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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

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Transactions on Industrial Electronics

The Development of a New Piezoresistive

Pressure Sensor for Low Pressures
Anh Vang Tran, Xianmin Zhang, Benliang Zhu

 among other types [8]. Among them, piezoresistive pressure

Abstract—This paper presents the design methodology sensors are the most frequently applied because they have
and fabrication process of a novel piezoresistive pressure significant advantages over other sensors, such as good
sensor with a combined cross-beam membrane and linearity, high pressure sensitivity, small size, high
peninsula (CBMP) diaphragm structure for micropressure performance, and low cost, and they are easy to fabricate [11].
measurements. The sensor is then analysed through A piezoresistive pressure sensor consists of a diaphragm and
various experiments. The sensor is primarily designed
based on the optimized sensitivity, and a finite element
four piezoresistors in a Wheatstone bridge. The diaphragm is
method is used to predict the stresses that are induced in subjected to pressure loading by the transformation of the input
the piezoresistors and the deflection of the membrane pressure into a stress field. The piezoresistors are placed on top
under different pressures. Compared to other traditional of the diaphragm in high-stress regions to maximize the
diaphragm types, a significant increase in sensitivity can piezoresistive effect and the sensitivity of the sensor [3], [12].
be achieved by the proposed sensor, and the membrane During the design process of a pressure sensor, the
deflection and nonlinearity error considerably decrease. diaphragm thickness, dimensions and structure, as well as the
The sensor fabrication process is performed on an n-type placement, size, and shape of the piezoresistors, are the primary
single-crystal silicon wafer, and photolithography is used factors considered [11], [13]. A decrease in the diaphragm
with five masks to fabricate the sensing elements.
Additionally, piezoresistors are formed by boron
thickness can increase sensitivity, increase mechanical
implantation. The experimental results indicate that the nonlinearity, and decreases the resonant frequency. To
fabricated sensor with the CBMP membrane yields a high overcome this limitation and improve the sensitivity and
sensitivity of 25.7 mV/kPa and a low nonlinearity of -0.28% linearity of the sensor, numerous studies have been conducted.
FSS (full-scale span) for a pressure range of 0-5 kPa at The proposed methods can be mainly classified into the
room temperature. following three categories: discoveries of new materials,
compensation methods, and designs of new structures.
Index Terms—MEMS, Piezoresistive pressure sensor, First, the discovery of new materials originally involved
Sensor fabrication, FEM pressure sensor optimization based on a multilayered
diaphragm, and silicon nanowires were applied as
piezoresistive sensing elements [14]. The sensor with silicon
I. INTRODUCTION nanowire piezoresistors was also improved by Zhang to


pressure sensor provide the ability to measure the
low-pressure range and have the advantages of a small
achieve a high sensitivity of 2.475 mV/kPa in the range of
0-100 kPa [15]. In other reports, this approach was discovered
to improve sensor sensitivity [16]-[18]. Although though these
size, low power requirements, good performance and the ability sensors benefit from improved sensitivity, difficulties
to be mass produced in the micromachining process [1]. associated with high costs and applications in industrial
Pressure sensors are among the most widely used MEMS fabrication processes remain.
products in the market. Notably, the sensors have a variety of Second, compensation methods have been presented to make
applications, such as microscale mechatronic systems [2]-[4], accurate measurements. As a result, various
automobiles [5], aerodynamics [6], [7], process control [8], [9] temperature-dependent zero-offset compensation algorithms
and biomedical equipment [10]. According to sensing and circuits have been developed [19]-[21]. However, this
principles, MEMS pressure sensors can be divided into method not only increases the device cost but also reduces the
piezoresistive, capacitive, optical, and resonance sensors, sensor reliability [22].
Third, the design of new structures aims to design and
This research is supported by the National Natural Science optimize a structure and the dimensions of the diaphragm,
Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1501247, U1609206, 51605166), the shapes of components, and locations of resistors [1], [11].
Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (Grant Nos.
S2013030013355. The authors gratefully acknowledge these support
Several diaphragms have been established using this approach.
agencies (Corresponding author: Benliang Zhu). For example, Sandmaier reported a square diaphragm with a
Anh Vang Tran, Xianmin Zhang and Benliang Zhu are with the rectangular central boss. Although the nonlinearity decreased
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Precision Equipment and Manufacturing within ±0.05% full-scale span (FSS), the sensitivity was only
Technology, School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South
China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510640, P.R. China,
17.5 mV/ kPa at a pressure of 10 kPa [3]. Tian introduced a
(e-mail:,, pressure sensor with a novel cross-beam membrane structure.

