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+45 31 79 17 23 norahurtigkarl@gmail.

com Copenhagen August, 30, 2023

Nora Hurtigkarl Lahrmann

Application as the position as Political Intern or Trade Council Intern at the Royal Danish Embassy in
Mexico, Colombia, or Chile

I am writing to express my interest in the internship opportunities as a Political Intern or Trade Council
Intern at the Royal Danish Embassy in Mexico, Colombia, or Chile. The potential to contribute to
diplomatic efforts and engage in meaningful cross-cultural interactions within the realm of
international relations motivates my application.

Currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Spanish culture and language, with a minor in minority and
intercultural studies at the University of Copenhagen, I am particularly drawn to the intricate interplay
of Latin American culture, language, and politics. My aim is to delve deeper into this complex dynamic
through an immersive experience. This aspiration has been nurtured through an array of mediums
including academic studies, travels, and involvement in cultural events.

My affinity for Latin America stems from a genuine interest in its political and societal landscape. Areas
like human rights, social equality, and sustainable transformation are of significant concern to me. My
goal is to contribute to diplomatic efforts that address these issues and strengthen relations between
Denmark and Latin American nations. With this perspective, I am keenly interested in roles within the
Political Department in Bogota, as well as positions available within the Trade Councils of Mexico,
Colombia, and Chile.

My work experiences have equipped me with adaptable skills to navigate diverse environments while
maintaining focus and efficiency. My approach prioritizes structured problem-solving, and I am equally
comfortable collaborating with a team as I am tackling independent tasks.

Through my academic journey, my involvement with Nyt Forum For Skrift, and volunteering at the Talk
Town Festival, I have honed my writing and communication skills across various contexts. This ability
allows me to communicate effectively, particularly in matters of diplomacy and international relations.
Furthermore, my studies have cultivated strong analytical capabilities and deepened my understanding
of the impact of intercultural interactions. A semester abroad at the University of Valencia in spring
2023 significantly elevated my Spanish proficiency, providing a foundation for meaningful
My extensive travels across South America have exposed me to the region's socio-political
complexities. My six-month volunteer experience at ecological farms in Colombia in 2019, for instance,
deepened my understanding of its rich cultural heritage and the socio-political undercurrents shaping
it. A visit to Chile in 2021 offered insights into its historical and complex contemporary political

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or further information you may require. I am
eager to discuss how I can contribute to the embassies' missions by leveraging my passion for political
and social diplomacy to foster stronger connections between Denmark and Latin America. Thank you
for considering my application.

Best regards,
Nora Hurtigkarl Lahrmann

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