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“ARMCO" COMBUE RB: PARA IRRIGACION ¥ OTPAS APLICACIONES BN FUENTES DE AGUA emrep BRmeo Vv TABLE OF CONTENTS Model 1010 Slide Gate 2 Model 1016 Meter Gate 5 Non-Projecting Stem 6 Oil Enclosed Stem eB Model 160 Turnout Gate 7 Models 180 and 161 Turnout Gates 8 Model 20-106 Sluice Gate 9 Model 60-10 Sluice Gates " Model 106 Flap Gate 16 Fabricated Slide Gates 7 Model 5-00 Slide Gate 18 Model 10-00 Slide Gate 20 Lifts for Armco Slide Gates 22 Radial Gates 26 Roller Gates 34 CATALOG CP-10580 Copyright 1980 Armco,Metal Products Division, Middletown, Ono ‘Armco, the Armco Triangle and HEL-COR ® trademarks OfArmeo Inc, Middletown, OR ‘The information and data set forth in this catalog are ac Curate to the best of our knowledge and beliel, bul are Tantendos tor general intarmation only. General and spe etc applications suggested for the malerials deserted hharein are made solely to permit tne reader to make his wn evalualion and decision, and ave not lo be const/ved express oF Impliod warranties of linass for thes ‘pplication. The data ronor{ad herain have been Sevaloped through tests consucted Byler for Armco. They Srenat guarantees INDICE! Compuerra coneepi2n MeDero 1046 Compurers Nevipor Mopero 40-7 Catia no Sauente 2 28 - - Came enceegoae De AckiTe . — Commenrs d€ Inertso Morera 4 Compuer ra dE INEREFD love Los 160 ¥: Compueers De Sauipa Momro 20-1 Compuceras DE Sanwa Heoeto SC 4 Compucaras TRamea Oo. . ~ Compuea Tas De Sapa. comeverra pe Saciva Moveco §-"9 Conpuerta De Sausa Messte ®t Axconsores para Copocere og Jauin comrvenrts Padracer _ CoMPvERIas EMROLLADNRA of SOLDADUKA o” squbéers dyala Beta” * Diversion stugturess m Measurement and control, of water through the same’ milsiia “Ave muas UE JaccHPEE Medium duly sluice Fe Soh ABIES pe suns cares | of outlets from Oe wastewWays ® Lateral turnout Sain Leberad 4 Reservoir inlet and outlet ESRHCESY oils inreenes Control of irrigation water in field distribution Cexhel de providing economical se for specific installations, Slide Gates There are several types of slice gates for use in irrigation. Armco’s heavy duty sluice gates are used primarily for control of flow fram reservoirs. Fabsicated stee! stide gates are 1d to control flow at “Y's” in canal systems, in sandtraps an: arge sized opening for bypassin ‘Sr dumping floodwater jates are control of flow from low sservoirs and from farm used f OSM DAS Be benaenier © Turnout gales are used tor di version structures, canal turnouts to farms, taleral controls on farms. measurement and control of irri gation water and in distribution systems on the farm. See follov 19 pages for information. systems eye, dyingaiet 20 lor us Armco Gates for irrigation are produced in four basic types slide gates, flap gates, rad gates and roller gates. Each is available for a variety of waterway openings and water depths, thus Seip Gates Aulomalic drainage or flap gates allow for flow in ane direction bi prevent the water from tlowing back through the gate. They open automatically under a backnead se automatically under 2 ead. Armeo. manutactures models of flap gaits. Radial and Rollor Gates These types of gates are used to ntrol flow through large clear work they are nearly always used for control of low heads up 10 10: foot depth. They are used som what interchangeadly depending upon the configuration of the structure in which they are to be placed. These gates are used to control large flows of water from or storage ponds, di version structures on natural ams and at inlets to irrigation canais to regulate flow, They also are used to provide large clea waterway openings to flush sand or sil taps. They are installed on tops of dams or in spillways to in: ctease storage capacity hese gales are hand of ntrotled Lifts may be actuated by elect motors or operated by portable electric or gasoline driven de- vices {p save on to fasier operation, or to give auto- matic cont ia LLU ARNCO TURNOUT GATES Model 1016 Slitie Gate Seating heads from 7 to 20 feet ® Round opening 5 Variable frame heights ® Spigol or flat back § Side wedges Cast iron seating surfaces & Rising stem & Easily attached to corru- gated steel pipe Applications Armco Model 161 Gates are used widely for outlet gates, lat- eral gales for canals and similar uses where economical, sturdy construction and ease of opera: tion are important. A new simpli fied design now offers even more efficient service, greater corro- sion resistance and makes faster delivery possible. Also available is Model 101C moter gate de- scribed on Page 10-5. Balanced Design The Model 101G has been re- designed and improved over the years to make it one of the most reliable and durable gates in iis class, Its heavy cast iron seat and slide are machined to a close tol- erance on seating faces to give precision contiol. The heavy gal- vanized angie iron frame and head angle resist corrosion re- sulting in tonger gate fife. They also resist damage when a long length of two by four or other "cheater" is inserted in the hand- whee! to apply exira pressure in ‘opening or closing the gate. Although this is not the most economical construction from an Initial cost standpoint, Armeo’s 70 years of experience