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Group standard TL 211

Issue 2023-04
Class. No.: 50243

Descriptors: IMD, IML, TOM, base coat, bumper, clear coat, coating, exterior part, exterior plastic part, fender, fuel
filler door, hot stamping film, metallizing, mirror upper housing shell, outside door handle, paint,
paintwork, physical vapor deposition, PVD, radar, rear spoiler, rear wing, tailgate, trunk lid, wheel trim

Coating of Plastic Exterior Parts


Previous issues
TL 211: 1974-11, 1983-10, 1989-07, 1992-08, 1992-09, 1995-03, 1995-10, 1998-06,
2003-02, 2003-03, 2009-09, 2009-10, 2014-07, 2016-11, 2019-11, 2021-07

The following changes have been made to TL 211: 2021-07:
a) Section 5.1 „General requirements“ updated
b) Section 5.5 „Material release list for TL 211“ updated
c) Section 5.6 „Substrates/proof of painting capability for recycled materials“ updated
d) Section 5.7 „Radar transparency“ added
e) Section 6.1 „General“ updated
f) Table 1 completely revised
g) Section 7.2 „Primed after-sales service parts“ updated
h) Section „Coatings on radar coverings“ deleted
i) Section 9 „Minimum requirements for monitoring conformity of production“ heading changed
j) Table 2 completely revised
k) Table A.1 completely revised
l) Section B.1 „Material release list“ heading changed
m) Appendix „Radar transparency“ deleted

n) Standard edited

Always use the latest version of this standard.

This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. A comma is used as the decimal sign. Page 1 of 19
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version controls.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent
of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments. | internal
© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2022-12
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TL 211: 2023-04

1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 2
2 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 2
3 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 3
4 Designation ................................................................................................................ 3
5 Requirements ............................................................................................................. 3
5.1 General requirements ................................................................................................ 3
5.2 Appearance and tactile properties ............................................................................. 3
5.3 Open-air weathering ................................................................................................... 3
5.4 Coating process ......................................................................................................... 4
5.5 Material release list for TL 211 ................................................................................... 4
5.6 Substrates/proof of painting capability for recycled materials .................................... 5
5.7 Radar transparency .................................................................................................... 5
6 Requirements for the properties ................................................................................. 6
6.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Layer thicknesses ...................................................................................................... 7
7 Requirements for special coatings ........................................................................... 13
7.1 Re-painting whole parts ........................................................................................... 13
7.2 Primed after-sales service parts ............................................................................... 14
8 Adhesive bond ......................................................................................................... 14
9 Minimum requirements for monitoring conformity of production .............................. 15
10 Applicable documents .............................................................................................. 16
Appendix A Details from the supplier .......................................................................................... 18
Appendix B Material release list .................................................................................................. 19
B.1 Material release list .................................................................................................. 19
B.2 Release sheet „Digital References of Original Hues“ ............................................... 19

1 Scope
This Technical Supply Specification (TL) defines the requirements for polymer coatings (e.g., paint
finish, metallizations with protective coating, and film applications such as IMD, IML, TOM, and co-
extrusion) of vehicle exterior parts made of plastic (e.g., bumpers, wheel trims, rear spoilers, rear
wings, tailgates, trunk lids, fenders).

2 Definitions
The following definitions apply when using this document:
COK Conditionally OK/temporarily suitable for production without risk
Contrasting color Color that differs from the body color (e.g., black outer door cover panels on
body painted red)
IMD In-mold decoration; a film with a printed image is positioned between the
mold halves and back-injection-molded with plastic; the printed image coa-
lesces with the plastic under pressure and temperature during the injection-
molding process
IML In-mold labeling; as applicable, printed, pre-formed, and cut films (labels)
are back-injection-molded with plastic; the labels coalesce with the plastic
under pressure and temperature during the injection-molding process
OK All right
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PVD Physical vapor deposition; method for the vapor deposition of elements,
used to produce surfaces with a metallic appearance
TOM Total overlay method; thermoforming of a film in a vacuum chamber on the
part to be decorated

3 Abbreviations
BTV Part owner
GK Granular material class
LF Low frequency (parameter in surface structure measurement)
HF High frequency (parameter in surface structure measurement)
2K 2-component

4 Designation
Coating as per TL 211

5 Requirements
If the following requirements for certain components or parts of components do not apply com-
pletely or not at all, this must be agreed upon with the appropriate departments and recorded in the
part drawing.

