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Research Marketing Assignment:

Made by 3 students (Boutaina, Nouhaila, Ibtissam)

First and Last Name: Boutaina Azza. Apogee: 21017186

- Coca cola decided to open a new location in the south but they found a
challenge to open it or not, so what’s the best area or city that’ll be
practical and useful for them?
- the research objectives that managers need to make the right the
 To determine the cities that are known as industrial bases.

 To do studies about lands that can handle that kind of industry, means
that if it’s practical for the transportation for employees.

 To do environmental studies if the area/city is convenient especially

when it comes to the preservation of the output in an excellent way,
because the quality of the preservation even of the raw materials or the
final product are very important, we cannot forget that a nutrition
product needs a special treatment.

 To determine budget, study if it’s affordable, and if it’s not costly and
know if the firm can handle the cost of the new location without
affecting the other industry chains.

First and Last Name: Nouhaila Boukhriss Apogee: 21018347

- McDonald's Morocco is facing the challenge of deciding whether to

launch two new sauces in their menu. The company needs to assess
market demand, consumer preferences, and to make an informed
decision on the introduction of these new offerings.

● To determine the preferred flavor profiles and characteristics of

sauces among McDonald's Morocco's target customer base.

● To investigate and compare the sauce offerings of competitors in the

Moroccan fast-food market.

● To identify and profile specific customer segments that are likely to be

most interested in the new sauce offerings.
● To assess how price influences consumer willingness to try and
purchase new sauces at McDonald's Morocco.

● To estimate the potential sales volume and revenue that can be

generated by introducing the two new sauces.

First and Last Name: Ibtissame Ezzine Apogee: 18004494

- Meta is on the verge of a significant decision: the exploration of a

metaverse, an immersive virtual reality space where users can interact
within a multitude of settings. A key challenge in this initiative is
understanding how customers will react to it and whether they would be
interested in buying into this new offering

 To gauge customer interest in the metaverse. This includes

understanding what features or aspects of the metaverse are most
appealing to customers.

 To assess customers’ willingness to pay for access to the metaverse.

This could involve surveys or market research to determine what price
points are acceptable to customers.

 To identify potential barriers that might prevent customers from

engaging with the metaverse. This could include technological barriers
(like the need for specific hardware) or psychological barriers (like
discomfort with virtual reality).

 To identify which customer segments are most likely to be interested in

the metaverse. This could involve demographic analysis,
psychographic segmentation, or analysis of customer behavior.

 Based on the understanding of customer interest, willingness to pay,

potential barriers, and customer segmentation, propose marketing
strategies for successfully introducing the metaverse to potential

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