a8 @ turnout gate manufacturer has proven that fong years of service with Minimum maintenance is impor- tant to our customers. Lighter frame angles with paint instead of the galvanizing may slightly re- duce the cost of manufacture but greatly shorten the useful life of the gate. Armco's improved design for the Model 101C provides a5} deep head angie to give » strength and eliminate the for gussets, knee and tie bi All frame angles are fabrical galvanized carbon steel equal leg angles are used. ing action is encountered ¢ gate operation, the extra st of the heavier gate frame 1 the possibility of damage. Spacers are cast as a the gate seat and are ma to the correct height for sp the angles to guide the sic ing its operation. These cs place spacers increase cor resistance, reduce mainiat and in the event of gate disiq bly cannot be lost or rea: n the wrong location. The Model 1016 gate is contained with the handwté: mounted directiy on the he: gle or on the pipe peuestald n. The hancsneel lift Ih a solid, smaath rim ay an arrow indicating the di fof opening. The lift nut haf chine-cut threads and is noi of cast iron, however it cand ished in bronze at a non crease in price. T PlgoT BACK GATE fits sate PMA an A *Teyeo 8 t D ween | om) cart ¢ [om | aa | am | 2m | aa | ar | os ? zd 8 jm3ar | $2 | 337 | 195 | 537 | aia | 250 2 =O 3 wo faa | 6ie | 337] 195 | ear | ane | 250 2 ear) 4 w |asar | ne | 3ar | 19s | rar | ai | aso 2 ary is {agar | ase | 337 | 175} sar | iz | 250 5 0 we | zzar | 1050 | aar | 225 | wos | sa | a2 3 Mm jaa 4 a | asar | ro | 425 } 225 | 122s | saz] aie 4 a © 2 | zar | ras0 | 425 | 225 | 1375 | siz} ane 4 Mm feu go | saz | war |ssie | 300 | aie | sar] 375 5 Mee a | ais? | 2osr | 575 | 300 | zo | em | 375 6 ie 208 a2 | azar | 232 | 875 | 300 | 2312 | 650 | 375 5 1% 3 20 iy aa |sagr_| 2675 | 575 | 300 | zoi2 | oar | 42 1 1% | B24 . = ACO NEGENES an TOMARE MINOR DHNES NESTON HOC Pl eRe uk HM if DAC ; AGG” rj 2 ; Ea aaa Model 101C =LOMBUERTA CORN BIA ‘Slide Gate Movetzo 405 — Gaswawizen = ANGLE BRACE crea Ay ala Zeta~ SENTANNY LEAL Stems or lilt rods are of ample diameler to insure positive clos- bre of the gate under normal op- erating conditions, Threads are of the “double” type with two ingi- vidual threads wrapped around the slem. This insures fast oper. ation since the gate slide travels twice as far for each handwheel rotation, This feature is a im: portant advantage for operating personnel having to adjust the gate opening, especially when they have many af trese gates 10 regulate Standard Frame Heights Full height angle iran frames with head angle are furnished in heighls through 12 feet. Slandara Irame heights within this groug are 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 10 and 12 feel, The table on page 2 shows the minimum frame height that ca9 be used! wilh each gale diameter, Angle frames for 3, 4, 6 and 8 feel are most commonly used and are carried in stock for quick de- livery. Other {ull angle frame heights can be furnished, How. ever, these have to be made up per order, necessitating an in: SEALANT Seating FRCE : Hook BOLT SPIGOT BACK WITH Pine FOR FIELD ATTACHSIENT OF PIPE cvon seatina oy Pace 1 L FLAT BAGK ATTACHE? TO CONCRETE SEALANT gare Bir J 77 TALLER DE SOLDAI ue! g “52 ASO) SEATING * ‘ila Zeta ie oer aig Bw SPIGOT BACK: PIPE ATTACHED THE crease In price and extended delivery. On trame heights greater than 12 feet and up 10 20 fee), an B-foot-long standard weigh! gal- vanized pipe pedestal frame ex- lension is used. The pipe is threaded at both ends for cast iron adapters, One of these adapt- 215 is threaded to each end af the pipe. The handwheel lift bolts to the lop adapter and the bottom one ig attached to the head angle. All angle iron frames are punched lo permit field adjust- ment of the tame height in in: craments of 3 inches, Five factory punched holes on 3-inen centers near the top of the guide angle permit lowering of {he head angle on the frame by moving it down, bolling It in place, and cutting off the excess length of stem and guide angle at the top. All stems are threaded with the nec. essary extra Jengths te permit this figig adjustment Seats Model 101C is supplied with two different types of seals: spigot cur ATTACHED way HOP and flat. The spigot back is reé- ‘ommended for attaching to cor- rugaled steel pipe. It also can be embedded in concrete but this is not recommended since the seal Is easily warped during plac- ing of the conerate. An improved connection now makes it possible to attach bath annular corrugated and Het-Cor Stee! Pipe by inser tion inside of the gate seat Connection can be made to the customary 2foo! length of pipe in the fabricating plant, but pret- erably ig made in the field to full length sections of pipe, When properly instalied, a special mas- lic between the end of the pipe and the inside of the spigot makes Ihe gate connection prac: tically watertight, This mastic has low tlow characteristics and thus remains in position under a full head of water. With the attach: ment connecting the gate to the end of Het-Cor Pipe with a rolled end and with ine elimination of the customary &and 2 feet in back of the gate seat, the entire gate installation can be made practically