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Q-4: Crimes Against Humanity.

Subjective and Objective Elements of crimes against

humanity. Differences between war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Crimes Against Humanity: Crimes against humanity refers to specific crimes committed in the
context of large-scale attacks targeting civilians, regardless of nationality. Crimes against
humanity include crimes such as murder, extermination, enslavement, torture, forced
displacement, imprisonment, rape, disappearance, etc.
According to Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 11 crimes against
humanity are-
1. Murder.
2. Elimination.
3. Slavery.
4. Forced migration of population.
5. Imprisonment.
6. Torture.
7. Sexual violence.
8. Persecution against a particular group.
9. Enforced disappearance.
10. Racism.
11. Other inhumane acts of a similar character causing severe suffering or serious injury
to mental or physical health.

Subjective Elements of crimes against humanity:

The mental element (intention) for each underlying crime, and The awareness of the existence of
a widespread or systematic attack.
Objective Elements of crimes against humanity:
Attack,Widespread or Systematic, Directed Against , Civilian Population , Underlying Acts,
Murder; Extermination; Enslavement; Deportation or forcible transfer of population;

Differences between war crimes and crimes against humanity:

1. War crimes are serious violations of international law against civilians and combatants
during armed conflict. On the other hand, crimes against humanity are crimes committed
against a group based on religion, race, political differences and gender.
2. While war crimes are committed only during wartime, crimes against humanity can occur
during both peacetime and wartime.

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