someone who
has more than one spouse
drinks too much
(c)plays more than one sport
(d) Speaks many languages
135. RIPARIAN—relates to
river banks
(c)religious ‘belief
(d) hunting
136. EQUESTRIAN—relates to
water sports
137. The four sentences given below are jumbled constituent sentences of a
paragraph. Read each sentence carefully and then pick the option, in which
the sentences would form a best sequence,
This clearly indicates that the brains of men and women are organised
differently in the way they process speech,

Difference in the way men and women process language is of special

interest to brain researchers,
However, women are more likely than men to suffer asphyxia when the
front part of the brain is damaged,
It has been known that aphasia—a kind of speech disorder—ii more
common in men than in women when the left side of the brain is
damaged in an accident or after a stroke.
(a) (i). (i). (iv). (iii)
(b) (iv). (i). (iii). (ii)
(c) (iv). (iii). (i).(ii)
(d) (ii). (iv). (iii). (i)
138. Choose the grammatically correct sentence from the options giver below:
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in the factory, the factory
manager has enjoyed considerable support from they who had previously
challenged his leadership.
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in die factory, the factory
manager has enjoyed considerable support from them who had previously
challenged his leadership.
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in the factory, the factory
manager has enjoyed considerable support from he who had previously
challenged his leadership.
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in the factory, the factory
manager has enjoyed considerable support from those who had previously
challenged his leadership.
139. Select the nearly same meaning for the word—Horrendous
140. Select the nearly same meaning for the phrase—'A fir crack of the whip'
to go out for morning walk
to be routed
to get a fair chance
to get unexpected success
Directions: (Question Nos. 141 & 142) In each question, a word with its
contextual usage is provided. Pick the work from among the alternatives that
is the most appropriate substitute for the question word in the given context
and mark its number as your answer.
141. INUNDATE:The popular star had so many fans that his office was inundated
with calls and letters on his birthday.
142. IMPROMPTU: He has the gift of the gab even his impromptu speeches
receive thunderous applause.
143. If a person says, "All of our knowledge brings us closer to ignorance
he implies
The more we learn, the less we know.
(b)Too much knowledge leads to ignorance.

(c) The more we learn, die more we realize how little we know.
(d)Ignorance is the stepping stone to knowledge.
144. Choose the odd one out
145. Mr. Handsome was guilt/ of embezzlement. It means that Mr. Handsome
Did not pay his bills
Misappropriated the funds, money or assets he was entrusted with
Engaged in circulating black money in the economy
Misreported educational qualification
146.If the speed of a train is 92.4 kmph, how much distance would be covered
by it in 20 minutes?
30.800 meters
31,800 meters
32,200 meters
32,800 meters
147. An article is sold at a loss of 5%. If it is sold at Rs. 72 more, then there
would be a profit of 4%. What is the actual price of the article?

148. In a class of 90 students, 40 students take English only, 25 take Punjabi only
and 15 take no language. How many students take both the language?

None of the above
149. In a family, father is 5 years older than mother and mother's age now is
thrice the age of the daughter. The daughter is now 10 years old. What was
the age of the father when the daughter was born?
25 years
30 years
35 years
40 years
150. The average age of 5 members of a family is 20 years. The youngest member
of the family is 4 years old. Average age of all the members of the family
excluding the youngest member is:
151. The difference between two positive numbers is 10 and the ratio between
them is 5:3. The product of the two numbers is:
(a) 375
(b) 325
(c) 275
(d) 125
152. A man buys an article and sells it at a loss of 10%. Had he bought it for

20% less and sold it for Rs. 55 more, he would have made a profit of 40%. The
cost price of the article is:

153. The cost prices of two types of tea are Rs. 180 per kg. and Rs. 200
per kg respectively. On mixing them in die ratio of 5: 3, the mixture is
sold at Rs. 210 per kg. In the whole transaction, the grain percentage is:
(a) 10%
(b) 11%
(c) 20%
(d) 12%
154. If it is true that 'neither Rama is a brother of Krishna, nor is he a lecturer,
then which one of the following statements is true?
Rama is not a brother of Krishna, but he is a lecturer.
Rama is a brother of Krishna, but he is not a lecturer.
Rama is a brother of Krishna and he is a lecturer.
Rama is not a brother of Krishna and he is not a lecturer.
155. Who wrote the book India Wins Freedom
M. Hidayatulla
M.C. Chhagla
Abdul Kalam Azad
Fakruddin Ali Ahmed
156. Pointing to a photograph, a lady tells Ram, "I am the only daughter of this
lady and her son is your maternal uncle". How is the speaker related to
Ram's father?
None of the above
157. If Attack is codes "BUUBDL", How is peace coded?
158. The fathers of the students A, B, C, D and E have different professions i.e.
teaching, music, medicine, law and architecture. A's father is not an
architect but E's father is a singer. B's father teaches while C's father
practices medicine. D's father is not a lawyer. Whose father is a lawyer?
Directions: (Question Nos. 159 to 161) Read the following data and use it
for answering the questions that follows:
Six people A, B, C. D, E and F live in a six-storey building, each on one
floor. The following statements describe where they stay
(1) B lives on floor 6.
(2) A is equally far from C and E
(3) F is an engineer
(4) D is two floors above F
(5) C does not live next to an engineer

159. Which of the following is true?

C lives on floor 4.
A is exactly between D and F
E is on floor 5
B is on floor 5
160. If statement 5 above is disregarded, which floor does A stay on?

161. Which of the following is not true?

F is not next to C
C is between Q and D
E lives on floor 2
B is on floor 6
162. Introducing a man to her husband, a woman said, "His brother's father
is the only son of my grandfather. How is the woman related to this man
163. Each vowel of the word ADJECTIVE is substituted with the next letter of
the English alphabetical series, and each consonant is substituted with the
letter preceding it. How many vowels are present in the new
164. If' Apple' is called 'Orange', 'Orange' is called 'peach’, Peach is called
'Potato. 'Potato’ is called 'Banana’. 'Banana' is called 'Papaya’ and
'Papaya' is called 'Guava', which of the following grows underground?
165. On Monday I told my friend that I would start for Kolkata day after
tomorrow and reach there the day before the day that comes after the day
after tomorrow. On which day would I reach Kolkata?
166. Singing is to speaking as poetry is to
167. Mr. A meets Mr. B. B is the father of a son C and a daughter D. E is the
mother of A. C is married and has one son. E is the daughter-in law of B.
How is A related to B?

168. If a person’s standing at the sixth number in the queue from both ends the
total persons in the queue are:

169. The time by my watch is 1:30. If hour hand points towards the west, which
direction will minute hand point?
170. Clouds: Rain as
Wind: Hurricane
Thunder Lightning
Water H20
Sky. Universe
171. Make a meaningful word out of YOSILOCOG?
172. Coach : Sportsman:: ................. Arjun
Bhisham Pitamah
Yudhishthara .
Directions: (Question Nos. 173 to 175) Read die following data and use it
for answering the questions below:
Four people A, B, C and D have together got Rs. 100 with them. ‘A’ and ‘B’
have got as much money as C and D put together. A has got more money
than B. C has half as money as D has. A has Rs. 5 more than D.
173. Who has got the most money?

Cannot be determined
174. How much does B have?
(b) Rs. 13.50
(c) Rs. 32.30
(d) Rs.10.30
175. Who has got the second biggest sum?
DU LLB 2014

1 c 36 c 71 b 106 a 141 b
2 a 37 d 72 d 107 d 142 a
3 b 38 a 73 d 108 b 143 c
4 a 39 c 74 a 109 c 144 b
5 a 40 c 75 a 110 b 145 b
6 d 41 d 76 b 111 d 146 a
7 c 42 b 77 d 112 c 147 d
8 * 43 d 78 a 113 d 148 b
9 c 44 b 79 b 114 b 149 a
10 d 45 a 80 a 115 b 150 a
11 b 46 b 81 a 116 b 151 a
12 c 47 b 82 c 117 d 152 c
13 a 48 d 83 a 118 c 153 d
14 b 49 c 84 a 119 b 154 d
15 c 50 b 85 a 120 b 155 c
16 b 51 b 86 a 121 a 156 b
17 b 52 b 87 c 122 c 157 b
18 a 53 b 88 b 123 * 158 a
19 c 54 c 89 c 124 d 159 b
20 b 55 b 90 d 125 a 160 c
21 d 56 c 91 a 126 c 161 c
22 a 57 b 92 d 127 b 162 c
23 a 58 a 93 a 128 a 163 c
24 b 59 c 94 d 129 c 164 d
25 a 60 d 95 c 130 a 165 a
26 b 61 a 96 b 131 a 166 d
27 c 62 a 97 c 132 a 167 b
28 b 63 d 98 a 133 d 168 b
29 b 64 d 99 d 134 d 169 a
30 a 65 a 100 a 135 b 170 b
31 b 66 b 101 d 136 c 171 c
32 a 67 b 102 * 137 d 172 d
33 a 68 a 103 b 138 d 173 a
34 a 69 d 104 a 139 d 174 a
35 c 70 d 105 a 140 * 175 d
G.R.L 2013

Which of the following countries was hit by a massive earthquake, measuring 7.6
magnitude on the Richter scale, on 31st August 2012
Which State is famous for its bandhni, tie and dye technique?
Andhra Pradesh
On 16th May 2012 India declared to set up a $ 2 billion swap facility for member
Euro zone
Pranab Kumar Mukherjee, 76 was declared elected as…........ President of India on
22nd July 2012.
As per United Nations Report, which 2 countries will lead global urban population
growth between 2010 and 2050?
Nigeria and USA
India and China
Ukraine and Brazil
Pakistan and Bangladesh
What is an anagram?
The result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or
A geometrical shape with 'n' number of sides
A telegraph transmitted via analogous mode
A technique for constructing holograms
Metals that can be easily beaten into sheets are known as:
With which country does India share the longest border?
In which police station was the FIR relating to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
Parliament Street Police Station
Tuglaq Road Police Station
Daryaganj Police Station
None of the above
Who is the author of the book "A Judge's Miscellany"?
G.R.L Justice H.R. Khanna

Justice Dalveer Bhandari

Lord M.R. Dennings
Justice M. Hidayatullah
Where is the painting, Mona Lisa displayed?
Louvre. Paris
National Gallery of London
Luexembourg, Paris
Orsay, Paris
Munchausen Syndrome refers to:
A mental disorder in which the affected person fakes or exaggerates illness to gain
attention and treatment.
A condition in which the affected person is excessively worried or preoccupied abouL
having illness.
A disorder involving a fear of being negatively evaluated by others or being
embarrassed because of impulsive acts.
An eating disorder involving a compulsion to eat or avoid eating.
Which modern Indian historian has described the events of 1857 as "neither first nor
National nor War of Independence"?
V.D. Savarkar
Dadabhai Naoroji
R.C. Majumdar
S.N. Sen
Which Organization has won 2012 Noble Peace Prize?
European Union
Red Cross
Who among the following is the present Chief Information Commissioner, under
Right to Information Act, 2005.
Wajahat Habibullah
Satyanand Mishra
M.L. Sharma
Annapurna Dixit
First woman Prime Minister in the world was of:
Sri Lanka
Sunita Williams spent ………days in space
(a) 190
(b) 192
(c) 195
(d) 198
Who among the following players won Australian Open Men's SingleTitle2013?
Bob Bryan
Novak Dijkovic
Gisela Dulko
Daniel Nestor
Company showing apparent concern on environment by fake methods and shortcuts
to appear as environment friendly organizations is called
Green lighting
Moon lighting
Green washing
Rainbow warrior

According to 2011 census, which is the second most populous state in India?
West Bengal
Andhra Pradesh
Who among the following proposed the concept of Earth Hour?
Jim O'Neil
Theodore Levitt
Baruch Blumbers
Andy Ridley
Edward Roberts is associated with:
Global Warming
Nano Technology
Which of the following banks has celebrated platinum Jubilee in July 2012?
World Heritage committee declared which natural site in India as a World Heritage
site in July 2012?
The Nilgiris
The Aravali Ranges
Western ghats
Eastern ghats
Which country is provided huge grant to UNICEF to ensure India remains Polio
Shivnarine Chanderpaul secured place in the 10000 runs club in cricket in April 2012.
He belongs to
West Indies
Sri Lanka
As per agreement on 10 July 2012, the World Bank will extend additional credit of $
100 million to which Indian state, towards implementation of "Rural Livelihood"
project namely "Jeevika".
Andhra Pradesh
Finacle is a banking solutions software which was awarded, "Core Banking
Technology", provider of the year award in July 2012. Finacle is from which
software company?
With Parliament voting favorably in July 2012, Russia will be joining which world
organization soon?

The Principal Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal is at:
New Delhi
Directions: (Questions 31 -40) Read the passage given below and answer
Working overseas is always a challenge for any professional and if you are an
Indian, always strive to give your best as Indians have always been considered
intelligent, hardworking, talented and spiritual. Indians have always excelled in a
competitive working environment and working overseas was something many Indians
desired but few achieved till the information technology boom opened several white-
collar job opportunities for them in global markets. However, securing employment
abroad may be an achievement but retaining it, is quite a challenge as a professional
required constant demonstration of professionalism and exacting standards of
competence. Then, there is the challenge of working in an alien environment coupled
with numerous other variables like culture, people, work ethics, local regulations, etc.
that one is expected to cope up with to be successful on the job. Change, thus, becomes
inevitable as one moves into a new work environment and the best way to tackle
change is to be prepared for it, and adapt to it rapidly. Let us dwell on some key factors
that could be useful when adapting to a foreign environment.
Each country is a mix of cultural and social influences that make it unique.
Religious belief, way of speaking and behaviour, customs and traditions would all
come across as very different. Also, home sickness and loneliness, all aspects of life
and livelihood appear confusing, alien and difficult to comprehend. Privacy is highly
valued in most countries which tends to translate into loneliness for most expatriates.
One should experience the new culture and try different forms of entertainment and
make friends among people coming from different cultural backgrounds. When you
start work it is a good idea to be observant. Absorb as much as you can about systems
in the organization and adjust accordingly.
Must you speak the language of the country you are in? Yes. You should be at least
conversational. Co-workers want to speak their own language and will not be entirely
comfortable if they cannot understand you. Even within the same language English,
pronunciation can be a problem.
Westerners are particular about time so always make sure that you stick to time for
meetings, attending offices and even social gatherings. Superiors at work and seniors are
addressed by their first name. 'Sir' and Madam' are not much in vogue. Mix with a wide
variety of people Respect others' cultural background and keep clear of racist or sexist
remarks and beliefs. Adapt to the local culture and traditions and be aware of the local
favorites they are good social conversation breakers.
Layoffs may be a stigma in India since it is relatively unheard of in white-collar jobs
but the term 'job security' does not exist in developed world. Accept this as a part of the
work hazard and do not let it affect your performance. Keep updating skills and knowledge
constantly so that current skills are readily accepted in the job market, if you need to move
on. Cost of medical services can prove to the prohibitive. Opt for health insurance cover at
all time. If you travel a lot, consider travel and household insurance too. It is useful to be
registered with the nearest Indian mission so that you can be easily reached in case of an
An appropriate title for the passage is:
"Higher studies in foreign countries"
"The problems of getting a job abroad"
"Why Indian should not go abroad"
"How Indians can be successful in a foreign country"

While taking up a job in a foreign country, one should:

Be ready to face the change in culture
Be willing to try different varieties of food
Be conversational in the language of the country
All of the above
According to the passage, Indians have been successful overseas because:
India is a poor nation.
There is no job opportunity in India.
Indians are lazy in their own land.
Indians are considered intelligent, hardworking, talented and spiritual.
When you go meet Westerners, you must stick to time because:
Westerners are particular about time.
Westerners are busy people.
To show that Indians always stick to time.
None of the above.
'Job Security' does not exist in developed world. So you must be prepared to move on
Looking for jobs elsewhere.
Updating skills and knowledge.
Returning to India.
Feel miserable and fight with the management
In the early stages one tends to get lonely in a foreign country because:
Foreigners are hostile towards Indians.
Indians are not friendly people.
You are busy with your work.
Privacy is highly valued is most countries.
Health insurance is a must in a foreign land because:
Medical expenses are high.
You can fall ill very often.
You can save some money.
None of the above.
What are the challenges in retaining an employment abroad?
Professionalism, competence and working in an alien culture.
Cost of living and loneliness.
Lack of facilities in the offices.
Sexual harassment.
What is the main theme of the passage?
Job opportunities in foreign countries.
How you can enjoy a holiday abroad.
The importance of being an NRI.
Challenges for working overseas.
The best way to tackle change is:
by avoiding it.
be prepared for it and adapt to it rapidly.
by changing places.
All of the above.

Directions: (Question Nos. 41 & 42) Each question has a pair of capitalized words
followed by 4 pairs of words. Choose the pair of words that do-NOT express a
relationship similar to that expressed by the capitalized pair
G.R.L Battalion: soldiers

Congregation: temple
Crew: vessel
Crowd: thoroughfare
Mundane: exciting
Euphoric: Despondent
Muddled: Organised
Doleful: Sombre
Directions: (Question Nos. 43 & 44) Choose the correct option to fill the blanks.
I like to watch …….play badminton in my garden.
She practiced hard......... she could perform well.
So that
Identify the correct sentences from the options given below:
He has been giving alms to the poor since the last ten years.
He was giving alms to the poor for the last ten years.
He is giving alms to the poor for the last ten years.
He has been giving alms to the poor since 1999.
If a person says, "All of our knowledge brings us closer to ignorance",
he implies:
The more we learn, the less we know.
Too much knowledge leads to ignorance.
The more we learn the more we realize how little we know.
Ignorance is the stepping stone to knowledge.
Pugnacious is to fight as garrulous is to
Antonym for the word passionate is:
None of the above
Choose the correct answer.
Difference between empathy and sympathy is that
(i) In empathy focus is on feeling the same as someone else,
(ii) In sympathy focus is on both the feelings and expression of feelings.
(i) is correct
(ii) is correct
Both are correct
Both are incorrect
Choose the odd one out
Whale: Mammal
Salamander: Insect
Snake: Reptile
Frog : Amphibian
Choose the correct option.
i. My shoes are much better than that of yours,

ii. Rahul as well as his friends is going for the trip,

(i) is correct
(ii) is correct
Both are correct
Both are incorrect
Choose the odd one out
There seems to be no solution the food problem of many underdeveloped countries.
Make .............while the sun shines.
a fortune
A the Principal disciplined the rowdy schoolboys.
He a lie if he ever said that he liked you.
was telling
have been telling
would have told
would have been telling
the room, the door suddenly swung and hit her in the face.
on entering
as she entered
while entering
I must dispense your services.
Choose the most appropriate sentence from the following:
All the employees must report immediately to the concerned heads of the department
All the employees must report immediately to the heads of the departments concerned.
All the employees must report immediately to the concerned heads of the departments,
All the employees must report immediately to the heads of the department concerned.
Choose the word with the correct spelling.
Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the word SHREWD.

Which word is the opposite of "Hypothesize"?
Concurrence means all of the following except:
Radical is related to Moderate in the same way as Revolution is related to:
If a person makes a statement "I never speak the truth". The person can be said to
be................................. (Choose the appropriate words to fill in the blank).
Lying as well as speaking the truth
Making a logically contradictory statement
Partially speaking the truth and partially lying
The HCF and the LCM of two numbers are equal. What can be said about the
They are prime
They are co-primes but not primes
They are equal
None of these
Ashok got 30% of the maximum marks in an exam and failed by 10 marks. Bala got
40% of maximum marks in it and got 10 marks more than the pass mark. Find the
maximum marks.
(a) 150
(b) 200
(c) 100
(d) 250
Ajay and Vijay have some marbles. If Ajay gives 5 marbles to Vijay, he would have
twice the number of marbles Vijay would have. If Vijay gives 15 marbles to Ajay,
Ajay would have 8 times the marbles that Vijay would have. Fin J the number of
marbles with Vijay.
P sells a table to Q at a profit of 10% and Q sells it to R at a profit of 12%. If R pays
Rs. 246.40 for then how much had P paid for it?
(a) 200
(b) 300
(c) 248
(d) 346
If 0.06% of a number is 84, then 30% of that number is:
(a) 25.2
(b) 420
(c) 42000
(d) 2520
A sum was divided among P, Q & R. R got double then P who got double than Q. If

the difference between the shares of Q and R is Rs. 3675.00, then the sum in rupees
(a) 4900
(b) 8575
(c) 11025
(d) 7350
One-third of one-fourth of a number is 12. Then the number is:
(b) 144
(c) 108
(d) 36
If the ratio of the areas of two squares is 25:36, then the ratio of their perimeters is:
(a) 5:6
(b) 25:36
(c) 6:5
(d) 36:25
Out of the total income, X spends 20% on house rent and 70% of the remaining
amount on household expenditure. If X saves Rs. 1800, the total income is:
(a) Rs.8000
(b) Rs.9500
(c) Rs. 7500
(d) Rs.8500
In a factory, the production of scooters rose to 48,400 from 40,000 in 2 years. The
rate of growth per annum is:
(a) 20%
(b) 10%
(c) 30%
(d) 8%
War: Death:: Smoke : ?
‘A’ and B are young ones of C. If C is the father of A but B is not the son of C. How
are B and C related?
Niece and Uncle
Daughter and Father
Niece and Uncle
Daughter and Mother
Find the odd one out
Stale : fresh
Truth : lie
Slaw : sluggish
Teach : learn
In a family there are husband wife, two sons and two daughters. All the ladies were
invited to a dinner. Both sons went out to play. Husband did not return from office.
Who was at home?
Only wife was at home
All ladies were at home
(c)Only sons were at home
(d) Nobody was at home
There are five books A, B, C, D and E placed on a table. If A is placed below E,.C is
placed above D, B is placed below A and D is placed above E. then which of the
following books touches the surface of the table?

Three ladies X.Y and Z marry three men A, B and C. X is married to A.Y is not
married to an engineer, Z is not married to a doctor, C is not a doctor and A is a
lawyer. Then which of the following statements is correct?
Y is married to C who is an engineer
Z is married to C who is a doctor
X is married to a doctor
None of these
If BAD is written as YZW and SAME as HZNV, then LOVE will be coded as:
83. JE. LH, OL, SQ ......
In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE
written in the same code?
If ROSE is coded as 6821, CHAIR is coded as 73456 and PREACH is coded as
961473, what will be the code for SEARCH
(a) 216473
(b) 246173
(c) 214673
(d) 214763
Appreciation is related to Reward in the same way as Disgrace is related to
Here are some words translated form an artificial language
star means jump
slary means jumping
"slarend means jumped.Which word could mean "Playing"
Statements: All windows are doors. No door is wall.
(i) No window is wall
(ii) No wall is door
Only conclusion I follows
Only conclusion II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Both I and II follow
Y is in the East of X which is in the North of Z. If P is in the South of Z, then in which
direction of Y, is P?

South East
None of these
A boy rode his bicycle northward, then turned left and rode I km and again turned
left and rode 2 km. He found himself I km west of his starting point. How far did he
ride northward initially?
3 km
1 km
2 km
4 km
91. Complete the series: 120, 99, 80, 63, 48...
92. Which one of the following is always found in 'Bravery’?
93. If banana is apple, apple is grapes, grapes is mango, mango is nuts, nuts is guava,
which of the following is a yellaw fruit?
94. If P is to the south of Q, R is to the east of Q then what direction is P with respect R?
95. A father's age is 4 times the age of his elder son and 5 times the age of his younger
son. When the elder son lived to three times his present age, then father's age will
exceed his younger son's age by 3 years. What is the age of the father?
None of these
96. If 63+25=16, 12+18= 12 and 23+17=13, then 54+22= ....
Which word does NOT belong with the others?
Georgia is older than her cousin Marsha. Marsha's brother Burt is older than
Georgia. When Marsha and Bart are visiting with Georgia, all three like to play a
game of Monopoly. Marsha wins more often than Georgia does. When he plays
Monopoly with Marsha and Georgia, Bart often loses.
Of the three, Georgia is the oldest
Of the three, Marsha is the youngest

Georgia hates to lose at Monopoly

None of these
Disclosure always involves:
The taxis playing in Wasseypur have the following fare structure: ₹ 20 for the first 2
km. ₹ 5 for every km in excess of 2 km and upto 10 km, and ₹ 8 for every km in
excess of 10 km. Bullock carts on the other hand charge ₹ 2 per km. Sardar Khan
takes a taxi from the Wasseypur railway station to his home. On the way, at a
distance of 14 km from the railway station, he meets Faizal Khan, and gets down
from the taxi to talk to him. Later he takes a bullock cart to reach home. He spent a
total of Rs. 102 to reach his home from the railway station. How far is his home from
the railway station?
Prof. Mandal walks to the market and comes back in an auto. It takes him 90 minutes
to make the round trip. If he takes an auto both ways it takes him 30 minutes. On a
Sunday, he decides to walk both ways. How long would it take him?
100 minutes
120 minutes
150 minutes
None of these
February -4th and March 10th fall on Monday in a particular year. Find the number
of Sundays in the month of April^ in the same year.

cannot be determined
none of these
A certain number of students are staying in a hostel. A part of the hostel charges is
fixed irrespective of the number of occupants, and the remaining part varies directly
as the number of occupants. When there were 50 occupants, each occupant had to
pay Rs. 90. If there are 40 occupants, each will pay Rs. 100. If each occupant is paying
150, then find the number of occupants in the hostel,
Ram, Shyam and Tarun ran a race. The average of the speeds of the three was half
the sum of the average speed of Ram and Shyam and the average speed of Shyam and
Tarun. If the speeds of the three are distinct, then who among the following CANNOT
be the winner?
Cannot be determined
Legal Principle: Every-person is entitled to freedom of conscience and to profess,
practice and propagate his religion subject to public order, morality and health.
Factual Situation: X, a Muslim sacrifices a cow on Bakra-ld believing it to be a part of
his religious rites. However, there was a law of general prohibition on slaughter of
cows. X, was prosecuted for slaughtering cow.
X cannot be prosecuted as killing of cow on Bakra-ld has the Muslim religious sanction.

X can be prosecuted as the state has a right to regulate the freedom of the religion in the
interests of the public order.
X can be prosecuted as the slaughtering of cow hurts other community's religious
X can be prosecuted, as the slaughtering of cow is cruelty animals.
Under which Article of the Constitution of India has untouchable been abolished and
its practice prohibited'
Article 19
Article 20
Article 21
A judgment pissed by the Supreme Court of India can be review only by the:
Prime Minister
International Court of Justice
Supreme Court itself
Total number of ministers including Prime Minister shall not exceed……% of the
total number of members of Lok Sabha.
A marriage is said to be child marriage if:
The girl is below 18 years and the boy is below 20 years.
The girl and the boy are below 21 years.
The girl is below 20 years and the boy the below 21 years.
The girl is below 18 years and the boy the below 21 years.
The founding member of the movement for Right to Information
Anna Hazare
Aruna Roy
Arvind Kejriwal
Arundathi Roy
The reservation of seats for women in Panchayat Raj institution
50% of total seats
33% of total population
Proportionate to women population
33% of total seats
Electoral disputes arising out of Presidential and Vice-President elections are settled
Central Election Tribunal
Joint Committee of Parliament
Election Commission of India
Supreme Court of India
Ignorance of law is:
Not excused
Many times excused
All of these
Choose the Fundamental Rights available Indian citizens but not to aliens.
Freedom of speech and expression
Equality before the law
Right of minorities
Protection of life and liberty
I and III
I and IV

II and IV
II and III
The present Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of India is:
Justice A.S. Anand
Justice P.N. Bhagwat.
Justice K.G. Balakrishnan
Justice Swatantra Kumar
Mr. Samay was severely hurt while working in his factory and fell unconscious.
He was rushed to a hospital by his fellaw workers. In the hospital (at
emergency/casualty ward) the doctors opined that he should be operated
immediately. While conducting preliminary examinations, he was found to be
HIV positive. The doctors are in a dilemma regarding what should they do first.
Doctor should operate first.
Doctor should inform his family members.
Doctors should inform his employers.
Doctors should not inform anyone because it would violate patient's right of privacy.
Principle: When one person signifies to another his willingness to do or abstain
from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of that person to such an
act or abstinence, he is said to have made a proposal.
Fact: Ram telegraphed to Shyam: "Will you sell me your bullet bike? Telegram the
lawest price." Shyam replied by telegram: "Lawest price for bike is ₹ 1lakh." Ram
immediately sent his consent through telegram stating: "I agree to buy the bike for ₹ 1
lakh asked by you." Shyam refused to sell the bike.
He cannot refuse to sell the bike because the contract has already been made.
He can refuse to sell the bike because it was only invitation to offer and not the real
It was not a valid offer because willingness to enter into a contract was absent.
None of these
Sheela, an adult married woman, agreed to live in adultery with Rahul and also
agreed to serve him as his housekeeper. In return, Rahul, an adult agreed to pay
Sheela Rs. 5000 per month for living in adultery and ₹ 5000 per month for
housekeeping the agreement is:
Valid as the parties are adults and so capable of contracting
Voidable as Sheela is married woman.
Contingent as Sheela may or may not perform the agreement
Unlawful as being opposed to public policy
Rania applied for the post of Director in an organization. The governing body of the
organization passed a resolution appointing him to the post. Afterwards, one of the
members of the governing body informed him privately of the resolution.
Subsequently, the resolution was rescinded by the governing body. Rania files a suit
for breach of
contract and claims damages. Which one of the following is the correct legal
proposition in the case?
Rania cannot claim damages as she has not resigned from her existing post in
anticipation of getting the appointment letter.
Rania cannot claim damages as there was no proper communication of acceptance.
Rania can claim damages as governing body cannot rescind the resolution once passed
and communicated.
Rania can claim damage? as there was private communication.
Y makes an attempt to steal some jewels by breaking open a box and finds, after
opening the box, that there is no jewel in it. Choose the appropriate answer.
Y is not guilty of attempt to theft because the box was empty
Y is guilty of attempt to commit theft
Y is guilty of trespass
Y is not guilty of any offence
NOT a Central Government tax.

Income Tax
Custom Duty
Land Revenue
Service Tax
A patent is granted for a:
New expression
New invention
New combination
New discovery
JNNURM means:
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
Jawaharlal Nehru Natural Urban Rural Mission
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Rural Mission
None of these
Full form of TRIPS is:
Traffic related aspects of international ports
Technology related aspects of intellectual property rights
Trade related aspects of intellectual property rights
Trade related aspects of industrial property rights
WTO is the successor of:
Who described international law as positive morality?
Vladimir Lenin
Mao Zedong
Alexander Dworkin
John Austin
A draft is a/an ..............instrument
Out of the following which statute is older than the others?
Indian Contract Act, 1852
Indian Penal Code. I860
Transfer of Property Act, 1862
Companies Act, 1972
A film is protected under ....................Act
The word "Ltd." after the name of a business enterprise denotes:
That it is a limited liability company
That it is an unlimited liability company
That it has issued limited shares
That it has limited number of members
Lawyers are officers of the Court and are constituted into an independent profession
under the:
Constitution of India
Indian Penal Code

Civil Procedure Code

Advocates Act
In relation to a case the term res Subjudice means that
The case has been decided by a court
The case decided by a lawer court could be appealed to a higher court
A case has been dismissed by a court
The case is pending before a court
Who is associated with drafting of the Indian Penal Code?
Thomas Macaulay
Frederic Pollock
Firdaus Kanga
Henry S. Maine
What does UNESCO deal with?
International economic, social and community matters
International ecclesiastical matters
International educational, scientific and cultural matters
International elections of societies and communities
Sexual intercourse with a girl under is rape even if she had given her consent
A lady wanted to buy a railway ticket but finding crowd near the ticket window at the
station, asked Raju, who was near the window, to get a ticket for her and handed him
money for the same. Raju took the money and instead of getting the ticket, ran away
with it. What offence has been committed by Raju?
No offence
Criminal breach of trust
Criminal misappropriation
Z is carried off by a tiger. X fires at the tiger, knowing that the shot might kill Z,
but with no intention to kill Z, and in good faith trying to save Z. X's shot, however,
gives Z a mortal wound. Choose the correct option:
X has committed an offence of a grievous nature
X has no mortal duty to save Z therefore he can be held liable
X has not committed an offence, as the act was in good faith and for the benefit of Z
None of these
Remarks of a judge, which are made casually and are not relevant to the case in
hand, are known as:
Obiter dicta
Ratio decidendi
Binding source of law
The principle that agreements must be respected in good faith, is known as:
Pacta dant legem contractri
Pactum de non petendo
Raison d'etre
Pacta sunt servanda
"Justice must not only be done but also appear to be done, and May I add, must be
paid for being done." Who is the author of this statement?
Henry Cecil
Francis Bacon

Fiduciary relationship means a relationship based on:

None of these
Contract is said to have three essentials. Which one among the following is not an
essential in the formation of contract?
'Ecomark' is issued by:
Indian Standard Organisation
Bureau of Indian Standards
International Standards Organisation
The Trade Marks Office
Right to education is added as Article 21A in the Constitution of India by
86th Constitutional Amendment, 2002
88th Constitutional Amendment, 2003
89th Constitutional Amendment, 2003
90th Constitutional Amendment, 2003
First Lokpal Bill had been introduced in the Parliament of India in the year:
(a) 1962
(b) 1964
(c) 1966
(d) 1968
Which among the following Vice-President in India resigned from his office to contest
for the post of President?
V. Giri
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad
N. Sanjeeva Reddy
R. Venkataramau
A National Emergency in India remains in operation, with the approval
of Parliament for.
Maximum of 1year
Indefinite period
Maximum of 2 years
Maximum of 3 years
Which among the following Indian Constitutional Amendments included 4 more
languages in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India?
89th Amendment. 2003
90th Amendment, 2003
91st Amendment, 2003
92nd Amendment. 2003
Constitution Amending Bill passed by the Parliament of India also requires to be
ratified by the Legislatures of not less than half of the States in regard to the:
Fundamental Rights
Fundamental Duties
Representation of States in Parliament
Constitutional remedies
As per Constitutional requirement the parliament of India shall meet at least
Once a year

Twice a year
Thrice a year
Four times a year
Chairman of Central Sixth Pay Commission in India was:
Justice B.N. Srikrishna
Justice T.N. Kripal
Justice L.K. Majumdar
Justice V.N. Khare
In which of the following cases the Constitution of India allaws an exception to the
rule of equality?
President and Governor
Prime Minister and Chief Minister
Union Law Minister and Law Minister of a State
Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Chief Minister
Article I of the Constitution of India declares India as:
Federal State
Quasi-federal State
Unitary State
Union of the States
A Panchayat Samiti at the block level in India is only a/an:
Advisory body
Consultative committee
Co-coordinating and supervisory authority
Administrative authority
When the offices of both the President and Vice-President of India are vacant, then
their functions will be discharged by:
Prime Minister
Home Minister
Chief Justice of India
Parliament or a State Legislature in India can declare a seat vacant, if a member
absents himself without notice from the session for more than:
(d) 120
Which country among the following is the first country in Europe to guarantee animal
rights in its Constitution?
Kothari Commission relates to:
Backward classes
Permission to vote in India by postal ballot is given to:
1. Members of the Armed Forces
2. Foreign Service personnel posted abroad
3. Officials on election duty
4. Candidates who are touring their constituencies
(a) 2, 4
(b) 1,3

(c) 1, 2, 3
(d) 2, 3
The concept of Public Interest Litigation which has become quite popular in India
originated in:


Right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights from the
Constitution of India during the tenure of:
Morarji Desai
Rajiv Gandhi
Charan Singh
Indira Gandhi
The current strength of Lok Sabha and State Assemblies in India is to be frozen up
(a) 2026
(b) 2016
(c) 2018
(d) 2015
Petitions to the Supreme Court of India under Article 32 of Constitution are subject
to the rule of 'Res Judicata' except’.
Quo Warranto
Habeas Corpus
Which of the following fundamental rights, guaranteed by the Constitution of India,
1950 cannot be suspended during emergency?
Freedom of speech and expression under Article 19(l)(a)
Right to Constitutional remedies under Articles 32 and 226
Right under Article 21 and 22
Right under Articles 20 and 21
In which landmark judgment did the Supreme Court of India lay down guidelines
against sexual harassment of women at workplace?
Nilabati Behera v. State of Orissa
Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar
Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India
Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan
Clemency of capital punishment is granted by:
Jail superintendent
Prime Minister
Chief Justice of Supreme Court
President of India
To be tried under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2000 the accused must
be below the age of:
A hung Parliament is a Parliament
Which meets in between two regular sessions?
In which no political party gets an absolute majority
G.R.L In which joint sessions
of both the houses of the parliament take place
Constituted for emergency purpose

169. The official language of a Supreme Court is:

Any language convenient to the client
All of the above
Directions: (Question Nos. 170 to 175) each of the next six questions consists of two
statements, one labeled as 'Assertion' (A) and other as 'Reason' (R). You are to
examine these two statements carefully and select the correct answer.
170. Assertion (A): A void contract is not necessarily illegal.
Reason (R): Every illegal contract is void.
Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true
171. Assertion (A): X, because of unsound state of mind and not knowing the nature of the act,
attacks Y, who in self defense and in order to ward off the attack, hits him thereby injuring
him, Y has not committed an offence.
Reason (R): Y had a right of private defense against X under Section 98 of the Indian
Penal Code.
Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
172. Assertion (A): Austin's concept of law is known as imperative theory.
Reason (R): Austin emphasized on the commanding character of law.
Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
173. Assertion (A): The essence of joint liability under section 149 of the IPC is that the
criminal act must have been done with a view to fulfill the common object of an unlawful
Reason (R): Any sudden and provocative act done by a member of an unlawful assembly
would render the other members of that assembly liable.
Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
174. Assertion (A): in the event of violation of any legal right (tort) the aggrieved party is
entitled to recover unliquidated damages.\
Reason (R): The object of awarding damages to the aggrieved party is
to put him in the same position in which he would have been if the
wrong would not have been committed. Damages are therefore
assessed on that basis.
Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
175. Assertion (A): The Constitution of India provides for the appointment of a Governor for a
period of five years.
Reason (R): The governor holds office during the pleasure of the President.
Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true
DU LLB 2013
1 (D) 2(C) 3. (A) 4.(D) 5(B) 6. (A)
7 (D) 8. (A) 9.(B) 10. (D) 11 (A) 12. (C)
13 (C) 14. (A) 15 (B) 16. (A) 17. (C) 18. (B)
19 (C) 20. (C) 21. (D) 22. (B) 23. (C) 24. (C)
25 (D) 26. (A) 27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (A) 30. (A)
31 (D) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (A) 35. (B) 36. (D)
37 (A) 38. (A) 39. (D) 40. (B) 41. (A) 42. (D)
43 (A) 44. (C) 45. (D) 46. (C) 47. (C) 48. (A)
49 (A) 50. (B) 51. (B) 52. (B) 53. (C) 54. (B)
55 (B) 56. (C) 57. (C) 58. (D) 59. (B) 60. (B)
61 (D) 62. (C) 63. (C) 64. (C) 65. (C) 66. (C)
67 (B) 68. (C) 69. (A) 70. (C) 71. (B) 72. (B)
73 (A) 74. (C) 75. (B) 76. (B) 77. (B) 78. (C)
79 (D) 80. (B) 81. (D) 82. (C) 83. (D) 84. (A)
85 (C) 86. (D) 87. (B) 88. (D) 89. (D) 90. (C)
91 (A) 92. (B) 93. (D) 94. (C) 95. (D) 96. (A)
97 (B) 98. (B) 99. (D) 100. (C) 101. (C) 102. (B)
103 (A) 104. (B) 105. (B) 106. (A) 107. (D) 108. (C)
109 (D) 110. (B) 111.(D) 112.(D) 113.(B) 114. (A)
115 (C) 116. (A) L17.(B) 118. (D) 119. (B) 120. (B)
121 (C) 122. (B) 123. (A) 124. (C) 125. (D) 126. (D)
127 (B) 128. (B) I29.(C) 130. (A) 131. (D) 131(D)
133 (A) 134. (C) 135. (B) 136. (B) 137. (C) 138. (A)
139 (D) 140. (A) 141. (C) 142. (D) 143. (B) 144. (A)
145 (D) 146. (A) 147. (B) 148. (D) 149. (C) 150. (B)
151 (A) 152. (A) 153. (D) 154. (C) 155. (C) 156. (B)
157 (B) 158. (C) 159. (D) 160. (D) 161. (A) 162. (A)
163 (C) 164. (D) 165. (D) 166. (D) 167. (A) 168. (B)
169 (B) 170. (B) 171. (A) 172. (A) 173. (C) 174. (A)
175 (A)
Directions: In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one
which best expresses the meaning of the given word:

Directions: In each of the following questions, find out the best alternative for the given
The act of killing one's wife
To hold something in leash
To restrain
To discourage
To disappoint
To dismiss
A post without any compensation or remuneration
A short usually amusing story about some real person/event

Directions: Each of the following sentences is followed by four prepositions. Fill in the

blanks with appropriate prepositions:

Don't lament..........your misfortunes.

