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The Schrodinger . . .

Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . . Wolkite University
Angular . . .
College of Natural and
Computational sciences

Home Page Department of Physics

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December 26, 2022


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1. Preminaries
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • Quantum mechanics was formulated in two different ways by Schrodinger
The Harmonic . . . and Heisenberg.
Angular . . .
• Schrodingers wave mechanics and Heisenbergs matrix mechanics
are the representations of the general formalism of quantum me-
chanics in continuous and discrete basis systems, respectively.

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• What is observable?

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• An observable is a dynamical variable(physical quantities) that can
be measured.
• In classical mechanics observables such as position, momentum ,
J I energy etc are represented by ordinary variables, while in quantum
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mechanics observables are represented by operators.

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• What is operator?

Full Screen • An operator is a mathematical rule that transforms a given function

into another function.
• Or a mathematical rule that when applied to a ket |Ψi transforms it
into another ket |Ψ0 i of the same space and when it acts on a brahΨ|
transforms it into another hΨ0 |.
• A hatˆover a symbol in the language of quantum theory indicates
The Schrodinger . . . that the symbol is mathematically an operator.
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
1.1. Dirac Notation(Bra, Ket)
• The physical state of a system is represented in quantum mechan-
ics by elements of a Hilbert space; these elements are called state
vectors(wave function).
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• To manipulate the formalism of quantum mechanics with ease and
Title Page clarity, Dirac introduced the concepts of kets, bras, and bra-kets.

JJ II • Dirac denoted the state vector Ψ by the symbol|Ψi, which he called

a ket vector, or simply a ket Ψ.
• To every ket vector |Ψi, there exists a unique bra vectorhΨ| and vice
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• Or the bra vector corresponding to |Ψi is defined by hΨ|.
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• In quantum mechanics kets are represented by column matrices,
Close bras by row matrices and operators by square or rectangular matri-

• Dirac denoted the scalar(inner) product by the symbol h|i, which he

called a bra-ket.
• For example the inner product of hα| and |βi denoted by hα|βi is a
The Schrodinger . . . scalar quantity.
Probability and . . .
• In quantum mechanics, since the scalar product is a complex num-
The Harmonic . . .
ber, the ordering matters a lot.
Angular . . .

• We must be careful to distinguish a scalar product from its complex

6 hβ|αi, but hα|βi = hβ|αi∗
conjugate; hα|βi =

• An operator always acts on a ket from the left side and acts on a bra
Home Page from the right side.
Title Page • There are also illegal products: such as |αiÂ, Âhα|.
JJ II • If |αi and |βi belong to the same vector space, products of the type
|βi|αi and hα|hβ| are forbidden.

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• They are neither kets, nor bras, nor operators, they have no mathe-
matical or physical meaning.
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• If |αi and |βi belong, however, to different vector spaces (e.g., |αi
Full Screen belongs to a spin space and |βi to an orbital angular
N momentum
space), then the product |αi |βi, written as |αi |βi, represents a
tensor product of |αi and |βi.
1.2. Orthogonal, Normalized and Orthonormal States
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • Two kets,|Ψ1 i and |Ψ2 i, are said to be orthogonal if they have a van-
The Harmonic . . . ishing scalar product
Angular . . .
hΨ1 |Ψ2 i = 0. (1)

• A vector |Ψ1 i or |Ψ2 iis called normalized if,

hΨ1 |Ψ1 i = 1 or hΨ2 |Ψ2 i = 1 (2)

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• Two kets,|Ψ1 i and |Ψ2 i, are said to be orthonormal if they are orthog-
Title Page onal and if each one of them has a unit norm
hΨ1 |Ψ2 i = 0, hΨ1 |Ψ1 i = 1, hΨ2 |Ψ2 i = 1, ⇒ hΨ1 |Ψ2 i = δnm . (3)
where the Kronecker delta symbol is defined by
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δnm = 1 if n = m
Go Back (4)
6 m.
0 if n =
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• The outer product of |Ψ1 i and |Ψ2 i denoted by |Ψ1 ihΨ2 | is an opera-
1.3. Products of operators
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • The product of two operators is generally not commutative:
The Harmonic . . . ÂB̂ 6= B̂ Â (5)
Angular . . .
• The product of operators is, however, associative:
ÂB̂ Ĉ = Â(B̂ Ĉ) = (ÂB̂)Ĉ (6)

• When the product ÂB̂ operates on a ket |Ψi (the order of application
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is important), the operatorB̂ acts first on |Ψi and then  acts on the
Title Page new ket (B|Ψi):
ÂB̂|Ψi = Â(B̂|Ψi). (7)
• Similarly, when ÂB̂ Ĉ D̂ operates on a ket |Ψi, D̂ acts first, then Ĉ,
J I then B̂, and then Â.
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Go Back 1.4. Types of operators

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• Unit or identity operator: it is the operator that, when it operates on
a function leaves the function unchanged.

• In a matrix form , the identity operator is written in the form of
ˆ 1 0
I= . (8)
0 1
• While in bra-ket form, the identity operator can be written in the
The Schrodinger . . . form X
Probability and . . . Iˆ = |Ψi ihΨi |. (9)
The Harmonic . . . i

Angular . . .
• An operator  is said to be Hermitian if it is equal to its adjoint † .i.e
 = † .

• An operator  is said to be Ske-Hermitian or ant-Hermitian if  =

−† .
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• An operator P̂ is said to be a projection operator if it is Hermitian

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and equal to its own square: P̂ † = P̂ and P̂ 2 = P̂ . Example: unit
JJ II operator.


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1.5. Commutation relation

Go Back • The commutator of two operators  and B̂, denoted by [Â, B̂], is de-
fined by
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[Â, B̂] = ÂB̂ − B̂ Â, (10)
Close and the anticommutator{Â, B̂} is defined by
{Â, B̂} = [Â, B̂]+ = ÂB̂ + B̂ Â. (11)
• Two operators are said to commute if their commutator is equal to
The Schrodinger . . . zero and hence ÂB̂=B̂ Â.
Probability and . . .
• Any operator commutes with itself:
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . [Â, Â] = [B̂, B̂] = 0. (12)
Properties of commutators
Using the commutator relation Eq. (10), we can establish the follow-
ing properties:
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• Antisymmetry: [Â, B̂] =-[B̂, Â]
Title Page
• Linearity: [Â, B̂ + Ĉ + D̂ + ...]= [Â, B̂] + [Â, Ĉ + [Â, D̂] + ...
• Hermitian conjugate of a commutator: [Â, B̂]† = [B̂ † , † ]
• Distributivity: [Â, B̂ Ĉ]= [Â, B̂]Ĉ + B̂[Â, Ĉ]
Page 8 of 71 [ÂB̂, Ĉ]= Â[B̂, Ĉ] + [Â, Ĉ]B̂
Go Back • Jacobi identity: [Â, [B̂, Ĉ]]+ [B̂, [Ĉ, Â]] + [Ĉ, [Â, B̂]]=0
Full Screen • Operators commute with scalars: an operator  commutes with any
scalar b. i.e [Â, b]=0.

• Exercise:If [q̂, p̂]= i~, prove that
i, [q̂, p̂l ]= i~ ∂∂p̂p̂ ,
ii, [p̂, q̂ l ]= -i~ ∂∂q̂q̂ .
1.6. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of an Operator
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • A state vector |Ψi is said to be an eigenvector (also called an eigenket
The Harmonic . . . or eigenstate) of an operator  if the application of  to |Ψi gives
Angular . . .
Â|Ψi = a|Ψi, (13)

where a is a complex number, called an eigenvalue of Â.

• This equation is known as the eigenvalue equation, or eigenvalue

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problem, of the operator Â.
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• Its solutions yield the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Â.
• An operator has usually more than one eigenvalues and eigenstates.
• A set of eigenstate |Ψn i is said to be orthonormal if
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hΨm |Ψn i = δnm , (14)
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and complete if
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Iˆ = |Ψn ihΨn |. (15)

• Exercise:Show that the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator are real.
1.7. Pictures in Quantum Mechanics
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • The representations of wave functions and operators in quantum
The Harmonic . . . mechanics is called pictures.
Angular . . .
• The time evolution of a quantum system can be described in differ-
ent pictures (formalism).

