Skrip Future Cont GRP

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Next, I will explain in more detail how to use the Future Continuous Tense correctly.

The Future
Continuous Tense is divided into four categories.
the first is affirmation sentences. the formula is using Subject + will followed by "be" and the present
participle (verb + ing) for example, I will be playing or My sister's sitting on the sofa.
Next, negative sentences, "will not" is used before "be" and the present participle to indicate an
action that will not be happening in the future. for example, I will not be playing and another example
She is not studying for her exam
last but not least, In interrogative sentences, "shall" is used before the subject, followed by "be" and
the present participle which is verb ing and question mark. example Shall we be going to the market?
or other example is Shall I be cooking food?
the last point is , Negative Interrogative Sentences which is , "shall" is followed by the subject, "not,"
"be," the present participle. Example, Shall I not be sleeping in the room? or Shall we not be going to
school next week?
I hope you understand my earlier explanation and you can use this sentence correctly
That all from us bye bye..

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