Don't be surprised and think like that.
He is not content this amount.
If you want to succeed let there be no in your effort.
let up
let off
let on
let by

Directions: Each of the following questions contains four words. One of the four words
is correctly spelled. Pick the correctly spelled word:




Directions: In each of the
following questions, a related pair of words is followed by
four pairs of words. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that
expressed in the original pair.


Aboveboard : Guile
Thrifty : Precocious
Evanescent: Transition
Upright : Integrity
Sleep : Drowse
Agenda : Meeting
Chatter : Talk
Chant: Sing
Siege : Vulnerability
Feud : Acrimony
Sweep : Election
Dodge : Encounter
Underlying : Foundation
Fertilizer : Crop
Clot : Blood
Brew : Beer
Directions: One word substitution.

Fear of open spaces

Government by priest or Government which has its State religion
Of the sense of touch is
None of the above
A severe deserved punishment is
The system of putting plants and animals into various classes.
Replace the underlined phrase/word with a suitable idiom/ word from the given

Prohibition is gall and wormwood to distillers.

The girls hit it off right away.
Got along very well
Became agitated
Cracked the plan
You have to hustle to get there on time.
Catch a bus
Get ready
Get a move on
Retirement can either be a age or an opportunity for new adventure.
Your treatment of your servant is .............. mean
Gangotri is mountains on three sides
His performance did not come................ my expectation
past civilization often saw comets as… .......of death and doom

Directions: Replace the underlined word with a word that will not alter the meaning

A scurrilous attack or her character

G.R.L Slatternly
Rage against the new rules

In a row of children facing north Ojas is fourth to the left of Abu who is tenth from the
left end. Aashi is second to the right of Abu and eighth from the right end of the row.
Total how many children are there in the row?
A lady a gentleman is shopping in the market when the lady’s friend happens to meet
them. The friend asks the lady ‘who is the gentleman with you?’ the lady replies ‘the
gentleman’s mother-in-law and my mother-in-law are related as mother and daughter’.
The lady is the gentleman’s……
Pointing to a photograph Nilcita said 'She is the only grand-daughter of my
grandmother's daughter'. How is the girl in photograph related to Nikita?
Cannot be determined
If 'A' is substituted by 26, 'B' by 25 and so on up to ‘Z’ which is substituted by I,
what will be the sum of the numbers substituted for the word 'FRAY'?
A is Y's brother. S is T's mother and A's aunt. How is T related to A?
Cannot be determined
Raja started from point A and traveled 8 kms towards the north to point B, he then
turned right and traveled 7 kms to point C, from point C he took the first right and
drove 5 kms to point D, he took another right and traveled 7 kms to point E, and
finally turned right and traveled for another 3 kms to point F. What is the distance
between point F and B?
3 kms
2 kms
28 kms
29 kms
In a certain code FIGHT is coded as GJFIU and WRITE is coded as XSHUF; then
how will JUDGE be coded in the same code?

As North Pole is related to Magnet, in the same way is related to Battery.
Find the missing number in the following series. 6, 12, 21 …48
What is the missing number in this series

In the following question one term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong
term. 8, 14, 26, 48, 98, 194, 386
(d) 194
A long rope has to be cut to make 23 small pieces. If it is double folded to start with
how many times does it need to be cut?

Peyush earns twice as much in November as in each of the other months. What part of
his entire year's earning does he earn in November?
(a) 2/11
(b) 2/13
(c) 3/14
(d) 1/6
In a certain Code CHANDIGARH is written as DNAHCHRAGI. How is SIKKIM
written in that Code?
When Rajeev was born, his father was 32 years older than his brother and his mother
was 25 years older than his sister. If Rajeev's brother is 6 years older than Rajeev and
his mother is 3 years younger than his father, how old was Rajeev's sister when Rajeev

was born?
15 years
7 years
17 years
10 years
Reptile is to lizard as flower is to.......
Complete the following series:
A5QR,A4QS,A3QT................... A,, QV
A,Q V2
A,Q3 U
Directions: In each of the following number series, look for a pattern or relationship
between the numbers, and fill in the missing number.
53. 1,2,2,5,5.............
54. 1, 8, 27,
55. 34, 39,37,38,40,37,.............
56. 69,58,71,60............

Directions: Each question has a word followed by four answer choices. Choose the
word that is a necessary part of the leading word.
Class rooms
G.R.L Food


Directions:The following terms are from an artificial language, with their English
meanings. In the questions that follow, select the appropriate English translation of
the artificial language.

IngTor: Bust factory; igat ngot: has not; ngote aut: not a car; e Ing: a bus. What does
the word "autTor" mean in English?
not a car
Car factory
not a bus
a bus
If in addition to the above word meanings, if "aut boushp" means "car workshop",
what does "Ing boushp" mean?
Car factory
Bus factory
Bus workshop
Car shop

Directions: Fill in the relationships, based on the relationship that the question
Sea is to whales as Road is to
Book is to author as judgment is to
Centimeter is to Meter as Kilobyte is to
Computer Memory
Information storage
Fill in the blank:
DEF, DEF2, DE2F2 …D2E2F3
ABC, CBA, DBE, EBD ......
Which word does not belong with others?

Which word does not belong with others?
Pen is to poet as needle is to
(i) Class A has higher enrollment than class B.
(ii) Class C has lawer enrollment than class B.
(iii) Class A has lawer enrollment than class C.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is:
Partially true and partially false
None of the above
Oats has more fiber corn but less fiber than bran. Corn has more fiber than rice but
less fiber than wheat. Rice has the lawest fiber content. If the first two statements are
true, the third statement is
Partially true and partially false
None of the above
The length of the year is greatest on the
The largest producer of sugar in the world is
The state in India with largest coastline is?
Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh
The weight of the cricket ball is approximately
3 oz
4 oz

5 oz
6 oz
The National Game of Canada is
Ice Hockey
At which place the 2014 Common Wealth Games will take place
How many foreign players can be part of playing eleven in IPL Cricket Tournament
organized in India?

Name the first Arabic writer awarded Noble Prize for Literature?
Salman Rushdie
Gen. Gaddafi
Naguib Mah Fouz
Yasser Arafat
Sphygomomanometer is used to test
Harmones Action
Brain Tumour
Functions of Intestines
Blood Pressure
Which British Governor-General introduced postage stamp in India?
Lord Dalhousie
Lord Ripon
Lord Canning
Lord William Bentick
What is the Saudi Arabian currency called?
In which of the following States the Legislative Council has been
dispensed with?
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Diphtheria is a disease affecting

In which of the following countries Chairman is the Head of the State?
Which of the following Scams was not unearthed in 2010-11 in India?
Provident Fund
Which country has become the first country in the world to make broadband internet
access a legal right of all citizens?
New Zealand
The border of which two countries is known as 49th parallel line?
Germany & France
USA & Canada
South Korea & North Korea
Germany & Poland
International Women's Day is observed on
9th January
8th March
1st February
25th March
Which Committee/Commission made recommendations to make civil services more
efficient and decorrupted?
Kothari Commission
Niyogi Committee
Blawant Rai Committee
P.C. Hota Committee
What is the unit for temperature in the metric system?
Where is Secretariat of SAARC located?
New Delhi
Who wrote the book "Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India"?
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Atal Behari Vajpayee

L.K. Advani
Arjun Singh
Who amongst the following won the election for the post of Chief Executive of Hong
Kim Joong-Keun
Leung Chun-ying
Henry Tang
Albert Ho
Where did the Second Summit on Nuclear Security take place?
New Delhi
The SGPC and Akali Dai are appealing for mercy of who is on death row for the
killing of Punjab Chief Minister in 1995.
Balwant Singh Rajoana
Kehar Singh
Gurdarshan Singh Bajwa
Kuldeep Singh
Name the MLA who has been abducted by Maoists in Orissa?
Lai Bihari Himirika
Hema Gamang
Surjya Narayan Patro
Jhina Hikaka
The recent controversy between India and China is related to:
Arabian Sea
South China Sea
Bay of Bengal
Middle-East region
Name the two children who were placed under foster care due to lack of parental
care in 2011 in Norway.
Ankit and Aradhya
Abhijit and Anushka
Abhigyan and Aishwarya
Akhil and Asmita
Name the IPS Officer who was killed in Madhya Pradesh in March 2012?
Narender Kumar
Rajbir Singh
S.K. Sharma
Ravinder Kumar
Kurdistan is primarily known for
Uranium stocks
Oil reserves
Dry fruit products
Directions: Given below is the statement of facts of the case. After statement of
facts, legal principles are given. Apply the principles to the facts of the case and

select the most appropriate answer from among the four alternatives.

Principle: Whoever causes the death of any person by doing any rash or negligent
act not amounting to culpable homicide, shall be punished with imprisonment of
either description for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or with
Facts: The resident of the adjoining slums were persistently using the park for defecation.
On the order of the Chairman of the DDA the park was fenced and electric current was
run on the wires on the top. A trespassing slum dweller touched a live wire and was
electrocuted. Can the Chairman be held liable for an offence of causing death by
No, because getting a public park electrically wired is no rash act.
Administrative actions are immune to any liability.
Yes, because getting a public park electrically wired is a rash and negligent act.
None of the above

Principle: A person is said to cause an effect "voluntarily" whereby he intended to

cause it or by means which, at the time of employing those means, he knew or had
reason to believe, to be likely to cause it.
Facts: A sets fire, by night, to an inhabited house in a large town, for the purpose of
facilitating a robbery and this causes death of a person. A pleaded that he has intended the
robbery but not the causing of death and became sorry for the death caused by his act. Is
‘A’ liable for causing the death voluntarily?
A is liable for causing the death voluntarily though he has not intended to cause death of
anyone, because he has set fire in an inhabited house not in abandoned house and it is
quite natural that in such house people must be there during night.
A is not liable because he has not intended murder of anyone.
A is not liable for murder but is liable for robbery only.
A is not responsible for murder because he has not killed anyone by his own hands.
Principle: An incorporated company under the Companies Act has a separate entity
and corporate liability.
Facts: Certain persons transferred a tea estate to an incorporated company and claimed
exemptions from "ad valorem" duty on the ground that they themselves were shareholders in
the company.
The shareholders are liable to pay as the company is a separate legal person.
The shareholders are not liable to pay as it is a transfer from them in one name to
themselves under another name.
The shareholders are liable because everybody has a duty to pay on a transfer or
The shareholders will not pay the company would pay on their behalf.
Principle: Acts done by children below 12 years of age are not offences if they are not
mature enough to understand the nature and consequences of the acts.
Facts: Sahil, a child of 10 years of age, find a gold coin in the uncle's home. He gives the
coin to his sister Rachna who is 8 years old. The uncle reports the matter to the police. The
police conduct a search. During the investigation the police find the coin kept in the toys of
Rachna. Rachna tells the police that Sahil had given coin to her.
Sahil is guilty of theft.
G.R.L Rachna is guilty of theft.
Both Sahil and Rachna are guilty of theft

Neither Sahil nor Rachna is guilty of theft.

Principle: An employer is responsible for any accident or loss caused to his employees,
during the course of employment.
Facts: Ajay runs the 'Indian Circus'. The circus has an interesting night show. Two motor
cyclists, Ramesh and Suresh, rotate their motorcycles inside a big iron globe in complete
darkness and the audience, especially. the children gives a big clap. One day it so happens
that during one night show an accident occurs inside the globe. Ramesh and Suresh collide
with each other and Ramesh loses both his legs. His parents claim compensation from Ajay,
the proprietor of the circus. Ajay is not liable to pay any compensation because he cannot be
held responsible for the accident.
Ajay is liable to pay compensation because he is the employer and the accident occurred
during the course of employment.
Ajay is not liable to pay compensation but he can pay some amount to Ramesh if he has
sympathy for him.
None of the above
Principles: (i) An occupier is not responsible to a trespasser except in respect of
willful act intended to cause harm or done with reckless disregards, (ii) Master is
liable for the acts of the employee/servant
Facts: A farmhouse is located in South Delhi on 2 acre plot of land. The owner of the
farmhouse keeps a specially trained ferocious dog to guard his property. He also employs
a dog-handler to handle this dog and instructs all his other employees to avoid the dog. A
sign is also put up on the gate saying "Beware of Dog". On the afternoon of 26th January,
a group of poor boys playing cricket in a nearby park hit the ball into the farmhouse. A 14
year old boy enters the farmhouse to get the ball. The dog attacks the boy and he dies of
the injuries. The family of the boy sues farmhouse owner for damages.
The owner is liable because the dog has a vicious or savage propensity and he had
knowledge of the same.
The owner should pay the damages because he is rich and the boy killed was poor.
The owner is not liable because the boy was a trespasser.
The owner is not liable because a 14 years old boy ought to have known about the
presence of the ferocious dog.
Principle: A person is liable for all direct consequences of his act, which he could
have reasonably foreseen as naturally flawing from his act.
Facts: Charu while driving her car at a high speed knocked down Seema, a middle aged
woman who was walking on the road. Seema got her leg fractured as a result of this
accident. As Seema was suffering from diabetes, her leg had to be amputated. Seema filed
a suit against Charu for damages for the loss of her leg.
Charu is liable as the loss of leg is directly attributable to her act.
Charu is not liable because she did not know Seema was suffering from diabetes.
Charu is liable because she could have reasonably foreseen the loss of leg of Seema.
Charu is not liable since a diabetes patient like Seema ought not to have walked on the
Endosulfan is banned in India under the
Environment Protection Act, 1986
Hazardous Chemical Rules, 2000
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 2001
All the above

Gram Nyayalaya Act, 2008 refers to

Access to justice to citizens at door steps
Informal settlement of disputes
Free legal services
All the above
Which among the following has been added as a fundamental right in the Constitution
of India by 86th Amendment?
Right to information
Right to employment
Right to food security
Right to education
Special leave to appeal by the Supreme Court is available from the decision of
Any court or tribunal
Any court, tribunal or administrative authority
Any court or tribunal relating to armed forces
Administrative tribunals only
Who was the Chairperson of the Committee on Review of the Working of the
Subhash C. Kashyap
Justice Venkatachaliah
LK. Advani
Justice B.N. Kirpal
Under which provision of the Constitution, the Supreme Court reviews its own
Article 132
Article 137
Article 139
Article 141
What does the phrase ‘lex est norma recti" mean?
Law is a rule of right
Law rules the rights
Law is a rule of State
Law follows equity
The Headquarters of the International Court of Justice is situated at
The Hague
When was the International Monetary Fund established?
(a) 1945
(b) 1946
(c) 1947
(d) 1950
Sachar Committee Report refers to
Reservation for minorities
Backwardness among the Muslim community
Judicial reform

Election reform
Wetland conservation is an obligation undertaken by India in
Ramsar Convention, 1971
Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992
Convention of Migratory Species, 1979
U.N. Convention on Law of the Sea, 1982
Press Council of India is
Statutory body
Constitutional body
Self-regulatory body
Private Association
Who said that democracy is a "government of the people, by the people and for the
Abraham Lincoln
Woodrow Wilson
The Supreme Court being the highest court of appeal, is the most superior
judiciary, but the various High Courts exercise a jurisdiction even wider than that
of the Supreme Court under
Article 32 of the Constitution
Article 141 of the Constitution
Article 164 of the Constitution
Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution
Schedule X of the Constitution deals with
Law protected from judicial review of the courts
Disqualification on ground of defection
Union and its territory
Union, State and Concurrent lists.
Who amongst the following can attend the Session of the Parliament but has no
right to vote?
Attorney-General for India
Comptroller-General of India
Chief Justice of India
Chief of the Indian Army
In India, right to vote is?
Fundamental right
Statutory right
Constitutional right
Moral right
Which of the following was merged with the Union of India?
Daman and Diu
Who headed the first Commission on Backward Classes?
B.P. Mandal

Kaka Saheb Kalekar

M.H. Mandal
S.P. Mandal
Who prepares National Income Estimates?
Central Statistical Organisation
National Sample Survey Organisation
Indian Statistical Institute
Planning Commission
Who said "litigation is a game in which the Court is the umpire"?
Who called Directive Principles as a "cheque on bank payable at the convenience of
the bank"?
B.R. Ambedkar
H.M. Seervai
Jawaharlal Nehru
India became a member of the UNO in the year
(a) 1950
(b) 1945
(c) 1947
(d) 1948
temporary tax levied to obtain revenue is called
Excise Duty
Sales tax
The Uniform Civil Code was discussed at length in the case of
Golak Nath case
Keshavanand Bharti case
Shah Bano case
Indira Sawhney case
Which of the following female judges has not been a Judge of the Supreme Court?
Ruma Pal
Gyan Sudha Mishra
Ranjana Desai
Leela Seth
Pochampally saree is protected under?
Patents law
Trademark law
Designs law
Geographical indications law
In which year, the age of voting as universal adult franchise was lawered from 21
to 18 years?
(a) 1985

(b) 1988
(c) 1990
(d) 1991
What is the minimum age to be appointed as a Governor of a State in India?
25 years
35 years
21 years
18 years
What is the name of the first Chief Justice of India?
B.N. Mukherjee
H.J. Kania
B.R. Ambedkar
Aslam Khan
The Parliament has power to amend all parts of the Constitution except
Fundamental rights and duties
Emergency provisions
Provisions regarding the Supreme Court
The Basic structure
Guidelines issued by the Supreme Court regarding sexual harassment at
workplace against women in the historic Vishakha's case are law and binding on all
courts in India by virtue of
Article 141 of the Constitution
Article 146 of the Constitution
Article 147 of the Constitution
Article 144 of the Constitution
Palimony is a term used to describe court ordered financial settlement in disputes
relating to:
Partners in live-in-relations
Environmental issues
Consumer affairs
Human rights violations
Which of the following is not a principle of natural justice?
Audi alteram partem
Pacta sunt servanda
Justice, equity and good conscience
Judges to be above suspicion
The line demarcating the boundaries of India and China is known as
McMahan line
Durand line
Radcliffe line
24th parallel
Which of the following is the principal subject of private international law?
Nation states
Multinational companies
Tribal People were referred to as 'Adivasis' for the first time by

M.K. Gandhi
B.r. Ambedkar
Vallabh Bhai Patel
The Commission which required into and submitted report regarding the Godhra
train carnage is
Chelliah Commission
Wanchoo Committee
Rangarajan Committee
Nanavati Commission
Fiduciary relationship are relationships based on
Financial terms
Contracts Both
(a) and (b)
The right of minorities conferred in Article 30(I) of the Constitution is with respect to
the establishment of
Educational Institution of their choice
Charitable Hospitals and Dispensaries
Place of worship to practice their religion
Rest Houses
The phrase 'de facto’ means
all the facts
all the facts and figures
bona fide
for all practical purposes
The Supreme Court has held that hoisting the national flag atop the private buildings
is a fundamental right of every citizen under:
Article 14 of the Constitution
Article 19( I)(a) of the Constitution
Article 21 of the Constitution
Article 25 of the Constitution
Which one of the following statements is correct? Parliament can make a law with
respect to a matter in the State list in the national interest if
The Rajya Sabha passes a resolution by a two-thirds majority
Parliament passes a resolution
A State makes a request
The President of India gives permission
For a valid Muslim marriage
offer and acceptance must be at the same place
offer and acceptance must be at the same time
offer and acceptance must be at the same time and place
offer and acceptance may be at different times and at different places
A void agreement means
Agreement not enforceable by law
Agreement illegal in nature
Agreement not acceptable to Court of law

Agreement violating legal procedure

A without the request of anybody, extinguishes the fire of B's godown. A suffers
injury thereby. If B promises to compensate A for the whole amount he has spent on
his treatment, then the contract is
Valid and enforceable
Unenforceable because of lack of- intention to create binding contract by the parties
Void for want of consideration
Voidable at B's option
Which of the following defences is not available to the accused in a criminal case?
Involuntary intoxication
Consent of the other party to the death
Which of the following acts invite tortuous liability and is not saved by the doctrine
"volenti non fit injuria".
A surgeon amputates a limb of a patient to save life.
Injury is caused while play-fighting with naked swords at a religious function.
Injury is caused to a player in a football match.
Injury is caused while doing lawful acts under a contract.
Which offence does not require a minimum of five persons?
Unlawful Assembly
The procedure for amendment of the Indian Constitution was borrowed from the
Constitution of USA
Constitution of USSR
Constitution of Germany
Constitution of South Africa
The Writ of Prohibition can be issued to
Constitutional Authority
Statutory Authority
Non-Statutory Authority
All of the above
The President is bound to summon Parliament
Within 6 months from the last sitting of former session
Within 3 months from the last sitting of former session
Within 4 months from the last sitting of former session
Within 12 months from the last sitting of former session
X, a doctor, informs his patient Y that Y was suffering from cancer. Hearing this Y
dies of heart failure. X has committed
culpable homicide not amounting to murder
no crime because he (X) communicated in good faith
the crime of killing Y because X knew that Y could die after hearing the news
The murder of Y.
When Supreme Court does gives advice to the President on a matter of law or fact?
Only when the President seeks such advise

On its own
Only if the issue poses a threat to the unity and integrity of India
Only if the matter relates to the violation of fundamental rights of the citizens
A Muslim man under personal laws cannot marry
a Jew
a Christian
an idolatress or a fire-worshipper
All the above
What is the meaning of this Latin phrase "audi alteram partem'!
No one shall be judge in his own cause
No one shall be condemned unheard
Rights are associated with duties
None of the above
In which of the following countries, an effort was made to ban a translated version of
Bhagavad Gita?
Who is accused in the Israeli Embassy car attack which took place in New Delhi?
Syed Mohammad Kazmi
Suleman Mustafa
Iqbal Khan
Salim Iqbal
The Intelligence Bureau (IB) enjoys—
Constitutional status
Statutory status
Autonomous body under Parliament
None of the above
Which of the following is a correct pair?
United Nations Organisation 1946
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
Constitution of India1951
World Trade Organisation 1996
A marriage between a boy of below 21 years of age and a girl of below 18 years of age
In which of the following copyright does not subsist?
Industrial designs
Artistic works
Computer software
Sound recording
When did International Criminal Court come into existence?
(a) 1998

(b) 2000
(c) 2001
(d) 2002
Under which Chapter of the United Nations Charter, the Security Council can take
enforcement action?
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter XII
Which of the following companies has recently been issued compulsory license under
Indian Patents Act, 1970?
Natco Pharma
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
Which of the following has adopted a resolution against Sri Lanka for war crimes?
United Nations Human Rights Council
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Criminal Court
Security Council of the United Nations
Which of the following grounds has been proposed for divorce in Human Marriage
Act, 1955 and Special Marriage Act, 1954?
Abstention of sexual intercourse by spouse
Irretrievable breakdown of marriage
What is the term used for the principles laid down in a judgment?
Obiter dicta
Ratio decidendi
Jus cogens


1 C 36 A 71 D 106 A 141 B
2 B 37 C 72 D 107 B 142 A
3 B 38 B 73 C 108 C 143 B
4 D 39 B 74 C 109 A 144 B
5 B 40 B 75 C 110 D 145 D
6 A 41 B 76 C 111 A 146 D
7 C 42 A 77 B 112 B 147 A
8 A 43 A 78 C 113 B 148 D
9 A 44 B 79 D 114 A 149 B
10 A 45 D 80 A 115 D 150 A
11 D 46 B 81 D 116 A 151 C
12 A 47 C 82 C 117 B 152 A
13 A 48 B 83 B 118 A 153 A
14 A 49 D 84 A 119 A 154 D
15 A 50 D 85 D 120 A 155 B
16 A 51 C 86 C 121 D 156 D
17 A 52 C 87 B 122 B 157 D
18 C 53 D 88 B 123 A 158 D
19 D 54 D 89 D 124 C 159 A
20 C 55 A 90 B 125 A 160 B
21 B 56 B 91 D 126 B 161 A
22 C 57 A 92 A 127 A 162 C
23 B 58 C 93 B 128 B 163 B
24 A 59 B 94 A 129 C 164 D
25 C 60 C 95 A 130 B 165 A
26 B 61 D 96 D 131 D 166 D
27 A 62 B 97 B 132 C 167 B
28 D 63 B 98 C 133 D 168 B
29 A 64 A 99 A 134 D 169 A
30 D 65 C 100 B 135 B 170 D
31 C 66 D 101 C 136 B 171 B
32 B 67 D 102 A 137 B 172 A
33 C 68 C 103 A 138 D 173 A
34 A 69 B 104 D 139 A 174 C
35 D 70 A 105 B 140 A 175 B
A male Hindu marrying a second wife while the first marriage is subsisting, commits
An offence of bigamy
No offence
No offence if the permission of the first wife was taken in writing
No offence if the first wife choose not to file a case against him
The term palimony means
Alimony from parents
Maintenance from friends
Court ordered financial settlement among people in a live-in-relationship
Maintenance to old parents by children
A marriage amongst minors is considered to be legally
Void ab initio
The body of Sathya Sai Baba has been buried in
Sai Kulwanth hall
Prem sai hall
Sai jaswanth hall
Sai ram hall
Who among the following has been declared as new Prime Minister of the Tibetan
Government –in- exile?
Samdhong Rimpoche
Lobsang Sangay
Dalai Lama
Wang chu
Remarks of a judge, which are made casually and are not relevant to the case in hand
are known as
Obiter dicta
Ratio decidendi
Binding source of law
A writ issued by Supreme Court against a person who claims or usurps any office to
enquire by what authority he supports his claim is known as
Quo warranto
Habeas corpus
The principle that agreements must be respected in good faith is known as
Pacta dant legem contractri
Pactum de non petendo
Raison d’etre
Pacta sunt servanda
Who among the following can be parties to a case before the international court of
Individuals and states

States and international organisations

Only states
All the above
Which of the following organizations regulate the international trade
Which of the following is not an organ of the united nations
International court of justice
Trusteeship council
Economic and social council
Who is the present secretary general of the United Nations?
Javier perez de cuellar
Kofi Annan
Boutros Boutros Ghali
Ban ki moon
From which of the following list of the 7th schedule of the constitution, the
parliament derives legislative competence?
Only list I
From list I and list II
From list I, list Ii and list III
From list I, and list III
In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court laid down guidelines on sexual
harassment of working women at work places
D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal
Vishaka v. state of Rajasthan
Nilabati Behera v. State of Orissa
Both (b) and (c)
A contract enforceable at the instance of one party is known as
Void contract
Valid contract
Voidable contract
Illegal contract
Which of the following states is a permanent member of the security council?
South Korea
A contract to which a minor is a party, is known as
Void ab initio
Voidable at the option of minor
Voidable at the option of other party
What does the polluter pays principle mean?
Absolute liability to compensate the victims of pollution
Absolute liability to the cost of reversing the damaged ecology

Both (a) and (b)

Both (a) and (b) provided the polluter was negligent and did not take reasonable care
In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court held that basic structure of
constitution cannot be changed?
Golakhnath case
Keshvanand bharti case
Minerva mills case
D.K. Basu v. state of west Bengal
What does the principle of vicarious liability mean
A person is liable for his act
A person is liable for the act of another
A person is liable for the act of his master
None of the above
Which of the following legislations regulates electronic commerce?
Copyright act, 1957
Trade marks act, 1999
Contract act, 1872
Information technology act,2000
Who is ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha
Prime Minister
Head of opposition party in Lok Sabha
Which of the following statements is not correct?
Preamble of the constitution is not justifiable
Directive principles of state policy are positive obligations of state
Fundamental rights are negative obligations of the state
Fundamental duties are enforceable
Which of the following amendments to the constitution took away the right of property
from fundamental rights?
The meaning of which of the following maxims is ‘where there is right, there is a
Ubi jus ibi remedium
Damnum sine injuria
Injuria sine damnum
Ex turpi causa oritur non action
A member of the Indian parliament or state legislature cannot be arrested in civil
action within a period of.............. days before and after the session
A finds a watch on the floor of a state transport bus while leaving it as the last
passenger. He picked it up and put it in his pocket, instead of returning it to the state

transport authorities. Next day he sold the watch. A is liable for

Criminal misappropriation
Criminal breach of trust
Powers to punish for its contempt makes a High Court in India
A court of contempt
A court of record
A court of original jurisdiction
A court of appellate jurisdiction
Legal principle: a person can be benefited under private defence in case of intoxication
Factual situation: ram la got drunk voluntarily and on his way to home assaulted a
Which of the following is correct?
Ram Lal cannot be liable because he was drunk
Ram Lal cannot be liable because he get benefit under private defence
Ram Lal can liable because he got drunk voluntarily
None of the above
Election commission of India is a
Constitutional body
Political body
Quasi-judicial and quasi-political body
Both (a) and (b)
Article 32 of the constitution of India empowers Supreme Court and article 226
empowers the High Court to issue orders, directions and prerogative writs for the
enforcement of fundamental rights. This right is known as
Right to protect rights
Right to enforce the rights
Right to constitutional remedies
None of the above
Article I of the Indian constitution declares India as
Unitary state
Union of states
Federal state
Quasi-federal state
The writ of prohibition and certiorari are available against
Legal and semi-legal authorities
Implied authorities
Non-statutory authorities
Judicial or quasi-judicial authorities
What cannot be done directly cannot be done indirectly? This statement epitomizes the
doctrine of
Colorable legislation
Pith and substance
Implied powers
Ancillary powers
Lex fori means
The law of the place

The law of the court in which case is tried

The law of the place where contract is made
None of the above
Ignorance of law is
Not an excuse in Indian law
An excuse in Indian law
No such principle is followed in Indian law
Partly an excuse in India law
An accused below the age of 18 years can be tried for committing an offence under
Indian penal code
Juvenile justice (care and protection of children) act, 2000
Being a minor, he cannot be tried
Both (a) and (b)
Economic justice, an important objective of the constitution of India is embedded in the
Directive principles of state policy
Fundamental rights
Both (a) and (b)
A political party is officially accorded the status of an opposition party in Lok Sabha
only if it secures at least
4% of the seats
5% of the seats
10% of the seats
15% of the seats
The competition act was passed in the year 2002 to replace
The monopolies and restrictive trade and practices act, 1969
The consumer protection act, 1986
The sale of goods act, 1930
Unlawful activities (prevention)act, 1967
Which of the following countries because the first country to allaw euthanasia?
The Netherlands
United kingdom
United states of America
How many schedules are there in the constitution of India?

A obtained a sum of ₹ 50, 000 by putting B in fear of death. Which of the following
offences was committed by A?
The united nations organization is based on the principle of
The solidarity of the members
The sovereign equality of the members

International peace and good governance of the members

Economic and social well being of its members
Which one of the following taxes is not levied by the union Government
Income tax
Service tax
Wealth tax
Value added tax
A person is said to be vicariously liable when
He is liable for his wrongful acts
He is not liable even though he committed wrongful acts
He is liable for the wrongful acts of others
He is liable though no wrongful act has been done
A Hindu boy wants to marry a Muslim girl. They can solemnize their marriage under
Special marriage act
Hindu marriage act
Muslim law
Any of these
The negligence of a medical practitioner resulted in the loss to a patient. The patient
wants to seek compensation from the doctor. He can approach
Consumer disputes redressal forum
Civil court
Criminal court
Either (a) or (b)
Sagotra marriage in Hindu law is
Permitted with the consent of khap panchayat
Permitted with the consent of parents
When an interest in immovable property is transferred as a security for the payment of
debt or performance of a promise it is called.
Rights which husband and wife have against each other are called
Family rights
Conjugal rights
Spousal rights
Matrimonial rights
The term ‘fourth Estate’ refers to
Judiciary parliament
President’s estate
Negligence means
Doing an act with the intention to cause harm to others
Doing an act with forgetfulness

Not doing an act with the intention to cause harm to others

Doing an act by failing to take reasonable care
Who among the following has been the chief justice of India and has acted as the
president of India
Justice M. Hidayatullah
Justice S.V. Chandrachud
Justice p. Shastri
Justice P.B. Gajendragadkar
In tort, the remedy is
Liquidated damages
Unliquoidated damages
Judicial review
Which article of the constitution of India provides that Government of India can sue
and be sued in the name of union of India
Article 32
Article 248
Article 299
Article 300
Slander is of
Permanent form
Transient form
Strict form
None of these
Administrative law is concerned with the powers of the
The doctrine of ‘Rule of law’ is based on
Equality before the law
Equal protection of the laws
Positive discrimination
Exclusion of discretionary powers
On whom lies the burden of proof where there is a plea for self defence?
Where are juvenile delinquents sent?
Reformative centre
Protective custody
A bill authorizing expenditure by the Government is called
Money bill
Finance bill
Appropriation bill

Expenditure bill
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: The occupier of the premises owes a duty of care to all his
invitees and visitors.
FACTUAL SITUATION: Gopal was running a dairy from his farm house. People used
a part of his farm as a short cut to get to a nearby railway station. Gopal did not approve
of this, and put up a notice that "Trespassers will be prosecuted." However, since a
number of these people were also his customers he tolerated them. One day, a person
who was using this short cut was attacked by a bull belonging to the farm. The injured
person filed a suit against Gopal. DECISION:
Gopal is liable for having kept a bull on his farm.
Gopal is not liable in view of the clear notice against trespassers.
Gopal is liable because in fact he allawed the people to use his premises
Gopal is not liable to the people other than his customers.

LEGAL PRINCIPLE: A person is guilty of culpable homicide amounting to

murder if the act by which the death is caused is done with the intention to cause
FACTUAL SITUATION: A was hiding behind a bush to catch some rabbits. B also
came to the same place for hunting with his gun. When B noticed some movements
behind the bush he thought it was an animal and fired a shot due to which A was killed.
Can B be prosecuted for murder? DECISION:
B would not be liable for murder because he did not have the intention to kill A.
B shall be liable for murder because he should have taken care to find out the target
before shooting.
B shall not be liable for murder because B was not expected to identify the target
before shooting.
B shall be liable, for murder because for whatever reasons A was killed.
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: Law of Contract mandates that two or more people are free to
create mutual rights and duties provided such rights and duties are not opposed to
public policy.
FACTUAL SITUATION: A enters into an agreement with B under which B undertakes to
kill A when he is asleep. For this act, A deposited ₹ 1 lac with a bank, which B could
withdraw once he has performed the aforesaid task. B kills A according to the terms of the
B must get Rs. 1 lac because he has performed his task.
B must be prosecuted because he has killed A.
B must not be prosecuted because A has consented to be killed.
B must be prosecuted for killing A but he should get Rs. I lac as agreed by A.
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: Every partner in a partnership firm is liable for the acts of every
other partner during the course of business of the partnership firm.
FACTUAL SITUATION: A, a partner in the firm XYZ with another partner B takes loan
from a bank for the partnership firm. A misuses the fund for his personal use. B is very
resourceful person. Can the bank demand the entire money from B? DECISION:
No, because A has misused the money for his personal use.
Yes, because both are partners in the same firm.

No, because B has not taken any loan.

No, because B has another partner in his firm.
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: Nothing is an offence, which is done by accident or misfortune and
without any criminal intention or knowledge in the doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner
by lawful means and with proper care and caution.
FACTUAL SITLTATION: A is a woodcutter. One day when he was at work a number of
children flocked to him, and asked him to make a cricket bat for them. Without listening to
them he continued to chop woods using a heavy axe. Suddenly a piece of chopped wood
flew and struck one child who was standing just two feet away from him as a result of which
the child lost his one eye. Is A liable for the injury caused to the boy?
A is liable for causing injury to child.
A is not liable because it was merely an accident.
A is not liable because children flocked to him.
A is liable because he has the knowledge that the boys standing near him may get hurt
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: If a person without any authority prevents a person to proceed
to any direction and is kept confined, he commits an offence of criminal confinement.
FACTUAL SITUATION: The Municipal Board allawed X to hold a marriage party
blocking a part of a public road. The marriage party blocked most of the roads and did not
allaw A, a passerby, to cross the road. He brings a charge of criminal confinement against the
head of the marriage party and other associates. Can A succeed?
A cannot succeed because X has got previous permission from the Municipal Board and
has blocked part of the public road.
A can succeed because he has authority to walk on public road.
A cannot succeed because he must have to wait upto end of marriage party.
A shall succeed because no one is allawed to use public property for the personal
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: An act of God is an operation of natural forces so unexpected
that no human foresight or skill could reasonably be expected to anticipate it.
FACTUAL SITUATION: The Surya Club was celebrating its 50th anniversary andarranged
for a concert by a leading musical group. The event was to be organized in Great Palace
auditorium in the coastal area. All the tickets were sold out. On the day of the event, the
tsunami destroyed many of the buildings including the auditorium. People who purchased
the tickets asked for refund from the Club as the show could not take place.
The management of the Auditorium must refund the cost of tickets as they got money
from the Club.
The Club must refund the cost of tickets as the people were not at fault.
The Club is not liable to refund the ticket but the ticket holders can demand the show to
be organized at a later point of time.
Neither the management of the Auditorium nor the Club is liable to refund the money.
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: Contractual liability is completely irrelevant to the existence of
liability in tort.
FACTUAL SITUATION: Sudhir purchased a bottle of soft drink from a retailer. As he
consumed more than half of the contents of the bottle, he found decomposed remains of a
cockroach in the bottle. He vomited and fell sick on the thought of what has he consumed.

