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TỈNH NĂM HỌC 2022 - 2023

Ngày kiểm tra: 22/10/2022
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề
Đề gồm 06 trang.


Question I. Listen to the recording twice then choose A, B or C to best answer the questions.
1. What does the man plan to wear during the summer months?
A. a cool hat B. casual shoes C. light pants
2. What is one thing the man is NOT going to pack for the winter season?
A. a coat B. some sweaters C. a jacket
3. What is the weather like in the spring?
A. It's windy. B. It's rainy. C. It's cool.
4. What is an example of an occasion where the man might need formal clothes?
A. a party B. a business meeting C. a wedding
5. What did the man wear to his high school graduation?
A. jeans and tennis shoes B. a casual shirt and tie C. a suit and dress shoes
Question II. Listen to the teacher talking to her class about life in ancient Egypt. Then fill in the gaps in
the table.
Question III : Listen and decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).
11. Richard thinks that last-minute studying is best. ……………… ………………
12. Laura thinks that a revision timetable is a good idea. ……………… ………………
13. With his present system, Richard will be able to revise everything. ……………… ………………
14. Richard agrees that his present lifestyle is crazy. ……………… ………………
15. Coffee and chocolate help Richard to work better. ……………… ………………


Question I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same
line.( 3pts)
16. A. spectacular B. relax C. ancient D. facsimile
17. A. adolescence B. profit C. fobidden D. decorate
18. A. chore B. chivalry C. chimney D. chute
Question II: Identify the word whose stressed pattern is is different from the rest.(2 pts)
19. A. deliver B. satisfy C. imagine D. attractive
20. A. acquaintance B. ability C. interactive D. inaccurate


Question I: Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
21. This is not the right………… to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen..
A. moment B. settle C. solve D. decide
22. As the drug took ..............., the boy became quieter.
A. force B. influence C. action D. effect
23. Mr. Black: “I’d like to try on these shoes, please.”
Salesgirl: “...................”
A. Why not? B. By all means, sir. C. That’s right, sir. D. I’d love to.
24. “You ...............have cooked so many dishes. There are only three of us for lunch.”
A. wouldn’t B. oughtn’t C. needn’t D. couldn’t
25. The trouble started only……….. the other man came into the room.
A. when B. until C. and then D. too soon
26. Jenny usually buys her clothes………….. It’s cheaper than going to a dressmaker.
A. off the beg B. on the shelf C. in public D. on the house
27. …………… decoration in the restaurant provides us with good appetite.
A. Tasty B. Tasteful C. Tasteless D. Tasting
28. ………….believed to over 300 species of tree in Ha Noi botanical garden.
A. There are B. They are C. It is D. It has been
29. Minh and Cuong were badly injured in the last match, so ………… can play in this match.
A. both of them B. neither of them C. all of them D. either of them
30. It took the parents a long time to ………………..their children’s games .
A. catch up with B. catch up C. catch out D. catch on with

Question II: Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. (8 pts)
31. I can't find my book anywhere. I ( leave) ………… on the train. I am not sure.
32. The old woman said she (live) ……………. in this village for over fifty years.
33. The envelop (lie) …………………… on the table has no stamp on it.
34. By midnight John (be) ………………unconscious for twenty four hours.
35. It (not /be) ……………… for Mary’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to take part in the competition.
36. I (phone) ……………… you yesterday, but I forgot.
37. (Complete) ……………………. his homework, Nam went to bed late last night.
38. It is imperative that the wildlife program (broadcast) …….……...tomorrow
Question III: Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (7 pts)
39. His …………… of his opponent led to his biggest failure. (ESTIMATE)
40. He delivered the …………….. speech of thanks to the chairman. (CUSTOM)
41. Politicians………….blame the media if they don’t win the election. They are so predictable. (VARY)
42. These clothes are made of …………… material which cannot burn easily. (FLAME)
43. Deaths caused by reckless driving are ………………. (AVOID)
44. In electronics, we learn to repair………………appliances. (HOUSE)
45. You are ………………..forbidden to use a cellphone in this examination. (EXPRESS)
Question IV: The following passage contains 5 mistakes. Identify and correct them(5 pts)
Personal space is a term that refers to the distance we like to keep between ourselves and other people. When
someone we do not know well gets too close we usually begin to feel comfortable. If a business colleague
comes closer than 1.2 meters, the most common response is to move away. Some interesting studies have
done in libraries. If strangers come too close, many people get up and leave the building, others use different
methods such as turning their back on the intruder. Live in cities has made people develop new skills for
dealing to situations where they are very close to strangers. Most people on so crowded trains try not to look
at strangers; they avoid skin contract, and apologize if hands touch by mistake. People use newspapers as a
barrier among themselves and other people, and if they do not have one, they stare into the distance, making
sure they are not looking into anyone’s eyes.