watertight a ete: oe aauiization: through the combined. controls}. Bureddin preparing and measuring device.” \rmco MeterGates are avail- Me in diameters from 8 to 48 inches. They are especially use- so. dn ditches where minimum ads are available for measur. nq water. An elbow or obstruc- von in the channef mast be used maimaln the necessary posi- @ head in the measuring tank The Armco Meter Gate dates Luck 10 1927 when a contract 19 Istigation Distriat toth cur MrT STEM a2 “ {UT WHEN GATE "AOINT GF ZERO OPENING Weg powny oF ZERO OPENING BOTTOM OF —SDPPLY BvTGn Méler-Gate wate made in 1950'by. the-U.8; Bursadio(, Reclamation, pha ident mia tions “of; itd usepColorado, State- Wafeity iCobperatedyt * calibratich enes’and discharge tables forall sizes of Armco Meter Gates ‘ai Arnic6's expense, The resutts, later oheicked with mare madern laboratory equipment, re quired only ‘slight. modifications of the original tables to’ meet present standards of water moa- surement ‘These moditied tables are avell able an raquost. Ask for the book tet, "Water Measurement Fables tor the Armco Meter Gate.” ALLELE SGLDADURA *DAGO" Wala Zeta” foie LeGRE 6 MINIMAL TO INSURE COMPLETE SUBMERGERICE OF THE GuyLED Pies AND A POS Ive WATCH MERCUREMENT NVTHE WELC'CONNEGTED 76 THe Tor OF PIPE gorrom oF HEPERENCE: ty WATER ELEVATION IN-WeLLs ROT GREATER THAN 19° Non-Prolecting’stem In'those Iocatlona'where it Is ‘with self-contained gates such’ Models 1010, 6-00 and 20-106. age In the illustration; note that tie” stom rises within the pipe as the pipe rotates. Tho-top.of this pipe is connected to a lift nut and furs" nished a handwheel- The bottom of the standard Schedule 40 pipe connacts fo a socket which fits over the operating nut mounted on the head angle, The thrust developed during gate op- eration is transferred to the head angle and to the gate guides. Since the stem must rise In the pipe, it is unlike a true non- rising stem. In the true non-rising stem the stem rotates and re- mains ina fixed position. The threaded block on the bottom of the threaded stem moves up or down taking the stide with it. With the non-projecting stem arrange- ment, space must be provided above the gate frame for the stem to rise within the pipe until the ate is fully open. The head room required over the top of the gate frame ig not reduced by use of the non-projecting stem but is in- creased slightly Light duty guides are supplied for attaching this non-projecting stem arrangement to a wall. With the oollar on the pipe and with the continuous threaded rods and double nuts, these guides can be placed at any convenient location, The non-projecting stem ar- rangement is not provided with a sfop nut. Ifa stop nut is needed, extend the frame to the desired elevation for the handwheol and use @ standard gate. Oil Enclosed Stems It may be necessary 10 prevent gate stems from becoming frozen in ice wyen they are brought up the face of a dam or are lovated vertically through water that wilh b freeze during cold weather. These em x moni. wot Gate wrt, MINIM FRAME Hr STANDARD GALVANIZED "PIPE COUPLING STEEL WASHER: BUSHING: Dota of stems can be enclosed in stan- dard galvanized pipe. The lower end of this pipe is closed by an oll seal. This oil séal serves two purposes: it prevents oil from leaking out of the bottom of the pipe and prevents water from en- tering the pipe and freezing. Tho length of stem that will move through the packing of the seal should be made trom cor- rosion resistant metal, such as stainless or bronze. Since the re- mainder of the stem Is oi! en- cased, danger of corrosion is “feduced and carbon stapt Used, Sections of thsetont ik Joined by welded andpinned cot “camT RO OP zy) Ser screws) Pipe TEM st GUIDE COLLAR. SET SCREWS; ‘cast! Row socker rr wean anote 4 aren 5] Non-projecting stem for slide gates Git Seal plings that act as guides inside of the pipe. Additional guide collars inside the pipe are not requires As the gate closes, the stem in- side the pipe may deflect, but this small deflection is stil within the elastic limit of the material When the compression loading is, removed from the stem, then itre- turns to initial straightness. Since the pipe does not rotate, posts, concrete piliars or other fixed guides can be used, Fully adjustable stem guides also can be used and placed at greater in- Be, a THRGUGH 24 av 7-=9UGH 48 {Ail Oimensions in Inches) T ‘ "PUT | site A fs : fas, 6 ams | 375 475 | 7.50 8 10.75 | 5.00 650 | 1025 10 1275 625 8.00 1250 12 15.25 728 925 | 15.00 15 1875 £00 uso i 1850 nse pe sé. 0ADURE 18 2175 1050 | 13.75} 22.28 7 AGO” a1 2475 12.25 16.00 | 26.00 26 24 75 1375 | i800 29.75 gust 30 34.25 17.00 2175 36.25 Epagoberes” Vata Zeta 36 4150 20.50 26.25 43,75 SO RFSENTART® LEG. a2. | 47'50 2350 31.00 31.50 “iaximum width of gate may occur at ‘9p ar on horizontal center line, "A" dimension ie shown for maximum hontonial wats of gale kee G0 5509500055500 3 GOGTTGIVEGGEIGIG YHOO GOODGTG00 = Drainage systems @ Water treatment plants 1 Municipal and industrial water diversion projecis 3 [rrigation Canal drainage projects 8 Bird refuge projects General ‘Armco Fabricated Gales are de signed and fabricated using structural angles, tats and plates that are assembled