Donnelly Et Al. - 2009 - Does KDR Genotype Predict Insecticide-Resistance Phenotype in Mosquitoes

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Does kdr genotype predict insecticide-

resistance phenotype in mosquitoes?
Martin J. Donnelly1, Vincent Corbel2, David Weetman1, Craig S. Wilding1,
Martin S. Williamson3 and William C. Black IV4
Vector Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, L3 5QA, UK
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, 01 BP 4414 RP, Cotonou, Benin
Department of Biological Chemistry, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, AL5 2JQ, UK
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1682, USA

Several groups are developing and applying DNA-based strains from Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire. A second
technologies to monitor insecticide-based disease con- mutation, a leucine–serine substitution at the same codon
trol programmes. However, several recent papers have (L1014S), was identified in a colony from Kenya [6]. The
concluded that the knockdown resistance (kdr) geno- L1014F mutation has been observed in both M and S
type–phenotype correlation that is observed in a wide molecular forms of An. gambiae s.s., whereas the
variety of taxa might not hold in all mosquitoes. In this
article, we review the evidence to support this putative Glossary
breakdown and argue that the conclusion follows from Allele-specific PCR: a polymerase chain reaction in which amplification
unreliable data or the unparsimonious interpretation of depends upon the exact match of a primer to the DNA sequence of only one
data. We assert that the link between kdr genotype and of two or more alleles of interest, thus resulting in amplification of products
that are specific to particular alleles.
DDT- and pyrethroid-susceptibility phenotype is clear. Heritable variation: proportion of the variability in a phenotype that is
However, we emphasize that kdr genotype might transmitted across generations; primarily, this will be DNA sequence variation
but might sometimes represent non-genetic variation – for example, in
explain only a portion of heritable variation in resistance
mechanisms that regulate gene expression.
and that diagnostic assays to test the importance of LOD value: an acronym for logarithmic (base 10) odds. In QTL analysis, an
other resistance mechanisms in field populations are estimate of the strength of the association between a genotype (QTL) and a
trait of interest compared with null hypothesis of no QTLs by phenotype
required. association. A LOD score of 3 (1 in 1000) is often used as the significance level.
Metabolic resistance: partial or complete resistance to the harmful effects of
Resistance to DDT and pyrethroid insecticides insecticides or other alien compounds provided by detoxifying enzymes, of
which cytochrome P450 monooxygenases are a well-known superfamily that is
Knockdown resistance (kdr) is one of the two major forms of
important in both insects and humans.
resistance to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and Multigenic: involving the action, and potentially interaction, of multiple genes.
pyrethroid insecticides. The other major type of resistance, Non-synonymous mutation: a mutation in an exon of a protein-coding gene
coding that results in a change in the amino acid. Synonymous mutations do
termed ‘metabolic resistance’ (see Glossary), usually
not result in modification to the sequence of amino acids.
results from enhanced expression of detoxification Odds ratio: a measure of effect size commonly used in association studies,
enzymes (for a review, see Ref. [1]). Knockdown resistance which can be calculated as p1q2  p2q1, where p and q are the frequencies of
two alleles at a locus (e.g. kdr1014F and kdr1014S) and 1 and 2 are the
to DDT and pyrethroids has long been associated with comparison groups (e.g. insecticide resistant and susceptible).
mutations in the sodium-channel gene, the target of these Parsimonious interpretation: preference for the least complex explanation for
insecticides. Two recent papers have reviewed the numer- an observation (i.e. that requiring the fewest unproven caveats or assump-
ous studies that show a clear association between a small Penetrance: the proportion of individuals carrying a particular variation of a
number of non-synonymous mutations in the voltage-gated gene that also express an associated phenotype trait of interest; thus, genetic
sodium channel and resistance phenotype in a diverse variants carrying a high risk of susceptibility to a particular disease or
resistance to a particular insecticide have high penetrance for that trait.
array of taxa [2,3]. Furthermore, using in vitro expression Phylogenetically common: found across a wide range of taxa.
systems in Xenopus oocytes, it has been possible to demon- Post-transcriptional modification of RNA: changes to RNA transcripts before
strate that these mutations confer sodium-channel insen- formation of mature messenger RNA (mRNA), which is translated into amino
acids (e.g. the removal of non-coding introns, thus retaining only the coding
sitivity to DDT and pyrethroids [3]. From a public health exonic regions in the mature mRNA for translation into amino acids).
perspective, the presence of kdr in vector populations could Quantitative trait locus (QTL): a stretch of DNA that co-varies with genetic
have severe consequences for the sustainable use of pyr- variants that generate variation in the phenotype of interest. QTL studies
typically involve the crossing of strains that differ markedly in a particular
ethroids and, also, DDT, given its recent re-emergence as phenotype of interest to produce a hybrid generation, with subsequent
an insecticide for anti-malaria programmes [4]. crossing back into one of the strains; the more generations of crossing are
made, the more that recombination will occur and the shorter the resulting QTL
In Anopheles gambiae s.s., the African malaria vector, region will be.
two point mutations in the voltage-gated sodium-channel RNA editing: a special case of post-transcriptional modification of RNA
gene confer kdr to DDT and pyrethroid insecticides. Mar- involving one or more changes in the base composition of an mRNA molecule,
such that the information in the mRNA differs from that of the DNA from which
tinez-Torres et al. [5] identified a leucine–phenylalanine it was transcribed, often resulting in translation into a different amino acid.
substitution at position 1014 (L1014F) of the gene in Reverse transcription PCR: a reaction in which single-stranded RNA is first
converted to its double-stranded DNA complement (cDNA), which is then PCR
Corresponding author: Donnelly, M.J. (