Question I. Choose the best answer from the four options to complete each of the numbered blanks in the
following passage. Write your answer in the right box below. (10 pts)
When Pamela Jarrett left university to become a primary school teacher, It was by no (51)……………
easy to find a job. She therefore decided to go abroad as a volunteer teacher for a year. When she realized she
would be teaching deaf and blind children, she was a (52)……………taken aback. But after a month's
training she felt more confident that she would be able to cope with the situation. The basic living conditions
also (53)……………as something of a shock.
Pamela's school was situated in a remote Ethiopian village, where her accommodation (54)………of
one room and a shared bathroom. Not only was the space cramped, but there was no electricity, Internet or
telephone access, so she felt totally cut (55)……………from the outside world. Now back home in Britain,
Pamela has used her (56)……………experience to set up a similar school for the deaf and blind which has
made a huge (57)……………to dozens of children who would(58)…………find themselves struggling to
learn. She is now concentrating her efforts on (59)……………her school to cater for children with other
learning difficulties, too. It seems as if the more people get to know her, the (60)……………the demand is
for her skills.
51. A. means B. extent C. ways D. account
52. A. rather B. quite C. little D. somewhat
53. A. appeared B. came C. proved D. arrived
54. A. combined B. consisted C. contained D. composed
55. A. down B. away C.out
56. A. worthy B. valuable C. priceless D. precious
57. A. contrast B. difference C. change D. transformation
58. A. furthermore B. nonetheless C. otherwise D. however
59. A. growing B. widening C. expanding D. stretching
60. A. greater B. larger C. steeper D. taller
Question II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in
each gap. (10 pts)
Although the rise in the global temperature by 4 per cent predicted by many scientists may not sound
like much, it is the difference (61)………. now and the last Ice Age, when huge glaciers covered Europe and
most of Britain. Nobody knows exactly what would happen in a warmer world, but we do know some
things. Heat a kettle and the water inside it expands. The (62) ………….. of the world has climbed more than
half a degree this century, and the oceans have (63) …………by at least 10 cm.
But (64) …………….as it takes several minutes for a kettle to begin warming, So it may have taken
the ocean thirty years to swell. This (65) ………….that the global warming we are now experiencing is a
result only of the carbon dioxide we have dumped into the atmosphere up to the 1960s. Since then, the use of
fossil fuels has increased rapidly.
Scientists (66) ………for the United nations and European governments have been warning that what
the Dutch and the people of East Anglia will need to do will be to build more extensive sea defenses. Many
of the world's great cities are (67) ………risk, because they are located at sea level. Miami, (68)
……………entirely built on a sandbank, could be swept (69)………….. But the effect of rising sea levels
will be much worse for the developing countries. With a meter rise in sea levels, 200 million could become
There are other fears too, (70) ………… a recent United Nations report. The plight of the hungry
in northern Africa could worsen, as rainfall in the Sahara and beyond is reduced by 20 per cent.

