Notice For Admit Card Verification

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/ RAMANUJAN COLLEGE ~ 1'i i jGi ~ 'i 51 fcl sl i C'1 ll

~t<n ~HT llRToT ~ m; 'I;;++ (l19~)
Accredited Grade ' AH (3 .71 )' by Nt\t\C (R~4' f<\"'1i?lWcl<l)
(University of Delhi) ~ ~ITT qef,_ ~ m;.r,, 101. ~rm
C.R. Park Mnin Road, Block 1-1, ~~. ~ ~ - noo ~c.
I Kalkaji, New Delhi-110 019
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organi sation
J~ ~ Jfi !;_oo~:~ooc. ~ ~

May 07, 2024


1) For collection of admit card the students of semester VI needs to take clearance
from Library (May 10, 2024), Accounts Department {Accounts window) (May 9,
2024) as the following schedule (format for clearance attached in this notice):
, ,,
J ,,,
S.No. Course ·-
Time slot ,,, , ' , - , ·~ i' ·.,. ,.

1 B.A. {H) English 10 a.m.-10:30 am

2 B.A. (H) Hindi 10:30 am - 11:00 am
3 B.A. {P) 11:00 am - 11:30 a.m
B.A. (H) Political
4 12:00 noon -12:30 p.m.
5 B.Com. 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
6 B.Com (H) 2 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
7 BMS 3:00 p.m.- 3:30 pm
8 B.A. (H) Economics 3:30 p.m. -4:00 p.m.
9 B.A. {H) Philosophy 4:00 pm - 4:30 p.m.
B.A. (H) Applied
10 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
B.Sc. {H) Compute r
11 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 a.m.
12 B.Sc. (H) Mathem atics 1 pm - 1:30 p.m .
13 B.Sc. (H) Statistics 11:30 a.m. - 12 noon
B.Sc. (H)
14 Environm ental 9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
B.Voc. Software
15 9:20 am - 10:00 am
Develop ment
B.Voc. Banking and
16 9:20 am - 10:00 am
For collection of admit card the students of semester IV needs to take clearance only
from Accounts Department (May 10, 2024) as per the following schedule (format for
clearance attached in this notice} :

S.No. Course Time slot

1 B.A. (H} English 10 a.m.-10:30 am
2 B.A. (H} Hindi 10:30 am -11:00 am
3 B.A. (P) 11:00 am -11 :30 a.m
4 B.A. (H} Political Science 12:00 noon -12:30 p.m.
5 B.Com. 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m .
6 B.Com (H} 2 p.m .- 3:00 p.m.
7 BMS 3:00 p.m.- 3:30 pm
8 B.A. (H} Economics 3:30 p.m . - 4:00 p.m.
9 B.A. (H} Philosophy 4:00 pm - 4:30 p.m.
10 B.A. (H} Applied Psychology 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
11 B.Sc. (H} Computer Science 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 a.m.
12 B.Sc. (H} Mathemat ics 1 pm - 1:30 p.m.
13 B.Sc. (H} Statistics 11:30 a.m. - 12 noon
B.Sc. (H} Environmental
14 9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
B.Voc. Software
15 9:20 am - 10:00 am
B.Voc. Banking and
16 9:20 am -10:00 am

3} Semester II, IV & VI students having less than 30% attendanc e are barred
from appearing in the end semester examination to be held in May-June 2024

4} As an exemption only for this time, current semester II & IV students having
attendance above 30% but below 66.66% need to submit an undertakin g at
the dealing window at the time of collection of admit card as per the schedule

5) Current semester VI students having more than 30% attendanc e can collect
admit card from the dealing window as per schedule attached.

Students appearing for Semester VI examination should get collect

their admit card and get it verified as per the following schedule:
S.No Course Verification Date Time slot Window
B.A. (H)
1 13/05/24 9 a.m.-9:50 am Dealing window 1
2 B.A. (H) Hindi 13/05/24 10:00 am - 10:50 am Dealing window 1
3 B.A. (P) 13/05/24 11:00 am - 12:50 p.m. Dealing window 1
B.A. (H) 13/05/24
4 Political 2:00 pm - 2:50 p.m. Dealing window 1
5 B.Com . 13/05/24 9 am - 10:30 a.m. Dealing window 2
6 B.Com (H) 13/05/24 10:40 a.m.-12:50 a.m. Dealing window 2
7 BMS 13/05/24 2:00 p.m.- 2:50 pm Dealing window 2
B.A. (H) 13/05/24
8 3:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. Dealing window 2
B.A. (H) 13/05/24
9 9 am - 9:50 a.m. Dealing window 3
B.A. (H) 13/05/24
10 Applied 10:00 a.m. -10:50 a.m. Dealing window 3
B.Sc. (H) 13/05/24
11 Computer 11:00 a.m. -11:50 a.m. Dealing window 3
B.Sc. (H) 13/05/24
12 12 noon -12:50 p.m. Dealing window 3
B.Sc. (H) 13/05/24
13 3:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. Dealing window 3
B.Sc. (H) 13/05/24
14 Environmental 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. Dealing window 3
B.Voc. 13/05/24
15 Software 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm Dealing window 1
B.Voc. 13/05/24
16 Banking and 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm Dealing window 1
nts appe aring for Se me ster IV exami nation should get their
adm it card verified as per the following
Window . '