• The commonly used pictures in quantum mechanics includes the

Schrodinger picture, Heisenberg picture, and the Interaction pic-
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Title Page
• In Schrodinger picture the states vectors depend explicitly on time,
JJ II but the operators donot; while in Heisenberg picture the operators
depend explicitly on time , but the state vectors donot.
• On the other hand, in interaction picture which also called the Dirac
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picture both the states vectors and operators evolve(depend) in time
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and this picture is intermediate between the Schrodinger and Heisen-
berg pictures.
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2. Angular Momentum
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • In classical mechanics, the angular momentum of a particle with
The Harmonic . . . momentum → −p and →

r is defined by
Angular . . .

L =→

r ×→

p = (ypz − zpy )î + (zpx − xpz )ĵ + (xpy − ypx )k̂ (16)

• The orbital angular momentum operator L̂ can be obtained by re-

placing →

p and → −
r by the corresponding operators in the position
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representation by −i~∇ and r̂ respectively
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î ĵ k̂ î ĵ k̂
JJ II L̂ = r̂ × p̂ ⇒ x̂ ŷ ẑ ⇒ −i~ x y z . (17)
∂ ∂ ∂
J I p̂x p̂y p̂z ∂x ∂y ∂z

Page 11 of 71 From this we see that

Go Back ∂ ∂
L̂x = ŷ p̂z − ẑ p̂y = −i~ ŷ − ẑ , (18)
∂z ∂y
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Close ∂ ∂
L̂y = ẑ p̂x − x̂p̂z = −i~ ẑ − x̂ , (19)
∂x ∂z
∂ ∂
L̂z = x̂p̂y − ŷ p̂x = −i~ x̂ − ŷ . (20)
∂y ∂x
• Angular momentum does not exist in a one-dimensional space.
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . L̂2 = L̂2x + L̂2y + L̂2z . (21)
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . • Eq. (21) represents square of angular momentum operator.

• We now proceed to determine the commutation relation between

the components of angular momentum operator.

• Applying the commutation relation

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[x̂, p̂x ] = [ŷ, p̂y ] = [ẑ, p̂z ] = i~, (22)

Title Page

JJ II it can be readily established that

J I [L̂x , L̂y ] = i~L̂z , (23)

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[L̂y , L̂z ] = i~L̂x , (24)

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[L̂z , L̂x ] = i~L̂y . (25)
• Derive Eqs. (23) - (25)
• They do not commute, we cannot measure them simultaneously to
arbitrary accuracy.
Exercise.Show the following commutation relations
The Schrodinger . . . i, [L̂z , L̂2x ] = i~L̂x L̂y + i~L̂y L̂x ,
Probability and . . . ii, [L̂z , L̂2y ] = −i~L̂x L̂y − i~L̂y L̂x ,
The Harmonic . . . iii, [L̂x , L̂2 ] = 0,
Angular . . . iv,[L̂y , L̂2 ] = 0,
v,[L̂z , L̂2 ] = 0.

2.1. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of the angular momen-

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tum operator
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• Since L̂2 commutes with L̂x , L̂y , and L̂z , they have common eigen-
JJ II states.
J I • Denoting the common (joint) eigenstates by | λ, mi and the eigen-
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values of L̂2 and L̂z by ~2 λ and ~m, respectively, we have

Go Back L̂2 | λ, mi = ~2 λ | λ, mi, (26)

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L̂z | λ, mi = ~m | λ, mi. (27)

• The factor ~ is introduced so that λ and m are dimensionless.


• For simplicity, we assume that these eigenstates are orthonormal:

hλ0 , m0 | λ, mi =δλ0 , λδm0 , m.
• In order to determine the values of λ and m, we introduce the raising
The Schrodinger . . . and lowering operators defined by
Probability and . . .
L̂± = L̂x ± iL̂y . (28)
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . This leads to
L̂x = (L̂+ + L̂− ), (29)
Home Page L̂y = (L̂+ − L̂− ). (30)
Title Page Hence
L̂2x = (L̂2+ + L̂+ L̂− + L̂− L̂+ + L̂2− ), (31)
J I 1
L̂2y = − (L̂2+ − L̂+ L̂− − L̂− L̂+ + L̂2− ). (32)
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Exercise: Establish the relations given by Eqs. (29) - (32).
Go Back Using Eqs. (23) - (25), one can easily obtain the following commutation
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[L̂2 , L̂± ] = 0, (33)

[L̂+ , L̂− ] = 2~L̂z , (34)

[L̂z , L̂± ] = ±~L̂± . (35)

In addition L̂+ and L̂− satisfy
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
L̂+ L̂− = L̂2x + L̂2y + ~L̂z = L̂2 − L̂2z + ~L̂z , (36)
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
L̂− L̂+ = L̂2x + L̂2y − ~L̂z = L̂2 − L̂2z − ~L̂z . (37)
These relations lead to
L̂2 = (L̂+ L̂− + L̂− L̂+ ) + L̂2z . (38)
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Title Page • Let us see how L̂± operates on | λ, mi.

JJ II • Since L̂± do not commute with L̂z , the kets | λ, mi are not eigenstates
of L̂± .

Page 15 of 71 Using Eq. (35), we have

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L̂z L̂± | λ, mi = L̂± L̂z ± ~L̂± | λ, mi = ~(m ± 1)(L̂± | λ, mi). (39)
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Close • Hence the ket L̂± | λ, mi is an eigenstates of L̂z with eigenvalues

~(m ± 1).

• Since L̂z and L̂2 commutes, (L̂± | λ, mi) must also be an eigenstate
of L̂2 .
• The eigenvalue of L̂2 when acting on L̂± | λ, mican be determined
The Schrodinger . . . by making use of Eq. (33).
Probability and . . .
• The state L̂± | λ, mi is also an eigenstate of L̂2 with eigenvalue ~2 λ.
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
L̂2 (L̂± | λ, mi) = L̂± L̂2 | λ, mi = ~2 λ(L̂± | λ, mi) (40)

• From Eqs. (39) - (40) we infer that when L̂± acts on | λ, mi, it does-
not affect the 1st quantum number λ, but it raises or lowers the 2nd
Home Page
quantum number m by one unit.

Title Page
• That is L̂± | λ, mi proportional to | λ, m ± 1i.

JJ II • One can thus write

J I L̂± | λ, mi = C± | λ, m ± 1i, (41)

Page 16 of 71 where the value of C± remains to be determined.
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• Note that, for a given eigenvalue λ of L̂2 , there exists an upper limit
Full Screen for the quantum number m.

Close • This is due to the fact that the operator L̂2 -L̂2z is positive, since the
matrix elements of L̂2 -L̂2z =L̂2x +L̂2y are ≥ 0.

• Since m has an upper limit mmax , there must exist a state | λ, mmax i
which cannot be raised further.
L̂+ | λ, mmax i = L̂+ | λ, li = 0. (42)
The Schrodinger . . .
Using this relation along with Eq. (37), we see that
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . . L̂− L̂+ | λ, li = 0 = (L̂2 − L̂2z − ~L̂z ) | λ, li = ~2 (λ − l2 − l) | λ, li = 0. (43)
Angular . . .
We immediately see that
λ = l(l + 1). (44)
Furthermore, suppose l0 is the minimum value of m. We then see that
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L̂− | λ, l0 i = 0. (45)
Title Page
Using this relation along with Eq. (36), we see that
L̂+ L̂− | λ, l0 i = (L̂2 − L̂2z + ~L̂z ) | λ, l0 i = ~2 (λ − l 2 + l0 ) | λ, l0 i = 0. (46)
From this we observe that
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Go Back
λ = l0 (l0 − 1). (47)

Full Screen Comparing Eq. (44) and Eq. (47), we obtain

Close l = −l0 (48)

l0 = l + 1 (49)
• The solution l0 = l + 1 violates our assumption that the maximum
The Schrodinger . . . value of m is l .
Probability and . . .
• We therefore take the minimum value of m to be −l.
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . • Since l0 was reached by n application of L̂− on | λ, li it follows that

l = l0 + n (50)
Combaring this with Eq. (48), we conclude that
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l= (51)
Title Page 2

