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90% (21:50 are area ge sarticle Secupy even places Is: ene eee 8 seers chan e ‘mn’ | 5.3/7 ag is od, Is the product ‘mn’ odd or even? > 3 3 $ “y tox’ is equal to 3 and the sum of y and x Is 80, E. 60 i " yf three of thi werage of five numbers is -10, and the sum of Fo tne ove 16, then what Is the average of the other two numbers? A, +33 Bot as Dd. 20 E25 84, The ratio of 24 to 64 Is: A. 20,:100 B. 24:100 G 3:8 D. 1:64 EB 1:24 Scanned with CamScanner + The actual length represe ts by 3 nts by EE % GF al 47%G 10:56 Pl in 1 aches on a drawing having : 2 = = ‘cale of & inch to the foot is: A. 3.5 feet B. 7 feet Cc. 21 feet D. 28 feet E. 120 feet 5. If x + 2y = 2x 4 y, then x - y Is equal to: A 8. 7. 1f (%& —2Xx+4)-(& -3Jx -1)=0, then x= ° 02 04 0s A B. c. Db. 8. Divide a 21 p. fc c. 2c p. fac? eg. cf2e length of the longest distance between any two Mea ers the rectangle box with dimensions 3 Inches by 4 inc 01 by 5 Inches? A. 05 B. 12_ c. 5v2 : Dp. 50 Scanned with CamScanner c D. J 6 > 6 a 7 7 2 86.If 3x-S=7% +11, thenxz =7 A 16 8B. 08 c, 03 D, 02 —, O1 87, Cos@x%CotGx Sin @ =? A, O41 B, 0 Cc. 1-sin?@ D, Coté E, Cosec@ 88, Jibran wants to hang three paintings in a row on his wall, six paintings to choose from. How many arrangements of paintings on the wall can he create? A. 06 B, 30 c, 90 D, 120 E, 720 89, What Is the largest Integer ‘n’ such that 2” Is a factor of A. O01 B. 02 c. 04 D, 08 E. ee (eset. 16 Scanned with CamScanner mae 3. In the triangle ABC, if AB = 4 then AC A. 10 B. O9 c, os oD. 07 E. 06 o4.1¢ 7 SX $7 and 0 sy $12, what is the greatest possible valu y- x? A. -19 B. 5 Cc 7 Db. 19 95.Ifx+y=3and ¥-2, then y is equal to: A 0 p 2 “2 © 4 D. 2 96. If some one has Rs. 5, 00, 000 at the end of a year as savin Calculate his/her payable zakat at the rate of 2.5%? A. Rs, 8, 000 B. Rs. 8,750 ©, Rs. 9, 000 D. ‘Rs. 10,000 E, Rs. 12, 500 Scanned with CamScanner in ap minutes, vite His son All tay cor I job, Ht they work together, hay take them? " 98. a. “35 a. 5 c 1 pb. 2 E. 30 99.1 x2 42x -8 =0, then x is either -4 or: A. -2 B. -1 c 0 D. 02 100. 1a + b = 3(c + 4), Which of the following is the average (arithmetic mean) of a, b, c, and d? c+d A. 4 B. gr) +d) 3 c+d & 2 dD. c+d O Cee niloety Scanned with CamScanner 90% (F) 21:51 There are 27 students on the college debate team. What is the Probability that at least 3 of them have thelr birthdays In the same A 8. c i 1 ae Bi 99. The ratio of boys to girls Is 3 to 4, 1f there are 135 boys, how ‘many girls are there? A. 150 8. 180 c 210 D. 240 E. 270 100. 1f 7X +10 =44, what is the value of 7x-107 6 a 65 6 a 45 6 « az D. 24 E, 34 BUT e etl fide aT (Qa Keantg Scanned with CamScanner cube ts & centimeters, atthe oboe ot ive cube? 92. The sum beard senate bie Wantimet what Is the I “~ 8 1 Boa ct ae 5. What Is the n) of 24 numbers: 7 93. 17.5 Is the average (arithmetic mean) sum? A. 220 B. 320 Cc. 420 D. 520 A -4 B. -3 c oO D. 12 96, Cosec? 0=? A. 1-cot?@ B. 1-2c0t?0 c. coro D. 1+cot?9 Scanned with CamScanner A B, c. D. 86. The price goes UP from Ff Increase? A. 25% B, 35% Cc, 45% D., 55% 7.11 27 =32, what Is the value o} 90. Ali is now three times times as old as he was. 91, Rehman has Rs. 2, 80, Calculate his payable zakat at 5.80 to As.100. What Is the percent 1 3Xt?2 aA 5 B. 9 c. 27 D. 81 gs. simplity V36¥" +64x" | A. Gy + 8x B. 10xy c. « Gy? +8x7 p. 10x7y? EB. 2Joy? +16x7 g9.1¢ m7? =17, then what Is the value of (or +1} -1? a. 17-1 B. /17+1 c. 16 D, 18 —. 