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Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

Production of Plastic Reinforced Concrete using High Density Polyethylene
(HDPE) and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Waste Plastics as Aggregate

Golusula Venkatesh*, M. Nanditha**

PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of
Technology and Management, Hyderabad, India.
Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of
Technology and Management, Hyderabad, India.
Corresponding Email: *
DOI: 10.54882/7420237411698

Abstract: This thesis aims to investigate the effects of aggregates made of high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) on the characteristics of self-compacted concrete (SCC) both in its initial condition and after it
has hardened. Regarding this, there are five distinct levels of HDPE substitution with coarse aggregate,
which are, in order of decreasing volume: 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. Another thing that was done
was to add 1.7% silica fume and 10% Glenium 27 superplasticizer to self-consolidating concrete (SCC),
but the amounts changed depending on the weight of the binder. These two additions were made one after
the other. Five distinct combinations were tested in a series of trials to determine the practicality of using
self-compacting concrete (SCC). The L-box, V-funnel, and slump flow tests were among those conducted
in these investigations. The mechanical properties of the mixes of self-compacting concrete (SCC) were
investigated by trials, including toughness, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength, and compressive
strength. When figuring out how long the self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixes would last, the ultrasonic
pulse velocity, surface fracture observations, and plastic degradation at 100 and 200 degrees Celsius
were also looked at. After these trials are completed, the findings will demonstrate if it is feasible to
produce self-compacting concrete using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) at a replacement rate of up to
thirty percent. It has been discovered that adding high-density polyethylene (HDPE) to self-compacting
concrete (SCC) negatively affects a number of SCC characteristics. A decrease in workability, splitting
tensile strength, flexural strength, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), and surface
cracking are some of these impacts. It has been demonstrated that adding high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) to self-consolidating concrete (SCC) offers two benefits. First off, it makes SCC more ductile,
which increases its capacity to flex without breaking. Second, it makes the concrete lighter overall, which
might be a beneficial development in the production of lightweight concrete. On the other hand, there are
benefits to adding high-density polyethylene (HDPE) to self-compacting concrete (SCC),

Keywords: High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Self-Compacted Concrete (SCC), Silica Fume, Glenium,
Toughness, Flexural Strength, Splitting Tensile Strength, and Compressive Strength


Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

Most people agree that one of the most important inventions of the 20th century was plastic. Plastic use has
advanced significantly around the world, leading to a noticeable increase in the amount of plastic garbage
produced. The use of plastic is increasing and has been for some time; it shows no indications of slowing
down. This problem is mostly related to the urbanization process, which inevitably leads to an increase in
garbage production associated with plastic consumption. The UN has identified waste plastic as a
significant environmental issue in modern society that has the potential to have a significant impact on the
ecosystem. According to Saikia and de Brito (2012), the process of making plastic requires the combination
of a number of hazardous chemicals, many of which have been identified as agents that contaminate the
environment, including the air, water, and land. Plastic is not biodegradable; thus, when plastic products are
disposed of in landfills, the harmful compounds they contain are kept there forever. Plastic waste is linked
to a wide variety of risks, which include the following:

➢ The obstruction of the urban drainage system: When drainage infrastructure is blocked, it creates an
environment that is conducive to the growth of organisms that cause disease and increases the
likelihood of flooding disasters.
➢ There has been a noticeable decrease in the pace at which rainwater percolates.
➢ The long-term buildup of chemical compounds brought on by the presence of plastic garbage has a
detrimental effect on the soil's fertility.
➢ When aquatic life consumes plastic, it can negatively impact their health and contaminate rivers,
oceans, streams, and marine environments.

Because plastic waste is becoming a greater global concern, countries all over the globe are enacting
legislation to restrict the use of plastic bags and other plastic materials. Considering that burning plastic
produces a wide variety of dangerous substances, recycling plastic becomes the better choice. It could not be
economically possible to employ plastics in the production of new plastic-based goods (Saikia & de Brito,
2012). The use of waste plastic in the production of innovative materials, such as cement composites,
presents a compelling substitute for managing waste plastic because of its economic and environmental

Reusing plastic trash can help save the environment; one way to do this is by adding high-density
polyethylene as an aggregate to concrete mixes. This strategy gives the building sector both economic and
environmental benefits in addition to environmental benefits. For example, Panyakapo and Panyakapo (2008)
have emphasized the benefits of using thermosetting plastics in construction practices, and Kou, Lee, Poon,
and Lai (2009) have shown the potential of using high-density polyethylene as an alternative to other plastic
wastes like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe.

