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Gbile Akanni

Fulfilment of your mandate or mission in life does not come arbitrarily or casually. There
are forces and motions that work together to produce the effect we desire in life, and in
what God has created you to accomplish.
'Dynamics' as opposed to 'statics' is defined in science as the interplay of forces
acting on an object to produce a desired displacement. It deals with the rate of change of
such displacements. It has to do with the velocity of the object in relation to its co-
ordinate axis and the vectors of its activity. Many people may have potential energy
which is static and does not affect anyone. It is the energy you engage just to maintain a
position. It is only useful in creating impact when it transforms to dynamic energy or
when it becomes kinetic. Many may actually die with their potentials embedded in them,
while he struggle to maintain a position or cling to a status.
Your energy only remains fresh as it translates from being merely potential, into
kinetic. You grow when you become dynamic and you die when you become static. This
is very crucial. Many men in positions of influence do not know that the only thing to do
in order to be relevant and fresh is to employ their potential energy(energy due to
position) to create motions that bring dynamics to the lives of people around them. Most
only celebrate their positions and cling to status and do all they can to maintain it rather
than use it to create impact on their immediate environment. You must keep converting
your positional energy to practical, active, and kinetic force that makes things to move
in the right direction of your personal development, otherwise you will become
cumbersome on the people that undertook to train you and pay sponsor your education.
You will become a mere statue in your life time, with much knowledge that is useless
even to yourself, even in yourself and to your generation.
Youthfulness is a manifestation of dynamism. It may be positive or negative;
the youth cannot be static. Dynamism is what many people call youthful exuberance.

Your being young is a key to exuberance, if you know how to engage it. You must not
waste your youthfulness, because when you grow old, your capacity for motion,
displacements, and change of potential energy to kinetic decays asymptotically to zero level.
There are some definite dynamics that I want to discuss here with you at this
crucial point of your life, if you will see your dreams become reality in your lifetime.
We shall discuss the dynamics under six broad concepts, which I call “The six Vs”:
1. The Vessel; 2. The Vision; 3.The Vehicle;
4. The Vigour; 5. The Velocity; 6. The Viruses
Each of these dynamics could be a whole subject of study but they are also interrelated
such that we cannot study them in isolation. By nature, if they are the dynamics, they are
dynamic …
‘‘handiwork (His handiwork), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do
those good works which God predestined (planned before hand) for us [taking paths
which he prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life
which he prearranged and made ready for us to live]’’.Eph.2:10 AMP
1. The Vessel
“For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus,
[born anew]....”

“And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before
it Grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not
a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole
face of the ground”

The first dynamic for the fulfilment of one's mandate is the vessel, the man or woman. It
is not the programmes or projects that men have not been able to fashion; the problem is
the fashioning of correct men and women .Each time God wants to visit a people in
revival or restoration or national transformation, he seeks for a man or woman to use. It
is the most crucial variable in every venture. You may assemble plants and equipment;
you may draw out brilliant proposals; you may even acquire land and other things; they
are useless if the man to operate or run with the vision is inadequately prepared.
Your life is the very first dynamic in fulfilling your mandate or in bringing hope
to your generation. In all the case studies I have outlined below for discussion you will
see that the beginning of any work is at the point God secures the vessel. Several Scriptures
begin with the genealogies just to trace the roots of the man or woman that God uses.
In this section of the dynamics, we must examine closely the life of the vessels
that God uses for his work. It is as he captures, captivates, cultures and commissions
these men and women on earth that His work can be done fruitfully. In other words, you
are the first and perhaps the most crucial dynamic in the fulfilment of your mandate in
life. Your life is the first force that we must reckon with as I look at some biblical
examples; do not lose sight of your own life. Your personal growth and training are the
very basic dynamics in all that you will ever accomplish for God in your life, and for
your Generation. The capturing, the captivating, and the culturing of your own life in
God's hands are the first interplay of forces that may culminate into the fulfilment of
your mission in life. If God has not delivered, redeemed, and sanctified you for Himself,
the enemy surely has plans to devour you and turn you to a wreck and a Nonentity. The
vessel is so crucial to God's kingdom expansion on earth to the extent that Jesus, in
Matthew 20, likened the kingdom entirely to the recruitment of men and women into the
vineyard. When He saw the multitudes in Matthew 9, His cry was not for power to save
sinners or the anointing to heal their sicknesses; it was for the scarcity of labourers Permit
me to draw issues on this first crucial dynamic of effective fulfilment of any man's
mission in life, as I illustrate the examples of men who rose to bring a definite and
positive input into the development of their own people in their own generations. The
Bible is full of such men and women, who were not just doing religious works; but who
were actively involved in the politics or the businesses of their day.

