ANSWER Digestive System Worksheet

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Biology and Geology 3ºESO

1. Label the following image:

A: Mouth / Oral cavity

B: Pharynx

C: Oesophagus / Esophagus

D: Stomach

E: Small intestine

F: Large intestine

G: Rectum

H: Anus

I: Salivary glands

J: Liver

K: Gallbladder

L: Pancreas
Biology and Geology 3ºESO

2. How many systems are involved in nutrition? Create a simple mind-map of

them and their relationships.

3. What are the main differences between mechanical and chemical digestion?
Where do they take place?

a. Mechanical digestion: physically breaking down food and nutrients into

smaller pieces → Mouth, Stomach
b. Chemical digestion: transform of big molecules into smaller ones thanks to
enzymes → Mouth (saliva), Stomach, Small intestine (duodenum)

4. Fill the gaps:

Carbohydrates can be digested into monosaccharides thanks to the amylase enzyme found
in saliva. Lipids are digested into fatty acids and glycerol thanks to lipase. The amino acids
found in proteins can be digested thanks to pepsin enzyme.

5. How many salivary glands do we have? Name them:

3 pairs: Sublingual, submandibular, parotid

6. What are the names of the inlet valve and the outlet valve of the stomach?

Cardias - Pylorus
Biology and Geology 3ºESO

7. What structure stores bile? Where is it located?

The gallbladder. Close to the liver.

8. Match each component with it organ (S - small intestine, L - large intestine)

Rectum L

Caecum L

Duodenum S

Ileum S

Colon L

Jejunum S

9. What fluids from digestive glands and organs are secreted into the duodenum
to aid digestion?

Intestinal juice, bile and pancreatic juice

10. What structure prevents food from passing into the respiratory tract? Where is
it located?
Epiglottis. In the Pharynx

11. Make a diagram showing the journey of an apple from when you eat it until it is
expelled in the form of faeces.

Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Stomach → Small intestine → Large intestine

Biology and Geology 3ºESO

12. What name is given to the food as it travels through the digestive tract and
undergoes digestion? Include where this digestion occurs (in which parts of
the digestive tract), and what juices or substances compose it.

Name Organ Juice/substances

BOLUS Mouth Saliva + chewed food

CHYME Stomach Bolus + gastric juice

Chyme + intestinal juice +

CHYLE Duodenum
bile + pancreatic juice

13. Thanks to which structure can we absorb the majority of nutrients we eat? Do
a simple draw of that structure.
Microvilli (small intestine).

14. When we take antibiotics orally for a long time, we may have a deficiency of
some vitamins, what is this due to?
Antibiotics eliminate all bacteria, including the intestinal flora, which allows us to absorb
many vitamins found in food.
Biology and Geology 3ºESO

15. Name two diseases related to the digestive system, describe their
characteristics, and mention healthy habits that can prevent them


Healthy habits:

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