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Letters in Applied Microbiology 2005, 40, 278–282 doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.2005.01670.

b-D-glucuronidase activity assay to assess viable

Escherichia coli abundance in freshwaters

T. Garcia-Armisen1, P. Lebaron2 and P. Servais1

Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Campus de la Plaine, Bruxelles, Belgium, and 2Observatoire
Océanologique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UMR 7621-7628 CNRS-INSU, Banyuls-sur-Mer cedex, France

2004/0811: received 13 July 2004, revised 22 October 2004 and accepted 10 December 2004

T . G A R C I A - A R M I S E N , P . L E B A R O N A N D P . S E R V A I S . 2005.
Aims: The relationships between the b-D-glucuronidase (GLUase) activity, the abundance of culturable
Escherichia coli and the number of viable E. coli were investigated in river and wastewater samples.
Methods and Results: GLUase activity was measured as the rate of hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl-b-D-
glucuronide. Culturable E. coli were enumerated by the most probale number (MPN) microplate method. Viable
E. coli were estimated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) coupled with a procedure of viability testing
(DVC-FISH procedure). Significant correlations were found between the log of GLUase activity and both, the log
culturable E. coli and the log of viable E. coli.
Conclusions: GLUase activity per viable E. coli gave a broadly constant value from low to highly contaminated
waters while GLUase activity per culturable E. coli strongly increased at low contaminated waters because of an
underestimation of the number of active E. coli by the culture-based method.
Significance and Impact of the Study: GLUase activity is a reliable parameter for the rapid quantification of
viable E. coli in waters.

Keywords: active but nonculturable bacteria, direct viable count, E. coli enumeration, fluorescent in situ
hybridization, river water, wastewater.

Bartram 2001). Although culture-based tests to enumerate

E. coli have been improved in terms of specificity and
Natural freshwaters can contain a large variety of rapidity by incorporating chromogenic and fluorogenic
pathogenic micro-organisms released in the environment substrates (Manafi 2000), they still require 18–24 h to
through wastewaters and soil leaching. The routine complete and are thus unable to rapidly detect any faecal
examination of water for the presence of intestinal pollution.
pathogens is currently a tedious, difficult and time- More recently, some authors proposed to estimate the
consuming task. Thus surrogates such as bacterial indi- b-D-glucuronidase (GLUase) activity of E. coli in rapid
cators of faecal contamination including total coliforms assays performed without any cultivation step. Direct
(TC), faecal coliforms (FC), Escherichia coli and intesti- measurements of GLUase activity have been successfully
nalis enterococci are commonly analysed as their presence applied to seawaters (Fiksdal et al. 1994; Caruso et al. 2002),
suggests that enteric pathogens may also be present. freshwaters (George et al. 2000, 2004; Farnleitner et al.
Today, there is more and more evidence that E. coli is the 2001, 2002) and wastewaters (George et al. 2001, 2002).
best bacterial indicator to predict the sanitary risk These direct measurements of GLUase activity were
associated with waters (Edberg et al. 2000; Fewtrell and performed using the substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-b-D-
Correspondence to: Servais Pierre, Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques, Université
glucuronide (MUGLU); the activity was measured as the
Libre de Bruxelles, Campus de la Plaine, CP 221, Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 rate of production of fluorescent methylumbelliferone
Bruxelles, Belgium (e-mail: (MU), resulting from the hydrolysis of the substrate,
ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology