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784341, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics

The nonlinearity of 0.09% FSS was acceptable; however, the resistors R1 - R3 will have the same positive increment ∆R1, and
sensitivity of 7.018 mV/kPa was relatively low [23], [24]. Yu resistors R2 - R4 will have the same negative increment ∆R2. The
presented an absolute micropressure sensor that incorporated fractional changes in resistance are represented by the
beams into the bossed diaphragm with a high sensitivity of following equations [31]:
11.098 µV/V/Pa [25], nonlinearity of 3.046% FSS and large  R1 / R1  R3 / R3  ( 44 / 2)  x1   y1   ( 44 / 2) lt 1
chip size of 7000x7000 µm2. Yu also improved the sensor (1)
sensitivity to 17.795 µV/V/Pa by introducing beams and  R2 / R2   R4 / R4  ( 44 / 2)  x 2   y 2   ( 44 / 2) lt 2
islands; however, the chip size remained large [26]. Huang where π44 is the piezoresistive coefficient. Based on the
proposed a peninsula structure by introducing peninsulas on the Wheatstone bridge circuit, the equations of the output voltage
flat membrane. The nonlinearity of 0.36% FSS initially seemed Vout and the input voltage Vin can be expressed as follows.
promising; however, the sensitivity of 18.4 mV/kPa was ( R1 / R1 )  ( R2 / R2 )  lt1   lt 2
slightly low for an operating pressure of 5 kPa [27]. Xu Vout  Vin  Vin (2)
designed a bossed diaphragm combined with a peninsula island 2  ( R1 / R1 )  ( R2 / R2 ) (4 /  44 )   lt1   lt 2
structure that yielded a sensitivity of 0.066 mV/V/Pa and To estimate the performance of a sensor, the most important
nonlinearity of 0.33% FSS; however, the diaphragm size was parameter is sensitivity. Defined as the relative change in output
3500x3500 µm2 [28]. Additionally, Meng developed a voltage per unit of applied pressure, the pressure sensor
beam-membrane dual-island structure for micropressure sensitivity (S) can be expressed in the following form [31]:
monitoring, and the sensor had a sensitivity of 17.339 µV/V/Pa S  [Vout ( pm )  Vout ( p1 )] /  pm  p1   VFS /  pm  p1  (3)
and nonlinearity of 2.559% FSS; however, the dimensions of where pm and p1 are the maximum and minimum operating
the sensor were 7000x7000 µm2 [29]. Guang presented a novel pressures, respectively; Vout(pm) and Vout(p1) are the output
0-3 kPa pressure sensor with a shuriken-structured diaphragm, voltages measured for pm and p1, respectively; and VFS = Vout(pm)
a sensitivity of 23.6 mV/kPa and a nonlinearity of 0.18% FSS - Vout(p1) is the full-scale output (FSO). The units of sensitivity
are mV/ kPa.
Although many diaphragm structures have been proposed in
Another important parameter used to evaluate a pressure
recent years, the sensitivity and linearity trade-off problem sensor is the nonlinearity error. The nonlinearity error at each
remains important in pressure sensor design. Therefore, calibration point is defined as follows [31]:
significant attention has been paid to the selection of new V (p )
NL  100%  [V ( p )  out max ( p )] / V ( p ) (4)
structures based on technical methodologies to improve i out i
i out max

pressure sensor performance. Such methods include increasing

the sensor output and decreasing the nonlinearity error, chip where NLi and pi are the nonlinearity error and the pressure at
size and fabrication costs. In this paper, a novel high-sensitivity the calibration points, respectively. The maximum error value is
and low-nonlinearity pressure sensor structure based on the called the nonlinearity of the sensor. In this study, the
combination of a cross-beam membrane and peninsula (CBMP) membrane structure design is estimated based on the optimized
structure is proposed for low-pressure ranges. A finite element sensitivity and nonlinearity error.
method (FEM) is used to calculate the stress distributions and
analyse the deflection of the inherent structure for different
parameters. This method requires the use of COMSOL
Multiphysics software. According to the analysis results, the
proposed structure is compared with other structures based on
the optimized dimensions of the proposed sensor. Based on the
optimization results, the proposed sensor with the CBMP
structure is fabricated and packaged. Many experiments were
performed to verify the simulation results and the performance
of the sensors.