He sued the manufacturer of soft drink for negligence, though there is no contractual duty on
the part of manufacturer.
Sudhir cannot sue the retailer as he did not commit any mistake.
Sudhir cannot sue the manufacturer for negligence as there was no contract between
Sudhir can definitely sue the retailer as it was his duty to check the products before he
sells them.
Sudhir can sue the manufacturer as he had a duty to ensure that bottles did not contain
any such material.
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: A person is liable for all the injurious consequences of his careless
FACTUAL SITUATION: Ramesh, a snake charmer, was exhibiting his talents to a group of
people. One of the snakes escaped and bit a child who had to be hospitalized for two days for
Ramesh is liable to compensate the child's family for his careless act.
Ramesh is not liable to compensate the child's family because he exercised due care and
did not do it willfully.
Ramesh is not liable to compensate the child's family because it is the duty of the
spectators to take adequate care.
Ramesh is not liable to compensate the child's family because it was a mere accident.
LEGAL PRINCIPLE: Any act done in the exercise of right of private defence shall not
be an offence. The right to private defence in no case extends to the inflicting of more
harm than it is necessary to inflict for the purpose of private defence.
FACTUAL SITUATION: Rajan saw a thief jumping the boundary wall and entering his
house in the night. He picked up the sword and hid in a corner. The moment the person
entered the house, he hit the person with sword and cut his head. Did Rajan commit the
offence of killing the thief?
Yes, because he exceeded the right of private defence.
No, he has not committed any offence because he exercised his right of private defence.
Yes, because the thief should have been given an opportunity to run away from there.
No, criminals should not be dealt with any leniency.
The Delhi High Court's decision in Naz Foundation case to decriminalize same gender
consensual sex is regarding which section of the Indian Penal Code?
Section 375
Section 376
Section 377
Section 378
A lawyer appointed by the court to represent the interests of a person unable to hire a
lawyer for himself is known as:
Forma pauperis
Doli incapax
Amicus curiae
Furious voluntas
The term sine a die means:

Signature by a person on death bed
DIRECTION (Q. Nos. 76-81): Read the following passage carefully and answer the
questions that follow:
Mystics in India say that the whole universe is just a sound. That way sound represents
the basic energy of the universe. Sounds have a great impact on us and different sounds have
different effect on people. Yesterday, walking back from party, I started to cross the street when
I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasn't much but, as I turned, my eyes caught the heads
of several other people turning too. A lady had dropped what appeared to be a one Rupee coin.
The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on pavement is a definite attention-getter. Whatever the
coin is, no one ignores the sound of it. It got me thinking about sounds again. We are besieged
by so many sounds that attract varying degrees of attention. People in Mumbai seldom turn to
look when a fire brigade vehicle, a police car or an ambulance comes screaming along the street.
Even the loud siren is hardly heard there. It is often ignored. But at home in my village of
Dinapur, it's different. The distant howl of a police car, an emergency vehicle or a fire siren
brings me to my feet if I'm seated and brings me to the window if I'm in bed. The loudest sounds
do not necessarily have the greatest impact on us; rather it's the quietest sounds that attract out
attention the most. In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping tap a hundred yards away
through closed doors. I've been hearing little creaking noises and sounds which my imagination
turns into footsteps in the middle of the night for thirty years in our house. How come I never
hear those sounds in the daytime? I'm quite clear in my mind what the good sounds are and what
the bad sounds are. I've turned against whistling, for instance. I used to think of it as the mark of
a happy worker but lately I've been associating the whistler with a nervous person making
compulsive noises. The gentle sounds of meditation music bring to my mind the patterns of the
vast sky and through which I could peep into the ocean of my consciousness.
The sound of a coin dropping makes people.
think of money
look at each other
pay attention to it
stop crossing the street
People in Mumbai.
pay attention to emergency sirens
are used to sirens
are attracted by sounds
don't ignore loud sounds
How does the author relate to sounds at night?
He imagines sounds that do not exist.
He exaggerates quiet sounds.
He thinks taps should be turned off at night.
He feels it's rather quiet at night.
The author dislikes the sound of whistling because ------------
it makes him sick.
it makes him sad.

it reminds him of stressed people.

he doesn't like workers.
What kind of sounds does the author find pleasant?
Tinkling sound of a coin dropping.
Clinking sound of keys.
Tapping of typewriter.
Sounds of meditation music.
How does the author feel about sounds in general?
They make him feel at home.
He thinks that sounds are part of our lives.
He thinks that sounds should be ignored.
He feels that the entire universe is permeated with sounds.
DIRECTION (Q. Nos. 82-86): In the following questions, an idiomatic expression has
been used, followed by some alternatives. Choose the one which best expresses its
Pinky aced her English test.
Pinky fell dizzy during her English test.
Pinky did very well in the English test.
Pinky failed in the English test.
Pinky was just average in her English test.
I am feeling a bit under the weather.
I am walking in bad weather.
I am walking in rain.
I am walking under clouds.
I am feeling a bit ill and lack energy.
Vikram is a good egg.
Vikram is a person who could be relied on.
Vikram is the name of a chicken.
Vikram is smart and handsome.
Vikram belongs to a noble family.
John Doe refers to:
An unidentified male
The famous sportsman John Doe
The legendary hero who fought in battles along with Robin Hood
A stupid person who can't understand jokes
To be tight fisted means:
To keep your fist in your pocket
To be always ready to pick up a fight
To be frugal and not spend money
To be argue fervently
DIRECTIONS (Q. Nos. 87-91): Fill in the blanks with the words from the choices given

My friend doesn't speak Sanskrit very well. I don't.

What .............. in Delhi yesterday?
you were doing
did you do
you did
did you
89. She asked me how big ...................
is your apartment
my apartment was
was my apartment
is my apartment
Exceeding speed limit and ................ safety belts are two common causes of automobile
not to wear
don't wear
not having worn
failing to wear
Tintin' appeals to many adult readers, too.
Though it is written for children
Though for children written
Though written for children
Though it were written for children
DIRECTION (Q. Nos. 92-97): In the following questions identify the correct word.
(a) Coincidence
(b) Coinsidence
(c) Coinsidense
(d) Coincedence

(a) Embarrass
(b) Embarras
(c) Embarras
(d) Embarraas
(a) Massacre
(b) Masacre
(c) Massecre
(d) Massacar

(a) Questionaire
(b) Questionneire
(c) Questionnaire
(d) Questionnair
(a) Acommodation
(b) Accomodation
(c) Accomodation
(d) Acomodation

(a) Kindergarden
(b) Kintergarten
(c) Kindergartan
(d) Kindergarten
DIRECTION (Q. Nos. 98-103): In the following questions a group of words is given. Out of
the group identify the one which doesn't match with the character of the group.


DIRECTION (Q. Nos. 104-109): In the following questions a word is given followed by four
options. Pick the word having the opposite meaning to the given word.

107. Interesting
DIRECTIONS (Q. NOS. 110-112): Identify the pair that closet in relationship to the given
110.Thunder: Storm::
Portent: Catastrophe
Hurricane: Cyclone
Tornado: Gale
Earthquake: Convulsion
111. Embezzle: Trust:
Admonish: Caution
Adjudge: Belief
Perjure: Oath
Adulterate: Faith

112. Kiln : Bricks ::

Silo: Crops
Factory: Tiles
Furnace: Metals
Oven: Cakes
113. Which of the following is a proposed Nuclear Power Plant?
114. Who among the following were official Congress negotiators with Cripps Mission?
Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru
Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru
Sardar Patel and Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana Azad
115. Who amongst the following did not go to space?
Anousheh Ansari
Yuri Gagarin
Dennis Tito
Rajender Sharma
116. Which of the following cities is not known for nuclear disaster?
117. Who amongst the following is not a poet?
M. Zahur Khayyam
John Milton
John Keats
118. In India, which of the following is regulated by the Forward Markets Commission?
Equity Futures Trading
Currency Futures Trading
Commodities Futures Trading
Commodities Futures and Financial Futures Trading
119. The reason for red soil is:
abundance of magnesium
accumulated humus
presence of ferric oxides
abundance of phosphates
120. What causes wind to deflect toward left in the Southern Hemisphere?
Magnetic field

Rotation of the Earth

121. Which of the following is not a feature of Limited Liability Partnership firm?
It is corporate body with perpetual succession.
Partners should be less than 20.
Internal governance may be decided by mutual agreement among partners.
Partnership and management need not be separate.
122. The International Development Association, a lending agency, is administered by the:
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
International Monetary Fund
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
123. Which of the following statements is not correct with respect to the institution of
Banking Ombudsman?
The Banking Ombudsman can consider complaints from Nonresident Indians having
accounts in India.
The orders passed by the Banking Ombudsman are final and binding on the parties
The Banking Ombudsman is appointed by the Reserve Bank of India
The service provided by the Banking Ombudsman is free of any fee.
124. Who amongst the following Governor-Generals created the Covenanted Civil Service
of India which later came to be known as the Indian Civil Service?
Warren Hastings
William Bentinck
125. When was Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar released fromdetention?
March 2010
September 2010
November 2010
January 201 I
126. Who won the ICC Cricketer of the Year Award of 2010?
Yuvraj Singh
M.S. Dhoni
Virender Sehwag
127. Who amongst the following has been described as "the leaded other leaders love" by
the Newsweek List of 10 Most Respected World Leaders of 2010?
Ms. Pratibha Patil
Dr. Manmohan Singh
Barack Obama
Dalai Lama
128. Which of the following match is not correct?
Julia Gillard— Prime Minister of Australia
Dilma Rousseff— President of Brazil

Sheikh Hasina— Prime Minister of Bangladesh

Liu Xiaobo— President of China
129. Tsunamis are not caused by:
Undersea landslides
Volcanic eruptions
130. Itching due to insect bite is caused by:
formic acid
acetic acid
lactic acid
maleic acid
131. Which of the following plants cannot be multiplied by cuttings?
132. What is the chemical name of vinegar?
Acetic acid
Citric acid
Pyruvic acid
Malic acid
133. "Between the Assassinations" is a book written by:
Shobha De
Kiran Desai
Chetan Bhagat
Aravind Adiga
134. At present, India is following:
Fixed exchange rate
Floating exchange rate
Pegged up exchange rate
Pegged down exchange rate
135. Which of the following declarations was adopted by the BRIC countries recently to
promote Global Food Security?
Moscow Declaration
Doha Declaration
Delhi Declaration
Kabul Declaration
DIRECTIONS (Q. Nos. 136-146): Fill in the blank by looking at both the letter pattern and
the number pattern.

138. ABC, ABC1, AB1C1, A1, B1C2
139. Z5QR, Z4QS, Z3QT, , Z1QV
140. Marathon' is to 'race' as 'hibernation' is to
141.'Mammal' is to 'monkey' as 'flower' is to
142.'Pride' is to 'lion' as 'shoal' is to
143.'Frank' is to 'indirect' as 'honest' is to
144. A bus always has
145.Wonder always has
146.A tree always has

147. Which one of the following is always associated with 'justice'?
148. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between men, fathers
and doctors?
149. Digram
150. Digram
151. Digram
152. The largest 4 digit number exactly divisible by 88 is
(a) 9984
(b) 9944
(c) 9848
(d) 8888
153. Which of the following is a prime number?
154. Which of the following numbers is divisible by each one of 3, 7, 9 and 11?
(a) 3792
(b) 939
(c) 37911
(d) 2079
155. The difference between the place values of two sevens in the numeral 98734571 is.
(a) 699930
(b) 69930
(c) 600003
(d) 699990
156. Pointing to a boy playing in the park Shatin said, "He is the son of the only son of my
mother/' How is Shatin related to that boy?
Shatin is the father of the boy.
Shatin is the cousin of the boy.
Shatin is the maternal uncle of the boy.
Shatin is the brother of the boy.
157. If Ram is the brother of Savita; Savita is the sister of Shyam; and Shyam is the father
of Laxman, how Laxman is related to Ram?
Laxman is Ram's brother,
Laxman is Ram's nephew,
Laxman is Ram's uncle,
Cannot be determined.
158. Tejas said to Anish, "That boy playing cricket is the younger of the two brothers of the

daughter of my father's wife." How is the boy playing cricket related to Tejas?
The boy is Tejas's brother.
The boy is Tejas's uncle.
The boy is Tejas's nephew
The boy is Tejas's son.
159. 'Paddy' is related to 'Field' in the same way as 'Steel' is related to:
160. "Needle" is related to "Thread" in the same way as "Pen" is related to:
161. In a certain code REPORT is written as SDONQU, how is PERSON written in that
None of these
162. In a certain code "7 8 6" means "study very hard", "9 5 8" means "hard work pays"
and "6 4 5" means "study and work", which of the following is the code for "very"?

Cannot be determined
163. Parthvi ranked 8th from the top and 37th from the bottom in a class. How many students
are there in the class?
164. "Furniture" is related to "Table" in the same way as "Stationery" is related to:
165. If Nirali's mother is the only daughter of Akhil's mother, how is Akhil related to Nirali?
Maternal Uncle
166.Which of the following is not protected by Copyright Act?
Computer databases

Musical work
Dramatic work
167. In legal parlance the term 'mens rea' means-
main culprit
monopolies and restrictive trade practices
measure of culpability
mental element in crime
168. Who among the following does not hold his office at the pleasure of the President?
Chairman of the UPSC
Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Attorney General of India
Comptroller and Auditor General of India
169.When master is held liable for the wrongful acts of his servant, the
liability is called:
Vicarious liability
Strict liability
Tortuous liability
Absolute liability
170.National Law Day is observed every year on:
March 1
April 30
June 16
November 26
171.The Directive Principles of State Policy are aimed at
securing political freedom
securing social and economic freedom by appropriate action
executive supremacy
judicial supremacy
172.Which of the following is known as Commission for Centre-State Relations?
Venkatachaliah Commission
Mandal Commission
Rangarajan Commission
Sarkaria Commission
173.Who wrote ‘Das Capital'?
Karl Marx
Jawaharlal Nehru
R.K. Narayanan
174. Match the following:
List I List II
A. theft (i) a matrimonial remedy
B. divorce (ii) a civil wrong
C. defamation (iii)a civil remedy
D. injuction (iv)an offence under Indian penal code

(a) A(i) B (ii) C (iii) D(iv)

(b) A(iv) B (ii) C (i) D(iii)
(c) A(iv) B (i) C (ii) D(iii)
(d) A(iii) B (i) C (iv) D(ii)
175. Who among the following was associated with the reservation stir of Gujjars in
Suresh Meena
Bhairon Singh Shekhawat
Ram Niwas Mirdha
Colonel Bainsla

DU LLB 2011
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5.(b) 6(a)
7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a) 11(b) 12(d)
13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17(a) 18(c)
19. (b) 20. (b) 21. (d) 22. (b) 23(d) 24(b)
25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29(c) 30(c)
31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (d) 34. (a) 35(b) 36(a)
37. (d) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (a) 41(a) 42(d)
43. (d) 44. (b) 45. (d) 46. (c) 47(a) 48(a)
49. (a) 50. (a) 51. (b) 52. (d) 53(d) 54(a)
55. (b) 56. (d) 57. (b) 58. (d) 59(d) 60(a)
61. (c) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (a) 65(b) 66(b)
67. (d) 68. (a) 69. (c) 70. (d) 71(a) 72(a)
73. (c) 74. (c) 75. (a) 76. (c) 77(b) 78(b)
79. (c) 80. (d) 81. (b) 82. (b) 83(d) 84(a)
85. (a) 86. (c) 87. (b) 88. (a) 89(c) 90(d)
91. (a) 92. (a) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95(c) 96(b)
97. (d) 98. (b) 99. (d) 100. (a) 101(b) 102(a)
103. (d) 104. (d) 105. (d) 106. (b) 107(d) 108(a)
109. (b) 110. (a) 111.(d) 112(d) 113(d) 114(d)
115.(d) 116. (d) 117. (a) 118. (c) 119(c) 120(d)
121. (b) 122. (a) 123. (b) 124. (c) 125(c) 126(a)
127. (b) 128. (d) 129. (a) 130. (a) 131(b) 132(a)
133. (d) 134. (b) 135. (a) 136. (c) 137(d) 138(a)
139. (c) 140. (d) 141. (c) 142. (a) 143(b) 144(c)
145. (a) 146. (d) 147. (b) 148. (b) 149(c) 150(a)
151. (d) 152. (b) 153. (b) 154. (d) 155(a) 156(a)
157. (b) 158. (a) 159. (a) 160. (b) 161(b) 162(c)
163. (d) 164. (d) 165. (a) 166. (b) 167(d) 168(b)
169. (a) 170. (d) 171. (b) 172. (d) 173(a) 174(c)
175. (d)
G.R.L 2010
Which organization shifted some of its operations from mainland China to Hong Kong
in March 2010, due to censorship issues?
The word "economics" is derived from which Greek word?
Which of the following is primarily a digital book reader?
Apple l-Pod
Sandisk Sansa
Amazon Kindle
Nokia N95
Who is the author of "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money"
Milton Friedman
John Maynard Keynes
Adam Smith
Thomas Friedman
Goods that are used in production of other goods and services are called:
Capital goods
Consumer goods
Homogenous goods
Consumable goods
Which among the following storage media has the maximum storage capacity?
Digital Video Disc (DVD)
Compact Disc (CD)
Vinyl Record
Blu Ray Disc
Around which year did die Persian scholar Al-Beruni visited India?
1220 AD
1000 AD
1030 AD
1347 AD
Who was the last ruler of die Aztec Empire of Mexico?
Montezuma II
Heman Cortes
A firm is an oligopolistic industry if.
it is run by members of the same family.
it considers the actions of competitors when determining its pricing policy.
it produces a product identical to the products produced by its rivals.
it controls the pricing and promotion policy of die market
The title of "Vikramaditya" was assumed by:
Chandragupta II
Which of the following rulers is considered as a contemporary of the poet, Tulsidas?
Sher Shah Suri
Which of the following movie was based on a video game?
Chronicles of Riddick
Max Payne
Spiderman 2
James Bond 007: All or Nodiing
The British East India Company was formally dissolved by an Act of the Parliament
of the United Kingdom, called:
East India Merger & Acquisition Act
Government of India Act
East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act
Companies Act
What is the latest client operating system for PC from Microsoft as of March, 2010
Windows CE
Windows Server 2008
Windows Vista
'Bay of Pigs' refers to:
Slaughter of pigs in Egypt, in an attempt to prevent outbreak of swine flu
Argentine invasion and occupation of the Falkland Islands leading to the Falklands
Unsuccessful attempt by United States' backed Cuban exiles to overthrow the
government of the Cuban premier, Fidel Castro
The combined territorial waters of four countries of southern Europe: Portugal, Italy,
Greece and Spain
What does a phillumenist collect?
Light bulbs
In Roman Catholic Church, what is the title given to a person who is appointed to
oppose a candidate's claim for canonization?
Church Defendant
Hell's Angel
Church Prosecutor
Devil's Advocate
What is the Commonwealth Games, 2010 mascot called?
Which of the following is not considered a component of microeconomics?
Market equilibrium
Rate of inflation
Which of the following has developed the software platform, Maemo?
What is the title of the film documenting Michael Jackson's preparations for his
scheduled 2009-10 concert series?
I'll Be There
This is it
Heal the World
Who, among the following, was referred to as the 'Mozart of Madras' by the Time
R. Rahman
Santha P Nair
S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
What is the name of the web browser developed by Google Inc?
Who is the present Chief of Army Staff?
Deepak Kapoor
R V. Naik
V. K. Singh
Nirmal Kumar Verma
At which position did the Indian hockey team finish, in the 2010 Men's Hockey World
Cup held at Delhi?
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for:
studies of the structure and function of the ribosome
studies of the structure and function of the chromosome
studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces
studies of the structure and function of DNA
Which ad-agency was associated with the creation of animated creatures, 'Zoozoo', for
promotion of Vodafone's services?
FCB-Ulka Advertising Ltd.
Ogilvy & Mather Ltd.
Mudra Communications Ltd.
Percept Advertising Ltd.
By which controversial instrument did the (then) President of Pakistan, Pervez
Musharraf, grant powers to the Government to withdraw prosecution against
politicians accused of various crimes, ostensibly to end their political victimization?
National Reconciliation Ordinance
National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom
President's power to grant pardon, Article 45 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic
of Pakistan
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Which instrument aboard the Chandrayaan-I detected the presence of water on the
moon's surface?
Hydrophilic Receptor
Moon Mineralogy Mapper
Radiation Dose Monitor
X-ray Spectrometer
What is Satyam Computer Services Ltd. known as, since its takeover?
TCS Satyam
Infosys Satyam
Wipro Satyam
Mahindra Satyam
Where was Christ born, according to the Gospels of Mathew and Luke?
A campaign launched in April, 2010, with a view to clean the river Ganges has been
named as:
Sparsh Ganga
Niramal Ganga
Pavitra Ganga
Swargashram Ganga
Who created the cartoon character Tintin?
Bill Watterson
John Calvin
Charles M. Schulz
Which two water bodies does the Panama Canal link?
Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean
Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean
Which of the following has NASA proposed to 'retire from service' by the end of the
year, 2010?
Ares I and Ares V
Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavor
International Space Center
All of the above
The speed of light in vacuum may be expressed in Mach numbers as, approximately:
Mach 90
Mach 9,000
(c) Mach9,00,000
(d) Mach 90,000,000
Where would be zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude located?
Atlantic Ocean
Sahara desert
North Pole
South Pole
In the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, who does the mariner stop to recite his story?
Doctor hastening to a medical emergency
Nobleman going to the House of Lords
Guest on his way to a wedding
Sailor returning to his ship
Which part of human body is completely devoid of blood supply?
Under what capacity is Hillary Clinton serving in the administration of President
Barack Obama?
Secretary of State ,
Senator for New York
Defense Secretary
Secretary for External Affairs
Safdar Hashmi was associated with:
Street theatre
Higher education
Which country is estimated to have the third largest population in the world?
United States of America
In which sport is a 'sand-iron' used?
Beach Volleyball
The Abel Prize is awarded in the field of:
Which of the following aircraft's primary role is very high-altitude
Lockheed U-2
F-117 Nighthawk
F-22 Raptor
F-35 Lightning II
The Census of India, 2011, commenced on the 1st April 2010 is:
Which music band recently won a court battle against EMI that may force the
latter to stop selling the band's individual songs as downloads?
Pink Floyd
Guns & Roses
How many public sector enterprises have been conferred the status of Navratna by
the Government of India, as of November, 2009?
Twenty Seve
Which of the following awards is focused towards television?
Academy Awards
Emmy Awards
Golden Globe Awards
Grammy Awards
In which movie did Toby Stephens play the role of Captain William Gordon?
The Rising-Mangal Pandey
Rang De Basanti
Shatranj Ke Khiladi
Who wrote the the poem, Gunga Din?
Rabindra Nath Tagore
T. S. Eliot
Rudyard Kipling
Mulk Raj Anand
What was the name of the rocket powered aircraft which completed first privately
funded human spaceflight?
Space Ship One
Space Ship Alpha
Space Odyssey One
Which Indian scientist's article was translated to German by Albert Einstein and
submitted on his behalf to the Zeitschrift fur Physikl
Satyendra Nath Bose
Homi Jehangir Bhabha
Jagdish Chandra Bose
Vikram Sarabhai
What is the main activity of the 'Institute for Works of Religion' at Vatican City?
Restoring old religious relics
Spreading religious information
Religious education
Who was referred to as the 'Godfather of World Music’ by the Beatles guitarist George
Ustad Amjad Ali Khan
Ustad Ghulam Ali Khan
Pandit Kumar Gandharva
Pandit Ravi Shankar
Which is the only United States' Naval Base that is located in a country with which the
United States has no diplomatic relations?
Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
U.S. Fleet Activities Yokosuka
Naval Air Station Sigonella
Naval Station Rota
Which state is known as the Spice Garden of India?
Jammu & Kashmir
Uttar Pradesh
The mascot adopted in a campaign to raise civic awareness in Delhi, in the run up to the
2010 Commonwealth games has been named:
Delhi Ki Beti
Delhi KiShaan
None of the above
Which annual fair in Rajasthan is famous for its camel trading?
Surajkund Mela
Kumbh Mela
Pushkar Mela
Which city was described by Jawahar Lai Nehru as the 'Oxford of the East'?
Chili pepper and tobacco were introduced in India by the:
Which of the following countries is to host the 2011 World Robot Olympiad?
United States of America
United Arab Emirates
‘Durand Line’ is the border separating:
India and Pakistan
Pakistan and Afghanistan
Pakistan and Nepal
India and Nepal
Which country is known as the 'Land of Cakes'?
Who, along with Shane Bond, was the highest bid player in the auction leading to
2010 edition of the Indian Premier League cricket tournament?
Kieron Pollard
Kevin Pietersen
Sachin Tendulkar
Wayne Parnell
Aspirin is a common name for:
Acetylsalicylic Acid
Neomycin Sulfate
A combination of all the above
Who is the Chief Justice of India?
Justice K. G. Balakrishnan
Justice Altamas Kabir
Justice P. Sathasivam
Justice S. H. Kapadia
According to latest surveys, the population of tigers in India has been reported to
have dwindled to approximately:
(a) 3642
(b) 1411
(c) 1165
(d) 1657
Which Taliban leader, implicated in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, was
reportedly killed in a 2009 strike by a United States' Predator drone:
Baitullah Mehsud
Omar Saeed Sheikh
Mullah Mohammed Omar
Who is the present Union Minister for Human Resource Development?
Dr.Veerappa Moily
Shri Kapil Sibal
Shri Arjun Singh
Dr. M. M. Joshi
Who was awarded the 19th Saraswati Samman for 2009?
Vijay Tendulkar
Amitabh Bacchan
Sunil Gangopadhyay
Surjit Patar
Who is the Chairman of the Bar Council of India?
Shri Gopal Subramanium
Shri Ram Jethmalani
Shri R R Rao
Shri N. R. Madhava Menon
In March this year, a city/town declared spitting of Paan (Betel leaf) as illegal, inviting
fines for criminal damage. Where is this city located?
Uttar Pradesh
The Delhi Technological University was formerly known as the:
IIT Delhi
Aryabhat Polytechnic, Delhi
Delhi College of Engineering
Indraprastha University
The Gulf separating Finland and Sweden is known as the:
Gulf of Bothnia
Gulf of Lions
Gulf of Genoa
Gulf of Venice
Groundwater confined between two impermeable layers is called:
Artesian well
Trapper water
Which of the following is a country located in the continent of Europe?
Which is the oldest mountain range in India?
Nephrons are a part of human:
Nervous System
Respiratory System
Excretory System
Endocrine System
Which of the following about BT Brinjal developed by Monsanto and Mahyco is
It requires more fertilizer than ordinary Brinjal plant
It is a transgenic variety of Brinjal.
It contains genes from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.
It is claimed to have higher resistance against pests.
In a eukaryotic cell, DNA may be stored in:
All of the above
Which car maker announced the recall of nearly 100,000 units of its recently launched
hatchback models citing fuel tank problems?
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.
Hyundai Motors India Ltd.
General Motors Corporation
The body of a shark has no:
Who is associated with the remark, "the law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and
poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread"?
Anatole France
Glanville Williams
Charles Dickens
Victor Hugo
Which Bill, reportedly laying down a code of conduct for judges of the higher judiciary
was referred to a Group of Ministers for scrutiny in March 2010?
The Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Amendment Bill
Judges (Inquiry) Bill
Judges (Declaration of Assets and Liabilities) Bill
Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill
An observer in a leading national daily remarked the passage Women's Reservation
Bill through Rajya Sabha as a bipartisan consensus and an extraordinary act of
political selflessness where a particular party put the interests of the nation above its
own. terms of numbers, how many members voted in favour and again the Bill,
245 to None
186 to I
232 to I
The entire strength of 233 members voted in favour
Interpreting Articles 72 and 161 of the Constitution of India relation to a criminal
statute, a Bench of the Supreme Court India, headed by the Chief Justice of India, has,
in a judgment date 22.03.2010 held that;
The clemency power of the Executive is absolute, remain unfettered and cannot be
restricted by the provisions of a Statute
Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, insofar as it criminalize consensual sexual acts of
adults in private is violative of the\e Constitution of India.
Once possession is established, the person who claims that it was not a conscious
possession has to establish it
Both (a) and (c).
In India, making a direct marketing telephone call, which a person has opted not to
receive, is prohibited under:
Unsolicited Direct Marketing Act
Unsolicited Communications Regulations
Telecom Unsolicited Commercial Communications Regulations
Telecom Unsolicited Commercial Calls Regulations
Under the Indian Penal Code, an act may be an offence under the Code, but for the
existence of a justification which may form defence. Which of the following is not such a
Act done by a child under seven years of age
Act done by a person of unsound mind
Act done by a child of immature understanding, above seven year: and under twelve in
Act done outside the territorial limits of India.
The Penal Code in force in the territory of Jammu & Kashmir is known as the:
Indian Penal Code
Macaulay Penal Code
Ranbir Penal Code
Jammu & Kashmir Penal Code
Which of the following measure was proposed in December 2009 for speedy
resolution of commercial disputes valuing 5 Crores or above, by an enactment of
the Parliament of India?
Setting up commercial Lok Adalats
Creation of a commercial division in the High Courts
Mandatory reference to arbitration, where commercial contract contains an
arbitration clause
All of the above.
A judgment relating to the Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act,
2005, delivered on 22nd March 2010 by the High Court of Delhi has held that:
The Act operates prospectively
The Act operates retrospectively
The relief under this Act may be sought even for acts committed prior to October
Both (b) and (c)
Which of the following is a well known law firm in India?
AZB & Partners
TATA Consultancy
Leo Burnett India Pvt. Ltd.
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Which of the following most closely describes the act of downloading Bollywood
film songs for free, from websites over the internet?
Attempt to hack a computer system
Exercise of freedom of speech and expression
Breach of implied contract
Violation of intellectual property rights
Which of the following is not a feature of the criminal justice system in India?
Innocent until proven guilty
Right against self-incrimination
Preponderance of probability
Proof beyond reasonable doubt
Which High Court exercised jurisdiction over Delhi, prior to the establishment of
the High Court of Delhi?
High Court of Gujarat
High Court of Punjab
High Court of Allahabad
High Court of Himachal Pradesh
Which of the following bodies was instrumental in setting-u| permanent and continuous
Lok Adalat in Delhi, to resolve dispute pertaining to bodies such as the M.C.D.,
N.D.M.C., B.S.E.S., N.D.P.L M.T.N.L etc.?
Delhi Legal Services Authority
Bar Council of India
Bar Association of Delhi.
Indian Council of Arbitration
Under which provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure may a Court make a
proclamation requiring a person to appear at specified place, if the Court has a reason
to believe that the person has absconded?
Section 40
Section 42
Section 73
Section 82
Any proceedings for removal of a judge of any High Court in India may be initiated
only by:
an order of the President of India
a notice of motion for presenting an address to the President, praying for the removal of
a judge, signed by requisite number of members of the Parliament
address by each house of the Parliament, supported by the requisite number of Members
of Parliament
constitution of a Committee for the purpose of making an investigation into the grounds
on which the removal of the Judge is prayed for
In a recent case involving Toyota and Prius Auto Industries, Toyota was seeking an
interim order to restrain Prius Auto Industries from using the word Prius, claiming its
exclusive right to use it in view of its car named Prius. While denying this relief, a single
Judge of the High Court of Delhi, by a judgment delivered on 19.03.2010, held that:
Prius was not an invented word
Toyota had approached the court too late
Prius Auto Industries was the registered owner of the trademark •Prius', since 2002
All of the above
In India, "identity theft" has been made punishable under the:
Identity Theft Assumption and Deterrence Act
Information Technology Act
Indian Penal Code
Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act
Which of the following enactments is proposed to ensure supply of at least a minimum
quantity of food grains to families living Below Poverty Line in India?
Food Safety Enhancement Act
Food Safety Act
Essential Services Maintenance Act
National Food Security Act
In a Civil Writ Petition, a 'stay' may refer to:
A court order restraining an action until a future event occurs, or the order is lifted
A court order directing an individual to remain present during the court proceedings
A court order to compel the presence of a witness at a specified place, if the Court has
a reason to believe that the person has absconded
Both (a) and (b)
Which of the following developments is associated with a March 2010 judgment of the
High Court of Delhi, relating to the role of women in the Indian armed forces?
Opportunities to women officers to operate in combat areas
Eligibility of women officers for Permanent Commission
Reservation for women in Indian armed forces
Both (a) and (b)
In criminal proceedings, acquittal refers to:
Being cleared of a charge or accusation
Pronounced guilty of a charge or accusation
Conviction for a lesser offence, as part of a plea bargain
Taking a lenient view, considering the honest past record of an accused
106.The legal branch of the Indian Army is known as:
Army Legal Corps
Judge Advocate General branch
Court Martial branch
Armed Forces Legal Corps
clause in the World Anti-Doping Code, which was reportedly a cause of concern for
Indian cricketers, is popularly referred to as:
Endorsements Clause
Roundabout Clause
Whereabouts Clause
No-notice Drugs Test Clause
108. To provide affordable access to justice to the citizens of India at the grass roots level, at
their doorsteps, a body was established by an Act of the Parliament that came into force
on 2nd October 2009. What this statutory body is called?
Nyaya Panchayat
Gram Nyayalaya
Gram Panchayat
Lok Adalat
109. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Bill was
enacted to give effect to:
Article 14 of the Constitution of India
Article 45 of the Constitution of India
Article 21A of the Constitution of India
Article 21 of the Constitution of India
110. What is the closest meaning of the expression, 'ex aquo et bono'?
In equity and good conscience
For the public good
The thing speaks for itself
In good faith
111. Consider the following statement "Reading is an activity involving the use of visual
apparatus by means of which printed letters are recognized". This definition would be
weakened most by pointing out that:
'Skimming' is a form of reading.
An illiterate may recognize letters.
Some printed letters are difficult to interpret
Seeing is necessary for reading.
112. History abounds with examples where chieftains have refused to transfer their
military units to other chieftains who requested such transfer. The refusals occurred
even when the chieftain who received the request for assistance was in a relatively safe
place and even when the requesting chieftain's clan was under attack. Each of the
reasons below, if true, supports the decision of the chieftain who refuses to share his
forces, EXCEPT one. Mark the one.
Greatest chieftains have emerged as victors in battles where they were outnumbered by
the enemy.
War and peace are unpredictable, and situations may change in a short time.
The chieftain with a larger army retains greater influence in the region.
Armies on the move are unnecessarily exposed to danger.
113. Which of the following is an anagram for the word "dormitory"?
Dirty Room
My Door
114. You are a qualified lawyer and a husband approaches you, seeking your professional
services for divorce proceedings. Ideally, what should you do?
Explain the difficulties involved in the proceedings for divorce.
Advice him to convince his wife for a mutual, uncontested divorce.
Refuse to be engaged in the case, since it is against professional conduct of a lawyer set
by the Bar Council of India.
Advice him to approach for conciliation proceedings.
115. F.I.R. stands for First Information Report. As per the High Court of Delhi, if at the
time of registration of F.I.R. by the police, it appears that crime was committed outside
the jurisdiction of that Police Station, the Police after registration of such F.I.R. should
transfer the F.I.R. to the Police Station having jurisdiction. Such F.I.R. made at the
first instance has been termed as:
Preliminary F.I.R.
Zero F.I.R.
Daily Diary (D.D.) Number
Investigatory F.I.R.
116. A student of the University of Delhi has to pass in Papers with at leastin each paper for
the award of LLB. Degree:
(a) 30,45
(b) 25,40
(c) 32,48
(d) 35,50
117. Point out the correct sentence:
Before joining as a Lecturer, I used to work as a Lab Assistant for about five years.
Before joining as a Lecturer, I have working as a Lab Assistant for about five years.
Before joining as a Lecturer, I worked as a Lab Assistant for about five years.
Before joining as a Lecturer, I have been working as a Lab Assistant for about five
118. Read the following sentences carefully:
Most days my father get up first and make breakfast.
When I was training for the maradion, I run over 100 kms a week.
We went to Agra to see the Taj where we regularly
Which one of the following verbs can complete all three sentences?
used to
119. Fill in the blank with correct option:

I at 6.a m but to be up by 5.00

normally get up………I have some times
normally get up ..........sometimes have
get normally up .....sometimes I have
get normally up ..........I sometimes have
120. people trying to get into the football stadium:
There were too much
It was too many
There was too many
There were too many .
121. PRINCIPLE: Justice must not only be done, but also be seemed to be done.

FACTS: A judge is a shareholder in a Company, which is a party to a case before him.

The integrity of the judge is above suspicion. Both the opposing counsels affirm their
faith in the impartiality of the judge. The case is at the stage of final arguments. The
judge, however, recuses himself from the case, on the ground of his shareholding. Which
of the following is the most appropriate statement in the light of the Principle cited here?

The judge should have continued hearing the case since he was an honest judge.
The judge should have continued hearing since the counsels of both the parties had
requested him to do so and, had thus agreed to adjudication by him.
Had the judge continued to hear the case, its outcome might have appeared to be
prejudiced, even though it would not have been so.
The judge could have lost objectivity in the case and therefore recused from it
122. M was driving his fancy sports car at the speed of 120 kmph, after consuming
alcohol. He lost control of the car and ran over 3 persons leading to their death. M
escaped the accident with injuries. What offence, if any, has M committed under
the Indian Penal Code?

M is not guilty of any offence since he was incapable of judgment by reason of

intoxication caused against his will.
M is guilty of causing death by doing a rash or negligent act.
M has committed the offence of culpable homicide since he caused death by doing
an act with the intention of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death.
M is guilty of committing murder since he did an act by which the death was caused
and which was done with the intention of causing death.
123. PRINCIPLE: The word 'offence' denotes a thing made punishable by the
Indian Penal Code. A prevents B from proceeding in a direction and keeps
him/her confined to a place. A has committed an offence of criminal
confinement According to the Indian Penal Code, whoever instigates a person
to do a thing, is said to abet such a thing.

FACTS: L, in an interview to a magazine, articulated her views in favour of living

together without a nuptial knot. Aggrieved by the same, X filed a criminal complaint
against L, for abetting criminal confinement. Can L be prosecuted and convicted for
the same?
G.R.L Yes, because the comments of L could have encouraged people to live together
without entering into a nuptial bond.
Yes, because the comments of L in fact encouraged certain individuals to live
together without entering into a nuptial bond.
No, because two adult people wanting to live together is not an offence.
No. because the comments of L were not directed towards any particular
person, and anybody acting on them, did so at his/her own risk.
124. On 1st April, P and Q, friends of X, decided to pull a prank on her. They wore
black masks to cover their faces and proceeded in an un-numbered car,
towards the road that X took her regular morning walk. As X was taking her
morning walk, they brought the car to a halt next to her and proceeded to
forcefully get her in it. A bystander, Y, watching this opened fire on P and Q
with his licensed gun and caused grievous injuries to them.
Y is guilty of causing grievous hurt as he had no right to intermeddle in the
private affairs of the friends and he was neither a public authority nor a police
Y is not guilty of any offence because he had a right to protect the body of any
other person, besides his own.
Y is not guilty of any offence because he had a reasonable apprehension that X
was being assaulted with an intention of abduction
Both (b)and(c).

125. PRINCIPLE I: According to Section 494 of the Indian Penal Code, whoever, having
a husband or wife living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by
reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife, shall be punished
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years,
and shall also be liable to fine.