estimated by fluorometry. This type of direct activity their size and type of treatment. All samples were collected
measurement can be performed in a period as short as half in sterile 2-l bottles, kept at 4C and analysed within 12 h.
an hour. Several studies showed good correlation’s in log–
log plot between GLUase activity and FC enumerated on
b-D-glucuronidase activity measurements
plate counts in different types of aquatic systems (Fiksdal
et al. 1994; George et al. 2000, 2001, 2004; Caruso et al. b-D-glucuronidase (GLUase) activity measurements were
2002; Farnleitner et al. 2002). More recently, a significant performed following the protocol proposed by George
correlation was found between GLUase activity and E. coli et al. (2000) slightly modified. River water samples
abundance estimated by plate counts (Farnleitner et al. (100 ml) and wastewater samples (1–20 ml) were filtered
2001). This rapid enzymatic assay can thus be proposed as a through 0Æ2 lm pore-sized, 47 mm-diameter polycarbon-
possible surrogate to culture-based methods to rapidly ate filters (Nuclepore, Whatman, Maidstone, UK). The
detect faecal pollution in river waters. filters were placed in 200-ml sterile Erlenmeyer flasks
The regression straight lines in log–log plot observed by containing 17 ml of sterile phosphate buffer (pH 6Æ9) and
the different authors quoted here above between GLUase 3 ml of MUGLU solution (55 mg of MUGLU; Biosynth,
activity and FC abundance, on one hand, and between Staad, Switzerland) and 20 ll of Triton X-100 in 50 ml
GLUase activity and E. coli numbers, on the other, have of sterile water) was added to each flask (final concentra-
always slope lower than 1. George et al. (2000) hypothes- tion: 165 mg l)1). The flasks were incubated in a shaking
ized that this was because of an underestimation of active water bath at 44C. Every 5 min for 30 min, a 2Æ9-ml
FC or E. coli by culture-based methods in low contam- aliquot of the 20 ml was poured in a quartz cell with
inated waters because of the existence in these environ- 110 ll of 1 M NaOH solution to increase the pH to 10Æ7
ments of many active but nonculturable (ABNC) (corresponding to the maximum of fluorescence of the
coliforms, i.e. cells presenting a detectable GLUase MU). The fluorescence intensity of the aliquot was
activity but unable to multiply in liquid or on solid measured with a SFM 25 spectrofluorometer (Kontron
culture media. In this paper, we compared GLUase AG, Zürich, Switzerland) at an excitation wavelength of
activity measurements with culturable E. coli numbers 362 nm and emission wavelength of 445 nm. The 100%
determined by the most probable number (MPN) tech- of fluorescence intensity of the fluorometer was calibrated
nique using microplates and with viable E. coli numbers using standards of known MU concentrations from 50 to
estimated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) 12 500 nM; this procedure allowed to study a wide range
coupled with a procedure of viability testing. A DVC- of enzymatic activities by changing only the fluorometer
FISH approach combining the direct viable count (DVC) calibration. The production rate of MU (pmol of MU
procedure (Kogure et al. 1979) with FISH procedures was liberated per minute for 100 ml of sample filtered),
recently developed to enumerate viable E. coli in river expressing the enzymatic activity, was determined by
waters and wastewaters (Garcia-Armisen and Servais least-squares linear regression when plotting MU concen-
2004). The DVC procedure involves exposing bacterial tration vs incubation time. Data of GLUase activities
cells to a revival medium containing antibiotics preventing presented in this paper are expressed in pmol of MU
cellular division; elongated cells are then enumerated as liberated per minute for 100 ml of sample filtered.
viable cells.
The comparison was performed on samples collected in
E. coli enumeration by miniaturized MPN method
differently contaminated rivers and in several wastewater
treatment plants (WWTP) (raw and treated waters) in order Standardized miniaturized MPN method (ISO 9308-3)
to cover a very large range of E. coli abundance. using microplates (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) is based
on the defined substrate approach (Edberg and Edberg
1988). Briefly, 200 ll of several decimal dilutions (from
MATERIALS AND METHODS 1/2 to 1/200 000) of the sample were added in each of the
96 wells of the microplate containing the substrate
Samples collection
(MUGLU) in dehydrated form. The number of dilutions
River water samples were collected in the Seine river used (2, 4 or 6) depends on the abundance of E. coli in the
hydrographical network (France). Samples were harvested sample. The microplates were incubated for 36–48 h at
from small rivers upstream to any domestic wastewater 44C. The hydrolysis of MUGLU by the b-D-glucuroni-
discharge up to the highly contaminated Seine river dase releases the fluorescent MU compound which can be
downstream to the Parisian area. Moreover, mean daily detected under UV light. The number of positive wells
wastewater samples were collected at the entrance and at the (fluorescent under UV light) after incubation allows to
outlet of various WWTP located in France and differing by calculate the E. coli abundance using a statistical table
ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 40, 278–282, doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.2005.01670.x
280 T . G A R C I A - A R M I S E N ET AL.

provided by the microplates manufacturer (Bio-Rad) based also performed by detecting autofluorescent micro-organ-
on Poisson’s law. isms.