288 but 5 years ago, he was 5 as old as Jamal, How old is All now? 12 24 30 36 000 at the end of a year as savings. the rate of 2.5%? Rs. 6, 000 Rs. 7, 000 Rs. 8, 000 Rs. 9, 000 Scanned with CamScanner “ , then marke, anitem ata certain price. marked the" pant was selling AT ouring the Ur the item sold ay at. Amer tar a Spt OT its spring Price. ice did it sell ¢, Rasen another ant percent of the origin ory the summer price A GO% 6. GA% c. 67% D. 80% 1 was his rate in 3 hours . What a2. umer typed 9,450 words in °F words per minute? A 25 B. 35 Cc 45 D. 55 E. 65 83. If 2x - 5 = 98, what is the value of 2x + 5? A. 103 B. 105 c. 108 D. 110 84, A solid metal cube of edge 3 feet is placed in a rectangular tank whose length, width, and height are 3, 4, and 5 feet, respectively. What is the volume, in cubic feet, of water that the tank can now hold? A. 20 B. 27 Cc. 33 D. 48 E. 60 85. The median of the numbers 8, 5,7,5,9,9, 1,8, 10, 5 and 10 is: A. O05 B. 07 Cc. 08 D. 09 E. 10 Scanned with CamScanner SU ASSIESES! vy 200, wnat te 32 77.0? Bes 45? ~Aythen(e— sf? aA 4 B cos 16 E68 78. The mode of the numbers 16, 15, 17, 12/15, 15, 18, 19 and 18 ts: A4s B16 cy D. a8 B19 79. Jar has 5 marbles, 1 of each of the colors red, white, blue, ‘green, and yellow. If 4 marbles are removed from the jar, what is the probability that the yellow one was removed? ano LER 1 ~ 1 a 5 1 © gy 4 Ds 20. 1f the radius of a circle ls Increased by 6%, then the area of the circle is increased by: 0.36% BET ee til fide aT Oa Kenantag Scanned with CamScanner 73. Which of the following numbers is the closest to the square root of 0.0017? A. 0.05 B. 0.13 Cc 0.4 D. 0.04 74. A 5 feet long cylindrical pipe has an inner diameter of 6 feet and an outer diameter of 8 feet. If the total surface area (inside and out, including the ends) is kx, what is the value of k? A. 07 B. 40 Cc 48 D. 70 E. 84 7A sertain copy machine produces 13 copies every 10 seconds. If ¢ machine operates without Interru tion, hi It produce in an hour? ption, how many copies will 78 468 1800 2808 4680 Poog> Scanned with CamScanner 91% 21:52 | 0. There ave 200 poopie on Fotsal? ie fn'standing between heirs ena z 1 & s y 2 Z ° 00 A e ° { 70, 1 647 =2°* what is the value of 2? as & is & 8 a Bae snd 16,000 in 1950. 71. The population of a town was 12,000 In 1980 a f the town ‘What was the percent increase in the population of during this period? 1 2% a 333 B. 50% c. 75% : D. 80% GAT A-YELLOW-210719 : Scanned with CamScanner owt trlangtes are In ratte c. 30 pb. 34 E. 40 je, the number of Democrats is s. If one fifth of the islative body of 200 peopl ‘50 less than 4 times the number of Republican: legisiators are neither Republican nor Democrat, legislators are Republicans? AL 42 6. 50 c 71 D. 95 E. 124 n=5and2m+3n=15, thenm + n=? 67.In a leg! how many of the A 1 B. 6 ac 7 D. 10 lint Scanned with CamScanner 10. PROGRAM: BROADCAST: A. crime: Investigate B. opera: compose €. tecture: attend D, news: confirm E, book: publish Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. 