Ilham Ahmad Fahreza 4121034 Literatur Review Seminar Keuangan

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Nama : Ilham Ahmad Fahreza

Nim : 4121034
Topik : Kinerja Keuangan

Literature review Jurnal 1

Penulis Jurnal Prasetyo Ramadhan, Puspita Rani, Endah Sri Wahyuni
Judul Jurnal Disclosure of Carbon Emissions, Covid-19, Green Innovations, Financial
Performance, and Firm Value
Halaman Jurnal 1-16
Teori Performance is one of the elements that inves- tors do not forget when
shopping for stocks. Enhancing financial performance is critical for
groups to remain attractive to investors. The level of financial
performance depends on the company's asset management, which reflects
the company's operational efficiency. The better your financial
performance, the more efficient your company will run. A company's
profitable value gives investors and creditors a positive signal that the
company is in a favorable position, inviting investors to own shares in the
company. Goodwill is high because high demand for stocks causes
investors to estimate the value of the stocks higher than the value reported
in the goodwill.( Prena, G. D., & Muliyawan, I. G. I. (2020).) 's studies
indicate that economic performance has a wonderful and sizeable effect
on company price.
The firm through the publication of carbon emissions which is part of the
firm's responsibility will be oriented to all interested parties, not only to
the owners of capital, namely investors and creditors but also to
employees, consumers, the community and. The image of the firm will
increase with the increasing number of forms of corporate responsibility
towards the envi- ronment. A good corporate image in the community will
make investors more interested in investing and loyalty from consumers
will be higher so that in the future the firm's sales will improve and the
firm's profitability will also increase (Neliana, T., & Destiana, R. (2021).
Metode penelitian This study uses a quantitative descriptive technique to try out the
predetermined hypothesis The population used in this study are non-
financial sector firms listed on the IDX.
The selection :
of non- financial firms as the population in this study is because non-
financial sector firms have more direct contact and have an effect on the
environment as a result of their operational activities than financial sector
firms. Thus, this study decided on using a purposive sampling approach
with the following criteria Of the 697 firms as a population, as many as
seventy-nine enterprises no longer put up annual reports and/or
sustainability reports from 2015 to 2021 and as many as 570 firms did not
get a gold, green, or blue rating and were not even included in the
PROPER award nominations of the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry. Therefore, as many as 48 firms were selected as research
samples or as many as 336 in the number of company years.
Cara dan Bahan : Firm value as the dependent variable in this examination has measured the
usage of Tobin's Q. According to (Gabrielle, G., & Toly, A. A. (2019)).
through Tobin's Q, the firm is said to have succeeded in developing value
if the return on investment is more than the investment cost. On the other
hand, a firm is said to have failed to achieve its goal of maximizing value
if the value of Tobin's Q is less than 1. Tobin's Q is used as a degree of
firm cost in this look as it has the advantage of a ratio that takes into
consideration all elements of debt and share capital within the firm,
including all firm assets(Suniantari, I. G. A. P., & Yasa, G. W. (2022). The
indicator of financial performance in this research uses Return on Assets
(ROA) which acts as a mediating variable
One of the independent variables used is the disclosure of carbon
The next independent variable used in this study is COVID-19 using a
dummy variable. The third independent variable used in this study is
green innovation The data analysis technique used in this obser- vation is
path analysis with a recursive regression model. This research does not
use control variables because it wants to test the hypothesis directly
without any other factors that will affect the rese- arch results
Hasil Penelitian Descriptive Statistics: ROA has an average value of 0.076 and a median
of 0.050. Meanwhile, the maximum value is 0.921 and the minimum
value is -0.375. While the standard deviation value is 0.107 which is
greater than the average value, this means that the data is heterogeneous
due to the varying distribution of data so it has a low level of deviation.

Tobin's Q has an average value of 2,349 and a median of 1,229.

Meanwhile, the maximum value is 23,286 and the minimum value is
0.295. While the standard deviation value is 3.041 which is greater than
the average value, this means that the data is heterogeneous due to the
varying distribution of data so that it has a low level of deviation.

CED has an average value of 0.259 and a median of 0.167. Meanwhile,

the maximum value is 0.833 and the minimum value is 0.000. While the
standard deviation value is 0.207 which is below the average value, this
indicates that the data is homogeneous due to the less varied distribution
of the data.

