EC Vijaipur

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.] l lJf r.llft,rr$ 3 /zt:r, r-,[a. IIl.


ffi$'BHor:nenl: trif ilmrl:iar
Ministry of E;nrdr.orlfilrEril{xr f orests end Climate Change

I t:. a i
' Jrtl ]11991, Va.5m Block,
t t']i ia'lu''a:n .llharrran,,Jor Bagh Road,

Allganj, New Delhi- 1 10003

D,ated: 20ttr June, 2014

M/s GAIL Inclia Ltd"
16, Bhikaiji Cama F{iac:e.
R.K. I\rriir.n, J\lerr, .Dethi" t".()'lbtr

Sub: 3BO IUIW Gas ba.ned Cic,urhiuterd Clg, F*q,e:r pla:ot at Village ViJaipur, in
Guna Dlf,stt.,, lladihg,rr Xfuatleah ltr,r Mlis GIUL India Ltd. reg.
Environurental tlllearanr: e.

The undersignecl i.s tli:::':terd tt> rel'e.' 1ir) 'your letters dated 15.03.2011,
1l.O9.2Ol:2, 08.02.'.;,,Clt3 anrl lll.l{} Ilr.tll 3 :,rr r:i:r,: riubj€,ct nlerrtic,ned above. The
Ministry of f)nvironnrent {ir, F'rl)::rlfits h.rr.l; exarni:lL,::r.j,'lre riLpplic:at.i,:n.

2. It is noted that the prnpcsi;,I is fi:r.r is{:rl-i:ns u5r of 380 MW

Combined Cycle Porrzer pla.rrt a.1. t,ri l,a,:s: '/ijrri1,,;,r, :rr (;iuna Distt., I\{adhya pradesh.
Land requrremertt u'ill lrc 45 e.r:r,:s r,,'.:ti::lr is u,i'.lrirr r:>:istirgl pr,e;rnises ol GAIL's LPG
manufacturing lircihry/rCol:r..flresiir)j; i;l.i;:.icn. 'ilre c:-olrlinates of the site are located
within L,atitude 24027'5'2"413'' )[ tr.r 24til.g'L4 213" N aur<[ LcngitudeTZoos'40.96,E to
77oO9'3'1.72" Ti:. Gais requirt)::r€jlil. u;'il.i }rc 1,.15'2 .\{l}ds(llilD rltt 85yo PLF. Water
requirentent of l:09211 l(Lil ,rrjltl::, rricr:r.1.::r::(:([frr:rr li.,>:rj ]firisrhna lsagar. Dam through a
pipeline al- a,listar:ce c,l ,,rt,(r;r. .12 kLn. fir:rlr.,:rc,je:r:: site. Induced clraft cooling
system 'ririll be irrsta-ile'C.. Srtacx i'r:lglrt 'r'i-l re 6l-) nr. 'l'here are around 3 protected
forests namely Raghogarh, Dcurgrr .an.rj .Ajr:rr:i aLncl ;3 water bodies namely parwati
River, Ruthyai Itiver a"rt,I t;ir:pi k.r{si'in;r'SiE€Xir'l.lri;,rxL rrithirL 10.krn oI't.he,project site.
Public Hearingl 'was, he,ld r:rn I t,0,+,',2fiL:,,. 0:r,st r>j llf1s, projerct will be Rs.l2Og.O

3. T.:e projec't hr;,s t€re:lr c:rrIS,irlr:rlii:(l i::r su.r::rlclaroi';riththe trxovisions ol'the EIA
notificatiorr issried Ly tha: ]irI::ris'.iry c,[ ]Jnvirr:nment ,ii; F,:rests vide S.0. 1533 (E),
dated Septernber 14, 2A0a.