11, CONNECT: A. involve B. hinted C. separate D. lazy 12. LISTLESS: A. lazy B. apathetic Cc. active D. gobble 13. BLATANT: A. clamorous B. eccentric Cc. furtive D. captivate 14, DELETE: A. erase B. dilate c. entity D. create 15. AWKWARD: A. skilful B, smooth Cc. penalty D. fame Scanned with CamScanner Fourlfi words given { expresses 8 re original palr In cap! 6, DEPLETE: ENERVATE:: itals. A B. c D. E exhaust: tighten: weariness: loosen ve lettered pairs ( in capitals. lationship hat the stren ‘A to DIE) follow Select similar to strengthen: weak invigorate: tired enfeeble restless 7. HINDALIUM: ALUMINIUM: A. iron: lead B. Cc D. 8. CABIN: SHIP:: A. cockpit: plane B, wheel: chair c lead: silver brass: copper room: bungalow carbon: manganese D. kitchen: store room 9, BULLET: GUN BARREL: A. boat: lake B. c D. E. nib: pen grass: garden lead: pencil train: track aeroplane: pilot the lettere that expressed in the gth of # country’s related pair of d pair that best a 2 Scanned with CamScanner executive: Nearly everyone everyone can bacon concltan fr there are 0 ments that must be satisfied tae called a consultane. Anyone who canvinces a company to hire him er her to perform an Savisory functor what consultant, ‘by definition » ‘56. The executive's conclusion can be properly drawn if which one of ‘the following is assumed? a Nearly everyone can convince a company to hire him or her te perform an advicory function. Some consultants satisfy a set of formal requirements not directly related to any advisory function they perform fora business. ‘Those who convince companies to hire them to perform ‘uvisory functions satiety thelr employers’ requirements for the performance of those functions. b. Every consultant has convinced some company that he or She sotlsties a set of informal requirements. E, Some consultants could convince any company to hire them to perform certain advisory functions. NTS-19-5123-GAT A-YELLOW-210719 aK eanta 7 Scanned with CamScanner os for nee OM, then ferent © ole IF Al gameol make, aif = Cae ne of the ronowlnd must be ero? 8. c__ Imaad ord® Hashim orders Juice. rders 1c Cream foll one of the fo! lowing must be fc. Monsin 0 dad orders Juice, then which 51, re Ii true? A. Jameel orders Juice. B. Fahad orders Ice Cream. c. Mohsin ‘orders Ice cream. p, all orders Juice. £, Hashim orders Juice 52. If All and Hashim have the same Item, each of the following could be true except! A. Mohsin and Imdad order different items. B. Imdad and Jameel order different items. c. Hashim ‘and Imdad order different items: p, Jameel and Fahad order different Items. E, Fahad and Basit order different items. pairs of friends together must order at ich of the following ne Ice cream a. Fahad and Hashim a. All and Imdad c. Hashim and Mohsin bp. Fahad and Basit . Eg. Aliand Jameel rs Ice Cream, then which of the follow! 53. Whi least 0! ing must be 54. If Basit ordel true? A. Hashim orders Ice Cream. Imdad orders Juice. Ice Cream. 8. c, Mohsin orders p. Allorders Ice Cream, £, Jameel orders Juice. r6-19-5123-GAT A-YELLOW-210719 Scanned with CamScanner a ee ¢ of two integers is between 162 ane 21 98. The produc t be one of the integers? following canne A. & B. 10 Gc 12 dD. «18 gE 20 + “Ie divided by 14, the remainder is 19. % 99.When “n “ny” is divided by 7? remainder when A. 6. Cc. D. E. QUuawwyw 00. Ifr = 38,8 5 St,t = 2uandu + 0, whatis® A. 30 B. 60 c. 150 D. 300 E. 600 Scanned with CamScanner A. B. \ Cc. | Dd. E, 79.if 3000 is 15 percens og SE, aha ce whe 4000 SS prom ween 4500, S200 S800 FOO certain number of scugenar ' 2/5 were girls and the. Bey ap WHNCHE Th Gin Exeminstion R Wiese Ye | 20% of the girls failed, sing: Oe an ‘Me OT Ve hoys faite appeared in the enain* A. B. c. | D. | E. arrive exactly o* t Hercemtave of those gi.In how mary orders cas S GARG Books be placed on A i B. §& c 12 D. 36 E. 720 = we Sea” miles 82.To