The GI has an average value of 0.147 and a median of 0.083, this figure
indicates that each sample has almost the same contribution in terms of
green innovation practices. Meanwhile, the maxi-mum value is 0.667 and
the minimum value is 0.000.While the standard deviation value is 0.159
which is below the average value, this indicates that the data is
homogeneous due to the less varied distribution of the data

The estimation results of the first model: From the table above, the
CED probability value of 0.0674 is greater than the 0.05 degree of error
so H1 is rejected. So it can be concluded that the CED variable does not
affect ROA. The COVID probability value of 0.0000 is smaller than the
0.05 degree of error so H2 is accepted. COVID also has a coefficient
value of -0.030834, which means that every 1-point increase in COVID,
will result in a decrease in ROA by 0.03 points. So it can be concluded
that the COVID variable has a negative influence on ROA. The GI
probability value of 0.0000 is smaller than the 0.05 degree of error so H3
is accepted. The GI also has a coefficient value of 0.195834, which means
that every 1-point increase in GI will have an impact on an increase in
ROA of 0.2 points. So it can be concluded that the GI variable has a
positive effect on ROA.

The estimation results of the second model: From the table and figure
above, the ROA probability value of 0.0000 is smaller than the 0.05
degree of error so H7 is accepted. ROA also has a coefficient value of
8.641853, which means that every 1-point increase in ROA will have an
impact on increasing Tobin's Q by 8.64 points. It can be concluded that
the ROA variable has a positive effect on Tobin's Q. The probability value
of CED is 0.6671, which is greater than the 0.05 degree of error, so H4 is
rejected. It can be concluded that the CED variable does not affect Tobin's
Q. The COVID probability value of 0.0040 is smaller than the 0.05 degree
of error so H5 is accepted. COVID also has a coefficient value of -
0.455361, which means that every 1-point increase in COVID will have
an impact on Tobin's Q decrease by 0.46 points. So it can be concluded
that the COVID variable has a negative influence on Tobin's Q. The GI
probability value of 0.1173 is greater than the 0.05 degree of error so H6
is rejected. So it can be concluded that the GI variable does not affect
Tobin's Q.

Sobel test results: From the table of Sobel test effects above, it can be
visible that the financial performance variable as proxied through ROA is
not able to mediate the impact of carbon emission publication represented
by CED on the firm value represented by Tobin's Q. This can be proven
through the z values of 1.775 each. where these values are lower than the
5% significance level, which is 2.01669. Thus, this result states that H8 is
rejected.ROA can mediate the effect of COVID-19 represented by
COVID on the value of the firm represented by Tobin's Q. This can be
proven by the z-value of -3.953 each, where these values are grea- ter than
the 5% significance level of 2.01669. Thus, these results indicate that H9
is accepted.ROA can mediate the impact of green inno- vation represented
by GI on the value of the firm represented by Tobin's Q. This can be
proven through the z-value of 3.945, respectively, where these values are
greater than the 5% significance level, which is 2.01669. Thus, these
results indicate that H10 is accepted.