1471-4922/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/ 213
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Opinion Trends in Parasitology Vol.25 No.5

L1014S substitution has been reported only in the S mol- There are two distinct sets of data that are used to
ecular form [7]. More recently, both of these mutations dispute the genotype–phenotype link [19]. The first chal-
have been observed in the sister taxa Anopheles arabiensis lenge arises from a series of papers [20–22] that present
[8,9]. data interpreted as evidence for post-transcriptional modi-
The association between these mutations and the pyre- fications of RNA. The second challenge to the link is posed
throid and/or DDT-resistance phenotype in An. gambiae s.s. by a pair of studies on An. arabiensis that observed no
has been shown in several studies using quantitative trait correlation between kdr genotype, as determined by allele-
loci (QTL) [10] and genotype–phenotype association specific PCR (AS-PCR), and resistance phenotype, as
approaches [11–15]. In the first article, which describes determined by WHO tube bioassay [23,24]. Through a
kdr mutations in An. gambiae, Martinez-Torres et al. [5] careful examination of the two sets of data, we have shown
have shown that in seven samples from West Africa, the that there is, at present, insufficient evidence to draw into
frequency of the L1014F allele correlated strongly with question the causal association between kdr genotype and
reduced mortality in a permethrin-World Health Organiz- pyrethroid and/or DDT-resistance phenotype, and we can
ation (WHO) tube test. Furthermore, by mixing different unequivocally state that the kdr genotype is an important –
proportions of wild-type homozygotes and wild-type/L1014F although, certainly, not necessarily the only – predictor of
heterozygotes, Chandre et al. [12] were able to show a strong resistance phenotype.
correlation between the frequency of heterozygotes and
knockdown time. These authors suggested that time to Evidence for post-transcriptional modifications of RNA
knockdown might be a more sensitive discriminator of in the Culicidae?
kdr genotypes, in that it increased markedly before any In a series of papers, Liu and colleagues present data that
change in mortality rates was observed [12]. Ranson et al. is interpreted as evidence for post-transcriptional modifi-
[6,10] also demonstrated clear linkage between inheritance cation of pre-mRNA (precursor mRNA) coding for the
of the L1014S mutation and permethrin resistance. voltage-gated sodium channel in Musca domestica, Blat-
Simulated field trials of insecticide-treated bed nets tella germanica, Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes albo-
(ITNs) in Côte d’Ivoire showed that kdr had a strong pictus [20–22]. Pre-mRNA represents the first step in the
impact on the efficacy of nets treated with either of the transcription process, through which the mRNA (mRNA) is
pyrethroids a-cypermethrin and etofenprox; L1014F produced from the coding DNA sequence. Pre-mRNA is
homozygotes showed a survival advantage [16,17]. The produced in the cell nucleus and maintains the intron–exon
same trend was noted in Burkina Faso, where the protec- structure seen in the DNA copy (Figure 1). Introns are then
tive effect of permethrin-treated plastic sheeting was removed from the pre-mRNA to produce the mRNA, which
apparent against susceptible genotypes but not against is transported out of the nucleus to the cytoplasm where
kdr homozygotes [18]. Similarly, in Benin, low mortality of translation (the production of the protein) occurs. Post-
An. gambiae L1014F homozygotes was observed after transcriptional modification of the pre-mRNA sequence
exposure to permethrin-treated nets [14]. could mean that the translated protein sequence is not

