Slide 1 Osh Answer

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Slide 1: Introduction

Welcome to the presentation on "Workplace Procedures for Hazard Identification and Risk
We will explore the importance of recognizing hazards, following procedures for risk control,
and contributing to occupational health and safety management.

Slide 2: Recognizing and Reporting Hazards (1.1)

Employees must be able to recognize hazards in the work area.
Hazards should be reported promptly to designated personnel according to workplace
This ensures timely action to control risks and maintain a safe work environment.

Slide 3: Following Procedures for Risk Control (1.2)

Workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling risks must be followed accurately.
This involves implementing measures to eliminate or reduce hazards, such as engineering
controls, administrative controls, or personal protective equipment (PPE).
Following procedures ensures the effectiveness of risk control measures.

Slide 4: Dealing with Emergencies (1.3)

Workplace procedures for dealing with accidents, fires, and emergencies must be followed
whenever necessary.
Employees should be familiar with emergency protocols and act accordingly within their scope
of responsibilities and competencies.
Prompt response to emergencies minimizes the impact and prevents further harm.

Slide 5: Raising Occupational Health and Safety Issues (2.1)

Occupational health and safety issues should be raised with designated personnel in accordance
with workplace procedures and relevant legislation.
Employees play a crucial role in identifying and addressing health and safety concerns to prevent
workplace hazards and risks.

Slide 6: Participative Arrangements for OHS Management (2.2)

Employees should contribute to participative arrangements for occupational health and safety
(OHS) management in the workplace.
This involves actively participating in OHS meetings, committees, or discussions within
organizational procedures and their scope of responsibilities and competencies.
Collaboration promotes a proactive approach to OHS management.

Group Activity: Scenario Analysis

Scenario: You are a team of employees working in a manufacturing facility. Your task is to
identify hazards in the workplace, follow procedures for risk control, and contribute to OHS
Identify potential hazards in the workplace environment.
Discuss and propose appropriate risk control measures for each identified hazard.
Determine how you can contribute to OHS management within the organization.
Hazard Identification:
Machinery hazards (e.g., moving parts, entanglement)
Chemical hazards (e.g., exposure to harmful substances)
Ergonomic hazards (e.g., repetitive tasks, poor workstation setup)
Risk Control Measures:
Installing machine guards
Providing training on chemical handling and PPE usage
Implementing ergonomic workstation adjustments
Contributing to OHS Management:
Participating in safety meetings and inspections
Reporting hazards promptly to supervisors
Offering suggestions for improving workplace safety

Slide 7: Conclusion
Following workplace procedures for hazard identification, risk control, and OHS management is
essential for maintaining a safe work environment.
By recognizing hazards, following procedures accurately, and actively contributing to OHS
management, we can ensure the well-being of all employees and prevent workplace incidents.

Slide 8: Questions and Discussion

Open the floor for questions, comments, and discussion.
Encourage participants to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas related to workplace safety
and hazard management.

Feel free to customize the content and design of the presentation according to your specific
audience and organizational requirements.

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