Literature Jurnal 2
Penulis Jurnal Saiful, Nurna Aziza, Husaini, Nikmah,
Karina Dwi Fortuna
Halaman Jurnal 102-127
Teori According to Coetsee (2010), normative accounting theory is a theory that
deals with "what accounting should be," which means accounting is
considered a norm or rule to be followed. Normative accounting theory is
an accounting theory that deals with the dif- ferences between different
accounting sys- tems and how one system may be better than the others.
This theory plays an essential role in the development of accounting
because it provides analytical ideas based on assump- tions that are
realized into proposals with high validity.
Ghozali and Chariri (2022) explained that normative theory provides
guidelines on what to do based on considering the values used to
formulate the theory. This theory is often referred to as a priori theory,
meaning causal or deductive. This normative accounting theory explains
what accounting information should be communicated to users of
accounting information and how accounting information will be
presented. Therefore, normative accounting theory is not aimed at
developing theories but instead focuses only on norms.
In the context of normative accounting theory that answers what
accounting should be, the rules that must be followed are the preparation
of company financial state- ments. One example is financial reporting
standards. Mozes (1992) on normative ac- counting research mentions
that normative accounting theory is relevant to financial reporting
According to Demodaran (2008), finan- cial performance is a measure of
efficiency in current asset management and the rate of acquisition of new
assets. The financial performance of the company can be seen from how
well the company uses its business assets and generates revenue. In this
study financial performance was measured by the ratio of profitability and
Metode Penelitian Research Variables , In this study, the variable of the research is the firm
financial performance that refered to profitability and leverage ratios.
Profitabi- lity is the primary ratio in which performs and results directly
affecting the company's continuity (Jan and Marimuthu, 2015). This study
looked at the profitability of compa- nies with two ratio measurements,
namely: return on asset and return ond equity.
Population and Sampling Methods,The population in this study is all
companies listed on the main board of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in
2019-2020 which can be accessed on and sites. The study sample was selected using a non-
probability sampling method which means that the selection of samples is
not random with the sampling technique, namely purposive sampling.
This sampling technique is based on consideration. The sample selected in
this study is companies that implement PSAK 71 and 73 and are listed on
the main board of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2020,
Method of Analysis,The analytical methods used in this study are
descriptive statistics, normality tests, and hypothesis tests.
Descriptive Statistics,Descriptive statistics provide informa- tion
regarding the distribution of selected variables in the study. According to
George and Mallery (2016) the information includes a measure of the
central tendency (mean, median, mode), variability around the mean
(standard deviation, variance), a deviation measure of normality
(skewness, kurtosis), information about distribution spread (maxi- mum,
minimum, range), and information about the stability of sampling error of
a particular size.
Cara dan Bahan Analytical tools used include mean, maximum, minimum, and standard
devia- tion. Mean values are used to know and see the average of the data
in question. The maximum value is used to know and see the largest value
of the data in question. The minimum value is used to know and see the
smallest value of the data in question. Standard deviation to know and see
how much data is in question varies from average.
Normality Test, The normality test is performed to test whether the
variable has normal distribution data. Determination of a normally
distribu- ted variable or not can be seen through statistical tests, including
histogram graph, normal probability plot, and Kolmogorov- Smirnov test
(Ghozali, 2013).The basis of decision-making in the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test is as follows: (1) When Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) > 0.05, then
H0 is accepted, meaning normally distributed data and (2) When Asymp.
Sig (2-tailed) < dari 0.05, then H0 is rejected, meaning the distri- buted
data is abnormal. Normally distri- buted data uses Paired Sample T-test
hypo- thesis testing, while non-distributed data use Wilcoxon Signed-rank
Test hypothesis testing.
Hypothesis Test,Test hypothesis by comparing average profitability and
leverage ratios before and after the implementation of PSAK 71 and 73.
Paired Sample t-Test,Paired sample t-tests are used to com- pare
differences between two populations in sample designs that match the
assumption of normally distributed data (Kim et al., 2018).
Wilcoxon Test,The Wilcoxon test is a nonparametric test used to analyze
pair data or single- sample data since the data is not normally distributed
(Lind et al, 2018).

