Structuring Your Essay (Sportspeople Revision)

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Structuring your essay

In the exam, you will be given a person who you will need to talk about.
If you do not know anything about them, make up facts!
Below are some sentence starters to help you structure your essay (they
are not obligatory).
1) Introduction
- Today, I am going to describe…who is a famous sportsperson in the
world of [name of sports].
- They are particularly famous for their…
- The main reason I would like to talk about them is because…

2)1st paragraph
- Firstly, I will talk about their personality.
- As a person, they are… [adjectives].
- However, the main adjective I would use to describe them is…
- The reason for this is…

3) 2nd paragraph
- Secondly, I will talk about their behaviour during matches/games.
- In the past, they have been known to… [treat their opponents
well/badly, follow/break the rules].
- This is a clear example of good/bad sportsmanship.

4) 3rd paragraph
- Lastly, I will talk about their actions outside of sports.
- Besides their sports performance, they are known for... [being kind
to their fans, donating to charity, spending time with their family].

5) Conclusion
- In conclusion, my opinion is that this person is really [adjective].
- As a result, I really admire/dislike them.
- In the future, I think this person will…
- This person has inspired me to…
- Therefore, they are a role model that I think everyone should

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