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The term participants is used to refer to who produces/d (d) the utterance or text and to
whom it is/was directed, in other words the speaker or writer and the hearer(s) or reader(s).
Other often used and useful terminology is:

Sender Receiver
or ↣ or
Addresser Addressee
In most conversations (dialogue), though, these roles are not static but there is rapid
alteration between the roles of “sender” (“addresser)”, i.e., the speaker, and “receiver”
(“addressee”), i.e., the hearer or listener and the flow of words is in both directions (⇄). An
example of writing having a similar characteristic occurs when people chat on Internet.

2. Prose

Originally, the word prose originated from the Latin one "prosa" meaning straightforward
discourse. it is defined as "written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical
structure." This indicates that any writing not in verse form can be thought of prose.
Categorization of Prose
There are different categorizations of prose: narrative, description and argument.

The first type refers to writing which describes an action or a series of actions to tell a story;
the second refers to writing which describes scenes, object, people, or even a person's feeling
in such a way that we can imagine them vividly. And the third, a problem is presented, an
argument is built logically round it and often, but not always, the author draws conclusions
from his argument, giving his view of the question that he is discussing.

3. Poetry
Poetry can be thought of as a verbal, written art form that uses a heightened sense of
language to convey experience, feeling, or modes of consciousness. Poetry is mostly
characterized by its meter and stanza which can strike reader immediately. And meter and
stanza are the two obvious ways to differ a piece of poetry from prose.

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