5.1 General requirements

Approval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen standard VW 01155.
Granular material as per VW 50026
Materials sample inspection as per VW 52000.
Material conformity as per VW 91101.
The supplier must include with its delivery the specifications listed in appendix A for all parts to be
The requirement „Must be specified“ will initially serve the purpose of general information on the
sample presented. A specific requirement can be derived from this information later.

5.2 Appearance and tactile properties

The parts must have a uniform appearance on their entire surface; they must conform to the draw-
ing requirements and to the released sample with respect to gloss and color.
Pores, cracks, runs, inclusions, glossy spots, voids, blisters, flow lines, film creases, and other
flaws that adversely affect the prescribed appearance are not permissible.
Evaluation as per table 1

5.3 Open-air weathering

Open-air weathering as per VW 50185
The supplier must eliminate the cause of any complaints occurring during this test and improve the
coating system.
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5.4 Coating process

The coating process must be coordinated between the coating company, the coating-material man-
ufacturer, and the uncoated-component manufacturer.
Responsibility is divided as follows:
– The coating-material manufacturer provides information on fulfillment of TL requirements,
makes its processing guidelines available, and provides technical application support.
– The coating company provides information about the substrate (type of plastic material and
product name), checks the requirements as early as possible (including for pre-production
parts: at least for adhesion), confirms compliance with the processing guidelines of the coat-
ing-material manufacturer, and requests technical application support.
– The uncoated-component manufacturer adheres to the processing guidelines for the raw ma-
terial. The substrate/uncoated-component quality must ensure that reliable coating is possi-
ble. The production process must not have any negative influence on coating capability.

5.5 Material release list for TL 211

There is a material release list for this TL (see section B.1).
If coating systems in the listed color of the „Material release list for TL 211“ are used, then, in addi-
tion to the basic requirements, only a reduced test scope is required during sample inspection.
If a listed coating system is used, this must be stated on the initial sample inspection report as per
table A.1.
The following material release lists as per TL 211 are available:
– List of clear coats
– List of base coats
– List of contrasting colors
If two-component materials are used, then the pertinent released hardeners are listed as well. Pri-
mer coats are not listed, with the exception of any special primer coats or surfacers for contrasting
If base coats from the list of base coats and clear coats/hardeners from the list of clear coats are
used: Reduced test scope as per table 1, footnote a)
If contrasting-color structures from the list of contrasting colors are used: Reduced test scope as
per table 1, footnote a)
If clear coat and hardener from the list of clear coats (base coat not listed) are used: Reduced test
scope as per table 1, footnote b)
In cases where the coating layers mentioned above are not listed (e.g., only the base coat is listed
or no layer at all), the test scope cannot be reduced.
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5.6 Substrates/proof of painting capability for recycled materials

All substrates and uncoated components must be capable of being coated in a reliable process.
For granular materials as per VW 50026 – GK3 and GK4, additional batch monitoring must be per-
formed as per section 9.
If GK3 and GK4 substrates are used, sample panels must be used to verify in advance that they
work with typical paint structures.
Colors: Black (e.g., 041, C9X, Y9T, F9R) and white (e.g., C9A,
F9E, B9A)
Pretreatment and pre-cleaning: Typical for the material and process (e.g., flame treat-
ment for PP materials) Ensuring the surface energy be-
fore and after the pretreatment is recommended.
Paint materials: Base coat and clear coat systems from the material re-
lease list as per TL 211; surfacer as per specification of
the paint manufacturer
Paint structures:
– 2-layer with water-based base coat and solvent-based clear coat
– 3-layer with surfacer, base coat, and clear coat; application wet-on-wet-on-wet (all paints sol-
Substructure: Visually flawless, ungrained sample panels; approximate size: DIN A5
In order to exclude coating influences, a currently used reference material made of the same mate-
rials must be tested in parallel.
In the case of open compounds, the minimum and maximum mixing ratios must be tested.
The sample panels must fulfill the following requirements:
– Visual appearance as per table 1, consec. no. 1.2.1
– Adhesion tests as per table 1, consec. no. 3
– Thermal stability and environmental cycle resistance as per table 1, consec. no. 4