A. Sensor output
In typical applications, the piezoresistors in a pressure sensor Fig. 1. View of the CBMP structure with dimension parameters
are arranged in a Wheatstone bridge configuration of two
B. Novel membrane structure design
longitudinal piezoresistors (R1 and R3) and two transverse
piezoresistors (R2 and R4). In short, it is assumed that the For developing piezoresistive pressure sensor, one of the
diaphragm is designed on n-type silicon and that all the most important considerations is the structure of the diaphragm.
resistors are p-type silicon with long axes in the (110) direction. Therefore, the main contribution of the proposed work is that
With the pressure load being applied to the diaphragm, the we have developed a novel CBMP structure for piezoresistive
piezoresistors are subjected to the following stresses: the pressure sensor and experimentally demonstrated its validity.
average longitudinal stress on R1 and R3 is σx1, and the average Fig. 1 illustrates the proposed pressure sensor, which consists of
transverse stress is σy1. The average longitudinal stress on R2 a novel combined CBMP structure with four piezoresistors on
and R4 is σy2, and the average transverse stress is σx2. These top. These resistors are connected by a Wheatstone bridge. The
stresses will change the piezoresistor resistances. Notably,

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784341, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics

main design parameters include the membrane dimensions by combining FEM calculations and the curve fitting method.
(membrane width L and thickness D), the cross-beam The mechanical stress and the maximum deflection of the
dimensions (beam height H and beam width W) and the typical traditional C-type and other reported cross-beam
dimensions of the peninsula (R, P, T, and B correspond to the membrane structures are power functions of structural variables
radius of the fillet, peninsula distance, peninsula length, and [24], [25]. Similarly, the functional form of the proposed
peninsula width, respectively). The sensor design requirements diaphragm can be approximated as power functions of each
under consideration include the measurement pressure range of structural dimension:
0-5 kPa, sensitivity of S ≥ 20 mV/kPa, nonlinearity error of NL umax  K1.Ln1.Dn2 .H n3.W n4 .Bn5.T n6 .Pn7 .Rn8. pn9 .En10 (5)
≤ 1% FSS, input voltage of Vin =5 V and piezoresistor resistance
 max  K 2 .Lm1 .D m 2 .H m 3 .W m 4 .B m 5 .T m 6 .P m 7 .R m 8 . p m 9 (6)
of R = 4.5 kΩ. The proposed sensor is primarily designed based
on the sensitivity optimization. The output voltage, sensitivity where umax and σmax are the maximum deflection and maximum
and nonlinearity error of the sensor are calculated using stress, respectively. Additionally, Ki, nj, and mj (i=1, 2 and j=1,
equations (2), (3) and (4), respectively. 2…,10) are undetermined coefficients, p is the loading pressure
and E is the elastic modulus.
To determine these constants in equations (5) and (6), each
variable should be analysed while others are held constant. For
example, when the influence of the membrane thickness D is
studied, the value of D is changed in the range of the actual
demand, and other variables are assumed to be constant and
arbitrary. Consequently, equations (5) and (6) can be rewritten
as follows:
umax  K1D .Dn2 (7)
Fig. 2. Mesh model of the proposed sensor  max  K 2 D .D m 2 (8)
With the variation in the membrane thickness D, a series of
umax and max values obtained by FEM simulation. Based on
these results, the approximate power functions of umax and max
can be derived with the curve fitting method in MATLAB®
software. Via comparison with equations (7) and (8), the
constants K1D, K2D, n2, and m2 can be determined. The
correlation between the membrane thickness D and the
performance of the structure is given in (9) and (10).
umax  2399.D2.19 (9)
 max  12343.D 1.92 (10)
In the same manner, the functional relationships can be
established for other variables. After obtaining all the
relationship functions, the equations are combined in (5) and (6)
Fig. 3. Simulated stress distribution of the proposed membrane to derive the equations of the CBMP structure.
pL3.9056 P 0.0532T 0.0246 (11)
1) The CBMP structure analysis umax  K1 2.19 0.152 2.584 0.033 0.017
Fig. 2 shows a simplified 3D FEM model of the proposed
pL2.4142 R 0.0069T 0.0593 B0.1065 (12)
sensor. The material properties used in the simulations are as  max  K2
D1.92W 0.398 H 2.013 P 0.104
follows: A Young’s modulus of 160 GPa and a Poisson’s ratio
It is assumed that the values in (11) and (12) are L=2900,
of 0.22 for both the membrane and piezoresistors. For the
W=180, H=12, R=500, T=400, P=100, B=550, D=18, p=5000
boundary conditions, uniform pressure loading is applied to the
Pa, and E=1.60x1011 Pa. The simulation results of the
top of the membrane with a fixed substrate. From these
maximum stress and maximum deflection are 52 MPa and 3.5
simulations, the deflection of both the membrane and the
µm, respectively. The constant coefficients K1 and K2 can be
stresses, which affect the piezoresistors, can be obtained. Fig. 3
determined after substituting these values into equations (11)
shows the simulated normal stresses of the proposed structure
and (12). Finally, the equations of the CBMP structure can be
applied at a loading pressure of 5 kPa. Moreover, this figure
expressed as follows.
shows that the stress is high in the cross-beam region and near
the edge of the membrane. In all cases, the piezoresistors are pL3.9056 P0.0532T 0.0246 (13)
umax  2.3657 2.219 0.152 2.584 0.033 0.017
located on top of the cross beam, which has a length of 200 µm D W H R B E
and a width of 12 µm and can be divided into three sections. pL2.4142 R0.0069T 0.0593 B0.1065 (14)
 max  7.6112
It is difficult to derive the theoretical formulas of the D1.92W 0.398 H 2.013 P 0.104
mechanical stress and maximum deflection for the CBMP The stresses affect the sensor sensitivity. Notably, equations
structure, although the approximate values can be determined (13) and (14) show that the sensitivity and membrane deflection