4. Basec ontheir:r1'crrrn,,"iticr:rlubn:ri':tr:,i '.iy y;, ii.tFarano.2aboveandothers

and presentatiorrs rtra.rle'b'ir y(rit at-n,:l 'i'olrr r::rr:rliiullarl:tl., )VI7/s. EMRTC Consultants
Pvt. Ltd., be::c,re $xp,e:-: /,pl)ri;.:.r,ial Coinn:d:tee (Thermal) in its 58t1, & Brh
meetings h.eid,lrtrinll ,Octoher:. {}.9. .;l(l i2 arrrl
'[ii"nuil{i'9-10, 12Ct-14 fespectively, the
Ministry of E)nvironrrrent at:i C Il,:l'lrsi':si h,:,r'(L,J, (loc:)irGl{; :\"u)lronm,.t?irytal cleatrance to the
above project under tl:rr: prr:r;isicns r:I ltr]l.r\,.1l(ri:ilicir[:.i)rr d,a.ted lSeptember 14,20A6,
subject to the c:ompliainr:"^ oI ttrr: ic,lloririrrg S::,u:ilic arrC General conditions:

A. Specilic Clon,clltionu*r

i) Visior.: docutmerrL specifyilg; jlr',)si'fe.:L i'e plan Jil' lhe sitr: shall be formulated
and s':brnitte,:i 1rr the Regio,:al tJlfice of* .Vlir:istry within siix monttrs.
ii) .Ir.L car;e fi.:.el fcr rilnni.r,1l :,:r:1:rcnrer ir:i ])ropo$ied to be ctranged from
niltrtr;li ;gas to othr::r:.u,:[ 1i:-tp.tir:]. (.,t $;ol:11] :L]i.e prr:1iect:pro'ponent shall apply for

[:'a1;;e I cf 5

4'l {,, -
such a change in em"ircru:.enLal clerrtrr;.r,r:e akrnq with necessary documents
as required under E, n,:tiiica-li,:rn, '2X,li ,and i:s :tmendr:rents).
Harnessing soi;ar pov;rer tv-ttritt.Lle 1:tr:rnrsr)r) rf the p,lant particularly at \l
available i:oof tc,ps sha1l tle carri,ecl otrt ;nd s1.a1-u.s; o{ implementation shall be
submit'led periodically,
ir) Stacks of 70 rrr €rach sherl.l br: 'orr:v:derl rv:th crl:ti:luous online monitoring
equipments. Ei<it uel:,ci'q/':,lflu.c ,shail not be -ess t'aan22 m/sec.
v) One of the AAQ rnonitorir:11 S':atior shall be installed in the down wind
direction i.e. across the ri'rer c',uri.::-g the whr:le li.e of operation of the plant.
vi) Dry l,ow NO, burners slrell trc hr,slirtlt:rji 1.<l r:or:.trol NO* emission. NO*
emission from each Cir;rsr'ht.'rine she l[ :r,]t tx:,:t:,:l SCtpprn.
Concerrtration lbr ph,:tochereici;J cxideurts st,er-|. irc rnonitored along with NO*
and permanent monitcring s,tatir:,r,s sh-;ull be ins':alled.
Regular roc,nitc,ring c,igrcru::cl 1.evrl ,r:o.:tcr:n.t.rlticrr or. NO,, shall be carried out
in the impa.ct zone a.rlc. r:,3,lorcl.rii tntir.ta-m,:,d. lf at any stage the levels are
found to exceed the l:rr,:sc::ibr:cl l:rn..ts. necessar'/ control measures shall be
