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EP3220: Solid State Physics

Assignment - 2
Due/Discussion Date: 15/02/2024

1. (a) Find out the Miller indices for the planes shown below.

(b) Draw the planes for the given miller indices for a cubic lattice.
(i) (111) (ii) (1-11) (iii) (110)

2. The primitive√translation vectors for a hexagonal lattice is given by T ⃗ 1 = a î + 3a ĵ + 0k̂,
2 2
⃗ 2 = − a î + 3a ĵ + 0k̂ and T
T ⃗ 3 = 0î + 0ĵ + ck̂. Find the lattice vectors of the reciprocal
2 2

3. Fourier Analysis of the Basis: When the diffraction condition ∆k = G is satisfied,

the scattering amplitude for a crystal of N cells may be written as;
FG = N dV n(r) exp(−iG · r) = N SG . (1)

The quantity SG is called the structure factor and is defined as an integral over a single
cell, with r = 0 at one corner.
Often it is useful to write the electron concentration n(r) as the superposition of electron
concentration functions nj associated with each atom j of the cell. If rj is the vector to
the center of the atom j, then the function nj (r − rj ) defines the contribution of that
atom to the electron concentration at r. The total electron concentration at r due to all
the atoms in the single cell is the sum
n(r) = nj (r − rj ) (2)

over the s atoms of the basis. The decomposition of n(r) is not unique, for we cannot al-
ways say how much charge density is associated with each atom. This is not an important
The structure factor defined by (1) may now be written as integrals over the s atoms of
a cell: XZ X Z
−iG·r −iG·rj
SG = dV nj (r − rj ) e = e dV nj (ρ) e−iG·ρ , (3)
j j

where ρ = r − rj . We now define atomic form factor as

fj = dV nj (ρ) e−iG·ρ , (4)

integrated over all space. If nj (ρ) is an atomic property.

We combine (3) and (4) to obtain the structure factor of the basis in the form
SG = fj e−iG·rj . (5)

The usual form of this result follows on writing for atom j:

rj = xj a1 + yj a2 + zj a3 . (6)

Then for the reflection labelled by v1 , v2 , v3 , we have

G · rj = (v1 b1 + v2 b2 + v3 b3 ) · (xj a1 + yj b2 + zj a3 )
= 2π(v1 xj + v2 yj + v3 zj ) (7)

so that (5) becomes

SG (v1 v2 v3 ) = fj exp[−i2π(v1 xj + v2 yj + v3 zj )] (8)

The structure factor S need not be real because the scattered intensity will involve S*S,
where S* is the complex conjugate of S so that S*S is real.
Disclaimer: This discussion is taken from the book ”Introduction to Solid State Physics”
by Charles Kittel.
Question: Calculate the structure factor of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) lattice.

4. Width of diffraction maximum: We suppose that in a linear crystal there are identical
point scattering centers at every lattice point ρm = ma, where m is an integer. By analogy
with XZ
F = dV nG ei(G−∆k)·r ,
the total scattered radiation amplitude will be proportional to F = exp[−ima · ∆k].
The sum over M lattice points is

1 − exp[−iM (a · ∆k)]
F = ,
1 − exp[−i(a · ∆k)]

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by the use of series
M −1
X 1 − xM
xm = .

(a) The scattered intensity is proportional to |F |2 . Show that

2 sin2 12 M (a · ∆k)
|F | ≡ F ∗ F =
sin2 12 (a · ∆k)

(b) We know that a diffraction maximum appears when a · ∆k = 2πh, where h is an

integer. We change ∆k slightly and define ϵ in a · ∆k = 2πh + ϵ such that ϵ gives the
position of the first zero in sin 12 M (a · k). Show that ϵ = 2π/M , so that the width of the
diffraction maximum is proportional to 1/M and can be extremely narrow for macroscopic
values of M. The same result holds true for a three-dimensional crystal.

5. Analyse the following XRD patterns obtained for KCl and KBr.

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