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A PROPERTY Template;

Lead Type:

Cold Caller: [anne]

Date: 22/8/2023

Seller’s Full Name: Douglas Biles

Address: 1013 McDaniel St, Monroe, GA 30655

Phone (404) 558-3645

:Zillow Link: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1013-McDaniel-St-Monroe-GA-


Zillow estimate: $172,700


- is it listed or not ? no



-How many sq -ft.? 1,056

-Does it need any repairs or upgrades? no

Is it free & clear? no Mortgage

-Do u live in it ,rented, or vacant? rented

What’s the reason for selling the property? Retired

Do you have a price in mind? or a price you wouldn’t go below? is it negotiable? or is that the bottom
line ?250k
_ How much time would it take u to close on it ( max 6 month) 1 to 2 months

_do u have a specific day or time to call, do u prefer even or morn? Anytime during the day

confirm Address / full name/ new phone?

Alright, I’ll be discussing the final offer with my partner and I’ll call you back on this number within 24 to
48 hours.


do u have other prop? OR know someone who wanna sell their prop? no

Thank you so much for your time have a good day!

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