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javaxiSvilis istoriisa da eTnologiis instituti

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi


gamomcemloba `universali~
Tbilisi 2008
naSromi eZRvneba akademikos

malxaz abduSeliSvilis naTel xsovnas

The work is devoted to the light memories about

Academician Malkhaz Abdushelishvili

Iv. Javakhishvily Institute of History and Ethnology

National Museum of Georgia

Anthropological History



Sciencific editor:

Doctor of historical science L. Bitadze

Editorial coleges:

Doctor of historical science G. Gasviani

Doctor of philosophian science T. Jashashvili

Sh. Laliashvili


Doctor of historical science I. Gagoshidze

Doctor of historical science J. Gamaxaria

Doctor of medicine science S. Dalakishvili


iv. javaxiSvilis istoriisa da eTnologiis instituti

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi


anTropologiuri istoria

samecniero redaqtori

istoriis mecnierebaTa doqtori l. biTaZe

saredaqcio kolegia:

istoriis mecnierebaTa doqtori g. gasviani

filosofiis mecnierebaTa doqtori T. jaSaSvili

S. laliaSvili


istoriis mecnierebaTa doqtori i. gagoSiZe

istoriis mecnierebaTa doqtori j. gamaxaria

medicines mecnierebaTa doqtori s. dalaqiSvili

l. biTaZe, g. gasviani, S. laliaSvili, T. jaSaSvili.
afxazis anTropologiuri istoria, Tb. 2008, 312 gv.

monografia "afxazebis anTropologiuri istoria" warmoadgens. afxazi mosaxleobis

kompleqsur kvlevas, sadac afxazTa anTropogenetikuri Taviseburebani ganxilulia
dasavleT kavkasiis mosaxleobis cvalebadobis fonze.
dainteresebuli mkiTxveli, wignSi aRweril istoriul wyaroebze da
anTropologiur kvlevebze dayrdnobiT SeZlebs ukeTesad gaacnobieros istoriuli raoba
da zRvari gaavlos xelovnurad Seqmnil politikur problemasa da mecnieruli kvleviT
miRebul Sedegebs Soris, ukeTesad gaicnobieron istoriuli realoba, moiZion sakuTari
da saerTo fesvebi, SeigrZnon ori xalxis sisxliT naTesaoba.

qarTvelologiis, humanitaruli da socialuri mecnierebebis fondi

rusTavelis fondi

aRniSnuli proeqtis dafinanseba daiwyo erovnul samecniero fondSi da dasrulda

qarTvelologiis, humanitaruli da socialuri mecnierebebis fondSi (rusTavelis fondi)
mopovebuli grantis meSveobiT (GNSF/ST06/1-032). winamdebare publikaciaSi gamoTqmuli nebismieri
mosazreba ekuTvnis avtors da SesaZlebelia, ar asaxavdes qarTvelologiis, humanitaruli da
socialuri mecnierebebis fondis (rusTavelis fondis) Sexedulebebs.

Rustaveli Foundation for Georgian Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences

The designated project was launched at the Georgian National Science Foundation and was accomplished by the financial support of the
Foundation for Georgian Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences (Rustaveli Foundation) (GNSF/ST06/1-032). Any idea in this publication
belongs to the author and may not represent the opinion of the Foundation for Georgian Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences itself.

L. Bitadze, G. Gasviani, Sh. Laliashvili, T. Jashashvili

Abkhazians anthropological history, Tbilisi 2008, 300pp.

The monography “Abkhasian anthropological history’ presents complex studying of abkhasian population,
where there is observed anthropogenetic characteristics of Abkhasians, considering the variety of west Georgian
The reader, who is interested in the subject,will have an opportunity to realize better the history based on the
historical sources and anthropological studyings given in the book and understand the difference between an artificially
created political problem and the results of the scientific studyings, know more about historical reality, find their own
and common roots, feel the close genetic links between the two nations.

© monografia, 2008
gamomcemloba `universali~, 2008
Tbilisi, 0179, i. WavWavaZis gamz. 19, : 22 36 09, 8(99) 17 22 30

ISBN 978-9941-12-400-6
s a r C e v i
Co ntent
Introduction 7
Tavi I. afxazebi da afxazeTi mokle istoriul-geografiuli da 9
demografiuli daxasiaTeba. g. gasviani
Chapter I. Abkhasians and Abkhasia.Short historical, geographical
and demographical characteristics. G. Gasviani

Tavi II Tanamedrove afxazebis kraniologiuri polimorfizmi. 36

l. biTaZe, T. jaSaSvili
Chapter II. The craniological polymorphism of modern abkhasians.
L.Bitadze T. Djashashvili.

Tavi III afxazebis kefalometria da kefaloskopia SedarebiT 74

aspeqtSi. l. biTaZe, T. jaSaSvili
Chapter III. Comparative cephalometrics and cephaloscopy of abkhasions.
L.Bitadze. T. Djashashvili

Tavi IV kanis reliefis niSnebis cvalebadoba dasavleT

kavkasiis mosaxleobaSi. l. biTaZe, S. laliaSvili 161
Chapter IV. The range of changes of skin relief signs in west Caucasian
population. L.Bitadze Sh. Laliashvili

Tavi V. dasavleT kavkasiis mosaxleobis genetikuri struqtura

zogierTi izoantigenuri sistemebis mixedviT. l. biTaZe 243
Chapter V. Genetic structure of west Caucasian population by some
Isoantigenetic systems. L. Bitadze

VI Tavi. anTropologiuri monacemebi afxazTa eTnogenezis

sakiTxisaTvis (daskvnis magier). l. biTaZe 276
Chapter VI. Anthropological data about abkhasian ethnogenesis.
Instead of conclusion. L.Bitadze
Resume 295
Literature. 301

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