by welding and bolting, Through many year of fabricating experience, Armco has developed techniques for making parts to a close tolera ness, Since there wre hho machined parts or wedging devices in the gate itset, the gate depends on water pressure to seat the fabricated slide. With the slide in the lully closed position and as the head of water builds up, the tightness of the gat proves, Also, line pariicles of silt ar other farsign matariat colect between the gale faces to reduc leakage. However, these should 02 instatled only in thos locations where diversion of the flow ig required and tight at eriticat. Square and rectangular open ings are availabie in 6-inch in- cremonts fram 12- by tinct tnrough 48- by 48-inch sizes, and larger gates in 12-inch s through 72 by 72 i For openings larger than 6 feet square, the Armco Roller Gate is ecgmmendes, Construction ‘These gates are ol all-welded ca bon steet construction as stan- dard, and for irrigation projects are supplied eltner painted ot galvanized, (When corrosive con- ditions are encountered, ask your Armco Sales Engineer for details of fabricated siide gates of stainless steel or alyminum construction.) The reinforced plate slide is guided in an angie frame with spacer and cover bars attached to Jorm the guide ‘Acmco Fabricated Gates are Supplied with flat or spigot backs Model 5-00 is designed as a sell> ontaines gate for seating heads only with lifts mounted on the frame. Model 10-00 has minimum length guides and the lift is usu ally mounted on a cast iron wall brackel. These gates are not de signed for back pressure Stems are supplied with Acme. type cold-rolled threads and are peraled by hanawhee! ar geared hits. The lower eng of the slem is provided with a positive connec tion 10 altach il to the gate slide Model §-00 flat pack gates are available to fit the inet end of & pipe-arch steucture by attaching toa concrete neadwalk with an chor bolts of by altaching to an adapter plate welded to the end OP MEURBEDE SO. baru ge “paaa” Double Guide Angles Fabricated gates can be:supplied with a double guia: of the gate openin angle is applicable in thase in- stallations where the gate is in stalled in a continuous open-top conduit where the gate cannot be bolted 10 the front face of the wall This double angle permits easy installation of the gate without ad- sue SUE ms, oan oe i L FRAME = | |) ee Tt E£ snout] oma \° aaa ‘ ~ | 4 2 grew ee i eoimecrion o2 aS : ca \ wee - = | | = | a RETAINER, 7 {iz Rusaenses. | : : 3 a STOP ANGLE a ~ : we ANGLE zy s10.xotrow FLUSH BOTTOM SPIGOT BACK = oe oc s Ctl aE hr is ny TALeR DE soLonDUR I “DAG” <2 gobatssiyala Zeta a9 Dag he teen a3 DIMENSIONS FOR MODEL 10-00 a2 {all dimensions in incpes except as noted) fi TIONS # m5 MATERIAL COMBINATIONS #1 AND #2 oo 4 28x28 ss00 | 225 | 200 | aso | wrais | asco o> 2430 #00 | 225 | 300 | 150 | wpais | 57.00 > 20x36 7700 | 225 | 300 | 150 | HPeis | e600 2? vena sso0 | 225] 360 | 159 | npe1s | 7500 | oe) 30x26 sso |] 225 | 300 ) 150 | MpBig 48.00 a2 30x30 s00 | 225 | 300 | 150 | wpe. | 57.00 aH 30x36 v.00 | 225 { 300 | 150 { wPB18-| 66.00 = 30442 a300 | 225 | 300 | 150 } HPa2a | 5.00 . 30x48 sorco } 225 | 300 ; nso | Heeza | ge.00 m3 aox24 | 5300 | 225 | 300 | 150 | ware | 4800 36450 | go 300 | 150 | sP81s | 57.00 eed 36x36 \ 300 | 150 | Hpe24 | 6600 > 36 x42 : 300) 150 | e824 [| 75.00 ZY 36x48 \ 300 | 150 | HPB30 | ga00 26 60 350 | 200 | cpe2 102.00 « 42x24 3.00 4.50 HPBIE 46,06 42430 300 | 150 | HpB2a | 5700 42436 3.00} 1.50 j HPB24 | 66.00 42 x42 3.00 j 180 | =PB.30 75.00 42248 300 | 150 | HpB30 | 8400 42 2.60 350 | 200 } cere 192.00 48730 3.09 | 150 | =P824 | 57.00 48» 36 309 | 150 | =PB30 | 6600 ag 14? 300; 150 | +3830 | 75.00 48 300: 180 | 2E2 83.00 43» 60 380 200 | 22 102.00 agx72 asa 200 | 120.00 54x54 309 | 150 103,00 60x36 350 | 1.50 66,00 60482 350 | 1.50 75.00 60 x48, 350} 1.50 84.00 60x60 | 350 ! 2,00 102,00 60x72 359 200 120.00 72x42 | 3.50 1.50 75.00 72x48 380 | 150 84.00 2x60 3:50 | 2.00 102.00 [rear [re 350 | 200 [120.00 En ao ARMS HANDWHEEL LIFTS Models HB-18, HB-24 and HB-30 Armco Models HB-18, HB-24 and HB-30 can be furnished with bronze or cast iron Lit nuts. In either case, all contact surfaces of the nut are machined. The flange nut with bearings is con: lained within a machined cast iron housing and base Hand wheels are casi iron and are easily removable, as they are fastened to the lift nut wath two set screws, ‘These iilts are supplind with permanently lubricated ball bear ings to take the thrust developed i opening and closing the gate ‘One of these bearings is placed below the flange on the hit nut and the other above. A threaded! cast iron stop aut is Turnished with each fit ‘The dase of the tilt can be DIAMETER n= - 7) 2 | ANGHOR BOLTS bolted to the frame of a self- coniained gate or to a wall bracket, Anchor bolls may also be furnished 10 allach the lift to a concrete floor; however, the HPB. litt ie normally used for such an installation as it places the hand- wheel at a more desirable loca: tion for easy operation, ‘Slom cavers are recommended for most installations. Aq integral cast adaptor on top of the hand- wheel is lapped lor @ standard pipe cover A gate position indi calor is recommended