Verification Date Time slot

S.No. Course Dealing win dow 1
B.A. (H) 14/ 05/ 24 9 a.m.-9:50 am
English Dealing win dow 1
10:00 am - 10:50 am
14/ 05/ 24 Dealing win dow 1
2 B.A. (H) Hindi
11: 00 am - 12: 50 p.m .
3 B.A. (P) 14/ 05/ 24
B.A . (H) 14/ 05/ 24 Dealing win dow 1
2:00 pm - 2:50 p.m.
4 Political
Science Dealing win dow 2
14/ 05/ 24 9 am - 10:30 a.m.
5 B.Com . Dealing win dow 2
14/ 05/ 24 10:40 a.m.-12:50 a.m.
6 B.Com (H) Dealing win dow 2
14/ 05/ 24 2:00 p.m .- 2:50 pm
14/ 05/ 24 Dealing win dow 2
B.A . (H) 3:00 p.m . - 3:50 p.m.
14/ 05/ 24 Dealing win dow 3
B.A. (H) 9 am - 9:50 a.m.
B.A. (H) 14/ 05/ 24
10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. Dealing win dow 3
10 Applied
B.Sc. (H) 14/ 05/ 24
11:00 a.m. -11 :50 a.m. Dealing win dow 3
11 Com pute r
B.Sc. (H) 14/ 05/ 24 12 noon - 12:50 p.m. Dealing win dow 3
Mat hem atic s
B.Sc. (H) 14/ 05/ 24 3:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. Dealing win dow 3
B.Sc. (H) 14/ 05/ 24
2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m . Dealing win dow 3
14 Environmental
B.Voc. 14/ 05/ 24
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm Dealing win dow 1
15 Software
B.Voc. 14/ 05/ 24
4:00 pm - 4:50 pm Dealing win dow 1
16 Banking and
e s te r II e x a m in a ti on should get the ir
fo r Sem
,uden t s a p p e a ri n g
d as p e r th e fo ll o wing schedule:
admit card v e ri fi e
e slot W indow
Ve ri fic at io n D at e Tim
S. N o. Co urse De al in g w in do w 1
15 /0 5/ 24 9 a. m .-9 :5 0 am
B.A. (H )
En gl is h am De al in g w in do w 1
15 /0 5/ 24 10 :0 0 am - 10 :5 0
2 B.A. (H ) H in di p. m . De al in g w in do w 1
11 :0 0 am - 12 :5 0
B. A . (P) 15 /0 5/ 24
B.A. (H ) 15 /0 5/ 24 m. De al in g w in do w 1
2: 00 pm - 2: 50 p.
4 Po lit ic al
Sc ie nc e De al in g w in do w 2
9 am - 10 :3 0 a. m .
B. C om .
15 /0 5/ 24
a. m . De al in g w in do w 2
5 10 :4 0 a. m .-1 2: 50
B.C om (H )
15 /0 5/ 24 De al in g w in do w 2
6 2: 00 p. m .- 2: 50 pm
15 /0 5/ 24
7 BM S
m. De al in g w in do w 2
B.A. (H )
15 /0 5/ 24 3: 00 p. m . - 3: 50 p.
Ec on om ic s De al in g w in do w 3
B.A. (H )
15 /0 5/ 24 9 am - 9: 50 a. m .
P hi lo so ph y
15 /0 5/ 24 a. m . De al in g w in do w 3
B.A. (H ) 10 :0 0 a. m . - 10 :5 0
10 A pp lie d
Ps yc ho lo gy
15 /0 5/ 24 a. m . De al in g w in do w 3
B. Sc. (H ) 11 :0 0 a. m . - 11 :5 0
11 C om pu te r
Sc ie nc e m. De al in g w in do w 3
15 /0 5/ 24 12 no on - 12 :5 0 p.
B.Sc. (H )
12 M at he m at ic s
m. De al in g w in do w 3
15 /0 5/ 24 3: 00 p. m . - 3: 50 p.
B.Sc. (H )
St at is tic s
15 /0 5/ 24 De al in g w in do w 3
B.Sc. (H ) 2: 00 p. m . - 2: 50 p.
en ta l
14 E nv iro nm
Sc ie nc es De al in g w in do w 1
15 /0 5/ 24
B. Vo c. 3: 00 pm - 3: 50 pm

