2 NN1 W7 CD3.2 GrammarQuiz

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Unit 3 Psychology – Change

Grammar Quiz
Tag questions
Exercise 1. Complete the gaps with a tag question or echo tag.
1. A: It’s been a wonderful day, (1) ________?
B: Yes, fantastic. And we’ve had no problems with anything. (2) ________?
Everything’s been perfect.
A: That’s right. It’ll certainly be a lovely day to remember, (3) ________?
2. A: I had a letter from Louis yesterday.
B: Oh, (4) ________?
A: Yes, he says he’s coming to stay this weekend.
B: Really? That’ll be nice, (5) ________?
3. A: I don’t know what to do today. Just look at the rain outside.
B: Well, I don’t want to stay in all day. Let’s go and see a film, (6) ________?
A: Why not? Good idea. There’s nothing much on at the local cinema though, (7)
B: All right. We’ll take the train into town then, (8) ________?
4. A: Eve and Tony are coming round for dinner tonight.
B: (9) ________? Oh, that’ll be nice.
A: Yes. I thought you might like to come too.
B: Well yes, but you haven’t seen them for a long time. I expect you’d like to talk
to them on your own, (10) ________?
5. A: How did you get in here?
B: I came in through the back door.
A: Nobody saw you coming, (11) ________?
B: No, I don’t think so.
A: You shouldn’t come and see me like this. It’s dangerous. Please don’t come
here again, (12) ________?
6. A: That’s a beautiful table, (13) ________?
B: Yes, it is, (14) ________?
A: It would be lovely in our kitchen, (15) ________? Why don’t we get it?
B: Don’t be ridiculous. Look at the price. We can’t afford it, (16) ________?
7. A: You couldn’t hold this door open for me, (17) ________? I can’t get the pram
through it.
B: Of course. It’s terrible how they design these doors, (18) ________? It makes it
so difficult for people in wheelchairs or with young children.
A: Yes, it does, (19) ________?
8. A: I’ve just been talking to Roger.
B: (20) ________, Dad?
A: Yes, and I didn’t like what he told me. So you went to that nightclub on Friday,
(21) ________? The one I told you not to go to.
B: I’m sorry, Dad. I thought you wouldn’t really mind.
A: Oh you did, (22) ________? Well, I do mind.
Exercise 2. Listen and check your answers.
Exercise 1.
1. hasn’t it
2. Have we
3. won’t it
4. did you
5. won’t it
6. shall we
7. is there
8. shall we
9. are they
10. wouldn’t you
11. did they
12. will you
13. isn’t it
14. isn’t it
15. wouldn’t it
16. can we
17. could you
18. isn’t it
19. doesn’t it
20. Have you
21. did you
22. did you

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