1.1 Problem statement

The production of concrete is responsible for around 10% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. The
cement production sector is one of the most significant sub-industries within the construction industry.
Therefore, by enhancing the characteristics of the cement-based construction process, greenhouse gas
emissions may be reduced. Additionally, using plastic trash as a composite material in construction helps to
lessen the negative consequences of plastic waste, which in turn reduces the pollution of land, water, and air
caused by a buildup of plastic waste. One possible way to lessen the negative effects that disposing of plastic
trash can have on the environment and the economy is to employ environmentally friendly technology,
including mixing plastic waste into concrete.


2.1 Introduction

To carry out this investigation, six distinct mixes were made, each having a 0.45 weight-to-cement ratio.
This study looked at how the fresh and hardened characteristics of self-compacting concrete (SCC) were
affected when HDPE plastic was used in place of coarse aggregate. The first combination, also known as
the typical self-consolidating concrete (SCC) mixture, is referred to as the control mixture. In the remaining
five combinations, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) was used in part in lieu of coarse aggregate. HDPE
Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

was used in these combinations in different percentages: 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, respectively. We
were unable to reach a forty percent substitution level; therefore, we decided to stop the substitution
procedure at a thirty percent level, replacing high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with coarse aggregate. The
combinations were then tested to determine the impact and implications of HDPE substitution on the
mechanical characteristics of SCC (self-compacting concrete). This research is a collection of experiments
that were carried out.

2.2 Material Properties

Cement: Slag Portland cement CEM II/B-M (S-L) with a grade of 32.5 R was used in this investigation. In terms
of changeability, this particular variety of cement has a considerable level of resistance to direct sulfate exposure.
Moderate magnitudes are frequently found in the rate of hydration and the heat production that follows. Presents
the results of the physical and chemical study that was done on the cement that was used.
Fine Aggregate: Moreover, in the different combinations, crushed fine aggregate (FA) with a maximum particle
size of 5 mm was used. Furthermore, sand particles with a size of less than 5 mm were added. A sieve examination
was performed using the ASTM C136M-14 procedure to determine the grade. The results of this study were
compared to the ASTM C33/C33M-16-recommended standard levels shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Grading Curve of FA

Coarse Aggregate: The coarse aggregate (CA) in the SCC mixes had a maximum size of 10 millimeters, which
was determined via a method designed especially to determine the right CA size for SCC. By applying the ASTM
C136M-14 standard, the gradation of the coarse aggregate (CA) was determined, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Grading Curve of CA

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE): In order to produce high-density polyethylene (HDPE), used plastic jars with a
density of 970 kg/m3 were ground up after any paper or nylon that had been attached to the jars was removed. In
different ratios, HDPE (high-density polyethylene) was used to replace the coarse aggregate volume: 0%, 5%, 10%,
20%, and 30%. The HDPE that was utilized had a maximum diameter of 10 millimeters. The plastic was then treated
Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

with a revolving crusher device in order to fragment it once it had sufficiently dried.

Figure 3: HDPE

Silica Fume (SF): By increasing the weight of cement in each unique combination, SF has been added to the mixes
during the course of this experiment. The purpose of this modification is to strengthen the self-compacting
concrete's (SCC) mechanical characteristics for longer-lasting hardness and durability. The molecular and physical
characteristics of SF are briefly explained,
Superplasticizer: Its alteration led to the creation of Master Glenium 27, a polycarboxylic ether polymer that was
used in all of the studies that were carried out. Plus, 1.7% of the weight of the binder was added to all of the
mixtures for self-consolidating concrete (SCC) to make Glenium 27. Good qualities, including strength, durability,
and workability, are essential for the ready-mixed concrete industry. This criteria is efficiently satisfied by the
water-reducing addition. Because of its remarkable dispersion qualities, it is an essential component used in the
creation of self-compacting concrete (SCC). The addition possesses the potential to yield concrete mixes with
improved quality since the lower water-to-binder ratio needed does not substantially impact the mix's ability to
remain workable.