provided immediatelj, The l,:,r:at-ic,n :f the mrrri:oring stations and frequency
of monitoring strall hr: citlc,irl,:rcl ir: cc,ns]iti:rti':xr with SPCB. Periodic reports
shall be s;ubmiLtu-d to th,: Fic,$lir:,::rr:L[ ()l]:r:: ol'l:his Miiristnr. The data shall also
be put orr the'website o: the cor(Ipal'J'.
Monitoring of surface rvEriet' rltnn'-i!' and tlre.lifi shall also be regularly
conducted and recorilsi rol,-ir:,li:tirrtr:l 'l'h:: rnonitcnecl data sha-ll be submitted
to the lvtinis:ry' t'egrrLatlrr. Ii'tt::'ihe'r, .u,clr)it,lti.rlg point-s shall be located
between the plarrt arld clL'a-i11.rp;e :.n [hr,' ,:tlrec,ticrn of flow of ground water and
records mainta.ined. Mcnitoring :crr. heavy rnr:tal.s in ground wattr shall be
A well de,signetl rain ',vuttr:r .hi,rtvt:r, tlLr;g sistern :inall be put in place within six
months, whic"rr shedl cotrtirrise r:f r€in e/at'i)r r:ollection fiom the built up and
open area in the piar:t prerni:;e-",
xi) I[o discharger r'.rn. th,p Flirrrrr lisi 1rr::r:tnitt,$d, Elilcelrt if the quality of the
efflurent is; of ttre s&r:nrl q_lJalillll/ riut tlttt: olilRirrsr,,
C(fC: of rninimunr ri.[, srfrilll Lr,l a.rir:pie,:i.
No ground water shall be e::tra,:t,::d fitr ,:ite prclir:,:t rvork at any stage.
Minirrrum requit:ed crllvi':,)Il:nrtlrlirl flcivii 'strSgerited by the Competent
Authcrity of ihe Sti::e (]t:r;'t (i1''e.fJ;J t:rzr:Ll lrr: rnair.tained in the Channel/
Rrvers (a.s applica.blerl evet: in leat:t seerl;,)rL
xv) Detailed irydro-geological s;u.d5' ,;f th,: area sherll b: carried out to assess the
susta:neLt.l:,lity <lf tht," rifllt'o,s of r,lit,ir:t: par:icu-lar'1y in leal season. Hydro-
g:ologlicirl stud5' sh:rll a..:io 'rrt: ''l.he::t:rftr:r l'r:vieu'er:l annually and results
submittr:d to lh,: tVli:ristrl'a::rd ccr:c(,rtreci rrgr'ncy in ttre Sta.te Govt. In case
adverse impact on. Ht'otlnci a;:<i s'-t:"[ar:e 'o;rater is observed, immediate
mitigating ste;rs':c contaiin an]';e im.pact ,rn shall be undertaken.
xvi) Greer, Belt cr:nsjsting o:i f ilie,:, 1.:.(:rs ,;l pl;ur':;.1jons of i:rative species around
plarrt arrd at .e;rst liD rn-;trall 1:t:' ::ilis,el, Wherever 50 m width is not
feasible a 2A rrt width s:rall mi.sed ernd a"rtequate justification shall be
submitted to the Ministr,r;. ilre,e deniii',,2 shaJ.1 not be less than 2500 per ha
'"r'ith riuryival ra.'ll nr;t..ess, ri:at.r iiiO

