UTS UTS: Understanding Thy Self (University of San Carlos) Understanding Thy Self (University of San Carlos)

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Understanding thy self (University of San Carlos)

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● Education -> reminiscing, knowledge is

already within the self
Philosophical Self ● Vitalistic perspective -> unitary, vital principle
● Rational - reason
● Irrational - wild beast
● Tripartite structure
- Pursuit of wisdom
● Reason - ego
- Begins with wonder
● Spirit - manageable self; superego
- Dynamic process
● Appetite - unruly self; id
- Ultimate aims
● Brain - seat of reason
● Metaphysics Aristotle - Vitalistic Principle - makes
● Epistemology matter alive; only living things have souls
● Ethics
● Aesthetics ● Form exists separately. No form w/out
● Logic matter v.v.
● Hylomorphism - composed both matter and
Becoming a Critical Thinker form
● Qualities: ● 3 Fucntions of Psyche:
○ Open-minded ● Nutritive Psyche - basic nourishment
○ Curious and reproduction (plants)
○ Self-aware ● Sensitive Psyche - locomotion and
○ Analytical perception (animals)
○ Creative ● Rational Psyche - highest, capacity
○ Knowledgeable for reason and other functions
● Critical thinking model (human)
● Unity of soul and body
Understanding Argument ● Doctrine of mean/ Golden mean = balance
● Structure ● Heart - center of soul
● Evaluate
● Types: Deductive, Inductive NEOPLATONISM - influence from Plato, soul is
● Informal Fallacies prisoner of the body.

Plotinus - founder of NEOPLATONISM:

influence from Plato, soul is prisoner of
PHILOSOPHY: the body.
- Has its origins in wonder - Plato
- Love of Wisdom - Cicero ● Values and virtues
- Science that considers the truth - Aristotle ● Soul >>> body
- Dynamic process, conflict between opinions - ● 3 activities of the soul:
Epictitus ● Perception - perceiving, direct
- Provides intellectual tool to reflect with clarity consciousness to an object
and discipline and use this knowledge to make ● Reflection - consciousness is split
enlightened choices in the future into subject and object or occasions.
Conscious of ourselves, sensing, and
Socrates - soul, psyche, knowing thyself perceiving
● Contemplation - soul transcends ever
● seeking truth thru questioning changing and impermanent, enter into
● the unexamined life is not worth living unchanging and eternal

Plato - souls = instrument, comprehend St. Augustine of Hippo - greatest Christian

forms philosopher

● Idea/form - object, permanent ● Soul is given primacy over body

● Sense/phenomena - portrayals of form, ● Achieve unity w/God thru faith and reason
changing, dies. May look diff but same ● Contempt of the self -> free self from
essence mundane and worldly demands

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● 2 cities made of love: ● No self/not concrete = no impression/idea,

● Eartly city by the love of self and no constant self
contempt of God - satisfying personal
gains. Selfish self Immanuel Kant - Reconciled debate
● Heavenly city is made out of the rationalism vs empiricism
love of God and contempt of self -
selfless; benefit of others/larger cause ● Knowledges
● Priori = derived from logic, universal,
St. Thomas of Aquinas - Aristotelian essential
thought ● Posteriori = derived from experience,
knowledge based on experience
● Person is both body and soul ● Self known thru and before experience
● Soul separated from body = incomplete ● Contrast to David Hume’s idea, there is self
● Does not believe in neoplatonism ● Thoughts no contents = empty
● Intuitions no concepts = blind
● What can I know? Ought to know? Hope for?


Rene Descartes - father of Modern Psychological perspective on Self

Philosophy - Psych viewpoint revolves around nature of
self, both cognitively and socially constructed
● Rationalist. Methodic/Universal Doubt - -internal ideas of self and meaningfully
assimilates self in soen
1st principle
Nature of Self
● Doubt all things, only thing certain is doubting
● William James
- Dual structure of self
● I think, therefore I am
- Multidimensional model of self

2nd principle
I in self - aspect fo self, actively perceives and thinks
- Aware of one’s experience
● Consider false all things we doubt
- Subjective
3rd principle
Me in self - one being perceived
● That we ought not to make use of this doubt - Object of one’s attention, thought, and
for the conduct of our life in the meantime perception
● (don’t allow doubts to dictate our lives) - Objective