PRINCIPLE II: Hindu law, as contained in the Hindu Marriage Act, enforces
monogamy. Polygamy is permitted under the Muslim law.
FACTS: Jitendar, a Hindu, was married to Meena, also a Hindu. Jitendar and Sunita,
another Hindu girl, converted to Islam and got married. QUESTION: Is Jitendar guilty of
the offence under Section 494 of the Indian Penal Code?
No, because Jitender converted to Islam which permits more than one wife.
No, because Jitender and Sunita converted to Islam and married, with mutual
Yes, because Jitender had a wife living. He married again.The said marriage was
void by reason of its taking place during the life of the first wife, in terms of Section
494, IPC.
Both (a) and (b)

126. In which city is Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library situated?

127. Kuchipudi is a dance form owing its origin to:
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
128. When the National Anthem of India was first sung?
25th December 1909
26th December 1910
27th December 1911
28th December 1912.
129. The first woman President of India hails from which city of India?
G.R.L Sangli
130. The rank of Colonel in the Indian Army is equivalent to which rank in the Indian
131. In which city are the headquarters of Zoological Survey of India situated?
132. Mount Harriat National Park is located in:
Andaman Nicobar Islands
Madhya Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
133. Who is the present Prime Minister of Malaysia?
Mohamed Nasheed
Najib Rajak
Saad Hariri.
134. Which of the following is the National aquatic animal of India?
Ganges crocodile
River dolphin
Blue whale
Olive Ridley turtle
135. Which team won the Sultan Azian Shah Cup in 2009 held in Kuala Lumpur?
New Zealand
136. Which of the following is the capital of Croatia?
137.Point out the incorrect match:
Mary Kom - Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
Sinimol Paulose -Arjuna Award
R Gopichand - Dronacharya Award
Jaydev Bisht - Dhyan Chand Award
138.Mark the correct pair.
Yamo wind - Uganda
Zonda wind - Japan
Austru wind - Austria
Laventer wind - Canada
139.Who wrote the Seva Sadan?
Rabindra Nath Tagore
'Munshi Premchand
Rama Krishna Paramhansa
Sister Nivedita
140.Match the correct pair:
Syphilis -Treponema pallidum
Chancroid - Orthomyxoviridae
Influenza - Haemophilus ducreyi
Polio - Legionella
141.Name the officer of Indian army who initiated an inquiry into the Sukna land case?
Gen. V. K. Singh
Gen. Deepak Kapoor
Gen. Padmanabhan
Gen. B.C. Joshi
142.Who is the head of the National Advisory Council?
Manmohan Singh
Montek Singh
Sonia Gandhi
Pranab Mukherji
143.Which of the following country is not the member of North Atlantic
Treaty Organisation (NATO)?
144. Name the book for which Aravind Adiga won the booker prize in 2008?
The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Red Tide Rising
The Remains of the Day
The White Tiger
145. At a given time of the day, a 9 feet high pole casts a shadow of 15 feet. At the same
time, an adjacent tree casts a shadow of 40 feet how tall is the tree?
12 feet
64 feet
24 feet
20 feet
146. A's initial salary was increased by 40%. However, during the period of recession, his
salary was decreased by 20%. On the whole:
A's salary increased over his initial salary by 12%.
A's salary increased over his initial salary by 20%.
A's salary decreased over his initial salary by 12%.
A’s salary returned to the same level as his initial salary.
147. A man is 5 years elder to his wife and she is now three times the age of their daughter.
If the daughter's age is 10 years, what was the age of the man when the daughter was

Directions: Questions 148 to 150 are based on the following facts:
A law firm comprises of 6 cubicles, separated from each other by 6 feet high partitions;
sound and smells therefore permeate to adjacent cubicles. You have been assigned the task
of allotting the cubicles to six employees of the firm. Ramesh is the secretary and telephone
operator and needs to use the telephone quite often during the course of the day. All the
employees generally maintain silence. Manish and Brij need adjacent cubicles since they
need to consult often. Hemant is the senior partner and needs to be allotted cubicle 5 which
faces a window. Dinesh requires silence in cubicle next to his. Tarun, Manish and Dinesh
are smokers. Hemant is allergic to cigarette smoke.
148. The three employees who are smokers should be allotted cubicles numbered:
(a) 1,2,6
(b) 4, 6, 1
(c) 1, 2, 3
Cannot be accommodated in the same office.
149. Ideally, Manish should be allotted cubicle number:

150. All other things remaining same, which of the following events May lead to a request
for change of cubicle?
Hemant operating a portable radio-set in his cubicle.
Ramesh needing silence in cubicles adjacent to his.
Tarun taking over the duties of Ramesh.
None of the above.
151. How is 6/8 expressed as a percentage?
(a) 0.75%
(b) 75%
(c) 7.5%
(d) 48%
man is facing west. He turns 45 degrees in clockwise direction and then another 180
degrees in the same direction and then 270 degrees in the anticlockwise direction. What
direction is he facing now?
South East
South West
153. What is the missing number in the series, 7, 15, 32, 138, 281 ?
154. It takes a moving train 30 seconds to cross a stationary engine. To compute the speed
of the train, which of the following should be known?
The length of the stationary engine.
The length of the moving train.
The length of the moving engine.
Both the length of the stationary engine as well as the length of the moving train.
pole has been affixed in a riverbed. One-half of the pole is buried in the riverbed.
One-third of it is covered by water. 8 feet of it projects out of the water. What is
then total length of the pole in feet?
156. Which word would complete the following sequence: DIRECT ROLE,
157. Since October 2009, which is the highest Court of appeal for England and Wales?
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.
The House of Lords.
The High Court of Justiciary
The Privy Council.
158. Which odorant is commonly added to household Liquefied Petroleum Gas, to
easily detect its leakage?
159. Which football club did Lionel Messi play for in the 2009-10 UEFA Champions
Manchester United
160. Which Indian Company acquired the Megasari Makmur Group of Indonesia in
Reliance Industries Ltd.
Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.
TATA Motors Ltd.
Mittal Steel Company N.V.
161. Which of the following spots reportedly witnesses the largest s; of ice-cream in India?
Juhu Beach, Mumbai
Gateway of India, Mumbai
Marina Beach, Chennai
India Gate, Delhi
joint team of scientists from Russia and U.S. was recently report to have created the
element to fill the gap in the periodic table chemical elements. The element was called:
Hement 117
Element 118
PASSAGE: I entered the room where the corpse lay, and was led up i the coffin. How can I
describe my sensations on beholding it? I feel did not parch with horror, nor can I reflect on
that terrible moment without shuddering and agony, that faintly reminds me of the anguish
of the recognition. The trial, the presence of the magistrate and witnessed passed like a
dream from my memory, when I saw the lifeless form Henry Clervar stretched before me. I
gasped for breath; and, thrower myself on the body, I exclaimed, "Have my murderous
machinatior deprived you also, my dearest Henry of life? Two I have already destroyed
other victims await their destiny: but you, Clervar, my friend, m benefactor -"The human
frame could no longer support the agonizing suffering that I endured, and I was carried out
of the room in strong convulsions. A fever succeeded to this. I lay for two months on the
point of death; my ravings, as I afterwards heard, were frightful; I called myself the
murderer of William, of Justine, and of Clervar. Sometimes entreated my attendants to assist
me in the destruction of the fiend b whom I was tormented; and, at others, I felt the fingers
of the monster already grasping my neck, and screamed aloud with agony and terror
Fortunately, as I spoke my native language, Mr. Kirwin alone understood me; but my
gestures and bitter cries were sufficient to affright the other witnesses. Why did I not die?
More miserable than man ever was before why did I not sink into forgetfulness and rest?
Death snatches away many blooming children, the only hopes of their doting parents; hove
many brides and youthful lovers have been one day in the bloom o health and hope, and the
next a prey for worms and the decay of the tomb! Of what materials was I made, that I could
thus resist so many shocks, which, like the turning of the wheel, continually renewed the
163. Describe the emotions of the narrator as can be sensed from the above passage:
Humiliation and pain
Grief and loss
Guilt and despair
Both (b) and (c)
164. What does the use of phrases such as 'parched with horror', 'shuddering and agony', 'I
gasped for breath' suggest to the reader:
The mental torture that the narrator is undergoing.
The violent body language of the narrator.
The mental torments of the narrator expressed by a violent body language.
The hallucinations in the mind of the narrator, arising out of his grief.
165. The narrator's ravings could have been taken as an admission of guilt of being
responsible for the death Henry Clervaf, but for the fact that:
He was speaking in his native language.
He was suffering immensely.
He was physically ill.
He was mentally unsound.
166. The word 'machination' means:
Inventing a new machine.
A Crafty scheme.
Foul intention.
Understanding the working of something or someone.
167. The narrator appears to make several references to his own suffering, but ignores the
suffering undergone by those he claimed to have murdered, or others bereaved by the
deaths. Considering this, the style of the passage may best be described as:
Self Centered

(I) I savor the remoteness and the rare times I'm alone on this muscular river in southern
Utah, a precious ribbon of wild water between reservoirs and the suck holes of industry
and agriculture.
(II) Officially, I'm here to have my peace disturbed. Floaters must have permit to run this
stretch of river. During the peak season a range checks lottery drawn launch dates and a
short list of gear related to safety and environmental protection. The permit system
allaws the federal agency in charge to hold numbers of floaters to a maximum o about
10,000 a year, set in 1979, when use increased 250 percent in just three seasons. Each
year since, the actual number of people down the river has hovered close to this ceiling,
which the agency believes in the rivers capacity for a "quality wilderness experience."
Socially, if not physically, however, "wilderness experience" seems to have become an
illusion if not irrelevant Right now I'm the voluntary ranger managing both the illusion
and the irrelevance.
(III)Most people accept the permit system as a panacea for the explosion in numbers of river
runners and the consequences for a fragile riparian corridor. Others find regulation about
as painless as an IRS audit.
(IV) They see the Southwest as a region of federally neutered rivers where a person is no
longer free to kill himself in a four-foot rubber ducky pulling an inner tube piled with
beans, testosterone, and a small machete....
(V) The boat ramp is swarming with people 3nd vehicles to be shuttled to the takeout.
Someone's dog is throwing up what appears to be rabbit parts. I'm approached by a
pickup driven by a man waving a spray nozzle and hose hooked to a large barrel of
allegedly lethal chemicals. He's from county weed control, he says. Have I seen the
loathsome pepperweed? Not a leaf, I lie.

(VI) Cheerfully I sign the permit of the outfitter who specializes in theme river trips - stress
management seminars, outings for the crystal fondlers or fingernail technicians of East
Jesus, New Jersey, overcoming, at last, their irrational fear of Nature. Today's load is
priests troubled by a lapsed faith - pale, anxious, overweight fellaws in the early stages
of heatstroke. I also check gear and answer questions about bugs, snakes, scorpions,
camps, rapids and Indians (one side of the river is reservation land). Do I live here
fulltime? They ask. No, I respond, except for an occasional shift at the put-in, I'm on the
river eight days out of sixteen, six months a year
(VII)Some rafts look as if they barely survived World War II.
(VIII)Others are outfitted with turbo-dynamic chrome-plated throw lines, heat welded
vinyl dry-bags, cargo nets spun from the fibers of dew-fed arachnids from Borneo,
horseshoes, volleyball sets, sauna tents, coffin-sized coolers stuffed with sushi, a
small fleet of squirt boats, whining packs of androgynous progeny who prefer to be
at home fulfilling their needs electronically. All of this gear is color-coordinated
with SPF 14 sunscreen and owned by business majors in Styrofoam pith helmets
and Lycra body gloves, in which they were placed at birth. Once loaded, their boats
are pieces of personal architecture, stunning but nevertheless stuck on the sandbar
six feet out from the boat ramp after a dramatic send-off.
168. The author of the aforesaid passage may be best described as:
Narrator of the events of the past
An ecologist concerned at the exploitation of the river.
A ranger making an official report of the events.
Commentator on contemporary American customs.
169. Which of the following is NOT employed in the Paragraph III of the above
passage (most people accept permit… IRS audit)?
170. Paragraphs V and VI describe the characteristics of the rafters. Which of the
following characteristics is NOT described in those paragraphs?
Physical appearance
Response to nature
171. The description, "androgynous progeny who prefer to be at home fulfilling
their needs electronically" refers to:
Pets not accustomed to outdoor life.
Rafters' preference to rafts with modern electronic gadgetry.
Rafters with battered rafts envying the ones with modern equipment.
Children who would rather be playing video games.
172. The effect of the last sentence of the passage may be described as:
Comic anti-climax
Symbolic conclusion
173. Paragraph VI makes a reference to:
Native Americans
"Non-Resident Indians"
174. The narrator uses all the following tones of voice except:
175. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the passage?
To describe everyday life around American 'adventure camps'?
To protest against exploitation of natural resources.
satirize aspects of the 'back to the nature' movement
To judge the vanity in people

DULLB 2010

1 B 36 C 71 106 B 141 B
2 37 72 107 C 142 C
3 C 38 C 73 108 B 143
4 B 39 B 74 C 109 C 144
5 40 75 110 145 C
6 41 C 76 B 111 B 146
7 C 42 77 112 147 B
8 B 43 C 78 B 113 B 148 C
9 B 44 79 C 114 149
10 45 80 115 B 150 C
11 46 81 116 151 B
12 B 47 C 82 117 C 152
13 C 48 83 C 118 153 B
14 49 B 84 119 B 154
15 C 50 85 120 155
16 B 51 C 86 B 121 C 156 B
17 52 B 87 122 B 157
18 B 53 88 C 123 C 158
19 54 B 89 124 159
20 55 90 C 125 C 160 B
21 C 56 91 B 126 161
22 B 57 C 92 127 B 162
23 58 93 128 C 163
24 C 59 94 129 B 164 C
25 60 C 95 C 130 165
26 61 96 B 131 C 166 B
27 B 62 97 132 167
28 63 B 98 133 C 168
29 B 64 C 99 B 134 B 169
30 65 100 135 C 170 B
31 C 66 B 101 B 136 171
32 67 102 137 172
33 68 B 103 138 173
34 C 69 104 B 139 B 174
35 B 70 B 105 140 175 C
Name the oil tanker that was hijacked by Somali pirates in November, 2008?
MV Elizabeth
MV Sirius Star
Seabourn Spirit
Achille Lauro
The Great Fire of Rome is associated with:
Maximus Quintus
Pliny the Elder
Lucius Domitius
Which of the following is not a wireless data transfer technology?
Human saliva contains enzymes necessary for breakdown of:
Which of the following substance is an anticoagulant?
The first metal used by man was:
Where is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator located? ,
Switzerland and France
United States of America and Mexico
Which of the following is not a private space tourism venture:
Virgin Galactic
Bigelaw Aerospace
Where is the world's highest waterfall located?
Canada & United States
Sri Lanka
The chemicals used in tear gas are known as:
Mustard gas
Lachrymatory agents
Nitrous oxide

Nerve agents
On what date did Rakesh Sharma launch aboard Soyuz T-I I towards its destination, the
Salyut 7 space station?
13th January 1984
23rd April 1984
2nd April 1984
26th January 1982
Polio virus is primarily transmitted via:
Contaminated food and water
Mosquito bite
Contaminated air
Mother to foetus.
Which road in Delhi is known as the Fleet Street of India?
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
Race Course Road
Bafiadur Shah Zafar Road
Parliament Street
Which of the following is popularly known as the 'Siamese Fighting Fish?
Which car maker is reportedly building the Presidential car for President of United States,
Barack Obama?
Ford Motor Company
General Motors
Rolls Royce
Treatment of Dengue fever may require:
Platelet transfusion
Administration of propanolol
All of the above
Which of the following popular fictional characters is not the public face of a superhero?
Peter Parker
Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent
Paul Drake
Which of the following countries conducted its first anti-satellite weapon test in the year
United State of America
'Bar' is a unit of:
Alcohol content
Who is considered the inventor of detective fiction?

Arthur Conan Doyle

Agatha Christie
Erie Stanley Gardner
Edgar Allan Poe
Besides Indian scientific instruments, the Chandrayan carried instruments from various
other space agencies. Which, among the following, is not one of them?
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
European Space Agency (ESA)
Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA)
Who provided the earliest evidence of the Big Bang model of the Universe?
Fred Hoyle.
Edwin Hubble.
Which of the following is used as a tool for tracking human ancestry through females?
Nuclear DNA
Mitochondrial DNA
Which of the following is not a Kingdom under the Five Kingdom taxonomies I
Which telecom operator was the first to announce third-generation (3G) telecom services in
Reliance Communications
TATA Infocomm
Which team won the Indian Premier League tournament in 2008?
Chennai Super Kings
Rajasthan Royals
Bangalore Royal Challengers
Deccan Chargers
What is the aerobatics demonstration team of Indian Navy known as?
Sea Hawks
Surya Kiran
Sagar Pawan
Blue Angels
Water retaining plants adapted to arid climates are known as:
Who created the 'Common Man’ associated with the Times of India?
R. K. Narayan
R. K. Narayanan

R. K. Laxman
K. R. Narayanan
Which event has been described as "the effective birth of economics as a separate discipline",
by the New Encyclopedia Britannica?
The emergence of the 18th century French Physiocrats.
The publication of Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations".
The development of Keynesian Economics.
The codification of economic formulae in the city States of Sumer.
Edible mushroom is a form of:
Lawer life form
'Nitrogen fixation' refers to:
Fixing achievable targets for reducing nitrogen pollution in the atmosphere.
Developing means to synthesize and produce Nitrogen on a mass scale.
The process by which Nitrogen is converted from its natural form in the atmosphere to
Nitrogen compounds.
The procedure for optimal utilization of Nitrogen based fertilizers in field.
Jacques Yves Cousteau is credited with:
Liberating Paris in the Second World War.
Developing French naval warfare techniques.
Pioneering marine conservation.
Undertaking High Sea adventure trips.
Which, among the following, is not a literary piece by R. K. Narayan:
The Man Eater of Malgudi
The Guide
Swami and Friends
Malgudi Junction
Which of the following establishments in India was modeled on the lines of the United States
The National Defence Academy
The National Academy of Sciences
The Indian Administrative Services
The Defence Research and Development Organisation
Who, among the following fictional characters, is not a creation of Satyajit Ray?
Byomkesh Bakshi
Professor Shonku
Which British doctrine is considered as one of the reasons leading
to the First War of Independence, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny?
Doctrine of Lapse
Doctrine of Contributory Negligence
Doctrine of Incompetence
Doctrine of Frustration of Purpose
The vermiform appendix in humans is an example of:
Reflex action mechanism
Digestive System organ
Vestigial Organ
Cognitive Behavioral Organ

Which phiyto-hormones influence plant growth?

Cell wall in plants is composed of:
Which plant mimics the scent and other characteristics of a female
wasp to lure a male wasp of the species for its pollination?
Central American Yucca
Australian Orchid
Indian Banyan
Chinese Lily
Name the antimicrobial substance found in tears, saliva, sweat etc.?
Root nodule rhizobia in legumes are an example of:
Which of the following is associated with Marx's economics?
Theories of Surplus Value
Essay on the Principle of Population
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Okishio's theorem
The movie 'A Fistful of Dollars' was based on which movie?
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Support Your Local Gunfighter
What is the unit for temperature in the metric system?
Where is the painting, Mona Lisa displayed?
Louvre, Paris
National Gallery of London
Luxembourg, Paris
Orsay, Paris
Aristotle argued for the existence of a divine being described as?
Prime Mover
The Being

Spiritual Entity of Soul

Which art movement was led by Pablo Picasso?
Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist is regarded as founder of which school of psychology?
Ego psychology
Cultural-historical psychology
Evolutionary psychology
Analytical psychology
Munchausen Syndrome refers to:
A mental disorder in which the affected person fakes or exaggerates illness to gain attention
and treatment,
A condition in which the affected person is excessively worried or preoccupied about having
An eating disorder involving a compulsion to eat or avoid eating.
A disorder involving a fear of being negatively evaluated by others or being embarrassed
because of impulsive acts.
Which event led to a decision to provide the services of United States' Global Positioning
System (GPS) to anyone, for civilian purposes, free of charge?
The series of losses of merchant ships and airplanes passing the Bermuda Triangle.
The shooting down of a Korean Air Lines flight by Soviet jet interceptors.
The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
The failure of NASA's Mars Observer mission.
Which Company acquired a majority shareholding in one of India's largest drugmaker
Zenotech Laboratories Ltd.
Daiichi Sankyo
Which Company was in news for the gruesome death of its CEO
at the hands of its agitating employees in September, 2008?
In which year was State of Israel admitted as a member of the United Nations:
(a) 1950
(b) 1949
(c) 1948
(d) 1952
Name the author of the book, "Sea of Poppies"
William Dalrymple
Amitav Ghose
Chetan Bhagat
Salman Rushdie
Which country won the UEFA European Football Championship in

Who won the 2008 Man Booker Prize?
Steve Toltz
Aravind Adiga
Chetan Bhagat
Amitav Ghosh
Bone marrow transplants are effective in cases of:
The Chandrayan has detected the presence of one of the following elements in the lunar soil.
Which party won the December 2008 general elections in Bangladesh?
Awami League coalition.
Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) coalition.
Jamaat-e-lslami Bangladesh
Bangladesh Jatiya Party
Who was the Chief Guest at the 60th Republic Day celebrations?
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Nicolas Sarkozy
Jacques Chirac
Vladimir Putin
The Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord was entered into under the leadership of:
Indira Gandhi and J.R. Jayewardene.
Rajiv Gandhi and J.R. Jayewardene
Rajiv Gandhi and Ranasighe Premadasa.
Rajiv Gandhi and Chandrika Kumaratunga.
What time zone does India fall into?
Which of the following events is associated with 'Smiling Buddha'?
The nuclear weapons test conducted by India in 1998.
The launch of Chandrayan.
The launch of PSLV-II.
The nuclear weapons test conducted by India in 1974.
Which event led to Rabindranath Tagore's renouncement of his knighthood?
Civil Disobedience Movement
Jallianwalla Bagh massacre
Morley Minto Reforms
Chauri Chaura
Which one of the following is considered a major strategic event of the 1857 Mutiny/First
War of Independence?
Wheeler's entrenchment
Massacre at Sati Chaura Ghat.
Bibighar massacre
All of the above

Which off the foiowing is associated with the business of retail supply and distribution of
electricity in Delhi?
Delhi Bower Company Ltd.
BSES Yamuna Power Ltd
Delhi Transco Ltd.
Delhi Efiectridty Regulatory Commission
How many Olympic Gold medab has the American swimmer, Michwl Phelps won in his
career till date?
What is the Super WASP?
UK’s extra-solar planet detection program
Genetically engineered giantWasp
Anti ballistic missile shield
Long, range tracking radar
The policy off British East India Company in India during the period
off 1813-1858 is described as:
Policy of Ring Fence
Policy of Annexation by Lapse
Policy of Subordinate Isolation
Policy of SubordinateUnion
Which modern Indian historian has described the events of 1857
as "neither first nor National nor War of Independence"
V. D. Savarkar
Dadabhai Naoroji
S.N. Sen
R. C. Majumdar
The airspace over one of the following was declared a 'no-fly zone’ December 2006. There by
prohibiting all flying activity up to a height off 10.000 feet over it. Choose the correct
Parliament of India
Saibsihi Dhawan Space Centre. Sriharikota
HCaljpaliiLam Nuclear Power Plant
Rastattrapati Bhavan
Who is the Governor of Reserve Bank of India?
Dr. D Subbarao
Dr. Rakesh Mohan
Dr.Y.V. Reddy
Dr. Bimal Jalan
Which off the flawing offices has never been held by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh?
Finance Minister
Governor. Reserve Bank of India
Honorary Professor. Delhi School of Economics
Member, Lok Sabha
Op-Ed, with reference to a newspaper article, refers to:
Opinion Editorial
Opposite Editorial
Opinion Educational
Operative Editorial
"Stability 2008" refers to:
Russian strategic military exercise.
Economic bailout package envisaged by the Obama regime.

United Nations endeavor to bring peace to Somalia.

Measures to maintain ecological balance in tropical rain forests.
Who, among the following Indians, purchased the sword of Tipu Sultan at an auction in
Sanjay Khan
Anil Ambani
Yijay Mallya
Ratan Tata
Which of the following is one of the ten forces that 'flattened the world' in the opinion of
Thomas L Friedman in his book, "The World is Flat"?
Nuclear weapons
Lunar landing
Who was crowned the 57th Miss Universe at Miss Universe 2008?
Riyo Mori
Dayana Mendoza
Rebeca Moreno
Taliana Vargas
Who among the following has not won a medal in individual event at the Olympics?
Rajyavardhan Rarnore
Abhinav Bindra
Leander Paes
Anjali Bhagat
Who among the following was the recipient of Padma Bhushan for distinguished services in
Harbhajan Singh
Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Abhinav Bindra
Balbir Singh Khullar
A dysregulation of micro-RNA is linked with:
The Global Potato Conference 2008 was held at
Lima, Peru
New Delhi, India
Mexico City, Mexico
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Which of the following is not a video gaming console?
Which law was enacted in the United States in 2008, for the bailout of the U.S. financial
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
Troubled Asset Relief Act of 2008
Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008
Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008

Who led the FIDE Men's Chess ratings as on 1st February 2009?
Anatoli Karpov
Viswanathan Anand
Veselin Topalov
Vassily Ivanchuk
The de facto administrative capital of LTTE was located at:
Elephant Pass
Which Pakistan based group was designated by the United Nations Security Council as a
terrorist organization following the November, 2008 Mumbai attacks:
Which temple witnessed a stampede in September 2008?
Cfiamunda Devi Temple, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Jaggannath Temple, Puri, Orissa
Tirupati Temple, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
Chamunda Devi, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
Which term is being served by Smt.. Sheila Dixit as the Chief Minister of Delhi?
Which State among the following witnessed the largest polling percentage in the State
Elections in 2008?
Jammu & Kashmir
With which of the following did the State Bank of India enter into a Joint-venture Agreement
for undertaking general insurance business?
New India Assurance Ltd.
Insurance Australia Group
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
With which country did India sign an extradition treaty in November,
Sri Lanka
The 14th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change was
held at:
Bali, Indonesia
Pozanan, Poland
Montreal, Canada
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Balwant Rai Mehta Committee Report, 1957 is associated with:

Tax Reforms
Planning Commission
National Defence
Parrchayati Raj
Which was the first element to be discovered through synthesis?
AIDS stands for:
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome
Acquired Immuno Disease Syndrome
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Symptoms

Directions: Questions 99 to 103 are based on the following passage:

"You've been in love, of course! If not, you've got it to come. Love is like the measles; we all have
to go through it. Also like the measles, we take it only once. One never need be afraid of catching
it a second time. The man who has had it can go into the most dangerous places and play the most
foolhardy tricks with perfect safety. He can picnic in shady woods, ramble through leafy aisles,
and linger on mossy seats to watch the sunset. He fears a quiet country-house no more than he
would his own club. He can join a family party to go down the Rhine. He can, to see the last of a
friend, venture into the very jaws of the marriage ceremony itself. No, we never sicken with love
twice. Cupid spends no second arrow on the same heart. Love's handmaids are our life-long
friends. Respect, and admiration, and affection, our doors may always be left open for, but their
great celestial master, in his royal progress, pays but one visit and departs. We like, we cherish, we
are very, very fond of-but we never love again. A man's heart is a firework that once in its time
flashes heavenward. Meteor like it blazes for a moment and lights with its glory the whole world
beneath. Then the night of our sordid commonplace life closes in around it, and the burned-out
case, falling back to earth, lies useless and uncared for, slawly smoldering into ashes".
In the opinion of the author, love is like measles because:
a. Each one of us has to go through it.
b. It happens only once in life.
c. It makes a person reckless
d. It is painful. Which of the above are correct?
a, b and d
a, b and c
a and b
All of them are correct
The writing style of the author may be described as:
Choose the word having the same meaning as "ramble"
What, according to the author, are the emotions that accompany love?

Admiration and affection.

Courage and fearlessness.
In which of the following ways is a man's heart been described as being similar to a
A firework lights up the sky.
A firework flashes only momentarily and falls back to earth.
Having lighted up once, it is of no further use.
All of the above.
Choose the word having the same meaning as "obsequious"
Choose the word having the same meaning as "averse"
Choose the word having the same meaning as "apposite"
Choose the word having a meaning opposite of "sequester".
Choose the word having a meaning opposite of "sagacious".
Choose the word having a meaning opposite of "erudite’.
Cognition refers to:
The ability to recognize.
The reflex to a condition.
The faculty of perception.
An inclination towards seeking recognition.
Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the bianirs The General's at the battlefield paid

The speaker made a argument against the proposed law.
A by the Principal disciplined the rowdy schoolboys
Since the Parliament was not in session, the President promulgated a/an in view of die
Studies have revealed that a female Whale spends considerable time nursing its
Pre-Toothed whale
Aamir 14 films and I think his latest is the best.
Has made
Had made
Was making
Sorry, we're late. We the wrong turning.
Were taking
Had taken
Are taking
Next week I Akash for 20 years.
Will have known
Am knowing
Will have been knowing
Following the earthquake, in the area major repair work.
Each buildings ... Need
Each of buildings ... Needs
Every building ... Needs
Every building ... need
The radio station is owned by the Entertainment Group, Chairman is Mr. Vishal

Jack leave the hospital only six hours after the operation.
is able to
was able to
Choose the correct sentence.
He described me the situation.
He describe the situation to me.
I was described the situation to me.
I was described the situation.
Who was coming to see me this morning?
did you say
did you say that
you did say
you said
I our anniversary and I how to make it up to her.
completely forgot ... don't just know
completely forgot ... just don't know
forgot completely ... don't just know
forgot completely ... just don't know
"FOB" in contracts of carriage refers to:
Fresh on Board
on Board
Fresh off Boat
Free off Board
Dishonor of a cheque is an offence under:
Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act
Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code
Section 73 of the Contract Act
Section 41 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
A Lease Agreement is a form of:
Promissory note
Bill of Exchange
Which of the following is not an Alternate Dispute Redressal Mechanism?
Lok Adalat
Plea Bargaining
The owner and landlord of a flat, allotted to him by the Delhi Development Authority, may
recover possession of the flat from his tenant by taking recourse to the law. Which of the
following may not have any bearing on such recovery of possession?
Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958
Agreement to Lease for a fixed term.
Indian Contract Act, 1872
public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971
Which of the following is not related to protection of rights of consumers?
24th December
Jago Grahak, Jago

15th March
All of them are related to consumer protection.
The 44th Amendment Act of 1978 to the Constitution of India:
Deleted the Fundamental Right to acquire, hold and dispose off property.
Introduced the Fundamental Right to free and compulsory education.
Deleted Fundamental Right to work
Suspended the Fundamental Right to constitutional remedies.
Who declared a state of emergency in India under Article 352 of the Constitution of India in
the year 1975?
Indira Gandhi
Giani Zail Singh
Fakhruddln All Ahmed
Sanjay Gandhi
Who is the Solicitor General of India?
Milon K. Bannerjee
Harish Salve
Soli Sorabjee
Following a ruling of the Delhi High Court, which among the following is not a criteria for
designating an advocate as Senior Advocate:
a. ability
b. standing at Bar
c. 12 years of uninterrupted law practice
d. Special knowledge or experience of law
e. Money
b, c and e
b and e
c and e
The Bill for Welfare of Domestic Help has been passed by the state legislature of:
Which Bill of the Parliament seeks to give effect to Article 21A of the Constitution of India?
Right to Education Bill, 2008
Central Universities Bill, 2008
Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2008
National Investigation Agency Bill, 2008
The Rules restricting the display of use of tobacco products in films and television
programmes was recently struck down by the High Court of Delhi, being violative of:
Article 19( I )(a) of the Constitution of India.
Article 21 of die Constitution of India.
Section 5A of die Cinematograph Act, 1952.
Article 14 of the Constitution of India.
Against which of die following Indian establishment has a dass action lawsuit been filed
recently in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York?
Price Waterhouse Coopers
Satyam Computer Services Ltd.
Maytas Infra Ltd.
All of die above

Which judge of the Supreme Court of India was recently reported to have equated a terrorist
with an animal and thus deserving of animal rights instead of human rights, in his speech?
Justice Arijit Pasayat
Justice B. N. Agarwal
Justice S.B. Sinha
Justice S.H. Kapadia
Who founded the doctrine of Utilitarianism?
John Austin
Jeremy Bentham
Ronald Dworkin
Which of the following is not related to legal research?
Black's Law Dictionary
Boyle's Law
Law of the Sea
Which of the following is considered the first international crime?
Piracy on the High Seas.
Violation of Human Rights
Software Piracy
Under which Article of the Constitution of India is the law laid down by Supreme Court
binding on all courts?
Article 32
Article 141
Article 226
Article 124
Driving without a valid "Pollution Under Control Certificate" is punishable under the
provisions of:
The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991.
Who appoints the Attorney General of India?
Chief Justice of India.
Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India,
President of India
President of India in consultation with the Chief Justice of India.
Who among the following is an accused in the Uphaar cinema fire case?
Sushil Ansal
Sanjeev Nanda
Manu Sharma
What is an extradition treaty?
A treaty for surrender of an alleged or convicted criminal by one nation to another.
A treaty for ensuring fair trial of an alleged or convicted criminal transferred by one nation to
A treaty for international trial of an alleged or convicted criminal.
A treaty for trial of an alleged or convicted criminal by a nation, for crime committed or
allegedly committed in another nation.
Which of the following is entrusted with a statutory duty of laying down the standards of

professional conduct and etiquette for advocates in India?

Bar Association of India
Bar Council of India
Delhi Bar Council
Supreme Court of India
Which is the present Law Commission of India?
Which University had established Faculty of Law was in 1924?
Allahabad University
Aligarh Muslim University
Banaras Hindu University
University of Delhi
Who is the author of the book "A Bunch of Old Letters"?
Jawaharlal Nehru
Mahatma Gandhi
Smt. Indira Nehru Gandhi
Shri K.C. Pant
What is meant by the expression "Separation of Powers"?
Division of powers and spheres of authority between the police and the army at local and
national level
Model of governance dividing the powers and responsibilities of 'the State between its
Executive, Legislature and a Judiciary
Provision under the Constitution of India for separate High Courts for each state of the country
Division of rights and liabilities between the Central Government, State Governments and the
citizens of India through the Constitution of India read with the Right to Information Act
Which of the following theories of crime is based on the works of Henry McKay and Clifford
R. Shaw of the Chicago School thought?
Social disorganization theory
Strain theory
Rational choice theory
Routine activity theory
The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, as amended in 2006, prohibits the
employment of children under the age of years as domestic servants.
Which documentary film won an Oscar during 81st Academy Awards 2009?
Slumdog Millllionaire
Smile Pinki
Pinki Sonkar
Smile Train
Which of the following bodies is not set up under the Constitution of India?
Finance Commission
Union Public Service Commission
Supreme Court of India
National Human Rights Commission
Which of the following is not true about LED?
It’s an abbreviation for Light Emitting Diode
It can emit light of various colors

it is a type of superconductor
It can emit light of infrared and ultra-violet frequencies
How many official languages have been recognised under the Constitution of India?
An arrested person under the Indian Constitution does not have a fundamental right to
Travel abroad
Practice any profession
Get assistance of a legal practitioner of his choice if arrested under preventive detention law
Challenge an arbitrary law
The only University in India covered in the first "Top 500 World University Rankings" for
the year 2007 published by the Times Higher Education Supplement was:
University of Bombay
Punjab University
University of Delhi

Directions: Choose the most appropriate answer to each Factual Situation given in Question Nos.
161 to 163 within the scope of the Principle mentioned.

PRINCIPLE: A person, who lawfully brings on his land something which though harmless,
but will do mischief if it escape, must keep it at his peril, and if he does not, he is answerable
for all the damage.

FACTUAL SITUATION:'A' was the owner of a mill. In order to supply it with water he
constructed a reservoir upon nearby land by employing engineers and contractors’' was the owner
of coal mines, under lands, close to but not adjoining the premises on which the reservoir was
constructed. The contractors, while excavating for the bed of the reservoir, came upon abandoned
shafts and filled them with soil not suspecting that that they were abandoned mine shafts. The
reservoir was completed and partly filled. Within days the bed of the reservoir gave way and
burst, leading to flaw of water through the channels connected with B's mine. Is 'A’ liable to pay
damages for loss caused to B?
'A' is not liable because there was no negligence on his part. He was not aware that the
reservoir bed was connected to B's mines
'A' is liable to pay damages to 'B' because he brought the water on his property which would
have caused mischief if it escaped and it did escape.
'A' is not liable because ‘B' never informed him the existence of B's mines.
'A' is liable because he hired the services of unqualified engineers

PRINCIPLE: Cheating is defined as deceiving any person to deliver any property and it
includes the dishonest concealment of facts. Cheating by Personation means a person
cheating another by pretending to be some other person, or by knowingly substituting one
person for another, or representing that he or any other person is a person other than he or
such other person really is.

FACTUAL SITUATION: 'A', while leaving a restaurant mistakingly picked up the umbrella of
'B' instead of his own. The next day he decided to return to the restaurant with the umbrella,
hoping to find the real owner, C, who had never seen 'B' in person and had only communicated
with 'B' through letters was on his way to the restaurant to meet ‘B'. Since 'B' and ‘C had never
met, it was agreed between them to identify each other at the pre-appointed spot, the restaurant
door, by the clothing of 'C and umbrella of 'B' which they had described to each other in detail., 'C
saw’s' at the door of the restaurant
G.R.L and identified the umbrella. Thinking 'A' to be 'B','C delivered
a parcel labeled Mr. B to 'A'.'A' received the same without protest and promptly returned home
without looking for 'B'. Is 'A' guilty of cheating by Personation?

'A' is not guilty because he was going to return the umbrella to the real owner and handing
over 'B's' packet to 'A' was 'C's' mistake.
'A' is not guilty because he was overcome by a sudden temptation.
‘A’ is guilty because he was aware of the mistaken identity and that the parcel was not meant
for him but for ‘B'.
'A' is guilty because the parcel might have been valuable to ‘B'.
PRINCIPLE: A consumer is a person who buys any goods or services for a consideration
and uses the goods for non-commercial purposes. Exclusive use of the goods for the
purposes of earning his livelihood, by means of self-employment is not considered as
commercial use. A consumer can approach a consumer forum if there is a deficiency in
goods or service.
FACTUAL SITUATION: 'A', a taxi driver received a car music system for free, from an
electronics company through a draw of lots and installed the same in his taxi. Sometime later, the
music system stopped working. 'A' approached the electronics company for a replacement but the
company kept delaying. Can 'A' sue the company in a consumer forum?
Yes ‘A’ is not using die music system for any commercial purpose. He is just plying a tax: for
earning his livelihood.
Yes ‘A’. mere is a deficiency in goods since the music system became non-functional.
No, ‘A’ is using his taxi for ferrying passengers which is a commercial purpose. Hence he is not a
No, ‘A’ is not a consumer since he has not paid any consideration for the music system.

Dr. Hari Singh Gaur was the first Dean, Faculty of Law and the Vice-Chancellor of:
Dr. Hari singh gaur university
University of Delhi
University of lucknow
None of the above
Which of the following bodies had approached the Supreme Court of India seeking
permission to interrogate the deposed Chairman of Satyam Computer Services?
Registrar of Companies
Securities and Exchange Board of India
Reserve Bank of India
Central Bureau of Investigation
How many persons were nominated for award of Ashok Chakra on 26th January 2009?