E. coli enumeration by DVC-FISH procedure RESULTS

The DVC-FISH procedure described by Garcia-Armisen During this study, river water and wastewater samples
and Servais (2004) was used in the present study for covering a large range of faecal contamination were analysed
enumeration of viable E. coli. Water samples were filtered using three techniques: GLUase activity, E. coli enumer-
through 25 mm 0Æ4 lm pore-sized polycarbonate filters ation by MPN microplate method and DVC-FISH tech-
(Nucleopore; Whatman). One to 100 ml were filtered nique. This procedure involves exposing bacterial cells to a
depending on the origin of the sample and on its suspended revival medium containing antibiotics preventing cellular
matter content. For the DVC procedure, filters were division; elongated cells are then enumerated as viable cells
incubated for 4 h at 30C on absorbent pad (Millipore, after hybridization with a fluorescent probe specific for the
Billerica, MA, USA) previously soaked into culture plates 16S rRNA of E. coli.
(Greiner Bio-One, Frickenhausen, Germany) with 0Æ6 ml of In Fig. 1a, log-transformed GLUase activities were plot-
revival medium consisting in TCS broth (Bio-Rad) supple- ted against log-transformed E. coli abundance. Some samples
mented with yeast extract (0Æ6% w/v), nalidixic acid for which the E. coli number was below the detection limit of
(10 lg ml)1) (Sigma) and ciprofloxacin (1 lg ml)1) (ICN, the MPN method (15 E. coli per 100 ml) were not
Irvine, CA, USA). After the 4 h incubation, bacteria were considered in this comparison. The linear correlation
fixed for 15 min with 3% (w/v) paraformaldehyde. between both variables in log units was highly significant
For hybridization, filters issued from the DVC stage (r2 ¼ 0Æ92, n ¼ 41, P < 0Æ001); the slope of the regression
were transferred onto a new pad soaked with 300 ll of straight line was 0Æ731. In Fig. 1b, log-transformed GLUase
hybridization buffer consisting of 0Æ9 M NaCl, 20 mM activities were plotted against log-transformed viable E. coli
Tris-HCl (pH 7Æ2), 0Æ1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate
(SDS), 0Æ2% (w/v) bovine serum albumin (BSA, fraction (a) 6
V; Sigma), 0Æ1 mg ml)1 polyadenylic acid (ICN) and 22%
pmol min–1 (100 ml)–1)

deionized formamide (ACROS, Geel, Belgium). The filters 5

Log (GLUase act

carrying the fixed bacteria were covered with 300 ll of 4

hybridization buffer containing 10 pmol of CY3-labelled 3
‘Colinsitu’ probe and 20 pmol of FITC-labelled eubacterial
probe EUB338. The ‘Colinsitu’ probe (sequence: 5¢-GAG
ACT CAA GAT TGC CAG TAT CAG-3¢) used for the 1
in situ E. coli hybridization was shown to be E. coli specific 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
(Regnault et al. 2000); it was labelled at the 5¢-end with the Log(E. coli (100 ml)–1)
CY3 dye. Eubacterial probe EUB338 labelled with FITC (b)
was used as a control in all in situ hybridization experi- 6
ments. The hybridization was performed for 2 h at 42C.
pmol min–1 (100 ml)–1)