JJ II • Hence l can be integer or half-integer, depending on n being even or


Page 18 of 71 Hence
1 3
l = 0, , 1, ... (52)
Go Back 2 2
Full Screen • For a given l, the values of m extends from −lto l in integer steps.
m = −l, −l + 1, ...l − 1, l (53)

• We now find it to be more convenient to denote the eigenstates of L̂2

and L̂2z by | l, mi such that
L̂2 | l, mi = ~2 l(l + 1) | l, mi, (54)
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
L̂z | l, mi = ~m | l, mi. (55)
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
We recall that one can write

L̂+ | l, mi = C+ | l, m + 1i, (56)

hm, l | L̂− = hm + 1, l | C+∗ , (57)

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Multiplying Eq. (57) and Eq. (56), one can easily obtain
Title Page
JJ II C+ = ~ l(l + 1) − m(m + 1). (58)

J I Hence p
L̂+ | l, mi = ~ l(l + 1) − m(m + 1) | l, m + 1i. (59)
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One can also establish in a similar manner that
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L̂− | l, mi = ~ l(l + 1) − m(m − 1) | l, m − 1i. (60)
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Close • For m = l, we see that L̂+ | l, li = 0 and for m = −l, we see that
L̂− | l, −li = 0
2.2. Angular momentum in spherical coordinates
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • We want to determine, in spherical coordinates the common eigen-
The Harmonic . . . functions of the operator L̂z and L̂2 .
Angular . . .
• For this, we need to rewrite L̂x , L̂y , and L̂z in spherical coordinates.
L̂ = r̂ × p̂ = (r × O) (61)
and the gradient in spherical coordinates
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∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∂
Title Page O = r̂ + θ̂ + φ̂ (62)
∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ
J I r = rr̂, (63)
Page 20 of 71 so  
~ ∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∂
Go Back
L̂ = rr̂ × (r̂ + θ̂ + φ̂ ) . (64)
i ∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ
Full Screen Since
r̂ × r̂ = 0, r̂ × θ̂ = φ̂, r̂ × φ̂ = −θ̂, (65)
we have  
Quit ~ ∂ 1 ∂
L̂ = φ̂ − θ̂ ) . (66)
i ∂θ sin θ ∂φ
• The unit vector θ̂ and φ̂ can be resolved into their cartesian compo-
The Schrodinger . . . nents
Probability and . . . θ̂ = (cos φ cos θ)i + (cos θ sin φ)j − sin θk, (67)
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . φ̂ = − sin φi + cos φj. (68)
~ ∂ 1 ∂
L̂ = (− sin φi+cos φj) − cos φ cos θi+cos θ sin φj−sin θk .
i ∂θ sin θ ∂φ
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Title Page
• We thus see that
JJ II    
~ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
L̂x = − sin φ − cos φ cot θ = ~i sin φ + cos φ cot θ .
J I i ∂θ ∂φ ∂θ ∂φ
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Go Back ~ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
L̂y = cos φ − sin φ cot θ = −~i cos φ − sin φ cot θ .
Full Screen
i ∂θ ∂φ ∂θ ∂φ

L̂z = −~i . (72)
Quit ∂φ
• The raising and lowering operators becomes
The Schrodinger . . .  
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
Probability and . . . L̂+ = i~ sin φ + cos φ cot θ − i cos φ + i sin φ cot θ (73)
∂θ ∂φ ∂θ ∂φ
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . or  
iφ ∂ ∂
L̂+ = i~e cot θ −i . (74)
∂φ ∂θ
• It can also be shown in a similar manner that
Home Page  
−iφ ∂ ∂
L̂− = i~e cot θ +i . (75)
Title Page ∂φ ∂θ
JJ II ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂2
Exercise. Show that i, L̂2 = −~2 cot θ ∂θ + sin2 θ ∂φ2
+ ∂θ2
J I Using Eqs. (70)-(72), evaluate the commutators
ii, [L̂x , L̂y ], [L̂y , L̂z ] and [L̂z , L̂x ].
Page 22 of 71
Prove the following relation
Go Back iii, [L̂z , sin(2φ)] = 2i~(sin2 φ − cos2 φ).
iv, L̂z (cos2 φ − sin2 φ + 2i sin φ cos φ) = 2~e2iφ .
Full Screen

2.3. The quantum numbers l and m

• We now seek to determine the possible values of the quantum num-

bers l and m.
• Using the eigenvalue equation
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . L̂z | l, mi = ~m | l, mi, (76)
The Harmonic . . .
one can write
Angular . . .
hφ, θ | L̂z | l, mi = ~mhφ, θ | l, mi. (77)
Using Eq. (72), we have

∂ ∂
−~i hφ, θ | l, mi = ~mhφ, θ | l, mi = −~i Υm (θ, φ) = ~mΥm
l (θ, φ), (78)
Home Page ∂φ ∂φ l
Title Page where Υm
l (θ, φ) = hφ, θ | l, mi.

• Since L̂z depends only on φ, the function Υm
l (θ, φ) is separable.
That is Υm m m
l (θ, φ)=Υl (θ)Υl (φ).
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Go Back • The solution of Eq. (78) can be written as

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l (φ) = e
, (79)
Close where the integration constant is taken to be unity.
2.4. The eigenfunctions of L̂z and L̂2
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • We seek to obtain the common eigenfunctions of L̂z and L̂2 applying
The Harmonic . . . the raising and lowering operators L̂+ and L̂− .
Angular . . .

L̂+ | l, li = 0. (80)

• Since the operators L̂z and L̂2 depend only on the angles θ and φ,
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their eigenstates depend only on θ and φ.
Title Page
• Multiplying Eq. (80) from the left by hφ, θ |, we have
hφ, θ | L̂+ | l, li = 0. (81)
Employing Eqs. (74) and (79), one can write this as
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∂ ∂ ilφ l
Go Back cot θ −i e Υl (θ) = 0. (82)
∂φ ∂θ
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∂ ilφ
Using ∂φ
e = ileilφ , we have

dΥll (θ)
Quit = l cot θdθ. (83)
Υll (θ)
It then follows that
The Schrodinger . . .
ln Υll (θ) = l ln sin θ + ln Cl = ln((sin θ)l Cl ). (84)
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . Υll (θ) = Cl (sin θ)l . (85)

• In view of this result, Υll (θ, φ) takes the form

Υll (θ, φ) = Cl (sin θ)l eilφ , (86)
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• where Cl is to be fixed using the normalization condition.
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• The normalization constant Cl can be expressed as
Cl =| C | eilφ0 . (87)
• Let us choose φ0 = π, so that
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Cl =| C | (eiπ )l = (−1)l | C | . (88)
In view of this, Eq. (86) becomes
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Υll (θ, φ) = (−1)l | C | (sin θ)l eilφ , (89)


where | C | is to be fixed using the normalization condition.

Z 2π Z π
dφ | Υll (θ, φ) |2 sin θdθ = 1. (90)
0 0
What is the explicit form of Υ00 ?
The Schrodinger . . .
Υ00 =| C |, (91)
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
so that using the normalization condition, we have
Z 2π Z π
Angular . . . 2
|C| dφ sin θdθ = 1. (92)
0 0
From this, we see that
1 2
| C |= (93)

Home Page
1 2
Title Page Υ00 = . (94)

JJ II Exercise:1. Determine the explicity form of
i,Υ11 ,
J I ii, Υ01 ,
Page 26 of 71
iii, Υ−11 ,
iv, Υ12 ,
Go Back v, Υ22 .
Full Screen

2.5. Spin angular momentum

• Elementary particles such as the electron and the proton have an in-
trinsic angular momentum called spin in addition to their extrinsic
angular momentum.
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
• The theory of spin is identical to the general theory of angular mo-
mentum by analogy with the vector angular momentum L̂.
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . • The spin is also represented by a vector operator Ŝ whose compo-
nents Ŝx , Ŝy , and Ŝz obey the commutation relations as L̂x , L̂y , and
L̂z .

