RL-GO-OP-DD-007-001 - Import License For Radioactive Material

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Import License for Radioactive Material

Ramps Logistics Limited Confidential. All Rights Reserved.

This department procedure is the intellectual property of Ramps Logistics Limited and shall remain for the exclusive use of Ramps personnel only. The
printing of this procedure classifies it as NON-CONTROLLED document and therefore the Printing of same for distribution, copying in whole or in any
part thereof is strictly prohibited.

Mark Allicock 30/12/2020 Carol Nageer 30/12/2020 Jennise Khan 30/12/2020

Ruth-Anne Richards 10/01/2020 Ralph Bhagelu 13/01/2020 Richard DeNobrega 16/01/2020
Prepared By Date Checked By Date Approved By Date
Import License for Radioactive Material

Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose....................................................................................................................................................1
2.0 Scope........................................................................................................................................................1
3.0 Terms and References..............................................................................................................................1
4.0 Definitions................................................................................................................................................1
5.0 Responsibility...........................................................................................................................................1
6.0 Procedure.................................................................................................................................................1

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RL-GO-OP-DD-007-001 30/12/2020 Import License for Radioactive Material
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Import License for Radioactive Material

1.0 Purpose
This document defines the procedure to be followed when importing Radioactive Material into Guyana.

2.0 Scope
This document applies to Ramp’s employees and contractors who are responsible for the importation
of Radio Active Material into Guyana.

3.0 Terms and References

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
EMP - Environmental Management Plan
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
GRA - Guyana Revenue Authority
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
NDC – Neighbourhood Democratic Council
RDC – Regional Democratic Council

4.0 Definitions

5.0 Responsibility
Customs Broker/Customs Clerk
The Customs Broker/Customs Clerk is responsible for receiving all necessary documents pertaining to
the importation of Radioactive Material on a timely manner and liaising with all relevant agencies.

6.0 Procedure
The procedure below shall describe the processes which can lead to the effective importation, storage
and transporting of Radioactive Material.
It is important to note that radioactive material can only be stored onshore within an area that has been
approved for such by the EPA.

Single Importation of Radioactive Material

The importation of radioactive materials requires a No-Objection Letter from the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) for clearance from Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). This typically takes
twenty-one (21) days.

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Import License for Radioactive Material

The following documents are required to be submitted for the application:

• Information on the type and quantity of radioactive sources to be utilize, including the Isotope,
Activity Level, Form, and Serial Number.
• Name and Qualifications of the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) that will be responsible for
oversight of the sources.
• Company must show proof that radioactive materials will be used for commercial or industrial
use (e.g. well logging).
• Name of the shipping Company.
• If possible, submit the safety policy of the company that is importing the radioactive material.

Importation of Radioactive Material (From Trinidad directly to Rig, offshore Guyana)

Once the source is transported directly to the Rig, from Trinidad (not brought or stored onshore in
Guyana), an Environmental Authorisation for Transporting (Transport Permit) is required.

There is a processing fee of 50 USD for the Environmental Authorisation which must be paid to the EPA
to initiate the process. The process consists of site visits and the submission of the following documents:

• Information on the type and quantity of radioactive sources to be utilize, including the Isotope,
Activity Level, Form, and Serial Number.
• Name and Qualifications of the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) that will be responsible for
oversight of the sources.
• Company must show proof that radioactive materials will be used for commercial or industrial
use (e.g. well logging).
• Name of the shipping Company.
• If possible, submit the safety policy of the company that is importing the radioactive material.
• Identification of the Permit Applicant (National ID Card, Passport).
• Project Description (summary).
• Business Registration/Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable).
• Indication whether or not a Permit or Licence from any other Government entity is required or
have been obtained. Submit Permit, Licence, or Proof of Application from relevant sector Agency
– GFC, GGMC, GEA, GFS, Maritime Administration, Sea Defence Board, etc.
• Any other information which the Agency may require under the Environmental Protection Act,
1996 or the Environmental Protection (Authorisation) Regulations, 2000.