Which politician considered responsible for Babri Masjid demolition has apologized for his
role in the demolition?
Ms. Uma Bharati
G.R.L Mr. Madan Lai Khurana
Kalyan Singh
None of the above
Which is the University whose Faculty of Law has been given first rank among all Faculties
having three-year LL.B. Degree course?
National Law School University, Bangalore
University of Delhi
University of Hyderabad
W.B. National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata
According to a survey conducted by the Union Ministry of Labour and Employment,
workers lost their job between October and December, 2008 in India on account of
zhree lakh
Four lakh
Five lakh
Seven lakh
The phrase 'de facto' means:
All the facts
All the facts and figures
Bona fide
For all practical purposes
The expression "to assume air on" means
To assume inferiority
To fill one self with airy things
To affect humility
To have a haughty opinion about oneself
Which one of the following is associated with mentally or emotionally disturbed
The prediction by palm-reading is called
Neuralgia is associated with
Record of heart beats
Mental inbalance
Nerve pain
Inflamation of the nerves

DU LLB 2009

1 B 36 B 71 C 106 C 141 C
2 37 72 107 C 142
3 38 C 73 C 108 143 B
4 B 39 74 109 C 144
5 40 B 75 110 C 145 C
6 B 41 B 76 B 111 C 146 B
7 42 B 77 112 147
8 B 43 B 78 C 113 B 148 B
9 44 79 C 114 C 149 C
10 B 45 B 80 B 115 C 150
11 B 46 81 116 151
12 47 82 C 117 B 152 B
13 C 48 B 83 118 153
14 49 84 B 119 C 154
15 B 50 85 120 B 155 B
16 51 86 121 156
17 52 B 87 C 122 C 157 C
18 53 88 B 123 158
19 C 54 B 89 B 124 B 159
20 55 B 90 125 B 160
21 56 B 91 126 161 B
22 C 57 92 C 127 162 C
23 C 58 B 93 B 128 163
24 59 B 94 129 164 *
25 C 60 C 95 B 130 165 B
26 B 61 96 131 166 B
27 C 62 97 C 132 C 167 C
28 63 B 98 133 B 168 C
29 C 64 B 99 C 134 169 B
30 B 65 100 C 135 170 C
31 66 B 101 136 171
32 C 67 102 137 172
33 C 68 B 103 138 B 173 B
34 69 B 104 139 174
35 70 105 C 140 C 175 C
Who is the present chancellor of Germany?
Angela merkel
Helmut kohl
Carla Bruni
Nicholas Sarkozy
Which district of china was the worst hit by the earthquake of May, 2008.
Which of the following was/is not a space station programme?
Who is a genealogist?
A person who creates a DNA gene map of individuals
A person who studies the total gene pool of an ecosystem
A person who studies and traces family lineages
A person who locates individuals with IQ in the range of geniuses in a sample
What is geriatrics?
Branch of science focusing on the study of genes and DNA
Branch of medicine focusing on health care of elderly
Branch of medicine dealing with care of infants and children
Branch of medicine dealing with germs and microbes
Who were the recipients of the 2007 Nobel Prize for Peace?
Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) and AI gore a
Muhammad yunus and Grameen bank
International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) and mohammed El Baradei
Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg
What was the codename of the second nuclear weapon used by the United States of
America against Japan in the Second World War?
Fat Man
Who is credited with the depiction of ‘the common man’ through his cartoon strips?
R.K. Narayan

K.R. Narayanan
R.K. Laxmana
Pran aa
Which of the following is not a carnivorous plant?
Venus Flytrap
Pitcher Plant
Poison Ivy
Which of the following is a standard infantry rifle of the Indian armed forces?
Sten Gun
Becquerel is a unit of
Which was the first country to abolish capital punishment?
United states of America
Which of the following is associated with what is considered as one of the most
devastating oil spill in terms of damage caused to the environment?
Exxon Valdez
Three Mile Island
1991 Gulf War
Easter Island
What is a ‘plug-in Hybrid Electrical Vehicle?
An automobile running on hydrogen fuel
An automobile running on batteries and solar cells
An automobile running alternately on batteries and gasoline engine, as required.
An automobile running on rails with overhead electric lines
Who is the author of the book ‘a brief history of time’
Bill Bryson
Stephen hawking
Douglas Adams
Isaac Asimov
Which one of the following expressions is correct?

The scenes of Kashmir are charming

The sceneries of Kashmir are charming
The scenery of Kashmir is charming
The scene of Kashmir is charming
Which one of the following is a fundamental duty of citizens?
To sing national anthem
To pay equal wages to men and women
Guardians to provide for education to children between 6 and 14 years of age
To organize village Panchayats
Which one of the following does not relate to a company
Articles of association
winding up
Which one of the following does not relate to environmental protection
public liability insurance
national environment appellate authority
national environment tribunal
national highway authority
The adult suffrage has been provided under
constitution of India
representation of people act
right to information act
Indian majority act
I can say this his face.
MBBS doctor is qualified to practice medicine.

Nothing can be achieved without a certain

He is so of his own intelligence that he will not enter tain any suggestion from
He was about to move his bike into the compound of his apartment when a
passerby down the motorbike.
The security of the minister has been up following an attack at a public
Find out the correct spelling
find out the correct spelling
Poets often write in a mood.
Your remark is wide the mark.
(c) around
A "pandora's box" is so called because—
it belonged to the Pandavas
it is made at Pandara road
it contains undergarments

if contains all the gifts

Which one of the following expressions is correct?
One of the boy are absent
One of the boys is absent
One of the boys are absent
one of the boys is absent
Who is the present Chairperson of the Planning Commission?
Amartya Sen
Montek Singh Ahluwalia
Sonia Gandhi
Manmohan Singh
What is an anagram?
The result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or
A geometrical shape with 'n' number of sides
A telegraph transmitted via analogous mode
A technique for constructing holograms
Who is the author of the books "Three Men in a Boat" and "Idle
Thoughts of an Idle Fellaw"?
Jerome K.Jerome
Ruskin Bond
Rudyard Kipling
O. Henry
Who created the popular fictional character, Jeeves?
P.G. Wodehouse
Jerome K. Jerome.
The creators of
Charles Dickens
What is the number of States in the Union of India?
The Tarapur Atomic Power Station was established under an Agreement with:
Soviet Union
United States of America
Metals that can be easily beaten into sheets are known as:

Why does a freshly cut apple change color after some time?
Due to growth of sugar degrading bacteria in the apple
Due to bacterial defense mechanism of the exposed fruit tissue
Due to oxidation reaction
All of the above
Who is the Prime Minister of Pakistan following the 2008 general elections?
Asif Zardari
Nawaz Sharif
Yousaf Raza Gillani
Altaf Hussain
Who is the present Chief of Naval Staff of India?
Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat
Admiral S.M. Nanda
Admiral Sureesh Mehta
Admiral Vijai Singh Shekhawat.
What is the meaning of the phrase 'ubi jus ibi remedium'?
Justice for all is the remedy of social evils
Where there is a right, there is a remedy
Complete justice requires speedy remedy
Justice must not only be done but seem to be done
Which one of the following pairs of military honors is matched incorrectly:
Param Vir Chakra: India
Victoria Cross: Britain
Medal of Honor: United States of America
Legion of Honor: Germany
Which of the following is not associated with the American Revolution for
No taxation without representation
Boston Massacre
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Lexington and Concord
Who is the author of the short story "The Last Leaf"?
O. Henry
Agatha Christie
Ruskin Bond
Jeffery Archer
Who is the present United States Secretary of State?
Colin Powell
Condoleezza Rice
Hillary Clinton
Dick Cheney
Which of the following statements regarding ISRO's April 2008 rocket launch is
The launch was carried out using PSLV-C9 rocket
The rocket carried 10 satellites at the same time
the rocket was launched from Andaman and Nicobar islands

The rocket carried Indian as well as international satellites

Each of the following personalities were victims of assassination except one. Mark the
Indira Gandhi
John F. Kennedy
Zutfikar Ali Bhutto
Abraham Lincoln
Which is the current Five-year Plan for India?
Twelfth Five-year Plan
Tenth Five-year Plan
Eleventh 'Five-year Plan
Eighth Five-year Plan
Which one of the following statements concerning the Rajya Sabha is incorrect?
The Vice President of India is its ex-officio Chairman
Sh. Somnath Chatterjee is its present Speaker
Sh. Mohammad Hamid Ansari is its present Chairman
Under certain circumstances, the Chairman is not allawed to preside over the
proceedings even if he is present
In whose presence does the President of India subscribe to the oath of affirmation?
The Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army
The Chief of Staffs of all the three services
The Speaker of Lok Sabha
The Chief Justice of India
You purchased a mobile phone handset which stopped working in its guarantee
period. The mobile handset manufacturer is refusing to repair or replace the same.
What would you do to get justice quickly?

Approach the civil court with a suit for declaration

File a writ petition before the Delhi High Court
Approach the consumer disputes redressal forum
Make a complaint of cheating before the local police station

Principle: No person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence twice.
Factual Situation: 'A', a kleptomaniac, was an acquaintance of 'B' and used to visit'B's'
home on weekends. One day. 'B' was unable to find his watch after a visit from 'A'.
Ultimately 'B' informed the police about the missing watch and the persons who had been
to his room. The police, among others, made a search on person of 'A' and found the watch
in his pocket. At his trial, the Court found him guilty of theft and sentenced him to 3
months in prison. After completing his sentence, 'A' went to 'B's' home to apologize for his
conduct. After 'A' left, it was discovered that 'B's' watch was missing. 'A' informed the
police who located the watch from 'A's' home. Can 'A' be prosecuted for theft?
No, he has already been prosecuted and punished for theft and cannot be punished for
the same again.
No, he is a kleptomaniac with a psychological disorder of stealing and therefore cannot
be found guilty.
Yes, he can be prosecuted because he has committed two separate acts of theft.
Yes, he can be prosecuted because the recovery of the stolen goods in each case has
been from separate places.

Principle: Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who, at the time of doing it,
G.R.Lis, by reason of intoxication, incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is
doing what is either wrong, or contrary to law: provided that the thing which

intoxicated him was administered to him without his knowledge or against his will.

Factual Situation: 'A' was having a get together with his old friends and on his friends
suggestions, he consumed some alcohol. On his way back to home at home at night, 'A'
heard some footsteps and turning back, he imagined he saw a figure moving towards him
with a spear. In fact, it was only a man.'B' with an umbrella who was telling 'A' to walk
carefully since 'A' appeared to be unsteady. However, 'A' proceeded to attack 'B' with an
iron rod leading to grave injuries to 'B'. Is 'A' guilty of causing grievous hurt to 'B7
No, 'A' is not guilty because in his intoxicated state, the umbrella appeared a spear to
him and he exercised his right of private defence.
No, 'A' is not guilty because 'B' could have attacked 'A' with his umbrella.
No. 'A' is not guilty because he was intoxicated on the suggestions of his friends and
was incapable of knowing that he was savagely attacking a man who was carrying only
an umbrella.
Yes, 'A' is guilty because he got intoxicated voluntarily and under the effect of this
voluntary intoxication, he attacked and caused grievous injuries to 'B' who posed no
threat to him in fact.
Principle: Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private
defence. Every person has a right to defend his property against any act of theft,
robbery, mischief or criminal trespass. This right of private defence of property
extends to causing of death of the wrong-doer, if the person exercising the right
apprehends that death or grievous hurt shall be the consequence is such right of
private defence is not exercised.

Factual Situation: 'A's cattle was being regularly stolen and 'A' was unable to apprehend
the thief. One night, 'A' finally manages to catch *B' untying his cow from the cowshed
under the cover of darkness. 'A' slawly crept up to 'B' and slashed his neck with a sickle
leading to the death of 'B'. Is 'A' guilty of the offence of culpable homicide.
No, 'A' was only exercising his right of private defence of property.
No, ‘B’ continued stealing of his cattle would have rendered his business inoperable.
Yes 'A' had no reasonable apprehension that 'A' could suffer any grievous hurt if he
did not kill 'B'.
Yes, 'A' should have first challenged *B' to surrender before taking any steps to
cause 'B's' death.
Which of the following is not associated with the phenomena of Bioluminescence?
Jack O 'Lantern mushroom
Gulper eel
Colossal Squid
Flattie snake
Who was the first space tourist?
Josip BrozTito
Yuri Gagarin
Gregory Olsen
Which one of the following is not established under the constitutional provisions
Finance Commission
Inter-state Council
Planning Commission
Scheduled Caste Commission
Who is the Chairman of the 13th Finance Commission?

Vijay Kelkar
K. C. Pant
C. Rangrajan
N.K.P. Salve
Bay of Pigs is associated with:
The invasion of Cuba by United States of America marines
The invasion of Falklands by Argentina
The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq
the invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles
Who was known as the 'Desert Fox'?
Adolf Hitler
Manfred von Richthofen
Erwin Rommel
George S. Patton
The 'eco-mark' is given to
high quality products
environmental friendly products
electrical appliances with BIS mark
high quality products which are cheap
Which of the following is not in the nature of a writ issued by the Constitutional
courts of India?
Habeas Corpus
Rule Nisi
Who was the king of France at the time of French Revolution?
Omuls 'XVI
Louis XIV
Napoleon Bonaparte
George II
Under which Article of the Constitution of India is the law laid down by Supreme
Court binding on all courts?
Article 32
Article 141
Article 226
Article 124
Which country recently planted a flag on the sea floor at North Pole?
United States of America
Which of the following is an easily digestible source of protein?
Egg albumin
Red meat
Which countries entered into the Panchsheel series of Agreements?

China, Soviet Union and India

China and India
United States of America and India
Russia and India
What was the Liberhan Commission of Inquiry constituted for?
To conduct an inquiry of the riots against the Sikh community in 1984
Jjxt'onduct an inquiry into the demolition of the Babri Masjid in 1992
To conduct an inquiry of the Godhra riots of 2002
To conduct an inquiry of the Mumbai riots of 1992-93
Which organization of the United Nations has child welfare as its primary goal?
General Assembly
Which chemical is responsible for the characteristic odor of garlic?
Hydrogen Sulfide
In which year was the Suez Canal opened for navigation?
(a) 1888
(b) 1882
(c) 1936
(d) 1869
What is the water channel separating India from Sri Lanka known as?
Gulf of Mannar
Palk Strait
Adam's Channel
Ram Setu
Which of the following is not a member of ASEAN?
Which of the following countries do not fall within the collective expression,
"Scandinavian Countries?
Which of the following laws do not entitle a parent to maintenance:
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
guardians and Wards Act, 1890

Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007

All of them contain provisions for payment of maintenance to a parent
In what context was the term "judicial overreach" used recently?
The powers of Judiciary to bring to justice even the citizens of India outside India, for
instance through the extra territorial operation of the Indian Penal Code
The jurisdiction of Judiciary on MNCs, as seen in the Bhopal gas leak case where the
subsidiary of a company incorporated in the United States had to submit to the
jurisdiction of courts in India
The High Court in a state of the union hearing a matter falling in the territorial
jurisdiction of another state's High Court
The expanding realm of public interest litigation and judicial activism in India
Who is the present Chairman of the Law Commission of India?
Justice A.R.Lakshmanan
Justice B. P. Jeevan Reddy
Justice K. G. Balakrishnan
Justice A.S. Anand
Which of the following judgments highlighted in the media was not delivered in the
year 2007?
Judgment of a Delhi court in 'Uphaar Fire' case
Judgment of the Delhi High Court in 'Priyadarshini Mattoo' case
The judgment of a designated TADA court in 1993 Mumbai blasts case
Judgment of the Supreme Court of India upholding 27% quota for candidates in
educational institutions
Up to what age does a judge of the Supreme Court of India hold office?
Which of the following statements about Right to Information Act is not true?
It was enacted to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every
public authority
It protects the information available to a person in his fiduciary relationship
it repealed the Official Secrets Act, 1923
It puts every public authority under an obligation to appoint Public Information Officer
Who is known as the framer of the Indian Penal Code, 1872?
Lord Hastings
Lord Denning
Lord Macaulay
Lord Wilberforce
Who among the following judges gave a dissenting opinion in the case of ADM
Jabalpur vs. Shukla also known as the Habeas Corpus case?
Justice RN. Bhagwati
Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer
Justice H.R. Khanna
Justice A.N. Sen
Which of the following is not associated with the Constitution (Thirty-Ninth

Amendment Act)?
It placed the Coal Mines (Nationalization) Act, 1973 under the Ninth Schedule of the
Constitution of India
It ousted the jurisdiction of any court to decide a question on the validity of election of a
person as President of India
it amended Article 217 of the Constitution of India
It was enacted in the year 1975
A provision in a statute pertaining to medical institutions in India was struck
down by the Supreme Court of India in the year 2008 as being ultra vires the
Constitution of India. Which of the following statutes contained that provision?
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Act
Lady Hardinge Medical College and Hospital (Acquisition and Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act
Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Act
Sree ChitraTirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, 7Trivandrum
Who was appointed by the NDA government as the Chairperson of the National
Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution of India?
Justice Y.K. Sabharwal
Justice Rangnath Mishra
juitice M.N.Venkatachaliah
Justice A.R.Lakshmanan
Which country won Davis Cup in December, 2007
United Sates of America
United Kingdom
In which town was Rajiv Gandhi assassinated?
Who among the following was not in the top 10 of the Forbes 2007 list of 100 Most
Powerful Women?
Smt Sonia Gandhi
Indra K. Nooyi
Condoleezza Rice
Hillary Rodham Clinton
What is the number of cervical vertebrae in humans?

Which place in China is associated with a series of pro-democratic protests in
Red Square
Tiananmen Square

Shanghai People's Square

Trafalgar Square
Which dynasty did Razia Sultan belong to?
Khilji Dynasty
Steve Dynasty
Tughlak Dynasty
Lodi Dynasty
With which country does India share the longest border?
In which police station was the FIR relating to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
Parliament Street Police Station
Daryaganj Police Station
Toglaq Road Police Station
None of the above
What is the maximum strength of members of the House of the People chosen by
direct election under the Constitution of India?
(a) 530
(b) 550
(c) 552
(d) 540
Which of the following is an Open-Source computer operating system?
Windows 98
Symbian OS
The principle of 'collective responsibility' means—
all citizens must collectively elect their representatives
all members of the union council of ministers are collectively responsible to the House
of the People
all Ministers are accountable to the Parliament
all ministers hold office at the pleasure of the Prime Minister.
Who is the author of the book "Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"
VS. Naipaul
Barbara Tuchman
Nirad C. Chaudhari
Kuldeep Nayyar
Who is the author of the book "A Judge's Miscellany"?
Justice H.R. Khanna
Justice M. Hidayatullah
Justice Dalveer Bhandari
Lord M.R. Dennings
Who was the judge who held that fundamental rights were not amendable?
Justice P.N. Bhagwati

Justice O. Chinnappa Reddy

Justice K.K. Mathew
Justice K. Subba Rao
Under which law a minor is incapable of entering into contract?
Indian Contract Act, 1872
Majority Act, 1875
Guardians and Wards Act, 1890
Contract Labour ((Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
The prohibition against employment of children below 14 years of age has been
fundamental right against exploitation in the Constitution
as a right to equality
as a directive principle of state policy
as a duty on the parents and guardians
How many fundamental rights have been guaranteed under the Constitution of

Who has power to decide disputes pertaining to disqualification of a member of

Speaker of Lok Sabha
President of India
Chairman of Rajya Sabha
President of India on the advice of Election Commission
The Raghvan Committee relates to—
Students' union elections
raging in educational institutions
reservations for OBC in educational institutions
sexual harassment at workplace
D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal deals with—
Safeguards for arrested persons
safeguards against sexual exploitation
safeguards for children
safeguards for unorganized workers
In which landmark judgment did the Supreme Court of India lay down guidelines
against sexual harassment of women at workplace?
Nilabati Behera vs. State of Orissa
Vishakha vs. State of Rajasthan
Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India.
Hussainara Khatoon vs. State of Bihar
To whom does the slogan "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan" relate?
Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri
Shri Morarji Desai
Smt. Indira Gandhi
Sri Atal Behari Bajpayee

Which Mughal Emperor prohibited the use of tobacco?

The trade practice known as "minimum resale price maintenance" is prohibited by—
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969
Competition Act, 2002
Consumer Protection Act, 1986
Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002
What is the official Chinese news agency known as?
Hu-Gin Group
The workers' petitions and protests a change in management policies.
The private detective deliberately chose clothes.
The ship managed to survive the nasty weather by casting its goods overboard, but
this will pose a nuisance to the residents on the shore.
The police investigator tried hard to_. ...... some response from the criminal out the
criminal refused to divulge any information of his ………_ operation.
elicit, illicit
illicit, elicit
illicit, illegitimate
get, elicit
The Minister's speech made ................ to the unpublished report-
Which is the following is not a synonym to the word 'Parochial'?

Which is the following is not a synonym to the word 'Parsimonious'?
A drives 30 km south. Then he turns right and drives another 30 km. Turning left
from here, he drives 20 km. Finally turning left, he drives 30km. How far is A from
his starting position?
30 km
20 km
80 km
None of these
A is more hard working than B but he is not as hard working as C. D is less hard
working than C but more hard working than A. If C is the most hard working
individual, who is the least hard working of them?

122. In the question below are given two statements followed by four conclusions
numbered I, II, III, and IV. You have to take the two given statements to be true even
if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow the two given statements,
disregarding commonly known facts.

Statements: A. All statutes of legislature are law of the land. B. Judge made law is laid
down by the Courts.
Conclusions: I. Constitution is a statute. II. Both statutes and judge made law form the law
of the land. III. Courts make statutes. IV. Judge made law is superior to statutes,
Both I and IV follow.
Only IV follows.
Only II follows.
None follows.
123. The US-EU Safe Harbor Arrangement refers to:
Mutual guarantees for safety and security to the ships of one country at the ports of the
other country
An understanding that EU shall extradite criminals wanted in the US
An method for US companies to adhere to the privacy principles of the EU laws
None of the above
124. Which of the following is the oldest High Court in India?
High Court of Madras

High Court of Calcutta

High Court of Delhi
High Court of Allahabad
125. The controversy regarding grant of patent in respect of Basmati rice and Neem to
United States based firms is an example of what may be termed as:
Infringement of a patent
Trademark violation
Passing off
126. Which was the first space shuttle to make a successful flight after the Columbia
Titan V
Mars Rover
127. The inscriptions of Asoka haven been found in the following languages:
Magadhi, Sanskrit and Greek
Magadhi, Sanskrit, Greek and Aramaic.
Magadhi and Greek
128. Which of the following was the first to acquire a Superjumbo, Airbus A380?
Singapore Airlines
British Airways
129. Who among the following is the present President of the African National Congress?
Thabo Mbeki
Ban ki Moon
Nelson Mandela
Jacob Zuma
130. The Archaeological Survey of India functions under the:
Ministry of Culture
Department of Science and Technology
Ministry of Tourism
Ministry of Human Resource Development
131. Which blood group is also known as the universal donor type?
AB Positive

AB Negative
132. Who is the Managing Director of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation?
E. Sreedharan
S. Sreesanth
Kalyan C. Jena
Sushma Chawla
133. What does 'time travel paradox' in popular fiction refer to?
Time travel may be possible through black holes, but the gravitational force of black
holes is so strong that it does not allaw even light to escape
An individual may go back in time and art in such a way as to change the course of the
Time travel requires traveling fester than the speed of light, which is impossible under
the classical laws of physics
Time travel may be possible through black holes, but the human body is incapable of
taking the gravitational stress of a passage through a black hole, making time travel
practically impossible
134. Which was the first new sovereign state of the twenty first century?
East Timor
135. On which organism did Thomas Morgan conduct his experiments, leading to the
award of 1933 Nobel Prize in medicine for identifying chromosomes?
Pea plant
Fruit fly
136. When was the Faculty of Law of the University of Delhi established?
(a) 1915
(b) 1962
(c) 1950
(d) 1924
137. Which is the highest peak of the Alps range?
Mont Blanc
Monte Rosa
Monte Carlo
Piz Bernina
138. Which of the following organizations was instrumental in bringing numerous
copyright infringement lawsuits against individuals in the United States of America,
for sharing music online?
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Hollywood Actors Association

Recording Industry Association of America

Musicians Pan America Association
139. Which of the following is not a fundamental right?
Right to property
Right to information
Right to life and liberty
Both (a) and (b)
140. Where was the 13th ASEAN Summit held?
New Delhi
141. Who was the Vice Chancellor of the University of Delhi when India attained
V K. R. V.Rao
B. N. Ganguli
Hari Singh Gaur
142. Which is the largest moon of Neptune?
143. Which ancient Roman city was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?
144. Which of the following bodies is entrusted with the statutory duty of laying down the
standards of professional conduct and etiquette for advocates in India?
Bar Association of India
fiar Council of India
Advocates Association of India
Bar Advocates Council of India
145. The President of India is elected by—
members of Parliament
elected members of Parliament
elected members of both Houses of Parliament and state legislatures
elected members of both Houses of Parliament and elected members of the Legislative
Assemblies of the states
146. "Rule of Law" means—
all persons are equal in the eyes of law
treating all unequally as equals

working according to law

distributing state largesse to everyone in equal proportion
147. Point out the member of Parliament who was held disqualified to remain as member
for having held an office of profit—
Amitabh Bachchan
Amar Singh
Jaya Bchchan
Jaya Prada
148. Which University has been ranked 254th in "Top 500 World University Rankings for
the year 2007?
Bombay University
University of Delhi
Calcutta University
149. Which one of the statements is correct?
The Constitution of India contains a directive principle about uniform civil code
The Constitution of India imposes a duty on every citizen to support uniform civil code
The Constitution of India contains a fundamental right assuring the citizens that the
state shall bring about uniform civil code
None of the above statements is correct.
150. The marriage of a 15 year old girl with a 45 year old man is—
voidable at the option of the girl
voidable at the will of the man
151. The nature of winter rainfall in north-western India is—
152. World Earth Day is celebrated on -
14th February
11th May
11 July
22 April
153. The Mediterranean type climate is characterized by—
hot summers and wet winters
Warm winters and cold summers
Rains throughout the year
Wet summers and dry winter
154. Which one of the following is not relevant for determining the climate of a place?
Construction of pucca houses
nature of the soil
distance from equator
155. The shape of earth is—
a circular disc

a sphere
a tetrahedron
an oblate spheroid
156. At the equator, the duration of the day is—
16 hours
14 hours
l2 hours
10 hours
157. Find out incorrect pair—
158. Which one of the following is not a symptom of heart attack?
nausea and sweating
numbness and aching
squeezy feeling in chest
pajir in legs
159. 11 May is celebrated as—
Electronics Day
Technology Day
Invention Day
Environment Day
160. A consumer cannot file a complaint before the consumer disputes redressal forum
after the expiry of............. from the date when the cause of action arose.
one year
two years
three years
four years
gas engine was invented by—
162. The safety fuse wire used in domestic electrical appliances is made of metal of law—
specific gravity
none of the above
163. Chemically, dry ice is—
ice kept at sub-zero temperatures
ice formed from pure distilled water
solid carbon dioxide
solid sulphur dioxide
164. Which one of the following is not the principal organ of the United Nations'
world Health Organisation
Trusteeship Council

Security Council
General Assembly
165. The resolution against international terrorism was passed by the United Nations
subsequent to terror attack on WTC and Pentagon in—
October 2001
September 2001
December 2001
January 2002
166. The major tribal group in Bihar consists of—
None of the above
167. India's first batsman to score double century in five test matches is—
Kapil Dev
Sunil Gavaskar
Sachin Tendulkar
Rahul Dravid
168. The first woman Chief Minister of a state—
Sucheta Kriplani
Sarojini Naidu
169. The National Institute of Oceanography is located in—
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
170. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) is appointed as per the
Constitution of India.
The CAG is appointed by the President of India.
The CAG advises the President of India as to the form in which accounts of the
Union and states are to be kept
The CAG submits a report to the Parliament.
171. the system of diarchy, decentralization and bicameral legislature was introduced
in India by—
Government of India Act, 1919
Government of India Act, 1935
Indian Councils Act, 1909
(Constitution of India, 1950
172. When Shri Atal Behari Bajpayee became Prime Minister for the first time, the
President of India was—
R. Venkatraman
S.D. Sharma

K.R. Narayanan
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
173. Who was the leader of Gadar Party?
Bhagat Singh
Lala Haydayal
Balgangadhar Tilak
Abul Kalaam Azad
174. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya was the founder of—
Banaras Hindu University
Delhi University
Kashi Vidyapeeth
Allahabad University
175. Point out the wrong match—
The Bhakti Movement in the Middle Ages in India was started by
Tukaram in Punjab
Kabir in U.R
Jaidev Rajasthan
Chaitanya in Bengal

DU LLB 2008

1 36 A 71 B 106 B 141 C
2 C 37 A 72 A 107 A 142 B
3 B 38 C 73 D 108 B 143 B
4 C 39 B 74 B 109 D 144 B
5 B 40 D 75 D 110 C 145 D
6 41 C 76 D 111 A 146 A
7 42 C 77 B 112 C 147 C
8 C 43 B 78 D 113 D 148 C
9 44 79 114 B 149 A
10 C 45 C 80 115 B 150 C
11 B 46 81 C 116 151 B
12 C 47 B 82 C 117 B 152 D
13 48 C 83 C 118 153 A
14 C 49 C 84 C 119 C 154 A
15 B 50 C 85 C 120 155 D
16 C 51 B 86 121 156 C
17 C 52 87 C 122 C 157
18 C 53 C 88 123 C 158
19 54 C 89 B 124 B 159 B
20 55 90 125 C 160 B
21 56 C 91 B 126 B 161
22 C 57 92 B 127 C 162 B
23 C 58 93 B 128 C 163 C
24 59 C 94 129 164
25 C 60 95 C 130 165 B
26 61 96 C 131 C 166 C
27 62 C 97 C 132 167
28 63 B 98 B 133 B 168 C
29 64 C 99 C 134 C 169
30 B 65 100 B 135 C 170
31 66 B 101 136 171
32 67 C 102 137 172 B
33 68 B 103 138 C 173 B
34 69 B 104 B 139 174
35 70 B 105 140 C 175 C

Napoleon was exiled to an island where he died. Name of the island is
St. Elba
St. Helena
Who is the director of Hollywood hits American Beauty and Road to perdition
Alan ball
Sam Mendes
Kevin spacey
Annette Bening
Who heads the recent commission appointed for centre-state relations?
Justice R.C. Lahoti
Justice M.M. Punchhi
Justice B.N. Kirpal
Justice Rangnath Mishra
Who is the president of world bank
Robert B. Zoellick
Juan jose daboub
Paul wolfowitz
James D. wolfensohn
Abel prize, 2007 is awarded to
Srinivasa S.R. Varadhan
Amartya sen
R. Bhaskar Rao
WTO was formed in the year
(a) 1946
(b) 1977
(c) 1992
(d) 1995
‘no body’s perfect’ is written by
Anthony lane
Robert Kaylor
Chad lawe
Gail o’ Grady
Which climate is hotter and humid?

Triton is the moon of
How many attempts are available to a disabled person of general category in the UPSC

Who is the RBI governor
Bimal jalan
Urjit Patel
D. Subbarao
R.N. Malhotra
Ravi Shankaran was arrested for
Air force leak case
naval war Room leak case
Army secrets case
Defence purchases scam
Which river is called the sorrow of Bengal
Which warm ocean current flaws along the eastern coast of north America
Gulf stream
Black current
Japanese stream
Ocean current
Which are India’s largest rock-cut shrine made in king Krishna regime?
Kailash temple, Ellora
Surya temple, konark
Jagannath temple, puri
Khajuraho temples, Madhya pradesh
Ghat prabha birds sanctuary is located in

Sawai madhopur
Which planet takes 84 years to revolve around sun
Jadugoda place is known for the mines of
Who is the 9th president of India
Zakir Hussain
N. Sanjeeva Reddy
Shankar Dayal Khandu
Who is the CM of Arunachal Pradesh?
Gegong Apang
Dorjee Khandu
Tsering Gyurme
Jokey Angu
Whether India has ratified the UN Protocol for disability or not?
Probably yes
Probably no
Which country is called the pearl of Antilles
The lines of equal ocean salinity on the map are called
Which mineral is found in til or seasame oil

World heritage day is celebrated on
8th April
18 April
28 April
8 May
Althing is the parliament of
Who was the first commander in chief of India
SFJ. Maneksha
K.M. Kariappa
General boy Bucher
Subroto Mukerji
Who was the first speaker of Lok Sabha
G.V. Mavlankar
M.A. Ayyangar
Hukum singh
G.S. Dillon
Who was the first miss world from India
Susmita sen
Chanramukhi bose
Reita Faria
Devika Rani
Who was the first woman chief minister of India?
Sucheta Kripalani
Sarojini Naidu
Vijaya Laxmi Pandit
Rajkumari Amrita Kaur
Pineal Glands are located in
Gamelan orchestra belongs to which country

Donald F. Duncan is associated with the toy named
Barbie doll
Pogo sticks
Bungee balls
Peter Jackson film in the trilogy in the lords of the ring was a remake of
King kong
The return of the king
Crossing the lines
The lovely bones
Timbuktu is in which country
Where is zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude
Atlantic ocean
Sahara desert
Vinson Massif Mountains are located in which continent
Rabat is the capital of
NATO was established in the year
(a) 1945
(b) 1049
(c) 1055
(d) 1965
Dr. John S. Pemberton, the pharmacist who concocted the original and still secret
formula for his coca-cola syrup was born in Georgia

Who was the British PM at the time of First World War
Lloyd George
Herbert Asquith
Sir Edward grey
John Persing
Who among the following wrote the book ‘the sound of music’?
Maria von trap
Robert wise
Howard Linesay
Which state has the highest number of women panchayat leaders?
Andhra Pradesh
Matheran light railways, one of the hill trains of India has completed its
Years in 2007
(b) 100
(c) 150
(d) 175
The ‘Study of Birds’ is called as
‘Mujhe Ghar Le Chalo’ book is written by
Rangeya Raghav
Taslima Nasrin
Mahasweta Devi
Raamakant Rath
Golf Game was started in which country
Who is the first Indian women commander of an AIRBUS 320
Saudamini Deshmukh

Indrani singh
Sangeeta dhingra
Durba Banerji
February 2 in USA is called which is also name of a movie
Groundhog Day
Wetland Day
Green boat day
Groundwater day
IMF is headquartered in
Washington DC
New York
How many stars are there in EU flag

May 17 is celebrated as
USA constitution day
World telecommunication day
UN day for the disabled
International day for the elderly people
Matrix reloaded has collected USD 30 million in its first week only second to the movie
Lord of the rings
Spider man
Jurassic park
A Jewish synagogue was constructed in 1568 in India in
Inheritance of loss’ is written by
Arundhati roy
Jhumpa lahiri
Kiran desai
Vikram seth
14 SAARC summit was held at
New Delhi

World maritime day is celebrated on
27 august
27 September
27 October
27 November
World tiger conservationists meet has recently taken place in
‘theory of evolution’ was given by
Hohn Holland
Herbert spencer
Hozart was born in
World highest waterfall is located in
World bank headquarter is located at
Washington DC
New York
Which of the following is not a member of the united nations?
New Zealand
December 10 is celebrated as
World environment day

World technology day

World human right day
World women’s day
Which was the first European power to come to India?
The dutch
The british
The French
The Portuguese
Sam pitroda is
Chairperson, national knowledge commission
CEO of software giant ‘oracle’
Member of the national human rights commission
Chairman, UN commission on trade and commerce
Who of the following is known as father of economics?
David Ricardo
Adam smith
Karl Marx
Gunnar Myrdal
White paper means
Paper used for currency notes
Government paper for printing
Government statement on a policy matter
Paper on which the constitution of a country is written
Science of measuring consumer life style is called
None of the above
Who was the governor-general of India at the time of passing of the regulating act?
Lord Cornwallis
Warren Hastings
Lord clive
William Bentinck
Epicenter relates to
Climate change
Gandhi peace prize 2005 was awarded to monopoly
Dalai lama

Desmund tutu
Nelson Mandela
Mohmad yunus
Which of the following states have common boundary with Bangladesh?
West Bengal
All the above
Which of the following continents form mirror image of each other
Africa and south America
Asia and Australia
Europe and Asia
South America and North-America
In India, the highest percentage of tribal population is that of
Principle: Contractual liability is completely irrelevant to the existence of liability in
Fact: X purchased a bottle of ginger-beer from a retailer. As she consumed more than 3/4 of
the contents of the bottle, she found decomposed remains of a snail in the bottle. After seeing
the remains of a snail, she fell sick on the thought of what she consumed. She sued the
manufacturer of the beer for negligence, though there is no contractual duty on the part of the
X cannot sue the manufacturer for negligence in the absence of a contract.
X can sue the retailer from whom she purchased the beer.
X cannot sue the retailer.
X-can sue the manufacturer as he had a duty to take care to see that bottles did not
contain any other substance than the beer.
Principle: A man is liable to compensate his neighbour if he uses of his property
unreasonably and unnecessarily to cause inconvenience to his neighbou₹
Facts: Mr. Z is the owner of a plot measuring 50 feet by 80 feet. He constructed a small
house at one corner and was using the rest of the land as a cow shed. He had 20 cows and is
involved in selling the milk to the public. The cow dung and other wastes were openly stored
in a small 10 feet by 8 feet tank. This constantly paved way for bad smell and breeding of
mosquitoes. MRS., his neighbour constantly complained to Mr. Z but in vain.
Y cannot take any other action against Z
Z can do something to prevent the foul smell.
Y can complain to the police
Y-can sue Z for damages based on the inconvenience caused by Z.
Principle: The standard to determine whether a person has been guilty, of negligence is
the standard of care which, in the given circumstances, a reasonable man could have
Facts: The Agricultural University constructed 200 houses for its employees in its

premises. Two huge bore wells were sunk and motors were installed. They did not cover the
pump rooms properly. A child, 6 years old, from one of the quarters was playing near the
pump house. On hearing the noise of the pump, she was curious to see the motor. She
touched the motor that was not covered properly and three of her fingers were cut.
The parents of the child cannot sue the University on any grounds.
In spite of the child's act, her parents can successfully sue the University for damages
The University can be made liable only to the extent of the cost of treatment as the
child also contributed to the incident
Only the child can sue and not her parents.
Principle: A person is liable for all the injurious consequence of his careless act.
Facts: Ram, a snake charmer, was exhibiting his talents to a group of people. One of the
snakes escaped and bit a child who had to be hospitalised for two days for treatment.
Ram is liable to compensate the child's family for his careless act
Ram is not liable to anything as such things keep happening.
Ram is not in a position to compensate as he is poor.
The child should have taken adequate care from protecting himself from the snake.
Principle: An act of god is an operation of natural force so unexpected that no
human foresight or skill could reasonably be expected to anticipate it This is a
defence to a tort suit.

Facts: The New Friends Association was celebrating its 10th Anniversary and arranged
for a concert by a leading musical group. The event was organized in one of the best
auditoriums and all the tickets were sold out. On the day of the event, an earthquake
destroyed many building including the auditorium. People who had purchased the
tickets asked for refund from the New Friends Association as the show could not take
The New Friends Association must refund the cost of tickets.
The management of the auditorium must refund the cost of the tickets.
The New Friends Association or anyone else need not refund the cost of tickets as it
is an act of God
The ticket holders can demand the show to be organised at a later point of time.
Principle: master is liable for any tort committed by his servant in the course of his

Facts: Martin appointed Gopal as his driver. On day Martin sent the driver to fetch
some goods from a nearby shop. On his way, Gopal drove extremely negligently and
injured a pedestrian who was trying to cross the road as per the traffic signal.
The pedestrian can sue Gopal but not Martin.
Martin can direct Gopal to pay the compensation.
Pedestrian can sue Gopal as well as Martin.
The pedestrian can only sue Martin who owns the vehicle.
Principle: Any person who has received any unjust benefit, he / she must return it to
the rightful owner.

Facts: ‘A’ and ‘B’ were staying in the same hostel room. B's father had sent a parcel to him
on his birthday containing expensive gifts. This parcel was delivered A as B had gone out for
a movie.
A can retain the parcel without informing B
A can keep some gifts from the parcel and return the rest to B
A as to return the entire contents of the parcel to B
A can inform B about the parcel and need not return the parcel to B

Principle: Special damage is the loss of some material advantage, pecuniary or capable
of being estimated in money which flaws directly and in the ordinary course of things
from the act of the person who is responsible.
Facts: Raju has been sending his Tourist cars for repairs, maintenance and service to
Lakshmi Service Centre, who promptly attended to all the works during the past five yea₹
However, when Raju sent a new Sumo van for servicing and minor repairs, he indicated to
the Manager of Lakshmi Service Centre that the vehicle must be delivered, duly serviced, by
10th August 2007 at 5 PM as three foreign tourists had booked the vehicle for a period of 3
months. The vehicle was not 'delivered as required, but was delivered only on 12th August
2007. Raju had lost the contract with the foreign tourist and a loss of revenue to the extent of
₹ 80, 000.
Raju can sue the Lakshmi Service Centre for damages including special damages to the
extent of ₹80,000/-
Raju can sue Lakshmi Service only for ordinary damages for two days delay
Raju cannot sue Lakshmi Service Centre for any damages.
Raju can sue the Manager of the Service Centre for damages
Principle: A bailment is a delivery of goods on condition, express or implied, that
they shall be restored to the bailor (person delivering the goods) as soon as the
purpose for which the goods have been bailed is complete.