xvii) CSR schemcs identifir:cl ilaseC or:r rreed based assessment shall be
irnplemented irr. cons:lteLticrr vvitlt l.he villag: Panchayat and the District
Adrninistration fr":n'r rhe ile'url:p:rtt:ttl c,f project itself. As part of CSR
prigr identifir;ation ,-rf .o;'r1 e,n1t::l0rf,a l1(: ;loutl.h and eventual employment in
the 1>rqjr:ct after ::nparr.i::11 .rcilril'eu-rt [:";a.:.r'r'ir.1; shall tre eilso undertaken.
Companlt slrall prcvirl: $eps.l-ater l:uctget lbr conrmunity development
. a.ctivj ties and incom r: ;1ene.rr"ti.rl g i:)::o:i;r!"fiInc e s.
xviii) A rnini:n:{n Errlcur"t c,l'.lts ii.0 i:1';r1r3,5 rr$i r)trr3 t:imt: investment shall be
earmarl<r:d for rrct.:i,,"ilie[r 'r tlt: ttili:,:r: u p rrr(ler CSII. durirrg construction

lt.p;e 2 o: 5
phase of the }?roje,:t. li,:curii,:::.g e-,:cen{ihlr,-' for'csR thereafter shall be
rninimurrr Rs 1.0 Crorers per :trln-lr.:r till. the life of the plant' Details of
activities to be untJ.e-:ialr::r trri:h b'.rcgelar'7 ptrol{siorrs shall be submitted
within oure :f;notrlih irl.rn1, r1''fl'1 1r)fl1 :rl:p l:cr ir:rplementation' out
Social Audit by a repui.:,J l..niversitr.-crt" er:- [nstitute shall be carried
,rrrr.rrfty arrC deta,ihi t,:, l-,,,,, i;u'lctritterci t,: I{OEF h-resides putting it on
Corrpan5"s wetrsit.c.
l\r, Ejnviionrirerrtal{ ll,l:il ctrnt'l:,li,i;i:ng, :r:'rll. .eaf;t rllre olpert in environmental
shall be
scierrce ,/ e:rrgine,s:rin.g, ,1u;,111p;]ral heath ancl social scientist,
;;;;;;; p."i".'*1,r,. at [lu: fr,.ri ,,., : s itr, :1self a'd Itshall be headed bv an officer
rL^, +L^
:;";;r;--;irtr,uirir,.i. an,: querli:::ir::rtjcn. shal.: be ----,-^l
ensured that the
' ---^-:-^+2^-..,L^ who
;;:i';il;;'c*it'-i:'ratl :i:,:ctt;r r(trx:t- rr: tl:t: lread o1'the organization
accolrntatrle .ir::' i:tr,:il,:mer.ta'lrcrn ol'e nvironr,ental reguiations
social inrpact irnpro'rernerr t I n:iti ga ti(i':l me€t$Il::L"s'

B. Genera.l'Conditiomt:

lfhe treal.ed efflirer"r:s ()or.rlor:I::,l-ig tc ttre pre,scribed standards only shall

(il shall be made that
re-circujated. ald reusetl rvithirr ilrr: 1:iant. .,1.::imgeinents
sfflurlni-si anrl st:rlmtl v;tl1:()1'clc ltot 131 r'r'ixieci'
\- ' A se.,rrage, treatllenl piilrtt shall be :,r',:vitle:t (ia.s applir:able) and the treated
s;evrage-sha1l be usied l,;r :a1sitrp,, g,re,e:,:re11_/piiarital.ion.
in the plant a-rea to
(iii) ,\dr:c_ue "1.e, safr:ty :noi;Is;'Lt.:es i,rhe 1l ::(i lrtr:,rriderlespr:ciall5z
r:heck/minirrri:ze s1;:lr'.ltrrteou:, ;'rts .r c'.ra1 1r,1;{,
(loplr o- ri,,,ue ll-t)astll:r:s vr.tlr fr-rl . delails alorrg w:tth ldbation plant
layo,t sf.adl:e,sutxn:tte,1 t,:'.ltt; l{i-ri:tq,-,rs'nell as to the Regional Office
the lt/Iiriisrtry.
(iv) tstorage facilitir,,; fcr; rr.:xilia::'; lq,i'i t-r:1 sl.':l) as [,Do/
HFo/LSHS shall be
I\agpur. sulphrr*r or,nt€ll:'-r:rl iuel rsill not exceed 0'5%'
any eventuality1n case of an
Managemeri Plr6 skreJl he, p::e:arerl 1-o 11t{::':'1

acciclerrt takinl3; prl.a.'':e r[u'r:: tll s;tttrag'e rl: r:: L'