Figure 1. The in vivo processes by which DNA is translated into protein through an RNA intermediate, and the in vitro techniques used to sequence mRNA and DNA. The
left-hand panel shows how single-stranded RNA is transcribed from double-stranded genomic DNA by RNA polymerase, after which the introns are spliced out to produce
the mRNA that is used as the template for protein synthesis. The start and stop sites for protein translation are marked. The right-hand panel demonstrates how an RNA-
editing event would be detected by in vitro PCR-based methods through a discordance between genomic DNA and mRNA sequences. There is a need for an intermediate
step in the sequencing of mRNA to produce a double-stranded template (cDNA). The lightening strike symbol indicates where the contamination of Aedes gDNA with Culex
cDNA is likely to have occurred (Figure 2).

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Opinion Trends in Parasitology Vol.25 No.5

that predicted from the coding DNA sequence. Liu and

colleagues observed that, although they were unable to
detect correlation between kdr genotype and levels of
susceptibility, a correlation was found when they
examined expression of kdr alleles (as determined by
reverse transcription PCR) and levels of susceptibility
[20–22]. Such a discrepancy could be explained by post-
transcriptional modification.
There is certainly evidence that post-transcriptional
modification of pre-mRNA can occur. One phylogenetically
common example is the chemical conversion of adenosine
to inosine (A to I) [25,26]. The translating ribosome then
recognizes the inosine as guanosine and, therefore, a
different amino acid might be incorporated into the protein
than that predicted from the genomic DNA (gDNA)
sequence [26]. Ten A-to-I editing sites have been observed
in the para voltage-gated sodium channel in Drosophila
melanogaster [25]. Although this A-to-I editing event
seems to be the most common in terms of the number of
taxa in which it is observed, other changes have been
observed. Uracil to cytidine (U-to-C) editing has been
observed in sodium channels of both D. melanogaster
and B. germanica and was associated with persistent
current in tetrodoxin-sensitive sodium channels [27,28],
although (at most) only 3.2% of the transcripts were edited
[28]. So, although the phenomenon of RNA editing is well
established, what is novel about the data from Liu and
colleagues is that the RNA edits they observe are both
unique (uracil to adenosine, cytidine to uracil and guani-
dine to cytidine) and extremely frequent, to the extent that
Figure 2. Knockdown, recovery and survival rates as a function of genotypes at the
in some instances, none of the transcripts they examined para 1106 locus in Aedes aegypti. Genotypes are from F3 offspring of Val1016 and
had the same sequence as the gDNA from which they were Iso1016 homozygous P1 parents. Val1016 is the wild-type allele inherited from the
transcribed [20–22]. The approach taken to investigate susceptible P1 parent, and the Iso1016 allele was inherited from the resistant P1
parent. Three-day-old F3 adults were exposed to 1.2 mg permethrin per bottle for
potential RNA-editing events in all three studies is essen- one hour, and adults still flying were classified as knockdown resistant (kdr).
tially the same [20–22] (Figure 1). DNA and total RNA was Knocked-down mosquitoes were removed from the bottle and transferred to the
extracted from pools of five insects, from colonies of known insectary, and 4 h later, flying and crawling mosquitoes were recorded as
recovered. The remaining mosquitoes were scored as dead. (a) Knockdown rate
phenotype. PCR amplification of the region of the sodium (1-(knocked down  all F3 offspring)). (b) Recovery rate (number recovered 
channel that contains the kdr 1014 codon was undertaken (number recovered or dead)). (c) Survival rate (number kdr or recovered  all F3
offspring). Solid lines, females; dashed lines, males. Data from Ref. [38].
on genomic DNA, whereas RNA was amplified after a
reverse-transcription step to form complementary DNA
(cDNA). The genotype at the 1014 locus was then screened. albopictus. However, as predicted by Davies et al. [29], the
To prevent amplification of gDNA in the cDNA reactions, codon usage at the 1014 location (CTA) means that, for a
Liu and colleagues designed primers that spanned intron– 1014F kdr allele to occur at this codon, two point mutations
exon boundaries, but then (curiously) reported that there would be required. As demonstrated by Saavedra-Rodri-
were no intronic regions in any of the four diverse taxa they guez et al. [30] in the closely related taxa Aedes aegypti, the
studied. As discussed by Davies et al. [29], the para-sodium mutations associated with a kdr phenotype in Aedes occur
channel is highly conserved between species, especially at the nearby codon 1016 (Figure 2). What is striking about
with respect to exon–intron structure (although not intron the Ae. albopictus data is that the putative RNA-editing
length); Liu and colleagues do acknowledge that their data events result in restoration of the CTA codon, the codon
are at odds with previously published information but that has been observed in the gDNA of several Aedes
provide no explanation why [21]. To explain their data, species [29]. The gDNA 1014 codon sequence for Ae. albo-
the authors of Refs [20–22] would have to propose that the pictus from the strains examined is either TTA or TTT,
four diverse species showed independent loss of the same sequences that have never been observed in Aedes to date,
introns. The probability of this occurrence is very small, despite considerable research effort [29–32]. However, this
and we would argue that the observations would be better codon sequence has been observed in Culex quinquefascia-
explained by either the co-extraction of gDNA and RNA or tus, and a consensus neighbour-joining tree (Figure 3)
one (or more) contamination events of gDNA samples with nests the two gDNA sequences for Ae. albopictus within
cDNA extracts. a Culex pipiens s.l. clade. Such evidence provides compel-
Indeed, there is overwhelming evidence of a contami- ling support for the contamination hypothesis in Ae. albo-
nation event in the data presented in Ref. [20]. This paper pictus (Figure 1). We are unable to determine if this was
examines potential RNA editing at the 1014 locus in Aedes also the case in the cDNA sequences used in the study of

