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To have: Worksheet / Exercises

Target Vocabulary:

to have:

1. used to say that someone owns something or that it is available for them to use

 sahip olmak; var - yok

 My father has a car.
 I have two brothers but I don’t have any sisters.
 They used to have a Mercedes Benz. They don’t have even a normal car now.
 You have a very understanding family.
 You need to have a lot of patience to be a teacher.
 Do you have any items that you don’t need for now? If you do, you can donate them to
charity organizations.

2. to include or contain something or a particular number of things or people

 var-yok anlamı, kullanımları

 I have a date with Jane today.
 My mother has an appointment with the doctor.
 Do you have a minute? No, I don’t have. (or; do you have some time?)
 I used to have a good job but I am unemployed now.
 I have no idea what you are talking about.
 She doesn’t have a boyfriend any longer.
 Japan has a population of over 120 million.

3. to eat, drink, or smoke something

 yemek, içmek
 Would you like to have a drink? / have something to drink? / have something to eat?
 I would like to have a cup of coffee please.
 I will have tomato soup as starter and spicy beef for the main dish.
 We all had chicken but my mother had fish.
 Somebody had a cigarette in the toilet of the plane.

4. to talk about meals

 I usually have breakfast at 8:00 am.

 When do you have lunch?
 We have dinner at 7:00 pm as a family.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

5. to experience something or be affected by something

 geçirmek, yaşamak, tecrübe etmek

 I had a great time! Thank you.
 Go easy on her, she has some problems at home.
 I’m afraid your son has had a serious accident.
 I hope you have a good holiday.
 She is not having a good day.
 Have a good day!

6. to suffer from a disease, injury, or pain

 Sarah’s got a cold.

 One of the victims had a broken leg.
 I have had a headache all day.
 A: What’s wrong with her? B: Sadly, she has cancer.
 It's possible to have an STD and not know it. Sometimes symptoms are mild.

7. to receive medical care

 tedavi görmek, ameliyat olmak vb. anlamları vermek için

 My mother had an operation on her leg.
 He is in hospital having treatment for a knee injury.
 A: Where is she? B: She is having a surgery at the moment.

8. to do something

 ‘’bir fiil veya isim getirilerek, bir şey yapmak’’

 have a look/walk/sleep/talk/think etc.
 We were just having a look around.
 Are you going to have a swim?
 Don’t worry; I will have serious talk/conversation with our son.
 Why don’t you have a rest for a while?

9. used to offer something to someone

 teklifte bulunurken
 Please have a seat, and the doctor will be right with you.
 Have another sandwich!

10 -EVENT if you have an event such as a meeting, party, or concert, it happens because you have
organized it

 We’re having a party on Saturday – you’re very welcome to come.

 I have an important meeting. Can you wake me up early tomorrow?

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

11 -EFFECT to cause a particular result

 neden olmak, bir etki yaratmak

 This is a mistake that could have disastrous results.
 Cardew was having a bad influence on the other students.

C) Write a sentence of your own for each of the words you’ve just learned! ++ Write
Turkish meanings of the words. – Uzmanlaş!

Not: Üstteki çalışma kağıdını inceledikten sonra aşağıda size verilen anlamların her biri ile
birkaç tane örnek yazmanız oturması açısından çok faydalı olacaktır. Lütfen önem verin!

1. used to say that someone owns something or that it is available for them to use

 sahip olmak; var – yok


2. to include or contain something or a particular number of things or people

 var-yok anlamı, kullanımları


3. to eat, drink, or smoke something

 yemek, içmek


4. to talk about meals (öğünler)


English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

5. to experience something or be affected by something

 geçirmek, yaşamak, tecrübe etmek


6. to suffer from a disease, injury, or pain (hastalıklardan bahsederken + have got)


7. to receive medical care

 tedavi görmek, ameliyat olmak vb. anlamları vermek için


8. to do something

 ‘’bir fiil veya isim getirilerek, bir şey yapmak’’


9. used to offer something to someone

 teklifte bulunurken


10 -EVENT if you have an event such as a meeting, party, or concert, it happens because you have
organized it

 etkinlik


English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

11 -EFFECT to cause a particular result

 neden olmak, bir etki yaratmak


English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

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