for those instaltations where the gale is not readily visible musi de SOLDADURA *PAGO” a. “agoberta’Avatd Zetw’ Repnregsaie CE%! Ber pond tal “4o-Powee Pull Sone eater 10 vn 200 1 ry : “ | sn 2 soo mo | 2 ws mo | ; > ten so | ase i aoe a 7h 2500 4 280 4000 \ : i : 00 ai 0 : 2 10 2a sin : Note’ Lif capacities may exceod slem capes Jygesva@sseseyvsoovsvvgwweves sass, ASIII ISS spbULGbOCCCECEEURouecsasscssefessesssuesse eeu. ARNICO PEDESTAL BASE HANDWHEEL 2 gga LIFTS re Models HPB-18, ‘ene HPB-24 and HPB-30 ENCLOSED GEAR PEDESTAL LIFTS Models GPE-2 and GPE-4 Each of these models has an en- closed single gear train with bali thrust bearings above and below the Mlange af the bronze lilt nut The bevel snd steel or du q Bronze sleeva bushings are pro vided for the bevel pinion shalt Model CPE-2 has permanently lubricated thrust bearings. Grease iiltings are provided on Model CPE-4 lar lubrication of thrust bearings. Goth models have grease fittings for lubrica- (ion of gears and input shall bear- ings Hand cranks are furnishes with brass handles, and a teaded cast iran stop nut is fur- nishad with each tilt Gear ratio is 2:1 for Model OPE-2 and 4:1 for Model OPE-4 Anchor bolts are normally sup- plied with both fills for attaching lo concreté. However, hex-head bolls ave used when llts are to be altached to wall brackets, eee era) oa Je 220 2» % a ins 2” ce a 020 im 1 ° ‘No Ui epsiis my Sree so capadege, TAC TEE SOLN aL SAGO, neh eS SHERI PELTON SNS ea 4 4 f ‘ t woe f JH IyaII00 ] dd) NINN badd’ HANDWHEEL Models H-1 These handwheel lifts are the uty and the Jowest in the Armco line. Stems 9900G00 F000 G0000 wevfsouss: BIGHSOY; F 3 tuaws of |__ CAPACI and increases the efficiency of the lift, The removable hand wheal is held in place with a set screw. The litt is capable of exert ing a downward thrust to close the gate as well as an upward pull to ofenit. When this type H2 is avail 30-inch ‘The hub cf the lilt assembly is oraored separately ed to fit th the nut is the area of tne contact surface "5-POUND PULL inenstons Cast imoN | BKONTE me = part eH w [om fart ss [ae | a eee w|i | m | jae as | ae 0 ‘0 | | ter ete Sal call be Desuco 8 Diversion of water for irrigation ®On top of dams to increase reservoir capacity In spillways or in drainage canals to maintain water elevations A In other locations where wide, clear, waterway openings are necessary and where economical control of water is important General Armco's Standard Radial Gate is designed for a wide, clear water. way opaning with depths of water from 4 to 10 feet on the invert of the gate. Aradial gale acts similar la a section of a.drum, Pressure 's wansferred trom the curved face through the horizontal face supgort beams to the radial arms al the sides of the opening. The ims act as columns and transter thrust to a commen bearing lo- caled on either sige ol the gate opening This design results in a light weight, econcmical gats thal can be opened and closea with a min= imum efforl and a comparatively small numberof turns of the hand! wheel on the hoist Armco Radial Gates are made for two types of installations. The first, and most commonly used, is an overllow type. This gate is de- Signed ior 1 foot of water tlowing over the top ol the gale Adequate Salety factors prevent damage to the gate if a moderato, additional overilow is increased beyond that limit for a short period of time. The second type employs the se of a breastwall. A vertical yun aunennesounnd a. =pAGO! isagaberto Fits Zeta concrete wall over the top of the gale opening rasuits in additional slorage capacity in front of the gate. This type of gate is designed for 10 fost of waler on the boltom Construction GATE FACE, The standavd 1a dial gate face is made from galva- nized corrugated steel sheets, The overflow type of gale has a metal thickness of 14 gage anc tne breastwall lype a thickness of 12 gage, Corrugated steel sheets are altactiec to horizontal support beams by sivels or bolls, Each vertical overlapping seam is, sealed with a mastic belween the corrugated sheets. A smooth steel face plate (Ye inch thick) also can be used. This lype face plale is attached to the horizontal face support beams by weiding HORIZONTAL SUPPORT BEAMS. Horizontal face support beams are made trom sleuctural steal channels, varying in size with the width of gate ang maxi- mum head of water. Welded to the end of each channel is a heavy steel qusse! with noles punched fa receive the side arms These support beams are painted or they can be hol-dip galvanized for additional corosion protec tion RADIAL ARMS AND PIN PLATE, Radial arms ate fabri cated {rom structural steel! an- gles, wath larger and thicker an- gles being used as the gate height increases. Each angle acis as a column in transmitting the load from the lace support channel to the pin plate. The forward or up= Stream end of each angle Is punched with holes to match those-in the gussel plate (de- scribed above}, The back end of each angle terminales at a com- mon pin plate. This steel pin plate is also made thicker as the gate height, width end head increase. Each plate is welded to the an- gles and is drilled (9 receive the pin. A sleet colar is welded to the pia plate for additional bearing