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3. Why are biological factors more difficult to change than other factors?

9. How is an endemic disease different to a pandemic disease?

10. The Black Death is considered to be humanity's most devastating epidemic. It caused
between 75 and 200 million deaths in the 14th century. It wiped out 30-60% of the population
of Europe. Find out where it started and which bacteria caused it. Research the symptoms of
the disease and how and why it spread so quickly.

11. Look up information and classify the following diseases as acute or chronic:

14. _Correct the following statements.

a. Diabetes is an acute, non-infectious disease.

b. Parkinson's is an infectious disease that develops acutely.

c. Influenza and coronavirus are non-infectious diseases.

d. High blood pressure is an example of an infectious disease and measles is an example of

a non-infectious disease.

16. Why are viruses ‘obligate parasites’?

26. What is the difference between a disinfectant and an antiseptic?

6. Indicate the type of infectious agent causing the following diseases:

a. Coronavirus
b. Mad cow disease
c. Malaria
d. Candidiasis
e. Anisakiasis
f. Cholera

7. How does sterilisation differ from disinfection?

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