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784341, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Fig. 4. (a) Sensor sensitivity as a function of membrane thickness, (b) Simulated sensor output with Vin = 5 V,
(c) Nonlinearity error for different membrane widths

Fig. 5. (a) Maximum deflection in the center of the membrane, (b) Sensor sensitivity as a function of beam height,
(c) Sensor sensitivity as a function of beam width and peninsula dimensions

are largely dependent on the membrane width L, membrane of the membrane is 3.6 µm. Fig. 5(a) shows the maximum
thickness D, and cross-beam height H. However, the deflection at the membrane centre for different areas. The red
dimensions of the peninsula have a smaller influence than these line in the graph shows the permitted maximum deflection at
parameters. 3.6 µm. The graph indicates that a large membrane leads to an
increase in deflection and an area of 3100x3100 µm2 yields the
2) Membrane dimension design
maximum defection. Based on this analysis, the final
The sensor design was primarily based on optimized membrane area is fixed at 2900x2900 µm2.
sensitivity and nonlinearity. First, the sensor output of the
different designs can be calculated from the stresses and 3) Cross beam and peninsula design
piezoresistive coefficients of silicon by applying equation (2). The dimensions of the CBMP structure should be optimized
The stresses on the piezoresistors at different pressures can be to reach the proposed maximum sensitivity. In Fig. 5(b, c), the
predicted by the FEM, and the piezoresistive coefficient of each sensitivity of the sensor and deflection of the membrane are
resistor π44 is set to 138.1E-11 Pa-1. The sensor sensitivity and affected by dimensions of the cross beam. Fig. 5(b) includes
nonlinearity can be obtained from equations (3) and (4). The two Y-axes. The left Y-axis displays the sensitivity of the
simulated sensor performance is illustrated in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. sensor, the right Y-axis shows the maximum deflection of the
The membrane area and thickness are the parameters that membrane. Additionally, the X-axis represents the variation in
most influence the sensor sensitivity and deflection. As shown the beam height, and the red line displays the maximum
in Fig. 4(a), the simulated sensitivity values of the sensor vary permitted deflection. When the cross-beam height increases
with the thickness of the membrane and the membrane area from zero to 12 µm, the sensor sensitivity increases from 25
(from 2500x2500 to 3100x3100 µm2). Normally, a larger mV/kPa to the maximum value of 28.3 mV/kPa. However, the
membrane will lead to higher sensitivity but also larger sensor sensitivity decreases gradually as the cross-beam height
deflections and nonlinearity errors. Additionally, a thin increases. Additionally, the maximum deflection of the
membrane increases sensitivity. In this study, the thickness of membrane sharply decreases from approximately 6.6 µm to 1.3
the membrane is fixed to 18 µm. Fig. 4(b, c) illustrates the µm. As shown in the graph, the red line displays the maximum
sensor output voltage and nonlinearity error versus the applied permitted deflection at 3.6 µm. Therefore, the cross-beam
pressure and membrane width, respectively. The sensor output height should be fixed at 12 µm.
voltage and nonlinearity error increase as the membrane width In Fig. 5(c), the sensor sensitivity increases as the
increases. According to the sensor design requirements cross-beam width decreases. However, the cross-beam width is
discussed above, when the sensitivity S ≥ 20 mV/kPa, the also determined based on the piezoresistor placements. As a
membrane area ranged from 2700x2700 to 3100x3100 µm2. result, in this study, the width is selected as 180 µm.
The membrane width limits the largest displacement of the Additionally, in Fig. 5(c), the sensor sensitivity is plotted as a
membrane. Based on small deflection theory, the maximum function of the peninsula dimensions. For the fixed membrane
displacement should be less than 1/5 of the membrane thickness and cross beam, the sensor sensitivity increases with an
umax ≤ 0.2D [23]. Therefore, when the fixed membrane increase in the peninsula dimensions. Specifically, the
thickness is D = 18 µm, the permitted maximum displacement sensitivity increases to the maximum value at a peninsula width

