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Time Machine Chapters 3 and 4

1. What does the time machine look like in the beginning of

the chapter?

2. What does time traveling feel like according to the

speaker? Give me some examples from the book.

3. How fast was the machine travelling?

4. Why was the Time Traveler afraid of stopping the time


5. What was the weather like when the Time Traveler


6. The Time Traveler met a group of “people”. What did they

look like?
7. Where did they think the time Traveler had come from?
Time Machine Chapters 3 and 4

8. Was the “People’s” society new and clean or old and dirty?
Why, do you think?

9. Are men and women different in the future? What reasons

does the Time Traveler give for this?

10.What explanation does the Traveler give for the short

stature and low intelligence of the future “People”?

11. Essay question: The late Victorian period was a time of great
technical progress and social stability. Many people thought that
progress was inevitable and good. Here, Wells suggests that progress
can go in many different directions, and that if too much progress is
made, if humans get too comfortable, they might get soft. Now that
Time Machine Chapters 3 and 4
you are living 130 years in the future of when this book was written
and you are living with new technologies – would you agree with this
theory that too much technology can make us too soft and lazy?
Defend your answer with examples.

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