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Assessment Task 3: Sustainability Initiatives Implementation Project

Course SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management

Unit Code & Name BSBSUS511 Develop Workplace Policies and Procedures for
Assessor Name Mr. Asif Imran Amit
Student Name YOHANES
Student Signature

Assessment Task 3: Instructions

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of
activities and submitting a completed project portfolio (Part B).
You will need access to:

 the business or simulated business that you worked with in Assessment Task 2

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 Project Portfolio template (Part B)

 Simulation Pack (if you need the case study).

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works Student
User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.


You have two options for this section of your assessment – Option 1 is for students who are
working from the case study business. Option 2 is for students who are working from their own

Important: You should only complete ONE of the following options. If you are unsure which
option you should complete, speak to your assessor.

Assessment Task 3: Sustainability Initiatives Implementation Project

Activities – Option 1 (Grow Consultants)

Option 1 is for students who worked from the Grow Consultants case study in Assessment Task 2. If you
completed Assessment Task 2 using your own business, skip straight to Option 2. If you are unsure,
speak to your assessor. DO NOT COMPLETE BOTH OPTIONS.
Complete the following activities:

1. Undertake an inspection of your RTO facility

Assume that, following acceptance of your sustainability policy and procedures, you
have been asked to implement strategies identified in your action plan for the
continuous improvement of resource efficiency. This is to include an inspection of
the workplace to identify environmental sustainability and resource usage issues
and to identify and report on possible solutions.
You will therefore undertake an inspection of the RTO facility using the
environmental sustainability and resource Usage Record Template provided in
Section 5 of your Project Portfolio (Part B).
Record at least three actual or potential environmental sustainability and resource
usage issues that you find.
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the inspection and will
observe you conducting the inspection.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 5 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 5 of the Project
Portfolio (Part B) and make sure you attach these upon submission.

2. Develop a memo for staff about best practice sustainability procedures

Assume that you wish to commence implementing a further initiative from the action
plan, which is to provide regular communications to staff about sustainability
Based on one of the issues identified in your environmental sustainability and
resource usage record, develop a short memo to send to staff about best practice
sustainability procedures. For example, if you have identified that water usage is
high, you could write about tips to reduce water usage. The memo you develop
must be written in plain English and in user-friendly language and be designed to
promote engagement in sustainability initiatives.
The memo should be no more than one page and include images such as photos
or graphs to assist with understanding and engagement.
Work into Section 6 of your Portfolio (Part B).

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 6 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of Section 6 of
the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.
3. Develop a sustainability register

You are required to develop a register for recording and tracking all continuous
improvements in resource efficiency.
The register should be able to include, as a minimum, the ability to record the
reported opportunity, action to be taken, responsibility, timelines and outcome.

Work into Section 7 of your Portfolio (Part B).

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 7 of your Portfolio. Submit
to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of Section 7 of
the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

4. Develop a sustainability implementation report

Assume that the sustainability policy and procedure you developed has been
implemented, as well as findings from regular sustainability inspections.
Sustainability initiatives implemented include:

 Energy audit and all recommendations implemented including signage about

energy use (e.g. switch off lights at night, turn down brightness, turn off taps)

 Recycling policy introduced, and three more recycling bins introduced.

 Green purchasing policy developed (on staff intranet, email sent to staff to

 Green transport policy developed and implemented (on staff intranet, email
sent to staff to advise).
Assume also the following sustainability targets:

 Reduce electricity consumption by 20% within six months.

 Promote awareness of sustainability initiatives amongst all staff members

A staff survey has been undertaken (see the Simulation Pack for results), as well
as an energy audit.
The results of the energy audit are as follows:
Actions implemented:

 replace halogen downlights with energy efficient downlights and transformers

 connect to natural gas, converting to an energy source with one-third of the

greenhouse gas emissions of electricity from coal

 replace electric storage hot water heater with instant solar hot water

 replace air conditioner with a more efficient inverter unit.

Prior to energy audit:

 Annual energy bill: $2,415 a year

 Annual greenhouse emissions: 18 tonnes a year

Six months later:

 Annual energy bill: $1,800 a year

 Annual greenhouse emissions: 10.2 tonnes a year

One year later:

 Annual energy bill: $2,215 a year

 Annual greenhouse emissions: 14 tonnes a year

Note: Four new staff members employed may account for increase. Energy targets
were not adjusted to account for the new staff.

You are required to review the results of the staff survey and the energy statistics
Based on your review, develop a short report that outlines:

 Analysis of staff survey results and achievements against targets

 Analysis of energy audit data and achievements against targets

 Recommendations for additional actions that need to be taken based on the

data above.

 Summary of the success of the sustainability policy and procedures based on


 Updates to sustainability policy and procedures to account for recommended


Work into Section 8 of your Portfolio (Part B).

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 8 of your Portfolio. Submit
to your assessor for review.