Ilirst Aiqi ar:,C-siLni.a-:o::r a-Ii:'i;tr..g*ir,,,. -* shitl. tre tnatle fo. the drivers
ottler cc,ntract .lrorkers, clurirr5i C:3nst]1 .:ti0t1 J3ltase. ',e so controlled such that the
(rri) Noise lerels emanar:itl*, :ro:ri t'r,*bir,es shalil:l] rlB('dl fr'::m sourc'le'.For people
noise iir the w():fk zr)l:te sil.etll Llr, ti:
, the .hi.gli r:r,tis,,r i:u'oa, rtxlui:ritr: 3:l:r,l)ntLl protectirre- equipment like
earplugs/ear nluffs r:tc' sihai'' l:e p'r':'r'irled' \lrrlrkers engaged
in noisy areas
such as lurliine' ar'*a., ilit't''""1''5*i*''rl; ct(r tlhr{1 be E:riodically-examined to
.,t.r,lrlt:rl l:t.:C. l.tu: t::tli:-Lnt,i:n,t for an:F hearing loss
tna-irrtain ar:tclitlr::reir:ic
-".f,"ff "fr*
rn.ar1e foi ttre ::cu s1:tg o. construction labour
(vii) provisi,n and facilities
applicable) vzittrir: [:he, i-i.e u;'jt.r ali :]eceltsa:q/ infrastrrrcture drinl5ing water'
STP' safe
sur:L. as fuel :fi:r t1:'."'6'[iJ1rr' n:L:lt'ri]e ttti r)tt'i, lttc'lrile the form of heeLtthr t-:rir-e, cl'i:cre r:tc:. '.ll*:,: hr:rliling me'5r'b-e-in
ttre project'
kr ll,: r,:)ttl{)riild al6e' ih-r: completion of
":r*.tii,'-* nervspapers widely
(viii) The pro,iecii*oporr*rrt shall ;:rr:-'irertisi:r in inl, [,:zrst twooflocal shall be in the
r:ir,:ulat.r:,1 ir: '[l'Le ]:']Eli()rl il':lcrt'':rl l t1::: i:r'':lj3rl1 ' '611g
,,iar"I;;i"8,;'tt:i t..h,:: l:ca.lty ti:r,':"t'":t"11 v'rithirt seven days from the
project has been
rlal-e ol this clerrratic': le'lier, ;"tt:r-rr';-'rg ttrart the
tittir are avaitrable with the
en.dronntental clee':ancrt: ru:.c[ o::pi'es ':t'-t|earar:;rce
rna:,'also be s.ee3 at Website
litarte F,olluti.ou Co:n,tt'c,l i:i,rr;lrrl.irjr:mt:rittt':e turri
of the uinisi_ly of lLt:ltir,:l"rner:t iun { li(,:i,:rltr} at 3!!p;r[2gv!91.nif in.
por:Lent to concerned
(ix) ,\ copy r:f ttie r:lear:urr:e ie'tLrr :;l'rrill L,,: senl. uy-itt"lt
and the
. l?ar:rche.yat, Zlila Pa:'isla-d r fAri,....i,ip'l ')o:rpc'ration, rriban' local Body if any' were
Lor:al i{Cf6i,-ii ,r.y ti.r,r, ,t:.orn .rrgl,e'"'[tcrts/'rel)res€:ntirtions'

