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Name: Maria Theresa L.


Class Group Number: Group 7 CES 1101

1. What is the oldest form of Engineering? Why is it considered the oldest?

The oldest form of Engineering is a Civil Engineer because as far as the time of the
pyramids, the practice of building infrastructures has already been done and it is said that
Imhotep was the first builder who built the Step Pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt.

2. What is engineering? How do you differentiate an engineer from a scientist?

Engineering is the use of knowledge to modify natural resources to the highest possible
standard for societal benefit. While engineers have the knowledge to do, scientists have
the know-how. A scientist adds to the body of established schemata-sized knowledge
about the physical world, and an engineer applies this knowledge to real-world issues.

3. What are some of the Branches of Engineering? Give a brief description of each.

Chemical Engineering – It is the science and practice of significantly modifying

substances for the tangible improvement of the human condition. These changes are
made to produce other useful materials or energy.

Mechanical Engineering - It is a branch of engineering that focuses primarily on the

production of machinery, tools, and related goods, as well as the commercial application
of mechanics.

Electrical Engineering – The branch of engineering that deals with electrical knowledge,
namely the design and implementation of circuit boards and equipment for power
generation and circulation, machine regulation, and communications.

Civil Engineering – It is a branch of engineering that deals with planning, constructing,

and maintaining physically created structures like houses, bridges, buildings, roads,
dams, and other structures.
4. Which of the information you have heard from the video struck you most? How do
you think engineers of today can help and provide solutions to the current problems
we have now? Can you see yourself doing these tasks of an engineer?

The information that I have heard from the video that struck me the most was the fact that
the engineers before build infrastructures from materials and tools that are not as
enhanced as we have right now, and some are just made of clay, woods, or cements but
still standing up until right now. The engineers we have today is much experienced to the
modern world such as with the use of technology in where they can advance research
about the background and studies of an engineer to properly help the current problems
we have now. Problem-solving, understand of mathematics, logic, science, and
economics is used and will be used tactfully by the engineers to solve potential problems.
As an aspiring Civil Engineer, yes, I can see my self doing the tasks of an engineer. It
might be hard along the way, but I’ll get there.

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