get to a business meaning, Ronee Grove “MH ats ¥ Wa Tre HAV : how gar & gonad vate SHOU and arrived 3 ne gs m Scanned with CamScanner CTO) 91% (5) 21:54 pook decreased jy hy 6 sate in 2002, by What poy 102 to 20 Le , prom 2002) are 2 sh fern 300e segs 200 5 50% c. 120% E, 500% \ fe he follow oe nd “m” the mode of t 0m, La Oe eo, 40, 70, ‘90. What Is the AVERAGE (aritiny, numbers: 10, 70, 20, 40, 70, mean) of “M” and “m"? A. 50 B. 55.5 1 c. 60 | D. 62.5 £65 5.Ali has 3 times as much money as Ahmed. If All gives Ali Rs.50, Ahmed will then have 3 times as much money as Ali. How much do the two of them have together? A. RS.75 B. Rs,100 Cc. Rs.125 D. Rs.150 E. Rs.200 ‘or all uand vy let V by alue of (203) Vip *iNed byw V yw Covi iaitiat |e th A 0 B.: 1 Scanned with CamScanner 22 3x-20 pages PE . on 2x2 _ex-207 2-2? 8x Sn a 3x* - 5x a = c 7x -2x- 4" 3x7 - 5x o. 2 3x2 -Sx-y¥ 68.2 x 0.5+9-O3+ 10505257 a 3 6S. 312 c 42 DD 6S a 402 ot Ae | be 69.Which is equaite 15-S » “ 9 Mw del he del oy deus Scanned with CamScanner C. 32 D, ag EL 24 77.The Price of a Cap is iMereased by ™UCh percent Should its Price be 4 by fw t0 get the Original Price? “ete ‘om A. 20% B. 255%, © 30% 0. 1036 E. S096 78.The sum of the ABs of a son and his father ig a Years, after 4 ye f father wit) be two ther is? ‘ITs the age a} times af son, the age of the fa AL 42 B. 56 Cc 60 0. 62 E. 70 79.Ali went for a trip in his car, which travels 14.5 km in 2 liter petrol. The reading of eae Was 19034,0 km. when he started his ena fread the meter as 19396.$ km after he Scanned with CamScanner oe ted his journey. How many liters of petrol comple’ was consumed? A. 28 p. 30 c 45 p, 50 £. 60 20,A frog I in a well Bft deep. The frog can jump 3 ft high but due to slippery surface it slips down by 2 fr, how maNY jumps does it require to come out of the well? AB 8.9 C7 0.6 £5 1,When three coins are tossed at a time ora coin is tossed three times, the probability of getting at least one head is? A. 3/8 8. 4/7 c. 6/8 D, 7/8 Scanned with CamScanner PCa ESE! Sul pe BO 14x c 1x 0. A/x01 EL X/X+1 93.1f the perimeter of » triangle length of one of the side CANNOT cg then the Al B.3 as etre Bn 9. E2 94.Two people were hired to mow Of RS.606. they completed the # Person working for 1 hour and 2 ‘ the other working 40 minutes. If th in proportion to the amount of ti Working on the job, how much who worked longer received? A. 44 8. 202 CY Split Rs. 695 Me each spent did the person C. 40a D. Soa Scanned with CamScanner £. 306 96-8 circular region has circumference ¢ Inches and area K square inches, If C=3K, what Is the radius of the circle in inches? a. 4/3 B. 2/3 c. 5/6 p. ar/3 E. 27/3 96.The dally rate for a hotel room that sleeps 4 people is Rs. 39 for one person and X dollars for each additional person. If 3 people take the room for one day and each pays Rs.21 for the room. What Is the value of X? AS B. 10 Cc. 32 DB. 14 €. 20 97.5145 '845 145 M45 lay alse B. 5° c. 5" Scanned with CamScanner " t | | a] © 3 c & Ss 2am nay. f Ron i” Aaa 4G aul a 4a au 3 2 g 5 ‘i t "5 \o i, fh Nt Q,| OF a of ti ain BE MA H OLN eh w ( fa, imir is thafice on ais nw. & dada Scanned with CamScanner is 187 percent of 24 | 25% bh me & 75% G4 o- fo E133 ly “a” by 2 and 2 * means te dirice “2 pipe eaive ce HOS NOOO auUNnoy Cc | A 6 pove is 16, what is ts “T23f the perimeter of triangle ABC 2 , A 8 B. 9 c. 10 dD. 12 ‘ £15. agn construe Priccniende “a ao ene so workers 00 FOE" Cs, tour F Scanned with CamScanner Pere Ed 99-4 watch gains 7 minutes And 6 seconds even 5 constant, how im, does the watch gain in one day? A. Iminisee 8. Imin 6 sec C. 1min 11sec D. Imin 16 see £. min 21sec 100. (12) (27) - (27) (5) =? ee araar ages caaanice v6 "uth days. If the rate of gain i Scanned with CamScanner 8.2 co D4 €& 14 72.At a particular time shadow of a pole 40m lone measured to be 30m. If the length of 5 plane ? 