surlace and for bolling the pin in position, The pin is removable lo Facilitate instaliztion of the gale, The entice assebly is painted or ican be hot-cip galvanized along with the face euepor! beams, BEARING,+“D PIN ASSEM. BLY. Pin bees 38 are at castiron and ate bored ‘9 receive the pin, Bearings ave suzolied with "tins to distribute the ‘otal thrust to the concrete, Pir czarings may be supported in ir forms and con= rele poured x/cund them ot, a recess can ¢2 formed al the proper localic~ 9 the sicle walls fang the bearir zs can be grovied inplace after = gale is installes. Removable cx :~olled steel pins fl the proper = emeter are sup plied to trans “ne thivst on the sale to the pir ssarings: Seals SIDE SES_= seais on both the over =s and breastwall gales ace macs 2ma tlat section of rubber, The +5! corrugation of the face plale = flattened to ro. ceive the side :zal thal bolts to Ihis section ==> © hela in piace ‘yva steel rote “= 2ar. As the gale ig ingtalied, ths * 21 section of rub- ber is folded :: “he tront and is threaded insic? “e vertical wall When the we:s" contacts this seal, now ben’ ~:> an "L" shape, it pushes it assinst the wall 10 form the seal serween the rubber ‘and the conerss BOTTOM S28. The bottom 4 4 VIsIs ssePesusevssusy , e eevee vevvovovvssoousvouns 8 ° 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 6 2 2 g ° 2 a eo 2 3 ° 2 3 2 om 2 5 2 ° ° 2 eo e ° 3 6 9 9 o eal is of the “J” type and at laches ta the gate by bolting. As the gate clases, its weight causes a slight deflection in the bulb of the seal as it contacts the invert of the opening, This flexibility allows the bottom seal to compensate {or slight irregularities in the con- crete floor. However, if the floor is out of level by more than Ye inch, the seal will not compensate for this much difference and ex- cessive leakage will result. To minimize this possible discrep- ancy in construction, an adjust able sill as descrined below is recommended. The space oe: tween the corrugated fave and {he pack of the “J” seal is closed with a second rubber section. This special shaped seal nas the configurations of the corruga- tions on one side and is Hla on the other TOP SEAL The top seal on 2 breastwall lype radial gale is made byattaching a flat section of rubber to the underneath side of the breastwall, An angle allached along the top trant face ot the gate projects toward the breast- wall ang forms the other portion of the seal. As the gate is closed, the protruding leg on the angle makes contact with the rubber projecting from the breastwall and seals the space along the top of the apening. As in the bottom seal, the space between the front of the corrugated face and the vertical (eg of the angle is Closed with a special shaped rubber seal ADJUSTABLE SIDE AND BOT- TOM RUBBING PLATES. To improve the operation and water tigntness of @ radial gate, adjust able side rubbing plates and an agjustable bottom si ace rscom mended, These plates ace avails able in painted carbon steet, galvanized steel or stainless steel depending upon the corrosive en vironment During construction, a PROJECTION EMBEDDED IN WALL FACE PLATE 4 ~ _ PIN BEARING DETAIL ASSEMBLY DETAIL OF SIDE SEAL A veovvovussuysIuy 1 BLL wovoby tt i xP poovoToIIIssSoPoCCCUMVy DOH? vo we vo wee | cg DE SODADURA “DAGO” caval Feta Weg olf s12sSAren, Sx Gaye Olus SHES L TD SEE DETAIL A SEE DETAR B —t BREASTWALL TYPE RUBBER seats a | ont 2 stu it! CORRUGATED. - \ ae PLATE NU DETAIL B . DETAL ASSEMBLY DETAIL OF TOP SEAL ASSEMBLY DETAIL OF BOTTOM SEAL 2 ADJUSTMENT 2 SO DADURE a ; *“DAGO”™ | sm as onStew reool | i ALTERNATE | TE'SPACES \ ee: aw \ we \S + 4 at REQ) "ORAS | $ HOLES FOR Ye" ANCHOR BOLTS NoTE TWO WALL PLATES REQUIRED FOR EACH GATE ‘ONE AS SHOWN AND ‘ONE OPPOSITE HAND. \ oo tenanas eb shalt is supported by the gear hausing and an outboard babeit bushed cast iron bearing. This hoist nas a lifting city of approximately 500 pounds with 4 25-pourtd puil exerted on the handwheel, and $600 pounds with 40-pound pull MODEL 900, The Model 990 hoist has a lifting capacity of 8400 pounds with a 25-pound pull, and with a 40-pound pull applied lo eousu iB Lye tise Ae oe e ve Ss 9 the rim a! the handwhee! it <2 ——_approximatsly 13800 pounds | o ment to that of the Model PO Mise Miccaageareainwin x the Model 900 4 much higher J nected to the pur by a key = and keyway. 2 5 ‘typical instalation of eacn ——_trearumsnan projects complete iy through the base, each Tea V3 setsea to olace the gea's and To ——_andwheel on tne opposite wal ln those locations where the “L distance is a minim he radial gale, whi the top ot 1 opened, may be at an elevation higher than the handwheel. inguflecient clearance beiween the gale and the handwheel wil! prevent the gate [rom being fully entice hoist can be mounted position 180 degrees trom t shows te «ove (he hai forward and provide mor h ow the watway over the lop of the opening may also make it more convenient Io turn the entire assembly 159 de: grees Irom that snow LOvL~oLY -t —. 