Joseph, the Prime Minister over Egyptian Economy

‘‘He had sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. His feet were hurt
with fetters; his neck was put in a collar of iron; until what he had said came to pass,
what the word of the LORD tested him. The king sent and released him; the ruler of the
peoples set him free; he made him lord of his possessions, to bind his princes at his
pleasure and to teach his elders wisdom.’ (Psa 105:17-22 ESV)The beauty of that story
and the prosperity brought both to Egypt and even to Israel, was hinged on the life and
the training of Joseph. Though he had great dreams in his youth, the dreams would not
make him the vessel until God took him own place of formation. Potiphar's house, the
conflict with Potiphar’s wife, the prison house for several years, and all that he had to
learn and grow through; were all in the curriculum God drew to train and equip him so
he could step into the office God had prepared for him. Until God had finished preparing
His vessel, nothing could move forward with him. His feet were hurt with fetters; his neck
was put in a collar of iron; what he had said came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him.
He brought divine wisdom into the management of the economy of Egypt. His
spiritual gifts of interpreting dreams grew over the years of his formation. He moved
from being a mere dreamer, as his brothers called him in the earlier years to become an
interpreter of dreams. He brought accurate interpretation and application of the dreams
of the butler and the cupbearer in the prison, and now could stand before the king and
bring instruction from the Lord for the government of Egypt. His spiritual gifts did not
just find expression in religious activities limited to church meetings or church halls. He
was a man in government business. He managed lands and the entire economy of Egypt,
all because God had formed and fashioned him in the furnace. Your personal formation
is crucial in what you become in your own generation.
Have you given space to Christ in your heart, to mould you for the future He has for you?

Moses: Made to lead men out of captivity

Moses was the chosen vessel for the deliverance of the people of Israel from the bondage
of Egypt. He was born at a time of serious affliction of the people, and would not have
needed to grow or be prepared for his assignment in life; this shows that God will not

throw anyone into the field of ministry or saddle a man with the weight of leadership
mandate without first working on his or her life.
The summary of his life or what I call the blurb on the back cover of what could
have been the biography of Moses is given in Hebrews 11:23-27; and it is good for us to
draw some few instructions for our own learning from there.
By faith Moses, when he has was born, was hid three months of his parents, because
they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.
By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of
Pharoah's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to
enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches
than the treasures in Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing
him who is invisible. Hebrews 11: 23-27
The outline we shall draw from Moses’ life is only to guide our own hearts on
what kind of men or women we ought be, if we want to serve God effectively even in
this generation.
1. Moses forsook Egypt by faith. He refused to be called Pharaoh's daughter's
son. He chose rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting
pleasures of sin. He did not see the treasures of Egypt as what to cling to. He rather
considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth. He was captivated with the invisible
glory. No man can become a vessel in God's hands, if he has not forsaken sin and the
world to run after the Lord. Those who give themselves to immediate pleasure of sin and
of the temporary world never, rise to become anything serious in their generation for
God. Are you genuinely converted? Have you forsaken your own Egypt and all its
allurement? Have you indeed forsaken your old identity? Are you a new creation? No
matter what you expect to become for God, it will not see the light of day, until you have
first seen the light that shines out of darkness, and that has drawn you out of sin and
darkness to light of life Himself.
2. Though Moses was highly educated in all the wisdom, science, and
philosophy of the Egyptians, it would not adequately position him for the mandate for
which he was born. Having being captured and captivated by God, Moses had to be
cultured, trained, and prepared for the call of God upon his life. This training would not
take place in Egypt. All the colleges he had attended in Egypt only trained his head,
while his heart was waiting for divine encounter.
God cannot use a man until He has dealt with his inner life. Whatever you hope
to become in this life, if it will contribute to the kingdom of God; you must experience
the new life of the kingdom and be cultured and trained in the same. Moses had to locate
the hand under which he would be fashioned for the purpose of God for his life. He was
thrust away from the field in frustration, when he was ill-prepared for the assignment.
Though he supposed the brethren would have known that God would deliver them by his
hand, the question of “who made you a leader over us,” loomed over his head. It took
him forty solid years to come back with an authentic authority for his mandate.
Many cannot see fulfilment of their mandates in life today because they rushed
out earlier than God was ready to present them. They left the quarry before they were
properly cut to fit into the space provided for them in life. Moses waited for this divine
culturing and preparation. Coming out prepared and equipped, the exodus which had
been impossible for hundreds of years became a reality in few weeks.
. Have you located your Jethro under whose hand God would make you under
for the assignment ahead of you? Have you gone to the quarry site where men are cut for
their specific space in life; or you are just struggling with hammers, chisels and other
iron tools, fighting for relevance? Are you just sweating and struggling and competing
with your mates? Are you just stepping on others to create space for yourself rather than go back
to the quarry where God cuts men in shape and size for their assignments in life? Why do you
waste more time? Go back to the quarry and face your personal preparation and formation.
God takes His stand to prepare each man for his mandate. The time to manifest
your life on the right platform is essentially tied to point of reformation for the mandate.
Though Moses was born when the need for the deliverance for Gods people became so
urgent, his personal readiness could not be compromised. He had to go through his own
quarry experience to be cut for his own mandate. Have you just been pushing yourself
forward when you have returned to the place of divine preparation under the hands of
men God has appointed to make you for His use and for your task in life?
2. The vision
“That we may do these good works which God predestined (planned before hand)” for us...
Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who
keep the law.Pro.29:18 ESV
The next dynamic for an effective life that will bring fulfilment to your mandate
in life is vision. The vision here does not just mean a dream we may have in our
unconscious state. It is rather the opening of one's eyes to see into the days ahead, though
it is presently invisible to our natural colleagues. It is catching a perspective of what God
wants to do in your life and through you in the future. A vision is the insight God gives
a man into what lies ahead of him, and he is meant to accomplish with his life. It is what
gives focus to a man's life pursuits. It becomes the pursuit of his heart though it may be
in a dream or a trance, It is not the dream that matters, but the interpretation we get from
such. It is not one dream that becomes your life's vision. It is a cumulative giving of God
on your life that forms the focus of your life and determines, what you spend your life
doing. Do not get into anything unless there is a clear vision of what you were meant to do
with your life. A vision is more engaging than a mere ambition or competition with your rivals.
A vision may come directly out of what God said particularly to you, or it may
arise out of a burden that comes upon your heart about a need; a challenge in your
community or in the world which you feel absolutely responsible under God to do
something about. It is the vision that defines your mission. A mission without a vision is
an aimless venture and a mere drift into nothingness. Vision is what harnesses all the
strength of a man to a focus. It is what God gives a man to do and accomplish in his life
time and now forms a basis for his labour in life.
What is the invisible aspect of your pursuit that keeps you running ahead of
your colleagues? When you are able to articulately answer these questions, you would
have stated your vision which will become a crux of your mission in life. Where there is
no prophetic vision, the people languish and cast off restraints.

