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Crop Season Soils Climate Regions Other

High T > 25 High H North and North Eastern plains, Punjab,

Rice Kharif Alluvial 2nd largest producer
>100 cm Haryana West UP
Cool growing season and North and North Western part, Ganga-Sutlej
2nd most important
Wheat Rabi Loamy soil bright sunshine, 50-75 plain and Deccan plateau, Punjab, Haryana,
crop after rice
mm, medium rainfall UP, MP, Bihar, Rajasthan
Iron, calcium rich,
3rd most important
Jowar Kharif Maharashtra, Karnataka, AP, MP
crop after rice &
wheat s
Bajra Kharif Sandy, shallow Black soil Rajasthan, UP, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana

Red, shallow Black, Sandy, Karnataka, TN, HP, UK, Sikkikm, Jharkhand,
Ragi Kharif
Loamy soils Arunachal Pradesh
Maize Kharif & Rabi(Bihar) Old Alluvial Soil 21-27C Karnataka, MP, UP, Bihar, AP, Telangana
Largest producer and
Kharif (Tur, Urad, Moong, Dry conditions or less
Pulses MP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, UP, Karnataka consumer in the
Masur) & Rabi(gram, peas) moisture
Year round, tropical & sub UP, Maharashtra, Karnataka, TN, AP,
Sugarcane Variety of soils Hot & Humid Climate 2nd largest producer
tropical crop Telangana, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana
Groundnut - Kharif,
Groundnut - 2nd
Sesamum - Kharif in North
largest prodcuer
Oil Seeds and Rabi in South,
Rapeseed - 3rd
Castor seed - Kharif & Rabi
largest producer
Linseed&Mustard - Rabi
Warm, moist, frost free,
Year round, tropical & sub Fertile, well drained soil, rich in Assam, WB, TN, Kerala, HP, UK, Meghalaya,
Tea frequent evenly distributed 2nd largest producer
tropical crop humus AP
Coffee Loamy soil Nilgiri hills, Kerala Karnataka, TN
Mangoes-Maharashtra,AP, Telangana, UP,
WB; Bananas-Kerala, Mizoram, Maharashtra,
TN, Lychee & Guava, UP,Bihar, Pineapples -
Horticulture 2nd largest producer
Meghalaya, Grapes-AP,Telangana,
Maharashtra, Apples, Pears, Walnuts, Apricots -
Equatorial, tropical, sub Moist and Humid > 200 Kerala, TN, Karnataka, A&N, Meghalaya Garo
tropical crop cm, > 25C hills
High T, Low Rainfall, 210 Decan plateau, Maharashtra, Gujarat, MP,
Cotton Kharif Black cotton soil frost free days, bright Karnataka, AP, Telangana, TN, Punjab, 2nd largest producer
sunshine Haryana, UP
Jute Well drained fertile soils High T WB, Bihar, Assam, Orissa, Meghalaya

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