Home Page
[Ŝx , Ŝy ] = i~Ŝz , (95)

Title Page
[Ŝy , Ŝz ] = i~Ŝx , (96)

J I [Ŝz , Ŝx ] = i~Ŝy . (97)

Page 27 of 71
Ŝ 2 | s, ms i = ~2 s(s + 1) | s, ms i, (98)
Go Back
Full Screen Ŝz | s, ms i = ~ms | s, ms i, (99)

Close p
Ŝ± | s, ms i = ~ s(s + 1) − ms (ms ± 1) | s, ms ± 1i. (100)
Ŝ± = Ŝx ± iŜy (101)
and the values of s are
1 3
The Schrodinger . . . s = 0, , 1, .... (102)
Probability and . . .
2 2
The Harmonic . . .
with the value of ms being
Angular . . .
ms = −s, −s + 1, ...s − 1, s (103)

• Every elementary particle has a specific value of S, which we call the

spin of that particular species.
Home Page
• Pi mesons have spin 0.
Title Page
• Electron, protons, and neutrons have spin 21 .
• Photons have spin 1.
• Delta particle have spin 32 .
Page 28 of 71
• Gravitons have spin 2 and so on.
Go Back

Full Screen
2.6. Spin 12 and Pauli matrices

• For a particle with spin 21 the quantum munber ms takes only two
values:ms = 21 and ms = − 12 .
• There are two eigenstates of Ŝz :| 12 , 12 i called spin-up state and | 21 , − 12 i,
The Schrodinger . . . called spin-down state.
Probability and . . .
• The eigenvalues of Ŝ 2 and Ŝz are given by
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
1 1 ~ 1 1
Ŝz | , ± i = ± | , ± i (104)
2 2 2 2 2
1 1 3 1 1
Ŝ 2 | , ± i = ~2 | , ± i. (105)
Home Page 2 2 4 2 2

Title Page • We next seek to obtain the matrix representations for the compo-
nents of the spin angular momentum in the basis formed by eigen-
states of Ŝz .
1 1
| αi =| , i (106)
Page 29 of 71 2 2
Go Back 1 1
| βi =| , − i. (107)
2 2
Full Screen

Close • The matrix representation for the operator Ŝz in this basis is given by

hα | Ŝz | αi hα | Ŝz | βi ~
0 ~ 1 0
Ŝz = = 2 = (108)
hβ | Ŝz | αi hβ | Ŝz | βi 0 − ~
2 2 0 −1
• To obtain the matrix representation for Ŝx and Ŝy , first we have de-
The Schrodinger . . . termine the matrix representations for Ŝ+ and Ŝ− . From Eq. (100), we
Probability and . . . see that
The Harmonic . . .
1 1
Angular . . . Ŝ+ | , i = Ŝ+ | αi = 0, (109)
2 2
1 1
Ŝ+ | , − i = Ŝ+ | βi = ~ | αi, (110)
2 2
Home Page 1 1
Ŝ− | , i = Ŝ− | αi = ~ | βi, (111)
2 2
Title Page

1 1
JJ II Ŝ− | , − i = Ŝ− | βi = 0. (112)
2 2
J I On account of these results, we have
Page 30 of 71
hα | Ŝ+ | αi = 0, (113)
Go Back

Full Screen hα | Ŝ+ | βi = ~, (114)

hβ | Ŝ+ | αi = 0, (115)

hβ | Ŝ+ | βi = 0, (116)
The Schrodinger . . . hα | Ŝ− | αi = 0, (117)
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
hα | Ŝ− | βi = 0, (118)
Angular . . .

hβ | Ŝ− | αi = ~, (119)

hβ | Ŝ− | βi = 0. (120)
Home Page
Hence, the matrix representation of Ŝ+ and Ŝ− are respectively given by
Title Page
0 1
JJ II Ŝ+ = ~ , (121)
0 0
J I  
0 0
Page 31 of 71 Ŝ− = ~ . (122)
1 0
Go Back Thus  
1 ~ 0 1
Full Screen Ŝx = (Ŝ+ + Ŝ− ) = , (123)
2 2 1 0
i ~ 0 −i
Ŝy = (Ŝ− − Ŝ+ ) = , (124)
Quit 2 2 i 0

• The spin angular momentum can be expressed as

Ŝ = ~σ̂, (125)
The Schrodinger . . . 2
Probability and . . . where
The Harmonic . . . σ̂ = σ̂x i + σ̂y j + σ̂z k. (126)
Angular . . . Thus the matrices become
0 1
σ̂x = , (127)
1 0
Home Page 0 −i
σ̂y = , (128)
i 0
Title Page
1 0
JJ II σ̂z = (129)
0 −1
are called Pauli spin matrices.
Page 32 of 71
• The Pauli matrices are Hermitian, traceless, and have determinants
Go Back
equal to −1.
Full Screen ˆ jki σ̂i ,
• The Pauli matrices satisfy the commutation relations [σ̂j , σ̂k ] =2Iε
Close where εjki is the antisymmetric tensor called Levi-Civita tensor.

Exercise: 1. Find the matrix representation of Ŝ 2 .
2.Determine the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the operator Ŝx and Ŝy .
2.7. Total angular momentum
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • The total angular momentum is defined as
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . Jˆ = L̂ + Ŝ. (130)
From this we see that
Jˆx = L̂x + Ŝx , (131)

Home Page Jˆy = L̂y + Ŝy , (132)

Title Page and
Jˆz = L̂z + Ŝz . (133)
Exercise:1.Evaluate [Jˆx , Jˆy ], [Jˆy , Jˆz ] , and [Jˆz , Jˆx ].
J I 2. Using the results of Q1. try to establish the following relations

Jˆ2 | j, mi = ~2 j(j + 1) | j, mi,

Page 33 of 71
Go Back
Full Screen Jˆz | j, mi = ~m | j, mi, (135)
Jˆ± | j, mi = ~ j(j + 1) − m(m ± 1) | j, m ± 1i.
Jˆ± = Jˆx ± iJˆy (137)
and the values of j are
The Schrodinger . . . 1 3
j = 0, , 1, .... (138)
Probability and . . . 2 2
The Harmonic . . . with the value of m being
Angular . . .
m = −j, −j + 1, ...j − 1, j. (139)

Home Page

Title Page



Page 34 of 71

Go Back

Full Screen


3. The Hydrogen Energy Eigenvalues and Eigen-
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
• The hydrogen atom is a bound system consisting of a proton and an

• Let r1 and r2 be the position vectors of the proton and electron rel-
ative to some origin 0 and m1 and m2 the masses of the proton and
electron respectively.
Home Page

• We then note that

Title Page
r = r2 − r1 . (140)
• The Hamiltonian for the hydrogen atom is given by
1 1
H = Te + Tp + v(r) = m2 ṙ22 + m1 ṙ12 + v(r), (141)
Page 35 of 71 2 2
Go Back where
Full Screen
v(r) = v(r2 − r1 ) = − (142)
4π0 r
Close is the coulomb potential energy arising from the electrostatic attrac-
tion between the electron and proton.

• It depends only on the distance that separates the electron and pro-
• The position vector of the center of mass of m1 and m2 is given by
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .

Home Page

Title Page



Page 36 of 71

Go Back

Full Screen
Figure 1: The electron and proton in a hydrogen atom.
m1 r1 + m2 r2
R= . (143)
Quit m1 + m2
One can thus write
RM = m1 r1 + m2 r2 , (144)
where M = m1 + m2 .
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • We also see from Eq. (140) that
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
r2 = r + r1 , (145)

r1 = r2 − r. (146)

• Substituting Eqs. (144) and Eq. (146) into Eq. (144) , we get
Home Page
Title Page r1 = R − r, (147)
r2 = R + r. (148)
Page 37 of 71 • With the aid of Eq. (147) and Eq. (148), the kinetic energy of the hy-
drogen atom can be written as
Go Back
 2  2
1 m2 1 m1 1 1 2
Full Screen T = m1 Ṙ − ṙ + m2 Ṙ + ṙ = µṙ2 + M Ṙ , (149)
2 M 2 M 2 2
m1 m2
Quit µ= (150)
m1 + m2
is the reduced mass of the system.
• If we tie our reference frame at the center of mass frame, Ṙ = 0.
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
• Then Eq. (149) takes the form
The Harmonic . . . 1 1 2
Angular . . .
T = µṙ2 = P , (151)
2 2µ

in which P = µṙ.