5.7 Radar transparency

In the case of parts that are penetrated by a radar sensor in an operating range from 76 GHz to
77 GHz and that are subject to requirements with regard to attenuation, transmission, reflection, or
phase values, the relative permittivity and the loss factor tan(δ) of the respective base coat, clear
coat, substrate, and possible primer must be determined as per Test Standard PV 3435 and ta-
ble 1, consec. no. 9.
For the use on parts that must achieve, e.g., a maximum two-way attenuation of 6 dB (or one-way
attenuation of 3 dB), the following recommendation for the base coat applies:
– Relative permittivity of max. 20
– Maximum tan(δ) of 0,2
The relative permittivity values of the base coats of the batches must not fluctuate by more than
10% around the determined nominal value.
When the permittivity of paints is measured as per PV 3435, the layer thickness must be in the
upper layer thickness range of the data sheet or the target specifications of the respective paint
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TL 211: 2023-04

The permittivity of the base coat must be measured in a structure with covering clear coat due to
the swelling behavior of the base coat.
Each color intended for use must also be tested within the total layer structure (testing is only valid
for the listed commercial types of the coating layers tested and does not automatically become val-
id for coating layers of alternative commercial types or paint manufacturers).
The color-dependent, radar-suitable part thickness must be determined for the particular coating
thickness range of the coating layers in the complete coating structure (the determined coating
thickness ranges only apply to the commercial types of the tested coating layers only and cannot
be transferred to coating layers of alternative commercial types or paint manufacturers).
The following measures can help ensuring process-reliable radar transparency of coated radar
– Coating layers that are electrically conductive in the cured condition must not be used; this
applies in particular to the primer for primed after-sales service parts.
– Large areas of metallic pigment agglomeration must be avoided.

6 Requirements for the properties

6.1 General
The requirements specified in table 1 must be ensured on the entire component.
If individual tests are not possible due to the component's geometry, then these can be performed
on test panels instead. Where possible, the tests must be performed on the component. This also
means that, e.g., in the stone impact test as per DIN EN ISO 20567-1 and steam-jet test as per
DIN EN ISO 16925, smaller test areas or shorter test cross sections than specified in the standards
are permissible. This applies to components such as caps for headlamp washer systems and tow-
ing eyes. When using test panels (e.g., for scratch resistance in tunnel washes as per Test Stand-
ard PV 3.3.3), these test panels must be identical to the components in terms of materials and pro-
duction process (same commercial types, same plant). The test report must indicate the tests for
which test panels are used. For the sample inspection, a sufficient quantity of test panels must be
included in the delivery for cross-checking.
If a coating system from the material release list is used (see section 5.5), only the reduced test
scope must be ensured.
Components or test panels for technological tests must be at least one week old. Alternatively, they
must be aged for 24 h at 60 °C and then conditioned for 2 h at room temperature as per
VW 50554 – 2. Components delivered for testing must be aged; conditioning is carried out by the
test facility.
The requirements in section 7 must be adhered to for special coatings (after-sales service parts,
multiple-layer coatings).
If more than one test result is available, the most critical individual value must be taken as the ba-
sis for evaluation (decisive value).
Monitoring for conformity of production as per section 9 must be carried out to ensure the proper-
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6.2 Layer thicknesses

The top-coat layer (topmost coating layer) must be ≥ 20 µm. For smaller thicknesses it might be
necessary, after consultation with the purchaser's Materials Engineering department, to conduct
more extensive, application-specific testing (e.g., abrasion or blasting tests) and to specify the cor-
responding requirement in the drawing and/or Performance Specification.

Table 1 – Requirements for the properties

No. Property Requirement
1 Visual properties

1.1a) b) Gloss value as per DIN EN ISO 2813

1.1.1 High-gloss coatings OK: COK:

≥ 85 GU at 20° ≥ 80 GU to < 85 GU
1.1.2 Other coatings Digital references (including tolerances);
as per VW 50196 if not available
gloss level and measurement angle as per agreement
with the purchaser
1.2 Color

1.2.1a) b) Visual comparison The components must have a uniform appearance over
as per PV 3965 their entire surface and must comply with the drawing re-
quirements and the sample standard for color, gloss, and
tactile properties. Pores, cracks, runs, and other flaws
that adversely affect the required appearance are not per-
Characteristic ≤ 1

1.2.2a) b) Body colors:

Colorimetric evaluation of automotive paintwork Digital reference (including tolerances)
as per VW 50195

1.2.3a) b) Contrasting colors: Decorative exterior compo-

nents not in body color – determination of color Digital reference (including tolerances);
and gloss if not available, as per specified color reference
as per VW 50196

