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Microteaching Lesson Plan 1

Teacher Names: Kirsty

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Subject of Lesson: Echo Song

Description: Introduce the first verse of “She’ll be Comin Round the Mountain”. Learn it by
echo process (including motions). Add the second verse using an abbreviated echo process.

Day 1 Prerequisite Information: Students must be able to learn and perform a song, with
movements and changes in speed and volume, using the echo process.

Procedures: Day 1
1. “She’ll be Comin Round the Mountain” (timing) Around
the Rug in a Circle
● Review:
■ Mention how we played along with the song from the Disney Lava
short and how we talked about modes of travel around the mountain
● Introduce:
■ First Verse:
1. Sing through each part phrase by phrase of the first verse
without the sounds. Have the students march in place.
○ “She’ll be coming around the mountain when she
comes / She’ll be coming from the mountain when she
comes / She’ll be coming round the mountain / she’ll be
comin round the mountain when she comes”
2. Then put it together until the whole song is together.
○ Sing the whole song with the class
3. Time to add in the “toot toot”!
○ Sing the whole song with the class. This time, add in
the toot toots on your own and ask the students what I
did differently after (tell them beforehand that I will be
○ Sing the song on your own but have the class respond
with toot toots on their own.
○ Sing the song with them with the toot toots and
■ Second Verse
1. Sing through each part phrase by phrase of the second verse
without the sounds. Have the students gallop in place.
2. Then put it together until the whole second verse is together.
○ Sing the second verse with the class
3. Time to add in the “woah back.”
○ Sing the whole song with the class.
○ Ask them what we did the first time with the toot toots.
Microteaching Lesson Plan 1

○ This time, add in the woah, back on your own and ask
the students what I did differently after (tell them
beforehand that I will be adding)
○ Sing the song on your own but have the class respond
with the “woah, back toot toot” on their own.
○ Sing the song with them with the “woah, back” and
● Practice:
■ Start singing the whole song, but have them march and gallop like a
■ Have them change out the leaders each verse.
■ Ask the leader each time what they want to do differently with speed
and/or volume.
● What’s Next?
■ If it works: add on more verses with more motions. Have students put
the whole song together.
■ If it doesn’t: review each verse separately until solidified, and then put
them together.

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