• The classical Hamiltonian of the hydrogen atom is thus expressible

Home Page as
1 2 e2 1
H= P − . (152)
Title Page 2µ 4π0 r
JJ II • On the other hand, we note that
J I L = r × P ⇒ L2 = (r × P).(r × P) = r2 P 2 − (r.P)2 (153)
Page 38 of 71
from which follows
Go Back P 2 = p2r + , (154)
Full Screen
where pr is the radial component of the linear momentum P .
• The classical Hamiltonian can then be put in the form
1 2 L2 e2 1
H= pr + − . (155)
2µ 2µr2 4π0 r
• The quantum Hamiltonian of this expression becomes
The Schrodinger . . .
1 2 L̂2 e2 1
Probability and . . . Ĥ = p̂r + − . (156)
The Harmonic . . .
2µ 2µr̂2 4π0 r̂
Angular . . . Exercise: Show that [Ĥ, L̂z ]=[Ĥ, L̂2 ] = 0.
• If they commute we can write a common eigenstates as | E, l, mi
Ĥ | E, l, mi = E | E, l, mi, (157)
Home Page

Title Page
L̂z | E, l, mi = m~ | E, l, mi, (158)

L̂2 | E, l, mi = l(l + 1)~2 | E, l, mi (159)
J I E is introduced to identify the eigenvalues of Ĥ.
Page 39 of 71 • Taking into account Eq. (156), the energy eigenvalue equation for
the hydrogen atom can now be written as
Go Back

L̂2 e2 1
1 2
Full Screen p̂ + − | E, l, mi = E | E, l, mi. (160)
2µ r 2µr̂2 4π0 r̂

• Multiplying from the left by hφ, θ, r |, yields


1 2 L̂2 e2 1
hφ, θ, r | p̂ + − | E, l, mi = Ehφ, θ, r | E, l, mi. (161)
2µ r 2µr̂2 4π0 r̂
• In position space this can be written as
The Schrodinger . . .
e2 1
1 2 1 2
Probability and . . . hφ, θ, r | p̂ + l(l+1)~ − | E, l, mi = Ehφ, θ, r | E, l, mi.
2µ r 2µr2 4π0 r
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
• Using the expression of the operators P̂ 2 and L̂2 in spherical coordi-
nates which can be given by
1 ∂2 ∂2
2 2 ∂ 2 ∂ 1 ∂
P̂ = −~ + + cot θ + + (163)
Home Page
∂r2 r ∂r r2 ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ2 ∂θ2

1 ∂2 ∂2
2 2 ∂
Title Page
L̂ = −~ cot θ + + , (164)
∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ2 ∂θ2
the quantum version of Eq. (154), can be written as
J I  2
∂ 2 ∂

2 2
p̂r = −~ + . (165)
Page 40 of 71 ∂r2 r ∂r
Go Back ∂ 1
Exercise: Show that p̂r = −i~ ∂r + r in position space.
Full Screen
• Now on account of Eq. (165), the energy eigenvalue equation Eq. (162)can
Close be put in the form
 2 2
e2 1
Quit −~ ∂ 2 ∂ 1 2
+ + l(l + 1)~ − Ψ(φ, θ, r) = EΨ(φ, θ, r),
2µ ∂r2 r ∂r 2µr2 4π0 r
where Ψ(φ, θ, r) = hφ, θ, r | E, l, mi is the eigenfunction in position
The Schrodinger . . . space.
Probability and . . .
• Since the Hamiltonian is a sum of a radial part and angular part, we
The Harmonic . . .
can write this as a product of a radial part and angular part.
Angular . . .

hφ, θ | l, mihr | Ei = R(r)Υm

l (θ, φ). (167)

• By substituting Eq. (167) into Eq. (166), we have

Home Page  2 2
e2 1
−~ ∂ 2 ∂ 1 2
+ + l(l + 1)~ − R(r) = ER(r). (168)
Title Page 2µ ∂r2 r ∂r 2µr2 4π0 r
• This is called radial equation.

Page 41 of 71 3.1. The energy Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions

Go Back
• To determine the eigenfunction of Ĥ, L̂z , and L̂2 ; let us use separa-
Full Screen tion of variables:
Ψnlm (φ, θ, r) = Rnl (r)Υm
l (θ, φ), (169)
where Υm
l (θ, φ) is the spherical harmonics and Rnl (r) is the radial
wavefunctions of the hydrogen atom.
• Since Υml (θ, φ) are normalized by definition of Eq. (90), the normal-
The Schrodinger . . . ization condition of Rnl (r) is
Probability and . . . Z ∞
The Harmonic . . . r2 | Rnl (r) |2 dr = 1. (170)
Angular . . .

• We can simplify the radial equation by writing

Rnl (r) = Unl (r). (171)
Home Page
We then note that
Title Page d U  −U 1 dU
= 2 + (172)
dr r r r dr
d2 U  1 d2 U
d −U 1 dU 2U 2 dU
= + = − + . (173)
Page 42 of 71 dr2 r dr r2 r dr r3 r2 dr r dr2

Go Back Hence we see that

d2 1 d2 U
Full Screen 2 d U
+ = . (174)
dr2 r dr r r dr2

In view of this result, the radial equation takes the form

 2 2
e2 1

−~ d 1 2
+ l(l + 1)~ − U = EU. (175)
2µ dr2 2µr2 4π0 r
• Using this, we have
The Schrodinger . . .  2 2
l(l + 1)~2 e2 1

−~ d
Probability and . . . + − Unl (r) = Unl (r). (176)
2µE dr2 2µEr2 4π0 E r
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . • Setting r
λ= , (177)

ρ = λr, (178)
Home Page
Title Page µe2
ρ0 = , (179)
2πε0 ~2 λ
we have
d2 U
J I l(l + 1) ρ0
= 1+ − U. (180)
dρ2 ρ2 ρ
Page 43 of 71
• Let us consider two limiting cases
Go Back
• i, for ρ → ∞ (for large values of r), we have
Full Screen
d2 U
= U. (181)
• The general solution of this equation is
U (ρ) = Ae−ρ + Beρ , (182)
• as ρ → ∞, only the minus sign solution is physically acceptable,
The Schrodinger . . . since eρ diverges for large values of ρ.
Probability and . . .
• For larger values of ρ, U (ρ) behaves like
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . U (ρ) → e−ρ . (183)

• ii,On the other hand, for ρ → 0(for small values of r)

d2 U l(l + 1)
= U. (184)
Home Page dρ ρ2
Title Page • The general solution of this equation is
JJ II U (ρ) = Aρl+1 + Bρ−l , (185)
• as ρ → 0, the second term ρ−l diverges.
Page 44 of 71
• Thus the solution is, for small values of ρ,
Go Back
• U (ρ) behaves like
Full Screen U (ρ) → ρl+1 . (186)
Close • On account of Eq. (183) and Eq. (186), one can express U (ρ) in the
U (ρ) = ρl+1 f (ρ)e−ρ , (187)
where f (ρ) is an r-dependent function.
• We note that
dU df
The Schrodinger . . . = ρl e−ρ [(l + 1 − ρ)f + ρ ], (188)
Probability and . . .
dρ dρ
The Harmonic . . .
d2 U d2 f
l(l + 1) df
Angular . . .
= ρl e−ρ + ρ − 2l − 2 f + 2(l + 1 − ρ) + ρ 2 . (189)
dρ ρ dρ dρ

• Now combination of Eq. (180), Eq. (187), and Eq. (189) yields
d2 f df
Home Page ρ 2 + 2(l + 1 − ρ) + (ρ0 − 2(l + 1))f = 0. (190)
dρ dρ
Title Page
• We assume that f (ρ) can be expanded in a power series, so that
f (ρ) = b k ρk . (191)
Page 45 of 71
• From Eq. (191), we see that
Go Back

df X
Full Screen
= kbk ρk−1 . (192)
dρ k=0
• Upon replacing k by k + 1, we have

df X
= (k + 1)bk+1 ρk (193)
dρ k=0
and differentiating once more, we find
The Schrodinger . . .