Log (GLUase act

Filters were then washed in new multiwell tissue culture

plates with 2 ml of prewarmed washing buffer [0Æ1 M
NaCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7Æ2), 0Æ01% SDS, 5 mM 3
EDTA] and incubated at 51C for 20 min. The filters 2
were then deposited on microscopic slides for mounting. 1
Filters with hybridized cells were observed by epifluores-
cence microscopy (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) equipped with 0 2 4 6 8 10
a HBO 100-W mercury lamp (Osram, Munchen, Germany) Log(E. coli (100 ml)–1)
at a magnification of 1000·. For river water samples and
Fig. 1 (a) Log–log linear regression between GLUase activity and
wastewater samples 100 and 50 microscopic fields, respect-
Escherichia coli in river water and wastewater samples: log (GLUase
ively, were observed, elongated and hybridized cells were
activity pmol min)1 100 ml)1) ¼ 0Æ731 log (E. coli per
enumerated and the E. coli abundance (expressed in E. coli 100 ml) ) 0Æ663 (r2 ¼ 0Æ92, n ¼ 41, P < 0Æ001). (b) Log–log linear
per 100 ml) calculated. A positive control was performed by regression between GLUase activity and viable E. coli enumerated by
verifying a fluorescent event labelled with CY3 as being a the DVC-FISH procedure in river water and wastewater samples: log
bacteria; for this, bacterial cells were visualized using the (GLUase activity pmol min)1 100 ml)1) ¼ 0Æ994 log (E. coli per
EUB 338 probe labelled with FITC. A negative control was 100 ml) ) 3Æ053 (r2 ¼ 0Æ93, n ¼ 41, P < 0Æ001)

ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 40, 278–282, doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.2005.01670.x

100 activity and E. coli abundance estimated by plate counts

GLUase act. per E. coli

using Chromocult medium in river waters (Farnleitner et al.

(fmol min–1 cell–1)

10 2001) and between GLUase activity and culturable FC (see

Table 1 for references). The slope of the regression straight
line between GLUase activity and E. coli abundance
obtained in this study was lower than 1 in agreement with
previous studies (Table 1). Table 1 shows that the slopes of
0·1 the regression straight lines in log–log plot between GLUase
100 < EC < 1000 1000 < EC < 10 000 10 000 < EC < 1 00 000 EC > 1 00 000
activity and FC or E. coli abundance vary depending on the
Fig. 2 Average GLUase activity per culturable (black bars) and per type of water samples analysed (marine waters, rivers,
viable Escherichia coli (grey bars) (expressed in fmol min)1 per E. coli wastewaters), on the culture-based method used to enumer-
cell) for various ranges of culturable E. coli (EC estimated by the MPN ate FC or E. coli and on the protocol used to determine
technique) abundances (expressed in EC per 100 ml) GLUase activities (for example, substrate concentration or
incubation temperature). Nevertheless and interestingly, in
numbers estimated by the DVC-FISH procedure. The all of these studies the slopes were found to be lower than 1,
water samples used for this regression analysis were similar ranging from 0Æ31 to 0Æ83. This indicates that the GLUase
to those used for the regression analysis between GLUase activity per cultured E. coli or per FC decreased as the
activity and culturable E. coli (Fig. 1a). The linear correla- number of culturable faecal bacteria increased; in other
tion between GLUase activity and viable E. coli in log units words, the ratio GLUase activity per culturable faecal
was highly significant (r2 ¼ 0Æ93, n ¼ 41, P < 0Æ001); the bacteria decreased in more polluted environments. A
slope of this regression straight line was 0Æ994. possible explanation for this observation was suggested by
Figure 2 presents the GLUase activity per culturable E. coli George et al. (2000). These authors suggested that higher
(GLUase activity divided by the E. coli number estimated by enzymatic activities per culturable cells in less contaminated
the MPN method) and per viable E. coli (GLUase activity natural waters may be due to an underestimation of the
divided by E. coli count estimated by the DVC-FISH number of faecal bacteria when enumerated by culture-
procedure) for different ranges of culturable E. coli repre- based methods. This underestimation may be explained by a
senting different ranges of faecal contamination of waters. higher proportion of ABNC cells (cells presenting a
Data from Fig. 2 show a rather constant GLUase activity per detectable GLUase activity but unable to multiply in or
viable E. coli (c. 1 · 10)15 mol of MU produced per minute on the specific media used in culture-based methods). The
per E. coli cell) whereas the GLUase activity per culturable higher proportion of ABNC faecal bacteria in less polluted
E. coli strongly decreased from the low contaminated environments could be the result of more severe and/or
environments to highly contaminated systems (from longer environmental stress factors such as nutrient
c. 100 · 10)15 mol min)1 per E. coli for waters containing limitation and enhanced solar radiation effects as a result
between 100 and 1000 culturable E. coli per 100 ml to of deeper light penetration. George et al. (2000) and Petit
c. 6 · 10)15 mol min)1 per E. coli for highly contaminated et al. (2000) demonstrated in microcosm experiments the
waters containing more than 105 culturable E. coli per 100 ml). increasing proportion of nonculturable E. coli cells main-
taining a GLUase activity when cells were exposed to light
In this study, the potential underestimation of E. coli cells
Data from Fig. 1a are congruent with previous reports at low concentrations when detected by culture-based
showing good correlations in log–log plot between GLUase methods was tested by comparing GLUase activities with