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Opinion Trends in Parasitology Vol.25 No.5

Figure 3. Bootstrap consensus neighbour-joining tree showing the position of the putative Aedes albopictus gDNA sequences (DQ538357; DQ538358) within the Culex
pipiens s.l. cluster. Sequence data were obtained from GenBank by performing a basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) search using sequence DQ538357. Sequences
were aligned in BioEdit [45] using the Clustal W routine and then manually truncated to 316 bp. The tree was constructed in Mega4 [46] using a Maximum Composite
Likelihood algorithm, gaps and missing data were handled by pairwise deletion, bootstrapping was performed 1000 times and nodes with <70% support were condensed.
GenBank accession numbers are given after the taxon names. Underlined taxon names are from Refs [20,22]. The sequence alignment file is available in Mega format from

RNA editing in Blatella and Musca [21] because the appro- events in the same codon in the same individual and the
priate sequences were not available in the public data- high proportion of pre-mRNA transcripts that experienced
bases. editing.
Thus contamination, rather than RNA editing, is the
cause of the discrepancy between gDNA and cDNA Dissociation of kdr genotype and insecticide-resistance
sequences. This is a far more parsimonious explanation phenotype in Anopheles arabiensis?
than invoking multiple parallel intron loss in four diverse Recently, the two kdr mutations known in An. gambiae s.s.
taxa, three novel RNA-editing changes, multiple editing (L1014F and L1014S) have been observed in the sibling