4th principle 3 Components of ME

1. Material Self
● The reason why we doubt the sensible thing a. Physical body and materials owned by
John Locke
2. Social Self
● Empiricist ; knowledge is derived from a. Attributes ascribed by others
experience b. Social selves = individuals who
● Tabula Rasa ; the mind at birth is a clean slate recognize and carry an image of him
● Self is dynamic c. Multiple social selves and each
doesn’t have to be consonant with
David Hume - Impressions vs ideas each other

● Empiricist 3. Spiritual Self

● Impression - originate from senses a. Inner thoughts and dispositions
● Idea - gained from senses, not innate b. Internal frame of mind of person

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Interdependent Self Construal

Real Self vs Ideal Self - One’s identity in relation to others
Real Self - perceive self to be, who they 1. External, public features (status, roles, rs)
actually are 2. Belonging and fitting ing
Ideal Self- how they’d like to be 3. Occupy one’s proper place, engage in
- Idealized version created out of experiences appropriate action
4. Indirect in communication, read minds
Higher developmental levels - maintain various
categories of selves
- Make finer distinctions adn be able to regulate Purpose of Language
each version of the self - American = language allows self expression
- Korean = language allows communication
Lower developmental levels with others

Possible Selves - selves one hopes for, and one Others’ Opinion Toward the Self
doesn’t wish to become 60% of Am students - dated seriously despite others
- Motivate person to direct their actions to not liking the partner
achieve their desired self and avoid self they 27% of Chinese students
Culture and Self-esteem
Multiple Selves Collectivist - what others think of me and my group
- Concept of self that’s integrated and unified Self concept is malleable (context specific)
- Ppl act differently depending on who they
interact with Individualistic - personal and less relational
- Variety depends on nature of interpersonal
Holistic and Analytic Reasoning

Psychological view of self features a self that is Holistic Thought - orientation to the context or
multifaceted. How one defines self may reflect the field as a whole. Characterized by comprehension of
different aspects of self according to how one parts of smth intimately interconnected and explicable,
constructs an idea who one is and how one interacts only by reference to the whole
with their own environment

Who you think you are Analytic Thought - detachment of object from its nature
What other thinks of you
Characteristics anchored on social roles Field independent
Real and ideal self - Separate imp details from confusing
SELF: Collectivism and Individualisn - Rely on themselves when solving problems

Individualism - give priority to one’s own goals Field dependent

- Define one’s identity in terms of personal - Difficult to see whole parts
attributes - Rely on other’s ideas when solving problems
- Good in interpersonal relationships
Independent Self-construal - Greater social orientation
- Construing one’s identity as an autonomous
self Causal explanation adn prediction
1. Internal abilities, thoughts, feelings Americans more to decontextualize object from context
2. Being unique and expressing self than Asians
3. Realize internal attributes, promote one’s own
goals Am - properties of objects
4. Direct in communication - Universe consist of separate objects
East Asian - interactions between objects
- Holistic assumptions about universe
Collectivism - priority to goals of one’s group (extended
fam/work group), define one’s identity accordingly

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Similarity and relationship vs categories and rules

Asians = similarities and relationships
Am = categories and rules Sto. Nino -> image of hope and providence.
Symbols have same meaning to people in that
Dialectical reasoning
1. Principle of change
2. Principle of contradiction Culture is constantly evolving process. Adapts to
3. Principle of relationship/holism soen pressure thru time.

Contradiction - expected and not necessarily resolved. Social sanctions imposed ensure culture is being
Goal: search for the “middle way” practiced.
/ Chinese
X Americans
SELF in the Sociological Process
- Experience in social interaction with others
and society also play imp roles
(took pic)
- Self as a two-way feedback

Looking-glass self by Charles Cooley

SOCIOLOGICAL & - Individuals see themselves thru interaction
- One sees oneself in feelings, thoughts,
PERSPECTIVES OF THE SELF and actions of others

George Herbert Mead - identity is how an Self is social

individual sees himself in relation to his - Learned by acquiring ideas and behaviors
interaction experiences with the society the society wants from self and members
of society.
Self reflects human adaptations increase our
chances of survival; evolutionary process, how Norms - expectations of what should and
we establish our identity shouldn’t be done in diff social situations