Facts: Javed, the owner of two cows had to leave the town for a period of 3 months. He
handed over these two cows to his friend Rahim that he would take them back on his
return after three months. After two months, one of the cows gave birth to a healthy calf.
Javed returns after three months and seeks the return of cows from Rahim. ₹
Rahim need not return the cows.
Rahim can return the cows provided Javed pays him some money towards expenses
for maintaining them.
Rahim need not return the calf, but should return the two cows.
Rahim has to return the cows and the calf without any demand for money.
Principle: A contract entered into by a minor, who is less than 18 years of age, is a
void contract and cannot be enforced against the minor in law except for the
contract entered by the minors for his necessities.

Facts: A, a minor enter into the contract with a book seller. The book seller supplied the
school books and stationary as required by A. After receiving the books and stationary.
A refuses to pay the book seller on the ground that he is a minor, and as such the
contract with the book seller is not enforceable.
Book seller cannot enforce the contract as 'A' is a minor
Book""seller can enforce the contract even against the minor as the contract was for
his necessities.
Book seller can enforce the contract after 'A' becomes a major.
Even after A becomes a major, this contract cannot be enforced by the book seller.
Principle: An agreement is void and unenforceable if considerations and objects
are unlawful.

Facts: A enters into an agreement with B for manufacture of 10 country made pistols
and 10 land mines. A promises to pay a sum of ₹2,00,000/-and advances a sum of
₹25,000/- to B On completing the work and handing over the materials as required A,
refuses to pay the remaining sum of ₹ 1, 75, 000/- to B
B cannot move any court for enforcement of this contract.
G.R.L B can move the Civil Court for enforcement of contract.
B can move the High court for enforcement of contract.

B can move the Supreme Court directly as his fundamental and legal right is violated.
Principle: Agreement by way of wager is void and no suit lies for recovering
anything won by such wager.

Facts: Mr. X and Mrs. Y enter into a contract with Raman who is an expert in betting
on horse racing. Both pay sum of ₹2, 000/- to Raman to bet on a particular horse.
Raman followed the instructions and he won a sum of ₹20 lakhs.
Raman has to pay ₹20 lakhs to Mr. X and Mrs. Y.
Raman can divide ₹20 lakhs into three parts and share it equally with Mr. X and Mrs. Y.
Raman can keep ₹ 15 lakhs and given 5 lakhs to Mr. X and Mrs. Y.
Raman may not give anything to Mr. X and Mrs. Y.
Principle: A contingent contract is a contract to do or not to do something, if some
event, collateral to such contract, does or does not happen.

Facts: A agrees to pay B a sum of ₹ I lakh if B marries C within a period of six months. B
marries C during the seventh month as the marriage hall was available only during that
month. B claims ₹ 1 lakh from A
B can successfully claim ₹ 1 lakh from A
B cannot claim ₹ 1 lakh from A as B married C
B can claim ₹ 1 lakh as well as special damages from A for having married C
C can successfully claim ₹ 1 lakh from A for having married B
A marriage between a Hindu and a Muslim can be solemnized under?
Hindu marriage act
Special marriage act
Mohammedan law
Any of the above
A ‘will’ is a
Declaration of a person as to succession of his property after his death
Any legal document showing true intention of a party
A statement made on oath
A clause made in the contract of guarantee
Innuendo means
A defamatory remark
A good looking statement with hidden defamatory meaning
A statement which is prima facie injurious and actionable
A defamatory statement which is true
Litera legis means
A pending litigation
Letter of legislation
A decided suit
A rule that an act beyond the constitution is void
Lis pendens means
A pending litigation
Letter of legislation
A decided suit
A rule that an act beyond the constitution is void

‘suo moto’ means

The purpose of contract
Suing the wrongdoer
On its own
A pending suit
‘In Esse’ means
In existence
The essence of a law
A decided case
Under consideration of the court
‘half Pigot’ means
Incomplete justice to child accused
The videotaping of children’s evidence
A theory of law advocating reformatory justice for children convicts
None of the above
Which court has held that ‘A married women can reside with her lover?
Rajasthan High Court
Delhi High Court
Calcutta High Court
Allahabad High Court
Who said ‘there is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of
conscience. It supersedes all other courts
Mahatma Gandhi
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Justice P.N. Bhagwati
Pandit Nehru
An application under the right to information act can be filed in
Any official language of India
English or Hindi
Right to seek information under RTI act is available to
A citizen
Any person, citizen or non-citizen
A resident in India
A citizen including non-resident Indians and persons of Indian origin
In which year the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities was passed by
the United Nations?
(a) 1975
(b) 1992
(c) 2006

(d) 2007
An FIR can be lodged for
A civil wrong
A criminal wrong
Any type of wrong
Any wrong or any violation of legal right
The permanent court of arbitration is situated in
New York
World environment day is celebrated on
5 June
5 July
5 august
6 September
The gram Nayayalya bill provides for a mobile court or village court in
Every village
Every panchayat
Every block
Every Tehsil
What is full form of PIL?
Publicity interest litigation
Public interest legislation
Public interest law
Public interest litigation
Which among the following is not a court?
Village nayalaya
Family court
Small causes court
Consumer court
Who is said to be the father of international law
Adam smith
What number of judges constitutes a constitutional bench?


An ‘act of parliament’ is called as

State act
Central act
111. A patent is granted for
112. National human rights commission is constituted under
The protection of human rights act, 1993
The national human rights commission act, 1992
The constitution of India
The human rights commission establishment act, 1992
113. A toll tax is
A tax on travel to via a road or bridge
A tax on entry to a municipal area
A tax on use of the market
A tax on vehicles
114. Can an American citizen be a party to the international court of justice?
Yes, because America is a member of security council of united nations
No, because only states can be a party to ICJ
115. Who can file a petition in the Supreme Court of India?
Any Indian citizen
Any person, whether natural or legal
Any person resident in India
Any person above the age of 18
116. Indian settlement commission deals with
Tax matters
Land disputes
Railway claim settlement
Compensation for motor accidents
117. RTI application is made to
Public information officer of the department concerned
Chief information commissioner, Delhi
Regional information commissioner’s of the region concerned
District magistrates
118. Justice B.J. Sethna was in news recently for

His transfer to Assam HC

His resignation after being transferred to Sikkim High Court
His decision in Zahira Sheikh case
His decision on Gujrat riots case
119. The judgment banning roadside cooking on Delhi streets was recently delivered by
Delhi High Court
District and sessions court
Supreme Court
Metropolitan magistrate’s court
120. Who of the following wrote a theory of justice
R. Dworkin
HLA hart
John Rawls
None of the above
121. Riparian is related to
Religious belief
122. Equestrian relates to
Water sports
123. Polyglot- is someone who
Has more than one spouse
Drinks too much
Plays more than one sport
Speaks many languages
124. Quid pro quo – means
Favourable opinion
Something in return
125. Amnesty means
126. Specious means

127. Dexterity means
128. verbose means
129. straggle means
130. Prudent person always avails oneself…..opportunities provided
131. Give an example pertinent …….this case
132. we get out….life just what we put into it
133. private capital has a….to flaw where profits are high
134. She suffered from the poverty of her apartment, the .............walls, the worn chairs and
the faded stuffs.

135. Though a teetotaler in public, he had no…about drinking in private
136. The lion is at…….and has wrought havoc in this area
Instruction: replace the italicized part with correct version.
137. Supposing if he fails again, will be able to hold his head high?
Suppose he fails
Suppose if he fails
Supposing he will fail
No correction
138. They will come if you will invite them
Would invite
Did invite
No correction
139. I will look you up next time I am in Bombay
Look you through
Look you over
Look you around
No correction
140. When you left that job
Did you leave
Would you over
You have left
No correction
141. Every man and woman in the village was present at the festival
No improvement
142. Other countries have eradicated this disease then years ago

Had eradicated
Did eradicate
No correction
143. During his long discourse, he did not touch that point
Touch upon
Touch on
Touch of
No correction
144. What do you expect me to do……that
145. Kindly send me my book as soon as you are…with it
146. I do not know how to manage…..four hundred rupees
147. His neighbour accused him….playing his radio too loudly
148. He threw….her shoulders the modest shawl
149. The poor fellaw had little to fall back….in his old age
150. I did not take him….a thief

151. A short and usually amusing story about some real person or event
152. The absence of law and order
153. One who believes that all things and events in life are predetermined
154. A place where bees are kept is called
155. The killing of new- born children
156. Doctor who specializes in diseases of children
157. Person who sees no good in anything and who has no belief in human progress
158. To take the bull by the horns
To punish a person severely for his arrogance
To grapple courageously with a difficulty that lies in our way
To handle it by fierce attack

To bypass the legal process and take action according to one’s own whims
159. To take with a grain of salt
To take with some reservation
To take with total disbelief
To take wholeheartedly
To take seriously
160. The boy turned a deaf ear to the pleadings of all his well-wishers
Listened carefully
Was deadly opposed
Posed indifference
Did not pay any attention
161. He has made his mark in politics
Attained notoriety
Ruined his wealth
Acquired wealth
Distinguished himself
162. Rahul fought tooth and nail to save his company
With weapons
As best as he could
Using unfair means
With strength and fury
163. Kamal was left high and dry by his friends
164. In the organized society of today no individual or nation can plough a lonely furrow
Remain unaffected
Do without the help of others
Survive in isolation
Remain non-aligned
165. He always cut both ends
Works for both sides
Inflicts injuries on others
Argues in support of both sides of the issue
Behave dishonestly
DIRECTION: Read the given passage carefully and attempt the questions that follow:
He was a deeply subtle man, I know by now. With such natures it is usually a waste
of efforts to fence. The only way to speak face-to face is to be direct. I said that I had been
waiting for news of the Nobel Prize, and that I was very sorry. He started at me, and nodded
he didn’t pretend not to mind. He said something to the effect that it would be good to have.
Then, quite suddenly, he have a grim chuckle, and launched into an anecdote, possibly

apocryphal and certainly slanderous, about another unsuccessful candidate- not English-
speaking who had been bucking for the prize for years and years. He had left nothing to
chance. He had known all the rights boys (in frosts demonology, this probably meant some
of the enemies) he had been told that it was in the bag. The day of the election, he was sitting
with a horde of supporters. He had the champagne out on the table. He was waiting for the
telephone to ring. There was a long wait. A longer wait. At last the telephone did ring. He
hadn’t got it. He was told the name of the winner. It is impossible, he cried. It is impossible.
It is impossible. That was Ali he could think of, frost said, cheering himself up with malice.
But had happened
After that, he was quite gay. He talked about England. He was sensitive to his
audience. So that I was left under the impression that he had been a lifelong anglophile.
When I read his letters and his remarks about the British (a term he wouldn’t have used to
me) I wasn’t surprised about something but I was by those. May be, as I have suggested, he
had some to think better of us. He was enthusiastic about the common language- that was
essential thing. Then he spoke about what he called ‘the locative’ in art. Art who meant
anything to him was locative, rooted in a place, in the singularities of a place. We had a bit
of an argument. Temperamentally, I said, I was on his side. But locative arts needs
knowledge and patience to understand that was why cosmopolitan art, abstract art, traveled
further and faster. One didn’t have to know anything to read, say, kafka or Hemingway.
They had traveled round the world to an extent that Jane Austen or forester never would)
Frost wouldn’t have it. The greatest locative art transcended everything. It was organic, and
no other art could be. He still has immense stamina for argument, or rather for his oblique
interpretation of ideas. He would have gone on talking long after our hosts returned.
166. The author was very sorry that
The news of the Noel prize never reached frost
Frost rejected the Nobel Prize
Frost did not get the Nobel prize
None of the above
167. He didn’t pretend not to mind’ this means
He did mind
He did not mind
He had mixed feelings
He showed no feeling
168. ‘That was all he could think of, frost said, cheering up with malice’. Here ‘he’ refers to
The author
The unsuccessful
None of these
169. The author was left under the impression that frost had been
A great admirer of English
Detested English
An avid reader of English works
Collecting English works
170. The greatest locative art transcended everything. We can infer from the passage that
Kafka’s or Hemingway’s was locative art

Jane Austen’s was locative art

Frost’s was locative art
Frost believed that none of these was locative art
Directions: Choose the closed option in the place of italicized word
171. He has been exonerated his statement
Declared innocent
172. The teacher reiterated his statement
173. Only those who are gullible take every advertisement seriously
174. This young man appears to be quite headstrong
175. The great artist’s life was full of vicissitudes
Changes of fortune

DU LLB 2007

1 B 36 B 71 C 106 141
2 B 37 C 72 B 107 142
3 B 38 73 108 143 B
4 39 B 74 109 B 144
5 40 75 110 145 B
6 41 B 76 111 B 146 B
7 42 77 112 147 C
8 B 43 78 B 113 148
9 44 B 79 114 149 B
10 B 45 80 C 115 B 150 C
11 B 46 B 81 C 116 151 B
12 B 47 B 82 C 117 152 B
13 48 83 118 B 153
14 49 84 119 C 154 C
15 50 85 B 120 C 155 C
16 B 51 C 86 121 B 156 C
17 52 87 122 C 157 B
18 53 B 88 B 123 158 B
19 C 54 C 89 B 124 159
20 B 55 C 90 125 B 160
21 56 91 B 126 161
22 57 B 92 B 127 162 B
23 58 B 93 128 B 163
24 B 59 94 C 129 164 C
25 B 60 C 95 130 165 C
26 61 96 B 131 C 166 C
27 B 62 97 132 B 167
28 63 98 133 168 C
29 C 64 C 99 C 134 B 169
30 65 100 135 170
31 66 101 C 136 C 171 C
32 67 B 102 B 137 172 C
33 B 68 C 103 138 B 173 C
34 69 C 104 139 C 174 B
35 B 70 B 105 B 140 175 C


Which is the longest river of Europe?

Who became the youngest ever formula one champion?
Fernando Alonso
Justin Gatlin
Tyson Gay
Michael Schumacher
World champion Fernando Alonso belongs to which country?
The European Grand prix, 2006 was won by
Kimi Raikkonen
Felipe Massa
Michael Schumacher
Valentiono Rossi
Who has taken the highest number of wickets in one day international
Wasim akram
Shen warne
M. Muralidhran
GD Mcgrath
The Greenland Island is located in
Indian ocean
North atlantic ocean
South pacific ocean
Western pacific ocean
Where are the Pensacola Mountains
North pole
South pole
The highest volcanic mountain ‘ojos del salado’ was located in
G.R.L Mexico
The cape code bay in located near

San diego
Amazon River orginates from Peru and falls in
Pacific ocean
Atlantic ocean
Black sea
Caspin sea
Before retiring from formula one racing, Michael Schumacher has been
world champion for
Who has won the maximum number of grand slam titles in golf till date
Tiger woods
Jack Nicklaus
Earl woods
Justin Gatlin
‘PGA’ stands for
Players of golf association
Professional golfers academy
Professional golfers association
Play golf always
Euro Cup is related to
Washington DC is situated near the
Atlantic ocean
Gulf of mexico
Pacific ocean
Lake manitoba
Mississippi is the longest river in United States. It falls in the
Gulf of maxico
Mediterranean sea
Atlantic ocean
Pacific ocean
The following is used in photography
Silver bromide
Sodium bromide
Potassium chloride
Sodium sulphate
Laws of electrolysis are given by
Faraday Maxwell

Which of the following is not an ore of aluminum
The sight of a delicious food usually makes mouth watery. It is a
hormonal response
neural response
optic response
olfactory response
A person of blood group AB can give blood to
A and B
Only AB
A, B and O
All of these
Lieutenant in army is equivalent to which following rank in navy
Lieutenant commissioner
None of these
Pankaj advani is associated with
Which city in the world is known as the Forbidden City
Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratna award crries a sum of
₹ 3 lakh
₹ 5 lakh
₹ 1 lakh
₹ 7 lakh
Which acid is present in lemon
Citric acid
Tartaric acid
Ascorbic acid
Lactic acid
Reading on Fahrenheit scale and the on Celsius scale are identical at the
following temperature.
(a) -40º

(b) 0º
(c) -574.25º
(d) 273º
Metur dam is built on which river
At 20% annual interest rate, after how many years will some sum become
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years
Where a well-known Dilwara temple located
Madhya Pradesh
The disease pneumonia affects which part of the body?
Wind pipe
The first recipient of dada sahib phalke award was
B.N. Sarkar
Prithaviraj kapur
Devika Rani
Kanan Devi
Which is the city of India where the electricity supply started first?
Bhatnagar prize is awarded in which field
Music and drama
Science and technology
Classical arts
Who discovered the laws of planetary motion?
Compound microscope was invented by

Robert hooke
Janseen brothers
The subject matter of the recently published report of Kelkar committee is
Agricultural debt
Share market scam
Tax system of India
Foreign trade
As a result of outsourcing of services from the USA to India
Indian industries are benefitted
Employment in India is increasing
Scope for research and development in India is increasing
Pace of industrialization in USA is decreasing
Dry ice is
Ice at -15º
Ice just below melting point
Solid CO2
None of the above
Panchayati raj is organised at the
Block level
Village and block level
Village, block and district level
Village, block, district and state level
Who is the first India chess player who defeated a world champion
Dibyendu Barua
Kapil dev
Surya sekhar ganguly
Viswanathan anand
The first Indian woman to conquer Mt. Everest is
Mohasota debi
Bachendri pal
Santosh yadav
Sudipta Sengupta
Who introduced R.N. Tagore to the west?
W.B. Yeats
Rudyard kipling
Joseph Conrad
T.S. Eliot
Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography- ‘my experiments with truth’ was
originally written in

People greet one another in French language with

Guten tag
Ahlan wasahlan
None of these
What is gene?
A segment of RNA, DNA and Histone
A Segment DNA and RNA
A segment of DNA
A segment of DNA and histone
Damodar valley project is sponsored by west Bengal and
All of the above
Which among the following is a riverine port?
Among the following which state capital is not situated near the bank of a
Luck now
Pyorrhea affects which part of the body
salivary glands
Who has won the cricket world cup twice as a captain
ricky ponting
steve Waugh
allen border
clive Lloyd
Which is the heaviest flying bird
Which constitutional amendment provided for a Hindi translation of the
45th amendment
52nd amendment

56th amendment
57th amendment
The largest irrigation canal in India is called the
Yamuna canal
Sirhind canal
Lawer baridoab canal
Indira Gandhi canal
Horns of most mammals are made of
The constitution of UNO is known as
Peace agreement
Magna carta
December 10 is observed as
World mental health day
World sight day
World red cross day
Human right day
There is no reservation for SC and ST for Lok Sabha in
Arunachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
All the above
The durnad line is the international border between
Afghanistan and Pakistan
Iran and syria
India and Bangladesh
India and Nepal
Washington is situated at the bank of
Who among the following Sikh guru started the ‘gurumukhi script’?
Guru Arjun
Guru Ramdas
Guru Gegh Bahadur
Guru Angad
The term ‘rook’ is linked with

US-based ‘novelis has recently been acquired by
Tata group
Birla group
Reliance group
Jointly by tata and birla group
After merger, tata-corus has became the …largest steel producer in the
Recently, ministry of HRD has announced to hike FDI limit in education to
(a) 65%
(b) 70%
(c) 75%
(d) 100%
Recently foundation stone of a new rail coach making factory has been laid
Rae Bareli
Railway budget 2007-08 announces 2007-08
A year of safety
A year of prosperity
A year of customer service
A year of cleanliness
The operationg system recently launched by Microsoft in India is
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Sun solaris
Microsoft 2007 office system
The Gandhi peace prize 2005 has been awarded to
Archbishop desmond tutu
Mrs. Loretta scott king
Dr. Nelson Mandela and Grameen bank of Bangladesh
Bhartiya vidya bhavan
Who among the following won the Australian open – 2007 men’s singles
Fernando Gonzalez
Roger Federer
Mike bryan
Bob bryand

The 94th Indian science congress was held from 3-7 January 2007 in
Tamil nadu
The 2007 Ranji Trophy has been won by
Uttar Pradesh
Tamil nadu
The telecommunication network group hutchison essar has been taken
over by
Reliance communications
Who among the following would be the first Indian to join the alcoa
company’s board, the world’s largest aluminum producer?
Rattan Tata
LN Mittal
Mukesh Ambani
Kumar Mangalam Birla
As per the new guidelines proposed by the ministry of HRD what is the
percentage of seats reserved for the OBCs in IITs and IIMs?
(a) 15%
(b) 20%
(c) 25%
(d) 27%
Which of the following is not a vector borne disease?
Kala Azar
Japanese Encephalitis
Which of the following is observed as ‘national consumer day’ in India?
20th May
24th March
24th December
24th October
Who amongst the following won the French open 2006 tennis cup held
Roger Federer
Rafael Nadal
Bob Bryan
Vera Zvonareva

Who amongst the following is the recipient of the ‘Rajiv Gandi Khel Ratna
Award’ given away recently?
Mahesh Bhupati
Sania Mirza
Rahul dravid
Pankaj advani
Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘a brief history of
Prof. Stephen Hawking
Dr. J.V. Naralikar
Dr. H.J. Bhabha
Dr. Chandrashekhar
Durand Cup is associated with the game of
Lawn tennis
Ban Ki Moon is the eighth secretary-general of United Nations. He belongs
to which country?
North korea
South korea
Vijay singh won his 30th US PGA tour title. He is related to which sports?
Which university was granted minority status by national commission on
minority educational institutions?
Aligarh Muslim university
Jamia milia islamia
Jadavpur university
St. Xavier University
The Supreme Court ruled that laws put in the ninth schedule
after….cannot escape judicial scrutiny if they appeared to breach citizen’s
fundamental rights
April 1973
June 1984
March 1968
August 1981
Which country won the maximum gold medals in Doha Asian Games?
South Korea

Sania mirza is related to lawn tennis. In the same way Saina Nehwal is
related to which sport?
Who has been appointed as the chief of intelligence bureau for the next two
P.C. Haldar
Arun Prakash
Sudha pillai
K.P. Singh
K.G. Balakrishnan is the first Dalit Chief Justice of India. He is the Chief
Justice of India.
AT present which country has the Presidentship of European Union?

Directions: Find out error in the following sentences (Q. 91-95):

During her rise to fame, she betrayed many of her friends, and because of
it, very few people trust her
No error
During her rise to fame
Because of it
Trust her
Not hardly a sound could be beard in the auditorium, when the speaker
approached the dais to announce the result of the contest
No error

In contrast to the prevailing opinion, the editorial lays the blame for the
strike on the workers
No error
In contrast of
Blame for
By midnight the guests still had not been served dinner, so they were
No error
Had not been served
So they
G.R.L Ravishing
The raise in the number of accidents attributable to drunk drivers has
prompted call for stiffer penalties for driving while intoxicated

No error
Has prompted

Directions: Q. 96-100: Fill in the blanks

Aarathi is hardly the young lady to do............. to her husband

Nirmala was expecting a call from her mother which would inform her
whether she or not
had to go
had gone
was expected
should inform
"Okay ’ said the police officer, ‘we shall get the culprit in a day’s
He was not able to her family from the neighbour’s onslaught
They found the body under the
remains of the building

Directions; Q. 101-105: In each of the following questions, there is a

certain relation between two given words on one side of:: and one word is
given on another side of:: Choose the suitable word to be
put on the other side from the given alternatives.
Plaintiff : Defendant as
Court : Law
Judge : Jury
Injured : Accused
Explosive : Volcano
Fine: imprisonment as
Sentence: judgement
Misdemeanour: felony
Jury: judge
G.R.L Jail: bond
Secret service: Raw as
Profession: law
Soldier: army
Open: undercover
Lungs: blood

Habits: instincts as
Works: play
Training: Heredity
Acquired: cultivated
Birds: animals
Pariah: favourite as
Nephew: son
Chosen: accepted
Ostracism: nepotism
Hypnotism: comatose
Give an antonym for FETTER
Give an antonym for DASTARD
Give an antonym for NULLIFY
Give an antonym for JUDICIOUS
Give an antonym for HOMOGENEOUS
Give an antonym for ABROGATE
Give the meaning of ADEPT
Give the meaning of DIFFIDENCE
Give the meaning of enigmatic
Give the meaning of MITIGATE


Direction: in the following questions, some of the sentences have errors

and some have none. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and
mark in the corresponding to the appropriate letter (A, B, C). If there is
no error, mark in the circle corresponding to (D) in the Answer Sheet.

Were I you (a) /I should have not (b)/allawed him to stay in hostel. (c) / No
error. (d)
With a liberalized duty structure (a) /and the government's stand at allawing
multinationals to set up shop directly(b) /imported parts are now freely
available(c) /No error. (d)
Many of the authors (a) /of this book are members of a national support group
and have(b) / participated in several conference(c) /No error(d)
It is not feasible but (a) /in many ways desirable also that an organisation
should run its (b) /own courses for developing employees(c) /No error. (d)
Having said this (a) / let us hasten to add that we are(b) /not Against social
mixing(c) / No error(d)

Directions: Q. 121-125: Pick up the response which completes the

sentence in the best possible manner.

I am tired_ ........_ this work.

none of these
You must apply............ .._judge for pardon
none of these
I tried but could not prevail.................. him.
I must dispense your services.
none of these
He meditates past life.
None of these
G.R.L Directions: A. 126-130: In the following questions, you have passages,
with questions following each passage. Read passage carefully and choose
the best answer to each question and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
The English poet Richart Crashaw has long been considered an eccentric
minor figure among the early seventeenth-century poets whom Dr. Johnson
first characterized as "Metaphysical". In examining the poetry of those
turbulent times, it is easy to understand why Donne and Herbert receive the
greater share of traditional scholarship's attention. Issuing from an era when
the cause of Protestantism in England became so radical that it lead to the
execution of King Charles I, an extended civil war, and the several
Interregnum under Oliver Cromwell, the seemingly uncomplicated devotional

character of Herbert's poetry and of Donne's sermons and later sonnets lent
the times an almost placid historical gloss. The intellectual inventiveness and
lyric beauty of Donne and Herbert serve, as they did at the time of their
writing, to convey a settled sense of orthodoxy to those most interested in
finding it.
Crashaw's poetry, by contrast, seems tortured—either embarrassingly
unaware of itself or actively subversive. Certainly by the standards of his day,
Crashaw was a heretic. In an era when even the Anglican Church was thought
by many to retain too many trappings of the decadent Roman Catholic
tradition, Crashaw broke with his society and his ardently Protestant father by
converting to Roman Catholicism, a choice that forced him to live much of his
life penniless in exile. The conflicts in which Crashaw was enmeshed manifest
themselves in his poetry, which abounds with images that strike a
contemporary sensibility as violent, strange, and in some cases bordering on
pornographic. The energy expended by traditional scholarship to laud these
strange moments as mystical, or else excuse them as manifestations of
Crashaw's excessive love for rhetorical inventiveness, seems to reflect not
merely a failure of interpretation, but an active determination not to interpret
the poems in ways that disturb traditional views of the period but nevertheless
seem patently obvious.
This failure of traditional readings of the so called Metaphysical poets is
not unique to Crashaw's work. Donne's early poetry reflects worldliness and
flirtatiousness that seems all the more surprising in light of the graceful piety
of his later work. Herbert's famous image of being bound by the shackle of his
faith cannot be obliterated by rhetoric and rationalization, no matter how
dexterous. The tension played out in these poems is internal and intellectual,
but at the time of their writing it was also profoundly political. How the
human faculty of reason, an emergent interest in Renaissance England, can
mediate in the traditional conflict between desire and Christian orthodoxy, and
whether it can possibly tame both. It is in Crashaw's work that this tension is
tuned to its highest—some might say most hysterical— pitch and it is in
critical interpretations of his work that we most distinctly see the failure of
traditional scholarship to comprehend the era in which he wrote.
The passage suggests that the author would be most likely to agree with
which one of the following statements?

Traditional readings of much English poetry of the early seventeenth

century overemphasize its orthodox devotional character while neglecting
the tension and turmoil it reflects.
Seventeenth-century poetry is noteworthy more for its intellectual
inventiveness that it is for its lyric beauty.
Seventeenth-century poets such as Donne and Herbert are worthy of study
because they were able to provide a placid historical gloss of the turbulent
times in which they wrote.
The tortured quality of Crashaw's poetry and the surprise contemporary
readers may feel in encountering some of his imagery were intended by
Crashaw to express his mystical beliefs.
The author suggests that the poetry of Richard Crashaw.
Is superior to the poetry of Donne and Herbert.
Reflects an obsession with the strictures of Christian orthodoxy.
Was intended to convey heretical beliefs.
Has been routinely misinterpreted by traditional scholars.
According to the author, traditional scholarship fails to comprehend
that the poetry of early seventeenth century England.
Is in part a reflection of the era in which it was written
Represents a radical departure from earlier English poetry.
Reflects a serious interest in reason as well as Christian orthodoxy.
G.R.L Is noteworthy
only because of the work of Richard Crashaw.

Which one of the following most accurately describes the organization of

the passage?
Description of a particular scholarly shortcoming; discussion of possible
courses of action that could be taken to remedy that shortcoming;
extension of these courses of action to other similar cases; assertion that
these courses of action are unlikely to be taken seriously.
Description of a particular historical era and scholarly treatment of some
literature of that era; discussion of the inadequacy of that scholarly
treatment in one particular case; assertion that the inadequacy is not
limited to that case; explanation of the reason for and the meaning of this
Description of a historical era and scholarly interpretations of it;
discussion of the ways in which this interpretation neglect and key
development of the era; illustration of the consequences of this neglect in
a particular case; explanation of the ways scholarly errors undercut all
cases of this kind.
Summary of the conventional view of a controversial time; discussion of
new view that contradicts the conventional view; application of the new
view to a particularly troublesome instance during the time in question;
rejection of the conventional view in favour of the new view.
It can be inferred from the passage that the author interprets Herbert's
famous image to indicate
That Herbert's attitude towards Christian orthodoxy is not as simple as it
is interpreted to be in traditional readings.
That Herbert's poetry contains a veiled critique of the increasing
Protestant radicalism of his time.
That Herbert's desire to employ the human faculty of reason is
constrained by Christian orthodoxy.
That the turmoil of Herbert's times led him to employ inventive rhetoric
that undermines the stated purpose of his poetry.
Shyam's house, his office and his gym are all equidistant from each
other. The distance between 2 of them is 4 km. Shyam starts walking
from his gym in a direction parallel to the road connecting his office
and his house and stops when he reaches a point directly east of his
office. He then reverses direction and walks till he reaches a point
directly south of the office. The total distance walked by Shyam is
6 km
9 km
16 km
12 km

Directions: Q. 132-133: Read the following data and use it for answering
the questions that follow:
A Shopkeeper is preparing gift boxes of mithai. Each box will contain exactly
two kinds of pedhas to be selected from F, G, H and exactly three kinds of
rasgollas to be selected from P, Q, R, S and T with the following restrictions.
G cannot be in the same box as T
P cannot be in the same box as S
Q cannot be in the same box as T
If G is included in box, which of the following is a kind of mithai that
must also be included?

If H is not included in a particular box, any of the following kinds of

mithai can be included except

Directions: Q. 134-135: In the flawing questions three statements are

followed by a conclusion. Study the statements and the conclusion and
point out which statements studied together will bring to the conclusion.

1. Communism adopted violent methods for changing the existing order.
2. It overthrew imperialism with the help of non violence.
3. Communists are anti-imperialists.
Conclusion: India is not a communist country:
Only I and 2
Only 2 and 3
Only 2 and 3
Data insufficient
Price rise is a natural phenomenon.
If production increases price fall.
High prices affect the poor.
Conclusion: If production rises the poor feel relieved:
Only I and 2
Only I and 3
Only 2 and 3
Data insufficient
Communal electorates were created by the Act of
(a) 1935
(b) 1909
(c) 1919
(d) 1861
The tenure of the Council of Ministers is:
Co-terminus with the Lok Sabha
Five years
Fixed and co-terminus with the President
Which one of the following can amend Fundamental Rights?
Lok Sabha
Supreme Court
The present Income Tax Act was enacted during:
(a) 1992
(b) 196l
(c) 1984
(d) 1991
G.R.L The Supreme Court of India has been granted power of Judicial Review, a
feature which was borrowed from the Constitution of:
141.A master is liable for the wrongs committed by his servants. It is called:
joint liability
vicarious liability
concurrent liability
civil liability
142.Self Defence
is a private remedy
is a judicial remedy
is available as defence only in civil law
is available in both torts and crimes
143.Slander is
a crime
a tort
a breach of contract
a breach of trust
144.Muslim marriage is a
civil Contract
Divine Commandment
None of the above
145.Registration of marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is:
subject to the discretion of the marriage registrar
none of the above
146.In Law of Torts, always unliquidated damages are awarded. The meaning
of unliquidated is
Not ascertainable
Approximately arrived at
penal and exemplary
both (a) and (b) above
147.There are four stages in the commission of a crime: intention,
preparation, attempt and commission. The attempt to commit a crime
not punishable
not ordinarily punishable
none of the above
148. ……are those offences which are punishable with imprisonment for two
years or less. These offences can be compromised between the parties.
compoundable offences
Non-compoundable offences
Bailable offences
Non-cognizable offences
149.In the matter of liquidated damages
The plaintiff is entitled to recover the agreed amount of compensation for
the loss suffered
The plaintiff is not entitled to recover the agreed amount of compensation
for the loss suffered
The plaintiff is entitled to recover the agreed amount of 'compensation by
proving the exact loss suffered
The plaintiff is entitled to recover the agreed amount of compensation
without having to prove the exact loss suffered
150. A party who suffers loss as a result of breach of contract can, in the

usual course, claim

Ordinary damages
Exemplary damages
Special damages
Penal damages
151. A person enjoying the benefit of non-gratuitous act
Maunder an obligation to make compensation for this benefit
May make compensation at his option
Has no obligation towards any one
Has no remedy available against him
152. "Exemplary Damages" is related to
Damages awarded to set an example
Damages for loss arising in special circumstances
Damages fixed by the court in ordinary circumstances
None of the above
153. The office of profit does not mean:
The office of a contractor
The office of a Minister
The office of a private teacher
Air of the above
154. In what proportion the members of the Rajya Sabha retire:
All the members retire after 6 years
Half of the members retire every three years
one-third members retire every two years
One-sixth members retire every year
155. Who is authorised to decide over a dispute regarding disqualification of a
Member of Parliament?
the Election Commissioner
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
The President of India
A Committee specially set up by the Parliament for this purpose
156. Defamation by means of writing, print etc. is legally called
Lex Scripta
157. Which of the following examines recommendations of Planning
Finance Commission
National Development Council
158. Precedent means
Repealed Law
Succeeding Law
Present or current Law
Law on similar fact decided by court previously
159. If a person innocently abducts a girl aged 16 in the belief that she was
above 18, is he criminally liable?