'ritgi: ':1'5
received rvhile proces.s:-rrg; lhe propos;.l The clearance letter shall also be put
on the website of the Com'lan'y h'y thr: prollone::t.
(x) The proprtnent sherll rrgric€r:d 1,.1',e rllu:urtr, of corrpliartce of the stipulated
environrnental clearancer ,:;oncl.iti.rlns, irLchLcirts results ,:f monitored data on
their =website ancl shal.- ugrdat,e the sErr-€ peric,riically. It shall simultaneously
be sent to the Regional O:'{ic:e r:,f'MOIIF, the respe:tive Tnnal Office of CPCB
and the SPCB. The criteda, pc,l.ular.'l [e','els Iramely; SPM, RSPIVI (PM2.s &
PMro), SC)2, 1tI0* (ambient lr:r'r:ls rrr; urell as stack emissions) shall be
displayed at a convenieni localion nea: the ma-n gate of the company in the
public domain.
(xi) The environfi:err-- stat:rcr:::ti: .[:lr ertr:lt firlanciril year ending 31"t March in
Form.V as is m.andatecl -rl b,c l;'ubr:ri.t,er:l' f,'7 1,he project proponent to the
concerned State Pollur'-icn Cotrlrr:i Borr:ct asi prescribed under the
Environment (Prbtectioa) Flules, l.!185, as eLmended subsequently, shall also
be put cn the u,ebsit,: cf corllftfurr/ :"10n13rrrth the s-latus of compliance of
envirclnrnr:nteLl cleari:]rrc(] .jr)rl(:lit.i.ons :u.,:l stLtfl also be sent to the respective
Regionat Offices rli the lll:rristrli by :-;nail.
(xii) The project trrroponeut sha.ll subrnit six monthly reports on the status of
the lmplementatiou oli the st:irprrla,,ted, en,c:"rnnmental safeguards to the
Minlstqy of Envirrr,ntrt(::flt: ,srtt,rl Il,irtoriBlr:s, i.l:s trteglonal OIIice, Central
Pollu"lion Control tsorucl i;rrrd. l$';a:;e lPolXrrtirlrr Control Board. The project
proponent shall uptoad the stutus cf coar.pXiaace of the environmental
clearance condltions orr thei:r *tbui.t,e nlrr.:[ u:pdfitte the aarDe periodically
and simu'ltaneou.sly seudl tltrr: ${t'01r3 lbSr 6"''uui1 to the Regional ofrice'
Ministry of En'r'flromfll$rn1t a:nril liot'ests. c
(xiii) Regional Offic:e of the Mi:ristry ,tf Em,ironme.rt 8r Forests will monitor the
implementaticn ,rf the slitrx:Jated :on.tlitions. .A complete set of documents
ilclurling Envirr:nrnerrtai 1in:r1:crcl r:,s..x:lis:l'tel1l lleport and Environment
Manage::n,:nt Plaur alor4g 'r,-' t,', 11^.r:t alc it-,:nal :r:.Lltrrr.atiot: submitted from time
to tirae shall h: fonsa,rr:|-'c[ tr:' tirre l?epfc,natl Otfice for their use during
monitor:ing. Proirl(lt- cr'()ltcr:r,rrr1. .;rili r.Lt."loarl lh: cornpliance status in their
w-ebsite and r-:p-rlat,e trr: rliu:n,: It'titn t.:i:!le trl li.tre ;rt least si:r monthly basis.
Crite:ria p,ollruila.:rts letr:k; i:nr:lurclin.g 11(},. (frro:nr stack & ambient air| shall
be displayed atthe nraln gate of th'-+ pcwet plant.
(xi") Separate fun,is shall lte'<! frr itn.plementab'.on of environmental
proter;tion mc:arilie$ ,rl:r'-r; riril.l', rt,ettt.rv:isr: l>r:atr:-rtp. These cost shall be
irrctuciecl as part,:)f 1:.:-3 p:oiecl t>:st,'ihe frnds earmarked for the
'le d:.verted for other purposes
environrrent crotect;on. rreasiures :rlclt
and year-.,trrise experrdi'jr:r.e siro';rll ire reSrorte<l l,r the M-Lnistry.
(xv) The prc,ject aulhor:.lit:r; siralI i:rf<rn.:. tl:r"'Flel1;iorra]. Office as well as the
Ministry l.ega-:iiL,:rg 'hr: cltr:e ,:rf fi.r,eir,:ie.1 clos;rlre and linal approval of the
project by the corrce::.led aul.hrcri:ies a.rcl lhe dates of start of land
development lvork ar:d :o:r.ntissi.:ning, of plant'
(>rvi) Full cooperaticu:r stra..l Le' er:r1:,::ntler.. [,0 1]r,: Scientists/Officers - from the
IVtinistry ,/ Regic,nal ()..lir:e r1'll:rr: lVlirL[slrr'7 3PJB/ SPC[] w]ro would be
monitorin g the coi:nplia.n.ce c,f '3rl'i'ir fr- rr- (lntal status'

5. The lr{irris;try of Sn1,'ir3115,1r2nt ertt<l .F,:,lr)si:tl l:e'{i()rvr:s ttL'e rign'rt to revoke the
clearance if ccnrCiii:,ns sLi1rula.1.r,r[ not ir,:plr:tnerrled to ttre sa'tisfact.ion of the
Ministry. ,ftre lrdinistqr mc.y alsc ir:rrpur;e ;.rcrlil-:icr:Lr:-1 environmental conditions or
modify the existing cnes, if nrl:el"srary"

6. The environrrrental. rll:ari,J1,::e: il.()l{)11:-'3(l ,*ikull[ be valid for a period of 5

frorrr the,Cate of issure o, ler.t':r' :o titart op'eratic'ns by the
power plant'

Page 4 ;rf 5
/' 7' Concealing; far:tr-teLl cltittt or,rir.;-tr::n..ssicl:'L
:l r,il.qe/lab:icated data and failure to
comply r'vith arry of rhr-'(:tlrrditioils me:rtilr3rl
abr)/e lnay result in withdrawal of
this clearance and altract a.cti':rr rrrrder'r-t," p,..,':,oionsl
! (':u'l'rri' of Envirr>nment (protection)
Act, 1986.

