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1) How much calories do I need per day?

CALORIE:- A calorie measures the energy in food. It’s the heat needed to raise the

temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius Food energy is measured in
kilocalories (kcals), and food calories are precisely determined using a method called a “bomb
calorimeter.” In this process, scientists burn a small sample of the food in a controlled
environment and measure the heat produced. The number of kilocalories per gram for each
nutrient is different.

Daily calorie needs = BMR x PAL

Necessary Personal information
Gender- male
Weight- 51 kg
Age- 20

1)Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): it is the amount of energy expended by the body at rest to
maintain basic physiological functions such as breathing, circulation, and cell production.

As a rule of thumb, BMR uses 22 calories for every kg of a woman‘s body weight and 24 calories per kg
of a man‘s body weight.

 Women: BMR = weight in kg x 22

 Men: BMR = weight in kg x 24

Based on the personal information given above my BMR will be

BMR= 51kg × 24
BMR= 1224

2) Work out your Physical Activity Level (PAL): it is the ratio of your overall daily energy expenditure to
your BMR; a rough measure of your lifestyle activity.

 Mostly inactive or sedentary (mainly sitting): 1.2

 Fairly active (include walking and exercise 1–2 x week): 1.3
 Moderately active (exercise 2–3 x weekly): 1.4
 Active (exercise hard more than 3 x weekly): 1.5
 Very active (exercise hard daily): 1.7

According to the given information my PAL= 1.3

3) Multiply your BMR by your PAL:- Daily calorie= BMR × PAL

Daily calorie= 1224 × 1.3
Daily calorie= 1591.2cal
2)Find your maximal heart rate (MHR), threshold heart rate, and
target heart rate(THR).
A) Maximal heart rate (MHR):- The maximal heart rate (MHR) is an estimate of the maximum
number of heartbeats per minute during intense physical activity.:


MHR= 220 – 20 = 200 beats/min

B) Threshold heart rate:- The threshold heart rate, also known as the lactate threshold or
anaerobic threshold, is the point during exercise at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood. This
threshold is often used to gauge exercise intensity and endurance.

Threshold heart rate=MHR × 70%

Threshold heart rate =200 × 0.7

Threshold heart rate =140

C) Target heart rate(THR):- The target heart rate (THR) is a specific heart rate range that
individuals aim to achieve during aerobic exercise to ensure that the intensity of the workout is
appropriate for their fitness goals

1)calculate Maximum Heart Rate (MHR): MHR= 220 – Age

MHR=220 – 20 =200 beats/min

2)multiplying the MHR by 70% - 90%: THR= MHR×0.7 – MHR×0.9

THR= 200×0.7 - 200×0.9

THR= 140 to 180 beats/min

3)Individual exercise prescription to improve my cardiorespiratory fitness during
the starter phase, slow progression phase, and maintenance phase
A)starter phase(3 weeks)

Fitness goal:- to gradually permit the body to adapt to exercise and to avoid soreness, injury, and
personal discouragement. Establish a baseline and build a foundation for cardiorespiratory fitness.

Exercises Frequency Intensity Duration

Walking 3 days per week Up to 70% MHR 20-30 min
Jogging 3 days per week Up to 70% MHR 20-30 min
Dancing 3 days per week Up to 70% MHR 20-30 min

B)slow progression phase(15 weeks)

Fitness goal:- to Gradually increase cardiovascular endurance

Exercise Frequency Intensity Duration

Running 3-4 days per week 70%-90%MHR 30-45 min
Cycling 3-4 days per week 70%-90%MHR 30-45 min
Swimming 3-4 days per week 70%-90%MHR 30-45 min
Dancing 3-4 days per week 70%-90%MHR 30-45 min

C)maintenance phase(20 weeks)

Fitness goal:- To Sustain and optimize cardiorespiratory fitness.

Exercise Frequency Intensity Duration

Running 2 days per week 70%-90%MHR 30-45 min
Cycling 2 days per week 70%-90%MHR 30-45 min
Swimming 2 days per week 70%-90%MHR 30-45 min
Dancing 2 days per week 70%-90%MHR 30-45 min

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