3.1 Effect of HDPE on fresh HDPE-SCC tests

Five distinct mixtures of HDPE plastic replacement levels with a weight-to-volume ratio (w/c) of 0.45 were used for
the workability testing. HDPE plastic was included in the mixes at concentrations of 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%.
The purpose of using Glenium 27 superplasticizer was to get the desired cementitious content of 1.7% of the cement
mass. Table 1 shows a graph that shows how HDPE affects the loosening of the workability of freshly mixed self-
compacting concrete (SCC).
Table 1: Workability Tests Records of the Five Different SCC Mixtures
Slump Flow Test V-Funnel Test L-Box Test (H2/H1)
(mm) (second)
Mixture Type Test Range Test Range Test Range SCC
result result result requirement
SCC00HDPE 693 500-700 7.00 6-12 0.9 0.8-1

Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

SCC05HDPE 690 500-700 7.50 6-12 0.9 0.8-1
SCC10HDPE 688 500-700 8.40 6-12 0.89 0.8-1
SCC20HDPE 680 500-700 8.50 6-12 0.86 0.8-1

SCC30HDPE 662 500-700 9.60 6-12 0.8 0.8-1 Satisfied


Figure 4: Effect of HDPE on Slump Flow

Figure 5: Effect of HDPE on V-funnel

Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

Figure 6: Effect of HDPE on L-box

Table 2 and Figure 5 display the coefficient of determination (C) for each of the five distinct combinations at the 28-
day mark. As compared to the control combination, there was a notable decrease of 27% in r′, which indicates the
percentage of HDPE plastic substitution. The results indicate that when the aggregate replacement was 5%, there
was an 8.92% drop in X′ relative to the control mixture, which included 0% HDPE. Figure 4.7 shows that when
HDPE is added at different replacement percentages of 10%, 20%, and 30%, the compressive strength (𝑓′) of the
self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixture goes down. To be more precise, the 𝑓′ values decrease relative to the SCC
combination used as the reference by about 15.53%, 20.15%, and 26.64% for the relevant replacement levels.

Table 2: Effect of HDPE replacement Levels on 𝑓′ after 28 Days.

Mixture Type 𝑓𝑐′ Reduction in 𝑓′

(MPa) (%)
SCC00HDPE 59.63 -
SCC05HDPE 54.31 -8.92
SCC10HDPE 50.37 -15.53
SCC20HDPE 47.61 -20.15
SCC30HDPE 43.74 -26.64

Figure 7: Effects of HDPE Replacement Levels on 28 Days 𝑓′

Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

𝑐 𝑓′ of SCC
3.2 Effects of HDPE on

Table 3 and Figure 8 display the coefficient of determination (C) for each of the five distinct combinations at the 28-day
mark. As compared to the control combination, there was a notable decrease of 27% in r′, which indicates the
percentage of HDPE plastic substitution. The results indicate that when the aggregate replacement was 5%, there was an
8.92% drop in X′ relative to the control mixture, which included 0% HDPE. Figure 4.7 shows that when HDPE is added
at different replacement percentages of 10%, 20%, and 30%, the compressive strength (𝑓′) of the self-compacting
concrete (SCC) mixture goes down. To be more precise, the 𝑓′ values decrease relative to the SCC combination used as
the reference by about 15.53%, 20.15%, and 26.64% for the relevant replacement levels.

Table 3: Effect of HDPE replacement Levels

on 𝑓′ after 28 Days.