200m, then how long would the shadow be abou the same time? A. 180 8. 100 c. 120 D. 150 £, 200 73.A large jar is full of marbles, If one marble is chosen at random, the probability that it will be Red is 7/11, what is the ratio of Red marbles to Non-Red marbles in the Jar? A, 7:11 8. 11:7 C. 7:3 D. 7:4 E. 4:7 Scanned with CamScanner ae 4 t-NOOR GAT Canter invited same number of ee and girls at its feee GAT Seminar. All came put 35 extra gitls showed up. As result ratio of ro gitls bs 4:5, How many students did AL- woor invited at the seminar? a. 60 g. 120 c 40 p, 150 £. 90 75.430 men 45 men can eat can eat 200kg of wheat in 10 days, then 400 kg of wheat in how many days? A’ 8. 13.33 C. 17.33 D. 18 76. can do @ piece of work in 16 days, while B can do the same work in 22 days. With the help of CG they all can finish the work in only 6 days. In how many days can C alone do the wark? A, 10 B. 16 Scanned with CamScanner ee 66.What is the smallest integer greater than 7 that leaves a remainder 1, when divided by any of the integer 5. 7, 8? A. 70 6. 121 c 281 D. 300 E. 380 67.If the product of 4 consecutive even integers is 384, what is the average of the least and Breatest number? A.4 8.5 Cc. 6 0.7 E. 8 68.Ahmed bought 400 fish from a farm. During the first week 1/8 of them died, while in the next week 3/5 of the remaining died. Find the number of fish remaining in the farm alive? A. 260 B. 210 Cc 140 a Scanned with CamScanner p. 160 E. 235 69.For the final step in calculation, Ahmad a: divided by 100 instead of Multiplying with 21n00. To find the correct answer, he should? . A. Divide by 1000 g. Divide by 100 C. Multiplying by 100000 D. Multiplying by 1000 E. Multiplying by 100 70.In a town there are 1600 phones, out of 3/4 are dial phones, 1/3 of these dial phones are replaced by touch phones and 300 additional touch phones. are installed. The fraction representing the number of touch phones to the number of dial phones is? A. 7/19 B. 7/12 C. 7/16 D. 8/5 E. 9/16 7L.If S*+7?=0, then what is the value of $?-T2=? A Scanned with CamScanner 87.1 X is an-odd negative Integer and y ji, an ey positive Integer, then X¥ must be whieh of oe following? A, Odd and positive 6, Odd and negative C. Even and positive D, even and negative E. cannot be determined SB.Two tanks X and ¥ are filled to cOpacity with jet fuel. Tank X holds 600 gallons more than tank Yat 100 gallons were to be pumped out from tach tank, tank X would then contain 3 times as much fuel as tank Y. what is the total number of gallons of fuel in the two full tanks? A. 1200 8. 1400 Cc. 1000 Dd, 900 E, 800 89.Khadija purchased $600 worth of traveler checks. If each check was worth either $20 or $$0. Which of the following CANNOT be the number of $20 checks purchased? Scanned with CamScanner cn oTS) ea ESE A.10 eis 035 — c 18 LL p. 20 4 E25 Zz go.three friends Usman, Ami and Kamran contributed 800$ each towards the purchase of a computer. If they bought the computer on sale for $1950 plus 10 percent sales tax, how much money should be refund to each individual? A. $65 8. $85 c $150 D, $195 £, $225 91.1f X equals to 25 percent of a number, then 125% of the number is? - A, X/1.25 t | ang Xsa/b, what is ¥ in terms of K? Scanned with CamScanner ‘ais an odd ne | Gatiy hich of the following mimber-ang bi ust be S pos} even and pave eve: oo a C.