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Conversation questions

Values and behavior

• What is good behavior? What is bad behavior?
• Were you well-behaved as a child?
• Why do some children seem naturally well-mannered, while others seem difficult?
• Were you a well-behaved child?
• How do you raise well-behaved children?
• What influences you to make good choices?
• Have you ever not tolerated someone's behavior?
• Is there any behavior that you would not find acceptable?
• What are some examples of bad behavior?
• What is he worst behavior you have seen?
• Would you teach your child to "hit back" at school if somebody hit him?
• How can we teach our children good behavior? Are words or example more important?
• Are you influenced by what you see on internet? Or by what you read?
• Do friends influence you?
• Can you influence your friends?
• Is it important to surround yourself with good people?
• How can friends have a bad influence on you?
• Can music influence your behavior?
• How has the media affected society? Has internet made society better or worse?
• How does religion influence people's behavior?
• Do you care what other people think of you?
• Should people behave differently with friends than with family? Do you treat people who are
close to you better than strangers, or vice versa?
• Does the behavior of well-known people, such as celebrities and politicians, affect how average
people behave?
• Does economic status affect people's behavior? For example, are people more generous if they
have more money?
• Who do you admire? Do you try to be like this person (or people)?
• Are there historical figures you admire?
• Who is affected by your behavior?
• In what ways have the choices of others affected you?
• Does your happiness depend on the behavior of others?
• Should you always be on your best behavior?
• How do you act when you are happy? Do you like being around happy people?
• Should people act on their feelings? If you are in a bad mood, can people around you tell?
• Do you believe we have a moral obligation to act happy, even if we do not feel happy?
• Is it possible to change one's behavior?
• Have you changed anything about your behavior?
• Have you started good habits?
• Have you broken bad habits?
• What are some ways to change your behavior?
• Do you set goals to improve yourself?
• What behaviors are expected from children towards their parents?
• Do the clothes you wear affect your behavior? Should school teachers wear casual clothes?
• Are bad people bad because of circumstances or choices? What about good people?
• Can bad behavior lead to crime?
• Should parents be held responsible for their children's behavior?
• What would you do if you saw somebody else's child behaving badly in public?
• Can you think of a behavior that is 'good' behavior in one culture and a 'bad' behavior in another
• How would you behave in a hospital?
• Should children be punished in public?
• What does "misbehavior" mean?
• Is there a behavior considered a 'good' behavior in one culture and a 'bad'
• behavior in another culture? If yes, give examples.
• Can we teach our children good behavior?
• How can we teach our children good behavior?
• How do children acquire good behavior?
• Would you teach your child to "hit back" at school if somebody hits them?
• What behavior is not acceptable among friends?
• Is it OK to show negative types of behavior when you are angry?
• What behaviors make you feel good?
• What behaviors make you feel angry?
• How can teachers stop "bullying" at school?
• Have you ever got embarrassed by your friend's/girlfriend's/husband's misbehavior?
• What is the right behavior to use in a job interview?
• How should you behave when you see someone you don't like?
• What is good behavior?
• What is the right behavior to use in a restaurant?
• At school?
• At a party?
• How can we teach our children good behavior?
• How do children acquire good behavior?

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