1} © TOR OPERATION. The emo Model 400 and $00 nvists can he motorized by utilizing an electrically actuated lif, The, stan d unit, including a gear tain mounted in a cast iron havsing attached to the tap of the hoist 1 é Input shalt. The unit aiso includes an electric motor, reversing controller, sush- ty rd vertical shatt and whes! are omitted, A rote tater AU aie button stations for rai anc lower, two ins ights. geared limit jorque switches and handvrheel tor emergency operatios AUTOMATIC OPERATION. A hoist win an electrically operated iit inechanism can be equipped for automatic operation of the ra dial gate by use ot electric tn relays and stainless steel probes Husk OE SG DALEM® “PAGO” Dagoberie avake vote gua ce Bagoberto Ayala Zora AeprarseNTANTe CECA ae PYoovvvcvevvwvve0! FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW Details of Armco Model 400 Hoists Details of Armco Model 900 Hoists i 1 FRONT IEW SIDE VIEW | VOKO@O OO ODE DODO OOKOvOwWODOOOD | Besring tenetn | th seeeeeesesiouscos evvloveoodes Be eves [0.242 in. | wewe | Soo vdowveeo vvwvv0lvovvve 25 pod gal in. | 83 Toad Cassi 001 |” 5600 15 5 10 Wb. | 13,300 Ib. TALLER DE Seco, LEE PE SO. OAs bacon Welgnt at wai Oaly (aes nat nel sir, cable, ee) sion ditches or streams theaugh normally the minimum size te- levees on flood control projects, quired. However, roller gates 1m recent years this type of gate even smaller than this can be de- has found wide application for signed and fabricated. The maxi- control of power plan! cooling mum widin of a roller gate de- water systems pends to a cerlain extent on the The breastwalltype is designed height of that particular gate and for the maainnum heads that will wee maximum operating head be encountered onthe horizontal Armco Roller Gales up to 201 centerline of the gate. These” by 201. for a0. heads have been General heads range up lo 40ft or more, successtully designed, manulzc: Armco Roller Gales are designed This type gate functions in con- tured and are in operation in Yo control Hlow through Targe way nection with a wall aver the top guimping slations for flood con: lorway openings where economy — of he apeningand usually is used rol, Fower plants utilize tage and ease af operation are impar- tor logd control on a siorm sewer sizes of roller gates up to 16 K lanl. They may be designed for oF any other conduil that flows wide by 22 ft hah. Mast roller either upward or downward under a levee. This gale is similar gales are rectangular in shage {skimmnes) opening in construction to the overtlow Gates as large as 36 11, wide by Arallerorfixed wheel gale con- type, bul the higher head of water 12. Nigh have been furnished sists of a fabricated slect slide Teguires the gate to be strength- On the alter end of te scale, with cast iron rollers and rubber ened with additional or heavier roller gatos nave been furnished seals, The gale leaf is a box-like CTOSs suBpOTI members and with az small ast. wide by € 11. high design of welded consteuction larger rollers, Also, a top seal for control of ace-dental spillage and varies in widlh and height as Makes contact wilh an angle em- oi chemical wasies at an indus- required by size of opening and bedded inthe concrete across the ral plant thickness depending on the depth '9P of the opening. This angle ‘Narrower gales hose & ft -o ofwaler Recesses al the sides of MUS project from the face of the 12 (L, wide, ean te sumnished with the gate opening are provided Concrete, Inus permitling the top greater heights 7 the general will rails and with contact faces $@8? lo move upward witout the range O14. 19.20%, Thisgroup of tor Side seale, compressed bulb of the seal be- sizes can be designed for heads ‘The thrust developed {rom wa- ing forced against the concrete. up to 30 or even 2D. When these ler pressure against the gale is See illustration on (op seal greater depths c! water are en- Lransmilies through the rollers to @Fangement page 36, counlered, a breastwall type of the rails and into the structure. gee is nearly alsays used, The lit eapacily cequired to open Gates that are * gher than 10 the gale under maximum operal. Since roller gales are of tabri- ae made in twos wore sections ing condiionsis minimized asthe Caled stee! and with rubber seals 19 laciitate tabr ipping Inrust caused by the water pres- contacting angles embedded in ard installation, Zach section is . sure is transterred to ring trace e0Ncrate, they afe the most ver- provided with a ~vnimum of two Size Range WagaeaalagwgwIwzwswszy cemed, An 8H by BM, gale is match dlilled tor ease of field a5 Overtlow and Breastwall Types Armco olfers two types of roller ‘gates: the overtlow toe for use where the water depth is ihe same ag the neight of the gate slide! and the breasiwall type where wa: tor ig ‘considerably deeper than the height of the gale, and/or where complete closure of the openings desired. The overtiow lype nosmaily is Gosigned for one toot water depth over the top of the gate. Typical installations are on the top of a dam for iacreased water storage, in the spillway of a dam for addi- hiorral water storage and in diver re oe of re supplied (0 seal the joint between = sections, => As the gale width increases up toa maximum of 30 H, the height Is usually reduced. These wider 22> —_aatesare usually romsit.tos08 High and ato of the overtiow type. SF When water depths are greater ED andthe breastwall type construe. Tey __tionisused. itis common practice