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EP3220: Solid State Physics; Quiz I [Full marks: 20]

Date: 19/02/2024, Time: 8:00 - 8:50 AM

(i) Answer all the questions.
(ii) If you think the question has errors, justify the error, make changes and proceed.
(iii) Similarly, if you think the question is incomplete and it lacks information, then you are free to
include additional information with proper justification and then proceed.
(iv) The vectors are represented by bold letters.
(v) Some information are provided at the end of the question paper which you may
find useful.

1. The crystal structure of boron nitride is shown in the figure below. (3 Marks)

(a) Determine the direct primitive lattice


(b) Determine the reciprocal primitive lattice


2. Let us suppose that Cu

crystallizes in a monoatomic
square lattice. To form an
alloy, it is doped with Ni in
a 2:1 ratio as shown in the
figure on the right. Find the
lattice vectors for the doped
system. (2 Marks)

3. Show that for the case of elastic scattering the diffraction condition is given by
∆k = G. (3 Marks)

4. A plane in a simple orthorhombic crystal is identified to be (1 2 1̄). Draw the

plane. (2 Marks)

5. A reciprocal vector is given by G = 2b1 + 2b2 + 4b3 , where b1 , b2 , and b3 are the primitive
reciprocal lattice vectors. Identify the family of crystal planes associated with it. (2 Marks)

6. An x-ray beam of wavelength 0.71 Å is diffracted by a cubic KCl crystal. The glancing angle
(θ) for first order reflection from (200) plane is given by 6.48◦ . Find out the interplanar
spacing for the plane {200}. (3 Marks)

7. Identify the crystal system from the x-ray diffraction pattern shown in the below
figure. (3 Marks)

8. A two dimensional monoatomic crystal is shown on the right. (2 marks)

(a) What kind of rotational symmetry it

posses? Demonstrate it.

(b) Demonstrate that it has a glide reflection.

Useful Information:

1. The Fourier transformation of a periodic function n(r) is given by,

n(r) = nG exp(iG.r) .

2. The scattering amplitude is defined as,

F = dV n(r) exp[i(k − k′ ) · r] .

3. Based on the structure factor analysis, the allowed crystal planes of cubic lattice are given
Lattice Type Reflection allowed for
SC all possible values of h, k, l
BCC (h+k+l) is even
FCC all h,k,l are even or all h,k,l are odd

EP3220: Solid State Physics
Quiz-I Solution

1. The crystal structure of boron nitride is shown in the figure below. (3 Marks)

(a) Determine the direct primitive lattice


(b) Determine the reciprocal primitive lattice



a) Let’s say, the bond length between Boron and Nitrogen is a0 . The direct primitive lattice
vectors can be written for the above crystal structure as,

3 3
a1 = a0 ( î + ĵ),
2 2

3 3
a2 = a0 (− î + ĵ).
2 2
b) To find the reciprocal lattice vectors take a3 = c k̂. We know,
aj × ak
bi = ϵijk 2π
[ai aj ak ]
. Therefore, the reciprocal primitive lattice vectors will be,
a2 × a3
b1 = 2π
[a1 a2 a3 ]

4π 3 3
= √ ( î + ĵ) and
3 3 a0 2 2

a3 × a1
b2 = 2π
[a1 a2 a3 ]

4π 3 3
= √ ( î − ĵ) .
3 3 a0 2 2

2. Let us suppose that Cu

crystallizes in a monoatomic
square lattice. To form an
alloy, it is doped with Ni in
a 2:1 ratio as shown in the
figure on the right. Find the
lattice vectors for the doped
system. (2 Marks)

Solution So the lattice vec-

tors for the doped system
will be,

a1 = 3a î + 0 ĵ

a2 = 0 î + 2a ĵ

3. Show that for the case of elastic scattering the diffraction condition is given by
∆k = G. (3 Marks)
Solution Scattering wave vector ∆k is defined as k + ∆k = k′ .
Now replacing the local electron density n(r) in the scattering amplitude with its Fourier
transform we get,

F = dV nG exp [i(G − ∆k) · r]

Scattering amplitude F will be the maximum i.e. V nG when the scattering wave vector ∆k
will be equal to a particular reciprocal lattice vector,

∆k = G

This is the Diffraction condition for the elastic scattering in a crystal.

4. A plane in a simple orthorhombic crystal is identified to be (1 2 1̄). Draw the
plane. (2 Marks)

5. A reciprocal vector is given by G = 2b1 + 2b2 + 4b3 , where b1 , b2 , and b3 are the primitive
reciprocal lattice vectors. Identify the family of crystal planes associated with it. (2 Marks)
Solution The reciprocal vector G = 2b1 + 2b2 + 4b3 corresponds to the crystal planes
associated with the Miller indices 1, 1, 2 with a common factor of 2. Therefore, the crystal
planes belong to the (1 1 2) family or {1 1 2}.

6. An x-ray beam of wavelength 0.71 Å is diffracted by a cubic KCl crystal. The glancing angle
(θ) for first order reflection from (200) plane is given by 6.48◦ . Find out the interplanar
spacing for the plane {200}. (3 Marks)
Solution Given:

• Wavelength (λ) = 0.71 Å,

• Glancing angle (θ) = 6.48°,
• Order of reflection (n) = 1.

And Bragg’s law is given by

2d sin θ = nλ

Solving for interplaner distance (d) we get,

d = 3.145 Å.

7. Identify the crystal system from the x-ray diffraction pattern shown in the below
figure. (3 Marks)

Solution From the x-ray diffraction pattern shown, peaks were obtained corresponding to
the plane (110), (200), (211), (220), (310). Here,
• 2+1+1 = 4
• 1+1+0 = 2
• 2+2+0 = 4
• 2+0+0 = 2
• 3+1+0 = 4
So the crystal system is BCC.

8. A two dimensional monoatomic crystal is shown on the right. (2 marks)

(a) What kind of rotational symmetry it

posses? Demonstrate it.

(b) Demonstrate that it has a glide reflection.

Solution a) It has 2-fold, 3-fold and 6-fold rotational Symmetry.

b) One glide line is shown in the figure with dashed lines.

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