Mixture Type 𝑓𝑐′ Reduction in 𝑓′

(MPa) (%)
SCC00HDPE 59.63 -
SCC05HDPE 54.31 -8.92
SCC10HDPE 50.37 -15.53
SCC20HDPE 47.61 -20.15
SCC30HDPE 43.74 -26.64

Figure 8: Effects of HDPE Replacement Levels on 28 Days 𝑓′C

3.3 Effects of HDPE on Weight of SCC Specimens upon Heat Exposure

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the mass of the SCC samples both before and after heat treatment for
each of the five distinct HDPE proportions (0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%). The test that follows will be used to do this.
After being exposed to temperatures between 100 and 200 degrees Celsius for 28 days, the patient was given a healing
procedure in an oven. The data in Table 4.7 indicates that the samples' values consistently decreased after heat was
applied. During the heating process, the cube's mass decreased from 2.343 kg to 2.327 kg and then to 2.16 kg after
being exposed to 100 and 200 degrees Celsius, respectively. At that time, the HDPE replacement level was at zero. The
HDPE replacement's original weight, which included 5% HDPE, was measured at 2.319 kg. After heating the HDPE
substitute to 100 and 200 degrees Celsius, its weight was tested; the results showed that it weighed 2.278 kg and 2.11
kg, respectively. The results, which are displayed in Table 4.7, unequivocally illustrate that as HDPE replacement
increases and heating temperatures rise, sample weight consistently decreases. Thus, as the percentage of high-density

Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

polyethylene (HDPE) hits 10%, the weight drops.

Table 4: Effect of Heat Exposure on Weight of Samples.

Concrete Mixture Mass before Mass after heating at Mass after heating at
heating 100 ºC 200 ºC
(Kg) (Kg) (Kg)

SCC00HDPE 2.343 2.327 2.16

SCC05HDPE 2.319 2.278 2.11
SCC10HDPE 2.289 2.234 2.089
SCC20HDPE 2.21 2.13 2.062
SCC30HDPE 2.175 2.126 2.047

Figure 9: Effect of Heat Exposure on the Weight of Test Specimens

3.4 Effect of HDPE on UPV before and after Heat Exposure

The development of ultra-performance vibration (UPV) methods has made it easier to identify and categorize voids,
fractures, and other types of damage in a variety of materials, including wood, stone, concrete, and ceramics. These
methods allow for the identification and description of such structural abnormalities by passing a sound wave through
the sample. The temporal period, in microseconds, needed for sound waves to propagate through concrete is shown in
Table 4.8. The formula v (km/s) = D (km)/T (s) may be used to calculate the velocity of a sonic wave traveling through
a cube by dividing its length by the wave's transit time.

Using the previously described procedure, the velocity coefficients shown in Figure 4.14 were calculated from the data
taken from Table 4.8. The control samples, which comprised 0% HDPE, had a velocity of 4.82 kilometers per second,
according to the data shown in Figure 4.14. Following that, the speed dropped to 4.5 km/s when a 5% HDPE
replacement level was introduced. At replacement levels of 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively, the velocity showed a
steady reduction with increasing HDPE content, finally reaching values of 4.14 km/s, 3.92 km/s, and 3.75 km/s.
According to Hassan (2007), high temperatures-induced moisture evaporation is the primary cause of void formation
inside of concrete structures. The concrete samples were subjected to increased temperatures, which resulted in a
decrease in Ultimate Pore Volume (UPV) measurements. This suggests a clear relationship between temperature rise
and UPV reduction. The velocity showed a drop from 4.82 kilometers per second to 4.5 kilometers per second at 100
degrees Celsius. As seen graphically in Figure 4.14, this decreasing trend continued until it eventually reached 4 km/s at
200 degrees Celsius.
Table 5: UPV before and after Heat Exposure at 100 and 200 ºC.

Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

Concrete Mixture Time before Time after heating at Time after heating at
heating 100 ºC 200 ºC
(μs) (μs) (μs)

SCC00HDPE 20.75 22.22 25

SCC05HDPE 21 23.65 27.31

SCC10HDPE 21.7 24.15 29.14

SCC20HDPE 21.9 25.47 32.64

SCC30HDPE 22.2 26.72 35.13

Figure 10: UPV before and after Heat Exposure.

