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Samocino, Charmae Faith B.

9:00 – 10:30AM T TH
BSMA – 1 February 05, 2024

Assignment 2 - Reaction/Reflection from Videos on Nature' s Math and Numerology

One word to describe my thoughts on those videos shown would be “Supremacy”.

I honestly never have been this amazed of how things are interconnected with Mathematics,

that everything is about Math. Mathematics being in nature, which could be found in plants,

and even in rainbows, how it is an essential part of a flower like a sunflower. Mathe is even

found in animals, the mesmerizing animal prints. Also, to us Humans, our formation of body

tissues and neurons which is one of the examples of a Fibonacci Sequence made me

appreciate Math more than ever. I think that the word supremacy just fits so perfectly with

Mathematics because of the fact that, we have math everywhere, which means it is

essential. It is not merely numbers, formulas, and complicated processes of solving problems

but it is in nature. It is in our Human body. I did not appreciate geometry lessons back in my

high school days and now, upon reflecting those videos, I think that I have to be more

knowledgeable of Mathematics. I am certain that I can appreciate geometry more now, that

I have deeply understood how crucial it is in real life. I think I have finally found more

interest in learning about Mathematics so that I might help anyone, especially the next

generation to love Math too. To be able to also share the supremacy of Math and make

them realize that learning mathematics is vital in our life.

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