Probability and . . . d2 f X
= k(k + 1)bk+1 ρk−1 . (194)
The Harmonic . . . dρ2 k=0
Angular . . .

• Using Eqs. ((191)-(194)), we see that

(ρ0 − 2(l + 1))f (ρ) = (ρ0 − 2(l + 1))bk ρk (195)
Home Page k=0

Title Page df X
−2ρ = − 2kbk ρk (196)

JJ II k=0

J I df X
2(l + 1) = 2(l + 1)(k + 1)bk+1 ρk (197)
dρ k=0
Page 46 of 71

d2 f X
Go Back ρ 2 = k(k + 1)bk+1 ρk . (198)
dρ k=0
Full Screen

• Substituting Eqs. ((195)-(198)) into Eq. (190), leads to

(2(l + 1) + k)(k + 1)bk+1 + (ρ0 − 2(l + 1 + k))bk ρk = 0. (199)
• Since ρk is quite arbitrary, we see that
The Schrodinger . . .  
2(l + 1 + k) − ρ0
Probability and . . . bk+1 = bk . (200)
The Harmonic . . .
(k + 2l + 2)(k + 1)
Angular . . .
• This recursion relation determines the coefficients and hence the
function of f (ρ).

• For large k , we see that

Home Page
2k 2
bk+1 = bk = bk . (201)
Title Page k(k + 1) k+1

JJ II • We note that
J I b1 = 2b0 , (202)

Page 47 of 71
b2 = b1 = 2b0 , (203)
Go Back

2 4
Full Screen b3 = b2 = b0 , (204)
3 3
Close and
bk = b0 . (205)
• Thus for large k , we get
The Schrodinger . . . ∞
X (2ρ)k
Probability and . . . f (ρ) = b0 = b0 e2ρ . (206)
The Harmonic . . . k=0
Angular . . .
• Therefore, for large k Eq. (187) takes the form
U (ρ) = b0 ρl+1 eρ , (207)
which diverges for large ρ.
Home Page
• In order to have a normalizable U (ρ), the series must terminate.
Title Page
• There must be some maximum integer km such that
bkm+1 = 0, (208)

Page 48 of 71
• On account of this, expression Eq. (200)reduces to

Go Back
2(km + l + 1) − ρ0 = 0. (209)

Full Screen • Defining the principal quantum number n by

Close n = km + l + 1. (210)
• From Eq. (209) and Eq. (210), we see that
ρ0 = 2n. (211)
−2µE µe2
• Moreover, using λ = ~2
and ρ0 = 2πε0 ~2 λ
,one can easily get
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . µ2 e4
λ2 = (212)
The Harmonic . . . 16π 2 ε20 ~4 n2
Angular . . .
µe4 E1
En = − 2 2 2 2
= 2, (213)
32π ε0 ~ n n
with n = 1, 2, 3.... and E1 is the ground state(the state of lowest en-
Home Page ergy) equal to −13.6eV .
Title Page
• Eq. (213) represents the energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen atom.
JJ II In view of Eqs. (213) and (178), Eq. (177) takes the form

J I 2µE r
ρ = λr = − 2 r= 2
r= , (214)
~ 4πε0 ~ n nb
Page 49 of 71

Go Back
4πε0 ~2
b= (215)
Full Screen µe2

is called the Bohr radius.

• Substituting Eq. (187) into Eq. (171), we have
Rnl (r) = ρl+1 e−ρ f (ρ), (216)
where f (ρ) is a polynomial of degree km = n − l − 1, with the coeffi-
The Schrodinger . . . cients determined by the recursion relation given by Eq. (200).
Probability and . . .
• In view of Eq. (214), Eq. (216) turns out to be
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .  l+1
1 r r
Rnl (r) = e− nb f (ρ). (217)
r nb

• Finally, taking into account Eq. (217) and Eq. (169), energy eigen-
Home Page function of hydrogen atom becomes
Title Page 1 r r
Ψnlm (φ, θ, r) = e− nb f (ρ)Υm
l (θ, φ). (218)
r nb

J I • Exercise:1. Find R10 (r), R20 (r), R21 (r), Ψ100 , Ψ200 , and Ψ210 .
Page 50 of 71

Go Back 3.2. Laguerre polynomial and Associated laguerre poly-

Full Screen

Close • The associated laguerre polynomial is defined interms of laguerre

polynomials of order k, Lk (r) by
k (r) = Lk (r), (219)
where Lk (r) is the laguerre polynomial which is given by Rodrigues
The Schrodinger . . . formula as
Probability and . . . Lk (r) = er k (rk e−r ). (220)
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . • Using Eq. (220), the first few laguerre polynomials are listed as fol-
L0 (r) = 1, L1 (r) = 1 − r, L2 (r) = 2 − 4r + r2 , L3 (r) = 6 − 18r + 9r2 − r3
Home Page
and so on.

Title Page
• Similarly, using Eq. (219), the first few associated laguerre polynomi-
als are listed as
L11 (r) = −1, L12 (r) = 2r − 4, L13 (r) = −18 + 18r − 3r2 , L22 (r) = 2 (222)
and so on.
Page 51 of 71
• The radial wave function of the hydrogen atom can be expressed in-
Go Back terms of associated laguerre polynomial as
2r −r 2r 
Full Screen Rnl (r) = Nnl ( )l e nb L2l+1
n+l (223)
nb nb
where b is the Bohr radius and Nnl is a constant obtained by normal-
izing the radial function Rnl (r):
Z ∞
r2 Rnl
(r)dr = 1. (224)
• Using the normalization condition of the associated Laguerre func-
The Schrodinger . . . tions Z ∞ 2
2n[(n + l)!]3

−ρ 2l 2l+1
Probability and . . .
e ρ Ln+l (ρ) ρ2 dρ = , (225)
The Harmonic . . . 0 (n − l − 1)!
Angular . . . we can show that Nnl is given by
2 (n − l − 1)!
Nnl = − . (226)
nb 2n[(n + l)!]3
Home Page
• Inview of Eq. (226), Eq. (223) takes the form
Title Page
2 (n − l − 1)! 2r l −r 2l+1 2r 
JJ II Rnl (r) = − ( ) e nb Ln+l (227)
nb 2n[(n + l)!]3 nb nb
• Finally, the wavefunctions of the hydrogen atom are given by
Page 52 of 71 s 
2 (n − l − 1)! 2r l −r 2l+1 2r  m
Go Back Ψnlm (r, θ, φ) = − ( ) e nb Ln+l Υ (θ, φ).
nb 2n[(n + l)!]3 nb nb l
Full Screen (228)

Close • Example: 1. Find the explicit expressions of the radial wavefunction

R10 (r), R20 (r), R21 (r) and wavefunctions Ψ100 (r, θ, φ), Ψ200 (r, θ, φ).

• Homework: 1. Find the expression for R31 (r), R30 (r) and wavefunc-
tions Ψ210 (r, θ, φ).
3.3. Radial probability distribution functions
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • When a hydrogen atom is in the stationary state Ψnlm (r, θ, φ), t he
The Harmonic . . . quantity | Ψnlm (r, θ, φ) |2 dr3 represents the probability of finding the
Angular . . .
electron in the volume element in spherical coordinates dr3 , dr3 =
r2 sin θdrdθdφ .