lo reduce the size of gale by di id viding it into two or more equal E> openings ~ Gates for Gack Pressure co Most roller gates are required to =} _ operate only under face pressure. however, in a few installations SPD they are required 10 operate un- der both face and back pressure ETH sion cases, the higher of the two heads should always be on SF the face side of tne gate. This is critical not only from the design SF Srenapoint but tse trom that ot SP leakage. The maximum pressure ED is then pushing against the face End Piste. The gate ss designed for o this maximum face pressure and ED sea ate arranged aceorcingy XQ —_ The welds notding the face plate x to the support channels are de FP signed torine required back pres ED sure. Seals are adequate for ine smaller back pressures even = though they are required to be in- SF —stalied backwards from that nor- 2 _nallyrecommended. When agate 's required for both tace and back wee M) pressure, double rails are neces: sary in each side slot in those race cases where the + back pressure is going to be rela- SD ively high or nearly equal to that oon the face side of the gate, a face plate can also be altacned to the back side of the gate. ILis welded in place around the entire perim eter of the back face tis at- tached to the horizontal menivers ? ofthe gate leal by welding around the edges of holes punched in the 2? 3 re ate ale pe x Roller Slots Y- tt Et * Roller slots can either be cast-in place in the conerele or be + 2 — 2 ¥ r formed using fabricated steel rol- ler siots, The fabricated steet roller slot is to the roller gate as the wall thimble is 10 the siuice gale, As with the wall thimble, fabricated slots cost additional money for material, However, after they are delivered to the jobsite, itis rela: tively inexpensive to position then and secure them in the forms, They must be positioned in the forms to be parallel with each other in both directions. Fabri- cated slots are provided with removable braces along their out- side edge to insure that they ‘won't be deformed during place- ment of conerele, After the concrete is poured, only minor adjusiments in the alignment of the rails by inserting or removing shims should be required ‘The fabricated roller slot should include acorrosion esistant steel contact face for ine rubber side seals, The stainless steel face inr- roves the quality of the gate in Stallation and will prolong the life of the seal, It should be included 4 an item in the specifications. Cestin-place roller slots must be formed by building the slots into the forms prior to placing the conerete. Anchor balts must be set into the forms in their correct, location for attaching of tne rails. ‘The metal contact surface for the rubber seal, usuelly an angle. must be secured in tne forms and held straight and parallel. Overait slots must be parallel with each other in both directions, After the concrete is poured and the forms are siripped, then rails must be placed in position between anchors, snimined to the correct alignment and held in place by rail clips and nuts on anchors, ADJUSTABLE BOTTOM SILL~ ro insure sealing af the Dottom corners and provide a precise level botiom seat surtace for the rubber seal, an adjustable bottom siff plate is suggested. The ex- posed, or top surface of this sill plate is usually made of corrosion resistant steel. Anchors placed in the original pour of concrete are provided with double nuts to level the sill and align t perpendicular othe roller slots. Alter the gate is, in place and the cantact beween the sill and the bottom seat has been checked, the sill is grouted in place. Operation of Roller Gates As with sluice or slige gates. the coller gale is usually moves in the verlical plane ulilizing a geared lilt, The lift can be either hand or electrically actuated de- pending upon the gate size and the Irequency of its operation, Since the water pressure acting ‘against the gate lea! is trans. letred through the rollers to the rails, the hiftis sclected on the ba: sig of rolling rather than sliding friction, Consequenily, the lilt load is less than required for other types of gates, See Section Gol Armeos Waler Conirol Gate catalog for additional information ons Irietion factors, When properly installed, there is close tolerance between head of the rail and flanges on the roll- #5 on each side of the gale open: ing. This causes the gale to be moved vertically and allows only a very smali deviation from move ment in the vertical direction. As long as the width of the gate does, not excees twice its vertical height, one it can be success- fully utilizes. For example, gates to 14 wide oy 8 high are in suc. cesslul ofe-alion using one lit mounted <~ the vertical center line. Gales svich are very wide ‘compared :9 their height may ce- quire tande™ operated lls As an example, 215° wide by & high rollecgate will normally utilize tandem is, Gates 18° 10 20 square are -sually designed with tandem i.':s because of their large size, Consult your local Armco Sales Engineer i you are in doubt about whether a singie of tandem ult should be utilized. When tzndem lifts are to be 3) TALLER DE SQLbADi “DAGO Eee gabe A

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