Table 1 Slope of the regression straight lines

Methods Type of water Slope References
between log-transformed GLUase activity
and log-transformed abundance of culturable FC MacConkey agar Estuarine waters and 0Æ68 Fiksdal et al. (1994)
FC or Escherichia coli published in the litera- wastewaters
ture. Table also mentions the methods used to FC Tergitol TTC agar Rivers 0Æ61 George et al. (2000)
enumerate culturable FC and E. coli as well as FC Tergitol TTC agar Wastewaters 0Æ83 George et al. (2001)
the type of waters investigated in the different FC Tergitol TTC agar Small rivers 0Æ55 George et al. (2004)
studies FC m-FC-agar Seawaters 0Æ31 Caruso et al. (2002)
FC MFC-agar Rivers 0Æ82 Farnleitner et al. (2002)
E. coli Chromocult coliform agar Rivers 0Æ83 Farnleitner et al. (2001)
E. coli MPN microplates Rivers and wastewaters 0Æ73 This study

ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 40, 278–282, doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.2005.01670.x
282 T . G A R C I A - A R M I S E N ET AL.

viable E. coli counts using the DVC-FISH procedure. REFERENCES

Fig. 1b presents log-transformed GLUase activities plot-
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estimated by the DVC-FISH procedure. The linear J Appl Microbiol 93, 548–556.
correlation between GLUase activity and viable E. coli Edberg, S.C. and Edberg, M.M. (1988) A defined substrate technology
in log units was highly significant but more interestingly, for the enumeration of microbial indicators of environmental
the slope of the regression straight line was very close to pollution. Yale J Biol Med 61, 389–399.
1. This indicates a rather constant GLUase activity per Edberg, S.C., Rice, E.W., Karlin, R.J. and Allen, M.J. (2000)
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from Fig. 2 show broadly constant values of GLUase public health protection. J Appl Microbiol 88, 106S–116S.
activity per viable E. coli whatever the level of contam- Farnleitner, A.H., Hocke, L, Beiwl, C., Kavka, G.G., Zechmeister, T.
Kirschner, A.K.T. and Mach, R.L. (2001) Rapid enzymatic
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numbers (Table 1).
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Tamara Garcia-Armisen benefits from a doctoral grant from Petit, M., George, I. and Servais, P. (2000) Survival of Escherichia coli
the ‘Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans in freshwaters: b-D glucuronidase activity measurements and
l’Industrie et l’Agriculture’ (FRIA) (Belgium). This study characterization of cellular states. Can J Microbiol 46, 679–684.
Regnault, B., Martin-Delautre, S., Lejay-Collin, M., Lefèvre, M. and
was a part of the PIREN Seine program of the Centre
Grimont, P.A.D. (2000) Oligonucleotide probe for the visualization
National de la Recherche Scientifique (France). The authors
of Escherichia coli/Escherichia fergusonii cells by in situ hybridization:
thank Adriana Anzil and Philippe Mercier for their help specificity and potential application. Res Microbiol 151, 521–533.
during the field work.

ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 40, 278–282, doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.2005.01670.x

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