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784341, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics

of 550 µm. The sensor sensitivity slightly increases during the final design, a fixed resistor with a 200-µm length and a 12-µm
period when the peninsula length dramatically increases. width is used for all resistors.
According to the simulated results, the peninsula length and
3) Piezoresistor configuration
width are fixed at 550 µm. Both the cross beam and peninsula
parameters slightly influence membrane deflection; therefore, After optimization of the piezoresistor dimensions and
they are not considered. Finally, the selected dimensions of the placement, the resistor configuration must be considered. Four
proposed sensor are summarized in Table I. possible resistor configurations exist: zero, one (design 1), two
TABLE I (design 2) and three (design 3) turns with the same total length.
SELECTED DIMENSIONS OF THE PROPOSED SENSOR In this study, the resistors must be placed on the cross beam;
Parameter L D H W B T P R therefore, the zero-turn configuration is ignored because of the
Dimension 2900 18 12 180 550 450 100 500 limitation of the beam width. The piezoresistor candidates are
(µm) arranged at the centre of the beam in different configurations, as
shown in Fig. 8(a). The relationships between the loading
C.Piezoresistor design
pressure and the output voltage and nonlinearity error are
1) Piezoresistor placement represented in Fig. 8(b, c). Notably, the sensitivity and
The piezoresistors are placed at the middle of the beam and nonlinearity gradually change for different configurations of
have a distance to the membrane edge known as the edge offset. resistors. Design 2 yields the maximum sensitivity of 27
Fig. 6 illustrates the effect of different edge offsets on the mV/kPa, and the other designs produce sensitivities of 26 and
sensor sensitivity. When the edge offset increases from zero to 26.5 mV/kPa. Designs 2 and 3 have a low nonlinearity error of
4 µm, the sensor sensitivity peaks at a maximum value, and as approximately -0.23% FSS, and design 1 has the worst
the edge offset continues to increase, the sensitivity will nonlinearity error of -0.26% FSS. According to the results,
decrease. Per the simulated results, the edge offset of the design 2 is the best choice for the proposed sensor.
resistors is fixed at 4 µm for all future calculations.

Fig. 6. Sensor sensitivity as a function of resistor edge offset

2) Piezoresistor dimensions
The effect of the piezoresistor dimensions on the resistance
behaviour should also be considered. The resistance variation is
highly dependent on the length of the resistors, while the effect
of width is extremely small (see Fig. 7). The dimensions of
resistors also consider the total resistance. In this study, the
total resistance of each piezoresistor is taken as 4.5 kΩ. In the