1.2.4a) b) For surface coatings that have a visible metalli-

zation layerc):
Reference values as per release sheet (including toleran-
Instrument geometry
di:8° and de:8°as per DIN 5033-7 with simulta-
see section B.2;
neous specular component included (SCI)
if not available, as per specified color reference
measurement and specular component exclu-
ded (SCE) measurement

1.3a) b) Structure of high-gloss surfaces (Surfaces are high gloss if they have a gloss value ≥ 70 GU at 60° as per
DIN EN ISO 2813.)
1.3.1 Measuring system:
wave-scand), measurement as per manufactur- OK COK
er's specifications
1.3.2 Horizontal surfaces LF ≤ 5; LF > 5 to ≤ 8
HF ≤ 25 –
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Requirement
1.3.3 Vertical surfaces LF ≤ 13; LF > 13 to ≤ 16;
HF ≤ 30 HF > 30 to ≤ 35

2a) b) Coating thicknesses

Individual coat thicknesses of the coating struc- Top-coat layer (topmost coating layer) ≥ 20 µm; see
ture in µm section 6.2
Free choice of method, arbitration method
Sources for desired values:
as per DIN EN ISO 1463, section „Preparation
of cross-sections“ – item a) (cross sec- 1. Drawing note
tion/cross section) 2. Release list for coating systems
3. Material data sheet from the coating manufacturer

Prioritization as per numbering

3 Adhesion

3.1a) b) Stone impact test For similarly colored damage spots: ≤ 2,0 (e.g., black top
as per DIN EN ISO 20567-1, method Be) coat on dark gray substrate)
For contrast-colored damage spots: ≤ 1 (e.g., silver sin-
gle-layer paint on black substrate, black top coat on na-
ture-colored substrate)

3.2a) b) Steam-jet test

as per DIN EN ISO 16925, test method C,
with scribing tool „C“
Nozzle: WCSD 2506d)
Scribing tool: Box cutter (brake-off blade,
18 mm)
Polystyrene rigid foam with closed-cell struc-
Water jet positioning aid (e.g., laser) required
Characteristic 0, 1a; 1b;
Devices that are not certified Characteristic 2a; 2b; 3c
1c; 2c
as per DIN EN ISO 16925 by the device manu- as per DIN EN ISO 16925
as per DIN EN ISO 16925
facturer (devices designed/built in-house) must
be checked at least annually to determine
whether they produce the same results as devi-
ces that were certified by the manufacturer
as per DIN EN ISO 16925.
Deviations are only permissible with written
confirmation by the appropriate Volks-
wagen Group Materials Engineering depart-

3.3a) b) Cross-cut test

Characteristic ≤ 1
as per DIN EN ISO 2409e)f)

3.4a) b) Condensate water test in standard constant condensation-water atmosphere (CH) as per
DIN EN ISO 6270-2, test duration: 240 h
3.4.1 Evaluation after 30 min at room temperature as per VW 50554 – 2
Degree of blistering
Quantity 2/size 2 [2 (S2)]
as per DIN EN ISO 4628-2
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Requirement
3.4.2 Evaluation after 24 h at room temperature as per VW 50554 – 2 Visual evaluation Visible changes to the surface
are not permissible. Degree of rusting
0 (S0)
as per DIN EN ISO 4628-2 Steam-jet test
as per DIN EN ISO 16925, test method C,
with scribing tool „C“
Nozzle: WCSD 2506d)
Scribing tool: Box cutter (brake-off blade,
18 mm)
Polystyrene rigid foam with closed-cell struc-
Water jet positioning aid (e.g., laser) required
Devices that are not certified Characteristic 0, 1a; 1b;
Characteristic 2a; 2b; 3c
as per DIN EN ISO 16925 by the device manu- 1c; 2c
as per DIN EN ISO 16925
facturer (devices designed/built in-house) must as per DIN EN ISO 16925
be checked at least annually to determine
whether they produce the same results as devi-
ces that were certified by the manufacturer
as per DIN EN ISO 16925 (e.g., round robin
Deviations are only permissible with written
confirmation by the appropriate Volks-
wagen Group Materials Engineering depart-
ment. Cross-cut test
Characteristic ≤ 1
as per DIN EN ISO 2409e) f)
4 Thermal stability and environmental cycle resistance