Activities – Option 2 (Your own business)

Option 2 is for students who worked from their own business in Assessment Task 2. If you completed
Assessment Task 2 using the case study business, DO NOT COMPLETE OPTION 2. You should only
complete Option 1. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor. DO NOT COMPLETE BOTH OPTIONS.

Complete the following activities:

5. Implement your action plan

Now that you have developed policies, procedures and an action plan, it is time to
implement. Put the action plan that you developed in Assessment Task 2 in place
and monitor the results for enough time to track results. Report on the following by
completing Section 5 of your Project Portfolio:

 Were the resources that you identified and sourced adequate to implement the
sustainability initiative/policy?

 What support did you provide to implement the policy?

 How did you track and record sustainability improvements?

 How did you provide feedback to stakeholders?

 How did you document outcomes?

 What trends did you identify?

 What changes did you make to the policy as a result of the implementation?

 What were the sustainability gains as a result of implementation?

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 5 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 5 of the Project
Portfolio (Part B) and make sure you attach these upon submission.

Assessment Task 3: Sustainability Initiatives Implementation Project - ANSWER

Section 5: RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants)

Areas of RTO and practices The following aspects of Grow Consultants were examined during
reviewed my inspection:
 Chemical use - Contract cleaners who use common cleaning
supplies clean the office once each week.
 Staff members should be aware that the bathrooms, staff room,
and offices all use older-style fluorescent lighting. Frequently, these
lights are left on after the workday is over. Staff are not required to
follow any written policies or notices on energy usage.
 Documents - Staff buy stationary requirements on an ad hoc
basis, often resulting in large stocks of items such as Note pads and
A grade printer paper. The company does not have a policy for
purchasing equipment and buys equipment when required; often
purchasing whatever is on special at the time.
 Replacement of Vehicles - The two principal consultants have
company vehicles. Both vehicles are now five years old and need to
be upgraded.

Use of consumables/ Printers utilize the least amount of energy compared to air
materials/ technology/ conditioners and refrigerators. The staffs was not mindful of turning
equipment off the lights after work hours and on weekends, but after
consultation and a reminder, they are now doing it more frequently.
 Identify equipment that
They have indeed been using the screen saver/mode. To use the
use energy and determine
screen saver and turn off the lights, reminders are sent out at the
which equipment uses the
end of business hours.
most/least energy?

 Are switches left on


 Do staff use the sleep

mode/screen saver?

 What practices are

currently in place to help
minimise energy

Energy usage e.g. water, In bathrooms and many other places, taps are used. Water is
electricity gas primarily used for flushes. The majority of the time, it was
discovered, employees would fail to shut off the faucets, wasting
 How is energy used on a
water. Therefore, automated taps are fitted, which close themselves
daily basis?
once the hands are taken out of them.
 What things/tasks use up
the most energy?

 Are switches left on


 Are staff using energy


 What practices are in

place to support effective
energy use?
Waste Since we also operate a publishing house, the majority of our waste
is publishing paper. We've made an effort to cut down on waste by
 Describe workplace
using less paper and recyclable paper are both advantages. In
addition to pushing customers to purchase e-books, we are
 How is it disposed of? attempting to leverage electronic forms of data. Additionally, we only
print in colour when necessary.
 Are staff conscious of
waste management
practices e.g. recycling,
reuse, disposal?

Date of inspection/review: May 1st 2024

Completed by: Yohanes

Section 6: Best practice memo


To All Staff Members and Stakeholders

From Directors, Senior Consultants and Operations Manager

Grow Management Consultant's primary goals are to maximize existing resource utilization and limit
its impact on the environment. We work to do this by encouraging good environmental behaviour
among all staff members. Currently, as a company, we are dedicated to the health of the economic
and ecological systems, as well as the wellbeing of people and other living things. However, direction
is required to direct our strategy so that we can advance actively.
According to the general findings of an inspection, the organization has not yet succeeded in meeting
its goals for environmental sustainability and efficient energy use. In this regard, each of you is urged
to act responsibly toward sustainability projects and see that you abide by the procedures outlined
below, which will also be observed:
- When not in use, all unnecessary lights should be turned off.
- If you are going to be away for more than an hour, make sure to turn off your computers.
- It is strongly advised to adjust the monitor display/brightness.
- Sort waste into biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable categories to ensure sustainability
- Signage and posters are also strategically placed to remind you of proper waste disposal and energy
We are dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability and enhancing the beneficial effects we
have by:
- Ensure that all applicable laws, rules, and the requirements of our clients and other key holders are
- Ensuring that our procedures and practices minimize energy use and prevent waste.
- Ensuring that our distributors and personnel adhere to our commitments to sustainability.
- Ensuring that we continually test ways to improve our performance in terms of sustainability. This is
how the business may improve and share sustainable brand images.
To ensure everyone and practice sustainability, we will hold a training session the following week. You
are all expected to participate in this initiative and spread the word about sustainability as a part of our
social obligation and to preserve the environment so that we can survive there for a longer period of
time. To make this work, let's work as a team.
Thank you.
Section 7: Sustainability register

Develop a sustainability register here. Remember that your sustainability register will be used for recording and tracking all continuous improvements in resource
efficiency. Your register should be able to include, as a minimum:

 the ability to record the reported opportunity

 the action to be taken

 the person with responsibility for the action

 timelines

 outcomes.