15 S of tw ar e
D ev el op m en t De al in g w in do w 1
15 /0 5/ 24
B. Vo c. 4: 00 pm - 4: 50 pm

16 Ba nk in g an d
In su ra nc e
Format for undertaking:



The Principal
Ramanujan College
ing for Meeting
r in Examinations and Undertak
Request for Permission to Appea
t Semester
Minimum Attendance in the Nex
stu den t of course
e) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
l,(nam _ __
semester wit h college roll num ber _ _
----- - - - - -ber _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I am wri ting to bring to
and exa min atio n roll num
falls below
ntio n the cur ren t sta te of my attendance, wh ich unf ort una tely
your atte significance of
imu m req uire me nt for the ong oing semester. I und ers tan d the
the min responsibility for
r atte nda nce in ma inta inin g academic inte grit y, and I take full
the lapse in my attendance.
attendance criteria,
awa re of the pot ent ial consequences of not me etin g the
I am examinations. I am
earing in the cur ren t semester's
including being barred from app g tha t I me et the
ing this situation and ensurin
genuinely com mit ted to rectify
upcoming semester.
attendance req uire me nts in the
mission to
the abo ve, I hum bly req ues t you r understanding and seek per
In ligh t of ndance falling
in the exa min atio ns for the current semester, despite my atte
appear of this request and
ow the stip ula ted per cen tag e. I understand the seriousness
bel missed coursework
ure you tha t I am pre par ed to take extra measures to cover
material I may have missed.
and catch up on any academic and academic
nt to improving my attendance
To demonstrate my commitme
following undertaking:
performance, I hereby provide the
's policy and
tan d the imp orta nce of reg ula r attendance as per the college
1. I unders requirement.
ent ial con seq uen ces of not meeting the min imu m attendance
the pot
bel ow the required
ren t attendance percentage is
2. I acknowledge tha t my cur
sibility for this lapse.
standard, and I take full respon
academic activities
s, practical sessions, and oth er
3. I undertake to atte nd all lecture nce criteria.
er to me et the min imu m attenda
diligently during the next semest
tes, and thro ugh
sup por t from professors, classma
4. I com mit to seeking add itio nal
for any missed classes.
independent stu dy to make up
pr of es so rs to se ek gu id ance on an y missed
ct iv el y w ith m y
_1will commun_icate pr oa du e to m y cu rre nt at te nd an ce situatio
5 ssm en ts
coursewo rk, as si gn m en ts , or asse
ed ic al or ge nu in e re asons m ay be consid
fo r m
ta nd th at ex ce pt io ns th th e college
6. I un de rs ce ss ar y do cu m en ta tio n and co op er at e wi
id e ne
and I am wi lli ng to pr ov
ad m in ist ra tio n.
si tu at io n an d am eager to re ct ify it wi
se fu l fo r th e cu rre nt
1am genu in el y re m or un de rta ki ng
co ns id er at io n of th is

I your gu id an ce an d su
and th e gr an tin g of
semes t er .
pp or t. I si nc er
pe rm is si on to
el y re
t yo




at io
am in at io ns fo r t he

n . I am gr at ef ul fo
cu rr en t

r th e
g an d co
un de rs ta nd in m ak in g th e necessa ry
Thank yo u fo r yo ur d am co m m itt ed to
ed by th e college an
op po rtu ni tie s pr ov id .
college's ex pe ct at io ns
changes to m ee t th e


College Roll Nu m be
en t
Signature of th e st ud

m be r
Ex am in at io n Roll Nu
St ud en t Na m e:


_ __
DAT E : _ _ _ _ _

Ramanujan College ,
University of Delhi,
~~~ New Delhi-

for this/ have to take

Rc spcctl'd Sir/ Ma' am, _ _ _ _~
ester l~XJ111in,1tion t~ be held Ill
_ _
I w:11 be .ippe,iring in end sem L~.
tioned depa nmcn
cl earance from the below men
Ckaranc-l' slip for th£' )'l'a
LT. Dep artm ent


N amr
Fal.her's Name
Cas hier
Year Dealing Assistant
c ~ss ,;.ol l No . _ _ _
--- -- - - ---- --
Exam Ro ll No . - ---- ---- --

Your s fa ,t hfully .

(Sig natu re or U1c Stud ent)
tJote: .. . .
l'tf/Y 1.. ver if,c at, on of ad mi t car d is compulsory.
t verified shall no t be all ow ed to sit
2. Stu de nts wh ose ad mi t car d is no
the exa m.
an d verification of ad mi t cord
3. Follow the sch edu le for collection
str ictl y.
the und ert aki ng the n it sho uld be
4. In cas e stu de nt ne ed to sub mi t
of ad mi t cord.
sub mi tte d at the tim e of collection
ses of me dic al an d int ern shi p ore bei ng dea lt by ECA an d int ern al
5. Ca
me nt com mi tte e, wh ate ver dec isio n the com mi tte e tak es will be
ass ess
bin din g.

Pr of. K. La tha
Pro f. Ma dh u Ka us hik
Co nv en er, ECA an d IA Co mm itte
Of fic iat ing Pri nc ipa l
irrm-immf (~)/P rofe ssor -Prin cipa l (Offici
~ lfi'fc;rur/Ramanujan College
~ ~~/ Uni ver sity of
- -ft 100 19/Kalkaji, NewD elhi-110019
~ ~-1

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