4.1a) b) Environmental cycle test

as per PV 1200, 20 cycles, evaluation after
24 h at room temperature VW 50554 – 2
Visual evaluation No changes in appearance or tactile properties (e.g.,
cracking, blisters, color shift, fogging, delamination, soft-
ening, deformation) compared to the as-received condi-
Cross-cut test
as per DIN EN ISO 2409e)f)
Deviations are only permissible with written
Characteristic ≤ 1
confirmation from the appropriate Volks-
wagen Group Materials Engineering depart-
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TL 211: 2023-04

Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Requirement

4.2a) b) Heat aging in a forced-air oven No changes in appearance or tactile properties (e.g.,
Aging conditions: 240 h at (90 ±1) °C cracks, blisters, color shift, fogging, delamination, soften-
Subsequent evaluation after 30 min of condi- ing, deformation) compared to the as-received condition;
tioning at room temperature VW 50554 – 2 the following yellowing is permissible (deviation):
dB* ≤1,5
as per DIN EN ISO/CIE 11664-4, measuring geometries
as per DIN 5033-7 (45°a:0°, 0°:45°a, 45°c:0°, 0°:45°c,
45°x:0°, 0°:45°x) directly after cooling the sample (no
value scaling, e.g., VW 50195)

5a) b) Corrosion resistance, 20 cycles as per PV 1200, subsequently 240 h as per DIN EN ISO 9227 – copper-
accelerated acetic acid salt spray test
With scribe line produced before test start (scratch stylus acc. to Sikkens: Model 463d); width: 1 mm).
Only for surface coatings that have a metallization layerc)
5.1 Evaluation of surfaces and edges 30 min after end of aging
5.1.1 Visual evaluation No changes (e.g., stains, haze)
5.1.2 Degree of blistering
0 (S0)
as per DIN EN ISO 4628-2
5.1.3 Degree of rusting
Ri 0
as per DIN EN ISO 4628-3
5.1.4 Cross-cut test
Characteristic ≤ 1
as per DIN EN ISO 2409e)f)
5.2 Evaluation of scribe line 30 min after end of aging
5.2.1 Loss of adhesion
d ≤ 2 mm
as per DIN EN ISO 4628-8
5.2.2 Corrosion
c ≤ 2 mm
as per DIN EN ISO 4628-8
6 Abrasion and scratch resistance
6.1 Resistance to tunnel washes: Scratch resistance as per PV 3.3.3g)
For high-gloss surfaces only (Surfaces are high gloss if they have a gloss level ≥ 70 GU at 60° as per
DIN EN ISO 2813.)
Initial gloss GI
Residual gloss GE To be specified in GU at 20°
Residual gloss after reflow GR

Comparative value VEg) VE ≥ 1

Comparative value after reflow VRg) VR ≥ 1

7 Resistance to mediah)
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Requirement
7.1 FAM test fuel
as per DIN 51604-2
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-3,
10 min at room temperature VW 50554 – 2
7.2 Gasoline E10
as per DIN EN 228 (blend of premium unlea- 1. 1 h at room temperature VW 50554 – 2
ded gasoline as per DIN EN 228 with 10 vol% No visible changes; if changes occur, carry out
ethanol p. a.) step 2
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-3, 2. 2 h at 60 °C reflow aging;
10 min at room temperature VW 50554 – 2
No visible changes
7.3 B7 diesel fuel
as per TL 788-B
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-4, method A,
10 min at room temperature as per
VW 50554 – 2
7.4 Isopropanol
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-3,
10 min at room temperature as per
VW 50554 – 2
7.5 Sodium hydroxide 5% (mass fraction)
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-4, method A,
1 h at room temperature VW 50554 – 2
7.6 Sulfuric acid 10% (mass fraction)
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-4, method A,
1. 1 h at room temperature VW 50554 – 2
1 h at room temperature VW 50554 – 2
No visible changes; if changes occur, carry out
7.7 Hydrochloric acid 10% (mass fraction)
step 2
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-4, method A,
1 h at room temperature VW 50554 – 2 2. 2 h at 60 °C reflow aging;

7.8 Water (quality 3 as per DIN ISO 3696) No visible changes

Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-4, method A,
1 h at 80 °C
7.9 Artificial bird droppings
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-4, appen-
dix A.4.5, method A, 30 min at 45 °C
7.10 Tree resini)
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2812-4,
method A, 30 min at 45 °C