3.5 Microscope Observations After Heat Exposure

Due to the melting of plastic incorporated in the concrete and the evaporation of water, the specimens showed signs of
fracture development when exposed to heat. An increase in the internal tension of the concrete caused the specimen's
morphology to change, resulting in fractures forming throughout the specimen. As the temperature was raised to 100
and 200 degrees Celsius throughout the experiment, cracks on the specimens were visible (see Figures 4.17 and 4.18 for
more clarification). Greater dimensions and a greater number of cracks indicated a significant increase in the severity of
cracking compared to specimens exposed to 100 degrees Celsius. The increase in fracture width was seen as a result of
the plastic component degrading after heat treatment. It was discovered that the temperature and the proportion of high-
density polyethylene (HDPE) had an impact on this occurrence. This result illustrates the relationship between
temperature, the concentration of HDPE, and the development of fractures. When exposed to a temperature of 100 oC,
the specimen's fractures widened to 1.05 mm at a 30% HDPE concentration, which is a notable extension from the
original width of 0.27 mm seen at a 5% HDPE concentration. There was an additional increase in the fracture width
after heating to 200 degrees Celsius. As shown in Table 4.11, the crack width measurements were 2.25 mm for the
sample containing 30% HDPE and 0.42 mm for the sample containing 5% HDPE. Upon exposure to 100 degrees
Celsius, the specimens of the control combination exhibited no discernible surface fractures.
Table 6: Microscope Readings after Heating Exposure at 100 and 200 ºC.

Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

Mixture Type Crack width after heating at Crack width after heating at 200
100 ºC (mm) ºC (mm)
SCC05HDPE 0.27 0.42
SCC10HDPE 0.77 1.50
SCC20HDPE 0.89 2.05
SCC30HDPE 1.05 2.25

a) SCC05HDPE at 100 ºC b) SCC10HDPE at 100 ºC

c) SCC20HDPE at 100 ºC d) SCC30HDPE at 100 ℃

Figure 9: Cracks after Heat Exposure at 100 ºC

a) SCC05HDPE at 200 ºC b) SCC10HDPE at 200 ºC

Innovations, Number 74 October 2023

c) SCC20HDPE at 200 ºC d) SCC30HDPE at 200 ℃

Figure 11: Cracks after Heat Exposure at 200 ºC

This study aims to examine the effects of varying replacement percentages of high-density polyethylene (HDPE),
specifically 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%, on self-consolidating concrete (SCC) after both fresh and hardened testing
procedures. To act as a control group, the control sample was used and included no replacement made of high-density
polyethylene (HDPE). As a result, several assessments have been carried out.
➢ The characteristics of newly mixed self-compacting concrete (SCC) have been significantly impacted by the
partial replacement of coarse aggregate with high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It was found that there had
been a little decrease in the substance's workability after performing the slump-flow, V-funnel, and L-box
tests. But up to 30 percent of the workability needed for self-consolidating concrete (SCC) was obtained by
replacing some of the original material with high-density polyethylene (HDPE).
➢ Concrete's compressive strength decreases when high-density polyethylene (HDPE) aggregate is included in it.
A 25 percent drop in the variable "d" was noted when high-density polyethylene (HDPE) was substituted at a
rate of 30 percent.
➢ The splitting tensile strength decreased as the degree of HDPE substitution increased, with a maximum drop of
26%. The observed pattern bears resemblance to the trend in compressive strength, which showed a drop.
➢ The partial replacement of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with self-consolidating concrete (SCC)
improved the material's ductility and malleability. However, there was a sixteen percent reduction in the
material's flexural strength.
➢ When HDPE replacement is used, the samples' ultrasonic pulse velocity drops because there are more cracks
and a higher void rate than there were in the control.
➢ The HDPE-Self-Consolidating Concrete (HDPE-SCC) weighs less overall as a result of the addition of high-
density polyethylene (HDPE) to the concrete mixture. This is because HDPE has a lower density than coarse
materials found in nature. As such, the potential for manufacturing lightweight concrete is rather encouraging.
➢ Using a stereo microscope, it was possible to see that the samples had surface cracks when heated to 100 and
200 degrees Celsius. The following two circumstances lead to an increase in the width of cracks:
➢ The number of temperature readings that have been recorded has increased.
➢ There was an increase in the amount of HDPE in the samples.
➢ The results of the Ultimate Pore Volume (UPV), splitting tensile strength, and compressive strength all
decreased as the material was heated. Furthermore, the data showed that the quality decreased even more as the
percentage of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) replacement increased.

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