Kodak Case Assignment

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Kodak: The Rebirth of

an Iconic Brand
Case study




What are the brand’s key strengths? What are the core associations and
unique selling points? What are weaknesses?

Key Strengths:

 Having produced the first motion picture film, the firm has a rich history in the film
 Strong ties to originality, inventiveness, and cultural significance.
 Capacity to use celebrity and powerful filmmaker collaborations to further brand
 Distinct positioning that offers a fusion of innovation and legacy in analog and digital

Core Associations and Unique Selling Points:

 Creativity: Kodak is closely linked to promoting artistic expression in photography

and film.
 Authenticity: The brand exudes nostalgia and authenticity due to its lengthy history
in the market and dedication to maintaining analog technology.
 Quality: Kodak's film products are known for their exceptional quality and capacity to
capture a wealth of details and vibrant colors.
 Cultural relevance: Kodak keeps itself relevant with younger audiences by working
with fashion labels and influencers and following maker-culture trends.


 Perception issues: In the current digital era, some customers might consider Kodak
to be antiquated or unnecessary, which could hinder uptake in some markets.
 Restricted product portfolio: Kodak is well-known for its work in filmmaking, but
when compared to rivals in the digital photography and image market, its product
line may seem somewhat narrow.
 Cost considerations: Although myths regarding the expense of filming have been
debunked, consumers and filmmakers may still be discouraged from selecting Kodak
products because to perceived cost obstacles.

What market opportunities does the brand have? Who should be the
target segment?
Market Opportunities:

 Kodak has the chance to profit from the resurgence of interest in analog technology
and the maker-culture movement by appealing to nostalgia and authenticity.
 Growing consumer demand among those looking for alternatives to mass-produced
digital items is for artisanal and unique products.
 Expanding its market presence and reaching new audiences can be achieved by
Kodak through partnerships with fashion labels, influencers, and cultural events.
 Those markets with potential for expansion where film photography is still widely
used or is seeing a comeback.
Target Segment:

 Professionals and enthusiasts in the creative arts who value the authenticity and
aesthetic aspects of film photography and cinematography.
 Customers with nostalgic tastes who want to relive the days of old analog
 Consumers in Gen Z and millennials who are interested in fashion and vintage-
inspired goods and experiences.

How can Kodak use a cultural branding approach to tap into the
renewed interest in analog technology and the maker-culture zeitgeist?

1. Heritage and Nostalgia: Kodak can remind people about its old cameras and photo
materials. This makes people feel nostalgic and remember good times they had with them.
They can talk about how important these things were for keeping memories alive.

2. Authenticity and Craftsmanship: Kodak can describe its products as genuine and
made with attention to detail. They can highlight the skill and high standards used to create
their analog cameras, film rolls, and printing papers. This would attract people who admire
the art and photography.

3. Community Engagement: Kodak can bring people together who love old-style
photography and making things. They can make places or events where fans can talk about
their experiences, share tips, and show their creative projects. This might involve organizing
classes, shows, or online groups where people with similar interests can connect and enjoy
the world photography.

4. Collaborations and Partnerships: Collaborating with artists, influencers, and other

brands aligned with the maker culture. Kodak can partner with photographers, filmmakers,
and artisans who advocate for analog technology and incorporate it into their creative
processes. These collaborations can help Kodak reach new audiences and enhance its brand
image as a supporter of creativity and self-expression.

5. Education and Advocacy: Kodak can teach people about the importance and
advantages of old-fashioned technology. They can make learning materials, step-by-step
guides, and helpful videos to introduce beginners to analog photography and its special
features. By encouraging the continued use of analog technology and techniques, Kodak can
show itself as a supporter of both tradition and new ideas in today's digital world.

Where can the Kodak brand go next? How can it go beyond film? How
can the ‘cool’ cache the brand has developed be translated into
sustainable brand value?

The Kodak brand has a rich history and a strong association with film photography, but its
potential goes beyond just film. One avenue for expansion could be leveraging its reputation
for creativity and heritage to enter other areas of the analog/maker movement, such as
vintage-style cameras, photography accessories, or even niche analog technology products.

Expanding into these areas could help Kodak capitalize on its "cool" cache by appealing to
consumers who appreciate authenticity, craftsmanship, and the nostalgia associated with
analog technology. By maintaining its focus on creativity and embracing imperfection as a
hallmark of authenticity, Kodak can cultivate a unique brand identity that resonates with
consumers seeking a break from the fast-paced digital world.

To translate this cool cache into sustainable brand value, Kodak should continue to innovate
while staying true to its heritage. This could involve collaborations with artists, designers,
and other creative to develop new products that blend analog charm with modern
functionality. Additionally, investing in marketing and PR efforts to highlight the brand's
unique selling points and cultural relevance will help maintain and grow its appeal among
both existing and new audiences.

Ultimately, Kodak's ability to evolve beyond film lies in its ability to embrace its heritage
while adapting to the changing demands of the market. By staying true to its core values of
creativity, authenticity, and imperfection, Kodak can continue to capture the hearts of
consumers and remain a relevant and valuable brand for years to come.

What products should Kodak introduce or re-introduce? Should they
move into more digital platforms such as Instagram - if so, how?

Kodak should capitalize on its legacy and expertise in film production while embracing the
resurgence of analog technology and creative identity associated with it. Firstly, they should
introduce new film stocks to meet the demands of both professional filmmakers and
amateur photographers, while also considering the reintroduction of discontinued films that
have a cult following. Additionally, Kodak can develop or partner with manufacturers to
produce a range of analog film cameras, from entry-level point-and-shoots to high-end
professional models. They should also offer accessories such as lenses, filters, and darkroom
equipment for enthusiasts interested in analog photography.

Moreover, Kodak could innovate in the hybrid analog-digital space by creating devices that
allow users to easily digitize their analog film photos or developing mobile apps that
emulate the characteristics of Kodak film stocks, catering to the growing interest in vintage
photography aesthetics on social media platforms like Instagram.

In terms of education and community-building, Kodak can organize workshops, tutorials,

and online forums to educate photographers on analog photography, film development,
and darkroom techniques, fostering a sense of community and brand loyalty among Kodak
Lastly, Kodak should explore strategic brand partnerships with artists, photographers, and
influencers who have a strong presence in the analog photography community, leveraging
their reach to promote Kodak's products to a wider audience and enhance its brand image
as a leader in analog technology.

By implementing these strategies, Kodak can position itself as a key player in the analog
photography revival while also exploring opportunities in the digital space.

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