7.11a) b) Resistance to transport protection filmj) Marks in the transition to the non-adhered area and under
Apply the transport protection film intended for the film are not permissible. Reversible areas of swelling
the application to the surface in such a way that (after 24 h at room temperature as per VW 50554 – 2)
air blisters form beneath the film. Afterwards, are permissible. There must not be any adhesive resi-
age the parts for 8 cycles dues after the transport protection film is removed.
as per PV 1200.
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Requirement
7.12 Cream resistance as per PV 3964
Only for paints with coating thicknesses ≤ 20 µm (for multi-layer coating systems, the thickness of the top-
most layer applies) that are frequently touched by the customer (e.g., outside door handles, fuel filler
7.12.1 Type A test cream, sun lotion
Visual comparison No changes in appearance or tactile properties (e.g.,
as per PV 3965h) crow's feet, swelling, cracks, softening, tack) compared to
the as-received condition. A slight gloss increase is per-
Characteristic ≤ 1
Cross-cut test
Characteristic ≤ 1
as per DIN EN ISO 2409e)f)
Testing with an Erichsen hardness test pencil
No tearing of the coating permissible,
type 318 or type 318 Sd) with a 10-N load and a
indentation mark is permissible
Bosch test tip (diameter Ø 0,75 mm)
7.12.2 Type B test cream, hand lotion
Visual comparison No changes in appearance or tactile properties (e.g.,
as per PV 3965h) crow's feet, swelling, cracks, softening, tack) compared to
the as-received condition. A slight gloss increase is per-
Characteristic ≤ 1
Cross-cut test
Characteristic ≤ 1
as per DIN EN ISO 2409e) f)
Testing with an Erichsen hardness test pencil
No tearing of the coating permissible,
type 318 or type 318 Sd) with a 10-N load and a
indentation mark is permissible
Bosch test tip (diameter Ø 0,75 mm)
8 Lightfastness and weather resistance simulation

8.1b) Resistance of device to weathering as per TL 52217-A

9 Radar transparency for radar-penetrated production parts (section 5.7)

9.1 Relative permittivity of the respective base
Must be specified
Recommendation for 6-dB two-way attenuation: ≤ 20
as per PV 3435
9.2 Tan(δ) of the respective base coats Must be specified
as per PV 3435 Recommendation for 6-dB two-way attenuation: ≤ 0,2
9.3 Relative permittivity of the clear coat
Must be specified
as per PV 3435
9.4 Tan(δ) of the clear coat
Must be specified
as per PV 3435
9.5 Relative permittivity of the substrate
Must be specified
as per PV 3435
9.6 Tan(δ) of the substrate
Must be specified
as per PV 3435
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Requirement
9.7 Relative permittivity of the primer
(if used) Must be specified
as per PV 3435
9.8 Tan(δ) of the primer (if used)
Must be specified
as per PV 3435
10 Radar transparency for radar-penetrated after-sales service parts (section 7.2)
10.1 Relative permittivity of the primer coat
for after-sales service parts ≤7
as per PV 3435
10.2 Tan(δ) of the primer coat
for after-sales service parts ≤ 0,1
as per PV 3435

11a) b) Information regarding appendix A Information as per table A.1 must be documented and at-
tached to the VW 52000 standard test report.
a) Required in the reduced test scope if using „base coat and clear coat“ or „contrasting color structures“ from the material release
list for TL 211 (see section 5.5)
b) Required in the reduced test scope if using clear coat from the material release list for TL 211 (see section 5.5)
c) E.g., high-gloss chrome appearance; not relevant to coatings that contain metallic pigments, such as „silver metallic paint.“
d) wave-scan is the manufacturer's designation for the product manufactured by BYK-Gardner GmbH.
WCSD 2506 is the manufacturer's designation for the product manufactured by WALTER Gerätebau GmbH.
Scratch Stylus acc. to Sikkens, Model 463, is the manufacturer's designation for the product manufactured by ERICH-
SEN GmbH & Co. KG.
Erichsen hardness test pencil type 318 and type 318 S are the manufacturer's designations for the products manufactured by
tesa® 4657 is the manufacturer's designation for the product manufactured by tesa SE.
Pril is the manufacturer's designation for the product manufactured by Henkel AG & Co. KGaA.
Bodyguard 50530 is the manufacturer's designation for the product manufactured by tesa SE.
This information is only intended for informational purposes for the users of this in-house standard. This does not signify an en-
dorsement of the mentioned products by the Volkswagen Group. Equivalent products may be used if it can be verified that they
lead to the same results.
e) Firmly press the adhesive tape (tesa 4657) onto the surface before removing it.
f) Use of the multi-cross cutter is preferred; if it cannot be used due to geometric reasons (e.g., curved surfaces), the single-edge
cutting device can be used.
g) Reference clear coat and reference panels can be obtained from the „Paint Shop - Technology and Processes“ department.
h) Before making the evaluation, clean the surfaces with clear, warm water with added commercially available wetting agent (e.g.,
i) Instead of pine oil (Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) no. 2228-95-7), turpentine (CAS no. 8006-64-2) may be used.
j) The coating must be tested using the released transport protection materials used in production (e.g., Bodyguard 50530) or the
transport protection materials used by the supplier.