Sustainability register
Grow Management Consultancy Pty Ltd
Sustainability Actions Deliverables Responsibility Priority Timelines
Issues /Objectives

There is older style - Turn off any lights - Up to 10% of Employees who use the 3 2 months
florescent lighting in all thatare not being used. electricity can be organization's energy-
offices, staff room and consumed by consuming facilities
- It is the duty of every
bathroom. These lights appliances in standby.
employee to turn off any
are often left on after One wall-mounted
lights or other devices
the work day has appliance might save 45
that are not in use.
finished. kg of greenhouse gas if
- Some equipment can it were turned off.
also be replaced with
the ability to
automatically turn on or

There are no formal - All appliances should - Putting into practice Employees who use the 5 1 month
energy usage be upgraded to meet sustainable policies and organization's energy-
procedures for staff or energy efficiency practices at work. consuming facilities
signage to remind staff standards since they
perform better than
regular appliances and
produce less emission.

The company does - Implement workplace - Implementing long- Directors, Purchasing 2 1 month
nothave a policy for sustainability policies term policies and Manager, Operations
purchasing equipment and procedures, and procedures in Manager
and buys equipment encourage all theworkplace.
when required; often employees to
- Improve the efficiency
purchasing whatever participate.
of sustainability.
ison special at the time.

The two principal Educating employees - Improve sustainability Employees who use the 1 3 months
consultants have on the importance efficiency organization's energy-
company vehicles. Both ofsharing vehicles in consuming facilities
- Reduce pollution.
vehicles are now five order to achieve
years old and need to environmental
be upgraded. sustainability.

Staff buy stationary - Purchase less - Reduces waste and Employees who use the 4 1 month
requirements on an quantities of recycled recycles all resources organization's energy-
adhoc basis, often products or equipment. that can be recycled. consuming facilities
resulting in large stocks
- Use environmentally - Increase the efficiency
of items such as
friendly paper. of sustainability.
notepads and A grade
printer paper.
There is a waste bin - Examine the paper - Waste reduction Employees who use the 8 1 month
and recycling bins,which purchase at the time of organization's energy-
are mostly used the printing contract.Use consuming facilities
correctly. paperless workflow
- Purchase recycled

The company hosts - Purchase equipment - Waste reduction. Directors, Purchasing 6 1 month
regular meetings and that is environmentally Manager, Operations
- Increase the efficiency
workshops. Catering is friendly and sustainable. Manager
of sustainability.
provided by an external
- Approximately 65% of
caterer with all plates - Environmental
the equipment should
and cups supplied Purchasing
be green.

The office is cleaned - The company will - Eco-friendly Directors, Purchasing 7 1 month
once a week by contract advise contract cleaners purchasing. Manager, Operations
cleaners who use not to use standard Manager
- Increase the efficiency
regular cleaning cleaning solutions
of sustainability.
products.- because some of them
emit hazardous
substances such as
volatile organic
compounds (VOCs).
Section 8: Sustainability Implementation Report

Analysis of staff survey results Following the survey, almost all of the staff are now aware of the
and achievements against sustainability measures being done, such as energy saving,
targets recycling, trash reduction, and taking care of waste management
procedures. The results of the energy audit were what made this
awareness possible. The survey's findings revealed that the
predetermined sustainability goals were met, and this had a
significant effect on the workforce as well.

Analysis of energy audit data Every six months, an energy audit was performed to evaluate the
and achievements against effects of resource and energy saving. An audit conducted every six
targets months revealed a 20% decrease in energy conservation. After only
two weeks of preparation, the purchasing policy was successfully
designed and even put into practice. Additionally, teams for catering
and cleaning were formed, and both the personnel and the
stakeholders are pleased with their performance. Because of the
steps taken, the office environment is now healthier, which has also
had an impact on lowering costs.

Recommendations for Given the addition of on boarding new staff, it is advised to reassess
additional actions that need to the sustainability and energy conservation targets. The number of
be taken based on a review of employees will eventually increase energy consumption, thus it is
the data important to evaluate the targets that have been set in order to take
into account the additional electrical appliances and energy use. In
order to meet the required objectives and raise awareness of the
importance of sustainability at work, training sessions on energy
sustainability initiatives will be conducted for new hires.

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Summary of success of The stakeholders, clients, employees, and even government
sustainability policy and agencies all expressed their appreciation for the sustainability
procedure based on analysis. initiative. Future policy improvements are always anticipated, and
they will eventually make the business one of the state's most
sustainable businesses.

Updates to sustainability policy For improved future outcomes, timely adjustments to existing
and procedure to account for policies are always required. The new policies will need to be
recommended improvements developed for at least three months. New policies will be presented
and worked on soon in order to improve implementation.

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

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