There is no coordination in what they do. Activities do not beget vision and may
not culminate into a sustainable vision for life; rather it is a vision that generates, gives
focus to, and harnesses all your activities. They only become means of achieving the
Vision. Christ walked with a clear vision of what he came to the earth to do. (Lk1:45-50,
4:16-21; Heb 10:5-10; John 12:23-28) He maintained a single eye on it, and knew the
progress he made from point to point until He had finished. He declared at the end of his
brief sojourn on earth “I have finished the work you gave me to do”.
Paul was a man who walked with a heavenly vision in all he had to do. He
boldly told King Agrippa that he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. It was what
made him to do all he did and suffered for all he suffered. His vision was formed right
from the onset of his encounter with the risen LORD. What God said to him through
Ananias and what he eventually heard from the Lord in all the years of his wilderness
waiting in Arabia, formed the foundation of the vision he bore in his life and Ministry.
At times a vision is developed directly from the word of God revealed to a man
peculiarly. The Scriptures actually constitutes the authentic source of every lasting vision
for life and ministry of John the Baptist read Isaiah 40 and knew it was what he was born
to fulfil. It became his vision for living and for ministry. It defined his mission in life. It
became the bedrock of his message to his own generation. When he was accomplishing
the vision God gave him, he declared it among the people. He did not drift into what
others were trying to force on him. He was happy to decrease while Christ whom he
came to introduce to the world increased. (Joh1:6-8, 15-37; 3:23-31).Some other times,
a vision is born out of encounters with the challenges of life that men and women are
facing around you. Do you have eyes to see the plight of men in our land as to develop
a vision to bring solutions to these challenges with the opportunity of the training that
has come upon you at the moment?
A vision makes a man to walk with a single eye. It brings his life to a single focus. It
delimits and sets boundaries for his operations. He is not a jack of all trades. A vision
helps a man to concentrate his energy and resources on the particular area of calling. It
brings the best out his life and makes him full of light. “The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be
evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be
darkness, how great is that darkness!” Mat 6:22-23 KJV
What you were raised by God to contribute to His kingdom on earth is what will make
you relevant, and that must be the fulcrum of your vision in life. Bring all your strength
to bear upon it, and you will see yourself shining forth.
All who were dynamic with their mandate in life walked within the vision God
gave them. A vision does not allow a man to dissipate, but rather brings all his graces to
bear upon the pivot of his calling. There is a lot of diffusion and dissipation when a man
does not have a clear vision for his life and his mandate. H is easily carried off with every
wind of doctrine. He is dragged into every new thing happening in town. He does so
many things and never finishes any. A man that does not have a single eye is a man in
darkness. He does not know what to pursue with his time and opportunities, and so
becomes available for everything and anything. A vision brings forth the specialty in
each man, and develops him in the area of his endowment.
Do you have a clear vision for life as yet?
A vision is the force that pushes a man to surmount every obstacle. It is the vision that
formulates your action and your mission. Until a vision is accomplished, a man of vision
cannot give himself rest. A vision does not allow you to accept half measures. Can you
write out your vision in a very clear and communicable statement? Your mission
statement will simply be the approach you have decided to actualize your vision.
Fulfilment is actually possible when from the onset you are sure of your target and what
you set out to achieve. It sets the goals for your labours, and it is also the basis of your
evaluation. You do not measure success by mere comparison with people around you. It
is your vision that measures your success. Are you satisfied internally?
3. The Vehicle
[Taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them...
This is the third dynamic in the pursuit of our mandate in life that we must understand if
we must be effective and fulfilled. Whereas it is crucial to have a clear vision for the
mandate you have received in life, it is as important to understand the vehicle of its
accomplishment. When you get to the motor park, you must be careful to enter into the
right vehicle for the destination you are going. If you are going by sea and join a ship
that is going to Tarshish, when you should be going to Nineveh; you will attract terrible
storms on your path and you may end up losing everything, if not your life. There is a
vehicle for the vision God gives you to accomplish.
A vehicle in the broad sense of the word is simply a means of transport, the
means of carriage from one point to another. It is the means that takes you from the point
of just visualising in abstract to actualising in concrete terms what God has called you to
do. It is the means that gets the job done and that in the time allotted for you. Many are
executing a God -given vision by wrong means; and all they have been experiencing is
frustration and disappointment. If you do the right thing in a wrong way and by a wrong
means, it becomes a wrong thing eventually.
The vehicle that conveys a man into the fulfilment of his mandate is usually
peculiar to the vision God has given. It includes: what to do, where to be, what path to
take, who to work with, and what to use in accomplishing the task. Each of these
parameters is crucial for the fulfilment of God's call on your life.