• The probability of finding the electron in a spherical shell located

between r and r + dr (i.e., a shell of thickness dr) is given by
Home Page
2 3
Pnl (r) = | Ψnlm (r, θ, φ) | dr = | Rnl (r) | r dr | Υm
2 2 2
l (θ, φ) | sin θdθdφ.
Title Page
• It is convenient to normalized R and Υ individually:
J I Z ∞ Z 2π Z π
2 2
Page 53 of 71 | Rnl (r) | r dr = 1, | Υm 2
l (θ, φ) | sin θdθdφ = 1. (230)
0 0 0
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• The normalized angular wavefunctions are called spherical harmon-
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• ⇒ Z
Quit Pnl (r) = | Rnl (r) |2 r2 dr. (231)
• If we integrate this quantity between r = 0 and r = a, we obtain the
The Schrodinger . . . probability of finding the electron in a sphere of radius a centered
Probability and . . . about the origin.
The Harmonic . . .
• Hence integrating between r = 0 and r = ∞, we would obtain 1,
Angular . . .
which is the probability of finding the electron somewhere in space.

• Let us now specify the average values of the various powers of r.

• Since Ψnlm (r, θ, φ) =Rnl (r) Υml (θ, φ), we can see that the average of r

Home Page is independent of the azimuthal quantum number m:

Title Page
hr i = r | Ψnlm (r, θ, φ) | dr = rk | Rnl (r) |2 r2 dr
k k 2 3

JJ II Z Z (232)
m 2 k+2 2
| Υl (θ, φ) | sin θdθdφ = r | Rnl (r) | dr.

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• Example: Find hri and hr2 i for an electron in the ground state of hy-
Go Back drogen atom. Express your answers interms of the Bohr radius b.
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3.4. Quantum Numbers and Degeneracy
Quit • What is quantum degeneracy?

• States with the same energy are called degenerate.

• If two or more wavefunction have the same energy one says that they
The Schrodinger . . . are degenerate.
Probability and . . .
• The degeneracy of a level is the number of wavefunctions with the
The Harmonic . . .
same energy.
Angular . . .

• The functions are grouped in shells and subshells.

• Wavefunction with the same n belong to the same shell and wave-
functions with the same n and l belong to the same shell.
Home Page
• Since km = 0, 1, 2, 3..., the allowed values of n are non-zero integers,
Title Page n=l+1,l+2, l+3.
JJ II • For a given value of n, the orbital quantum number l can have values
only between 0 and n − 1; while for each l, the azimuthal number m
takes 2l + 1 values: m = −l, −l + 1, l − 1, l.
Page 55 of 71
• For each n, there exists gn different wavefunctions Ψnlm which corre-
Go Back sponds to the same energy En , with
Full Screen ∞
gn = (2l + 1) = n2 . (233)

• The total degeneracy is always equal to n2 .
4. Perturbation methods
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • Most problems encountered in quantum mechanics cannot be solved
The Harmonic . . . exactly.
Angular . . .
• However, there are approximation methods which enable us to ob-
tain approximation solutions of such equations in certain cases.
• Perturbation method/theory is a systematic procedure for obtaining
approximate solutions to the perturbed problem by building on the
Home Page
known exact solutions to the unperturbed case.
Title Page

4.1. The time-independent perturbation method
• Consider a system described by a quantum Hamiltonian Ĥ0 .
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• Suppose it is possible to obtain the energy eigenvalues and eigen-

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states satisfying time independent Schrodinger equation
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Ĥ0 | Ψ0n i = En0 | Ψ0n i. (234)
• If we perturb the system by putting a litle bump or a magnetic field
Quit in the bottom of the well then the quantum Hamiltonian of the per-
turbed system is
Ĥ = Ĥ0 + λĤp , (235)
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .

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Figure 2: Small perturbation.

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where Ĥp is the interaction between the system and the perturbation
Close and is very small compared to Ĥ0 (Hamiltonian of the unperturbed
• λ is a dimensionless parameter and is very small compared to 1.
• Let us solve the new eigenfunction and eigenvalues.
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
Ĥ | Ψn i = En | Ψn i ⇒ (Ĥ0 + λĤp ) | Ψn i = En | Ψn i. (236)
The Harmonic . . .
• Expanding the perturbed eigenvalues and eigenstates in power se-
Angular . . .
ries of λ, we have

En = En0 + λEn1 + λ2 En2 + λ3 En3 + ... (237)

Home Page | Ψn i =| Ψ0n i + λ | Ψ1n i + λ2 | Ψ2n i + λ3 | Ψ3n i + ... (238)

Title Page • Here En1 is the first-order correction to the nth eigenvalue and | Ψ1n i is
the first-order correction to the nth eigenfunction; En2 and | Ψ2n i are
the second-order corrections and so on.
• Plugging Eq. (237) and Eq. (238) into Eq. (236), we have
Page 58 of 71
(Ĥ0 + λĤp ) | Ψ0n i + λ | Ψ1n i + λ2 | Ψ2n i + ...
Go Back (239)
= (En0 + λEn1 + λ2 En2 ) | Ψ0n i + λ | Ψ1n i + λ2 | Ψ2n i + ....
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• The coefficients of successive powers of λ on both sides of this equa-
tion must be equal.
• Equating like powers of λ, we see that

Zero order in λ : Ĥ0 | Ψ0n i = En0 | Ψ0n i (240)

The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . F irst order in λ : Ĥ0 | Ψ1n i + Ĥp | Ψ0n i = En0 | Ψ1n i + En1 | Ψ0n i (241)
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .

Second order in λ : Ĥ0 | Ψ2n i+Ĥp | Ψ1n i = En0 | Ψ2n i+En1 | Ψ1n i+En2 | Ψ0n i.

Home Page
4.2. The first-order correction
Title Page
• To determine the first-order correction En1 to En , multiply both sides
JJ II of Eq. (241) by hΨ0n |
hΨ0n | Ĥ0 | Ψ1n i + hΨ0n | Ĥp | Ψ0n i = hΨ0n | En0 | Ψ1n i + hΨ0n | En1 | Ψ0n i
Page 59 of 71 (243)

Go Back En1 = hΨ0n | Ĥp | Ψ0n i (244)
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• Eq. (244) represents the first-order correction to the energy eigen-
Close values En0 .

Quit • It says that the first-order correction to the energy is the expectation
value of the perturbation in the unperturbed state.
4.3. The first-order correction to the energy eigenstates
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • Let us determine | Ψ1n i.
The Harmonic . . .
• Assuming the set of the unperturbed state | Ψ0n i form a complete
Angular . . .
orthonormal basis;

• Using the completeness relation

Iˆ = | Ψ0m ihΨ0m |, (245)
Home Page m

Title Page we have X

| Ψ1n i = | Ψ0m ihΨ0m | Ψ1n i (246)

J I or X
| Ψ1n i =| Ψ0n ihΨ0n | Ψ1n i + | Ψ0m ihΨ0m | Ψ1n i. (247)
Page 60 of 71 m6=n

Go Back • Multiplying Eq. (238) by hΨ0n |, we have

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hΨ0n | Ψn i = hΨ0n | Ψ0n i + λhΨ0n | Ψ1n i + λ2 hΨ0n | Ψ2n i + ... (248)
• Now imposing the normalization condition hΨ0n | Ψn i = 1, Eq. (247)
reduces to X
| Ψ1n i = | Ψ0m ihΨ0m | Ψ1n i. (249)
• On the other hand, multiplying Eq. (241) by hΨ0m | for m 6= n, we find
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . hΨ0m | Ĥ0 | Ψ1n i + hΨ0m | Ĥp | Ψ0n i = En0 hΨ0m | Ψ1n i + En1 hΨ0m | Ψ0n i. (250)
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . . • Now in view of the fact that

hΨ0m | Ĥ0 | Ψ1n i = Em

hΨ0m | Ψ1n i (251)

Home Page
hΨ0m | Ψ0n i = 0, (252)
we see that
Title Page

hΨ0m | Ĥp | Ψ0n i = En0 hΨ0m | Ψ1n i − Em hΨ0m | Ψ1n i. (253)

J I ⇒
hΨ0m | Ĥp | Ψ0n i
Page 61 of 71
hΨ0m | Ψ1n i = . (254)
En0 − Em 0

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• Combination of this result with Eq. (249)
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X hΨ0 | Ĥp | Ψ0 i
m n
| Ψ1n i = 0 − E0
| Ψ0m i. (255)
E n m


• This represents the first-order correction to the energy eigenstates.