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Opinion Trends in Parasitology Vol.25 No.5

species An. arabiensis. The kdr mutations have been found [23,24]. In the study by Matambo et al. [24], a colony of An.
in An. arabiensis by independent groups in several widely arabiensis from the Sennar region of Sudan was subjected
dispersed locations: Burkina Faso [8], Tanzania [33], to 16 generations of selection by exposure to DDT. Over the
Sudan [9,23], Kenya [34] and Uganda [35]. It would be course of this selection, mortality, 24 h after a one-hour
reasonable to assume that the kdr alleles might show a exposure to 4% DDT, decreased from 90.6% to 12.1%. No
similarly high penetrance with respect to resistance phe- mortality was observed in the F16 generation after
notype, as has been observed previously [36,37]. However, exposure to 0.75% permethrin and only 24% mortality
the authors of two studies of colonized and wild-caught after exposure to a 0.05% concentration of the class-II
specimens of An. arabiensis from Sudan concluded that pyrethroid deltamethrin. Because sequencing suggested
there was no association between genotype and phenotype the L1014F mutation was at or near fixation in the F16

Figure 4. Plot of logarithmic odds (LOD) values associated with three different susceptibility-phenotype comparisons in Aedes aegypti. The three comparisons are ‘knock
down’, flies that were or were not knocked down after a one-hour exposure to permethrin; ‘survival’, those that were knocked down but did or did not recover four hours
post-exposure; and ‘3 phenotypes’, a comparison between knockdown-resistant, recovered and susceptible phenotypes. LOD scores (y axis) are given along all three
chromosomes, and the names of markers are listed along the x-axis to orient QTL positions. As an example of how a phenotype can be multigenic, the knockdown-
resistance phenotype (dotted line) is associated with two highly significant regions – one on Chromosome 3, around the sodium channel (marked ‘para’), and the other on
Chromosome 1, associated with sex locus and a cytochrome P450 (marked ‘Cyp9AE1’). Reproduced, with permission, from Ref. [38].

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Opinion Trends in Parasitology Vol.25 No.5