7 Requirements for special coatings

7.1 Re-painting whole parts

For painted parts, only one single re-painting of the whole part in the released process is permissi-
ble. The total coating thickness must not exceed 150 µm.
The following color combinations are permissible for re-painting:
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1. Each color on the same color

2. Permissible base coats for all colors: Black, dark blue shades, dark gray shades (also metallic
or pearlescent paints)
NOTE: If an increased total coating thickness is necessary for technical reasons, this must be
agreed upon between the parties involved and recorded in the drawing or Performance Specifica-
The requirements of TL 211 must also be met for re-painting. The purchaser's part owner may de-
mand a separate initial sample inspection for the re-painted parts.

7.2 Primed after-sales service parts

Already painted parts must not be used as after-sales service parts that are primed only. Plastic
parts that are only primed must meet the requirements in table 1, consec. no. 2 to table 1, con-
sec. no. 3 (adhesion) and table 1, consec. no. 7.4 (resistance to isopropanol).
Coating thicknesses of the primer coat as per manufacturer's material data sheet
In the case of parts that are penetrated by a radar sensor in an operating range from 76 GHz to
77 GHz and that are subject to requirements with regard to attenuation, transmission, reflection, or
phase values, the relative permittivity and the tan(δ) of the primer coat must be determined as per
table 1, consec. no. 10.
The relative permittivity values of the primer coats of the batches must not fluctuate by more than
10% around the determined nominal value.
The requirements for the relative permittivity and the tan(δ) of the primer coat may be adapted in
the pertinent project in agreement with the purchaser.

8 Adhesive bond
In the case of adhesive bonds on painted plastic parts, the paint structure assumes the function of
power transfer in addition to the styling function. This results in special requirements on the paint
structure in the area of the adhesive bonds as well as on the entire painting and adhesive-bonding
process chain.
In contrast to the paint structure on exterior metal body parts, the paint structures on plastic parts
exhibit lower strength and lower adhesion of the coating layer on the plastic part.
Therefore, high-load adhesive bonds (e.g., elementary, i.e., exclusively bonded spoiler fastening)
on plastic parts must not be located on the paint but on covered (masked) areas.
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9 Minimum requirements for monitoring conformity of production

In order to ensure the released and tested quality of the parts in ongoing production, the supplier
must perform the tests as per table 2 on the coated components and document the results.

Table 2 – Minimum requirements for monitoring conformity of production

Testing Property For each pro- For each coating Quarterly per Per recycled materi-
as per TL 211 duction shift, material batch, after component als batch (for GK3
per color batch changea) and color and GK4 recycled
materials as per
VW 50026)
Table 1, con-
Color × × × −
sec. no. 1.2
Table 1, con-
Structure × × × −
sec. no. 1.3
Table 1, con-
Stone impact test − − × ×
sec. no. 3.1
Table 1, con-
Steam-jet test − − × ×
sec. no. 3.2
Table 1, con-
Cross-cut test − × × ×
sec. no. 3.3
Table 1, con- Condensate water
− − × ×
sec. no. 3.4 test
Table 1, con-
Heat aging − − − ×
sec. no. 4.2
a) As soon as the content of one batch has been used up completely as per calculation, this is regarded a completed coating materi-
al batch change.

Deviations from the test frequency can be agreed upon with the purchaser's appropriate part own-
er (Purchase Parts Quality Assurance part owner). Deviations must be recorded in writing in the
part drawing, in the Performance Specification, or in a bilateral agreement with the supplier.
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10 Applicable documents
The following documents cited in the standard are required for the application of this standard:
Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger-
man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi-
cal inconsistency.
Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other
languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.