4.4. The second-order shift
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • To determine En2 we need to multiply both sides of Eq. (242) by hΨ0n |,
The Harmonic . . . hence
Angular . . . hΨ0n | Ĥ0 | Ψ2n i+hΨ0n | Ĥp | Ψ1n i = En0 hΨ0n | Ψ2n i+En1 hΨ0n | Ψ1n i+En2 hΨ0n | Ψ0n i.
• Using the fact that
hΨ0n | Ĥ0 | Ψ2n i = En0 hΨ0n | Ψ2n i = 0, (257)
Home Page

Title Page
hΨ0n | Ψ0n i = 1 (258)
JJ II we find
En2 = hΨ0n | Ĥp | Ψ1n i. (259)

Page 62 of 71
• Introducing Eq. (255) into Eq. (259)
X | hΨ0 | Ĥp | Ψ0 i |2
m n
Go Back En2 = 0 − E0
. (260)
En m
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• Exercise: Consider a particle with charge q in a harmonic oscillator
potential. Suppose the system is perturbed by applying a constant
Quit electric field E0 pointing in the positive x direction. The potential
energy associated with this electric field is −qE0 x. Find an expres-
sion for the first and second -order energy shift (En1 and En2 ).
4.5. The time-dependent perturbation method
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . . • This method is most useful for studying process absorption and emis-
The Harmonic . . . sion of radiation by atoms or treating the transitions of quantum sys-
Angular . . .
tems from one energy level to another.

• Consider a two-level atom with the upper and lower levels denoted
by | Ψf i and | Ψi i respectively.

• The main objective of time-dependent perturbation method is to

Home Page
determine the probability of finding the system in another unper-
Title Page
turbed eigenstate | Ψf i; if the system is initially in an unperturbed
eigenstate | Ψi i.
• The state vector of the system evolves in time according to
Page 63 of 71 i~ | ΨI (t)i = Ĥp | ΨI (t)i, (261)
Go Back
with Ĥp being the Hamiltonian that describes the interaction be-
Full Screen tween the system and the perturbation.

Close • or it characterizes the interaction of the system with the external

source of perturbation.

• When the system interacts with Ĥp (t) , it either absorbs or emits en-
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .

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Title Page



Page 64 of 71

Figure 3: Energy eigenstates.

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• This process causes the system to under go transitions from one un-
perturbed eigenstates to another.

Quit • A formal solution of Eq. (261) can be written as

| ΨI (t)i = UI (t) | Ψi i, (262)

where UI (t) is the evolution operator, with UI (0) = 1.
The Schrodinger . . .
• Differentiating both sides of Eq. (262), we have
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . . d dUI (t)
Angular . . .
| ΨI (t)i = | Ψi i, (263)
dt dt
so that on account of Eq. (261) and Eq. (262), there follows
[i~ UI (t) − Ĥp UI (t)] | Ψi i = 0. (264)
Home Page dt

Title Page • Since | Ψi i is quite arbitrary, we note that

i~ UI (t) = Ĥp UI (t). (265)

Page 65 of 71 • A formal solution of this equation can be put in the form

i t
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UI (t) = 1 − Ĥp (t0 )UI (t0 )dt0 . (266)
~ 0
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Close • The first-order approximation is obtained by inserting UI (t0 ) = 1 into

in the integral sign of Eq. (266), leading to

i t
UI (t) = 1 − Ĥp (t0 )dt0 . (267)
~ 0
• Substituting UI (t0 ) =UI1 (t) in the integral sign of Eq. (266) we get the
The Schrodinger . . . second-order approximation:
Probability and . . . Z t Z t Z t0
i 0 0 1 0 0
The Harmonic . . . UI2 (t) =1− Ĥp (t )dt − 2 Ĥp (t )dt Ĥp (t00 )dt00 . (268)
Angular . . . ~ 0 ~ 0 0

• We may continue this process, always substituting the nth order ap-
proximation into the right side of Eq. (266) and hence obtaining (n +
1)th -order approximation.
Home Page
• This series, known as the Dyson series, allows for the calculation of
Title Page the state vector up to the desired order in the perturbation.
JJ II • Using Eq. (262) and Eq. (267), the state vector in first-order approxi-
mation has the form
i t
0 0
Page 66 of 71 | ΨI (t)i = 1 − Ĥp (t )dt | Ψi i. (269)
~ 0
Go Back
⇒ Z t
Full Screen | ΨI (t)i =| Ψi i − Ĥp (t0 ) | Ψi idt0 . (270)
~ 0
• The probability amplitude for the atom to make a transition from
Quit | Ψi i to | Ψf i is given by

cif = hΨf | ΨI (t)i. (271)

⇒ Z t
The Schrodinger . . .
cif = hΨf | Ψi i − hΨf | Ĥp (t0 ) | Ψi idt0 . (272)
Probability and . . . ~ 0

The Harmonic . . .
• Since the energy eigenstates of the unperturbed system | Ψf i and
Angular . . .
| Ψi i are orthogonal, we see that

i t
cif = − hΨf | Ĥp (t0 ) | Ψi idt0 . (273)
~ 0
Home Page
• Assignment Q. Suppose the interaction Hamiltonian Ĥp (t) is of the
Title Page form Ĥp (t)= (Âe−i(ω−ω0 )t +† e−i(ω−ω0 )t ), where the transition frequency
Ψ −Ψ
ω0 = f ~ i is positive,hΨf |  | Ψi i 6= 0 and hΨf | † | Ψi i = 0, with
the operator  being time independent. Find the probability for the
J I system to absorb some energy and make a transition to the energy
eigenstate | Ψf i.
Page 67 of 71

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4.6. The Zeeman effect
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• When hydrogen atom is placed in a uniform external magnetic field,
its energy levels are shifted.
• The change in the energy levels of an atom caused by an external
uniform magnetic field is called the Zeeman effect.
• The Zeemen effect without the spin of the electron is called the nor-
The Schrodinger . . . mal Zeeman effect.
Probability and . . .
• When the spin of the electron is considered, we get what is called the
The Harmonic . . .
anomalous Zeeman effect.
Angular . . .

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5. Basics of Cold Atomic Gases
The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
5.1. Identical particles in classical and quantum me-
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .
• In classical mechanics, when a system is made of identical particles,
it is possible to identify and distinguish each particle from each oth-
Home Page
• In quantum mechanics, however, identical particles are turly indis-
Title Page tinguishable.

JJ II • The wavefunction of a system of N identical particles is either sym-

metric or antisymmetric under the interchange of a pair of particles.
• The sign is related to the spin of the particles:
Page 69 of 71

• The negative sign corresponds to particles with half-odd-integral spin

Go Back
and the positive sign corresponds to particles with integral spin.
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• That is the wavefunctions of particles with integral spins are sym-
Close metric and the wavefunctions of particles with half-odd-integral spins
are antisymmetric.

• In fact, experimental observation show that, in nature, particles come

in two classes:
• Paticles with integral spin, S = 0, 1~, 2~, 3~, ... such as photons, pi-
The Schrodinger . . . ons, alpha particles are called bosons.
Probability and . . .
• Particles with half-odd-integral spin S = ~2 , 3~ , 5~ , 7~ , ... such as elec-
2 2 2
The Harmonic . . .
tron, quarks, positrons , neutrons are called fermions.
Angular . . .
• That is, particles occurring in nature are either bosons or fermions.
• Particles with integral spins, or bosons, have symmetric states while
particles with half-odd-integral spins, fermions, have antisymmetric
Home Page states.

Title Page • Pauli Exclusion Principle: states that no two electrons can occupy
simultaneously the same quantum state on the same atom; there
JJ II can be only one electron occupying a state of quantum numbers.
J I • What about bosons? Do they have any restriction like fermions?Not
Page 70 of 71
at all

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• There is no restriction on the number of bosons that can occupy a
single state.
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• Insteady of the exclusion principle of fermions, bosons tend to con-
Close dense all in the same state, the ground state; this is called boson

• This phenomenon is known as Bose-Einstein condensation.

The Schrodinger . . .
Probability and . . .
The Harmonic . . .
Angular . . .

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Title Page
Thank you!


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