B' In cas'-'c'f any de-'uiatron c,i a-,tererti(,rr.irL

transportation systern fion1 tl'rose s':l:,rr:.irtei t:, Lhe pri:iect proposecl including coal
t.irisi'ivlnis;try lirr: clearance, a fresh
reference stror:ltl re rna" t.ler lr{lii:rj's,tr:/ 1o
irtri;r3r,iid;lrt,,, ,u.qlar:5r ef tt"
imposed and to erdd trdriitir:r:rlal ell'rirfn.rr:-:nt;a.
llrcr{.ection nreasrrres required, "oraition(s}
if any.
9. The abov.e stipulatir:rrs v,ror.rirj i:n-, snl,rrrr:r.l arrtrcr.rg
(Prevention and C)oniro,l of l:roiltr.;ir:,r:r1 ,,1,,:. crthers under the Water
l(rl,l, ,lri-,ii1. (Iteve.tion ancl Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981, the En',,irc,rtr:rerr1 (['rr:Lo.::,,in,f-riri,,':[gr]6.
Hazardot-'-s \f,'astes (l{anagement i:{ar:::rirg a,d *r* trr"." under,
{o ,rrr..r.rst,oundary Movement) Rules,
2008 and its amenrlr]:u-,nls, thr: 1:',rr:rj: Lhrrliily l,i*,.r.u.nce
amendments. Act, 1gg7 and its
10' Any appea.l ag;jttst lhis er:-iir:cr:rrl1ier.t€,1 lleararce shall
Green Tribunal, iI'pn:fe::rerl. u,ithir:r 3,-) ,:ai3,s lie with the National
,,,, p,**.,rifred uncier Section 16 of
National Green l{}ibu::Lal Act, it(rtf; the

Copy to:

i. The Se:cret,ery. lllinisi.n,. r)f J'r;;:;., Iih.a:rr Shrill:r.i

Delhi 110CC)1. Ra:E Marg, New
2- The secretary.(Errrrirorrn,:-rt|, Iinv.r(rn:nenr: r--repartrnent,
Madhyar pradesh, Rlr.oi:rarl Government of
3. The: chairlrran. ctxitr,,lr E)L:,,;:i:ri cit,,r ,\t.trrc,ritrz,
[ir::wir Bhawan, R.K. puram,
New Delhi-11006,6r,
4. The chairrnan, Ma-clh1,a l?racres.h ii+.ete t,,:r1ui.i.:::
contror Board, paqravaran
Prisar, j1-5 r\rea Oc,lorr_,,r, Btro.rir.i .- .+{52 1.,1(i
5, The chair::r:ria-n, rlerrl.rar [tr ]i.'r r-.::rtr:r[ .rilc:ur:[,
cum-Oficr-. ()onrpl:x, Ii,ali:. rl: t.ln lliLgirr [)erl,ri- _::
l:arivesh Bhawan, cBD_
6. The c)hief oonr;er'a.toL" c,j' iiiore"c,ls, Nfinist;,v o: Brrioironment
Regional ofrice[Nl7'1,, -ril-s, j;rr-"nr:rr:ii;er f,:ir-i,6:.,,'o,-,,,r, and Forests,
Linl< Fioad-ili, Ravish;,ur j<i,u. jr ag;er", j::th )loni _r;6210_.rii
nrrrn.i,, E-si Area colony,
7. The Distrir-:1 Coller:to:f, .lii*rtr:ir:t, I\Ir:dlrta IteLrl.esh.
8. Gueird fitre.
9. Monitoring file.

['a,ge ii ,:f ii

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