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Painting guide


Tools and paints used
For this effect I used paints:

Base armor: Black Vallejo Model Color, White VMC, Thamar Black P3, French Blue VGA, Mediterranean
Blue Scale75,
Glazes: Light Turquoise VMC, Khorne Red GW, Eldandil Violet Scale75, Irati Green Scale75, Magenta
Brush: Raphael 8404 size 0
Airbrush: H&S Infinity CR PLUS

Painting process

1. Basecoat armor with Black.

2. Prepare armor for the blue color. Spray highlights with White.

3. Over the zenithal coating spray French Blue VGA.

4. Retouch shadows with Thamar Black. You can use any black, I suggest using black paint with satin finish.

5. Paint everything else with Black to see the contrast.
6. start highlighting edges with Mediterranean Blue.

7. Add White to Mediterranean Blue, paint scratches and retouch highlights.

8. Prepare areas for the glazes. If you want your glazes to be saturated you can add some highlights where
you want to place them - see in the picture where I place some highlights in the shadows.

9. Time for glazing to add some intensity to the color. I place reds and violets in the shadows, greens between
shadows and highlights, blues for intensity on the highlights. For glazing I used: Light Turquoise VMC,
Khorne Red GW, Eldandil Violet Scale75, Irati Green Scale75, Magenta VMC. Armour is done!

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