“What to do” as part of the vehicle for the fulfilment of a vision is very crucial. A vision
remains abstract until you do something about it. The apostles stood gazing into the
heavens as the Lord was taken up into the clouds before their eyes. They could have
remained at the same spot just gazing into the sky, and nothing of the vision God
committed to their hands would have come to pass. The angel challenged them, 'Ye men
of Galilee, why stand ye here gazing...?” In response, they went back to the upper room
to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit in concerted prayer sessions that lasted ten days.
Joshua was given a clear instruction of what to do in order to cross the over flooded river
Jordan with the people. The strategy God gave him was not the same as the one given
Moses to cross the Red Sea with the people. For Moses, there was a rod to stretch over
the waters; but for Joshua, there would be no rod to flip. Men of the Levite Company
had to sanctify themselves and bear the Ark of the Covenant on their shoulders, go in
front of the people, step into the river, and stand firmly there until all the children of
Israel had cleanly crossed over. What to do must be revealed to you from time to time
and from place to place. The entry point into a place of fulfilling your mandate this time
may not be the same as the way you entered the former place where you recorded great
Success. As you study the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus while on the earth, you
will discover that He was very meticulously led by the Holy Spirit each time to do things
in a unique way. Two blind persons were not healed in the same way and by the same
means. He knew what to do to accomplish the task the Father gave Him to do. This is a
crucial wisdom we must all seek in the pursuit of our mandates. If you do not know what
to do to open a door, you are locked out and it can be Frustrating. For every assignment
God has given you, there is a vehicle of conveyance into its fulfilment. For every vision
God gives you, if you care to find out, there is a means and the path to accomplish it. Do
not just run around your vision; sit down to find out what the Lord will have you to
accomplish it. Do not just go about sharing your vision with people; you may meet fire
extinguishers who are so short-sighted and they may talk you out of it. What men must
see is what you are doing in pursuit of your God-given mandate in life. Sit down right
away and find out:

“What am I to do to push my vision into a mission?” This is the crucial thing you
must do now. You are not too young to pray and find out what means God will have you
engage to pursue His purpose for your Life. “Where to be” at a particular time is also
very important in the fulfilment of your mandate.