Fig. 7. Relative resistance variation as a function of the piezoresistor

length and width Fig. 8. Comparison of three piezoresistor configurations

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784341, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Fig. 9. Comparison of flat, cross-beam membrane, peninsula, and CBMP diaphragm structures
compared with that of the CBMP membrane. Additionally, this
D. Comparison with other sensor types value exceeds the maximum permitted deflection based on
Compared to the traditional flat diaphragm structure, the membrane thickness (20% of the membrane thickness).
CBM structure [24] and the peninsula structure [27], the Moreover, the maximum nonlinearity error of the CBMP
optimized CBMP structure is proposed in this study. These structure decreases by approximately 42% when compared
membranes are redesigned to have the same main dimensions with that of the peninsula structure. Based on this comparison,
[see Fig. 9(a)]. In terms of the sensors, piezoresistor design 2 is the CBMP structure exhibits outstanding deflection and
applied for large sensor outputs. Fig. 9(b-d) shows the linearity performance.
simulated performance of these sensor outputs versus different In micro-sensor design, the dynamic performance of
loading pressures from 0-5 kPa for a 5 V DC power supply. structures should also be evaluated. The dynamic performance
Compared to that of the flat membrane, the sensitivity of the of the diaphragm can be evaluated based on the first natural
proposed sensor increases by nearly 50%, the maximum frequency [27]. Fig. 10 presents a dynamic behaviour analysis
deflection decreases by approximately 32% and the of the different structures. The natural frequency of the CBMP
nonlinearity of the two sensors is equal. These results indicate structure is 36 kHz, which is 3.5 kHz higher than that of the flat
that the CBMP structure yields high sensitivity when compared structure and almost equal to those of the other structures.
with the traditional flat membrane. After adding a cross beam to
the membrane, the sensitivity and deflection of the CBM sensor
significantly improve. However, the graph illustrates that the
sensitivity of the CBMP sensor (27 mV/kPa) increases by
approximately 16.4% compared to that of the CBM structure
(23.2 mV/kPa). Additionally, by combining the peninsula
structure and the cross-beam membrane, the maximum
deflection of the CBMP sensor is reduced by approximately
12% compared with that of the CBM structure. These
simulation results suggest that the CBMP diaphragm is more
sensitive than the CBM diaphragm.
When compared with Huang’s peninsula structure [27], the
main difference of the proposed structure and the peninsula
structure is the addition of the cross-beam and the fillet island
on the membrane, it is shown in the results that the nonlinearity Fig. 10. The dynamic performance of different structures
error and membrane deflection of the sensor are improved
significantly. Although the sensitivity of the two sensors is III. FABRICATION OF THE PRESSURE SENSOR
nearly equal, the peninsula sensor exhibits larger deflection and
nonlinearity error than the CBMP sensor. Under 0-5 kPa The bulk micromachining technology is applied to fabricate
pressure loading, the maximum deflection of the peninsula a sensor chip from a standard n-type (100) and 380-µm-thick
membrane is 4.3 µm, which is increase of approximately 26% silicon wafer. Photolithography and five masks are employed
for the sensing elements to form the p-type silicon

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784341, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics

piezoresistors using boron implantation. An overview of the 8) The next step is an operation on the back side of the sensor
fabrication process of the sensor is shown in Fig. 11. chip [see Fig. 11(h)]. Silicon etching occurs at the bottom
1) In the first step, SiO2 layers are grown on both sides of the of the sensor to form a deep cavity with 54.70° inclined
substrate by thermal oxidization [Fig. 11(a)]. walls.
2) When the process of thermal oxidization is finished, the 9) In the final step, the back side of the sensor chip is attached
boron ions are implanted on part of the cross-beam to Pyrex 7740 glass [Fig. 11(i)], and Fig. 12 shows a
peninsula to form the piezoresistors. As a result, a sheet schematic diagram of the fabricated sensor.
resistance of 252 Ω/square for the piezoresistors is
achieved, with a concentration of 3.5E17 cm-3 [Fig. 11(b)].
3) Next, more boron ions are implanted to form a heavily
doped section for ohmic contact [Fig. 11(c)].
4) Then, films of SiO2 (0.6 µm) and Si3N4 (0.1 µm) are
deposited via the LPCVD process to protect the sensor
surface and act as electrical insulation [Fig. 11(d)].
5) The films are lithographed and etched to expose the
connecting pad [Fig. 11(e)]. Fig. 13. Schematic diagram and package of the proposed sensor
6) The 1.0 µm thick aluminium is deposited and patterned on
the top of the membrane to create the electrical connection IV. PACKAGE AND EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
areas and lines of the Wheatstone bridge [Fig. 11(f)]. As shown in Fig. 13, the fabricated pressure sensor is simply
7) Anisotropic dry etching of the silicon is used to form the packaged for experimental testing. With the sensor die
silicon CBMP structure with a total etched thickness of 12 assembled on the metal base, the electrical connections
µm [Fig. 11(g)]. between the pads on the sensor chip and the pins are
implemented using gold wires. A metal shell is used to protect
the sensor chip, and the through hole is located in the middle of
the metal base to load the different reference pressures. The
tested sensor is mounted on the special fixed-screw part of the
structure. Furthermore, the sensor is assembled in the fixed part
of the structure, and the pins of the sensor connect to the signal
wire from the back side of the part. The application of anti-leak
rubber prevents air leakage. When screwing together the fixed
part, the packaged sensor and the screw part, the pressure can
be applied to the tested sensor through the pressure port.