Social interactions = efficient tool (culture) for 4 types in sociology:

adaptation and survival 1. Folkways - day2day behaviors
2. Mores - when violated = social sanctions,
Culture - system of shared beliefs, values, pertain to morality
customes, behaviors, and artifacts 3. Taboos - stringent than mores.
- Passed thru generations mentioning/engaging = elicit extreme
- Use to cope with world and one another negative reaction from society
4. Laws - written expectations of how
Key qualities: Our self identity’s shaped also by individual should behave in social
what our ancestors transmitted and what we situations.
learned in our soen
1. Learned • In general, how one sees onself through one’s
2. Shared interactions with others and how society expects
3. Symbolic one to feel, think, and behave are sociological
4. Integrated factors that influence one’s self-identity.
5. Adaptive
• In contrast to the anthropological influence to
Enculturation - birth = immersed in culture he will one’s self-identity, the sociological understanding
eventually learn and use in interacting with of the self focuses on how societal expectations
others. Experienced by all. influence one’s identity

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One’s self-identity is influenced by: SEXUAL ORIENTATION

- Attraction to individuals of a particular gender
people and culture in one’s proximity and one’s - Hetero, homo, bisexual
- Not preference or lifestyle, since not choice
immediate environment
- Who we get into bed with, while gender
identity is who we get into bed as
Globalization, process of technology-aided
widespread of social capital and info across globe SEXUAL BEHAVIOR
- What we do sexually, with whom
Adaptive culture - innovation forces one’s culture - Culture influences action and behavior
to adapt and change - Choice.
- Influential innovation - 21st century,
internet and how it changes the process of SEX
socialization - Sexual intercourse = penetrative
- Orgasmic
Influences establishing one’s self-identity
- Intimacy/Spiritual
- The increasing and encompassing social
- Feelings and thoughts are influenced by Refractory Period (semen displacement theory, Gallup
socmed and Burch)
- Self is product of one’s interaction with - Orgasm = sensitive penis and thrusting is
globalized world unpleasant, breeding
- For women - experience multiple orgasms and
no refractory period

2. Intimacy
SOGIE - sexual orientation, gender identity, and 3. Self affirmation
gender expression 4. Coping
5. Peer Pressure
- Not only for LGBT 6. Partner Approval

BIOLOGICAL SEX (chromosomal) Benefit:

- Packaging 1. Health
- XX fem, XY male; estrogen and progesterone, a. Improved sense of smell
testosterone; vagina, penis b. Weight loss
- Chromosomes, hormones, genitalia c. Stress reduction
- 4% are intersex, possess both (Nancy d. Increased immunity
Navalta) e. Decreased risk of prostate cancer
2. Social Bonds
Sex -> assigned and recorded in birth cert a. Reinforce intimate social bonds

Sexual Desire Disorders

GENDER 1. Hypoactive - low desire
- Personal traits and social positions 2. Sexual aversion - fear and disgust
- Fem, masc (socially defined) Sexual Arousal Disorder
- Constantly changing 1. Female - horny pero wa na satisfy and
- Hierarchical uncomfy
2. Male Erectile - can’t maintain erection long
Orgasmic Disorders
Transgender - umbrella term, doesn’t conform typically 1. Male - no orgasm thru vagina stim
to sex 2. Female = can’t achieve orgasm
- Migrate from one side to the other thru 3. Premature Ejaculation - AHAHAHHA, feel
hormone, voice, therapy, sex reassignment inadequate

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Sexual Pain Disorders

1. Vaginismus - vagina contracts
2. Dyspareunia - pain in genitals/intercourse

Fetishism - object/part of body focus of sexual interest

and arousal
Exhibitionism - public, flasher, expose
Voyeurism - peeping tom, horny thru watching others
ahve sex/undress
Frotteurism - horny thru rubbing
Necrophilia - horny/have sex with corpse
Transvestism - kind of fetish, horny by wearing
clothing of opposite sex

Protect S[read of std

A - abstain from sex
B - be faithful
C - condoms

Avoid iv drug use

Know symptoms of diseases
Regular check ups

- Self definitino.
- Sexual being evolves thru multi stage
developmental procss

Process of development
1. Aware and identify own sexual needs
2. Own personal sexual values
3. Preferred sexual activities
4. Preferred characteristics of sexual partners
5. Preferred modes of sexual expression
6. Recognize and identify sexual orientation

Downloaded by Charmae Samocino (57rgjyb8x9@privaterelay.appleid.com)

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