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Final Term English Grade 5

School Name: Govt. Model Middle School Rukkan Hatti (EMIS: 36120041) - (A)

Q. No.1 : c Q. No.2 : c Q. No.3 : a

Q. No.4 : b Q. No.5 : a Q. No.6 : a

Q. No.7 : b Q. No.8 : c Q. No.9 : d

Q. No.10 : b Q. No.11 : c Q. No.12 : a

Q. No.13 : a Q. No.14 : c Q. No.15 : c

Q. No.16 : b Q. No.17 : b Q. No.18 : b

Q. No.19 : a Q. No.20 : a Q. No.21 : c

Q. No.22 : b Q. No.23 : c Q. No.24 : c

Q. No.25 : d

Question No.26:
Item Rubric (English) :
Award of Marks:

One Relevant Sentence ------------------------ Marks (2)

5 Relevant Sentences --------------------------- Marks (10)
Irrelevant content will not be marked.

Deduction of Marks:

No mark will be deducted for up to 3 mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Every four mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling will lead to a deduction of one mark from gained marks.
Capitalization errors will be included in the punctuation errors.
Maximum deduction of marks of punctuation, grammar and spelling will not exceed 2 marks.

Question No.27:
Item Rubric (English) :
A good student always listens to his/her teachers. He/She is regular. He/She is punctual. He/She is hard working. He/She is obedient. He/She is
always careful about his/her work. He/She keeps the class clean. He/She is disciplined.
Award of Marks:

One Relevant Sentence ------------------------ Marks (2)

5 Relevant Sentences --------------------------- Marks (10)
Irrelevant content will not be marked.

Deduction of Marks:

No mark will be deducted for up to 3 mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Every four mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling will lead to a deduction of one mark from gained marks. Capitalization errors will be
included in the punctuation errors.
Maximum deduction of marks of punctuation, grammar and spelling will not exceed 2 marks.

Question No.28:
Item Rubric (English) :
Sample Answer:
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
February 18, 2024.
Dear sir,
I hope you are doing well. I am writing to let you know about a problem faced by poor students like me. In the winter season, everyone wants to be
safe from the cold. Due to the low income of my father, I and many other students like me are unable to buy uniform jackets and uppers. I want to
request you to relax this school rule for the students like me. So that we could carry on our studies without facing this problem. We will wait for the
Yours sincerely,
Award of Marks:

Correction of two errors of layout ----------------------------- Marks (2)

Correction of two errors of punctuation ---------------------- Marks (2)
Correction of two errors of capitalization -------------------- Marks (2)
Correction of two errors of spelling --------------------------- Marks (2)

Question No.29:
Item Rubric (English) :
There lived an elephant in a village. He used to take bath in the river daily. On the way to the river, he passed a tailor’s shop. The tailor gave him
something to eat. The two became good friends. One day the tailor had a quarrel with a customer. So he was not in a good mood. The elephant didn’t
know about the quarrel. He put his trunk inside the shop expecting to get something to eat. The tailor instead of giving him something to eat pricked
a needle into his trunk. The elephant was shocked. He went to the river and filled his truck with muddy water. He threw the muddy water on the new
clothes in the shop. All the clothes were destroyed. The tailor had to bear heavy losses. The tailor promised himself never to punish anyone who was
not at fault.
Moral: “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

Award of Marks:
1. Title:

If students clearly understand and write down the title correctly- Marks (2)
The partially relevant title will be awarded- Mark (1)

2. Characterization:

Main characters in action with adjectives i.e. boy coming from school, wet dog etc- Marks (2)
Main characters with action but no adjectives- Mark (1)
It is hard to tell who the main characters are- Mark (0)

3. Setting:

When and where the story took place. i.e. garden, etc.- Marks (2)
Only one detail is provided i.e. when or where the story took place- Marks (1)
No context- Mark (0)

4. Sequence:

The story is very well organized. One idea or scene leads to another with clear transitions and a twist- Marks (2)
Two events are organized in sequence- Mark (1)
Statements follow each other without sequence- Mark (0)

5. Moral of the Story:

Completely relevant to the story- Marks (2)

Partially Relevant, Related to the story. A descriptive but no clear indication of the moral e.g. We should help others- Mark (1)
Completely irrelevant to the story- Mark (0)

Deduction of marks:

No mark will be deducted for up to 3 mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Every four mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling will lead to a deduction of one mark from the gained marks.
Capitalization errors will be included in the punctuation errors.
Maximum deduction of marks of punctuation, grammar and spelling will not exceed 2 marks.

Question No.30:
Item Rubric (English) :
Reading Instructions for the Teacher

Call the students one by one.

Ask the students to read any two sentences from the given “Paragraph for Reading”.

Award of Marks:

Each sentence carries 2 marks.

Award 2 marks for each sentence if the child reads it correctly.
Award 1 mark for each sentence if the child reads it with mistakes.
Award 0 marks if the child is unable to read it.

Deduction of Marks

No deduction of marks for three pronunciation mistakes.

Deduct 1 mark for four pronunciation mistakes.

Question No.31:
Item Rubric (English) :

Listening and Speaking Instructions for the Teacher

The listening and speaking test will be conducted in groups one by one.
Ask the students to read all the questions given in "Instructions for the Students" before reading the paragraph.
Divide the class into groups with an equal number of students. Preferably make groups of 4 to 5 students.
Read the following paragraph twice in front of the students for each group.
Call the students one by one.
Ask two questions from each student.
Shuffle the questions for each student.
Make sure not to repeat questions for two consecutive students.
Guide the students to answers each question in complete sentence form.

Paragraph Text for the Teacher

Black and white stripes printed on the road are called zebra crossings. It is important for road safety. It helps people cross the road safely. The Zebra
crossing name is taken from zebra animal because the color of the zebra is also black and white stripes. Zebra crossing was first started on 31st
October 1951 in Britain. Zebra crossing should be used only when the signal is green for pedestrians. Never pass the vehicle to the zebra crossing
when the signal is red for the vehicle. Doing this is a punishable offense. On the road without zebra crossing, we should not cross the road from there.

Question Group 1:
Q1. What is ‘Zebra Crossing’? Marks (04)
Q2. Should a pedestrian cross the ‘Zebra Crossing’ when the signal is red? Marks (04)
Q3. In which country ‘Zebra Crossing’ was started? Marks (04)
Question Group 2:
Q1. What is the use of ‘Zebra Crossing’? Marks (04)
Q2. In which year ‘Zebra Crossing’ was used first? Marks (04)
Q3. Should a vehicle cross the ‘Zebra Crossing’ when the traffic signal is red? Marks (04)

Sample Answers
Question Group 1
Q. 1. Black and white stripes printed on the road are called zebra crossings.
Q. 2. No, a pedestrian should not cross the ‘Zebra Crossing’ when the signal is red for ‘Zebra Crossing’.
Q. 3. Zebra crossing was first started in Britain.
Question Group 2
Q. 1. ‘Zebra Crossing’ helps people cross the road safely.
Q. 2. ‘Zebra Crossing’ was first started on 31st October 1951.
Q. 3. No. a vehicle should not cross the ‘Zebra Crossing’ when the traffic signal is red.

Award of marks:
For each question:

Correct Answer in complete sentence form, award 4 marks

The partially correct answer in complete sentence form, award 3 marks
Correct Answer only (no proper sentence), award 2 Marks
Partially correct answer only (no proper sentence), award 1 Mark.

Note: Make an award list according to the given sample and record the results for both reading and listening and speaking questions on that

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