Hasil Penelitian Population and Research Samples

The population in this study is all companies listed on the main board of
the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2020 which can be accessed on and sites. This study sample was
selected using a non-probability sampling method which means the
selection of samples is not random with the sampling technique that is
purposive sampling based on established criteria, then the number of
samples in this study is 140 companies.
Descriptive Statistics
Based on Table 2, the number of obser- vations in this study was 140
companies that compared financial performance before and after
implementing PSAK 71 and 73. The maximum value of ROA before
implemen- ting PSAK 73 of 20.6% is owned by The Selamat Sempurna
Tbk (SMSM), which means the company's financial performance as
measured by ROA before the implemen- tation of PSAK 73 is good
enough. The total assets used by the company can provide a profit of
20.6%. Meanwhile, the minimum value before implementing PSAK 73-
58.3% is owned by Bakrie Sumatra Plantations Tbk (UNSP), which
means the company's finan- cial performance as measured by ROA before
the implementation of PSAK 73 is inferior. The total assets used by the
company made a loss to the company of -58.3%.
Test of Normality. Based on table 3, the variable ROA befo- re and after
implementing PSAK 73 distri- buted normally with Sig. value 0.056 >
0.05 and Sig. value 0.067 > 0.05. The hypothesis test uses paired sample
t-test. Furthermore, those who use the paired-sample t-test are DAR with
a value before the implementation of Sig. value 0.090 > 0.05, after the
implemen- tation of PSAK 71 Sig. value 0.089 > 0.05, and after the
implementation of PSAK 73 Sig. value 0.090 > 0.05. That means that
ROA and DAR have data groups that are all normally distributed.
While, based on table 3, ROE and DER before and after implementing
PSAK 71 and 73 use the Wilcoxon sign rank test because one or both
groups that will be compared have data that is not normally distributed.
Sig. value < 0.05, ROE before implementation Sig. value 0.045, after the
implementation of PSAK 71 Sig. value 0.006, and after PSAK 73
sig.0.078 value, which means the data is not distributed normally because
one of the groups to be compared is not distributed normally.
Furthermore, DER before imple- mentation Sig.value 0.005, after the
imple- mentation of PSAK 71 Sig. value 0.90, and after the
implementation of PSAK 73 Sig. value 0.100, which means the data is not
normally distributed because one of the groups to be compared is not
normally distributed. However, since the sample is more than 30 (n ≥30),
the distribution of the sample is considered normal. So, the ROE and
DER hypothesis test used the Paired sample t-test and Wilcoxon signed
ranks test.
Hypothesis Testing, Table 4 showes that significance value of paired t-
test and Wilcoxon sign ranked test is lower than 0.05, so hypothesis 1a,
1b, and 1c of thist study accepted. It maens there are the diference
between ROE, DAR, and DER of indonesion public listed companies
befor and after implemention of PSAK 71. Hypothesis 2 testing for data
per sector uses two approaches, paired-sample t-test for normal
distributed data per sector and Wilcoxon signed ranks test for data per
sector that is not normally distributed. Hypothesis testing results per
sector comparison of financial performance as measured by ROE, DAR,
DER before and after the implementation of PSAK 71 can be seen in
table 5.
Based on table 6, the results show that ROA before PASK 73 compared to
ROA after PSAK 73 indicates Sig. value 0.037 < alpha 0.05, then H3.a is
Table 6 also shows that ROE before PSAK 73 compared to ROE after
PSAK 73 indicates Sig. value 0.032 < alpha 0.05, then H3.b is accepted.In
the contect of levarge, the results show that DAR before PSAK 73
compared to DAR after PSAK 73 indicates Sig. value 0.761> 0.05, then
H3.c is rejected. DAR before PSAK 73 compared to LE after PSAK 73
indicates Sig. value 0.825 > 0.05, then H3.d is rejected.
Based on table 7, the results show that ROE before PSAK 73 compared to
ROE after PSAK 73 indicates Sig. value. 0.000 < 0.05, then H3.2 is
Based on table 7, the result is Sig. value. 0.000 < 0.05. There are
differences in the paired-sample t-test results and Wilcoxon signed ranks
test result on different DER tests before and after PSAK 73. The results
used in this study are the results of the Wilcoxon signed ranks test because
the distributed DE data is not normal. DER before PSAK 73 compared
to DER after PSAK 73 Sig. value. 0.000 < 0.05, then H3.d is accepted.
Based on table 8, the sectors that most impact the implementation of
PSAK 73 to financial performance as measured by the financial ratio of
ROA, ROE, DAR, and DER are the financials and industrials sectors.
The financial sector gets a ROA Sig. value 0.001 < alpha (0.05), ROE Sig.
value 0.002 < alpha (0.05), LA Sig. value 0.001 < alpha (0.05), and LE
Sig. value 0.000 < alpha (0.05). The industrial sector gets a ROA Sig.
value 0.004
< alpha (0.05), ROE Sig. value 0.027 < alpha (0.05), Sig. value 0.001 <
alpha (0.05), and LE Sig. value 0.006 < alpha (0.05), there is a difference
between ROA, ROE, DAR, and DER before and after implementing
PSAK 73 in the financials and industrials sector. As for the basic materials
and energy sectors, impact financial performance as measured by DAR
and DER. The consumer cyclical sector impacts financial performance as
measured by ROA, ROE, and DER. And the infrastructure, properties and
real estate sectors only impact financial performance as measured by
ROA and ROE. From this explanation, it can be concluded that H4 is
accepted, which means the impact of PSAK 73 on financial performance
depends on the sector in which the company operates.

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