generation but at a low proportion in the unselected association is best understood, equating kdr with resist-
parental colony [24], a reasonable conclusion would be that ance is – at best – premature and probably misleading, and
a substantial proportion of the increase in resistance was we fully accept that the association in other mosquito
associated with the increase in kdr frequency. However, disease vector species requires further research. However,
the authors concluded that the lack of difference in the almost all evidence to date has shown a strong causal
frequency of the kdr mutation between individuals classi- relationship between kdr genotype and susceptibility to
fied as susceptible or resistant to DDT in the F16 gener- DDT and pyrethroids. As we have argued above, the papers
ation was evidence that kdr was not a predictor of that purport to show a lack of such a relationship seem to
susceptibility phenotype. Tests of association are reliant be based on flawed data and/or the unparsimonious
upon underlying variation in genotype, which was absent interpretation of results.
for kdr in the F16 generation; therefore, a more appro- Attempts have been made to infer the impact of kdr on
priate conclusion would be that after 16 generations of the efficacy of ITNs and indoor residual spraying, but no
selection, some variation in resistance remained that was consensus has yet been reached [13,17,44]. Recently,
independent of kdr genotype. N’Guessan et al. [13] observed that pyrethroid control of
As discussed by Brooke [19], resistance could be multi- An. gambiae populations with low kdr frequencies (5%)
genic, and the kdr genotype might not fully explain all the was possible in North Benin but not in the southern part of
variance in phenotype. For example, in QTL mapping the the country, where An. gambiae populations showed high
genetic factors conditioning permethrin resistance in Ae. kdr frequencies (>80%). What might partially confound
aegypti, Saavedra-Rodriguez et al. [38] were able to esti- these studies is that it is not yet possible to determine the
mate the proportion of the phenotype variance in knock- role of additional resistance mechanisms, such as meta-
down that was attributable to broad genotypic effects bolic resistance. When metabolic-resistance assays are
(Figure 4). The V1016I kdr allele accounted for 58.6% of available, it will be possible to infer which resistance
variance in the knockdown phenotype, and six other QTLs mechanisms are having the greatest impact on vector
accounted for 25.5% of the remaining variance. Only 23.1% control programmes. Nevertheless, at present, as demon-
of the variance in eventual survival was accounted for by strated by Sharp et al. [15], kdr screening is our best
the V1016I allele, and 13.7% was accounted for by three molecular diagnostic tool for predicting pyrethroid and
additional QTLs. DDT efficacy.
In a second article, by Abdalla et al. [23], no significant
difference (x2 test p>0.05) was observed between the fre- Acknowledgements
We are grateful for the constructive comments of Amy Lynd, Raphael
quency of the L1014F mutation in wild-caught Sudanese N’Guessan and Hilary Ranson.
specimens that were killed by, or survived, a standard
WHO exposure to DDT or permethrin (see Table 4 in References
Ref. [23]). However, this analysis is confounded by the 1 Hemingway, J. and Ranson, H. (2000) Insecticide resistance in insect
AS-PCR method that was used to genotype the specimens. vectors of human disease. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 45, 371–391
2 Soderlund, D.M. and Knipple, D.C. (2003) The molecular biology of
Our own experience, and that of several other authors,
knockdown resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. Insect Biochem. Mol.
suggests that the AS-PCR method of genotyping can be Biol. 33, 563–577
somewhat inaccurate compared to sequencing [39–41]; this 3 Davies, T.G.E. et al. (2007) DDT, pyrethrins, pyrethroids and insect
is borne out to an extreme extent in the study in question, sodium channels. IUBMB Life 59, 151–162
in which an error rate of 57% is reported (see Table 3 in Ref. 4 Schapira, A. (2006) DDT: a polluted debate in malaria control. Lancet
368, 2111–2113
[23]), yielding a genotyping accuracy indistinguishable
5 Martinez-Torres, D. et al. (1998) Molecular characterization of
from that expected by chance. Genotype–phenotype associ- pyrethroid knockdown resistance (kdr) in the major malaria vector
ation tests are obviously reliant upon accurate allele scor- Anopheles gambiae s.s. Insect Mol. Biol. 7, 179–184
ing, and there are now several new assays available, based 6 Ranson, H. et al. (2000) Identification of a point mutation in the
upon a variety of platforms, that have been shown to voltage-gated sodium channel gene of Kenyan Anopheles gambiae
associated with resistance to DDT and pyrethroids. Insect Mol.
improve sensitivity and specificity [40]. Abdalla et al. Biol. 9, 491–497
[23] performed tests of genotype–phenotype association 7 Santolamazza, F. et al. (2008) Distribution of knock-down resistance
on the 14 sequenced specimens and concluded that there mutations in Anopheles gambiae molecular forms in west and west-
was no relationship with the insecticide bioassay. A test central Africa. Malar. J. 7, e74
with such a small sample size would require a very strong 8 Diabate, A. et al. (2004) The spread of the Leu-Phe kdr mutation
through Anopheles gambiae complex in Burkina Faso: genetic
association (odds ratio  9) to detect significance at a level introgression and de novo phenomena. Trop. Med. Int. Health 9,
of P<0.05. In fact, based on the sequencing data presented, 1267–1273
sample sizes of <50 resistant and susceptible individuals 9 Himeidan, Y.E. et al. (2007) Short report: permethrin and DDT
(fewer than screened by AS-PCR by Abdalla et al.) would resistance in the malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis from eastern
Sudan. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 77, 1066–1068
have yielded a significant association between the
10 Ranson, H. et al. (2004) Genetic mapping of genes conferring
kdr1014F allele and insecticide resistance at P<0.05 (odds permethrin resistance in the malaria vector. Anopheles gambiae.
ratio = 2.6) [42,43]. Insect Mol. Biol. 13, 379–386
11 Reimer, L. et al. (2008) Relationship between kdr mutation and
Concluding remarks resistance to pyrethroid and DDT insecticides in natural
populations of Anopheles gambiae. J. Med. Entomol. 45, 260–266
It is certainly not our intention here to contend that kdr
12 Chandre, F. et al. (2000) Modifications of pyrethroid effects associated
genotyping is the only predictor of susceptibility to DDT with kdr mutation in Anopheles gambiae. Med. Vet. Entomol. 14,
and pyrethroids. Indeed, even in An. gambiae, in which the 81–88

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Opinion Trends in Parasitology Vol.25 No.5

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