Fig. 11. The sensor chip fabrication process

Fig. 14. Static experimental setup for testing at room temperature

As shown in Fig. 14, the static experimental setup is
established. The tested sensor and reference sensor are mounted
at the output pressure ports of the pressure pump. The pressure
pump and a reference pressure sensor, which includes a
precision digital pressure calibrator to calibrate the tested
sensor, are used control the pressure applied on the sensor chip
from 0 to 5 kPa. A constant voltage bias of 5 V is provided to
the Wheatstone bridge with DC power. At different pressure
loads, the output of the sensor is measured using a digital
Fig. 12. The SEM and micrograph of the final sensor chip multimeter.

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784341, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics

V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS effect and achieves a balance between sensitivity and linearity.
The experiments were conducted at a room temperature of 25° However, the fabricated sensor may not be suitable for
C. The sensitivity and nonlinearity of the tested sensor are operations in high-temperature environments because of the NP
plotted in Fig. 15 for this condition. The experiments include a junctions of resistors. This issue is a limitation of this study. To
forward process, in which the pressure increases from 0 to 5 achieve high-temperature resistance, the sensor chip should be
kPa, and a reverse process, in which the pressure decreases fabricated using a silicon on insulator (SOI) wafer. In addition,
from 5 to 0 kPa. The step size in both processes is 0.5 kPa. The the proposed sensor should use a silicon piezoresistive
average output voltage, which is measured and simulated as a nanowire as a piezoresistive sensing element to increase
function of the applied pressure, is illustrated in Fig. 15(a). The sensitivity.
average measured sensitivity of the sensor is 25.8 mV/kPa, and
the simulated value is 27 mV/kPa. The measured nonlinearity
errors were determined by the end-point straight-line method. Diaphragm type Sensitivity Nonlinearity
The maximum measured nonlinearity error was -0.28% FSS, (mV/kPa) (%FSS)
and the maximum simulated error was -0.23% FSS, as shown in CBMP 25.7 -0.28
Fig. 15(b). Finally, the detailed technical characteristics of the CBM in [2] 7.081 0.09
fabricated sensor at 25° C are listed in Table II. Peninsula in [27] 18.4 0.36
Flat in [1] 1.15 0.57

In this paper, based on the objective of optimizing sensitivity,
a novel piezoresistive pressure sensor is proposed. Due to the
deflection of the membrane under pressure, the stresses induced
in the piezoresistors are predicted with the FEM. Then, a sensor
is proposed based on an analysis and comparison of the flat
diaphragm, CBM, peninsula and CBMP structures. The FEM
simulation results show that the proposed structure not only
generates high maximum stresses that increase the sensor
sensitivity but also stiffens the diaphragm to decrease
membrane deflection, reduces the nonlinearity errors and
maintains a high first natural frequency. Additionally, these
results indicate that the CBMP sensor exhibits the best overall
performance among the tested sensors. Finally, the proposed
sensor is fabricated on an n-type single-crystal silicon wafer.
Photolithography is used to fabricate the sensing elements, and
boron implantation is employed to form the piezoresistors. The
experimental results at room temperature illustrate that the
sensor has a sensitivity of 25.7 mV/kPa and a nonlinearity of
-0.28% FSS for the pressure range of 0-5 kPa. These results
suggest that the CBMP structure is suitable for micropressure
Fig. 15. Comparison of measured and simulated values: (a) Measured sensor sensors in the field of MEMS application.
outputs and (b) nonlinearity errors
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