“I saw something else under the sun. The race isn't won by fast runners, or the battle by
heroes. Wise people don't necessarily have riches, and skilled people don't necessarily
receive special treatment. But time and unpredictable events overtake all of them.”
Eccl9:11GW. If you read the same passage in the Living Bible, it is rendered thus:
“Again I looked throughout the earth and saw that the swiftest person does not always
win the race, nor the strongest man the battle, and that wise men are often poor, and
skilful men are not necessarily famous; but it is all by chance, by happening to be at the
right place at the right time”
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his
Arriving at your mission in life is also not just because of your muscles or your
intelligent planning. The battle is not for the strong and the race is not won by the fast
runners. God must order your steps and place you at the right place at the right time.
There is a right time for everything under heaven. Your location is tied severally with
your allocation. You need to be at the time and season you are, in the purpose of God for
your life. Many genuine intentions have not worked out, not because people did not think
it through or plan well. There is this element in fulfilling your mandate that I want you
to pay attention to. Do not take it for granted that you can be anywhere at any time doing
anything. Let God lead you. Seek His mercy to place you at the right place at the right
time, doing the right things. We see this in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. He knew
when to go and when to stay back. He knew when to leave a place and which way to take
for the accomplishment of his task on the earth. We could illustrate this with several
examples but we shall look at Jesus at the feast of Tabernacles in John7, “My time has
not yet come, but your time is always here.’’
This is the first matter that I must learn from the life of my Lord again in this
passage. He was aware and fully conscious of His own time and the purpose of each time
He had. He would not follow the crowd to do anything; He rather watched the divine
timing for doing anything he must do. He was diligent to walk into things at their times.
To everything under heaven, there is a time and a season. He knew His own season and
timing of doing anything. God does everything beautiful in its own time. ‘‘My time to
go to this feast has not come. It will come but not now.’’ This is amazing to me. As
simple as going for a meeting appears, there is a time to go there and there is a time to
refrain from going. There is a time to go and there is a time not to go. It is also to distort
and disrupt the divine agenda for my life. I need to so walk with God that I will also walk
in time, and do things in their allotted times. He would not employ the right time to do
the wrong thing. He watched all that had to happen at each time. He watched what His
Father was doing at each time and likewise did the same. He waited to hear what the
Father had to say on any matter before He spoke about it. If I also must fulfil my mandate
in life and within my life time, this is the life I must learn; and this is the likeness of His
I must long to be changed into, from one degree of glory to another. But your time is
always here This sounds to me as, “Others may, I cannot.” My Lord knew the peculiar
person He was, and would not reduce Himself to the level of ordinary people whose lives
were ruled from the world below. Though these brothers of His came from the same
womb as He did, there was a world of difference between Him and them; and He was
always aware of it. ‘‘Your own time is always here. There is nothing at stake about you,
as you belong to the world. The world cannot hate you, but it is me it hates; because I
testify about it that its works are evil. You are not a threat to their operations.’’ What a
matter I see in the Lord today! He knew who He was and why He got all the reactions
that came to Him from the world system. He was not going to do anything like anyone
in the world did.” O Lord remind me always of who I am and what you are doing in my
life. Let me not struggle to belong to the world or to do the things that others are doing;
even if they are brothers or sisters. Let me know your path for my life and be satisfied to
walk in it. Others may go for the feast and be found comfortable with the world system,
even if it is in a Church; but for me, I must walk in the light of your dealings with me.”
This must be your constant prayer. A man who would fulfil his mandate in life must not
just join the multitude to do things, or just play to the gallery for the amusement of
spectators. He moves on course and for definite purposes that are congruent with his
mission in life. He does not withdraw into the shell because of fear of opposition. He
(Jesus) knew that opposition only came because He had taken a position to pursue God's
mandate for His life.
‘‘You go up to the feast. I am not going up to this feast, for my time has not fully
He did not insist on keeping the company with His brothers or forcing them to see His
own vision as to walk at His pace. This is what makes many to derail in the pursuit of
their mandate in life. Here is another lesson for me! My consecration must not be
imposed on others who are not so committed to the Lord. Men must be released to live
their lives according to their convictions; so I can be free to pursue God’s ordination for
my life, my walk, and work with Him. Unless I allow men to go up to the feast whichever
way they choose, I will not be free to be what God has called me to be in this life. To
compel men to walk the way the Lord has taught me to walk is to drag men like a band-
wagon along, and it will slow me down; if it does not even derail me. I must allow men
to go their own way, so I can be separated to God.
What others have their liberty to do must not become a snare to me, because I
want to keep their company. I must simply maintain my walk with the Lord no matter
who is following or not. Even in discipleship, I did not see the Lord compelling all the
disciples to walk by force in His own personal consecration. When they were feeling
sleepy, He left them to sleep on; while He went ahead of them in a distance of a stone'
s throw and prayed , with such an intensity that His sweat became like drops of blood.
Here they were sleeping; there, just a few yards away, He was groaning in prayer. I must
let men be themselves so that I can face my own consecration with God. This is the way
to fulfill my mandate in life. You must not just allow the crowd or depend on their
willingness before you pursue your mission in life. Peer pressure must not derail you.

4. The Vigour
‘‘Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim, anything as coming from us, but our
sufficiency is from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant,
not of the letter but of the spirit. For the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.’’ 2Co3:5-6
Where do we get the vigour for the vision? Nothing heavenly can take place on earth
without the gravitational pull. While the force of gravity is universally imposed on
everything on earth physically, there is a spiritual force that opposes every work of God
on earth since the fall of man. The prince of this world seeks to dominate and subdue
anything that moves on the face of the earth. Hence, to execute your God-given vision
while on earth, you must need a vigour that overcomes every friction of the spirit. A man
who engages in spiritual warfare with the energy of the flesh, has only gone forth to get
himself killed.
God’s work cannot be done with natural strength. It is the spirit that quickens, the flesh
profits nothing. The best brains and high intellectualism may be useful for ordinary
things of the world; it profits the kingdom of God not a bit. Only the rod that has budded
in the presence of God like Aaron's can bear spiritual authority in life.
If you are in business or in academia to make a statement for the kingdom of
God, you need the wisdom that comes from above. You need to be anointed with the
Spirit of the living God to grant you the skills that will baffle all your competitors. It was
such an anointing that came on Daniel and his colleagues that pushed them ahead of their