None of the above
160. Examine the following statements:
Liberty is absolute
Liberty is defined by a circumference of law
Both I & II are true
Only I is true
Only II is true
Both statements are false
161. In law, a man is presumed to be dead if he is not heard of as alive for
5 years
7 years
9 years
10 years
162. Sexual intercourse with a girl under is rape even if she had given her
15 years
16 years
17 years
18 years
163. Consider the following statements:
To absolve, is to release from some responsibility or obligation.
To acquit, is to discharge a person, upon a verdict of not guilty
Both I & II are false
I is true, II is false
I is false, II is true
both I and II are true
164. Who is the author of the work "The Devil's Dictionary"?
Ambrose Bierce
William Shakespeare
J. Harman
William Congreve
165. The National Anthem was adopted by Constituent Assembly on
27 December, 1911
27 December, 1949
24 January 1950
26 January, 1950
166. 'The Family Court Act' was passed in the year
(a) 1980
(b) 1984
(c) 1986
(d) 1992
167. Who is responsible for introduction of Public Interest Litigation in India?
justice P.N. Bhagwati
Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah

Justice A.M. Ahmadi

Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer
168. "Law and sense are not the same thing". This was said by:
M.K. Gandhi
J.L. Nehru
M.N. Venkatachalliah
169. "Law is an ass" was said by
Charles Dickens
Abraham Lincoln
170. Who is the Chairman of India's First National Forest Commission
Justice A.M. Ahmadi
Justice A.S. Anand
Justice M.M. Punchi
Justice B.N. Kirpal
Directions: Q. 171-172: Given below is a statement of legal principle followed
by a factual situation. Apply the principle to the facts and select the most
appropriate answer among the four alternatives given.
171. Principle: A person can call police on 100 on emergency regarding
information for immediate knowledge of police.
Factual Situation: Ashok running short of item to board on Air India flight
from Delhi to London, he made a call on 100 that there was a bomb in the flight
for making delay in departure of flight. Instead the police nabbed Ashok within
two minutes and Ashok instead of going to London was sent to Tihar jail. Is
there any remedy for him.
Ashok can be released by court because he had an important meeting at
Ashok cannot be released and will be punished with heavy fine.
Ashok has to be compensated by police because everyone can call on 100.
Ashok can stay in custody for one day only.
172. Legal Principle: A confession made in the court should be free and
voluntary. A confession made under pressure is a weak type of evidence.
Factual Situation: Rahul and Amit are good students. They are room partners.
Amit becomes friendly with Sumit who is a drug addict. Amit also starts
consuming drugs. One day Amit does not have money to buy drugs. He steals
an imported watch of Rahul. Rahul complains to the police. Amit is arrested. In
the lock up, the police tells Amit that if he confesses he may be released. Amit
confesses in the court.
Amit likely to be punished because he confessed in the court and told the
Amit cannot be punished because he confessed under the influence of
the police.
Amit cannot be punished because no one had seen him stealing Rahul's
None of the above
173. Double jeopardy is
a two edged weapon
a dilemma
a confusing expression

second prosecution after the first trial for the same offence
174. Conspiracy is
absconding from the police
secret plan to commit a crime
disobeying the criminal process
willful deceiving of the fact
175. Which is correct for the purpose of criminal deception
Dishonest concealment of facts
dishonestly receiving of property
making damage by an act
intentionally giving consent
DU LLB 2006

1(a) 2. (a) 3 ( b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (b)

7(b) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (c) 12. (b)
13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (a)
19.(d) 20. (b) 21. (b) 22. (b). 23. (a) 24. (d)
25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (d) 30. (d)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (c)
37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (c) 41-(d) 42. (b)
43. (a) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (b)
49. (c) 50. (a) 51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (d)
55. (c) 56. (d) 57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (a) 60. (c)
61. (d) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (c) 65. (d) 66. (b)
67. (d) 68. (b) 69. (a) 70. (b) 71. (a) 72. (a)
73. (c) 74. (a) 75. (d) 76. (a) 77. (c) 78. (b)
79. (d) 80. (a) 81. (d) 82. (d.) 83. (a) 84. (c)
85. (a) 86. (c) 87.(c) 88. (a). 89. (b) 90. (a)
91. (c) 92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (d) 95. (b) 96. (b)
97. (a) 98. (b) 99. (a) 100. .(b) 101. (c) 102. (b)
103. (a) 104. (b) 105. (c) 106. (a) 107. (d) 108. (b)
109. (a) 110. (b) 111 ( a) 112.(a) 113.(b) 114. (a)
115. (a) 116.(a) 117.(b) 118. (d) 119. (b) 120. (b)
121. (b) 122. (a) 123. (a) 124. (a) 125. (d) 126. (a)
127. (d) 128.(c) 129. (c) 130. (d) 131. (d) 132. (d)
133. (a) 134. (d) 135. (c) 136. (b) 137. (b) 138. (a)
139. (b) 140. (b) 141. (b) 142. (d) 143. (b) 144. (b)
145. (b) 146. (d) 147. (a) 148. (a) 149. (c) 150. (a)
151. (a) 152. (a) 153. (d) 154. (c) 155. (a) 156. (b)
157. (d) 158. (d) 159. (b) 160. (c) 161. (b) 162. (b)
163. (d) 164. (a) 165. (c) 166. (b) 167. (a) 168. (b)
169. (b) 170. (d) 171. (b) 172. (a) 173. (d) 174. (b)
175. (a)


The competition act was passed in the year

(a) 2000
(b) 2001
(c) 2002
(d) 2003
As per a recent Supreme Court judgment, a strike by lawyers is
when cruelty would be a ground for divorce in given circumstances
insult before friends
neglect of children
husband’s desire that wife should learn English
which one is a valid agreement
agreement with a minor
agreement with a lunatic
agreement for not doing a business
agreement with a firm
Which one among the following is an attempt to suicide?
Causing willful accident in depression
Pouring kerosene oil on oneself and lighting a match
Standing near a falling tree
Crossing road in front of a moving motorcycle
Which section of I.P.C. deals with homosexuality?
(a) S. 377
(b) S.375
(c) S.415
(d) S. 498A
What is meant by 'locus standi'?
Standing before the court of law
Understanding the local customs
A right to stand before the court
A local authority

'Res Ipsa Loquitur' stands for

The thing speaks for itself
No need to prove negligence
No crime if no guilty mind
Opportunity of being heard
What is a tort?
A wrongful act
G.R.L A civil wrong
A civil as well as a criminal wrong
A civil wrong redressible by unliquidated damages
Lok Adalat is a
Which case dealt with sexual harassment at workplace?
Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan
Jayashree v. State of Kerala
Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India
Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar
What punishment was awarded to Dhananjoy Chatterji, the rape and murder case
Life imprisonment
Imprisonment for ten years
He was acquitted for lack of evidence
Where to file complaint in case of sexual harassment?
Committee against Sexual harassment
Women Welfare Society
Court for Sexual harassment
Gender Sensitisation Committee
Who is the Attorney General for India?
Soli Sorabji
Milon Banerji
Goolam Vahanvati
Abhishek Manu Singhvi
Who is the Chairperson of National Commission for Women?
Poornima Advani
Mohini Giri
Ambika Soni
What is the legal term for mercy killing?
Plea for death
Pari Materia
Who was the First woman Judge of the Supreme Court?
Justice Leela Seth
Justice M. Fatima Bibi
Justice Usha Rani
Justice Sangeeta Rajyog
Punishment for Computer hacking is redressed by
Civil Law
Criminal Law
G.R.L No such law exists
'Amicus Curie' means
Friend of the poor litigant
A good man assisting legal proceedings
A lawyer representing a poor litigant free of cost in a court of law
Amicably resolving a dispute without going to the court
'Caveat' means
A warning
A reprimand
An instruction
A request
Which among the following High Court has jurisdiction over two states?
Punjab and Haryana
'Saptapadi' is a part of marriage in which religion?
23. A juvenile under law is a person below the age of years.
24. How many languages are dire in the 8di Schedule to die Constitution?
25. 'Right to clean environment' is implied in which Article of the Constitution
Article 19
Article 21
Article 14
Article 39
26. 'Right to Information' is impliedly included under which Article
Article 21
Article 14
Article 19
Article 25
27. Right to constitutional remedies is available under
Article 32
Article 39A
Article 30(1)
Article 48A
28. 'Uniform Civil Code' is dealt
with in
Article 44
Article 45
Article 46
Article 48
29. Who appoints a Supreme Court judge?
Council of Ministers headed by Prime Minister
Chief Justice of India
30. Who proclaims President's Rule in a State?
Union Cabinet
Union Council of Ministers
31. Who among the following is the present Chairperson of the National Human Rights
Mr. Justice J.S. Verma
Mr. Justice A.S. Anand
Mr. Justice M. Jagganadha Rao
Mr. Justice Rajendra S. Babu
32. Muslim religious foundations are known as
33. Who is known as the father of international law?
Lord Denning
34. Corporeal possession means possession of material things. Thus which of the following is
not an example of incorporeal possession?
Trade Mark
35. The Shah Bono case related to
Muslim wife's right to maintenance after divorce
Muslim wife's right to divorce
Muslim wife's right to separation
Muslim wife's right to husband's property
36. A written statement in the name of a person by whom it is voluntarily signed and
sworn is called:
Power of attorney
37. The book "Concept of Law" was written by:
Justice Krishna Iyer
H.L.A. Hart
Ronald Dworkin
Henry Maine
38. The Judge involved in the first ever impeachment proceedings was Chief Justice of the
High Court of
Punjab and Haryana
39. Expert Legal advice to the Govt. of India is tendered by
the Attorney General of India
Chief Justice of India
Chairman, Law Commission
Minister of Law, Justice and Company affairs in Union Cabinet
40. The words "secular and socialist" were added to the Preamble of the Indian
Constitution by the:
44th Amendment
73rd Amendment
42nd Amendment
None of the above
41.The Territorial Waters of India extend upto:
24 Nautical Miles
12 Nautical Miles
18 Nautical Miles
None of the above
42. The UN Convention on Law of the Sea was adopted in
(a) 1984
(b) 1982
(c) 1995
(d) 1986
43. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Of Discrimination against Women was
adopted in:
(a) 1984
(b) 1979
(c) 1992
(d) 1989
44. When was the Indian Independence Act brought into force?
(a) July 18, 1947
August 15, 1947
January 26, 1950
(d) July 26, 1949
45. The principle of separation of powers in the Indian Constitution was taken from the
Constitution of which country?
Questions 46-50: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given
below it.
A blanket ban on defection will weaken rather than strengthen democracy, in whose name it
is being sought to be imposed. Granted, political defection is increasingly less an act of
ideological defiance than one of pure opportunism. Granted also that it is illogical to allaw one
third of the party to split but not a lesser number Yet, for all its flaws, the current law recognizes
and respects one fundamental principle: The right to dissent. Democracy is not about showing
the door to one who dares to disagree. Democracy is about granting her the right to dissent from
within the fold. In a household context, it would be akin to a father throwing out his rebellious
daughter. How would a democratic father deal with this situation? He would allaw the daughter
to register her protest, knowing full well that to not do so would stifle the youngster's intellectual
growth and turn her into a malcontent.
The need to foster a democratic spirit is all the more in a political party which derives its
legitimacy from participation in democratic elections. Indeed, like charity, democracy most
begins at home. A political party that is intolerant to internal dissent can hardly be expected to be
liberal and democratic in its external conduct. To tell a legislator that he owes to his party, which
has facilitated his election, never to disagree with it, is the equivalent of asking that he remain
forever in bondage. To do so is to journey back to the feudal age, when a servant who rebelled
against the master would be called a ‘namak haram’. Take the case of a party that asks for votes
on one ideological platform but switches course once it forms a government. What is the sanctity
of the party whip issued in such a situation? Should the conscientious MP vote as ordered or
should she defy the whip? It has to be the latter and there can be no two views on this. Nor is it
valid to argue that differences can be aired in private but must not translate into a vote for voting
is the ultimate expression of a person's conscience.
46. According to the passage, a political party which does not tolerate any internal dissent.
Is doomed to disintegrate in the long run.
Maintains strict discipline and survives in the long run.
Is a boon to the democratic traditions and principles
Is unlikely to be liberal and democratic in its external conduct.
47.Which of the following is expressed as a characteristic of the feudal age in the passage?
Extending the family values to the political arena.
Changing the ideological platform once in government.
Any disobedience of the people in power is to be treated as treachery.
Telling the legislator that he got elected because of the party.
48. In which of the following matters does the author appreciate the existing law with
regard to defection?
Individual member's freedom to express opinion different from the party line.
A total prohibition on joining another party for personal party.
Entering election fray without affiliation to any political party.
A political party to be liberal and democratic both in its internal and external conduct
49. According to the passage, political defection is increasingly taking place:
More on ideological grounds.
To strength the democratic process.
As a result of basic conceptual differences.
As a matter of pure opportunism.
50. The author has equated the party's stand to tell legislator never to disagree with it with:
Feudal age
Directions (Qs. 51 to 55): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it
The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark that part as your answer.
51. My daughter never (a) / would write to me (b) / so I never know (c) / what she is doing (d).
52. Whenever we have a puncture (a)/ she just sits in the car (b) / and reads a book (c) / while I
change the wheel (d).
53. He walked to the market (a)/ with both his servants (b)/ on either side of his (c)/ to help him
buy things (d).
54. Ganesh, who has been (a)/ driving all day (b)/ was extremely tired (c)/ and wanted to stop
55. Everyone was reading quietly (a)/ when suddenly the door (b)/ burst open and a (c)/
complete stranger rushed in (d).
Directions (Qs. 56 to 60): Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given
choices to make the sentence(s) meaningfully complete.
56. The society provides the individual security of life,............. of thought and sustenance
for action. Every individual who ..............from the society is indebted to the society.
Prosperity........ benefits
Objectivity ...... profits
Seriousness ......derives
57. A hobby is an activity of interest ..........for pleasure. It helps to break the monotony
and tedium of our............. routine.
Developed interesting
Cultivated .... developed
Regularised.. cultivated
58. The……. growth of Indian agriculture in the last three decades has Earned……….
from other countries.
Pervasive .......reputation
Significant .... deliverance
59. The human infant is a life-long bundle of energy with a…...... array of potentialities,
and many………..
Marvellous .....vulnerabilities
Peculiar .......opportunities
Vocational .....strengths

60. His presentation was so lengthy and .............that is why difficult for us to find out the
real................ in it.
Boring ..... planning

Tedious..... skill
Verbose ..... content
Laborious ..... coverage.
Direction (Qs 61 to 65): In each of these questions, an idiomatic expression and its
four possible meanings are given. Find out the correct meaning of the idiomatic
61. The green eyed monster
The creature of the sea
An animal with green eyes
Personal jealousy
To get into trouble
62. To burn one's fingers
To have a burning sensation at the tips of one's fingers
To undergo suffering heroically for one's principles
To behave as if one is very great and important
To be lucky
63. To end in smoke
To die of cancer caused by smoking
To end without providing any practical result
Die in burning house choked with smoke
To risk everything in a single venture
64. To catch a tartar
To deal with person who is more than one's match
To catch a dangerous person
To trap a wanted criminal with great difficulty
To meet with disaster
65. A wet blanket
A man who is always drunk
A wife who is cold to her husband
To wear black and white clothes
None of these
Directions (Qs. 66 to 70): In each of these questions, from the given choices, choose the
one which is most appropriate so that the sentence not only makes sense, but is also
grammatically correct.
66. Your… nature will aid you in attaining success in every venture you undertake.
67. The soldiers fought splendidly but being outnumbered far out of proportion they had
to .....................................
68. Her............ nature will help her realise the object of her desire.

69. His employer had all through been kind to him; so he……. by being loyal to him.
70. During the freedom struggle, Jawaharlal Nehru was the……. for most young Indians.
Directions (Qs. 71 to 75): In each of these questions, select a word from out of the given
alternatives which has the OPPOSITE meaning to the given world.
Directions (Qs 76-79): Select the single word or phrase which means most nearly the same
as the given idiomatic phrase.
76. An office with play but little responsibility
77. A long boring speech

78. A traveller through the universe
79. Informal expression used in everyday
Directions (Qs. 80 to 82): In each of these questions, give the synonym for the word from
the alternatives given.
Directions (Qs. 83 to 85): Select the correct word for the given expression from the given
83. Incapable of being seen through
84. One who is not easily pleased by anything
85. To speak to oneself

Directions (Qs. 86 to 89): Read the following data and use it for answering the following
questions that follow:
Six people A, B. C, D, E and F live on a six-story building each on one floor. The following
statements describe where they stay.
1. B lives on floor 6
2. A is equally far from C and E.
3. F is an engineer.
4. D is two floors above F.
5. C does not live next to an engineer
Which of the following is true?
C lives on floor 4
A is exactly between D and F
E is on floor 5
B is on floor 5
If statement 5 is disregarded which floor does A stay on?

Which of the following is not true?

F is not next to D.
C lives between B and D
E lives on floor 2
B is on floor 6
If condition 5 is invalid, how many types of arrangements are possible?

Directions (Qs. 90 to 92): Read and answer the following

Anita is the niece of Prateek's mother. Anita's mother is Prateek's aunt Rohan is
Antia's mother's brother. Rohan's wife is Anita's grandmother. From this information,
deduce the relationship between:
Rohan's mother is to Anita's mother
No relation
Prateek's and Anita's mother are:
Cousin Sister

Rohan is Prateek’s
Cousin Brothers
Directions (Qs. 93 to 94): Identify the answer which is the correct inference of the
following questions. Assume the statement to be true.
If you are serious you must work.
You are not serious, so you do not work.
Inference is definitely true
Inference is definitely false
Inference is uncertain
Inference cannot be drawn
All honest people are rogues. All rogues are politicians.
So politicians are honest.
Inference is definitely true
Inference is definitely false
Inference is uncertain
Inference is irrelevant
In the college canteen, 6 colleagues are sitting on the six chairs regularly placed
around the table. It is observed that Nagaraj is between Ashfaq and Sudhir,
Nandimath is opposite Ashfaq, Ashfaq and Elizabeth are on neighbouring
chairs. The person sitting opposite Cauvery is:
What is ocarina?
An Italian 'goose-shaped' musical instrument
A sea shell
A beach in Hawai
An English wine
Who was the USA Vice-President during the Presidency of Ronald Reagan?
George Bush (junior)
George Bush (Senior)
Al Gore
Bill Clinton
Where are the Pensacola Mountains?
North Pole
South Pole
Where is the Cape Code Bay?
Massachusetts, USA

San Diego. USA

Which Indian reformer was a sympathizer of widow's rights?
Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar
Ram Krishna Paramhans
Mahatma Gandhi
Which is the most populous Muslim country?
Which country is the closest western neighbour of Australia?
New Zealand
What does P.G.A. stands for?
Professional Golfers' Association
Progressive Guilds Associates
Press Guild Authority (USA)
Professional Games Authority
What's the full form of SCUBA (in the Sport SCUBA diving)?
Strategic Centre for Uranium Board of America
Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Self Containing Undersea Breathing Apparatus
Shipping Corporation of USA and British Associates
'Hopman Cup' is linked with which sports
Ice Hockey
How many agencies does the UN have

The PANAMA Lockerbie incident occurred in the year

1988 in Scotland
1990 in Finland
1985 in Pacific Ocean
1986 in Germany
Silicosis is an occupational disease. It affects

Who discovered penicillin?
Alexander Y Fleming
Herbert Simon
Richard Axel
Joseph E. Murray
Which hemisphere of the world has largest number of countries?
Southern Hemisphere
Northern Hemisphere
Eastern Hemisphere
Western Hemisphere
Study of Heredity is called?
Heredity Science
Embrayonic Science
Cellular Biology
The City of Rotterdam is situated on which famous river of Europe?
Mite Wttass
Which landroass is 50 times its mother country
Falkland Islands
greenland (of Denmark)
New foundland
Which metal is liquid at room temperature?
Which is an ore of Iron?
Where was the world's first skyscraper built in 1885?
New York
Chicago (USA)
In which Olympics did Nadia Comaneci dazzle the world with her superb
Munich Olympics (1972)
Montreal Olympics (1976)

Seoul Olympics (1988)

Sydney Olympics (2000)
Where are the 2006 Commonwealth Games to be held?
Melbourne, Australia
Which among the following is the first animal named in a dictionary?
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? .
Michael Angelo
Leonard Daviaci
Edougrd Manet
Albert Durer
Who performed the first heart-transplant surgery?
Dr. Christian Bernard Shaw
Dr. Jacques Diouf
Dr. Tadao Chino
Dr. (Ms) Carol Bellamy
Which Russian President promoted the concept of Glasnost?
Boris Yeltsin
Vlamidjr Putin
Mikhail Gorbachov
None of these
Which is smallest paper-size used in photostate?
Which language is spoken in Egypt?
Persia was the capital of Ancient Egypt. To go to Persia one has to go through
Saudi Arabia
What is the full form of UNDP?
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Department Programme
United Nations Direct Programme

United Nations Department Process

GATT, which later on became WTO was
An International Treaty
United Nations Agency
An International Organisation
A global business regulator
Which is the highest tobacco producing country in the world?
'Persian' is the language of which country?
UN Budget or Finance is passed by
General Assembly
Security Council
International Court of Justice
How many hearts, a earthworm has?

(d) 100
Which is the 5th planet nearer to sun?
Where is the Headquarters of MCC?
Himalayas are
Block Mountains
Fold Mountains
Volcanic Mountains
Residual Mountains
When die sensex of NYSE came down heavily, the day iscalled
Black Monday
White Monday
Black Friday
White Friday
Which is the largest sea in the world?

Mediterranean Sea
Caribbean Sea
Caspian Sea
South China Sea
Which is the nearest island country near Australia?
New Zealand
The structure formed due to the sea penetrating far into the land?
coral reef
Niagra falls are situated in
US President is elected by
House of Representatives
Members of State Assemblies
What is the position of Earth in the Solar System?
What is the birth place of 'Nasser Hussain'?
Sri Lanka
The income of senior citizen is exempted from tax upto
Rs. I lakh
2.4 lakh
Rs. 1.25 lakh
Rs. 1.85 lakh
Which style of swimming was earlier called the Australian Crawl?
Who was the first tourist in space?

Yuri Gagarin
Neil Armstrong
Dennis Tito
None of the above
The land of thunderbolt is
Natural Rubber is a plant product, which is chemically known as:
One of the longest running plays "Mousetrap" was written by
William Shakespeare
Charles Dickens
Robert Louis Stevenson
Agatha Christie
El Dorado is located in
None of the above
Which of these was the contemporary of Akbar?
Henry VIII
Elizabeth I
William IV
Edward IV
The largest natural gas reserves are found in
South Africa
Outside which house was Gandhiji assassinated?
Birla House
Rashtrapati Bhavan
I, Albuquerque Road
Which gas is known as 'Marsh Gas'?
Who invented the Gramophone?
Alexander Graham Bell
Albert Einstein

Thomas Edison
Alfred Noble
The book 'Life Divine' was written by
Rabindranath Tagore
Mahatma Gandhi
Aurobindo Ghosh
Swami Vivekanand
The Presicjent of the Palestinian Authority is
Mafimoud Abbas
Yasser Arafat
Mustafa Barghouti
Hamid Karzai
Who lead the GreatTumult or Ulgulan movement
Korra Mallaya
Birsa Munda
Maheswata Devi
None of the above
Who faurrtfed four matts in the four corners of India?
World Literacy Day is observed on^--
May 20
September 8
January 28
December 10
The deepest lake is
Lake Tanganyika
Lake Superior
Lake Baikal
Lake Victoria
The World Economic Forum mostly meets at
New York
Which folk dance / drama of northern India is based on scenes from the life of Sri
What is the market situation in which each of a few producers affects but does not
control the market?

Perfect Competition
Price Differentiation
Who was the author of General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Alfred Marshal
Paul Samuelson
John Maynard Keynes
Amartya Sen
Who was the first to develop the theory of comparative advantage?
Karl Marx
David Ricardo
John Stuart Mill
None of the above
The State of Manipur shares a border with which country?
Who invented computer mouse?
Bill Gates
Paul Allen
John Herschel
Douglas Engelbart
Name the world's first general purpose microprocessor?
Intel 1103
Intel 4004
Intel 8080
Windows 9292
The phrase "Clash of civilizations" is attributed to
Donald Rumsfeld
Samuel Huntington
Edward Said
George W. Bush
J. Phule is associated with which social movement
None of the above
Who was the first Law Minister of independent India?
Vallabhai Patel
Raft Ahmed Kidwai
B.R. Ambedkar
C. Rajagopalachari
The person' associated with 'New India' is
Annie Besant
Subhash Chandra Bose

Mahatma Gandhi
M.N. Roy
With what filed was Kurosawa associated?
The magnetic field of the earth is strongest at
The Equator
The Tropic of Cancer
The Tropic of Capricorn
In a freezer, ice cubes will be formed more quickly in trays made of
DU LLB 2005

1 c 36 B 71 c 106 b 141 b
2 a 37 B 72 b 107 a 142 b
3 d 38 A 73 d 108 c 143 b
4 d 39 A 74 c 109 a 144 b
5 b 40 C 75 d 110 b 145 c
6 a 41 B 76 a 111 c 146 b
7 c 42 B 77 d 112 a 147 d
8 a 43 B 78 b 113 b 148 d
9 d 44 A 79 c 114 b 149 d
10 c 45 A 80 d 115 a 150 b
11 a 46 D 81 d 116 c 151 a
12 b 47 D 82 d 117 b 152 a
13 a 48 A 83 d 118 c 153 b
14 b 49 D 84 a 119 b 154 c
15 b 50 B 85 a 120 a 155 c
16 c 51 B 86 b 121 a 156 a
17 b 52 D 87 c 122 c 157 b
18 b 53 C 88 c 123 a 158 a
19 c 54 A 89 a 124 a 159 b
20 a 55 B 90 b 125 b 160 c
21 c 56 C 91 d 126 a 161 d
22 b 57 B 92 c 127 a 162 b
23 c 58 D 93 b 128 a 163 d
24 c 59 A 94 c 129 a 164 c
25 b 60 C 95 a 130 a 165 b
26 c 61 C 96 a 131 c 166 d
27 as 62 B 97 b 132 a 167 d
28 a 63 B 98 c 133 c 168 c
29 c 64 A 99 b 134 b 169 b
30 a 65 D 100 a 135 a 170 b
31 d 66 D 101 a 136 d 171 c
32 d 67 C 102 b 137 d 172 a
33 b 68 D 103 a 138 a 173 b
34 c 69 D 104 b 139 a 174 d
35 a 70 B 105 a 140 a 175 c

Principle: The occupier of a premise owes a duty of care to all his invitees and visitors.
Facts: Suresh was a owner of a big bungalaw with a compound wall. He was constructing a
swimming pool in his compound. Since the work was incomplete, he asked his workers to
cover it with gunny bags. Next morning, the post-man who came inside to deliver a telegram
fell into this unfinished pool. The postman field a suit against Suresh claiming compensation.
Suresh is not liable because he did not invite the postman to his house
Suresh is not liable because it was for the postman to take care of himself
Suresh is liable because the postman came into the premises in the course of his duty
Suresh is liable as he owes duty of care to every visitor
Principle: A minor's agreement is absolutely void.
Facts: Cuckoo age 16 is a stamp collector. He is particularly anxious to get a rare stamp
belonging to Manoj who agrees in writing to sell this to Cuckoo for Rs. 100/- but subsequently
refuses to deliver it to Cuckoo though Cuckoo pays Rs. 100/-. Cuckoo now wants to sue
Manoj. Will he succeed?
Cuckoo cannot succeed as Manoj is not liable
Cuckoo can succeed as he has paid Rs. 100 for the stamp
Cuckoo can succeed as Manoj agreed in writing to sell the stamp
Cuckoo cannot succeed as he is a minor and minor's agreement is void
Principle: Marriage of minors under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, is not null and Void
Facts: A petition is filed by a wife claiming maintenance from her husband in 1989. The
husband opposed the claim on the ground that at the time of marriage, the wife was five years
of age and he himself was 10 years and that their marriage was illegal. Will the wife succeed?
The wife will succeed as the marriage was valid
The wife will succeed because both of them were minors
The wife will not succeed because the marriage was illegal
The wife will succeed as the marriage was not null and void
Principle: A Promissory Note is an instrument in writing signed by the maker to pay a
certain sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person.
Facts: Anand promises to pay Yogesh a sum of Rs. 5,000/- through e-mail. Later, Anand
refuses to pay. Can Yogesh sue him?
Yogesh can sue him as Anand made a promise to pay him Rs. 5,000/-
Yogesh cannot sue him as this is not a promissory note
Yogesh can sue him as this is a promissory note
Yogesh can sue because an e-mail may be a Promissory Note.
Principle: A contract is an agreement enforceable by law.
Facts: Amita invited Beena to her house for dinner. Beena accepted the invitation but later did
not go. On Beena’s failure to attend. Amita filed a suit against Beena for the price of non-
consumed food. Can this agreement be enforced by law?
This agreement cannot be enforced as it is just a social agreement
This agreement can be enforced as Amita can recover the price of non-consumed food
This agreement cannot be enforced as Beena did not accept the invitation in writing
Amita has suffered damage, she has right to recover it
Principle: An unfair trade practice includes a trade practice which for the purpose of
sale, falsely represents that the goods are of a particular standard, quality or grade.

Facts: P & Co. issues an advertisement that their toothpaste is 102% better than the toothpaste
of C & Co. is this unfair trade practice?
No, this is not an unfair trade practice as this is a normal practice in trade •
No, because the facts in this advertisement are correct
Yes, because the facts relating to the product are misleading
No, it is just an advertising gimmick
Principle: A master is liable for the wrongful acts of his servants committed in the course
of employment.
Facts: Lakshmi was a housewife who opened an account with the Maharashtra Bank, where
under she agreed to deposit Rs. 300/- every month and deposit in the Bank. The Bank used to
give a small commission to Krishna for the money deposited. It was discovered one day
Krishna had not deposited the amount for more than three months and had disappeared with the
money. Lakshmi filed a suit against Maharashtra Bank.
Maharashtra Bank would not be liable because Krishna was not its employee
Maharashtra Bank would be liable because Krishna was paid commission by the bank for
doing work on its behalf
Maharashtra Bank would not be liable as it was Lakshmi responsibility to check her
passbook regularly
Krishna is not duly appointed agent, Bank'll not be liable
Principle: An incorporated company under the Companies Act has a separate legal entity
and corporate liability.
Facts: Certain persons transferred a tea estate to an incorporated company and claimed
exemptions from "ad valorem" duty on the ground that they themselves were shareholders in
the company.
The shareholders are liable to pay as the company is a separate legal person
The shareholders are not liable to pay it is a transfer from them in one name to themselves
under another name
The shareholders are liable because everybody has to pay duty on a transfer on conveyance
The shareholders are not liable as the company has already paid
Principle: Ignorance of law is no excuse.
Facts: A fails to file his income tax returns for five years. The Income Tax department issues
to him notice to show cause as to why proceedings should not be initiated against him for the
recovery of the income tax due from him with penalty and interest. Advice A.
A may request the department to waive the interest and penalty as he was not aware
A must pay the tax dues as ignorance cannot be pleaded as a ground of defence
A may request the Court to excuse him as his advocate had told him that he is not liable to
pay taxes
A may plea of not getting proper information from the department
Principle: The obligation to maintain parents who are unable to maintain themselves
which was moral upto 1973 has now been made legal.
Facts: After her marriage Dr. Vijaya continued her medical practice
but she no longer maintained her old parents who were sick and bedridden
and had no other means. They sued their daughter for maintenance.
They will not succeed as Dr. Vijaya is not married
They will not succeed because Dr. Vijaya's responsibility is now towards her husband and
his parents
They will succeed because a daughter after her marriage does not cease to be the daughter
of her father or mother
Dr. Vijaya is not a son, she is not liable

Disobedience of any order, judgment, etc. of a court amounts to

Contempt of court
None of above
A written statement in the name of a person by whom it is voluntarily signed and sworn
to is
None of the above
A crime of unlawfully destroying or damaging any property by fire
Which of the following is an enquiry into cause of death
In a civil suit, the person who files a suit and the person against whom it is filed is called
Accused, prosecutor
State, defandant
Accussed, defendant
Plaintiff, defandant
Who is responsible for introduction of PIL in India
Justice P.N. Bhagwati
Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah
Justice A.M. Ahmadi
Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer
When a person instigates the commission of an offence, he is called
A formal instrument by which one person empowers another to represent him is called
Power of representation
Instrument of representation
Power of attorney
Which religion allaws polygamy
If a person makes a false statement, knowing it to be false, he commits the offence of

False evidence
Contempt of court
A person sends his servant with a computer to be delivered to his friend. The servant
takes away the computer and uses it. This act was discovered few days later. The person
can report for
Defamation by means of writing or printing is called
Mr. 'A' published a statement that "Mrs. X had given birth to a child". But Mrs. X
married only a month before. It is
Fair comment
'Extradition' means
Exports without double taxation
Order of Indian court will apply on Indians living outside
Deportation of criminals
Deportation of criminals on reciprocal basis
'Ubi jus ibi remediem' means
When there is any right, there is remedy
Laws are universally known
It is law which creates rights and duties
Justice is the only remedy
Negligence means
Failure to take reasonable care and caution as cf prudent person
Causing damage intentionally
Merely unreasonable conduct without causing any damage
None of the above
One who gives reply against appellant
What is a testament
Evidence oral

Evidence documentary
Court order
'FIR' stands for
First investigation report
First information report
Frequent information report
Formal investigation report
An insolvent person is
Mentally unsound
Financially unsound
For 'kidnapping' the person who is kidnapped must be
Below 16 years of age
Below 18 years of age
Below 18 years if male and 16 yrs if female
Below 16 years if male and 18 years if female
Muslim husband pays money to his divorced wife is
As directed by court
Can a Muslim woman marry a Christian male
Under Special Marriage Act
Yes, as per Muslim rituals
As per Christian rituals
'Right to property' was deleted from Part III of constitution by the Government of
Congress party
Janata Dal
Janata party
Appeal from administrative tribunal lies to
High Court
Supreme Court
Sessions Court
Information Technology Art comes in force in year
(a) 2000
(b) 2001
(c) 2002
(d) 2003

To practice in Courts of India, the minimum age is,

18 years
21 years
25 years
35 years
An agreement for the use and possession of a property for a fixed period of time on
payment of certain sum
A writ issued by Supreme Court compelling a quasi-judicial, public authorities,
government instrumentalities to perform their mandatory duty is
Parliament comprises
Rajya Sabha
President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Person who is accused
Person on whom the FIR has been lodged
Person on whom the crime has been proved
Person who is punished by court for a crime
Accused means
Person who is suspected of a crime
Person who is arrested by police
Person to whom court issues a summon
Person against whom the FIR has been lodged
Sub-judice means
Under the observation of court
Under the consideration of court
A body assisting the court
Body working under court
If any person takes loan on any movable property, it is
None of above
A promise to the buyer for repairing of goods during a specified period is

Charge sheet is signed by

Investigation officer
'Ignornntia Juris Non Excusat' means
Ignorance of law is not an excuse
Ignorance of fact is not an excuse
Ignorance of law is an excuse
Ignorance of fact is an excuse
Intercourse with a girl below 16 years of age is
Offence, if not with her consent
Not an offence if with her consent
Offence, even if with her consent
Electoral college of President consists of
Members of Parliament
Members of legislative assemblies
Elected Members of Parliament and Legislative Assemblies
Citizens of India
Who among the following can be removed by impeachment
Attorney General
Comptroller and Auditor General
U.P.S.C Chairman
Chief Election Commissioner
Child labour is prohibited by which Article of the Constitution upto the age of 14 years
Article 14
Article 17
Article 24
Article 21-A
Who is competent to alter the boundaries of state
Parliament only
President only
State Legislator only
Parliament on advice of state legislature
Meaning of secularism is
Restraining someone to a particular religion
Giving equal opportunity to all religion
Preventing state to interfere in religious matter
Every person is free to profess, practice and propose any religion
Who presides over joint session of Parliament
Parliamentary affairs minister
Speaker of Lok Sabha
Who is ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha

Vice president
Attorney General of India
Minimum age for membership of Rajya Sabha is
25 years
30 years
33 years
35 years
What can be maximum number of ministers in the Government?
(c) 120
(d) 15% of the total membership
Who can amend the provisions of citizenship of India
Prime Minister
Home Minister
How many languages are there in 8th schedule of the Constitution
Safeguarding of forest is insured by which Article of Constitution
Article 47
Article 48
Article 48A
Article 43A
The essential ingredients of crime are
Motive, mens rea, actus reus
Motive, intention, knowledge
Actus reus, Means rea
Knowledge, intention, action
The source of law in India is
Supreme Court
Rule of basic structure propounded in
Golak Nath's case
Keshvananda Bharti's case
Minerva Mill's case
Raj Narain's case
Full form of SEBI
Securities and Exchange Board of India
State Electricity Board of India
State Economical Board of India

TRIPS stand for
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
Trade Related Investment Protection System
Trade Related Intellectual Protection
Trade Related Invention Protection Scheme
When Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was made
10 December, 1948
(b)10 January, 1948
20 February, 1992
20 January, 1992
Who is chairman of National Human Rights Commission?
Justice S. Rajendra Babu
(b)Justice A.S. Anand
(c)Justice Venkatchallaiah
(d)Justice Ranghnath Mishra
Who was Chief Justice of India before 35th Chief Justice of India Justice R.C. Lahoti
Justice V.N. Khare
Justice S. Hegde
Justice V.C. Banarjee
Justice S. Rajendra Babu
Where the 'Best Bakery Trial' was transferred
Head of delimitation commission
Justice Kuldeep Singh
K.P.S. Gill
justice Patnaik
Justice J.S. Verma
Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides the Parliament the power to amend the
(a) 360
(b) 368
(c) 390
(d) 348
No Money Bill can be introduced in the legislative assembly of the state except on the
recommendations of
The Parliament
The Governor of the State
The President of India
Special Committee of
Which of the following statements about the vice-president of India is/are correct
He is the ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha
He must be member of the Rajya Sabha or his/her election as vice-president
He is elected by member of both houses of parliament and state legislative assemblies
If the president resigns or dies the vice-president officiates as president for not more than
six months

I and IV
II and III
I and III
III and IV
The comptroller and auditor general of India is appointed by the
President of India
The Prime Minister
The Lok Sabha
The Rajya Sabha
To whom is the council of minister collectively responsible
The president
The Prime Minister
The Lok Sabha
The Rajya Sabha
The directive Principles of state policy have been given in the constitution
Part III
Part II
Part IV
Which state has the maximum number of member in Lok Sabha
Madhya Pradesh
None of these
Which of the following has the sole authority to control the expenditure of the union
Prime Minister
Comptroller and auditor general
The Indian constitution provides for a
Union of states
Unfederal system
Unitary system
What is the minimum age prescribed to become a member of Lok Sabha
18 years
21 years
35 years
25 years
The term of each member of Rajya Sabha is
5 years
6 years
4 years
Not fixed
The constitution of India came into force on
August 15, 1947
January 26, 1950
January 26, 1947
August 15, 1950

Which of the following qualification are required for becoming a governor of an Indian
Must be citizen of India
Must not less than 35 years of age
Must not hold office of profit
All the above
What is the power of the Rajya Sabha with regard to a money bill
It can amend it
It can reject it
It can withhold it
It has no power
The president of India is elected by an electoral college comprising
Member of Lok Sabha only
Member of Rajya Sabha only
Elected member of both house of parliament and member of legislative assemblies of all
Members of both houses
Which among the following is not a fundamental right now
Right to equality
Right to property
Right to constitutional remedies
None of these
Which of the following states/union territories has no legislative council
Uttar Pradesh
Who appoints the governor of a state
The Prime Minister
The president
The speaker of Lok Sabha
Vice-president of India
What is zero hour
When money bill is introduced in Lok Sabha
When matters of utmost importance are raised
When proposals of opposition are considered
Interval between morning and evening sessions
Article 370 of the constitution is applicable to the state of
Jammu & Kashmir
The landmark presidential and parliamentary election saw such a….........turnout that
polling stations were ordered to stay……an extra two hours
Fair… away
Mob… on
It is extremely disconcerting that the media is giving… wild allegations made by
people totally…..with the incident

Encouragement…….fed up with
Money ……poverty-struck
This …..The rise of fundamentalism and intolerance………by selfish group and
power- hungry politicians all over the world
Covers up…….publicized
The former vice-chancellor of Aligarh university points out that every mosque north of
Ernakulum has been---- women to offer prayers for years now, and the opponents to this
are in a
Welcoming........ temple
A right of ……majority
Prohibiting ..........fierce state
The survey report did not allude to all this ……because no new information was…….
Neglect…..... desired
Presumably .........available
Arguably .........sought
Obviously........ altered
Most clichés, even stereotyped ones, contain…….
Only lies
A grain of truth
The trick involved in any attempt to create an..............of three dimensions when only two
are present is well known
It is the......... after all, who see the dawn at the end of a long, dark night
business relies on the........ of its communications
number of lines
one of the hallawed glories of the British constitution is the way power passes… a
general election from the Government to its successor
to the next generation
Direction: are to be answered on the basis of the statement below verified an inference is

statement drawn or following from a fact. A judgement is an opinion, and implies approval or
A. this is a black book
all black books are unlucky
black books are more attractive than brown ones
A. the man is on the grass
the grass is blue
plastic is not a biodegradable substance
A. it is difficult to type a standing up
Gorillas prefer eating fruit to eating nuts
the young chap was a hideous shade of red
A. She was typing, sitting at the desk
what I love about her is her calm nature
the receptionist gave me a friendly smile
A. the stained glass celling depicts Mary and Jesus
all in all, it is another brick in the wall
we are sultans of swing
A. The pen has a nice, free-flawing action
it is blue with a steel nib
the words sketch themselves on paper as if eager to tumble off such a pen
Direction: In the following, you have to make decisions about important issues. While
doing so, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between strong arguments and weak
arguments, so far as they relate to the questions
Strong arguments must be both important and directly related to the question. Weak
arguments May not be directly related or May be related to trivial-aspects of the question, and
May be of minor importance.