Question III. Read the passage and choose the best answers to each question bellow. ( 10 pts )
A pioneering study by Donald Appleyard made the astounding discovery that a sudden increase
in the volume of traffic through an area affects people in the way that a sudden increase in crime does.
Appleyard observed this by finding three blocks of houses in San Francisco that looked much alike and
had the same kind of middle-class and working-class residents, with approximately the same ethnic
mix. The difference was that only 2,000 cars a day ran down Octavia Street (LIGHT street, in
Appleyard’s terminology) while Gough Street (MEDIUM street) was used by 8,000 cars daily, and
Franklin Street (HEAVY street) had around 16,000 cars a day. Franklin Street often had as many cars
in an hour as Octavia had in a day.
Heavy traffic brought with it danger, noise, fumes and soot, directly, and trash secondarily. That
is, the cars didn’t bring in much trash, but when trash accumulated, residents seldom picked it up. The
cars, Appleyard determined, reduced the amount of territory residents felt responsible for. Noise was a
constant intrusion into their homes. Many Franklin Street residents covered their doors and windows
and spent most of their time in the rear of their houses. Most families with children had already left.
Conditions on Octavia Street were much different. Residents picked up trash. They sat on their front
steps and chatted with neighbors. They had three times as many friends and twice as many
acquaintances as the people on Franklin.
On Gough Street, residents said that the old feeling of community was disappearing as traffic
increased. People were becoming more and more preoccupied with their own lives. A number of
families had recently moved and more were considering. Those who were staying expressed deep
regret at the destruction of their community.
71.The word “astounding” in line 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. startling B. disappointing C. dubious D. alternative
72.The three streets mentioned in this passage are different in that __________.
A. they are in different cities. B. the residents are of different ethnic backgrounds.
C. they have varying amounts of traffic. D. the income levels of the residents vary considerably.
73.Approximately how many cars used Franklin Street daily?
A. 2,000 B. 8,000 C. 16,000 D. 20,000
74.All of the following are direct results of heavy traffic EXCEPT __________.
A. increased amount of trash B. greater danger to residents
C. more pollution D. more vibrations
75.The author’s main purpose in the second paragraph is to __________.
A. discuss the problem of trash disposal B. point out the disadvantage of heavy traffic
C. propose an alternate system of transportation D. suggest ways to cope with traffic problems
76.On which street was there the most social interaction?
A. Octavia Street B. Gough Street
C. Franklin Street D. There was no significance social interaction on any of the three streets
77. The word “chatted” in line 17 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. joked B. talked C. argued D. walked
78. Which of the following is NOT a statement you would expect from a resident of Gough Street?
A. People on this street are unhappy because the neighborhood is deteriorating.
B. People on this street think mostly of themselves.
C. People on this street have more and more space for which they feel responsible.
D. A number of people are preparing to leave this street.
79. In what order does the author present detailed discussions of the three streets?
80. What is the writer’s attitude toward heavy traffic when he mentions the Appleyard’s study?
A. neutral B. favorable C. critical D. doubtful
Question I . Rewrite these sentences so that the new one has a similar meaning as the sentence preceded.
(5 pts)
81. Although I tried hard, I couldn’t lift the suitcase.
-> Try as……………………………………………………………..
82. The film didn’t come up to my expectations.
-> The film fell ………………………………………………………..
83. Immediately after his appointment to the post, the new editor fell ill.
-> No sooner…………………………………………………………………
84. When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment.
-> On..........................................................................................................
85. There are no problems of communication between members of the same social class
-> It is easy………………………………………………………………………...
Question II: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. Do not change the form of the given word. (5 pts)
86. It was a bad idea to turn up unexpectedly without calling first. (BLUE)
->You should…………………………………………………without calling first.
87. I couldn't stop thinking about the exam despite playing badminton with Mary. (MIND)
->Playing badminton with Mary didn't…………………………………. the exam.
88. The accident wasn't his fault. (BLAME)
-> He……………………………………………………………..
89. It is difficult for him to bring up a family when he is unemployed . (PICNIC)
-> It is………………………………………………………………………

90. Who gave you my name and address? (TOUCH)

-> Who………………………………………………………………………….
Question III: (10 pts)
It is widely believed by a greater and greater number of adults that: “ Unconsciously, teenagers are
wasting their time and health on social-networking”.
What do you think of the idea? Write a paragraph about 150 words to express your opinion about the

… The end …

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