mates in the University of Babylon. It was what they called the ‘‘excellent spirit of the
gods that advanced him beyond all the vice-presidents. That was not the spirit of the
gods, it was the Spirit of the Most High God that rested fully on his head. God gave them
interpretations to strange dreams and mysterious writings. This was not in any religious
context. It was in governance that Daniel excelled, and yet was a prophet that could speak
so accurately into the times of the end.
Every and any venture that will advance the kingdom of God on earth has to be
the one energized from above by the Spirit of God. It is always a spiritual warfare to gain
an inch in the world system .Jesus would not send them out on any errand, until He had
given them power over all unclean spirits.
To serve God's purpose in a world system against the kingdom of darkness is definitely
going to be warfare and you need vigour from above to succeed. Even in the academia,
you need an anointing to grant you break- through into the research that will position the
purpose of God in your hand among your colleagues as Daniel of old. Joseph's economic
policies that turned Egypt round and made her prosperous came as an inspiration from
the excellent Spirit of God. God's purpose in this generation cannot be achieved in the
various fields of our posting without the power from on high.
Again let us examine briefly the vigour of our Lord's life and ministry in Luke 4:1.
And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led into the
wilderness, Lk. 4:1 KJV
It was the vigour that He used to confront and combat the wicked temptation of
the devil that brought Him to the wilderness. He would have fallen a victim if He was
not filled with the Holy Spirit. Many Pastors are on their backs today as they fell flat
before the devil that tempted them with women, with wealth and with worth. They could
not say like their Master, '' Get thee behind me, Satan. '' They were deflated in the spirit
as they only filled their heads with empty knowledge, not bathed in the power of God.
At the end of all the temptation, the devil departed from Him only for a season. He waited
for another opportune time. This is to show you how dangerous it is to go about with
empty, deflated spirit, not full of the Holy Spirit. The enemy waits only for an opportune
time to strike you down. What other time is the opportune time apart from when you are
emptied of the power of God through sin and carelessness. But Jesus returned in the
power of the Holy Spirit. Look at the report:

‘‘And when the Devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.
And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of
him through all the region round about. And he taught in their synagogues, being
glorified of all.’’ Luke4:13-15 KJV.

I must say, it is the same for all of us, including the servants of God in political offices
or in, industry. The three classes of temptation that Satan tempted our Lord with, will
also come to you. It is the trinity of evil to say. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life are the tripod on which all the activities of the devil in the world
stand. Beware of making bread out of the stones because you are hungry. The desire for
women will knock on your door severally. Women of easy virtues will offer themselves
to you at a seeming no cost, but it is indeed at the cost of your life, your integrity and
your destiny. Wealth will attract you and you will likely fall for the desire to acquire
anything that appeal to your eyes. This was the pit into which Solomon began to fall.
You will possibly be tempted to run for the fame of this world and exert your sense of
importance without giving the glory to God. Many ended their careers prematurely on
these slabs for slaughter. You need power from on high to sail through. The only vigour
for this mandate is this power. Without it, there is no dynamite in your life to make you
move into the next level if His calling on your life. Get filled with the Holy Spirit before
you proceed in life.

5. The velocity
This is the next dynamic unto fulfilling your mandate in life. Velocity is defined
ordinarily as the rate of displacement. It is the amount of distance covered within a time
space. The velocity of a man's life will be defined as the rate at which he is pushing
through his mandate within the time space he has been given. All who would fulfil their
calling must work with time. They must work in the consciousness of the limitedness of
their opportunity to serve. None of us is everlasting. Our time is limited and it ticks away
by the second of our watch. Time is opportunity to do a thing. While other things are
accumulatable and storable time is not. Time is unidirectional. It goes one way and does
not return again. For this dynamic of our mandate to be clear, let us seek the
understanding of time and so be able to put our hearts in the path of wisdom.
Understanding Our Time
In seeking to run with a focus on our life's mandate, we must understand out time in these
three dimensions:
i. Understand the Nature of Time
ii. Understand the purpose of our time.
iii. Understand the timeliness of time.

i. The Nature of Time: Ephesians 5:14-18

Time is not accumulatable. Time is not static. It is dynamic. It is on the run. You cannot
add time on time. Time cannot be brought forward. Time is not also transferable. By
nature, time is on the run. If you don't pull it, redeem it and apply it for use, it will just
click off from your hand. Any time not used is time lost. Any time not applied is time
wasted. If time must be used at all, it must be redeemed. It must be snatched. The
language of time is 'now or never'. I must act now in time or I will never have this time

Since time is not accumulatable, not storable, not stoppable, not free, not static, I must
grab it to be engaged for what I am called to do in do in my lifetime. No time is vacant.
Each day is filled with its own consignment of evil. I must evacuate it for my own use.
Every time is attached to some evil to be achieved by the devil, so I must continuously
detach it for my own use. Each time i need to do anything, I must evacuate it of what it
is being attached to. I can have enough time for what i want to do with my life if and
only if i evacuate the sufficient time for the tasks. Though time is mot expandable, i can
dig out of it all the sediments and make it seemingly expanded for my own use.

