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FIZ102E Final Exam May 18, 2015

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ATTENTION:Each question has only one correct answer and is worth one point. Be sure to fill in completely the circle that corresponds to
your answer on the answer sheet. Use a pencil (not a pen). Only the answers on your answer sheet will be taken into account. Please take π=3,
mproton ≈ 1.6 × 10−27 kg, qproton ≈ 1.6 × 10−19 C, µ0 = 4π × 10−7 , c = 3 × 108 m/s.

~ and B
1. A proton moves with velocity ~v perpendicularly to crossed electric and magnetic fields E ~ as
shown in the figure. What is the direction of the net force acting on the proton?
(a) Into the page (b) Out of the page (c) Toward the left (d) Not enough information given
to decide (e) Toward the right
2. An electromagnetic wave propagates in a dielectric medium with permittivity  = K0 and permeability µ = Km µ0 where K
is the dielectric constant of the medium and Km is the relative permeability of the medium. In this medium, energy density
of electric field of the wave is uE = 21 E 2 and energy density of magnetic field of the wave is uB = 2µ B 2 . What is the ratio of
uE /uB ?

(a) Km /K (b) √KK (c) K/Km (d) 1 (e) KKm

3. Which of the following statements concerning propagating electromagnetic waves are incorrect?
i) Electric and magnetic fields of the wave oscillate with the same phase
ii) Mutual orientation of electric and magnetic field in the wave is random
iii) When the wave moves between two media with different permittivity, frequency of the wave changes
iv) When the wave moves between two media with different permittivity, wavelength of the wave changes
v) Ratio of magnitudes of electric and magnetic field of the wave is an arbitrary number
(a) i, ii, iii (b) ii, iv, v (c) ii, iii, v (d) ii, iii, iv (e) i, iii, v

4. A steady current, I, flows through a straight wire. A circular loop of wire is placed next to the straight wire as shown
in the figure. Which of the following will not produce an induced current in the loop?
(a) Move the loop away from the wire. (b) Move the loop toward the wire. (c) Decrease the electric current
in the wire. (d) Move the loop in parallel to the wire. (e) Increase the electric current in the wire.
5. The principle or law that says ”an induced emf in a closed circuit loop produces a current whose magnetic field opposes further
change of magnetic flux” is credited to:
(a) Volta (b) Faraday (c) Coulomb (d) Lenz (e) Ampere
6. What is the unit of Poynting vector?
(a) kg/m s2 (b) kg m2 /s2 (c) kg m2 /s2 (d) kg m /s2 (e) kg/s3

Questions 7-9
In the circuit shown in the figure, the switch S is initially opened. It is then closed, and remains closed for a long time. The
inductor L has negligible resistance. Express your answers in terms of L, the battery emf E and the values of the resistors
R1 ,R2 .
7. Determine the currents through R1 ,R2 , L a long time after the switch is closed.
(a) IR2 = 0 and IR1 = 0 and IL = E/R1 (b) IR2 = E/R2 and IR1 = E/R1 and IL = E/(R1 + R2 )
(c) IR2 = 0 and IR1 = IL = E/R1 (d) IR2 = IR1 = IL = 0 (e) IR2 = 0 and IR1 = E/R1 and IL = 0

For question 8 and 9

After switch has been closed for a very long time t, it is then opened.
8. What is the time constant of this circuit?
(a) zero (b) t (c) L/(R1 + R2 ) (d) L/R1 (e) L/R2
9. Determine IL (t), the current in the inductor as a function of time after the switch is opened.
−(R1 +R2 )t −R2 t −R1 t
E ( ) E ( L )
E −t E ( L )
(a) IL = R1 e
L (b) IL = R1 e (c) IL = R1 e (d) IL = R1 e (e) IL = R1

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FIZ102E Final Exam May 2015

Questions 10-14
A solenoid of square cross section a × a is of length l(l  a). It has N windings (sarım). The time dependent current through
the solenoid is given as I = I0 sin (ωt) where ω is a constant.
10. The magnetic field in the solenoid at t=0 is;
(a) µ0 I0 (b) 0 (c) µ0 I0 a2 /l (d) µ0 I0 N/l (e) µ0 I0 l/a2
11. The magnetic field in the solenoid when ωt = π/2) is;
(a) 0 (b) I0 N a2 µ0 /l (c) I0 N µ0 /l (d) I0 lµ0 /a2 (e) 2I0 N µ0 /l
12. The magnetic flux in the solenoid when ωt = π/2) is;
(a) 0 (b) I0 lµ0 /a2 (c) I0 N a2 µ0 /2l (d) I0 N µ0 /2a2 l (e) I0 N a2 µ0 /l
13. The self induction coefficient of the solenoid is
(a) I0 lµ0 /a2 (b) I0 N a2 µ0 /l (c) N a2 µ0 /l (d) 0 (e) 2I0 N µ0 /a2 l
14. The emf of the solenod at time t=0 is;
N µ 0 a2 N µ0 a2 dI0 N µ0 a2 N µ0 a2
(a) l ωI0 (b) l dt (c) 0 (d) l tω (e) l t

Questions 15-17
Suppose that charges on a dipole antenna oscillate slowly at a rate of 2 cycle/s, and the antenna radiates sinusoidal electro-
magnetic waves in a region of space.
15. If someone measured the time-varying magnetic field in the region and found its maximum Bmax to be 2 × 10−6 T, what would
be the maximum electric field, Emax , in the region, in units of volts per meter?
(a) 600 (b) 800 (c) 200 (d) 1000 (e) 400
16. What is the period of the charge oscillation?
(a) 2 s (b) 0.5 s (c) 1 s (d) 0.25 s (e) 4 s
17. What is the minimum value of the magnitude of the Poynting vector?
2Emax Bmax Emax Bmax Emax Bmax Emax Bmax
(a) µ0 (b) 0 (c) 2µ0 (d) 4µ0 (e) µ0

Questions 18-19
At the surface of the Earth, the Sun delivers an estimated 3 W/m2 of energy. Suppose the light is incident perpendicular to a
10 m by 20 m roof.
18. Estimate the total power incident on the roof in Watts.
(a) 800 (b) 1000 (c) 600 (d) 400 (e) 200
19. Find the radiation pressure on the roof in µP a. (Assume the roof is black and totally absorbs the sunlight!)
(a) 0.01 (b) 0.06 (c) 0.04 (d) 0.02 (e) 0.03

Questions 20-25
In the circuit shown in the figure, a battery supplies Vemf = V and resistances are R1 , R2 , and inductance is L.
20. Calculate the magnitude of the current through R1 immediately after the switch is closed.
1 ×R2
(a) V
R2 (b) V
R1 (c) V
R1 +R2 (d) 0 (e) V ( R
R1 +R2 )

21. Calculate the magnitude of the potential difference across L immediately after the switch is
(a) V R1 (b) V ( R1R+R
) (c) V R1
R2 (d) V (e) 0
22. Calculate the rate of current change across R1 immediately after the switch is closed.
2V V V V 4V
(a) L (b) L (c) 2L (d) 4L (e) L
23. Calculate the power across R1 at time t = R1 ln(2).
2V 2 V2 4V 2 V2 V2
(a) R1 (b) R1 (c) R1 (d) 2R1 (e) 4R1

24. Calculate the power across R2 as time t → ∞.

V2 V2 4V 2 V2 2V 2
(a) R2 (b) 4R2 (c) R2 (d) 2R2 (e) R2

25. Calculate the power across R1 as time t → ∞.

V2 4V 2 V2 V2 2V 2
(a) 4R2 (b) R2 (c) 2R2 (d) R1 (e) R2

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