Final Essay Zsiros Elizabet EACNW3

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Beneficial impacts of the controversial horse racing


Horse racing is considered to be integral but at the same time not a fully accepted part of

entertainment in modern life. Several articles and petitions can be read about horses rights.

Numerous associations fight zealously against the competitive use of horses. From their point

of view, racing with horses is a kind of animal torture. The above mentioned statement

became even more well-known when the German pentathlon coach was dismissed from

Tokyo Olympic Games for punching a horse. The aim of this essay is to highlight the

beneficial impacts of the horse racing industry in order to reveal the legitimacy of the

competitive use of horses.

Firstly, that huge amount of tax revenue which is originated by the competitive use of horses,

contributes largely to the annual budget of America not to be mentioned the millions of jobs

what it creates. To give an illustration, according to the attached study of The American Horse

Council Foundation, the total economic impact of the horse racing and breeding industry is

$122 billion in the United States. (The 2017 Economic Impact Study Of The U.S. Horse

Industry, Moreover, if the above mentioned data was not

convincing enough, 1,7 million jobs are created by this controversial industry in the USA, and

many more in other countries. As it can be noticed in the study, the largest economic impact is

originated from the Racing sector. This sector generates the 42% of the total annual tax

revenue which is originated from this industry. Furthermore, besides the Racing sector, the

second largest economic impact is created by the Competition sector, as the study shows. If

the data of these sectors are summed up, it can be seen that only the Racing and Competition

sectors create the unbelievably high 74% of the total economic impact. (The 2017 Economic

Impact Study Of The U.S. Horse Industry,

It would make several difficulties to the U.S. government if this huge amount of tax revenue

were deleted from the annual budget by associations who sabotage the competitive use of


Secondly, if the social background of this industry is examined closely, another beneficial

impacts can be highlighted. Hippodromes used to be and still are popular places for people

who would like to have some special moments in their life. These competitions can contribute

to many positive effects in our society according to the attached publication of the Social

Issues Research Centre. (Kate Fox, The Racing Tribe, In this study, participant-

observations, observation studies and extensive interviews are completed by the researchers at

twenty-four horse race events. The study shows that the special atmosphere which is created

by hippodromes makes a unique impact on human behaviour. To demonstrate, the research

revealed that even though people usually avoid eye contact in public events, at the races

keeping eye-contact and smiling at strangers is completely familiar and common. In addition,

the female participants are treated with special courtesy by men regardless of clothing or

appearance. Moreover, the research states that the acceptance between different cultures is

strengthened by these events. (Kate Fox, The Racing Tribe,

The above mentioned study also states, that these beneficial behavioural forms would be far

less widespread without equestrian competitions for many reasons. To begin with, the “thrill”

is concentrated in minutes at the horse racing events, unlike any other sport events. As a result

of concentrated excitement, far more opportunities are allowed for social interactions since

the attention is not caged as much as at the other sport events. Moreover, the cohesive effect

of the joint risk-taking is another unique and inimitable impact of the horse racing events, as

the research shows. (Kate Fox, The Racing Tribe, Every participant at the horse

racing event is involved in the risk-taking, not only the jockey, who risk life and limb but also
the racegoers who bet the money on the favourite horse. These social impacts should not be

ignored if any association wanted to reason against this industry.

And finally, on the top of all economic and social benefits, the following matter is also

significant to be highlighted. Horses get better living conditions by the systematic and

detailed human care. To give an illustration, the average lifespan of a wild horse does not

cover more than 10-15 years altogether. However, this data can be doubled or tripled with the

comprehensive human care, based on the attached source. (Liz Goldsmith, The World’s

Oldest Horse, The record-holder, Old Billy, the horse who was born in Britain

and died at the age of 62, is one of the finest examples.

In conclusion, although many activists fully disagree about the inevitable relevance of the

competitive use of horses, the above mentioned facts still allow the reader to see that the horse

racing industry is an indispensable part of life.


Fox, Kate. ”The Racing Tribe.” Social Issues Research Centre, 2002,

American Horse Council Foundation. “The 2017 Economic Impact Study Of The U.S. Horse

Industry.” Equine Business Association, III,2018,

Goldsmith, Liz. “Old Billy, The World’s Oldest Horse.” EQUINE Ink, I,2021,

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