ii. The purposefulness of Time: Eccl. 3:1-11

Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven.
There is a time to be born and a time to die. There is a time to plant and a time to pull
out what was planted. This is very critical for me i I will not waste time. Time must not
only be used for something, it is important for me to know what each time of my life is
meant for.
Each time is a purposeful time. To everything there is a season and time to every purpose
under heaven. For my life not to be a waste, the season for a thing must match. I must
walk in season for what I must do. The matter is not achieved, and the time is wasted.
When you miss the season of a thing, you jeopardise the other parts of your life. What
you don't do in its season is out of date. It is never really done. It only encumbers the time
and occupies it from being applied to what it is being meant for. To be said to be a seasoned
man it is just a description of expertise but of one who acts in appropriate seasons.
Do not be addicted to the things you used to do. If the season for it has passed,
it will be a waste of your life. I have got to know my season. Season is a portion of time
within which i must accomplish some certain things. I must ask regularly ''what season
am i supposed to be doing?''
Each season is segment in my life and what I do in this season must be
preparatory for the next season. As I walk diligently with the Lord, He helps me to bring
forth my fruit in its season, accomplish specific things at the specific time frame allocated
for such things in my life and calling.
Every purpose under heaven has a time allocation and a time attached. It is
important for me to walk in time. Christ walked in time and did everything at the
appropriate times. He knew when to go somewhere, and when to refrain from going. He
would say “I will not go to this feast now for my time to go is not yet. You may go, for
your own time is always here.” It is amazing to watch my Lord walk with a sense divine
of timing. He knew when it was the hour of darkness, and He knew when it was His own
day and the hours in the day. He knew what to do and when to do it Lord. He knew what
hour to enter the city and meet the right person with the pitcher of water. He repeatedly
reminded His disciples of the time and purpose for such a time. He never lingered
anywhere beyond the allotted hour. He would not go earlier to see Lazarus than when
the greatest miracle was meant to be done to bring the greatest glory to His Father.
There is a place to be at a particular time. There is a specific thing to accomplish
at that time. There would be no rush in my life, if I were so guided from day to day. Be
a man of the season, who does things as if there may be no other chance.

The timeliness of time

A time is only timely if it is applied for what it is meant to do. I must do the
things to be done at the time allocated to them. I must be at the right place at the right
time. The timeliness of time is not in my power to know. I need the mercy of God to
make me timely. A time is only timely if it makes me arrive at divine purposes as and
when due. Time becomes untimely when it lags behind the set purposes in their due
season. If Jesus had arrived at Lazarus' home two days earlier, it would have been
untimely. Promptness is not just keeping to set-times of meetings and programmes; it is
rather being at the right place at the right time doing the right thing for the right cause.
Untimely time is wasted and misused time. It is rather a disruption of divine
programming. It brings conflicts and confusion to divine order. It is what we would
rather call lateness. When I am timely, everything works perfectly in its own time. He
has made everything beautiful in His own time. The beauty of a thing is in its own
timeliness. It is not good anymore once its time has expired. Things are obsolete as soon
as their proper time expires. It is no longer good for the plan and purpose of God on
earth. It actually now encumbers the space and disfigures the symmetry God had
intended. I must be timely. What I do must also be timely.
Many things may crowd around you for attention, but it is time for only one
thing at a time. You must be a man of only that one thing. You must not be divided in-
between so many things. It will rob you of your consecration. You must leave behind
that for which the time has passed, and run ahead with what is currently in the present
season and timing.
The velocity of a man's mandate is in his ability to match his labour with time
allotted for it, and to be able to say, “I have finished my race” at the time when the time
for such work expires. It is not about running or competing with another person. It is
being able to achieve all that God mandated you to do within the time allocated for such
works. Christ was a man of velocity. Look at Him declaring the sense of time, timeliness,
and the work to be done within such time:
‘‘But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. Therefore said the
disciples to one another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? Jesus saith unto them,
my meat is to do the work of him that sent me, and to finish his work. Say not yet, there
are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes
and look up to the field, for they are white already to harvest.’’ Jn4:32-35 KJV.
He did not keep to tradition. He moved with time and purpose. Meat was not good
enough to occupy the time to minister to the Samaritan woman whose timely moment
was then. He would not succumb to sleep when it was time to write a note to someone.
He would not say there were yet four months and then the harvest would come, when he
could see the field already white to harvest. He knew that in harvest, the harvest would
have fallen to the ground and wasted if the wheat was not harvested. It would be an
untimely labour then. Jesus knew that there was a time when no man could work, no
matter how willing and zealous he was. There is a time when power and energy cannot
do anything because it is not the time to work. He knew His own day and His own night.
He would not waste His day and be struggling to do something when the night has
already fallen for such a work.
Men of velocity do not procrastinate. They know that the next time is allocated
for something else. Time is now for that thing to be done. If it is not done now, the next
time will not be its time. He put Himself under ‘‘must.’’ “I must work the works of Him