The private lives of public figures must not be discussed in the press
Yes: the press has no right to invade the privacy of an individual public or otherwise
No: public figures must be used to curiosity about their private lives
Yes: the press has a pressing need to be relevant and balanced
No: public figures are not very sensitive people
Only I is strong
All are strong
All are week
I and III and strong
Child marriages must be strongly discouraged
Yes: this is an evil affecting those who need the most protection
No: the custom started with some justification behind it, that must be understood, and a fine
is sufficient
Yes: strong and effective legislation is definitely a deterrent to such social crimes
No: child marriages are but children’s play, after all
I and III are strong
Only IV is weak
All are strong
Only III is weak
God exists
Yes: if he did not exist, we would not exist
No: there is no scientific evidence available
Yes: an idea of man exists, that idea is God
No: because man controls his own destiny
Only I is strong
Only II is strong
All are weak
Only III is strong
Voting must be made compulsory
Yes: results will be more representative of the choice of the people
No: compulsion is no fun
Yes: leaders will govern better
No: India is a democracy
Only I and II are strong
I and III are strong
Only IV is strong
Only I is strong
Advertising is a wasteful expenditure
Yes: how many people can read
No: if it was wasteful, then nobody would advertise
Yes: advertising industry employs a lot of people
No: pleasant pictures are worth a thousand words
I and IV are weak
Only IV is weak
All are weak
II and III are weak
Direction: Identify the word or phrase you think is the nearest to the key word provided
To distort

Desperate situation
Curious performer
Frustrating problem
Irresistible force
Deep suspicion
Sympathetic understanding
ancient history
a hungry person
someone suffering indigestion
an expert in appreciating food
to send again
to take back
involving others
taking the initiative
Fast speech

In transit
Identify the corresponding antonyms
suppress, bottle up
clean, incorruptive
rear flank
front view
Direction: For Q. 127-129: Arrange the given sentences logically to form a cogent
paragraph. Chose the most cogent option

Is it really that complicated

The fact is that no sooner have we turned a couple of years old, than we are being
admonished by grown-ups to 'stop crying' and be 'a man.
Psychologists have been known to write hefty volumes on the subject with titles like
'studies on expressions of feelings by the
male species.
We just took a trip down memory lane and figured it all put pretty quickly

The number of replies may not be overwhelming, but they have been heartening
The entries narrate warm, touching tales, indicating bonds that destroy the maligning
The response a month later proves that the lady's unflattering stereotype needs to be
In fact, it is more significant to go beyond numbers to thecontent


A cherished heritage is at stake

like many other treasured monuments, the Taj today stands threatened due to
It is aptly referred to as 'poetry in stone' by poet Rabindranath Tagore
Taj - the marvel, the magic, the mystique
Direction: For Q. 130-137: Choose the right word from the four choices given which best
expresses the meaning of the given statement
Enjoyment through imagined sharing of another's experience
Using more words than necessary
Showing strong feelings, intense, fervent
A running feud
Moment which is not appropriate or timed well
135. Intangible, very hard to understand
136. A generic term for a wide spectrum of information

information technology
cult figure
Direction: For Q. 138-141: Fill in the blanks with appropriate word from the four given
rough sketch of the suspect drawn from features cued by the public who have
seen him is
139. The situation in which there seems to be no way out is
140. is something which is incapable of being repealed or brought back
141. The spirit of which is not possible to defeat or dampen is
Direction: For Q. 142-145: Find the closest antonym to the word indicated.
142. Ignoble
143. Implacable
144. Impious

145. Iridescent
Caim, cool, self possessed
Colourabless, drab, lack lusture
146. The year 1920 in Indian history is associated with
Jallianwala Massacre
Salt satyagraha
Rowlatt act
Non-co-operation movement
147. Which was the first European power to come to India
The English
The French
The Dutch
The Portuguese
148. Legal proceedings against azad hind fauj were held at
149. Gopal Krishna gokhale’s name is associated with
Hindu mahasabha
Brahmo samaj
Servants of Indian society
All India trade union
150. The capital of India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi in the year of
(a) 1906
(b) 1909
(c) 1910
(d) 1911
151. Vande matram was written by
Rabindranath tagore
Mulch raj anand

Bankim ch. Chatterjee

Swami vivekanand
152. Aligarh Muslim university was initially founded as a college by
Abdul Kalam azad
Sir syed ahmed khan
Dr. Zakir Hussain
Sher Shah
153. Secularism in the Indian constitution stands for
Separation of religion from public life
Equality of all religion
Prohibition of religious parties in politics
Freedom of religion
154. Judicial review relates to the authority of the court to
Punish for contempt
Give advisory opinion
Determine the constitutionality of law or executive action
To entertain public interest litigation
155. Judges of the Supreme Court are selected by
The chief justice of India
A panel of senior-most judges of the Supreme Court
The union law minister
The Prime Minister
156. Member of the constituent assembly of India were
Elected by the people
Nominated by the viceroy
Nominated by the congress party
Elected by the provincial assemblies
157. Right to property was dropped from part III of the constitution by
25th amendment
39th amendment
42nd amendment
44th amendment
158. The power to decide on election petition is vested in the
Supreme Court
Election commission

159. Which one of the following writs is issued in case of illegal detention
Habeas corpus
Quo warranto
160. Article 370 of the Indian constitution relates to
Special status of J & Km/hr
Uniform civil code
Constitutional amendment
161. The concept of sarvodaya is associated with
M.K. Gandhi
Jayaprakash Narayan
Vinobha Bhave
Jawharala Nehru
162. Emperor Ashoka belonged to the period
500 B.C
250 B.C
350 B.C
(d) 1000 A.D
163. Universal decoration of human rights was adopted by UN in
(a) 1948
(b) 1962
(c) 1937
(d) 1951
164. Amartya sen received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to
Human rights
Development theory
165. Uniform civil code stands for
Abolition of customary law
Globalization of legal system
Equality before law
Uniform family law for all religious groups

166. Clash of civilization is written by

Noam Chomsky
Amartya sen
Arundathi Roy
167. Constitution of India was adopted in the year
(a) 1947
(b) 1950
(c) 1949
(d) 1948
168. A narrow strip of land connecting two large and masses is called
169. On which day is the sun nearest to the earth
July 6
January 3
September 22
December 22
170. What is Durand line
Boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan
Boundary between India and Pakistan
Boundary between India and china
Boundary between India and Burma
171. Which state in India is known as the ‘God’s own country’
Arunachal Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
172. Which one of the following is an east-flawing
173. What are doldrums

Humid areas
Parts of the ocean near the equator which is calm with light winds
Trade winds
Deep ocean
174. The earth rotates on its axis from
East to west
West to east
North to south
South to north
175. Which of the following remains in India throughout its journey

DU LLB 2004

1 C 36 C 71 B 106 C 141 C
2 37 B 72 B 107 142 C
3 38 C 73 108 143 C
4 B 39 B 74 109 C 144
5 40 C 75 C 110 145 C
6 C 41 76 111 146
7 B 42 77 112 147
8 43 B 78 B 113 148
9 B 44 B 79 B 114 149 C
10 C 45 80 115 C 150
11 B 46 B 81 B 116 B 151 C
12 47 82 B 117 152 B
13 C 48 C 83 118 B 153 B
14 B 49 C 84 119 B 154 C
15 50 B 85 C 120 C 155 B
16 51 B 86 B 121 C 156
17 52 87 122 B 157
18 53 88 123 B 158 C
19 54 89 B 124 159 C
20 C 55 90 B 125 B 160 B
21 B 56 B 91 B 126 161 C
22 B 57 92 127 162 B
23 58 B 93 C 128 B 163
24 59 94 B 129 164 B
25 60 C 95 B 130 165
26 61 C 96 C 131 C 166 C
27 62 97 B 132 167 C
28 B 63 B 98 B 133 168
29 B 64 99 134 B 169
30 65 100 135 C 170
31 C 66 101 136 171 B
32 C 67 102 B 137 C 172
33 B 68 103 C 138 B 173 B
34 C 69 B 104 B 139 C 174 B
35 70 105 C 140 B 175 C

Principle: The owner of immovable property is entitled to the column of airspace
above the surface. However, the owner's right to air and space above his land is
restricted to such height as is necessary for the ordinary use and enjoyment of his
land and the structures on it.
Facts: Galaxy Cable TV Network Company is providing cable connections to their
customers. One of the cables passes over the house of Mr. Vasanth Bhat. He is not a
customer of the Network Company. The cable is neither attached to his house nor to
any projection thereof. It is at a distance of 20 feet above the terrace of Mr. Bhat's two
storeyed houses. Because of the cable Mr. Bhat's son Sachin is unable to fly a kite
from the terrace. Mr. Bhat requested the Network Company to change the position of
the cable. But the company did not bother to change it. One evening Mr. Bhat cut the
cable and cleared the airspace above his house. The Network company suffered a loss
of about ₹ 1000/-. They bring a legal action against Mr. Bhat for recovery of loss
The Network Company will succeed because the cable was not interfering with
the ordinary use and enjoyment of Mr. Bhat's property.
The Network Company will not succeed because Mr. Bhat has every right to
ensure proper enjoyment of his property by removing objects causing trespass in
the air above his property to a reasonable extent.
The Network Company will succeed because laying cables is widely practiced in
all cities like electricity and telephone wires.
Principle: When a person consents to the infliction of some harm upon himself, he
has no remedy in tort.
Facts: The plaintf was at a motor car race being held on a track owned by the
company. During the race there was a collision between two cars. One of which was
thrown among spectator there by injuring the plaintf. Plaintf filed a suit against the
Company is liable
Company is not liable
Company is not liable because plaintf impliedly took the risk of injury
Company is not liable because it owned no duty of care to the plaintf
Principle: everybody is under a legal obligation to take reasonable care to avoid
act or omission which he can foresee would injure his neighbour. The neighbour
for his purpose is any person whom he should have in his mind as likely to be
affected by his act.
Fact: Ram, while rushing to board a moving train, pushes shyam who was walking
along with a heavy package, containing fire crackers. As a result, the package slipped
from his hand and crackers exploded injuring a boy standing closely. A suit was filed
against Ram, by the boy, claiming damages.
Ram is not liable, because he did not know anything about the contents of the

Ram is not liable, because shyam should not have carried such a package in a
crowded place like Railway station
Ram is liable, because Ram is under an obligation not to push Shyam.
Principle: A contract is an agreement enforceable by law.
Fact: Anita invited Beena to her house for dinner. Beena accepted the invitation but
later did not go. On Beena's failure to attend, Anita filed a suit against Beena for the
price of non-consumed food. Can this agreement enforced by law?
This agreement cannot be enforced as it is just a social agreement
This agreement can be enforced as Anita can recover the price of non-consumed
This agreement cannot be enforced as Beena did not accept the invitation in
Principle: Theft is the dishonest moving of property with the intention of taking it
out for the person's possession without his consent.
Fact: A gives his woolen coat to a dry cleaner along with his we's sarees of dry
cleaning. He is told to collect the clothes n he comes after two days; he finds that he
does not have enough money to pay the dry cleaner. But since due to the winter, he
needs the coat desperately, he surreptitiously places the coat near his goods so that he
can quietly take it without the knowledge of the dry cleaner.
A is guilty of theft.
A is not guilty of theft.
A is not guilty of theft but has to pay compensation to the dry cleaner.
Principle: A person is guilty of cheating, when he fraudulently induces another
person to deliver the latter's property to him.
Facts: 'A' falsely represented to B, a shop-owner that he was an officer from the
Commercial Tax Department while examining the accounts of the shop 'A' showed
interest in buying a microwave oven on installment basis. B readily agreed with the
hope that he would get a favourable assessment from A regards his tax liability. A paid
the first installment took the Microwave oven and disappeared from the scene. The
police, however, managed to catch hold of A and prosecute him for cheating.
A committed cheating, because he induced B to part with the Microwave oven,
posing as though that he was from the Commercial Taxes Department.
A committed cheating, because he did not pay the subsequent installment.
A did not commit cheating, because B handed over the article in order to get a
favourable assessment from A.
Principal: A person who rightfully rescinds a contract is entitled to compensation
for any damage which he has sustained through the non-fulfillment of the
Facts: Catareena, a singer contracts with John, the manager of the theater, to sing at
his theater for two nights in every week during the next two months, who engages to
pay her 100 rupees for each night's performance. On the 6th night, Catareena willfully
absents herself from the theater and John in consequence, rescinds the Contract. Is
John entitled to claim compensation?
Yes, because he has suffered loss

Yes, because he has rightfully rescinded the contract.
Principle: both the parties agree upon the same thing in the same sense, the
parties are bound by their agreement.
Fact: Sanjay wrote to Hrithik offering to sell his horse for ₹ 20, 000. Hrithik wrote
back, I agree to purchase your black horse for ₹ 20, 000.
The parties are bound by their agreement as they agree on the price and also on the
goods for sale.
The parties are not bound by the agreement as the object is uncertain
The parties are bound by their agreement as the colour of the horse is only a
question of detail.
Principle: who ever cause death by doing an act with the intention of causing
death commits the offence of culpable homicide.
Fact: A, knows Z to be behind a bush. B does not know it, with an intention to cause
Z’s death induces B to fire at the bush. B fires and kills Z.
B is guilty of culpable homicide & not A.
B is not guilty of any offence, but A is guilty of the offence of culpable homicide
as he induced B to fire with the intention of causing Z’s death.
None of the above.
Principle: Nothing is an offence, which is done by a person, who at the time of
doing it, by the reason of unsoundness of mind is incapable of knowing the nature
of the act, or that what he is doing is either wrong or contrary to law.
Fact: Jack was a bad day at work, and is called at by all his superiors. On the way
back from office, he gets stuck in a traffic jam, which adds to his stress. As jack nears
his home, a person tries to run across the road. Owing to the stress, jack runs into the
person, grievously injuring him. He is prosecuted and he takes the defence that at the
time of doing the act he was really stressed and was incapable of knowing what he was
doing was wrong.
Jack would not be liable, as he knows not what he did at the time of the incident.
Jack would be liable as he is not of unsound mind and was capable of knowing the
consequences of his act
Jack would be liable as he took the stress he felt at office out on the pedestrian
Jack would not be liable as the pedestrian should have waited until jack had
Principle: Nothing is an offence, which is done by a person who is justied by law,
or who by reason or by mistake of Fact and not by mistake of law in good faith
believes himself to be justied by law in doing it.
Facts: A constable sees Julie carrying some goods. Seeing Julie behave in a peculiar
manner, the constable become: suspicious, approaches her and asks to inspect the
goods. Julie refuses and tries to leave the scene, but the constable persists and there is
a scuffle. Julie is arrested and later released, since the goods are innocent. She sues the
The constable is liable since he should have obtained a search warrant before
searching Julie.

The constable is liable since he should not have arrested Julie unless he had some
reasonable basis to suspect that she was doing something wrong.
The constable is not liable since he would have immunity as a policeman.
The constable is not liable since he believed that he was legally justied in
arresting Julie.
Principle: A contract is induced by undue influence where one party being in a
position to dominate the will of another, uses that position to dominate the will of
the other party to induce him to enter into the contract. A contract entered into
because of undue influence is voidable.
Facts: Raju's son forges Raju's signature on some documents and presents them to the
bank. The bank accepts them, but after realizing that the signatures are forged,
threatens Raju's son with criminal action. To avoid this, Raju agrees to mortgage his
property to the bank so that the bank may win the best branch competition. Raju now
claims that this mortgage agreement is voidable because it has been entered into
because of undue influence. Decide.
The agreement is valid because it was Raju's son and not the bank who was
responsible for the entire situation.
The agreement is voidable because Raju's son deserves to go to jail, and Raju
should not have intervened in the matter.
The agreement is voidable because the bank has exercised undue influence.
The Agreement is not voidable because the bank's threat was not to Raju but to
his son.
Principle: Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any moveable property out of
the possession of any person without the persons consent, moves that property in
order to such taking, is said to commit theft.
Facts: Harry goes to the local police station to lodge a complaint, however the
constables the police station are fast asleep. Despite all in his attempts to wake them
up, they remain asleep. He therefore decides to complain to the higher authorities, and
on his way out he picks up a pair of handcuffs which shows the incompetence of the
police. He is prosecuted for theft.
Harry would not be liable since he did not have any dishonest intention.
Harry would not be liable since the constables were careless when they should
have been alert.
Harry would be liable since he took property that was not his, without the owner's
Harry would be liable as he should have made better attempts to wake up the
constable rather than complain.
Principle: No Person should be condemned unheard.
Facts: There was a complaint against a Government servant that he had accepted bribe
from a person of showing favour of him. A show cause notice was issued to the
Government servant asking him shows causes why disciplinary proceedings should
not be initiated against him He submitted a representation in reply to the show cause
notice. The officer in-charge then submitted his report to the disciplinary authority to
the effect that the charge was proved. The Government servant was then dismissed

from service. He contends that he was not given an opportunity of being heard.
Govt. servant can be removed as he had been given an opportunity of being
He can't be removed because a show cause notice is not sufficient
Principle: The court has power to issue an injuction to prohibit a child marriage
from being performed.
Facts: A marriage is performed between A and B. A is of 14 yrs. of age and B is I 7
yrs. of age. X a public spirited person filed a suit to declare the said marriage void. Is
the suit maintainable?
No, because court has power to issue injuction and not to declare marriage as
valid and void
No, because the marriage is performed with the consent of their parents.
Yes, because the policy of the law is to prevent the child marriages.
None of the above.
Principle-1: Master is liable for the act of the employee/servant.
Principle-2: The husband or the wives are not responsible for any commission of
wrong on each other.
Facts: H is a manager of a Hotel belonging to X. Because of the negligence of H, a
folding chair fell from the first floor to the ground floor injuring the Receptionist of
the Hotel, named W who is the we of H. W asks for compensation from X and H.
Both X and H are responsible to compensate W.
X is only responsible to compensate W.
H is only responsible to compensate W.
No one is responsible to compensate W.
Principle: When a person represents to another something as a true Fact knowing
fully well that it is not true, he is guilty of fraud. The person subjected to fraud
may avoid an agreement.
Facts: A presents a horse for sale. The horse is kept on display so that anyone
interested could examine it. The horse has a cracked hoof and it is cleverly concealed
by the owner. B tells A ' you do not deny it, I shall assume that the horse is sound. ‘A’
keeps silent. B purchases the horse.
B can avoid the agreement on discovery of the defect.
B cannot avoid the agreement, as the horse was on display and he could have
satisfied himself of its soundless by personal examination.
B cannot avoid the agreement as A did not make any representation to mislead
him. He merely kept silent so that B could find things out by himself.
A person arrested by a police officer can be kept in custody for
one day
two days
three days
twenty-four hours
'Accused' means

Alleged wrongdoer
Who has committed the crime
Making a wrong statement in an affidavit is
No offence
Counter claim
Law prescribes minimum age for marriage of a Hindu Male. This is
15 years
18 years
21 years
25 years
The rule by which a person is liable for the act of another It called
Absolute liability
Vicarious liability
Strict Liability
Rule of other's liability
'Extradition is
Surrender of a criminal
Surrendering a fugitive to other country
A process of transferring witnesses from one country to other
Transfer of a case to international court.
Who headed the Delimitation Commission-2002 of the Government?
Justice Kuldip Singh
Justice S.K. Mahajan
Justice Venkatachaliah
Justice Rajendra Babu
Competition Act, 2002 replaced the following existing law
Arbitration Act, 1940
SEBI Act, 1992
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
MRTP Act, 1969.
'Freedom of Information Act' was enacted in
(a) 2000
(b) 1999
(c) 2001
(d) 2002
The writ which requires a person to be produced before court nearest magistrate
within 24 hours of arrest is
Habeas Corpus
Quo Warranto
have the body

Crime of unlawfully damaging or destroying other's property by fire is called

to pass from inside the someone's house without his consent is called
None of these
The rule of having only one we is called
The Principle having more than one we is called
'Mens Rea' is a concept in criminal law. What does it mean?
Criminal intention
Guilty mind is necessary for a criminal act
A man's wrong act
Mental state of criminal
Damage means
Loss of some goods
Legal injury
Who stands to the opposite of plaintf?
Which of the following courses is not being taught in Delhi University's Law
Faculty at present?
What does 'affidavit' mean?
disclosed Facts
Voluntary declaration of Facts before court

A petition for divorce.

Confession of a guilt
'Negligence' is a specic tort. It means
A tort
Breach of the duty of care causing damage to someone
A failure to do an act for which one is responsible
Interference in someone else rights.
Which body regulates legal education in the country?
Universities themselves
Bar Council of India
Council for Indian Legal Education (CILE)
Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan' is a famous recent case. It deals
Sexual harassment at workplace
Unnatural offences
One against whom a case is filed is
Who issues warrant?
A magistrate
A judge
the court
Abettor is a person who
Commits a crime
Participates in a crime
Aids or encourages in committing a crime
Witness to a crime
An 'Accessory' is
A secondary thing
A person aiding or contributing in crime
A person involved in criminal conspiracy
A criminal
Police takes you in custody. It forcefully makes you to say something against
yourself. This act is
Double jeopardy
Forceful confession
Inculpatory statement
Transfer of a movable property takes place in

Meaning of 'Intestate' is
Person dying without will.
Person who has never made his will.
Person unable to make a will.
Beneficiary of a will.
An act done beyond authority is ,
Intra vires
Super authority act
Ultra vires
Embezzlement means
Theft of Government Property
Fraudulent taking of some property of the company/firm Magisterial
Extorting money from a person
Theft of any property
A convict is a person.
Found guilty of crime
Found guilty of crime and is serving a sentence therefore
A jailed criminal
An accused
A court issues a to enforce attendance of some witness
A writ of mandamus
Directs a public authority to do it:
Direct police authority to produce
Asks a person wrongfully employee
Directs an inferior court to act in .
A divorce between a Muslim Husband
FIR stand for
Fact Information Report
Further Information Report
Frequent Information Report
First Information Report.
Ignorance of law is

Not an excuse in Indian Law

Is an excuse in Indian Law
No such legal Principle is followed
Partly an excuse in Indian Law
An accused below the age of 18 years f be tried under:
Indian Penal Code (45 of I860)
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of children) act, 2000
both (a) and (b)
being a minor, he is not to be punished
Directions: (Questions 56-60 choose the word of nearly the same in meaning to the key word.
St. Corroborate
To cause
Directions: (Questions 61 to 64) choose the word which is opposite \ meaning to the key
To blame
To cause

Direction: From the four selections, shade the word or phrase that best completes the
He apologized not keeping the appointment.
After the examination he disposed his books.
He the crowd by leaving through the back door
The minister gave an tar party as a goodwill
Candidates who do not with the regulations will be disqualied
From the of the talks it was obvious that the deal would fall through.

Those articles are _ from customs duty
The new term for old people nowadays is citizens.
They to say anything without consulting their lawyer.
All the students him as their leader.
The pleasant trees and flowers me of my rural childhood.
The grad was punished dereliction of duty.
People should be trained to throw their empty packets in the bins.
Be careful that you don't get by a bee among the flowers.
He was in no to listen to reason.

Direction: Following the passage, there are questions with four suggested answers. Shade
the best answer.
Now, why should the shark, whose favorite meal is other fish, be dangerous to man?
The answer lies perhaps in his being simply greedy and living in a world where speed is
essential you are to catch your dinner. There is little time, attacking at such speed, to
identy your prey. And part of the explanation for the shark's greed is that, unlike most
other fish, he is not equipped with an air sack that automatically enables him to equalize
his buoyancy so that he can rest at any depth whatever. a shark stops swimming he sinks.
As these were handicap enough, nature has endowed him with a faulty digestive process
so that only about half of what he eats can be assimilated. Add all this up and you have an
awesome combination of cartilage and sinews, capable of great speed, armed usually with
a mouthful of razor-edged teeth, and requiring an immense intake of food to simply go on
No wonder that a human being clumsily splashing on the surface is as welcome to the
shark as a wounded fish, an old tin can, or even a piece of floating wood. It all helps to
stoke up the boilers. Some claim that sharks are guided by their sense of smell: others that
their sight is better than it was once thought to be. But the truth is that the shark has
another highly developed sensing mechanism, known as the lateral line. This is a kind of
receptive area running parallel with the spine and able to pick up vibrations as radars do.
By trial and error the shark establishes through the use of this mechanism, the pattern of
what is food and what is not.
Some species of shark are less sensitive than others. The Mako for instance, has been
known to attack a wounded fish or some other prey with such savage speed as to drive
himself around or, mistaking a boat for something that can be eaten, he has left quantities
of teeth embedded in the hard wood. Other species appear in the water as by magic, but
cautiously circle round, trying to identy the object. This is the moment when a swimmer
has some chance to frighten off the shark by some unusual behaviour. Splashing, shouting,
- Almost anything is worth trying when you know for certain that when the shark makes
up its mind to attack, there is practically no hope of escape. Dusk or night-time is
particularly dangerous for a swimmer. Like most fish, the shark feeds mainly between
sundown and sunrise. When there is little or no visibility, he is likely to leave identication
to his lateral line—with possibly unfortunate results for a swimmer.
When food is about, the shark often develops a hysterical feeding frenzy. I have seen
sharks feeding on a school of sardines; turn on one another, tearing great chunks out of
their neighbours. Once a shark is wounded others will join in the feast. The sea becomes a
flaying, frothy mass of red-tinged water, torn with flapping fins and tails. It is not the
moment for a quiet swim.
A shark is not like most other fish because
It can rest only in deep water.
It cannot rest.
It is greedier.
It feeds at night.

Why does the shark eat enormous quantities of food?

It is a big fish and need:
It swims so fast that it
It only digests half the it
It doesn't know what it
Why does the shark attack men?
It swims so fast it does
It swims blinely and attacks because it is a violent creature
Man is his favourite food
Man is easier to catch than other fish
What does the shark's lateral line help it to do?
See better than was on
Identy its food.
Avoid trial and error in
Find the position of its prey
The writer says that sometimes sharks
Prefer eating themselves to other fish
Have a feeding party.
Go wild there is plenty of food
Love eating sardines.
Direction: Following the passage, there are questions with four suggested answers. Shade the
best answer.
Easter Island is the loneliest place in the world. The nearest solid land the inhabitants can
see is in the moon and planets. They have to travel farther than any other people to see that
there really is land still closer. Therefore they live nearest to the stars and know more
names of stars than of towns and countries in our world.
On this remote island, east of the sun and west of the moon, mankind once had one of its
most curious ideas. No one knows who had it, and no one knows why. For it happened
before Columbus led white men to America, and in doing so, opened the gates for voyages
of exploration out into the great unknown Pacic while our own race believed that the
world ended at Gibraltar, there were other great navigators who knew better. In advance of
their time they plawed unknown seas in the immense floating vacuum off the desolate
coast of South America. Far out in it they found land, the loneliest little island in the
world. They landed there, whetted their stone adzes and set about one of the most
remarkable engineering projects of ancient times. They did not build fortresses or castles,
or dams and wharves. They made gigantic stone figures in man's likeness, as tall as houses
and as heavy as railway trucks, they dragged them in great numbers cross country and set
them up erect on huge stone terraces all over the island.
How did they manage this before the mechanical age? No one knows. But there stood
the figures they had desired, towering into the sky, while the people fell. They buried their
dead at the feet of the colossi they themselves had created. They raised columns and
buried themselves. Then one day the blaws of the adze fell silent. They fell silent suddenly
for the tools were left lying and many of the figures were only half finished. The
mysterious sculptors disappeared into the dark mists of antiquity. What happened?

I bent over my writing table for the thousand time and let my eyes sail over the large—
scale chart of the Pacic. I was beginning to know this ocean now. There in the wild valleys
of the Marquesas group of islands, just south of the Equator, I had lived for a year in
native fashion and learned to see Nature with Polynesian eyes. There too I had heard for
the first time old Tei Tetua's stories of the man-god Tiki. And down in the Society Islands,
among the palms ofTahiti, the great chief Teriieroo had once been my teacher, He had
adopted me as his own son and taught me to respect his own race as my own. And there,
on the coral reef in the Tuamotu group, we had landed with the Kon-Tiki raft and learned
that the salt sea had its inexorable treadmill, the route from South America out to those
distant islands. However lonely the islands were, they all lay within the natural range of
the Indians' old balsa rafts.
Easter Island is the loneliest inhabited place in the world' because
It has a very small population.
It has no links with the outside world.
The inhabitants liked living in the dark mists of the past
For hundreds of miles there is no other land
The writer says that one of the results of Columbus's discovery of America was that it
Made men aware of the existence of the Pacic Ocean.
Started the search for archaeological relics in the islands
Permitted the Incas to venture forth with their crafts
Began to encourage men to explore a new world.
The early inhabitants of Easter island used adzes for
Making terraces
Carving stone
Sharpening tools
Digging soil.
The writer seems to have visited all the South Sea islands except the
Tuamotu group
Marquesas group
Galapagos Islands
Society Islands
The writer says that the lonely islands were all within range of
Their boats
South America
Who distributes election symbols?
Chief Electoral Officer
Election Commission
Political Parties of National Level
Home Ministry
In which schedule of the constitution, law relating to 69% reservation is saved?

Who was responsible for introduction of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the
Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer
Justice P.N. Bhagwati
Justice Krishnaswamy
Justice R.S. Pathak
Who administers oath to the Governor?
Speaker of Assembly
Chief Justice of High Court
None of these
Who removes UPSC Chairman?
President on recommendation of Union Govt.
President on recommendation of Supreme Court
Union Cabinet
A judge of the High Court is appointed by .
President on advice of Chief Justice of India.
Chief Justice of India in consultation with Chief Justice of High Court
President on advice of Chief Justice of India and Chief Justice of High Court.
When the seats of President and Vice-president become vacant at the same time,
who takes charge of the post of president,
Speaker of Lok Sabha
Leader of opposition
Chief Justice of India
Who presides over joint sitting of both houses of parliament?
Speaker of Lok Sabha
President of India
Chairman of Rajya Sabha
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
Who determines about the disqualication of a member of parliament?
Election commission
Speaker of Lok Sabha.
Supreme Court
Who is ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha?
Leader of opposition
Minister of Law and Justice

a Superior court thinks over a law made by legislature, this is called .

Legal review
Judicial review
Court's power to review legislative action
Juridical analysis of law
President writes his letter of resignation to
Chief Justice of India
Speaker of Lok Sabha
The parliament
How many hours a person is to be presented before court after arrest?
10 Hours
24 Hours
48 Hours
72 Hours
Which article of the constitution contained in Part IV is least used article in the
governance of the country?
Art. 51
Art. 44
Art. 51A
Art. 43A
President can issue an ordinance which shall remain in force .
For 6 months
Till the session of parliament begins
14 days
Upto 6 weeks after the session of parliament starts
'Indira Sawhney v. Union of India case is known as ?
Mandal judgment
Sexual harassment case
Emergency case
To provide highest possible transparency in the functioning of the Supreme
Court, which provision has been made?
Judges are allawed to use their will
Judges are provided with special emoluments along with salary.
Constitution empowers them to do anything
No political interference in judicial matters.
President nominates two persons to the parliament. They should belong
Minority community
Anglo-Indian community
Parsi community
Buddha and Jain community
President is a member of

Lok Sabha
Rajya Sabha
Which part of the constitution contains the provisions relating to directive
Principles of state policy
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
A Judge of Supreme Court can be removed by
President’s order
Impeachment proceeding passed by Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
Proved misbehavior or incapacity
Chief justice of India
111. Rajya Sabha can withhold money bill for a period of
14 days
21 days
1 month
Can’t withhold
112. The law declared by the Supreme Court of India is binding upon all the courts
subordinate to it in India
Under article 141 of the constitution of India
Under article 139 of the constitution of India
Under article 132 of the constitution of India
None of these
113. who among the following personalities was the chairperson to review the working
of the constitution
Ram Jethmalani
Justice Venkatachaliah
Pramod Mahajan
L. K. Advani
114. The right to education under article 21A was inserted in the constitution of India
Constitution (Eighty-fourth amendment) act, 2001
Constitution (eighty-fth amendment) act, 2001
Constitution (eighty-sixth amendment) act, 2002
It was original article in the constitution of India
115. Which one of the following is considered as the Guardian of the Constitution of
President of India
Lok Sabha
Supreme Court
Chief justice of India

116. Planning in India derives its objectives from the

Directive Principles of State Policy
Preamble of the Constitution
Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General
Report of the Governors of the States.
117. India is called a "Republic" because
The Union Ministers are accountable to Lok Sabha
The sovereignty vests in people of India
The Union Ministers hold office only during the pleasure of the President
The President is head of the State, in India and not a monarch.
118. The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age
of six to fourteen years:
Under article 21
Under article 32
Under article 21a
Under article 14
119.A political party is officially accorded the status of an opposition party in Lok
Sabha, only it secures at least
4 per cent of the seats
10 per cent of the seats
5 per cent of the seats
15 per cent of the seats
120. The State shall endeavour to provide early childhood care and education for all
children until they complete the age of six years: This provision is made in the
Constitution 86th Amendment in
Article 45 of the Constitution
Article 245 of the Constitution
Article 345 of the Constitution
Article 145 of the Constitution
121. The Supreme Court of India reviews its own Judgment or Pronouncement under
Article 137
Article 132
Article 139
Article 141
122. Economic Justice, an important objective of the Constitution of India, is
embedded in the
Preamble and Directive Principles
Directive Principles
Fundamental Rights
123. According to the Constitution of India, concentration of wealth violates
The Directive Principles
The concept of the Welfare State
The spirit of the Constitution

The right to freedom.

124. The Constitution of India provides a status to Hindi as:
The official language of the Union
A language for inter-State communications
The national language of India
The language of communication between the Union and the States.
125. The concept of 'Hindutva' is well interpreted by the Supreme Court in
The Minerva Mills case
The Babri Masjid case
The Golak Nath case
The Manohar Joshi case
126. The duties and functions assigned to the Attorney General of India are
To regulate State expenditure and accounts
To arbitrate in disputes between the Union and the States
To render legal advice to the Union Government
Both (b) and (c).
127.A Member of Parliament can be disqualied on grounds of defection:
the voluntarily resigns from membership of the Party on whose ticket he
contested the election
he votes or abstains from voting contrary to directions issued by the political
party without prior permission
he takes a stand contrary to the stand of the Party
he joins a political party other than the one on whose ticket he contested the
election and got elected:
2, 3 and 4
1, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 4
1, 2 and 3
128. Which of the following Schedule appended to the Constitution of India, contains
the list of regional languages?
Eighth Schedule
Second Schedule
Fth Schedule
Seventh Schedule
129. The source/sources from which money flaw into the Consolidated Fund of India
Repayment of loans
Fresh loans
All the above

Directions: Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below:
Loan disbursed by 5 banks (Rupees in Crores)
Ranks 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
18 23 45 30 70
G.R.L B 27 33 18 41 37
C 29 29 22 17 11
31 16 28 32 43
E 13 19 27 34 42
Total 118 120 140 154 203
130. In which year was the disbursement of loans of the banks put together is least
compared to the average disbursement of loans over the year?
(a) 1982
(b) 1983
(c) 1984
(d) 1996
131. What was the percentage increase of disbursement of loans of all banks together
from 1984 to 1985?
(a) 110
(b) 14
(c) 90 11
None of these
132. In which year was the total disbursement of loans of banks A & B exactly equal
to the total disbursement of banks D and E?
(a) 1983
(b) 1986
(c) 1984
(d) 1982
(e) None of these
133. In which of the following banks did the disbursement of loans continuously
increase over the years?

134. the minimum target in the preceding years was 20% of the total disbursement of
loans? How many banks reached the target in 1983

135. In which bank was disbursement more than 25% of the disbursement of all banks
together in 1986

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions
given below it
From amongst six boys A,B, C, D, E and F and five girls P, Q, R, S and T a team of
six is to be selected under the following conditions
A and D have to be together
C cannot go with S
S and T have to be together
B cannot be teamed with E
D cannot go with P
B and R have to be together
C and Q have to be together
136. There be five boys in the team, the lone girl member is

137. Including P, the team has three girls, the members other than P are
138. The team including C consists of four boys, the members of the team other than
C are
139. Four members including E have to be boys, the members other than E are
140. Four members have to be girls, the members of the team are

Direction: the figures of foreign trade for the financial year starting from 1995-
1996 to 2001-2002 are as follow
G.R.L Year Exports Imports Trade deficit
1955-1966 11711 17549 5838
1996-1997 12806 18608 5802
1997-1998 13803 19239 5490
1998-1999 14771 20831 6060
1999-2000 16855 22173 5318
2000-2001 15420 23371 7951
2001-2002 17550 25063 7513
141. Which of the following shows an increase each year
Both are equal
Trade deficit
142. The percentage increase in exports in maximum in the year
(a) 1998-1999
(b) 1999-2000
(c) 2000-2001
(d) 2001-2002
143. The ratio of imports in comparison to exports is maximum in the year
(a) 1998-1999
(b) 1997-1998
(c) 1995-1996
(d) 2000-2001
144. Total trade deficit for the last five years is
32, 332 lakh
33, 332 lakh
43, 972 lakh
22, 332 lakh
145. Dference between imports and exports is maximum in the year
(a) 1996-1997
(b) 1998-1999
(c) 1999-2000
(d) 2000-2001
Directions: In each question is given a statement followed by two assumptions
numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted.
You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide
which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
146. Statement: the boy is too honest not to speak the truth
Assumption: I. very honest boy also tell lies
II. Dishonest boys also speak the truth
Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit

Neither I nor II is implicit

Both I and II are implicit.
147. Statement: X air conditioner the largest selling name with the largest range’ an
Assumption: I. X air conditioner is only one with wide variations
II. There is a demand for air-conditioners in the market
Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit
Both I and II are implicit.
148. Statement: opening a library in Rambli will be a wastage
Assumption: I. inhabitants of Rambli are illiterate
II. Inhabitants of Rambli are not interested in reading
Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit
Both I and II are implicit.
149. Statement: it is through participative management policy alone that indiscipline in our
industries can be contained and a quality of le ensured to the worker
Assumption: I. quality of le in our industry is better
II. Indiscipline result in a poor quality of le
Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit
Both I and II are implicit.
150. Statement: all men are dogs, all dogs are cats
Conclusion: I. all men are cats
II. All cats are men
Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit
Both I and II are implicit.
151. Statement: all coins are crows, some crows are pens
Conclusion: I. no pen is coin
II. Some coins are pens
Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit
Both I and II are implicit.

152. Statement: no women can vote, some women are politicians

Conclusion: I. no politicians can vote
II. Some politicians can vote
Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit
Both I and II are implicit.
153. Statement: all teachers are good, some women are teachers
Conclusion: I. all good teachers are women
II. Some women are good teachers
Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit
Both I and II are implicit.
154. Kitty Hawk is a.
Sub Marine
155. Which country didn't allaw USA to use its land for war against Iraq'
156. Who is the first chairman of newly constituted Forest Commission?
Justice B.N. Kripal
Justice A.S. Anand
Justice Bharucha
Jusitce Kuldip Singh
157. Which Indian received first Magsaysay Award?
J.M. Lyngdoh
Kiran Bedi
AcharyaVinoba Bhave
Moter Theresa
158. Which movie got the Golden Lion - 2000 Award?
Monsoon Weding
Bend it like Beckham
Lord of the Rings
159. Kalinga Prize is related with

160. Which one is not a member of G-8?
161. The NAM Summit-2003 was held in
S. Africa
162. How many countries are members of NAM?

(d) 118
163. Raisina Hills are at
164. Whose portrait was a matter of controversy when it was accord* place in the
B.R. Ambedkar
Subhash Chandra Bose
Veer Savarkar
Guruji Golvalkar
165. Who is appointed as the head of POTA review committee?
Justice A. Saharia
Justice S.P. Bhaurcha
Justice R. Babu
Justice Patnaik
166. The non-test team which played semi-final of Cricket World Cup 2003
Sri Lanka
167. Best Debut in Grammy Awards 2002 went to
Norah Jones
Britney Spears
Dirty Vegas
John Mayer

168. Which Indian bowler took fastest 100 wickets international?

Zaheer Khan
Irfan Pathan
Anil Kumble
Ajit Agarkar
169. Amniocentesis is a method for
Determination of foetal sex
Separation of amino acids
Determination of sequence of amino acids in a protein
Inducting abortion
170. Which of the following enters human body through skin?
171. Rh factor concerns the
Blood Group
Colour of the skin
Colour of the eye
Functioning of the liver
172. Which of these is a play by Vijay Tendulkar
Comedy of Errors
My Fair Lady
Silence! The Court is in Session
173. Which Delhi Sultan built the City of Agra?
Ibrahim Lodhi
Sikandar Lodhi
Kutbuddin Aibak
Allauddin Khilji
174. The author of "Gita Govinda"
175. The "Doctrine of Lapse" was introduced by
Lord Wellesley
Lord Hastings


Lord Dalhouse
Lord Northbrook


Answer Keys 2003

1 36 B 71 106 141
2 C 37 B 72 107 B 142 B
3 C 38 C 73 B 108 B 143
4 39 C 74 C 109 144 C
5 40 B 75 B 110 B 145
6 41 76 C 111 146
7 C 42 B 77 C 112 147 B
8 B 43 B 78 113 B 148
9 B 44 79 C 114 C 149
10 B 45 B 80 B 115 C 150
11 46 81 C 116 151 C
12 C 47 C 82 117 152 C
13 48 B 83 118 C 153 B
14 B 49 84 C 119 B 154
15 50 B 85 120 155
16 B 51 86 121 156
17 52 87 B 122 B 157 C
18 53 88 C 123 158
19 C 54 89 C 124 C 159 B
20 C 55 B 90 B 125 160 C
21 C 56 C 91 126 C 161
22 B 57 B 92 B 127 C 162
23 B 58 93 B 128 163
24 59 C 94 C 129 164 C
25 60 95 130 165
26 61 96 C 131 166 C
27 B 62 97 132 E 167
28 63 98 133 E 168
29 B 64 99 134 C 169
30 65 100 B 135 170 B
31 66 C 101 136 B 171
32 B 67 C 102 B 137 172
33 C 68 C 103 B 138 B 173 B
34 69 104 139 B 174 B
35 B 70 105 140 B 175 C


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