° ab p. P a -E. b-a _ 28 : 2 A. Data insufficient B. 19 Cc. 16 D. 19.6 E. 14 sures 65% marks in an examinations. He « 480 marks in the same examinations. Fin A. 48% B. 50% Cc. 80% Scanned with CamScanner 87. The number p fs 4 more th umber p and rls 10. Which on thn f ne aum oF fone could be , umber 283 times te ir of eaUee following used to find the values of p and ' ee Pw are a pten 10 B. c D. 98.What Is the angle between two hands of the ¢! 99.Which of the following Is the factor of 3x Ps 3r+ 4; pr= 10 Pass 4);p tre 0 P+4e3np+ re 10) P44 = 37; pr=10 eck at 12° clock? 90° isa° 60° 120° oe 3.44? -42x? A. x-7 B x a x+6 D. 3x-6 EB. 3x? -11x ' ‘ rt 100, “A cirele with a radius 3 feet finda circumference how MANY foe! tong? ris A 38 if B67 » a 9m ‘ 5 D. 420 E 3/2 SS Scanned with CamScanner Se o4. simpy ye? 9 16° a, 25x? 144 Sx a, 2 12 c, 3x? 12 x ” F e, 2% Scanned with CamScanner Questions 60-64 In a Cam el Race held in Dubai, camels have to reach the winning 4, in order “ to win the competition. Six camels, camel 1, camel 2, camel 3, camel 4, camel § and camel 6, have to reach a winning line Ina given time, such that Camel 1 finishes race nelther first hor last, Camel 2 finishes race ahead of both camel 3 and camel 4, Camet S finishes race in third place. 60. Which of the following could be the finishing order of the six Camels, from first to last? A, camel 1, camel 6, camel 5, B. camel 6, camel 3, camel 5, C. camel 2, camel 6, camel 5, D. camel 2, camel 6, camel 5, E. camel 2, camel 5, camel 3, camel 2, camel 3, camel 4 camel 2, camel 1, camel 4 camel 3, camel 4, camel 1 camel 1, camel 4, camel 3 camel 4, camel 1, camel 6 61. All of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the finishing order of the six camels EXCEPT: A. camel 6, camel 1, camel 5, camel 4, camel 3, camel 2 B. camel 2, camel 4, camel 5, camel 3, camel 1, camel 6 C. camel 6, camel 2, camel 5, camel 1, camel 3, camel 4 D. camel 2, camel 6, camel 5, camel 1, camel 4, camel 3 E. camel 2;camel 1, camel 5, camel 6, camel 3, camel 4 62. Which of the following is a com plete and accurate list of all camels which could finish first? A. camel 2, camel 3, camel 4 or camel 6 B. camel 2 or camel 5 C. camel 2 or camel 6 0. camel 2, camel 3 or camel 4 £. camel 2, camel 3 or camel 6 63. Which of the following camels could finish elther first or last? A. camel S 8. camel 6 C. camel 2 D. camel 3 E. camel 4 a¢ aw ay S32 16 NTS-19-5125-GAT A-WHITE-250819 ——— Scanned with CamScanner Increase? AL 25% 35% Cc. 45% oO. 55% 27° ~ 32s what Is the value of 3 429 a7.1r A 5 a. & © 37 D. Bi 88. Simplity Y36¥? + 64x" , A Gy+8x B. 10xy c+ Gy? +8x? pb. 10x7y? ge. 29¥7+16x? a. AT-1 a. A741 c. 16 D. 18 E. 288 times as old as he was. How old Is All now? A. 12 B. 24 c 30 Do. 36 86. The price goes up from As.00 to fts.100, What fs the percent a9.1¢ ™? =17, then what Is the vatue of (a +1) —1)? 90. All is now three times as old as Jamal, but 5 years ago, he was 5 91. Rehman has Rs. 2, 80, 000 at the end of a year as savings. Calculate his payable zakat at the rate of 2.5%? A. Rs. 6,000 B. Rs. 7,000 Cc. Rs. 8,000 D. Rs. 9,000 net CAT f-VFLILOW-210719 Scanned with CamScanner 2s

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