that sent me, while it is day.” His sense of the “night comes” sounds so urgent to my ears. He
saw the night coming deliberately with its own speed. You cannot stop it from coming.
Those who fulfilled their mandate in life were men and women who applied
this dynamic or velocity to their labours. May the Lord grant you wisdom to know this
and walk with this dynamic in your heart, in Jesus’ name. Do not postpone or
procrastinate what you can accomplish today to another time. Do not wish for more time
when you have only sat down gazing at the enormity of your assignment. Engage the
time you have in hand now. Tomorrow may never be yours. Maximise the time you have.
The next time is for another purpose. Today is the only time you have. Your yesterday
is of no use again. It is spent and cannot be brought.
Jesus knew that there is a time when no man can walk, no matter how willing or how
zealous he is.
Any other flame belongs to your history. Be a man of velocity in the discharge
of your mandate.
6. The viruses
As you may have known very well, a virus is not a desirable element. It is the little
organism that creeps into the farm, to a human body or to your computer and causes
untold damage and destruction. Viruses are of different categories. HIV is an endemic
virus that has broken down the family structures as fathers and mothers have left their
children as orphans to unnecessary death. Yes, there are viruses to wage war against in
the pursuit of your mandates. All who must fulfill their mandate on earth must be alert
and must be ready with any vaccine and anti-virus against the viruses the enemy is
releasing to destroy first their lives and their mandate
It is not when you have been attacked by the virus that you begin to run around
for remedy. Wisdom of the medical profession teaches us that prevention is better than
cure. The curative medicine is not as important as preventive medicine. Curative does
not restore to the original shape and sharpness. It is more costly than the preventive. The
curative usually comes as an emergency, taking time not allocated for it; whereas the
preventive is easy and simple. It does not take much attention or time. It is not costly; it
is very cost -effective. Look at the wisdom of God on this matter:
“If you work in a stone quarry, you get hurt by stones. If you split wood, you get hurt
doing it. If your axe is dull and you don't sharpen it, you have to work harder to use it.
Knowing how to charm a snake is of no use if you let the snake bite first” (Eccl 10:9-11 GNB)
Let me note that your mandate and the nature of your calling are what define
the kind of viruses that attack you. If you work in a stone quarry you get hurt by stones.
Each professional calling has its own peculiar viruses, and you should not be fighting a
virus that is not present in your area of calling.
God's wisdom also proffers that prevention is better than cure. Knowing how to
charm a snake is of no use if you let the snake bite you first. This is what many persons
will not pay attention to. They spend so much money and time charming the snake after
it has released its venom into their systems.
To outline all the viruses that the enemy has invented up to date is an onerous
task. Even in computer circles, they require you to do virus scan every day. No one is
sure of the rate at which the enemy of our souls invents and releases these viruses into
the land; aimed at no one else but the man of God, to crash him and get him off the stage
in disgrace.
Definitely, you know that SIN is the first virus the enemy has invented; and it
has effectively destroyed many people. It drove the devil himself out of his place in
heaven; and so he knows how potent it is to destroy, discredit, and discard a man no
matter how useful he has been. He uses it all the time. Are you relaxed where sin is being
practiced? This virus has a very alarming rate of spread. You may not know when it has
crept into your heart.
Beware! Watch your heart. Your mandate in life, in business, or in your
professional calling may come with peculiar virus of sin; it will crouch at your door, and
its desire is for you. But you must crush it under your feet. You must not fall victim to
it. If you cannot crush it, flee from it with all your strength. It is better to run and keep
safe, than stay and get stained and become stale.
While we have all labelled sin as a killer and a venom that will destroy the work
of God in any man's life, the producer of this virus has not relented in changing its face,
colour, packaging, and other things that make it look less dangerous. It comes in various
forms and appearances now, such that if you do not take care; you will already roped in
its web before you will realize it. Can you do a virus scan as you examine your heart
before God today?

Viruses of Pride and Spiritual Arrogance

Have you started to share the glory with God quietly in your heart as you think
that these things happening in the pursuit of God's mandate on your life, are the works
of your hands? Are you beginning to grab titles for yourself? You are no more the simple
brother of yesterday. You are now sophisticated and complicated. I suggest you do a virus
scan and see where you presently stand in your prayer life and in your walk with the Lord.
Samson gradually broke down his Nazareth consecration to the Lord as he
permitted these little viruses into his life. He began to sleep out. He would drink
fermented drink which his mother never after he was conceived in the womb.
He began to touch the dead bodies, first of animals and then of men, as he went
looking for the garments he had pledged to pay for his Philistine wife’s treachery. Are
you getting infected already with the modern day viruses of pornography, internet sex,
and other forms of immorality that have wrecked many of your class and school mates?
Viruses are inevitable for a growing man and a growing work. It is part of the battle we
must fight to finish well. Your adversary, the devil like a roaring lion is going up and
down, here and there, in and out, left, right and centre; seeking whom to devour. You must
resist him steadfastly in the faith. Put on the whole armour of God that you may end well.

PEACE HOUSE BOX 971, GBOKO. :07030363659 www.livingseed.org


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