PV 1200 Vehicle Parts; Testing the Environmental Cycle Resistance

(80 °C/-40 °C)
PV 3.3.3 Paints and Varnishes; Scratch Resistance Testing of Clear Coats
PV 3435 Non-Metallic, Non-Magnetic Materials; Permittivity Test of Substrates
and Paints from 76 GHz to 81 GHz
PV 3964 Surfaces in the Passenger Compartment; Testing of Cream Resistance
PV 3965 Decorative Surfaces on and in the Vehicle; Visual Color Matching ac-
cording to DIN EN ISO 3668
TL 52217 Artificial Weathering in the Vehicle Exterior; Requirements
TL 788 Diesel Fuel; Fuel Requirements
VW 01155 Vehicle Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes
VW 50026 Granular Material for Components Made From Thermoplastics and Ther-
moplastic Elastomers; Classification and Basic Principles of Use; Upda-
ted translation: 2022-05
VW 50185 Resistance to Open-Air Weathering of the Whole Vehicle and of Parts;
Test Requirements
VW 50195 Colorimetric Evaluation of Exterior Automotive Paint Finishes
VW 50196 Decorative Exterior Parts in Non-Body Color; Determining Color and
VW 50554 Standard Atmospheres and Room Temperatures; Requirements on
Standard Atmospheres
VW 52000 Material Quality Verification; Requirements and Documentation
VW 91101 Environmental Standard for Articles; Material and Chemical Conformity
DIN 5033-7 Colorimetry - Part 7: Measuring conditions for object colours
DIN 51604-2 FAM-testing fluid for polymer materials - Composition and requirements -
Part 2: Testing Fluid B, containing methanol
DIN EN 228 Automotive fuels - Unleaded petrol - Requirements and test methods
DIN EN ISO/CIE 1166 Colorimetry - Part 4: CIE 1976 L*a*b*colour space
DIN EN ISO 1463 Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Micro-
scopical method
DIN EN ISO 16925 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the resistance of coatings to
pressure water-jetting
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DIN EN ISO 20567-1 Paints and varnishes - Determination of stone-chip resistance of coat-
ings - Part 1: Multi-impact testing
DIN EN ISO 2409 Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test
DIN EN ISO 2812-3 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 3:
Method using an absorbent medium
DIN EN ISO 2812-4 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 4:
Spotting methods
DIN EN ISO 2813 Paints and varnishes - Determination of gloss value at 20°, 60° and 85°
DIN EN ISO 4628-2 Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designa-
tion of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes
in appearance - Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering
DIN EN ISO 4628-3 Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designa-
tion of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes
in appearance - Part 3: Assessment of degree of rusting
DIN EN ISO 4628-8 Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designa-
tion of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes
in appearance - Part 8: Assessment of degree of delamination and cor-
rosion around a scribe or other artificial defect
DIN EN ISO 6270-2 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 2:
Condensation (in-cabinet exposure with heated water reservoir)
DIN EN ISO 9227 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests
DIN ISO 3696 Water for analytical laboratory use; specification and test methods
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Appendix A (normative) Details from the supplier

Table A.1 – Details from the supplier

Paintwork Paint shop and system (type, design, temperature/humidity in the system), location, To be specified
country in the
VW 52000
standard test
Painting date
Cleaning: E.g., Powerwash, CO2, ionized air
Activation: E.g., flame treatment, low-pressure plasma
Layer structure of the coating (coating system, paint manufacturer, layer thicknesses, To be specified
water-/solvent-based paint, hardeners if used, paint materials' place of manufacture) in the
VW 52000
standard test
If paints from the material release list are used: The number(s) must be indicated. To be specified
in the
VW 52000
standard test
For development parts: Version of coating process
Mixing ratio of the components (mass ratio)
Hardening method (e.g., oven, infrared, ultraviolet)
Film Coating company, coating plant, city, country To be specified
in the
VW 52000
standard test
Coating method (IMD, IML, hot stamping, TOM)
Date of coating
Product name (incl. supplier color code) To be specified
in the
VW 52000
standard test
Film structure (incl. coating thicknesses)
If applicable, additional curing (ultraviolet/thermal)
Film manufacturer, place of manufacture for the film
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Appendix B (informative) Material release list

B.1 Material release list

There is a material release list for this Technical Supply Specification. The material release list is
stored on the ONE.Konzern Business Plattform (ONE.KBP) – (Volkswagen Group Supply – at the following path:
Start > Information > Divisions > Quality Assurance > Materials Engineering > Material Release

B.2 Release sheet „Digital References of Original Hues“

The release sheet is stored on the ONE.Konzern Business Plattform (ONE.KBP) – (Volkswagen
Group Supply – at the following path:
Start > Information > Divisions > Production > Color programs (digital references of original hues)

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