The issuance of the Environmental Authorisation for transport of radioactive materials takes
approximately two (2) months.

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Import License for Radioactive Material

Interim Arrangements while Environmental Authorisation (Transport Permit) is been Processed

While the Transportation Permit takes two (2) months, once application is made a No-Objection Letter
will be issued by the Agency (EPA) to facilitate the movement of radioactive materials from Trinidad to
the Rig (offshore Guyana). This no-objection letter takes approximately twenty-one (21) days after
application is made. A No-Objection letter is required for each move.

Importation of Radioactive Material (Trinidad to Guyana)

Once the source is being imported and stored onshore, Guyana the operator will require Environmental
Authorisation for the storage, transport and usage of the source.

There is a processing fee of 50USD for the Environmental Authorisation which must be paid to the EPA
to initiate the process. The process consists of site visits and the submission of the following documents:

• Information on the type and quantity of radioactive sources to be utilize, including the Isotope,
Activity Level, Form, and Serial Number.
• Name and Qualifications of the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) that will be responsible for
oversight of the sources.
• Company must show proof that radioactive materials will be used for commercial or industrial
use (e.g. well logging).
• Name of the shipping Company.
• If possible, submit the safety policy of the company that is importing the radioactive material.
• Identification of the Permit Applicant (National ID Card, Passport).
• Proof of Land Ownership (Transport, Lease or other Agreement with the land owner or occupier,
or acknowledgement of Application for Lease of State Lands from the Guyana Lands & Surveys
• A ‘No-Objection’ Letter for the operation from the relevant Local Authority – NDC/RDC/Town
Council. Note the Approved Site Plan by the NDC/RDC/Town Council would be accepted as “no-
• ‘No Objection’ from the Village Council and Ministry of Amerindian Affairs if project falls within
Amerindian titled lands.
• Land use suitability letter/Outline Planning Permission from the Central Planning & Housing
• Map showing surrounding land uses, identification of receiving water(s) and the location of any
existing or proposed intake and discharge structures and the location of any discharge.
• Draft Site Plan (approved by the NDC/RDC/Town Council, as applicable to project site) showing
the layout of the Operation (submit a final version after all necessary adjustments have been
• Project Description (summary).

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Import License for Radioactive Material

• Business Registration/Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable).

• Indication whether or not a Permit or Licence from any other Government entity is required or
have been obtained. Submit Permit, Licence, or Proof of Application from relevant sector Agency
– GFC, GGMC, GEA, GFS, Maritime Administration, Sea Defence Board, etc.
• Any other information which the Agency may require under the Environmental Protection Act,
1996 or the Environmental Protection (Authorisation) Regulations, 2000.

* Note in some cases the Site Plan and Map may be accepted as one document, providing that all the
required information is stated.

* Please note that ALL requested documents must be submitted at the time of Application before your
application can be processed.

The EPA will conduct a site visit of the onshore proposed storage location once all documents have been

The issuance of the Environmental Authorisation takes approximately three (3) to six (6) months.
However, it must be noted that the timeframe associated with issuance of the Environmental
Authorisation can be extended if there are compliance issues that need to be addressed. The EPA via
correspondence will indicate the measures that need to be implemented along with a timeline. Once the
stipulated measures have been implemented, then an EPA Authorisation will be issued.

Further, if an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is

required for a project, then the time-frame associated with the issuance of the authorisation will be
extended to accommodate the phases associated with the EIA and the EMP.

Please note that Environmental Permits must be obtained prior to any importation of radioactive
materials onshore, Guyana. The cost for an Environmental Permit ranges from 100USD to 3100USD per
year. Based on the cost determine by the Agency, the operator may choose to get a Permit that is valid
for a minimum of one (1) year and maximum five (5) years.

How are the fees related to Permits calculated?

The fees related to Permits are established by the EP Act, 1996. Fees are dependant on the scale of the
operation and the environmental issues associated with the materials or project, the quantity and type
of materials.

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